2012-2013 Annual Report
GlobeMed at Rutgers University
Pastoral de La Salud | San Salvador, El Salvador ICOD Action Network | Lyantonde, Uganda! Rural Economic Development Association | Svay Rieng, Cambodia Ungano Tena | Nairobi, Kenya WOPLAH | Western Kenya GWED-G | Gulu, Uganda CEPAIPA | Guayaquil, Ecuador Himalayan Health Care | Jawalakhel, Nepal Courage Is Change | Denver, Colorado Kachin Women’s Association Thailand | Chiang Mai, Thailand Salud Sin Límites | Siuna, Nicaragua MAP Foundation | Chiang Mai, Thailand Rwanda Village Concept Project | Butare, Rwanda Community of Hope| Washington, D.C. Primeros Pasos | Quetzaltenango, Guatemala CEMOPLAF Cajabamba | Cajabamba, Ecuador Health Development Initiative | Kigali, Rwanda Jambi Huasi | Otovalo, Ecuador Hope Through Health | Kara, Togo Gardens for Health International | Gasabo, Rwanda Kitovu Mobile AIDS Organization | Masaka, Uganda Adonai Child Development Center| Namugoga, Uganda Center for Community Health Promotion | Hanoi, Vietnam ACUDESBAL | Bajo Lempa, El Salvador Medical AIDS Outreach | Montgomery, Alabama A Ministry of Sharing Health and Hope | Managua, Nicaragua CSSD | Phnom Penh, Cambodia Maison de Naissance | Torbeck, Haiti Nyaya Health | Achham, Nepal ASPAT | Lima, Peru Social Action for Women | Mae Sot, Thailand Nwoya Youth Center | Anaka, Uganda BSDA | Kampong Cham, Cambodia Tiyatien Health | Zwedru, Liberia Joy-Southfield Community Development Corp.| Detroit, Michigan KCRC | Bushenyi District, Uganda Health Alert Uganda | Gulu, Uganda PEDA | Vientiane, Laos Lwala Community Alliance | Lwala, Kenya Kallpa Iquitos | Iquitos, Peru Alternative for Rural Movement | Odisha, India CareNet Ghana | Hohoe, Ghana Clinica Ana Manganaro | Guarjila, El Salvador Build Your Future Today Center | Siem Reap, Cambodia Women’s Development Association | Phnom Penh, Cambodia COWS | Kampong Thom, Cambodia Dios es Amor | Lima, Peru Uganda Development and Health Associates | Iganga, Uganda Kigezi Healthcare Foundation| Kabale, Uganda Burmese Women’s Union | Chiang Mai, Thailand
About GlobeMed Mission
GlobeMed aims to strengthen the movement for global health equity by empowering students and communities to work together to improve the health of people living in poverty around the world.
We envision a world in which health – the ability to not only survive but thrive – is possible for all people, regardless of where they call home.
We believe every human life has equal worth and every person deserves the chance to thrive. This belief has drawn together our network of students, communities, and supporters from all walks of life and from every corner of the world. Health for all is within our grasp, but we can only achieve it by working together.
Presidents’ Message GlobeMed at rutgers University Dear Friends, The 2012-2013 school year was a transformative one for GlobeMed at Rutgers University. As an organization, we faced the challenges of internal restructuring, creating a greater presence on campus, launching and executing mulitple campaigns at once, and learning to work with our partner, Cooperation for Social Services and Development (CSSD) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, through their ups and downs. / At the start of the Fall 2012 semester, we had committed to working with CSSD to strengthen their HIV/AIDS reduction intitiative among women entertainment workers in Phnom Penh. Together, we discussed how the project could be improved and set a fundraising goal of $5617. In total, we raised $8350 for our partner, passing our goal and creating a solid platform of campaigns, events, and fundraising strategies to be built upon in future years. / We would like to thank all of our supporters for our successes this year. To the staff at CSSD, for its unwavering commitment to changing the social fabric of Phnom Penh, and bringing hope and health to its most marginalized populations. And to the Rutgers community, for embracing our organization and engaging with our mission towards achieving health and social justice for all. However, this year perhaps most of all, we would like to thank the GlobeMed at Rutgers staff, who were the real engines behing our achievements. The way you organized to put together creative campaigns, worked to win the April GlobalGiving Open Challenge, and deepen your understanding of global health issues throughout the year has been nothing short of inspiring. It's been an honor and an absolute pleasure working alongside such passionate students. Selena Suhail-Sindhu and Rebecca Hong GlobeMed at Rutgers Co-President 2012-2013
GlobeMed at rutgers university
About Us In February 2011, a Rutgers University student, Selena Suhail-Sindhu, stumbled upon an inspiring student organization called GlobeMed. The organization was exactly what she had been looking for as an undergraduate student interested in global health and meaningful change, and with a lot of passion (and a little luck) she was accepted to found a chapter of GlobeMed at Rutgers University. GlobeMed’s infectious nature allowed it to spread quickly on campus and by October 2011, GlobeMed at Rutgers had its ďŹ rst executive board and launched its partnership with Cooperation for Social Services and Development (CSSD) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. By May 2013, GlobeMed at Rutgers had grown to 42 members and was in the middle of completing their second GROW trip.
