2012-2013 Annual Report
GlobeMed at Wayne State University
Pastoral de La Salud | San Salvador, El Salvador ICOD Action Network | Lyantonde, Uganda! Rural Economic Development Association | Svay Rieng, Cambodia Ungano Tena | Nairobi, Kenya WOPLAH | Western Kenya GWED-G | Gulu, Uganda CEPAIPA | Guayaquil, Ecuador Himalayan Health Care | Jawalakhel, Nepal Courage Is Change | Denver, Colorado Kachin Women’s Association Thailand | Chiang Mai, Thailand Salud Sin Límites | Siuna, Nicaragua MAP Foundation | Chiang Mai, Thailand Rwanda Village Concept Project | Butare, Rwanda Community of Hope| Washington, D.C. Primeros Pasos | Quetzaltenango, Guatemala CEMOPLAF Cajabamba | Cajabamba, Ecuador Health Development Initiative | Kigali, Rwanda Jambi Huasi | Otovalo, Ecuador Hope Through Health | Kara, Togo Gardens for Health International | Gasabo, Rwanda Kitovu Mobile AIDS Organization | Masaka, Uganda Adonai Child Development Center| Namugoga, Uganda Center for Community Health Promotion | Hanoi, Vietnam ACUDESBAL | Bajo Lempa, El Salvador Medical AIDS Outreach | Montgomery, Alabama A Ministry of Sharing Health and Hope | Managua, Nicaragua CSSD | Phnom Penh, Cambodia Maison de Naissance | Torbeck, Haiti Nyaya Health | Achham, Nepal ASPAT | Lima, Peru Social Action for Women | Mae Sot, Thailand Nwoya Youth Center | Anaka, Uganda BSDA | Kampong Cham, Cambodia Tiyatien Health | Zwedru, Liberia Joy-Southfield Community Development Corp.| Detroit, Michigan KCRC | Bushenyi District, Uganda Health Alert Uganda | Gulu, Uganda PEDA | Vientiane, Laos Lwala Community Alliance | Lwala, Kenya Kallpa Iquitos | Iquitos, Peru Alternative for Rural Movement | Odisha, India CareNet Ghana | Hohoe, Ghana Clinica Ana Manganaro | Guarjila, El Salvador Build Your Future Today Center | Siem Reap, Cambodia Women’s Development Association | Phnom Penh, Cambodia COWS | Kampong Thom, Cambodia Dios es Amor | Lima, Peru Uganda Development and Health Associates | Iganga, Uganda Kigezi Healthcare Foundation| Kabale, Uganda Burmese Women’s Union | Chiang Mai, Thailand
About GlobeMed Mission
GlobeMed aims to strengthen the movement for global health equity by empowering students and communities to work together to improve the health of people living in poverty around the world.
We envision a world in which health – the ability to not only survive but thrive – is possible for all people, regardless of where they call home.
We believe every human life has equal worth and every person deserves the chance to thrive. This belief has drawn together our network of students, communities, and supporters from all walks of life and from every corner of the world. Health for all is within our grasp, but we can only achieve it by working together.
Presidents’ Message GlobeMed at wayne state University The GlobeMed chapter at Wayne State University started when Shreya and I got together with some of our close friends in a small meeting room on campus to talk about the GlobeMed chapter that was coming to Wayne State. Having little idea about what the word 'solidarity' even meant, we held information sessions, had lots of personal conversations, and began to form a more tangible understanding of what a movement for global health equity would be like and how our role as students fit into that model. We were initially partnered with a grassroots organization in The Phillippines called Alternative Bridge to Community Development (AB2CD). However, due to heavy natural disasters that left many locals displaced, our communication with AB2CD halted completely and our partnership could no longer continue. Most staff members would have taken this opportunity to stop all involvement with GlobeMed because they saw no gain from staying a part of GlobeMed. Our staff of twenty, however, endured through this complex, 'limbo-like' repartnership process. As the year went on, our chapter decided to focus all our efforts on globalhealthU, GlobeMed's unique educational curriculum. Even without a partner, students were able to meet weekly and passionately engage in dialogue about human rights. We discussed topics ranging from the American healthcare system and the cycle of poverty to the philosophy of human rights and their relationship to health. Finally, our chapter had the honor of partnering with Kigezi Healthcare Foundation which is based in Kabale, Uganda and focused on addressing malnutrition in the region. Our first Skype call made us so excited to start a great partnership with KIHEFO and allowed us to solidify our goals. Leading a GlobeMed chapter has firmly affirmed our beliefs in the idea that students can truly make a difference when we listen to our partner and use of inner, creative talents. We cannot wait to achieve great things in the many years to come. Go Warriors! Aniruddh Mannari and Shreya Desai GlobeMed at Wayne State Co-Presidents 2012-2013
GlobeMed at wayne state university
About Us GlobeMed at Wayne State University was founded in Summer 2012 after Ani Mannari saw first-hand the health disparities that people face in the developing world. He was inspired to start GlobeMed with Shreya Desai after learning of the community-based healthcare model of GlobeMed's partner organizations. In its first year, GlobeMed at Wayne State has raised nearly $1000 to support The Nutrition Rehabilitation Center, expanded to a staff of twenty, and held its first GROW Internship with six students during summer 2013 in Kabale, Uganda.
since our founding in september 2012, our chapter has grown from 02 to 20 members.
