Spring 2015

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Living the Rodeo Dream Trick Roper and Rider Nancy Sheppard Tells Her Story

San Carlos Ranching Page 6

By Jenn Walker

The year must have been 1947 when a dazzling 17-year-old brunette adorned in orchids was entertaining a crowd at what was considered the largest and most prestigious rodeo at New York’s Madison Square Garden. The woman’s name is Nancy Sheppard. Her claim to fame is that she was the only woman who could stand on a running horse while spinning two ropes, one in each hand, at the same time. Sheppard is 85 years old now, yet the worldrenowned rodeo star still drives out to venues outside the sleepy town of Globe, where she resides, to perform trick roping for audiences. Sheppard, Continued on page 42

Safe House Page 10 A studio portrait of Sheppard in the ‘50s

Exploring Collections In Globe-Miami By Jenn Walker

There are perks and downsides to living in a small town. Sometimes it’s isolating. Perhaps that is why collectors seem to flourish in small towns like and Globe and Miami; because even if you’re living in a small town, you can bring different eras to life with a collection, surrounding yourself with colors and sentiments from times long past. GMT took the opportunity to chat with several local collectors and better understand the collector’s heart.

Collectors, Continued on page 44

Purveyors of Information Since 2006

Nancy Sheppard’s signature act was twirling two ropes while standing on a running horse.

CATS OF MIAMI By Autumn Giles

Have you ever wondered what’s up with all the painted cats in downtown Miami? Miami-based artist Marianne Collins remembers getting up around 5:30 a.m. and painting until it got too hot each day for months on storefronts, doorways, planters, and trash bins around Miami’s historic downtown. Her objective? To line the streets with 121 original painted cats and other creatures. “I had felt a civic duty to the Town of Miami in trying to add a little pizazz to the community,” Collins says, explaining the impetus for her project, which started in the spring of 1993 and continued through the later part of the year. Collins, who came to Miami in the early ‘90s from Washington state has painted on many different surfaces including the side of a diesel truck, a 150 pound slab of sandstone (her favorite), and over 2,000 copper splashes. Cats of Miami, Continued on page 40

Globe-Miami Water Page 31

Area Walking Maps Centerfold



Boyce Thompson Arboretum

These bugs are edible, wearable, and dining on a prickly pear near you Kim Stone

If you’re either squeamish or vegetarian, you may want to stop reading now. Why? Because not only are there tiny scale insects called cochineal hunkered down on the prickly pear cactus in your front yard, someone in Peru is collecting these same insects with the intent of adding them to your morning yoghurt. It sounds bizarre, like scorpions on a stick (the Arboretum gift shop sells those, by the way), but cochineal scale (Dactylopius sp.) has been used as a deep, rich, red dye for well over a thousand years. It is a native insect found throughout the Sonoran Desert and central and South America, as are the many species of prickly pear in the genus Opuntia that it relishes as its host plant. You’ve undoubtedly seen a prickly pear pad covered in overlapping blotches of what look like thin layers of fluffy-white buttercream frosting with a little red velvet cake showing through. Rub a pinch of this fluff between

Photo courtesy of T. Stone


your fingers and you will feel the gritty crunch of a dozen female insects who have just sacrificed themselves for your curiosity. The females build this waxy, white coating to protect themselves, but when discovered and crushed, their once-plump bodies exude a juicy, blood-like pigment that will stain your fingertips for hours in the same way that fibers like cotton have been dyed for centuries. With a garden hose, cochineal on a prickly pear is easily controlled with a sharply focused blast of water. But in places like La Joya, Peru and the Mala-Guatiza region of the Canary Islands, that wouldn’t be good business. There, these insects are not just encouraged, but farmed. Female cochineal scale insects lay eggs that hatch into six-legged nymphs called “crawlers.” The crawlers create a wispy filamentous wax which catches the wind and transport them to other pads and plants. They wander around until they find a place to their liking on a juicy pad, then sink their proboscis into it and spend the rest of their lives in this one spot, feeding on the sap. They go through several molts, lose their legs, and secrete a protective waxy coating (the frosting), eventually reaching maturity at about ¼ inch long.

Commercially, it’s at this stage when the individuals are harvested for their pigment. It takes about 70,000 female cochineal insects to make one pound of dye. Peru is the world’s largest supplier, sometimes inoculating a density of 25,000 prickly pears plants (predominantly Opuntia ficusindica) per acre with cochineal breeding stock. But cochineal farming only comprises 15% of Peru’s total output; the other 85% is harvested from the wild as a cottage industry.

Upcoming Events All events are free with paid admission unless noted. More information on the Arboretum’s website: arboretum. ag.arizona.edu. Admission $10 adults; $5 children 5-12. Winter hours 8am-5pm every day. Last admission 4pm.

April 16, 18, 23, 25 – Wildflower Walks April 16 – Bird Walk April 18 – Plants of the Bible Land tour April 18 – Painting with Light (fee) April 18 – Plant Diagnosis workshop April 19 – Writing workshop (fee) April 25 – Geology Tour April 25 – Butterfly Walk April 26 – Edible and Medicinal Plants walk April 26 – History Walk