since our founding in september 2011, our chapter has grown from 02 to 42 members.
Our Partnership Cooperation for Social Services and Development Phnom Penh, Cambodia Population: 2,301,725 Cambodia’s history is stained red with the loss of millions of lives, cultural identity, and spirit. In 1975, during the wake of the Vietnam War, the Khmer Rouge took control of the capital city, Phnom Penh. The communist regime under Pol Pot led a nationwide genocide, killing millions of innocent Cambodians. Those who were educated and skilled were targeted, infrastructure was destroyed, and widespread famine followed. By the end of the regime in 1979, Cambodia’s culture was nearly lost and the Khmer people were left with the difficult task of rebuilding and healing. Despite this tragic history, Cambodia’s economy has grown steadily over the past 10 years, the most of any South East Asian country. With economic growth and restored hope and will, the Cambodian people have proven resilient and determined to rebuild.
Cooperation for Social Services and Development Founded in 2008 Cooperation for Social Services and Development (CSSD) was founded in order to aid several communities in Phnom Penh that are at high risk for contracting HIV/AIDS. CSSD fights for the health and human rights of these marginalized populations, which include women entertainment workers, men who have sex with men, and intravenous drug users. The discrimination faced by these groups impedes their access to health education and care and CSSD aims to counter these trends by providing sexual health education, connecting at risk individuals with health clinics, and engaging in community building. Since the start of our partnership in 2011, GlobeMed at Rutgers University has plugged into CSSD’s work with women entertainment workers.
KEY FACT: Approximately 25%, or close to 1 million, Cambodian youth are part of high-risk populations such as entertainment workers, men who have sex with men, and drug users, among others. KEY FACT: Only 45.8% of Cambodian youth between the ages of 15 and 30 reported comprehensive knowledge of AIDS.
Our Project
Impact Area:
Communicable Disease Prevention
Cooperation for Social Services and Development
entertainment workers reached
to materials and personnel for sexual health education program
Why Communicable Disease Prevention? In order improve the health of marginalized populations, the stigma surrounding them must ďŹ rst be addressed. Some people are turned away from eective treatment and education because of their lifestyle, which leads to a lack of resources and capacity to improve their own lives. With increased education and support, the marginalized communities in Phnom Penh will be better able to integrate into the existing community health and support systems and improve their overall health and success.
GlobeMed at Rutgers University aims to raise $5,617 to support a peerfacilitated HIV/AIDS prevention and education program that will improve sexual health education, increase access to health services, and reduce stigma surrounding women Entertainment Workers in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The goal of the peer facilitation program is to create targeted behavior changes among Entertainment Workers (EW) that emphasize risk reduction and promote safe sexual practices. The group discussions provide outreach education and build awareness about HIV/AIDS prevalence and prevention. As a supplement to this, peer facilitators work to increase EW access to health services through referrals and the provision of transportation. These behavior targeted activities are coupled with environment targeted activities in order to reduce stigma surrounding the EW and create an enabling atmosphere. This is achieved by conducting quarterly meetings with relevant stakeholders, such as local authorities and medical providers, in order to address the realities of the issues EW are currently facing, methods to achieve equal access to health care services, methods to promote and increase access to health information, and products and services for that can be made available to EW. Through this joint approach and open communication, the project aims to promote social integration and restore personal agency of EW in Phnom Penh.
