Globemed at George Washington University Annual Report 2015-2016

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GlobeMed at The George Washington University 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT


Pastoral de La Salud | San Salvador, El Salvador ICOD Action Network | Lyantonde, Uganda Rural Economic Development Association | Svay Rieng, Cambodia Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development| Tamil Nadu, India Ungano Tena | Nairobi, Kenya CCC-UNSCH | Ayacucha, Peru Western Organization of People Living with HIV/AIDS | Western Kenya Gulu Women’s Economic Development and Globalization | Gulu, Uganda AMMID | San Marcos, Guatemala Himalayan Health Care | Jawalakhel, Nepal Kachin Women’s Association Thailand | Chiang Mai, Thailand SHED Foundation | Shirati, Tanzania Migrant Assistance Program Foundation | Chiang Mai, Thailand Escuela de La Calle | Quetzaltenango, Guatemala Set Her Free| Kampala, Uganda Primeros Pasos | Quetzaltenango, Guatemala Trailblazer Foundation| Siem Reap, Cambodia Health Development Initiative | Kigali, Rwanda Jambi Huasi | Otavalo, Ecuador Hope Through Health | Kara, Togo Gardens for Health International | Gasabo, Rwanda Light for Children | Kumasi, Ghana Knowledge for Children | Kumbo, Cameroon Young 1ove| Gabarone, Botswana Kitovu Mobile AIDS Organization | Masaka, Uganda Adonai Child Development Center| Namugoga, Uganda Feed the World | Piura, Peru COVE Alliance| Kapeeka, Uganda A Ministry of Sharing Health and Hope | Managua, Nicaragua ChangeALife Uganda | Migyera, Uganda Light for Children | Kumasi, Ghana Burmese Women’s Union | Mae Sot, Thailand Maison de Naissance | Torbeck, Haiti PHASE Nepal| Kathmandu, Nepal Asociación de Personas Afectadas por Tuberculosis del Perú | Lima, Peru Social Action for Women | Mae Sot, Thailand Mpoma Community HIV/AIDS Initiative| Mukono, Uganda Buddhism for Social Development Action | Kampong Cham, Cambodia Perkin Educational Opportunities Foundation (PEOF) | Morazán, El Salvador Kyetume Community Based Health Care (KCBHCP)| Mukono, Uganda Raising the Village | Kampala, Uganda Population Education Development Association | Vientiane, Laos Lwala Community Alliance | Lwala, Kenya Social Organization for Voluntary Action | Odisha, India Alternative for Rural Movement | Odisha, India SparkMicrogrants| Mbale, Uganda Wuqu' Kawoq | Tecpan, Guatemala Sacred Valley Health | Cusco, Peru Build Your Future Today Center | Siem Reap, Cambodia MINDS Foundation| Vadodara, India Children of Peace| Lira, Uganda Uganda Development and Health Associates | Iganga, Uganda Kigezi Healthcare Foundation| Kabale, Uganda Burma Humanitarian Mission (BHM) | Eastern Burma Logan Square Neighborhood Association | Chicago, IL, USA

About GlobeMed Mission GlobeMed aims to strengthen the movement for global health equity by empowering students and communities to work together to improve the health of people living in poverty around the world.

Vision We envision a world in which health – the ability to not only survive but thrive – is possible for all people, regardless of where they call home.

We believe every human life has equal worth and every person deserves the chance to thrive. This belief has drawn together our network of students, communities, and supporters from all walks of life and from every corner of the world. Health for all is within our grasp, but we can only achieve it by working together.