When the Spanish empire reached Mexico in 1520, they found the Aztecs wearing textiles dyed with vibrant, color-fast hues of red derived from cochineal. Up to that point, the weaker “reds” of Europe had come from the roots of madder (Rubia tinctorum, a plant that’s growing in the Wing Memorial Herb Garden), and kermes, another dye derived from the body of an insect. When cochineal was brought to Europe, it was an immediate hit, lasting over 300 years as the predominant red coloration for fabrics, including the robes of kings and the uniforms of British redcoats. Cochineal began to lose ground to coal-tar based dyes in the 1850s, and then was lost to all but fiber artisans in the early 1920s with the wide availability of aniline dyes. But its popularity picked up again as an edible, natural colorant for food and cosmetics. Carminic acid is the principal red pigment in cochineal and its purified form is called carmine. Originally, in the U.S., cochineal was listed on food labels as “natural coloring,” but since 2009, the FDA has required that it be specifically identified as carmine or cochineal extract, in part, because of the occasional allergic reactions that it can generate. To satisfy my own curiosity, I spent two-hours in a local supermarket reading the ingredients for every conceivable food item with the faintest hint of a reddish hue. I found only four with a specific reference to cochineal, only a fraction of what I was expecting. They are: • Yoplait Original Strawberry yoghurt • Good and Plenty candy • Nesquik Strawberry mix • Dole Mixed Fruit in Black Cherry Gel In 2012, after customer pushback, the CEO of Starbucks announced that the company was phasing out cochineal extract from its Raspberry Swirl Cake and five other cochineal-laced products. This switchover may have set the stage for a larger food industry flight from the wide use of cochineal, which would explain why I found so few products listing it. At last check, Starbucks is using tomato-based lycopene rather than cochineal to color two of its strawberry drinks. Perhaps cochineal’s widest current use is in cosmetics, but there is pushback there, too. Several blogs and websites list “cochineal-free” cosmetic products, implying that cochineal is most likely present unless proven otherwise. No matter if you wear it, eat it, or paint it on your lips, cochineal is as natural as a rattlesnake in the moonlight. Whether you decide to use it depends on your personal ethics, your tolerance for the “ick” factor, and ultimately, how much it bugs you.

For more information: Call 520.689.2811 • Click Arboretum.ag.arizona.edu for more information. /boycethompsonarboretum • Follow /BoyceThompson • Find us on and on instagram.com/boycethompsonarboretum


EVOLUTION OF A ROBOT This article was originally published on our website in February. The TigeRobotics team was competing at the FIRST Robotics Competition at Grand Canyon University as this article went to press. Globe native Darrel Yerkovich is one of four mentors of TigeRobotics, Globe High School’s robotics team. In this piece, he guides readers through the process of building this year’s robot, as well as this year’s team and team work space. This was the second year since the team’s inception that TigeRobotics would compete in the FIRST Robotics Competition, an international competition attracting high school robotics teams from around the world to engineer and program robots capable of competing against other team robots. By Darrel Yerkovich; Photos by Jenn Walker

I’ve been mentoring TigeRobotics, Globe High School’s robotics team, for the past 13 months. Last year, we had a rocky start but still managed to be competitive. This year, we were able to build a robot that stacks trash cans and totes, which we will use to compete in this year’s FIRST Robotics Competition: Recycle Rush. The TigeRobotics team began their build season early last December by cleaning out what used to be the kiln room in the high school’s basement. After a few coats of paint and finally getting lighting to a bare minimum level, we had a clean slate to begin building our lab. We built some really simple work benches, and by the kick off on January 3, we were finally getting to the point where the lab and organization was really starting to pay off.

Team captain Sage Stenerson working on the robot toward the final stages of build season.


By January 7, we decided to repurpose a T-shirt launcher we previously built and use it to practice manipulating totes with. Until this point, we had been very optimistic about this year’s game. After a few experiments, however, we began to realize how critical it was for our robot to be able to interface with totes of any orientation very quickly. Early in January, BlueLine Rental brought a small army of equipment to demonstrate for the robotics club and provide some inspiration for our robot. We were primarily interested in the mechanical configuration of equipment. After a week of fierce deliberation discussing game theory, the action began with the initial assembly of this year’s drive base. Our ideas started taking shape. Inspired by BlueLine’s knuckle boom, we decided to build something similar to the lower portion of the lifting mechanism for our main lifting arms. After a bit of head scratching, we figured out that the mechanism used in the real world is slightly more complicated than it seems. However, by adding pulleys on each set of arms, we are able to make the lower arms rotate up the exact same amount, but in the opposite direction as the upper arms. Quite pleased with our ingenuity, we proceeded to create a competition-worthy set of arms. Dreaming up how the mechanism will work and finally deciding to go with one design is sometimes the most excruciating part. Once the main objective is relatively clear, it is easy to slowly and steadily toil away at the thousands, if not tens of thousands, of little steps that need to take place for a robot to be completed. On several recent occasions, we have been asked the question “How did you guys do that?” – a question that is actually much more difficult to answer than I would have thought. The TigeRobotics team didn’t just show

TigeRobotics transformed the old kiln room in the basement of Globe High School into their robotics lab.

Robotics, Continued on page 5


SPRING 2015 Publisher Linda Gross Creative Director Jenifer Lee

As thousands of graduates walk across the stage this spring to get their diploma, they have the satisfaction of knowing they earned their spot on that stage by completing the curriculum which brought them to this point. However, as Jon Stewart said in a commencement speech, “This will be the last time there is a curriculum to follow… the rest of life is an elective where the paths are infinite and the results uncertain.” The truth is, we are all constantly graduating as we move through life, from the familiar to the unknown, from the roles we know so well, to new ones which stretch our understanding of each other and the world around us. The one constant we can build upon is the ability to learn and act on what we learn. Our feature on the state of water in Globe-Miami reflects our concern over this important resource to the community and the challenges faced not just by us, but others throughout our country who are struggling to map a course of action which will ensure we have water in the future. (PP 31). It will take a new way of thinking about how we use - and value- water. The article provides an overview of where we stand today and the problems faced by those managing our aging infrastructure and future needs. I hope you’ll go to our website, where we welcome your comments on this issue. On a more personal level, the story on GlobeMiami’s Safe Home (pp 10) reveals just what it means to live with domestic violence and move beyond that life. It requires casting off what was learned in the past or accepted as normal, and finding a new normal. As harrowing as this journey is, many have been able to make the transition with a little help and a lot of courage. When it comes to living life and making the most of it, look no further than our top story on Nancy Sheppard, now age 85 (pp 1). Spend a few minutes with this Hall of Famer and you will understand how she has stayed at the top of her game for the last 70 years. She stays in motion. She recently completed a book: “Ridin’, Ropin’ & Recipes” (pp 37) and still accepts requests to perform roping gigs. If you’d like to catch the action, check out our video of her spinning ropes on our Facebook page. It is our top video of the year so far with over 5500 views!