Campaigns Campaigns are on-campus events and initiatives that raise funds for GlobeMed partner organizations' grassroots projects abroad.
Event Title
Event Description
Global Get Down
A cultural dance exhibition, focused on bringing together and showcasing the diverse communities of Rutgers University.
Spread the Love: Valentine’s Day Card Sale
A sale of hand-made cards and goody bags before Valentine's Day, promoting the spread of love and solidarity.
Bake Sale
Sales of cupcakes and other baked goods throughout the year
A social gathering and awareness event. Admission fee was charged that included refreshments, music, and face painting.
Music for Cambodia Benefit Concert
A concert of local bands at Rutgers University to raise awareness of our partner organization in Cambodia. Admission was free and included drinks and refreshments. Donations were encouraged.
Strip for Solidarity 5K Run/Walk
A 5K run aimed at raising awareness about CSSD's mission while simultaneously collecting clothes for donation to the New Brunswick Salvation Army.
ActiveU Gala
A benefit dinner with two distinguished keynote speakers and other student organizations to end the academic year with a high note of inspiration and awareness.
Global Giving Open Challenge
A competition to join the GlobalGiving online community. Money was raised through leveraging our networks, social media, and donor relationships.
Revenue $883 $92.50
Total funds raised for CSSD in 2012-2013
Since 2011, GlobeMed at Rutgers University has raised a total of $11,974.12 to support the Cooperation for Social Services and Development in establishing an HIV/AIDS prevention and education program among women Entertainment Workers in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Campaigns Highlights from the year Global Get Down December 13, 2012
Global GetDown united cultural dance groups throughout campus to gather for an exhibition with a prize based not on skill, but on crowd satisfaction. Over 100 people attended the event, which featured performances, ghU segments to raise awareness about our mission, and food that came free with admission. There were several segments directed by GlobeMed members talking not only about GlobeMed as a whole, but about our partnership with CSSD as well.
globalhealthU globalhealthU is GlobeMed’s signature year-long global health curriculum. This student-designed and driven program equips students with the critical thinking skills that will inform a life of leadership for global health.
The GlobeMed year 2012-2013 was unique in terms of ghU because the chapter as a whole took on a more interactive role in meeting sessions and public activities alike. Discussions and debates were framed around active choices made by chapter members. ghU was also particularly refreshing this year as sessions often changed format, ranging from chapter-wide caucuses to intimate and intense discussions. There was also a spectrum of style in which the ghU team made knowledge and skills accessible to the chapter. Personalized public speaking and debate coaching from the official Rutgers Debate Union, a team-based Jeopardy game about global health facts and trivia, and role-playing games regarding the politics of public health were only a handful of the avenues the chapter took this year to embrace ghU. Regarding public events, attendance and excitement about on-campus educational events and enriching documentary screenings was natural and infectious.
2012-2013 CURRICULUM
Expanding the Dialogue on Health and Human Rights
Why do human rights exist?
Is health a human right? Who has more rights than others? How are rights influenced by one’s environment? How do we translate human rights into action?
globalhealthU Highlights from the year
"This event truly highlighted the monstrosities that humankind can commit, but it also gave insight into the bravery and perseverance of many underrepresented heroes worldwide who continue to fight for a good cause against all odds." - Kevin Xie, GlobeMed at Rutgers
Half the Sky
Film Screening This event was meant to educate the Rutgers student body about the details and truths behind gender-based violence and to also provide inspiring examples of real activists working on this issue. The screening was successful, with over fifty attendees, and student group co-sponsors including CSO, TASA, Rutgers Warm Heart, and the SEBS Honors Society. The event also included a talk from distinguished guest speaker, Dr. Ann Graham, who has a plethora of experience with empowerment projects, especially targeting vulnerable and marginalized women.
