2015 Leadership Institute - Delegate Packet

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2015 Leadership Institute Northwestern University, Evanston IL August 13-15, 2015

Table of Contents Schedule Thursday, August 13th…….………..…………………………………..………………………..…………..3 Friday, August 14th………………………………………………………………………………………..…3-4 Saturday, August 15th.…………………………………………………………………………………..…4-5



GlobeMed’s Golden Circle……………………………….…………………………………..………………6 WHY: 10 Things We Know to Be True…………………………………………………..………………7 WHY + WHO: Anti-Oppression Statement………………………………..…………..…..…………8 HOW: Core Leadership Practices……………………………..………………………..…………..……9 WHAT: Chapter Mechanism……………………….……………………………………..…………….…10 WHERE + WHO: Where we work + Who we are…………………………….…….………………11

Social Media at the LI


Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & LinkedIn…….…………………………………………….………12

Important Information Map of Evanston & Key Locations……………………………………………………………..…….…13


Local Restaurants and Cafes & National Office Contact Info …………………….…….…14


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2015 LI Notes: Thoughts + Key Takeaways……………………………………….…………..…….15

*Any resources or worksheets specific to ghU Coordinator, Co-President & combined sessions can be found in the additional packets in your folder.

Schedule | 2015 LI

Thursday, August 13


6:00 - 8:30 pm


Opening Dinner | Evanston Women’s Club We will kick off the Leadership Institute with a warm welcome, an introduction to National Office staff, and dinner.

Friday, August 14

!Day One: Overview !The Leadership Institute will focus on the five pieces of GlobeMed’s Golden Circle (p. 6) - WHY, WHAT, HOW, WHO & WHERE - and use this concept as a framework to understand what building a stronger GlobeMed chapter looks like. We begin Friday with a look back at where GlobeMed comes from and WHY the work we are trying to do is more important than ever. Co-Presidents and ghU Coordinators will work together to craft a vision of WHAT they are trying to build on their respective campuses. In the afternoon, delegates will split off to understand their specific role and HOW to use GlobeMed’s Core Leadership Practices (p. 9) to inform their work.


9:00 - 10:00 am


10:00 - 10:45 am


10:45 - 11:30 am


11:30 - 12:30 pm

12:45 - 2:00 pm


2:00 - 2:30 pm




WHY: Our History | Fisk Hall, 217

Students will interact with the GlobeMed story and gain a thorough understanding of WHY we do what we do.


WHAT: Visioning Together | Fisk Hall, 217

Delegates will work together to map out the parties in fulfilling their chapter goals and will develop a plan for aligning expectations.


WHAT: The Power of a Network | Fisk Hall, 217

Delegates will break up to interact with chapters of similar demographics to tackle some of the big challenges they face and determine how we can work as a network to share best practices


Lunch | Fisk Hall Atrium & Outside

Grab some food after a morning of content - pizza & salad will be served in the atrium of Fisk Hall.


Guest Speaker: Dr. Rishi Rattan | Fisk Hall, 217

Students will explore the history of using “human rights” as a frame for health equity and be challenged to dig deep into their own fundamental beliefs about the best approach to global health work

WHY: New Chapter Support | Fisk Hall, 217

Co-Presidents will be taken through the history of chapter support and introduced to the new chapter support system for the coming school year


ghU Coordinators WHY does ghU matter? | University Hall, 122


ghU Coordinators will walk through a history of ghU and key questions asked during each stage of development


Schedule | 2015 LI

Friday, August 15

!2:30 - 3:15 pm


WHAT are you trying to build? | Fisk Hall, 217

Co-Presidents will workshop how to best structure their chapter and will identify gaps and solutions to make their ideal a reality.

ghU Coordinators WHAT: Digging deep through conversation | University Break Out Rooms


3:30 - 4:30 pm


Students will engage in a workshop to learn how to engage audiences in issues they are truly passionate about


HOW: Core Leadership Practices | Fisk Break Out Rooms

Students will be introduced to GlobeMed’s 6 Core Leadership Practices and will work through case studies to see them in action.

ghU Coordinators WHAT: ghU Practical | University Hall, 122

ghU Coordinators will walk through a simulated ghU session

4:45 - 5:30 pm



WHAT: Building strong systems | Fisk Break Out Rooms Co-Presidents will self-select into a workshop (systems building, systems strengthening or strategic planning)


ghU Coordinators HOW: ghU Resources | University Hall, 122


5:30 - 7:30 pm


7:30 - 9:00 pm

Using the ghU timeline as a guide, students will walk through resources for a successful year of ghU


Dinner on your own / Break | Downtown Evanston


Bonfire + S’mores | The Lakefill


Anywhere in Evanston - see p. 14 for dining suggestions

Join National Office staff and LI Delegates at the Lakefill for a beautiful view of Chicago, hang-out time & yummy s’mores!