The story of how a group of high school students, a few mentors and an English teacher went from novice status to geeky coolness in their quest to put Globe’s robotics program on the map is truly inspirational and a lesson in the art of learning (pp 3). As the paper went to press, we received word that Globe’s TigeRobotics just won at regionals and are on their way to compete in the championship, an international competition. (See the full story on our website.) And finally, a note to the many local readers who know that in addition to publishing this newspaper, I have also owned and operated Cedar Hill Bed and Breakfast (pp 7) for the last 18 years. Recently I put it up for sale, and it’s caused enough of a stir that I feel I need to let readers know: I’m not leaving the area. Your support has been heartwarming. Like many people I know, I simply want to downsize my housing footprint and declutter my ‘accumulations.’ I want to hold on to less stuff – and make room for more doing. My focus this year will be on several new projects at Globe Miami Times, including an annual travel guide for the region and a comprehensive guide to health and wellness. We’ve put out a call for writers, and I’ve been thrilled with the level of talent and number of resumes submitted. I would never have guessed that being a publisher for a small town newspaper would be something that I would love. It started out as a job and a way to make a living while I figured out what I really wanted to do after moving here to care for a parent. It turns out… this is what I really want to do. So I’ll leave you with a Steven Jobs quote from his 2005 commencement speech at Stanford University: “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” Wise words to those graduating from one stage… to the next.

Contributing Writers Jeff Baltese Maryn Belling Autumn Giles Linda Gross Libby Rooney Kim Stone Jenn Walker Darrel Yerkovich Contributing Photography Boyce Thompson Arboretum Staff Kenneth Chan Linda Gross Jenn Walker


Contact Information Linda Gross 175 E Cedar Street • Globe, AZ 85501 Office: (928) 961-4297 Cell: (928) 701-3320 Fax: (928) 425-4455 editor@globemiamitimes.com www.globemiamitimes.com

Published Four Times a Year January / April / July / October Copyright@2015 GlobeMiamiVisitorsGuide GlobeMiamiTimes All rights reserved. Reproduction of the contents of this publication without permission is strictly prohibited. The GlobeMiamiTimes neither endorses nor is responsible for the content of advertisements. Advertising Deadline: Camera ready artwork is due the 10th of the preceding month of publication. Design and photography services are available beginning at $35 hr. Display Advertising Rates: Contact Linda Gross at 928-701-3320 or e-mail sales@ globemiamitimes.com. Community Calendar: Interested in having your event showcased in our community calendar? Please send us an e-mail with all the details by the 15th of the month prior to our publication date. We will post your event online for FREE. Events posted in the paper are subject to space available. For guaranteed placement in the paper there is a nominal $39 fee for up to five lines.

SPRING 2015 Robotics, Continued from page 3

up, bolt a few things together and have a robot. The pieces and parts that make up this year’s robot are all very generic, and much of the robot is made from scratch via raw materials. In December, many of the students had never drilled through a piece of aluminium. By the end of January, we had students with enough proficiency to mentor other students within the club. Though the robotics lab is still very much a work in progress, we’re slowly hacking away at the little nuances that show we’re serious about robotics. By early February, we had a decent system of organization in the lab. Minus the high demand for 7/16 wrenches and sockets, we’re spending more of our time learning to work on the robot, and less time looking for things. Everything worked perfectly. The lift was able to move to 78" in height in a motion that is straight up and down. The only thing we were missing was the arms

TigerRobotics during build season in the lab.

to grab the totes. This is where it gets messy; FRC game rules require the entire robot to weigh less than 120 pounds. The weight of this robot was just about at 120 pounds. Unfortunately, 12 days before bag day and seven days from a practice match at Arcadia High School, we were forced to abandon this beauty in lieu of a lighter design. By Saturday afternoon, we had the robot torn all the way down to the drive base and were trying out some new configurations. Six days later, we had narrowly just enough time to complete our lifting arms, stack one tote, and then pack up for “Duel in the Desert” at Arcadia High School the next day. Duel in the Desert was the first time we’ve actively worked beside and competed with other teams since last year’s competition. Unlike most high school sports, FRC promotes a very active environment of mentorship and cooperation between competing teams. We were looking forward to spending the day learning from more experienced teams. To our surprise, however, before we could even finish unloading our stuff, other schools were asking us to help them with their robots. Many parts of the robot are handmade. Students It was wonderful to see all of the had to get up to speed on how to operate tools. robotics clubs working together

to solve the technical problems each team was experiencing. We especially worked closely with the Superior and San Carlos teams. In fact, since our time was so productive on Saturday, TigeRobotics hosted a work session on the following Monday to ensure that Superior and San Carlos would have competition-ready robots come April 2 through 4 at Grand Canyon University. We had just enough time to work out a few of the kinks we discovered at Duel in the Desert before we had to bag and tag our robot Tuesday night. (All teams competing in FIRST have to stop building their robot on the same day, and bag and store it until competition day.)


So, to answer the question, “How did you guys do that?”: perseverance. As Dean Kamen, the founder of FIRST, points out, “It is not about the robots.” It is about inspiring kids with what is possible with STEM and building the imagination and confidence of the individuals who will shape the future and who will have to make hard decisions. TigeRobotics has exceptional students who have demonstrated the will to learn and stick with it despite large obstacles, frequent failures and occasionally having to deal with a rather grumpy mentor. I am quite proud to be part of an organization that promotes real world experience rather than the usual sterility of classroom STEM education. Providing opportunities like this to students takes a lot of work and significant help from the community. I hope this support is continued and expanded as Miami High School begins their robotics program soon. Erik Hertwig, Kenneth Chan and RJ Castaneda have donated significant amounts of their free time to make this happen. If you appreciate the progress TigeRobotics has made, please reach out to these mentors with a warm thank you. Without them, this project would be nothing more than a box of parts and some aluminium. Please visit our website for coverage of the Regionals competition: www.globemiamitimes.com .