Watching AIDS Disappear! On campus event as part of Global Health Week
"You know, the fact that people think HIV/AIDS is not a hot topic anymore is sad. There is no cure and countless people still suffer from physical and emotional pain and that is the real fact that cannot be ignored." Student Participant on College Avenue campus
This event was organized and run by the chapter as the first event of "Global Health Week". It was conducted in a public area on campus and involved interactive participation from students passing by. A board spelling out "AIDS" in condoms was displayed and participants were asked to take way condoms to "make AIDS disappear". As the event progressed, chapter members informed participants about HIV/AIDS facts and myths while introducing them to GlobeMed at Rutgers University's involvement in this movement through our partner NGO in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Community Building Through service and team-building events, community and camaraderie is fostered around global health and social justice within GlobeMed chapters, the GlobeMed network and surrounding communities.
GlobeMed at Rutgers University has engaged in community building events that have continued to strengthen our relationships with one another. We have nearly doubled our membership since our ďŹ rst year on campus, but still remain a tight-knit community. With bonding events like sta retreats, social gatherings, trips to indoor trampoline arenas, and even pumpkin picking, GlobeMed at Rutgers has established a family of individuals who are passionate about working hard toward a common goal while making memories along the way.
GROW Internship Grassroots On-site Work
MAY 2013– JUNE 2013
GROW interns will be creating and distributing a survey that analyzes CSSD's impact on the knowledge, behavior, and economic status of Entertainment Workers. In order to make a sustainable contribution, the team will begin establishing a year-round internship program at CSSD. This program will be promoted through the organization's website, which the GROW interns are also developing. In addition, the interns will be working to strengthen and improve the partnership between GlobeMed at Rutgers University and CSSD by increasing the transparency between the organizations. Gabby, Jackie, Megan, and Nabgha will strike an balance between work, exploration, and adventure to gain a holistic understanding of CSSD, Cambodia, and NGO development.
Through Grassroots On-site Work (GROW) internships, students build capacity of their partner organization, engage in mutual learning, and ensure long-term stability of their partnership. The staff of CSSD has been extremely welcoming, teaching us Khmer, inviting us to experience the sights and tastes of Phnom Penh, and giving us a good understanding of what it takes to work with marginalized populations. I'm so honored to be able to work with this group of people. – Gabriela Slomicz, c/o 2014
World Day of Social Justice “INJUSTICE anywhere is a THREAT to JUSTICE everywhere.”
GLOBEMED AT RUTGERS UNIVERSITY joined 49 other GlobeMed chapters across the nation in a network-wide commemoration of the 5rd Annual World Day of Social Justice on February 20, 2013, by asking students, professors, and community members on campus an open-ended, thought provoking question relating to social justice. OUR QUESTION
Privilege is… BEHIND THE SCENES: We chose this simple question because it forces people to consider some of their most fundamental beliefs about not only health, but life as a whole. We hoped it would provide answers that might help refocus every aspect of our groups operations. If your actions are not aligned with your values and beliefs, you cannot possibly be on the right path.
We asked people at Rutgers, here’s how they responded >>>
The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed February 20th as World Day of Social Justice in 2007. Observation of WDSJ supports efforts of the international community in poverty eradication, the promotion of full employment and decent work, gender equity and access to social well-being and justice for all.
World Day of Social Justice GlobeMed at Rutgers asked 9 people to answer the question / to fill in the blank‌
Privilege is‌
View more photos and quotes at globemed.org/wdsj
2013 Summit The student momentum The annual GlobeMed Global Health Summit brings together university students from across the nation for three days of intensive lectures and workshops with representatives from grassroots global health organizations and a range of experts.