Message from

The Co-Presidents Dear Friends, This year has been a remarkable journey to fundraise and raise awareness for the young women at Set Her Free! We started this year off with implementing new policies for the organization, including an attendance policy, community service requirements for members, etc. We believed that implementing strong member involvement in the organization would allow us to work the best we could as a team, to fundraise the most amount of money possible, enable more community service in our community, and also allow for a stronger, healthier chapter. We were able to accomplish the most involvement our chapter has seen in years, allowing us to host numerous events such as: a Benefit Gala, a 5K Run, World Day of Social Justice day event, World Aids Day event, various restaurant fundraisers, etc. GlobeMedders, in all teams (ghU, Finances, Communications, Awareness, Campaigns, and Community Outreach) were also involved in planning a team fundraiser, in which we raised over $2,000 from just team fundraisers alone. Our partner mailed us Set Her Free items (jewelry, laptop cases, handbags, etc.), which the Set Her Free girls make by hand themselves. In selling the goods, we were not only able to raise hundreds of dollars from selling them but also bring back Set Her Free to campus. Next year, we would like to create a grant writing team to better strengthen our grant applications and attain the most amount of money possible to fundraise for our partner. We would also like to think of a more profitable event to replace the 5K run, which will attract more GW students than the run was able to. We also hope to strengthen our community service program and have members volunteer more hours next year. We hope to improve our events, chapter involvement, community service, grant writing, and much more each year to attain the best chapter we can be. Being presidents of the organization this year has really had such a positive impact on our lives, and we couldn’t thank everyone enough for making this experience for remarkable for us! We hope we have left a positive footprint on the chapter. Sincerely, Pooja Shah and Happy Awide 2015-2016 Co-Presidents GlobeMed at The George Washington University

About our Chapter

GlobeMed at GWU GlobeMed at the George Washington University (GWU) was founded in 2007. In the Spring of 2007, GlobeMed at GWU partnered with a university-based grassroots organization in Rwanda called the Rwanda Village Concept Project (RVCP) and began a project to revive a health clinic that had been destroyed by the Rwandan Genocide. By 2008, the partners installed electricity and running water in the Huye Health Clinic in Butare, Rwanda. GlobeMed at GWU was able to fund various construction projects and health initiatives that RVCP implemented, including a Maternal Health Education Program (MHEP) and Income-Generating Cooperative. At the end of 2013, GlobeMed at GWU and RVCP worked together to make the MHEP and the income-generating health initiatives community based and sustained. In the spring of 2014, after raising over $70,000 for RVCP and sending 28 GROW interns to work with RVCP throughout the years, GlobeMed at GWU re-partnered with Set Her Free (SHF), an organization that works to empower and educate young girls in Kampala, Uganda. Through the partnership, GlobeMed at GWU started a Reusable Sanitary Pad Program to provide proper menstruation tools for 200 school girls in Rakai Village. The program aims to reduce absenteeism and increase school performance. During the second GROW internship in summer 2015, GlobeMed and Set Her Free re-evaluated the partnership and decided that GlobeMed should play a more direct role in SHF by funding the vocational tailoring program and overseeing the planning of a Tailoring Center. The Tailoring Center would provide internships for Set Her Free graduates as well as generate income for the organization. However, earlier this year, Set Her Free received a PEPFAR grant that expedited the establishment of the Tailoring Center and open its doors for business this year. GlobeMed at GWU will continue to support Set Her Free by funding some of the overhead cost of the new Tailoring Center. This year, we were able to expand our chapter of over 50 members, hosted more than 12 events and become more involved with our local community through service. We are also excited to be sending five GROW Interns to Set Her Free this summer for our third year of partnership!

since our founding in 2007, our chapter has grown from 30 to 50 members

since our founding in 2007, our chapter has raised $80,000

Set Her Free is a non-profit located in Kampala, Uganda.

Our Partnership Set Her Free

Founded in 2011 Set Her Free (SHF) is a non-profit based in Kampala, Uganda. The organization was founded by Robinah Muganzi to support and empower young women in impoverished areas of Kampala. SHF provides vocational training in areas such as bead-making, hairdressing, and tailoring so that the girls can use these skills to become financially independent. SHF also provides housing, meals, and a supportive environment for the girls to thrive. SHF and GlobeMed at GWU formed a partnership in 2013. Kampala, Uganda Kampala is the capital city of Uganda. It is also the largest city, with a population of over 2 million. Kampala is known all over Africa for its beautiful greenery and rolling hills. This geographical quality made it a popular site for hunting “Impala”, a type of antelope. The city is named after this, in fact: Kampala translates to “hills of the Impala”. In the 1980’s, the city was undergoing reconstruction after suffering damages from the Uganda-Tanzanian war; many modern buildings there were built then.