Our Partnership Kigezi healthcare foundation Kabale, Uganda Population: 41,344 The rule of President Idi Amin in Uganda (1971-1979) was marked by severe human rights violations, political oppression, and cultural persecution. This eventually led Uganda to become one of the most corrupt governments in the world. Governmental inaction propagates poverty and illiteracy forcing the population to further mistrust the government. Lack of public services have severely deteriorated the nutrition of the Kigezi Region, especially in children under the age of five. Although Uganda is known to be the most fertile country in Africa, ignorance and gender roles continue to propagate health disparity in Kigezi.
Kigezi Healthcare Foundation (KIHEFO) Founded in 2001 Kigezi Healthcare Foundation was founded to address the needs of HIV/AIDS patients who constantly sought medical attention from Dr. Geoffrey Anguyo, the founder of KIHEFO. Upon realizing the widespread effects of HIV/AIDS on malnutrition, a Nutrition rehabilitation center was created to nurture vulnerable children back to normal health. Today, KIHEFO has numerous programs including microfinance and enterprise ventures, primary care clinic, and rural village outreaches. KIHEFO strives to partner with GlobeMed at Wayne State to address malnutrition and ignorance in a sustainable and community-based manner.
KEY FACT: Average life expectancy in Uganda is 54 years. KEY FACT: More than 38% of children under the age of five are malnourished in Kigezi Region.
Our Project
Impact Area:
Nutrition, Capacity Building
Kigezi Healthcare Foundation
families form 8 surrounding village communities will benefit from these projects
Why Nutrition & Capacity Building? In addition to improper intake of food, malnutrition is the result of a complex set of factors including family structure and social norms. Our project targets these factors with education, child feeding, and rural outreaches to improve the overall health of the population of Kigezi Region.
GlobeMed at Wayne State seeks to support KIHEFO to provide nutritional supplements to 120 malnourished children as well as support agricultural input projects in rural communities. KIHEFO's Nutrition Rehabilitation Center seeks to reach out to families which have malnourished children under the age of five to provide nutritious food supplements to children and their mothers at the center. We are supporting nearly 120 malnourished children in six village communities. Additionally, the project aims to support a data collection and nutrition screening system to effectively assess the impact of this initiative.
Campaigns Campaigns are on-campus events and initiatives that raise funds for GlobeMed partner organizations' grassroots projects abroad.
Event Title
Event Description
Valentine’s Day Sale
Our chapter produced and sold small goodie-bags of candy during the week of Valentines Day and World Day of Social Justice while highlighting our partner and project.
GlobeMed Benefit Reception: A Night for Global Health
Our chapter organized and held a benefit reception which included a presentation about GlobeMed, Keynote Address by Dr. Eric. Montgomery, and various musical performances.
Individual Giving
Local businesses and interested individuals through in-kind contributions
Total funds raised for KIHEFO in 2012-2013
$1033.87 Since 2012, GlobeMed at Wayne State University has raised a total of over $1000 to support the nutrition programs of our partner, Kigezi Healthcare Foundation!
Campaigns Highlights from the year GlobeMed Benefit Dinner: A Night for Global Health April 15, 2013
Our very first formal event was a success with over 40 people in attendence! Each staff member had a role in presenting GlobeMed's model, our partner, and our project to educate the audience. Dr. Eric Montgomery gave a keynote address with personal stories on his involvement in global health in Africa. While eating international dishes, our audience was able to watch Wayne ki Awaaz (Indian A Cappella) and a traditional African dance done by Wayne State students.
Valentine’s Day Sale February 12-14, 2013
In preparation for Valentine's Day, we held a fundraiser where we sold goodie bags filled with candy and a pencil with a cute message. Our primary goals were to sell the bags of course, but also to raise awareness of our partner and its projects on nutrition. We sold over 300 bags and definitely caught the attention of many students and faculty interested in the issue of malnutrition.
globalhealthU globalhealthU is GlobeMed’s signature year-long global health curriculum. This student-designed and driven program equips students with the critical thinking skills that will inform a life of leadership for global health.
