Track 2: Week 1: Lesson Plan

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globalhealthU HIGHLIGHTS

Track 2

Week 1: Variation Amongst Economists

THIS TRACK TRACK 2 Goal: Learn about the causes of poverty. Investigate how poverty can best be alleviated.

THIS WEEK DEVELOPMENTAL ECONOMISTS Goals: Understand the views of six economists and begin preparations for the Week 3 debate.

THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND DIVIDE INTO TEAMS You should split your chapter members into teams, giving each group a developmental economist to research in greater detail. LEAVE TIME FOR DEBATE PREP Leave 5-10 minutes for debate prep.

CONTACT US Rachel Markon & Neal Emery, co-Directors of ghU

Overview In the first week of Track 2, we will introduce the viewpoints of six different developmental economists. Each economist has a distinct view about the root causes of poverty and how they should be combatted. Chapter members will learn about these different opinions and work to compare and contrast between them. This will lay the ground work for later weeks, in which we delve deeper into the economists’ viewpoints and use them to inform our own opinions on these issues. Ultimately, this focused investigation of poverty will better inform our understanding of how poverty and health are related.

Before the Meeting: Prepping for the Debate In preparation for the Week 3 debate it would be great if ghU coordinators could divide their chapters into seven groups (for more explanation, please read the “Over Break Guide” document). Six of the groups will take on the perspective of one of the economists and the seventh will represent the partner organization. If this can be done before the session, members will find Track 2 much more enjoyable and things will run more smoothly.

Exploring Variation: The Views of Six Different Economists Estimated time: 25 Minutes Developmental economist’s have diverse strategies for alleviating poverty. It is important to consider these various points of view to come to a more comprehensive understanding of poverty and the impact it has on health. While our goal is not to come up with a grand strategy for eliminating poverty, critically analyzing these different perspectives will hopefully provide us with a better conception of salient ideas and a framework to create tangible improvement. Possible Presentation Methods ✦ Small Groups: Consider distributing the one pagers and worksheets within each debate group. Every person does not have to read each one pager during the meeting, but the group as a whole



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should cover all of them. While reading, there should be discussion and each person should be taking notes on their worksheet. At the end, reflect on what everybody wrote down. Large Group: This can also be done by distributing the one pagers and worksheets to chapter members and overviewing them as a chapter. No intense Powerpoints or anything are really necessary, as the one pagers lay out the basic information that needs to be provided. After going over the information, discuss what people wrote down on their worksheets and the overlap/disagreement between economists. Small Groups Present: Give each debate group an economist to present - this will be the same economist whose perspective they will debate in Week 3. Have them present their economist’s one pager to the chapter. Chapter members should take notes on the worksheets while listening.

Key Points ✦ Chapter members should have a basic understanding of the view of the six different developmental economists. ✦ Discussions about the overlap and disagreement between economists should begin. Resources ✦ Jeffrey Sachs One Pager ✦ William Easterly One Pager ✦ Paul Collier One Pager ✦ Dambisa Moyo One Pager ✦ Amartya Sen One Pager ✦ Esther Duflo One Pager ✦ Worksheet

Debate Groups Estimated time: 5-10 minutes Assign each group a developmental economist to research further with the seventh group focusing on your partner organization. Then, deliver the debate question(s) - it is a good idea to have multiple points to debate about and please do not feel limited to the suggestions made below - that will be argued during Week 3. Allow the groups to discuss how they will prepare for the debate (prep outside of the chapter meeting is strongly encouraged). Ideally, each group will have an understanding of their economist’s theories as well as how they relate to the other economists’. Possible Debate Questions/Statements/Topics: ✦ What is the main reason that countries fall into and stay in poverty? How does this effect health? ✦ The United States should cut all foreign aid. ✦ Ill health is the main cause of underdevelopment in poor countries. ✦ The best way to improve health equity is by combatting poverty ✦ The health of GlobeMed’s partner communities will be improved by increasing foreign aid. ✦ Countries that are in poverty traps need assistance to get out of the poverty trap. ✦ Should foreign aid be given to governments regardless of how proficient they are? ✦ Should aid be focused on giving countries a big push or should it be focused on funding smaller scale projects? ✦ Grassroots health work does not help to alleviate poverty.



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What should be the main goal of development? Development is best measured through economic growth


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