Our Project BY THE NUMBERS: Set Her Free graduates 120 girls from their vocational program every year Cost of project: $7,000 USD What the money directly funded: Tailoring shop rental and supplies

GlobeMed at The George Washington University raised $7,000 to fund the expansion of Set Her Free’s tailoring program through the creation of a separate Tailoring Center and to fund the upkeep of the current tailoring program.

Over the next year, SHF will pilot a new tailoring shop, hiring ten graduates from SHF’s tailoring school. Supervised by two managers, they will have an opportunity to not only gain invaluable work experience and earn a salary, but they will also hone their technical skills by sewing reusable sanitary pads. GlobeMed at GWU will support aspects of this program, which also benefits from PEPFAR funding. We will support the establishment of the tailoring shop, a commercial venture that will become sustainable social enterprise, and the vocational tailoring program. More specifically, we will raise funds to cover all educational aspects of this project as well as all material aspects. This includes, but is not limited to fabric, needles, thread, tags for branding, etc. GlobeMed at GWU will also help cover the cost of renting the tailoring shop building. About 120 girls per year are expected to benefit from the vocational program and about 10 graduates will benefit from the tailoring shop by obtaining a job and gaining skills in the tailoring field.

Campaigns Campaigns are on-campus events and initiatives that raise funds for GlobeMed partner organizations' grassroots projects abroad.

Event Title

Event Description


Benefit Gala

Our annual benefit gala featuring remarks from senior strategist of Partner’s In Health Jon Shaffer and Set Her Free founder, Robin Nestler, as well as a performance showcase from GW a cappella and dance teams.

5K Superhero Run

Our annual superhero themed run along the scenic Georgetown canal path with complimentary snacks and a chance to buy Set Her Free merchandise!

Trash Talk Fundraiser

A group fundraising event where we collect trash and recycling from GW dorms while telling residents about the wonderful work of GlobeMed and asking for donations.

Individual Team Fundraisers

The teams that make up our chapter competed against each other to see who can run the most successful fundraiser. The teams started with $60.

Tabling and Selling SHF At different events throughout campus, we were given the opportunity to showcase and sell SHF goods






products while educating different populations of students.

Other Partnerships

We partnered with local restaurants and businesses that would donate a portion of their profits during a specific time.

Total funds raised for Set Her Free in 2015-2016:



Since 2010, GlobeMed at The George Washington University has raised over $10,600 to support Set Her Free and empower women in Kampala, Uganda.

Campaign Highlights [Benefit Gala]

[Superhero 5K Run]

With over 100 attendees, delicious hors d'oeuvres donated by our wonderful sponsors, and the backdrop of the Washington Monument in the distance, the evening was one to remember! We enjoyed the company of our partner organization's co-founder, and even got to hear an inspiring message about the power of grassroots organizations from Jon Shaffer, a senior strategist of Partners in Health and a former Executive Director of GlobeMed!

Saving the world one step at a time as we enjoyed the spring air and scenic views along the Georgetown canal path! 60 runners competed for prizes donated by our kind sponsors, and afterwards enjoyed energy-rich snacks and beverages and got a chance to purchase jewelry and bags made by girls at Set her Free!

Community Building Through service and team-building events, community and camaraderie is fostered around global health and social justice within GlobeMed chapters, the GlobeMed network and surrounding communities.

Total number of chapter members in 2015 – 2016: 55 Number of community-building events: 2 mandatory retreats, 8 service events (One was mandatory) Number of hours volunteered in the community: 19 hours Community Builders worked to increase attendance at weekly chapters by hosting bonding games, which helped new members get to know returning members and built morale within the group. Two mandatory retreats were organized. The first one, in the fall, worked with GW Summit to orchestrate outdoor team-building activities. The second one, in the spring, included an afternoon of board games. At retreats, members were able to bond and get to know those outside their immediate committees. During finals weeks, study rooms were reserved exclusively for GlobeMed members to study with each other. In regards to community service, eight events were planned for 2016 for a range of health related issues in the DC area. Members were expected to attend at least one (or additional ones to make up an absence). The community builders and community outreach committee aided in fundraising to support Set Her Free in Uganda by selling Krispy Kreme donuts around campus.

globalhealthU globalhealthU is GlobeMed’s signature year-long global health curriculum. This student-designed and driven program equips students with the critical thinking skills that will inform a life of leadership for global health.