This year, our chapter was fully immersed in the globalhealthU discussions; we came to understand the connection between health and human rights, where progress is being made as well as where major gaps remain. It was vital for us to learn about the global issues because we were able to make comparisons which provided us a foundation for what we are working towards- improving the unbalanced global health situation worldwide and specifically in our partner community. A chapter favorite track would have to be the independent research project where we came up with the topic of how nutrition in Detroit compares to that of Uganda. All of these discussions came together during this track and really put all our efforts into perspective. GlobalhealthU helped engage our members during our first year as a chapter and we hope the involvement continues with great momentum in years to come!
2012-2013 CURRICULUM
Expanding the Dialogue on Health and Human Rights
Why do human rights exist?
Is health a human right? Who has more rights than others? How are rights influenced by one’s environment? How do we translate human rights into action?
globalhealthU Highlights from the year
Health and Human Rights A Panel Discussion
This event included an intense discussion on the ever-growing topic of healthcare and whether it should be considered a human right. We had truly inuential speakers to ground the discussionDr. Paul Kilgore, Dr. Eric Montgomery, Dr. Chih Chuang, & Dr. Dick Raspa. To help understand health and human rights as connecting subjects, the panelists provided their personal stories on travel and work in various areas. Approximately 50 people attended the event and contributed their ideas to panel for a valuable discussion.
Community Building Through service and team-building events, community and camaraderie is fostered around global health and social justice within GlobeMed chapters, the GlobeMed network and surrounding communities.
As this was our ďŹ rst year, it was essential to build a real sense of community within our chapter. Unlike a typical student organization, GlobeMed at WSU was more like a group of friends with a common passion coming together to join a movement and learn about global health. The ice-breakers and team-building activities we had during meetings, as well as the outings to Joy SouthďŹ eld, and bowling alley really helped solidify our bond. During our winter eboard retreat, we cooked together while holding small group sessions that gave us all a better understanding of GlobeMed's model. We hope to continue these retreats and develop exciting new ideas in preparation for our next campaigns.
GROW Internship Grassroots On-site Work
MAY 2013
During our first ever GROW internship this May, the students developed a lasting relationship with our partner, and together addressed malnutrition in the Kabale region by getting involved in the many projects KIHEFO has to offer. At the Nutrition Rehabilitation Center, students and staff held a cooking workshop for the resident mothers and taught them the value of proper dietary guidelines. During the rural outreaches, interns taught villagers how to make efficient kitchen gardens and were able to learn about the causes of malnutrition and the treatment as well as how KIHEFO is using their finances to support the community groups within the villages. The students also worked on inputting the data collected during outreaches and creating a magazine that highlights the stories of several families dealing with the issue of malnutrition.
Through Grassroots On-site Work (GROW) internships, students build capacity of their partner organization, engage in mutual learning, and ensure long-term stability of their partnership. "A problem is a situation that is blamed on external factors, while a challenge is a situation you create for yourself that you want to solve. In any situation, we should be looking to turn problems into challenges." This is the determination that Dr. Geoffrey instills in KIHEFO and its staff and the reason that their work brings a positive change in Kabale and its surrounding communities. I'm proud that GlobeMed at WSU is partnered with such an incredible organization and I hope our partnership will last a lifetime! -- Shreya Desai, c/o 2015
World Day of Social Justice “INJUSTICE anywhere is a THREAT to JUSTICE everywhere.”
GLOBEMED AT WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY joined 49 other GlobeMed chapters across the nation in a network-wide commemoration of the 5rd Annual World Day of Social Justice on February 20, 2013, by asking students, professors, and community members on campus an open-ended, thought provoking question relating to social justice. OUR QUESTION
The greatest injustice in the world is ______________. BEHIND THE SCENES: We chose this simple question because it forces people to look at some of their most fundamental beliefs about not just health, but life as a whole. We hoped it would provide answers that might help refocus every aspect of our groups operations. If your actions are not aligned with your values and beliefs you cannot possibly be on the right path.
MORE WDSJ ACTION – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – VALENTINE’S DAY EVENT: During our Valentine's Day campaign, we decided to incorporate WDSJ by asking students to fill out a dry erase board with what they think "The greatest injustice in the world is __". They stood behind a background of a jail cell because we want to lock those injustices up and eliminate them from people's lives. We were able to see the broad range of answers that students wrote and even have a thought provoking conversation with some on their choice.
We asked over people at Wayne State University, here’s how they responded >>>
The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed February 20th as World Day of Social Justice in 2007. Observation of WDSJ supports efforts of the international community in poverty eradication, the promotion of full employment and decent work, gender equity and access to social well-being and justice for all.
World Day of Social Justice GlobeMed at Wayne State University asked 15 people to answer the question / to fill in the blank‌
The greatest injustice in the world is ‌.