Cattle Ranching in San Carlos By Jenn Walker

The San Carlos Apache Reservation once attracted ranchers from all over the Southwest to buy cattle. When it came to cattle grazing, the land in San Carlos was considered the best of the best. The story of how this came to be dates back to the 1800s. A family with the last name of Stevens established two of the earliest cattle ranches on the San Carlos Apache Reservation. There, they were considered pioneers in developing the Apache cattle industry.

– The Early Years

later published a series of papers called “The San Carlos Indian Cattle Industry” in 1963. Getty explains that, prior to reservation life, Western Apaches primarily hunted, gathered food from plants, farmed, and, during the Spanish period, raided. After 1886, with the capture and imprisonment of Geronimo, the cattle-raising business exploded throughout the Southwest. Meanwhile, it was reported that the San Bob Stevens’ father, George Stevens, photographed at Bonita Well circa Carlos Reservation was not mid-60s. Photo courtesy of Bob Stevens large enough to sustain its Getty tells a similar story: residents through hunting and gathering, but “George H. Stevens, Commissary Sergeant in the that the reservation was good for grazing. United States Army, while on duty in the Forts, married According to one report cited by Getty, “It was an Apache girl. They settled on what is now the Double better than good, it was the best.” Circle Ranch headquarters about the year 1878. They ran “The Whites soon discovered this,” the cattle and sheep on what is now the entire east half of the report said, and it wasn’t long before they began reservation.” using reservation land to graze their cattle. Bob’s father, uncles, grandfather and great grandfather At the same time, the government had already would use the knowledge passed along to them to start up taken on the role of providing weekly rations to the people The R-100 Ranch; Photo by Jenn Walker the R-100 Ranch, otherwise known as the Arsenic Ranch, of San Carlos, including heads of cattle for beef. sometime in the 1920s. According to Bob, it is the oldest Now that his father and grandfather are gone, Bob People on the reservation were so anxious to obtain ranch on the reservation. Stevens — former wildland firefighter, well-known San stock-cattle that they were saving up their weekly In 1938, the Stevens turned R-100 over to the tribe for Carlos hunting, fishing and hiking guide, and recently rations. According to a report in 1878, one individual had the tribe’s benefit, Bob says, and moved down the road elected vice president of the Slaughter Mountain Livestock accumulated 43 heads of cattle, and the tribe had obtained about 10 miles, where they established the Slaughter Association — is trying to not only keep his family’s ranch 521 stock-cattle and 760 sheep total. Mountain Ranch that same year for their family. alive, but also the stories that came with it. In short, the Apaches, realizing that ranching was a The Slaughter Mountain Ranch covers roughly 90,000 “There is some knowledge I wish my dad would’ve left revenue-generating practice, would eventually adopt the acres. It is where Bob spent much of his childhood and me,” Bob says. “He left me with so much, he couldn’t leave industry, Bob says. would eventually work his first paid job. me with all of it, I guess.” The Stevens were some of the first to do so, he adds. One afternoon, Bob drives me out to the R-100 Ranching was not an inherent practice for Apaches. This is in part thanks to one of the Stevens’ distant relatives, and Slaughter Mountain ranches, a 50-mile drive from As Bob explains, it was more or less brought about by the an Irishman and rancher from Boston, who married a downtown San Carlos. people who oversaw the tribe back in those days. White Mountain Apache. The couple had their children in After following a long, winding road, we arrive at a This is explained further by anthropologist HarryT. Getty, Boston, but those children later came to San Carlos and prairie flanked by hills to either side in the distance. There who researched ranching in San Carlos extensively, and passed along their knowledge of ranching, Bob says. are no cars and no buildings in sight, just hills and an endless expanse of grass. He stops the truck. The R-100 Ranch was started by the Stevens family in the 1920s. “This is where a lot of ranching history began,” he says. Photo by Jenn Walker He points toward the hills. Halfway up to the ridges, pipe was laid to feed water to tanks below. In the old days, he says, cowboys would round up cattle from R-100, Slaughter Mountain, Ash Creek, and the Point of Pines ranches, and bring them down to the prairie. They would then catch the Yellow Jacket Trail to the Gila River, heading for Calva, which is further south on the San Carlos Reservation. There, they would sell their cattle at a big sale. It was a 50-mile journey that lasted a good week. Bob’s father was part of that journey — he used to sit in a wagon with the cook. “As far back as I can remember, I used to come up here with my dad,” Bob says as we continue the drive. “Some of my earliest memories are up here. I remember them like they just happened yesterday.” It’s not long before we arrive at the R-100 Ranch, where Bob’s father grew up. He estimates that it covers 50 to 60,000 acres. To this day, the tribe still manages cattle Ranching, Continued on page 7

SPRING 2015 Ranching, Continued from page 6

at the ranch, although numbers have decreased due to the drought. We get out of the truck. Out in front of us, Bob points toward old watering troughs. There used to be a huge barn next to them. Back in the ‘50s and ‘60s, there were live auctions here, he says. It was a week-long sale attracting ranchers from neighboring towns and states. “Semis used to line this road,” he says. “At that time, San Carlos was known for having some of the best cattle in the Southwest. It was all free-range... The cattle here run pretty hearty for being free-roaming.” A short drive down the road, and we arrive at Slaughter Mountain Ranch. With the exception of a few birds and a breeze creeping through the trees, it is silent. The buildings are rustic and showing age — after all, the ranch has been there 78 years, and many of the structures, like the stockman’s house, were built in the ‘50s and ‘60s. But Bob can remember some of the ranch’s best years, when seven to 10 semis would come to the ranch to haul cattle. Otherwise, not much has changed here, he adds. Life on a ranch is often a quiet, somewhat solitary existence. As he shows me around, Bob begins recalling old memories. By age 13, he was working his first paid job at Slaughter Mountain, helping the stockman, who acted as the ranch’s caretaker. There is always something to do on a ranch, whether it is fixing fences, branding and rounding up cattle, checking windmills and wells, fixing holding pins, fixing vehicles, or “cutting cattle” —separating the old and sick cattle from the young steers. That was back in the summer of ’77. He made $200. He continued to work at the ranch on and off until he was about 17.