Saturday, August 16

!Day Two: Overview !The second day of the Leadership Institute begins with an interactive overview of WHO our chapters are and how to create an inclusive space in your chapter. Co-Presidents and ghU Coordinators will then break off for Think Tanks designed to help workshop some of the most common pain points chapter leaders face. Delegates will come back together in the afternoon to gain a more comprehensive understanding of WHO the GlobeMed Network is made up of, WHERE we operate, and how these things influence our organizational policies before revisiting the WHY and determining how to bring everything back to their chapters.


9:00 - 10:15 am

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WHO: Inclusion | Fisk Hall, 217 This session will allow us to gain a better understanding of who makes up our network today and why the composition of our chapters and our network is important.


Schedule | 2015 LI

Saturday, August 16

!10:30 - 12:00 pm ! !

12:00 - 1:15 pm


1:30 - 2:45 pm


Think Tanks | Fisk Break Out Rooms

Select students will lead + facilitate think tanks on major network pain points with at least one National Office staff member, including Storytelling/Branding, Re-Partnership, Recruitment + Engagement, Campaigns, Leadership & Practicing Partnership

ghU Coordinators Think Tanks | University Break Out Rooms

Students will select into think tanks about GROW + ghU, Diversity + ghU, Public ghU and Engaging Your Chapter.

Everyone Co-Presidents

Lunch on your own| Downtown Evanston

Anywhere in Evanston - see p. 14 for dining suggestions

Think Tanks | Fisk Break Out Rooms

Select students will lead + facilitate think tanks on major network pain points with at least one National Office staff member, including Storytelling/Branding, Re-Partnership, Recruitment + Engagement, Campaigns, Leadership & Practicing Partnership


ghU Coordinators Think Tanks | University Break Out Rooms

Students will select into think tanks about GROW + ghU, Diversity + ghU, Public ghU and Engaging Your Chapter.

3:00 - 4:00 pm



4:00 - 4:30 pm


4:30 - 5:00 pm



5:30 - 7:30 pm

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Organizational Policy Town Hall | Fisk Hall, 217

Students will learn about the current state of the National Office, have the opportunity to clarify any confusion they may have and will help brainstorm around some of our biggest questions.

WHAT: Collective Goal Setting | Fisk Hall, 217

DIn order to show that GlobeMed chapters are a part of something larger than themselves, we will round-out the LI with a collective goal setting - showing that together we can affect larger change.


WHY: Chapter Reflection | Fisk Hall, 217

Delegates will have one more space to reflect on the weekend and determine their priorities in the coming days, weeks and months in order to have a successful year

Closing Dinner | Location TBD

The last chance to share ideas, build on relationships, and share in general merriment before the going back to our respective campuses.



Resources | Golden Circle

The Golden Circle


56 universities and grassroots organizations


Chapter Partnership


where 3 continents 18 countries 1 global network

Core Leadership Practices


History, Truths & Anti Oppression Statement

GlobeMed’s Golden Circle is how we organize our core tools to reflect our most important goals — this weekend and throughout the year we will use it as our guiding framework. Keeping the WHY at the center as the most essential knowledge to inform all chapter actions — start there with yourself, other staff, advisors — anyone who wants to know. All the associated documents can be found on the interactive online Golden Circle, accessed by logging on to globemednetwork.org, password: globemed.


Resources | WHY

10 Things We Know to Be True Every human life has equal worth. Health is a human right and a matter of social justice.

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Together, poverty and disease form a vicious cycle: People become sick because they are poor and poor because they are sick. The more power and privilege a person has, the more likely they are to be healthy. Across the world, power and privilege are distributed by manmade systems that elevate certain groups of people while oppressing others. Because these systems are manmade, they can be changed by the actions of people. Humanity can choose how we share the resources of our finite planet.