View more photos and quotes at globemed.org/wdsj
2013 Summit The student momentum The annual GlobeMed Global Health Summit brings together university students from across the nation for three days of intensive lectures and workshops with representatives from grassroots global health organizations and a range of experts.
2013 DELEGATES: Shreya Desai, Ani Mannari, Mrunalini Tankasala, Aryana Sharrak, Anita Vasudevan, Yashesh Parekh
It was so exciting to attend my very ďŹ rst Global Health Summit and meet others who have been a part of this great movement. Throughout the Summit, I was in awe of other GlobeMed members and their passion for promoting global health equity. I now consider many of the members and alumni to be my role models. —
Mrunalini Tankasala, c/o 2015
Our Future GlobeMed at WAYNE STATE University At the start of the summer, six of our members headed off to Kabale, Uganda on the GROW internship for an exciting 3 weeks. In mid-July, we are holding our annual eboard retreat at a local lakeside park where we will have lots of fun but also plan intensively for the coming semesters with lots of new ideas for campaigns and events. In the 2013-2014 year, we hope to start strong and recruit newly interested students, as well as keep our staff members fully engaged with stories from the internship and new information from our partner. We would love to kick off the new school year with a great event incorporating Dr. Geoffrey (KIHEFO's director), who will be making a trip to Detroit in fall 2013! Building on Dr. Geoffrey's passion and energy towards improving the poverty and health status in the Kigezi region, we would like to surpass our previous fundraising amount and raise at least $5000 this year for our nutrition projects. By 2015, our chapter would love to expand and build a relationship with a local organization that has the same values as GlobeMed and KIHEFO so that we are able to work hands on in the Detroit community to approach the problem of nutrition and health. To support GlobeMed at Wayne State University, make a contribution on our Razoo page: http://www.razoo.com/story/ Globemed-At-Wayne-State-University-Kihefo-Nutrition-Program. Remember, your donation will help improve the lives of over 120 children dealing with malnutrition as well as support agricultural projects in rural communities in the Kigezi region.
Finances In 2012 – 2013, GlobeMed at Wayne State University raised $1033 for KIHEFO to support projects in Kabale, Uganda. Revenue Events (Campaigns) Individuals
$783.87 $250
Internal Chapter Revenue
National Office Launch Grant TOTAL REVENUE
YES $1033.87
Expenses Campaigns
Sent to Partner Total sent to partner that was fundraised in the 2012-2013 academic year Total sent to partner that was fundraised prior to the 2012-2013 academic year TOTAL SENT TO PARTNER IN 2012-2013 Current Cash Position
$768.87 $0 $768.87 $235
Stay Connected Read more about our partner and project, and the GlobeMed network: globemed.org/impact/waynestate “Like” us on Facebook to find out about upcoming events. facebook.com/pages/GlobeMed-at-Wayne-State-University/ 244926868937095 Follow us on twitter at @wsuglobemed Follow our blog and join in on the discussion. globemedwsu.wordpress.com or wsuglobemed.tumblr.com
Check out our photos on globemed.smugmug.com/Waynestateuniversity. Find our chapter on razoo.com/story/Globemed-At-Wayne-State-University-KihefoNutrition-Program and make a donation to support our partner and project today. Email us at wsu@globemed.org to find out how you can get involved!
Executive Board Co-President
Ani Mannari
| ani.mannari@gmail.com
Shreya Desai
| shreya.desai@wayne.edu
GROW Coordinator
Murtaza Hussain
| azatrum52@gmail.com
GROW Coordinator
Rohan Patel
| ro.patel32@gmail.com
globalhealthU Coordinator
Anita Vasudevan
| ep4468@wayne.edu
globalhealthU Coordinator
Aryana Sharrak
| aryanasharrak@gmail.com
Campaign Coordinator
Mrualini Tankasala
| ej5624@wayne.edu
Campaign Coordinator
Madhumeeta Sanam | eq8560@wayne.edu
Director of Communications
Jasminder Phalore
Director of Communications
Devpreet Chahal
| ez6450@wayne.edu
Director of Community Building
Chad Coleman
| el0603@wayne.edu
Director of Community Building
Yashesh Parekh
| yashu1920@gmail.com
Anant Patel
| patelanant793@gmai.com
Director of Finances
A sincere thanks to the following advocates, mentors, donors, and colleagues for making our 2012 – 2013 year a great success:
THANK YOU INDIVIDUALS Nancy Galster Dr. Geoffrey Anguyo Trina Moyles Dr. Eric Montgomery Dr. Paul Kilgore Dr. Dick Raspa Dr. Chih Chuang
ORGANIZATIONS Wayne State University Irvin D. Reid Honors College Great Lakes Coffee Co. Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions
GlobeMed National Office 620 Library Place Evanston, IL 60201 847-467-2143 www.globemed.org
Copyright 2013 © GlobeMed. All rights reserved.