2011-2012 Middlebury MOU

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GlobeMed at Middlebury College

Gardens for Health International

Memorandum of Understanding This Memorandum of Understanding is made between GlobeMed at Middlebury College and Gardens for Health International and describes the partnership and project commitments for 2011 – June 2012. This is not a formal legal arrangement, but a joint understanding of the collaborative efforts between the two parties involved. This Memorandum of Understanding is intended to clarify and strengthen the expectations of both parties. See the attached work plan for further details on the project chosen and the specific responsibilities and timeline involved. The following is mutually understood and agreed upon by both parties listed above: A.

Nature of Relationship a. Partnership: Globemed at Middlebury College and Gardens for Health are partners in the project work outlined in the attached work plan. Both parties are responsible for examining the progress of the project work, communicating with each other about the project, and exchanging ideas for next steps on the project. b. On-Site Trip: GlobeMed at Middlebury College and Gardens for Health should decide together by October 1st of 2011 on a GROW team project. This project will be dictate by the needs on the ground of Gardens for Health and implemented by GlobeMed at Middlebury College pending approval by the Executive Board. c. Partnership Renewal: The success of the chapter and the partner in achieving these aspects of the relationship should be evaluated every year. In this way, the partnership is renewed each year based on the University’s academic calendar. Should either the chapter or the partner not be able to follow through, at the end of the year both the chapter and the partner should consider whether it is beneficial to continue the partnership.


Communication between Parties a. Globemed at Middlebury College Contact: Sam Peisch, speisch@middlebury.edu. b. Gardens for Health Contact: Emma Clippinger, Co-Founder: emma@gardensforhealth.org. Julie Carney: Julie@gardensforhealth.org c. Method and Timing of Communication: GlobeMed at Middlebury College and Gardens for Health commit to speaking primarily through email at least once a week. d. Reporting: Both parties will provide detailed and consistent communication on the project outcomes. Specific project outcomes to be measured are outlined in the attached work plan. e. Transactions: Following any transactions, financial or otherwise, GlobeMed at Middlebury College should be notified over email and GlobeMed at Middlebury College should acknowledge to Gardens for Health over email receiving the notification. f. Financial Transactions: If financial transactions are a part of the project outlined in the attached work plan, all financial transactions from GlobeMed at Middlebury to Gardens for Health International will be managed by the Financial manager of Gardens for Health International.

This Memorandum of Understanding is Effective as of [DATE when both have signed] On behalf of GlobeMed at Middlebury

On behalf of Gardens for Health

Signed: Sam Peisch


Print Name: Sam Peisch

Print Name:

Date: 1/21/12


Witnessed By

Witnessed By



Print Name:

Print Name:

Date: 27/6/11

Date: 8/11/09

Project Work plan for 2011 – June 2012 This work plan describes the commitment to project work between GlobeMed at Middlebury College and Gardens for Health International for June 2011. This work plan may but does not necessarily include the work plan for on-site visits to Gardens for Health conducted by GlobeMed at Middlebury College. I. Project Description: Our project will involve a 6-8 week internship commitment which will include but not be limited to enacting the following projects through labor, research, oversight, and monitoring in partnership with GHI staff. A. B. C. D. E. F.

Fund expansion of GHI malnutrition program to new health center Fund education and training materials for GHI malnutrition program Fund transportation for development and implementation of the project Fund construction of demonstration garden and home gardens for 120 households Facilitate training of GHI agricultural agents in water harvesting, storage, and irrigation Create framework for maintaining the sustainability of the program

II. Project Costs

III. Chapter Objectives for Project GlobeMed at Middlebury College has the goal of fully expanding Gardens for Health’s malnutrition program to benefi over 100 individual families participating in Garden for Health International’s Gukuru program. GlobeMed at Middlebury also hopes to receive internship training from Gardens for Health International in the form of shadowing projects, service work, research, and training according to the capacity of Gardens for Health International. IV. Partner Objectives for Project The GlobeMed-Middlebury GROW team has the objective of raising $13,000 USD for funding of the aforementioned planned projects. By signing the Memorandum of Understanding, both GlobeMed at Middlebury College and Gardens for Health International will commit to these objectives. Pending unforeseen circumstances that necessitate an amendment to this Memorandum of Understanding and Project Work plan for 2011 - June 2012, both GlobeMed at Middlebury College and Gardens for Health must see these objectives through. Should an amendment be necessary, it must be signed electronically by both parties and attached to this Memorandum of Understanding. If the objectives are not met for 2011 - June 2012, renewal of partnership should be reconsidered.

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