ghU Track 2 Curriculum Overview

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globalhealthU HIGHLIGHTS

Track 2


After exploring what poverty is in Track 1, we now move to Track 2! This track focuses on two main questions:

TRACK 2 Goal: Learn about the causes of poverty. Investigate how poverty can best be alleviated.

THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND LESSON PLANS & RESOURCES Check out for this Track’s weekly lesson plans and resources! Make sure to look at the Over Break Guide!

Track 2 Overview

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What causes poverty? How can poverty be alleviated?

This is the second part in our three part exploration of poverty and health. We hope that this Track provides a foundational understanding of contemporary developmental economic theories and how they connect with GlobeMed’s partnership model. After completing this Track, each chapter member should be able to express an informed opinion about the causes of poverty and the preferred methods of combatting it. This knowledge about development will facilitate thoughtful analysis of both global health and grassroots work.

During Week 1, we look at the views of six different developmental economists - Jeffrey Sachs, William Easterly, Paul Collier, Dambisa Moyo, Amartya Sen, and Esther Duflo - as well as our partner organization. By exploring these different views simultaneously, chapter members are able to compare and contrast between them in order to develop a more thorough understanding of the pressing developmental debates. In Week 2, we utilize the information provided in Week 1 to analyze developmental case studies in order to better understand the different viewpoints. Through an exploration of both macro and micro case studies, chapter members will obtain a more nuanced understanding of the various perspectives and how they are often dependent on particular contexts. In applying these different lenses to real world studies, students will hopefully come to appreciate the complexity of the issues, but also leave with a belief that enacting tangible change is definitely possible. In Week 3, we debate! Chapter members will be broken up into teams that each represent one of the six economists or partner organization. By having chapter members debate from a perspective that may be different from their own, we hope to facilitate the development of their own opinions and ideas. Engaging in rigorous debate also helps develop good debate skills and critical thinking abilities.

CONTACT US Rachel Markon & Neal Emery, co-Directors of ghU

During Week 4, we reflect on the debate and further discern personal views on the causes and solutions of poverty. Chapter members will develop their own perspectives and understand where they fit in amongst the economists’. We will also consider potential biases represented in



globalhealthU these viewpoints, and discuss how the conclusions from this week impact our work in health.

In totality, this track should provide chapter members with a foundational understanding of some of the major contemporary developmental theories, how to apply them to a real world context, and ultimately leave room for students to develop their own perspective on these issues and their connections to health. This exploration of both the causes of poverty and how it can be alleviated will build upon Track 1 and prove to be essential for Tracks 3 and 4.


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