“ghU is the most important event at every general body meeting. It is a tool to raise awareness of important issues and ensure that our chapter’s members are educated experts and creative problem-solvers on public health issues. ghU offers a chance for members to voice what issues they are passionate about, and become better activists for those issues by learning to raise awareness in interesting and innovative ways. We had three main goals for improving ghU this year: to engage in public health education activism in the local DC and George Washington University campus communities, to create a member base that is educated about social justice issues and how our GobeMed chapter and partner organization can address these issues, and increase awareness of GlobeMed’s ghU outside of our chapter and into the DC and campus communities. One of the most memorable events for me was our trip to a local elementary school to teach the after-school students about safe trick-or-treating on Halloween. Not only was this event fun to decorate candy bags with the kids, but also addressed issues of safety for children in urban areas. My personal favorite ghU discussion this year happened at the very beginning of the year. One of our chapter members wanted to lead our first ghU on female genital mutilation because it was a topic she was felt very strongly about. For me, this is what ghU is all about, it offers GlobeMed members a stage to voice their passions and look for solutions.” -- Shannon Forsythe, ghU co-coordinator 2015-2016

KEY QUESTIONS WE ASKED THIS YEAR How can we organize to address local public health disparities (thinking glocally)? What is the relationship between social justice and public health? How can our members become problem solvers? What are our members passionate about? How can we transform awareness into action? How can we develop a more effective partnership with our university’s School of Public Health? How can we create a stronger connection between our partner and the membership?

globalhealthU highlights from the year

Halloween Safety Information Cards This ghU focused on our upcoming community service event to a local elementary after-school program. GlobeMed members decorated information cards on Halloween safety with bright colors and fun designs to make them more attractive for kids. Chapter members learned about safety for children in urban areas and how to create an eye-catching and informative public health campaign.

Partnership Model Awareness Workshop In this event, our first ghU, we created a website scavenger hunt for our chapter members to explore GlobeMed’s partnership model and our non-profit partner, Set Her Free. One of our goals for ghU, even at the beginning of the year, was to use it as a platform to help our members better understand GlobeMed’s mission and to build a stronger connection to Set Her Free.

Sleep Awarness Week Pillowcase Decorating Our chapter celebrated National Sleep Awareness Week by doing a stress-relieving pillowcase decorating activity. Following a brief documentary on the importance of sleep to your health, members designed their very own pillow cases to remind them of the importance of sleep to your health. We felt that this message was very important to college students’ and campus health.

World Day of Social Justice [February 20, 2016]

[What did you do for WDSJ 2016?]

On World Day of Social Justice, students on campus were able to share what social justice means to them by signing a life sized globe. This allowed students to write one or two words on a social justice issue that was important to them. People’s responses ranged from peace, women's rights, equality, religion, freedom, power, etc. The goal of the life sized globe was to represent rights every human being should have at birth. It was also fun and interactive for the students, grabbing people’s attention and allowing them to take a break to play and take pictures with the WDSJ globe. Free hot chocolate and WDSJ fact sheets were given out to the students as well.

2016 Summit

GlobeMed’s 10th Summit: A Celebration of Community The annual GlobeMed Global Health Summit brings together university students from across the nation for three days of intensive lectures and workshops with representatives from grassroots global health organizations and a range of experts.

“Summit was a great opportunity to connect with beautiful minds who share my passions about making a difference.” -Hezouwe Happy Awide

List of 2016 Summit delegates: Hezouwe Happy Awide Amira Bakir Ethan Boultinghouse Niki Nourmohammadi Pooja Shah

# of GROW Interns:

5 Length of Stay:

4 weeks Dates of Travel:

May 28- June 27

GROW Internship Grassroots Onsite Work

Through Grassroots On-site Work (GROW) internships, students build capacity of their partner organization, engage in mutual learning, and ensure long-term stability of their partnership.