He points out different spots, bringing each one back to life, like the bunking area where all the cowboys used to stay, or the windmill, where cowboys would sometimes set up camp near. He points out the tree that he used to skin deer beneath, and the trees that the cowboys pitched tents under.

The different brands can be seen on this rafter inside the barn at Slaughter Mountain Ranch. Photo by Jenn Walker

We step a few paces away to the cook’s shack. “This shack has been hear longer than I’ve been alive,” he says. “As a boy, I slept under here.” He shows me the old fire pit, once used to warm the dutch oven. When the cowboys came home at night, the cook would have food prepared over the fire. Bob’s favorite memory as a boy is of his father waking him up long before sunrise and giving him a slingshot

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and a flashlight, and instructing him to catch quail in the trees. The cook would already be awake preparing a meal for the cowboys. Stevens would walk down to the wash, wake up the quail with a beam of light, and then kill it with a slingshot. About 30 minutes later, he would come back with the dead quail and give it to the cook. Then his father would send him back to bed. By the time Bob woke up, his dad would be gone with the cowboys for the morning round-up, and the cook would have the quail cooked for Bob’s breakfast. Our last stop is the old barn. There are branding irons scattered just outside the saddle room. There used to be at least 20, Bob says. “I used to talk with my dad here and wait for the cowboys to come home,” he remembers. Outside the barn are the cattle stalls. There used to be hundreds of cattle in them, Bob remembers. Nowadays, a few guys from the association might come round up some cattle and take them to a sale. In the old days, cowboys used to round up cattle once in the spring and once in the fall, Bob says. They would set up a tent camp, and they would spend at least a month separating cattle to brand, and then transported them to holding pins. There are present challenges in the ranching industry, Bob says, but nonetheless, things at Slaughterhouse Ranch are looking up. “Our ranch is doing a lot better,” he says. “We have better ideas and more volunteering of equipment, machinery and time.” “Dad always told us not to let the ranch fall into other people’s hands too much,” he adds. “He told us to always have a say in the decision-making end of it.” Following his father’s footsteps, Bob is heeding his father’s advice to help ensure that the ranch lives on.

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oah Argual loves to be in the kitchen. To please his palate, he cooks up dishes dominated with the colors of red peppers, kale, mushrooms, tomatoes, cilantro and parsley, and infused with spices such as cumin, turmeric, coriander and paprika. He has two criteria in mind when he is in the kitchen: taste, and also health. Argual is a clinical pharmacist. He received his Doctor Story and photos by Jenn Walker of Pharmacy degree from Idaho State University, and he has been working in the pharmacy at San Carlos for the last year. He, along with another co-worker, is also in charge of the diabetes program, a sort of pharmacy-based diabetes care clinic. Yet, Argual suggests that medication should be used as a last resort for treatment. When he is in his own kitchen, he chooses to follow Hippocrates’ advice: “Let medicine be thy food and let food be thy medicine.” In Argual’s opinion, often times the best medicine is simply food. It is a concept he hopes to pass on to his patients by setting an example. “If people ate a fresh diet, we wouldn’t have a lot of the health problems we have today,” he says. “I’ve wanted to know how my body works. And if you know how the body works, then you know how medication works,” he says. “Now I’m learning more about nutrients.” Whichever ingredients Argual is blending into his dishes, he is consistently considering their health properties and impact. Cumin, for instance, helps in weight loss, decreases body fat and improves unhealthy cholesterol (LDL), he says. Turmeric works as an anti-inflammatory, like Ibuprofen, he adds, and when combined with black pepper, it has antiNoah, who preferred to have his food photographed instead cancer properties. Meanwhile, coriander helps you sleep. of he and his wife, can be seen here in the background. When it comes to flour, Argual chooses to use whole grain, unbleached flour instead of bleached, white flour, substitute coconut oil for olive oil when possible. in order to benefit from the nutrients of the flour when it When I arrive, he and Tara have already prepared is unbleached. zaalouk, and he hands me the bowl so I can try it. Zaalouk “In white, bleached flour, all the nutrients are gone. You is a common Moroccan dish that can be served hot or eat, but you still feel hungry,” he says. cold with bread. It is not difficult to make; spices are the “And when you’re hungry, your brain shuts down. important part. The eggplant is sautéed and then simmered That’s why you go buy fast food,” he continues. “If you are with tomatoes and spices — namely cumin, turmeric, consuming a nutrient-dense diet, you won’t feel hungry.” paprika, cilantro, parsley, garlic and salt.


Argual uses unbleached flour in his flat bread for its health benefits. Here, his wife prepares the dough.

That is why balanced meals are key, he says. “My goal is to make the healthiest food that I can,” he adds. “My wife and I treat our food as daily medicine.” When GMT pays a visit to his kitchen on a Sunday afternoon, Argual, along with the help of his wife Tara, is in the process of preparing a feast. Argual is originally from Morocco. He has been in the U.S. since 2001; and on this particular day, his wife requested some Moroccan food. The Moroccan influence is probably most evident based on the must-haves in his kitchen, which includes garlic, cumin, turmeric and ginger. Also, Argual’s dishes call for veggies, and lots of them. What he generally tries to avoid, on the other hand, are carbs, MSG and saturated fats. For instance, he tries to

The tomato mixture for harira soup before blending. Fresh ingredients like these are a staple in Argual’s kitchen.

