GlobeMed Students and communities improving global health, one partnership at a time Pre-GROW Partner Organization Webinar
Thursday, April 26, 12
AGENDA our network GROW goals expectations opportunities safety & security
Thursday, April 26, 12
Thursday, April 26, 12
GlobeMed aims to strengthen the movement for global health equity by empowering students and communities to work together to improve the health of people living in poverty around the world.
Thursday, April 26, 12
INTRODUCING OUR NETWORK 46 chapters over 1500 students 46 partners 60 public health projects 20 national office staff
Thursday, April 26, 12
6 Thursday, April 26, 12
Thursday, April 26, 12
Capacity Building 16
Maternal and Reproductive Health 9
Communicable Disease Prevention 13 Income Generation 5 Water, Sanitation & Hygiene 4 Nutrition 13
Thursday, April 26, 12
LEARN with students to help develop GlobeMed chapters and become advocates for global health equity PARTNER chapters with grassroots health organizations IGNITE the movement for global health equity
Thursday, April 26, 12
GLOBEMED NATIONAL OFFICE Executive Director Maya Cohen
Program Director Director of Development Program Director Alyssa Smaldino Partnerships Team 23 Chapters
Bianca Nguyen
Development/ Communications Team
Summit Team
4 full-time staff 16 student staff
Sarah Endres
globalhealthU Team
23 Chapters 10
Thursday, April 26, 12
Chapter AADVISING dvising CHAPTER Advising Calls (2x per month) Facilitate collaboration and information sharing Communicate feedback to National Office
National Office Program Director
Executive Board
Thursday, April 26, 12
GlobeMed chapters do 3 primary things... 1) FUNDRAISE for community-based projects
Thursday, April 26, 12
2) EDUCATE through a yearlong global health and leadership curriculum
3) TRAVEL and work on-site alongside partner organizations
Grassroots On-site Work GROW
“If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.” – Lilia Watson Thursday, April 26, 12
GROW // Goals 1.To strengthen, add to, and expand programs, resources, and knowledge of the partner organization for the purpose of having a positive impact on their community 2.To engage in mutual learning in order to strengthen all aspects of the partnership 3.To ensure long-term stability through evaluation and strategic planning
Thursday, April 26, 12
GROW // Memorandum of Understanding Purpose: To lay out expectations for Communication, Project, GROW, Evaluation & Reflection and commit to objectives for the partnership
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Expectations: Discuss and finalize expectations for the partnership Identify partner’s budget and chapter’s fundraising capabilities Allow MOU to help inform a strategic vision for the coming year(s)
Thursday, April 26, 12
GROW // How is it dierent? GROW provides a one-to-one partnership experience that can lead to meaningful relationships and mutual trust. GROW is a 3-8 week experience. GROW is simply one aspect of the partnership experience. Through GlobeMed, students focus holistically. GROW allows students to support the organization they know and trust in an immersive experience. GROW allows students to help build capacity of an existing organization year after year so that they can better serve their community.
Thursday, April 26, 12
GROW // opportunities GlobeMed at Rhodes helped AMOS develop protocols for testing, monitoring, and evaluating water filters in rural Nicaragua. They also developed checklists to streamline the water filter testing process and educational materials to explain proper use.
Thursday, April 26, 12
GROW // opportunities GlobeMed at UNC learned that Health Alert-Uganda’s 80 community health workers (CHWs) were not recognizing Tuberculosis in their HIV+ patients. They then formed a connection between HAU and the Head of TB at Gulu’s District of Health in order to train the CHWs in how to recognize TB signs and symptoms so that they could refer their patients to the hospital for TB.
Thursday, April 26, 12
GROW // opportunities
GlobeMed at University of Michigan rented high-quality media equipment for GROW to give Tiyatien Health their first Community Health Worker profiles.
Thursday, April 26, 12
GROW // opportunities
GlobeMed at George Washington University (GWU) met with physicians at GWU Medical Center to help RVCP design a maternal health education curriculum for Rwandan mothers. They also used information received from GlobeMed’s Summit to train RVCP leaders in Small Group Facilitation best practices.
Thursday, April 26, 12
GROW // opportunities GlobeMed at Columbia supports the creation of Quarterly Reports for their partner organization, GWED-G, to share with their other supporters and partners.
Thursday, April 26, 12
GROW // opportunities Many GlobeMed chapters have set up Skype or Facebook, and some have helped with Health Information Technology improvements.
Thursday, April 26, 12
GROW // Safety & Security Does your organization have Safety and Health Emergency Plans? Safety Emergency Plan
Health Emergency Plan
GROW Coordinator communicates plan to team
Coordinator accesses intern’s travel insurance information and contacts company
Team meets partner at a safe location discussed beforehand*
Coordinator gets intern’s health information from National Office
Coordinator contacts US Embassy and follows directions
Coordinator calls health emergency number discussed beforehand*
Coordinator contacts parents and National Office
Coordinator arranges plans to get to the nearest hospital*
*Must be discussed when GROW Team arrives in your community. Thursday, April 26, 12
Coordinator contacts parents and National Office
GROW // Code of Conduct Students must do the following: Show respect for the people and culture of their partner country at all times. Strive to integrate into their partner community. Be aware of local laws and social norms when using alcohol. They must always be respectable and safe. Be aware of the risks and repercussions of engaging in intimate relations with members of the partner community.
If students fail to meet any of these expectations, you can send them home at any time. They should never disrupt your community in any way. Thursday, April 26, 12
GROW // Code of Conduct Students must do the following: Behave professionally with their co-workers, partner organization staff, team members, and GlobeMed National Office staff. They will communicate through open and respectful dialogue. Embrace a grassroots, community-based approach to social change, seeking to achieve the goals of the GROW Internship. Avoid travel that will negatively impact their integration into their partner community. They must notify their partner organization when traveling. Wear helmets and seatbelts when traveling by any 2-wheeled mode of transportation.
If students fail to meet any of these expectations, you can send them home at any time. They should never disrupt your community in any way. Thursday, April 26, 12
GROW // Waiver Based on GlobeMed’s Waiver: You have the right to decline to accept or retain any student if their behavior impedes upon Internship operations or the rights or welfare of any person. You have the right to cancel the Internship before departure or after departure upon determination that proceeding with the Internship will subject participants to increased danger.
Please Note: Your liability is not covered by GlobeMed’s GROW Waiver. We strongly encourage you to develop your own Waiver for volunteers if you do not have one already. If you would like to use GlobeMed’s GROW Waiver as a template for your own, you are more than welcome to do so. Please email to request a copy.
Every GlobeMed GROW Intern has signed a waiver acknowledging that they are aware of the above points and hold themselves responsible for all actions on the Internship. Thursday, April 26, 12
GLOBEMED PARTNERSHIPS // Vision June, 2012: Full-time Director of Partnerships position September, 2012: GlobeMed Partnerships Guide GlobeMed Partnerships Matrix & guidelines for success On-going: Project development support Fundraising & conference opportunities Stronger collaborations between partners Engaging students in partner communities
Look out for: GlobeMed Partnerships Strategic Plan Send thoughts and feedback via email!
Thursday, April 26, 12
"The beauty of working with GlobeMed students is that they do more with less. Their interventions are life-saving." - Pamela Angwech, Ugandan Human Rights Activist, Director of GWED-G, Partnered with GlobeMed at Columbia University
Thursday, April 26, 12
Text Text Alyssa Smaldino Program Director, GlobeMed Thursday, April 26, 12
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