GrassRoots On-site Work Timeline Oct 1 GROW Coordinator for the 2013 GROW Internship selected Oct-Nov GROW Coordinator advising with National Office student staff GROW regional group calls with Director of Partnerships Dec 1 GROW Teams for the 2013 GROW Internship selected GROW & GHFP-II Grant applications released Jan 4 GROW & GHFP-II Grant applications due Jan 21 GROW & GHFP-II Grant decisions released Week of Feb 4 GROW Team meetings begin at chapters (cont’d...)
GROW Coordinator Responsibilities and Expectations Responsibilities In order to serve as GROW Coordinator for the 2012-2013 academic year, Coordinators are expected to meet the following responsibilities. Attend the 2013 GROW Internship Attend weekly e-board meetings at the chapter Attend a GROW Advising call in the fall Manage the GROW Team recruitment process Act as liaison between National Office and team Attend one GROW Training in the spring Lead weekly team meetings on campus Communicate with partner to coordinate internship logistics Complete all evaluations from National Office “Expect the unexpected, be comfortable with being uncomfortable, learn to laugh at yourself, and go with the flow.” - COURTNEY CURTIN, GROW 2012 Have questions or need support? Contact us at
GrassRoots On-site Work
Timeline Note: The training dates and locations are not 100% finalized, but we will keep you updated as changes occur to the dates and locations listed below. Feb 23-24 GROW Training in Los Angeles Mar 2-3 GROW Training in Evanston
eXPECTATIONS In addition to the responsibilities laid out above, GROW Coordinators are encouraged to meet the following expectations throughout their time as Coordinator. Represent the partner’s voice on the e-board Act as a leader and mentor to the GROW Team Confidently make important decisions on GROW Build relationships with partner organization staff Meet all deadlines and responsibilities set out by National Office staff Keep Co-Presidents and staff informed about
Mar 16-17 GROW Training in Boston
GROW Internship updates
Mar 23-24 GROW Training in Philadelphia
GlobeMed could best support our partners
Apr 1 Risk Management & Health documents and forms due Apr 11-13 GlobeMed Summit in Evanston (will include opps for GHFP-II Interns)
While on GROW, maintain awareness about how
While on GROW, continually observe the organization and project, and evaluate how the partnership could be improved Bring GROW back to the chapter meaningfully
“The key is to be open-minded, creative, and FLEXIBLE. Almost nothing goes as you originally planned.” - MARGARET LOEHNIG, GROW 2012
Have questions or need support? Contact us at