I try the zaalouk by itself on a spoon. It’s garlicky and slightly tangy. The cooked eggplant is chunky and has a nice consistency. It leaves a nice after-taste. Tara prepares a hearty Moroccan bread made of unbleached flour, salt, honey, yeast and olive oil. Once it comes out of the oven, it makes an excellent match broken from the loaf and dipped into the zaalouk. As Argual chops vegetables, he is quick to point out that he cuts them with a ceramic knife, because unlike a steel knife, a ceramic knife supposedly won’t oxidize whatever food is being cut. Back home, Argual’s father was a potato farmer. There was always fresh produce around, like potatoes, onions, cauliflower, carrots and eggplants. This upbringing, Argual explains, influenced his emphasis on a vegetable-rich diet.

Argual began cooking when he left Morocco at 21. His mom was no longer around to cook for him, so he had the choice between eating out or learning how to cook for himself. He chose the latter, and began experimenting in the kitchen. As he cooks, he remembers one of the first dishes he ever made — it was a concoction of chickpeas, lentils and peppers that he made for 10 people. “It was awful,” he says. “I remember because my roommates invited a couple Moroccans over, and they said ‘What is this?’” He has come a long way since then. “I’m always comfortable in the kitchen,” he says with a shrug of his shoulders. A little observation reflects this. As he is cooking, he isn’t measuring any of his ingredients. Next, he is preparing the ingredients for harira, a typical Moroccan soup. The soup base is made of chickpeas, fava beans, lentils, onion, turmeric, coriander, ginger, cinnamon, salt and pepper. Meanwhile, Tara prepares a tomato mixture in their blender — a Ninja. The mixture consists of onion, tomatoes, celery, lemon, parsley and cilantro. “It’s the most common soup,” he says. “Every Moroccan family has it.” The tomato mixture then is combined with the soup base in the pressure cooker, one of his favorite kitchen devices. He uses it to cook other things like lamb, beef, chicken or beans. Argual throws chickpeas on top. Then he mixes flour, egg and water, and adds it to the soup, too, along with a pinch of saffron, straight from Morocco. The soup cooks in the pressure cooker for about 30 minutes before it is ready. This, too, makes a nice match with the bread. The flour mixture adds just a hint of thickness to the soup, but it is not too heavy, and the spices give it a robust, slightly spicy flavor. Meanwhile, Argual moves on to his own invented dish. He calls it “Noah’s Creative Dish.” It is especially healthy, he explains, because it contains no oil. The key is to cook the dish at a low heat of 150 degrees. That way, he doesn’t deplete the nutrients, and it doesn’t burn. He cooks it in layers. First, he cooks the onions, without oil. After a few minutes, he layers slices of tilapia on top, preventing the fish from burning. He adds a third layer of bell peppers, a fourth layer of cilantro, and kale on top. The key to this dish is the concoction of spices that he pours over the top: lemon juice, garam masala, cumin, garlic, turmeric, coriander, paprika and a little water. It cooks for roughly 15 minutes. The spices soak into the tilapia and vegetables, but don’t overpower them. The last dish on the table is a flavorful salad composed of cucumber, tomato and onion. It is drizzled with lemon juice and olive oil, which make for a light yet juicy dressing. It’s topped with mint and cilantro, complementing the taste of the onion. Cooking up such a meal is a Sunday tradition in Argual’s kitchen. It is a four to six-hour process, but it has lasting benefits. A huge meal cooked on Sunday means leftovers, so he and Tara can take them to work for lunch instead of eating out or buying fast food. “They make that food to sell, not to make you healthy,” he says. Full and satisfied, we finish off our meal with tea, served Moroccan-style and infused with mint. “This will help you digest,” he says, as he pours steaming tea into the cups. The after effect of the evening is a pleasant one — feeling full of good food, and nourished. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


This Issue’s Git ‘Er Done Award Goes To...

The Maintenance Couple Matt and Barbara Kannegaard By Jenn Walker

Normally GMT features one person in the Git ‘Er Done series. However, Matt and Barbara Kannegaard are a team, and it would be nonsensical to recognize one without the other. What is clear is that the husband and wife duo believe in community growth. It is evident through the projects they work on as business owners, as well as the time they devote to community projects outside of work. If you are a local, you probably recognize Matt and Barbara’s (better known as Barb) familiar faces. Barb is a Miami native, and Matt might as well be, considering the two were high school sweethearts. The two are also the faces of RAM Specialists, LLC, along with their son Luke, their design and engineering support. Barb manages the office and The Kannegaards at this year’s Backhoe Rodeo. Matt manages operations. RAM stands for Rural Matt organized activities and Barb ran the Arizona Maintenance Specialists; it’s a business concession stand. Photo by Jenn Walker that they began in 1994. Providing their labor and equipment to various local industries, they specialize in a bit of everything: welding, rigging, crane services, home repairs and building fences, to name a few. They also tear down, refurbish, reassemble, pack and ship new or used mining equipment, using a 17.5-ton lift truck to do so. Sometimes that means fulfilling special needs jobs at reduced rates. If someone asks if RAM can bring a crane, they’ve shown up with one, even on short notice. “We go just about anywhere and do just about anything,” they agree. They have installed sports lighting at the Pinal Little League Field. They worked on sewer treatment for both the City of Globe and Superior. They have used their crane to lift air conditioning units for the likes of Circle K, Hollis Cinema and Apache Gold Casino. (To their knowledge, they’re the only crane company in town.) In 2012, the RAM crew moved the Arizona Silver Belt’s old linotype, a massive relic dating back to the ‘30s, to Bullion Plaza Museum. They also painted the exterior later that year. After many years spent as a tramp miner, working at the Centennial Development in Utah to the Magma Superior and Magma San Manuel Copper mines here in Arizona, Matt eventually saw a niche to move and rebuild mine equipment. In 1994, Matt mortgaged his and Barb’s house, placed a sealed bid at auction, and bought the building that is now RAM headquarters. Initially, the business was RAM Engineering; in 2000, it was renamed RAM Specialists. Matt insists that Barb’s favorite hobby is work. However, even outside of work, the two make it a point to help out in the community. Matt had been involved in Boomtown Spree, Miami’s historic mining competition, for 20-plus years. Using his mining connections, he was able to pull in yearly sponsor funds for the event. He also helped coordinate the event alongside others. “I was everything from the lowly helper to the president,” he says. “We poured our hearts into it.” Unfortunately, Boomtown Spree has been waning in recent years, primarily because of lack of volunteers. This year, Matt and Barb were volunteers at the Backhoe Rodeo, an event they have volunteered for in the last three years. The event is sponsored by the Copper Cities and Globe Rotary clubs. The morning of this year’s rodeo, Barb was working the concession while Matt and Luke were organizing the activities and mapping out the courses. Along with United Rental, Volvo, and Empire Cat, RAM Specialists also lent their equipment to the cause, including their John Deere Skid Steer. Matt has been a member of the Miami Copper Cities Rotary Club since 1996, and has held almost every position, including former president, while Barb has been an honorary member for the last 10 years. “Rotary just instills social-mindedness into you,” Matt says. Both Matt, as well as Luke, serve on the Bullion Plaza Museum Board of Directors. Meanwhile, Barb was president of the band booster club of the Miami High School Band, and now currently serves as president of the Miami Friends of the Library group. In sum, “We all pitch in and do things,” Barb says.