This summer, the GROW team spent a month with Set Her Free in Kampala, Uganda. The interns took on various projects, including scoring reproductive health surveys administered to 1,000 girls, collecting media, building communication + social media capacity, conducting interviews, participating in reproductive health education and HIV testing efforts, and distributing reusable sanitary pads. Most importantly, GROW provided a direct opportunity for the team to learn more about Set Her Free’s beneficiaries, see the staff in action, and better understand the partnership.

“GROW resparked my dedication and motivation to our partner because I have formed such strong personal connections.” --Shannon Forsythe, 2018

Finances In 2015-2016, GlobeMed at The George Washington University raised $10,150 for Set Her Free to support projects in Kampala, Uganda.

Revenue Events (Campaigns)










Internal Chapter Revenue




Expenses Campaigns






Sent to Partner Total sent to partner that was fundraised in the 2015-2016 academic year Total sent to partner that was fundraised prior to the 2015-2016 academic year TOTAL SENT TO PARTNER IN 2015-2016 Current Cash Position


0 $10,150.00 $75

GlobeMed at GWU

Our Future Dear Friends, We’re really excited for the 2016-2017 year. We’re already ramping up over the summer by advertising at freshman orientation, setting up fundraisers and planning events for the upcoming year. This upcoming year, we hope to keep building on the solid foundation that Pooja and Happy left for us. To start, we plan on expanding the Benefit Gala to an even larger target audience beyond the GW student body, such as the DC community, in hopes of spreading more awareness and bringing in more funds. While we are remaining consistent with our first semester fundraiser, we will be making some adjustments second semester. To start, we are excited to celebrate “International Women’s Day” in honor of our partner organization, Set Her Free, and it’s focus on empowering women. We also want our members to understand and feel connected to our partner organization, Set Her Free. To donate please visit our global giving page. Sincerely, Aria Vyas and Zia Hossain 2016-2017 Co-Presidents GlobeMed at George Washington University

“GlobeMed helped me kickstart my passions in public health. I’m getting my MPH next year at Columbia, but I’ll definitely miss my GlobeMed family back in DC.” -Niki Nour , GWU Class of 2015

Stay Connected GlobeMed at GWU

Read more about our partner and project, and the GlobeMed network:

“Like� us on Facebook to find out about upcoming events:

Follow us on twitter at @globemedgw

Follow our blog and join in on the discussion:

Find our chapter on n-university/info/and make a donation to support our partner and project today. Email us at to find out how you can get involved!

Executive Board GlobeMed at GWU

External Co-President

Hezouwe Happy Awide


Internal Co-President

Pooja Shah


GROW Coordinator

Amie Idriss


globalhealthU Coordinator

Amira Bakir


globalhealthU Coordinator

Shannon Forsythe


Campaign Coordinator

Alessandra Fix


Campaign Coordinator

Vishaal Kothari


Partner Liaison

Ella Schneiberg


Partner Liaison

Nazia Hossain


Director of Communications

Ethan Boultinghouse

| |

Director of Community Building

Grace Petr

Director of Community Building

Tara McCloskey


Director of Finances

Ramie Abounaja


Supporters A sincere thanks to the following advocates, mentors, donors, and colleagues for making our 2015 – 2016 year a great success:

INDIVIDUALS Rhonna Bollig Barbara Deming Brad And Dawn Davis George And Diane Davis The Stern Family Jill Boultinghouse Kara Boultinghouse Lori Boultinghouse Maureen And Keith Turkel Torrey Krebs

ORGANIZATIONS Campus Kitchen Central Union Mission Christ House Martha’s Table Street Sense American Red Cross

GlobeMed Global Headquarters 601 University Place Evanston, IL 60208 847-786-5716

Copyright 2016 Š GlobeMed. All rights reserved.

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