Poverty of means is not poverty of ability. Intelligence, talent, and leadership capacity are equally distributed around the world. Opportunities and resources are not.

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There are local changemakers in every corner of the world who see the potential of their own communities and are already working to unleash it. The best way to achieve lasting change is to shift power and resources to local changemakers so that they can lead the transformation of their own communities. There are young people everywhere who refuse to accept the world’s massive disparities in health and feel a powerful responsibility to act.

Throughout history, transformational change has happened when people from all walks of life have united in partnership and solidarity to fight for equity and justice.


We can realize health for all, if we work together.


Resources | WHY + WHO

Anti-Oppression Statement Whether at home or abroad, people most affected by inequity are often excluded from decision-making that determines their health. GlobeMed believes that oppressed people must be at the forefront of the movement to realize health for all. To achieve this vision, we must actively identify and dismantle systems of oppression that disempower people and weaken our ability to drive change together.



Oppression occurs when economic, political, legal, and social systems take power from one group while concentrating it in another- based on factors like ability, age, country of origin, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, immigration status, mental health, race, religion, sexual orientation, and/or socioeconomic class.



Oppression is your health & wellness being determined by who you are and where you call home.

GlobeMed commits to anti-oppression, the practice of identifying and dismantling systems of power, through all aspects of our work. The following anti-oppression commitments act as a guiding set of beliefs, values, and practices for our organization:


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EXAMINING PRIVILEGE: Examining the privileges we have as an organization and using them to shift power to oppressed groups whenever we can. UNDERSTANDING OPPRESSION: Developing among students, staff, and partners an understanding of how oppression operates globally, domestically, within the global health field, and within our organization through our curriculum and proactive training. AMPLIFYING VOICES: Listening to, amplifying, and incorporating the voices of marginalized peoples and communities into our decision making. INCREASING ACCESS: Increasing access to GlobeMed for a greater variety of undergraduate institutions that exist within the U.S. higher education system. REDUCING BARRIERS: Reducing among Board, staff, partners, and students barriers to participation in the network related to socio-economic status, ability, and other factors. CULTIVATING INCLUSION: Cultivating chapters that welcome and reflect the diversity of students on their campuses. DEVELOPING DIVERSITY: Developing a staff & Board of Directors who reflect the diversity of our network.

!GlobeMed commits to embodying these values through our actions. Anti-oppression is life-long work that requires ongoing commitment from individuals and institutions. Therefore, this is a living document to be revised as our understanding of anti-oppression and its role in the movement for health equity evolves.



Resources | HOW

Core Leadership Practices In a world of constant change, these practices communicate a compass which GlobeMedders can use to approach problem solving and exhibit community driven leadership in all situations.

cultivate wisdom, we approach ourselves, dig deep To our communities and the world with openness and curiosity.

all people and situations, we see the see possibility Inability to learn, connect, grow and contribute to positive change.

accompany each other, cultivating a grow together We global community that inspires, challenges, and sustains us.

put mission in front of ego and fear, be bold We doing what it takes to make the change the world needs.

keep our promises and act with the follow through We highest levels of integrity and accountability.

let ourselves be known, remaining stay authentic We grounded and humble even as we aim for the boldest vision.


Resources | WHAT

Chapter Mechanism Using these three core goals of a GlobeMed Chapter, you can align priorities and structure staff teams. The collective staff will approach different events and opportunities looking through these different lenses, keeping in mind the specific goals of the program they are plugged-in to.

The Co-Presidents then play an important part maintaining and the internal operations (feedback, management) and helping to cast out an innovative vision, with guidance from their university faculty advisor, National Office chapter advisor and partner contact.

Strengthen Relationships GROW coordinator Community Building

Discern & Advocate globalhealthU Communications

Mobilize Resources Campaigns Finances

Money designed by Iain Hector, Speech Bubble designed by Draftsman, & Group designed by Meaghan Hendricks, all from the thenounproject.com


Resources | WHERE + WHO

Where we work + Who we are CHAPTERS UNITED STATES Whitman U of Washington


SF State UCLA USC (California)

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Colorado College CU Boulder U of Denver


Spelman Emory Moorehouse


St. Edward’s UT Austin UT San Antonio

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Florida Intl U


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UW Madison Lawrence 
 U Michigan Wayne St U Cincinnati UMKC Truman St Wash U