Globe-Miami Safe Home Provides A New Start By Libby Rooney

Sara speaks with gratitude of a life she never imagined she could have. Settling into her new home, furnished through generous donations of second-hand furniture, her possessions are humble, the space is small, but she and her children are safe. She has a job, actually two jobs. She is studying to complete her GED. "I'm going to be a mechanic," she says. "I like working with my hands." She is willing to work hard to not fall back into a life of domestic abuse, a life she escaped from a little less than two years ago. Sara is a survivor and an unfortunate statistic. Her experience is a classic example domestic violence. "My oldest has seen it all," she says. She speaks in a calm voice, as if her partner’s exhibitions of rage were normal, as if chairs thrown across the room, being attacked with a knife, choked, and threatened with a gun were not anything out of the ordinary. The only witnesses to the terrible abuse she endured were her two small children. "Don't do that to my mom," her daughter would plead, pulling at her father's pant leg.

"She saved me," Sara says of her oldest, now barely school age daughter. A previous resident of the Globe Miami Horizon Domestic Violence Safe Home, Sara is now a “Non-Residential” client of the emergency shelter for women and families under the threat of domestic violence. The shelter, which has been open since 1998, was established by Horizon Human Services, a nonprofit organization licensed by the State of Arizona to provide a variety of outpatient and residential services. Sara isn't her real name, but, for the sake of anonymity, it's a good name. Victims of domestic violence need the protection of anonymity. They also need distance from a situation that is dangerous, and they need a safe environment to think clearly and prepare a plan for a better future. They need time to heal and they need support, both emotional and financial. They need guidance on how to find a new home and employment, how to take advantage of educational opportunities, and how to be

Carolyn Gillis - Program Supervisor, Gwen Carroll - House Advocate, Lorraine Woodie - Advocate, Shaunae Casillas - Advocate

good mothers to their children, who are also victims of violence, be it firsthand or as witnesses. They sometimes need legal advice, and often, having fled with nothing but the cloths on their back, they need trivial things like shampoo, a change of underwear or a bottle to comfort their infant child. In a very holistic way, they need someone to care. Sara needed all these things, and Horizon Safe Home opened its doors and resources to her, as it has done for so many other victims, giving her the support she needed to start over.

What is a Safe Home?

Releasing purple balloons in remembrance of all those lost to domestic violence as well as those still fighting the fight.

Primarily, a safe home offers a temporary, emergency shelter to those fleeing domestic violence and abuse. For people like Sara, a safe home is a means for a new start. The Globe Miami Horizon Domestic Violence Safe Home is a 14-bed facility with a shared kitchen, living room, family room and a small backyard where children can enjoy some playground equipment while moms can watch from the shaded veranda. The garage of the Safe Home has been converted into office space used for the many programs the team promotes in the community: First Things First, which helps parents and their small children; projects raising awareness, such as the Clothesline Project, which exposes the "dirty laundry" of sexual violence; the Purple Light Nights project, which pays tribute to the victims who have lost their lives to domestic violence; and the essential Hotline for emergency calls, to name a few. Last year, the Horizon Safe Home gave shelter to 106 women and children. The average length of residence was 29 nights. So far this year, the numbers appear to be going up. "The abuse is out there," says Carolyn Gillis, the Safe Home’s program supervisor.

Abuse crosses socioeconomic borders, and it victimizes both women and men. The Globe Miami Safe Home is not equipped to accept male clients, but the team does help abused men contact facilities that can provide assistance. The Globe Miami Safe Home is run by a dedicated few. In addition to Gillis, there is Gwen Carol, the on-site Safe Home manager, as well as Shaunae Casillas and Lorraine Woodie, who add their experience to the team of dedicated employees. "We all do whatever needs to be done," Casillas says. They pick up new residents, check them in, buy groceries, give cooking lessons, sort through donations, clean toilets, and run the Safe Home office. They answer the 24-hour Hotline, they run support groups, they provide activities for resident children, and they promote awareness projects in the community. If a resident child needs company as he watches TV on the couch, they do that too. It's a job that requires ears that know how to listen, arms that know how to hug and a heart more open than most. Other crucial personality traits for the Safe Home team include being nonjudgmental and having a sense of humor, because, without an occasional smile, it's just too hard. When I asked Carol how they know what to do, she answered, "Our training is our everyday life and our hearts." Of course, Horizon Human Services provides the team with extensive training through seminars, professional trainings and webinars, but it is their own individual drive to help heal the wounds of violence that give these women the backbone they need to support victims. Every member of the Safe Home team could have chosen to work somewhere Safe Home, Continued on page 11