2013 DELEGATES: Justin Deguzman, Thobekile Ndlovu, Kevin Riehl, Gabriela Slomicz, Kevin Xie, Michelle Yun
'You start walking off a cliff and a bridge starts to form. You start to grasp at things, reach out to people that you've never before. Things are not so risky after you take the risk.' A panelist said this, and in retrospect, it defines my experience. I began by taking a risk, wanting to learn more not knowing exactly what I was looking for. Grasping in front of me, I got closer to my chapter, united with other GlobeMedders, developed a deeper understanding of my responsibility as a global citizen, and reinvigorated my desire to be a part of sustainable change. At Summit, you risk changing your life.” — Justin Deguzman, c/o 2017
Our Future GlobeMed at rutgers University GlobeMed continues to have a positive impact my life even after graduation. I am so honored to have been able to meet other likeminded individuals who were curious about the world they lived in, and wanted to make concentrated efforts through education and partnership to change it for the better. – Michelle Yun, c/o 2013
For the coming summer, we plan on having our eboard fully organized and ready for the school year. Prior to the start of the academic year, we will have an chapter retreat to further the progress of ideas already in the making, brainstorm new ideas to enhance the chapter, and ultimately bond as an executive board - fostering more meaningful friendships within each other. Ultimately, for the year, and for the future of GlobeMed as a whole, we want to focus on the continuation of our chapters efficiency of events and campaigns: raising more money, increasing our outreach, and creating a stronger and more effective campus presence. However, we want to also ensure that our chapter does not lose the diversity, closeness, and community that sets us apart. To create a chapter that is ever more efficient, all while keeping the human element of the organization, is a goal that we will persistently strive to achieve - and we believe we have the eboard that can do it and do it well. We want to create a marketing objective to sticker the campus with GlobeMed symbols (as Rutgers is very large and conventional methods just do not work), create a GlobeMed chapter shirt to wear not only to events, but also around campus, and to overall keep up the creative and professional marketing that encompasses our events and even make it better. Additionally, we hope to have all campaigns (such as Global Getdown, Strip for Solidarity, and Spread the Love: events we have already had) planned out and relatively calendered by the end of our executive board retreat, and at the very least have a solid game plan - allowing better organization collaboration, and less stress for all members involved. Another strong initiative we have includes the close-knit connection between our community builders and the staff as a whole - creating fun events that bring that chapter together simply to reward the chapter for the awesome work they do, and to give more motivation to love GlobeMed, and the chapter they are apart of.
Finances In 2012 – 2013, GlobeMed at Rutgers University raised $8,350 for CSSD to support projects in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Revenue Events (Campaigns)
Internal Chapter Revenue
National Office Launch Grant
Expenses Campaigns
Sent to Partner Total sent to partner that was fundraised in the 2012-2013 academic year Total sent to partner that was fundraised prior to the 2012-2013 academic year TOTAL SENT TO PARTNER IN 2012-2013 Current Cash Position
$5670 $0 $5670 $3180.15
Stay Connected Read more about our partner and project, and the GlobeMed network: globemed.org/impact/rutgers “Like” us on Facebook to find out about upcoming events. www.facebook.com/GlobeMedRU
Follow us on twitter at @GlobeMedRU Follow our blog and join in on the discussion. globemedru.blogspot.com
Check out our photos on globemed.smugmug.com/GlobeMedatRutgersUniversity. Find our chapter on www.globalgiving.org/projects/prevent-hiv-in-cambodia/ and make a donation to support our partner and project today. Email us at rutgers@globemed.org to find out how you can get involved!
Executive Board Co-President
Selena Suhail-Sindhu | selena.sindhu@gmail.com
Rebecca Hong
| becca.hong@gmail.com
Sai Khisty
| sai.khisty@gmail.com
Campaign Coordinator
Kevin Riehl
| krfactor@comcast.net
Campaign Coordinator
Jackie Beltejar
| jbeltejar92@gmail.com
Karen Lin
| karen.lin@rutgers.edu
Director of Community Building
Andre Laguerta
| laguerta@eden.rutgers.edu
Director of Community Building
Alexa Juarez
| anr.juarez@gmail.com
Nabgha Farhat
| nabgha.farhat@rutgers.edu
globalhealthU Coordinator
Director of Communications
Director of Finances
Supporters INDIVIDUALS Krista Kohlmann Eileen Tarrant
A sincere thanks to the following advocates, mentors, donors, and colleagues for making our 2012 – 2013 year a great success:
ORGANIZATIONS Student Co-Sponsors: United Students Against Sweatshops Circle K Operation Smile Ratio Christi Rutgers Warm Heart TASA CSO SEBS Honors Program
CORPORATE SPONSORS Red Mango Nero Hokkaido RUSA Allocations SABO
GlobeMed National Office 620 Library Place Evanston, IL 60201 847-467-2143 www.globemed.org
Copyright 2013 © GlobeMed. All rights reserved.