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HAITI Torbeck


GUATEMALA Quezaltenango (2) San Marcos

NICARAGUA Managua Siuna

GHANA Hohoe Kumasi

EL SALVADOR Bajo Lempa Guarjila Perquin San Salvador Managua Siuna

ECUADOR Cajabamba Otavalo

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PERU Ayacucho (2) Callao Iquitos Lima

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RWANDA Kigali Musave



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Indiana Notre Dame


UChicago Loyola Northwestern

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Vanderbilt Rhodes UNC Duke NCCU


USC (Carolina)


Northeastern MIT Tufts Boston College Amherst


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Barnard/Columbia City College of NY U of Rochester Cornell

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Princeton Rutgers

UGANDA Gulu Iganga Kabale Kampala (2) Lyontonde Masake Migyera Mukono (2) Namugogo


KENYA Lwala Molo Mumias Nairobi


THAILAND Chiang Mai (2) Mae Sot (3)


LAOS Vientiane

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Brown Howard GWU Georgetown Morgan St UVA


U Penn Penn St

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NEPAL Kathmandu Tipling


INDIA Gujarat Orissa Siruvani


CAMBODIA Kampong Cham Kampong Thom Phnom Penh

World designed by Wayne Tyler Sall from the thenounproject.com


Social Media at the LI | Stay Connected

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter + LInkedin


Like GlobeMed and all 57 GlobeMed chapter pages and tag them in your posts about the Leadership Institute!


Don’t forget to join the Facebook group for your position to continue the discussion & connect post-LI. #globemedLI

Follow us on Instagram @GlobeMed and tag us in your photos!

Follow us on Twitter @GlobeMed and tweet with #globemedLI quotes & ideas from sessions!


Find out what other people // National Office staff are tweeting by searching #globemedLI

After the LI, make sure to connect with us on LinkedIn by searching GlobeMed and adding it to your profile.


Being “Co-President” or “globalhealthU Coordinator at GlobeMed at XX University” will impress the recruiters!


Important Info | Map

Map of Evanston + Key Locations

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

The Lakefill University Hall - 1897 Sheridan Rd Fisk Hall - 1845 Sheridan Rd GlobeMed National Office - 601 University Pl

✦ The Women’s Club of Evanston 1702 Chicago Ave ✦ Davis “L” Train Station - 1612 Benson Ave ✦ Best Western - 1501 Sherman Ave


Important Info | Food + NatO Contact Info

Suggestions for Food + Coffee Restaurants


FlatTop Grill 707 Church St 847-570-0100

Blaze Pizza 1737 Sherman Ave 847-8641997

Unicorn Cafe 1723 Sherman Ave 847-332-2312

Chipotle 711 Church St 847-425-3959

Panera Bread 1700 Sherman Ave 847-733-8356

Kafein 1621 Chicago Ave 847-491-1621

Sashimi Sashimi 640 Church St 847-475-7274

Soulwich 1634 Orrington Ave 847-328-2222

Starbucks 1724 Sherman Ave 847-492-0490

Bat 17 1709 Benson Ave 847-733-7117

Olive Mountain 610 Davis St 847-475-0380

Peet’s Coffee & Tea 1622 Chicago Ave 847-864-8413

Jimmy John’s 1729 Sherman Ave 847-328-8858

Mt. Everest 630 Church St 847-491-1069

Patisserie Coralie 600 Davis St 847-905-0491

Joy Yee’s Noodle Kitchen 521 Davis St 847-733-1900

Cosi 1740 Sherman Ave 847-328-2050

Other Brother Coffeehouse 1549 Sherman Ave 847-475-5399

Lou Malnati’s 1850 Sherman Ave 847-328-5400

Edzo’s Burger Shop 1571 Sherman Ave 847-864-3396

National Office Contact Info


ghU Inquiries Alexis Barnes Director of Learning and Training alexis@globemed.org 773.558.8663

CP & Delegate Inquiries Brittany Zelch Chapter Support Associate brittany@globemed.org 561.886.8849

Emergencies Rosalind Dillon Program Director rosalind@globemed.org 970.216.0913

Communications Inquiries Caroline Nguyen Program Director caroline@globemed.org 415.335.8347


Notes | Thoughts + Key Takeaways

2015 LI Notes


Notes | Thoughts + Key Takeaways

2015 LI Notes


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