SPRING 2015 Safe House, Continued from page 10

else, somewhere easier, but having all experienced domestic violence in their own lives, they understand better than anyone the sadness and heartbreak, and, as a result, are better equipped to help the people who require the Safe Home’s services. I asked the Safe Home team about their personal moments of satisfaction. Gillis told the story about a teenage boy who invited them to his high school graduation.

like fear, shame, and the false hope that things will get better because the violent partner "has changed." Sara says she simply didn’t know any other options. She didn't know how she would survive on her own, and that her life could be different. About two years ago, Sara arrived at the Horizon Safe Home, passed on from another, out-of-state safe house. Gillis remembers Sara in those first days as being angry, argumentative and suspicious of everyone. She did not trust the earnest efforts of the Safe Home team to help her, and after only a few days, she left without telling anyone, returning to her abuser.

support that makes the many challenges of Sara’s new beginning manageable.

How To Help This year, the Horizon Domestic Violence Safe Home will hold its third annual "Hats Off" Champagne Brunch. It will be held at Dream Manor Inn on the outskirts of Globe on May 2. The event is a wonderful opportunity for women to socialize and nibble on quiche and pastries with a glass of bubbly in hand. Participants are invited to wear their most wonderful hats in honor of the great work being done at the Safe Home.


Most importantly, the event will help fund the many services the Safe Home provides women and children in dangerous environments. So, with hats on your heads and brave hearts wide open, don't forget to buy tickets to the third annual benefit event for the Horizon Domestic Violence Safe Home. There will be a silent auction, an exciting competition of hat creativity, friends, neighbors, and brunch (of course). Tickets are limited, so don't wait to reserve a table or individual seat. Contact Carolyn Gillis at cgillis@horizonhumanservices. org or 928-402-8032.

Since 1920

Representing Fine Jewelry Bulova and Citizen Watches Musical Instruments We can help you find just the right gift for the special people in your life. fe. We do lay away & custom engraving. g.

135 No. Broad, Globe, AZ 85501 | 928.425.7300 Carolyn Gillis, Lorraine Woodie and Gwen Carroll

He told them, "This wouldn't have happened without you." Remembering her own personal moment of satisfaction, Woodie answered, "When [Sara] came back and thanked me, that meant so much." "It makes you appreciate your kids, your family, that you have a safe place to go," Casillas added.

Life in the shadow Sara married young, her husband was seven years her senior. In and out of safe houses in different cities and different states for the last six years, Sara and her two children have never known a safe home environment. "The abuse started when I had our daughter," Sara says. Like many victims of domestic violence, after escaping her abusive partner to a safe house, she returned to him more than once, and the violence would always begin again.

Why do victims return? Often it is a matter of low self-esteem. The victim will believe the abuser's accusations that his or her wrath was caused through the victim’s own bad behavior. The victim thinks he or she can control or prevent future outbursts of violence by being everything their partner asks and by not making mistakes. Victims return to abusers for other reasons, too,

A few months later, Sara came back to the Safe Home. She was finally beginning to understand that her life and the life of her children would never improve as long as she stayed with her violent partner. The Safe Home team welcomed her back, giving her another chance, and Sara began the hard work of starting over. She has not returned to her abusive partner since.

Starting Over As hard as it is to be a single mother, Sara is motivated by how far she's come. It's the little things that seem amazing, like having her own money and learning to manage her family budget, helping her children with their homework, and taking care of household chores without fear of violence. Sara goes to counseling, which is helping her understand the dynamics of abusive relationships and also is helping her overcome substance abuse. (Drugs were the tool her partner would use to keep her under control, and drugs were the self-medication she used to numb her pain and fear.) At the time this article was being written, Sara had not used drugs for 11 months. Even though Sara is no longer a resident of the Safe Home, the team continues to help her with things like babysitting and transportation from time to time. It's the kind of support a friend or relative would give, and it's the kind of

Price * Selection * Service Open 6 D O Days a W Week Mon-Fri 9:30-5:30 • Sat 9:30-4:00



CONCERTS • FESTIVALS • FAIRS Country Thunder When: April 9-12 Where: Florence Cost: General Admission $75 per day, or purchase multi-day passes. This blockbuster four-day concert brings in some of the finest talent from around the country. Whether you plan to go for a day or camp out and catch the whole show, the event’s organizers have you covered. https://arizona.countrythunder.com

Sharlot Hall Museum – Folk Arts Fair

Globe-Miami Farmers’ Market

When: June 6-7; 10am-5pm Where: Prescott Traditional 19th century folk arts with demonstrations and workshops. www.sharlot.org

When: June–August; Saturdays 8am -11am Where: Veterans’ Park-Globe City Hall This is the 5th season of the Farmers' Market. Each Saturday the market opens from 8am-11am with fresh, local produce and a smattering of art, fun and games and great conversation. Please plan to support local growers. For more details on the market contact Holly Brantley, Market Manager at 928-701-3097 or our check out the facebook page.

12th Annual Lavendar Festival When: June 18-28; 9am-3pm (Held over two four-day weekends) Where: Red Rock, Concho, AZ Everything is coming up lavender! This wonderful festival brings you a spectacular array of lavender plants, products and fun. Held over two weekends in June, the entry fee is just $5. www.redrockfarms.com/lav-festival

Apache Independence Day When: June 18th Where: Downtown San Carlos Celebrating Apache Independence Day; Volleyball tournament, horseshoes, frybread contest, pageant and more. Please see our Facebook page for more information at www.facebook.com/ sancarlosapachetribe.

CULTURAL CVRMC Annual Health Fair 2015 When: April 11; 9:00am-1:00pm; 5K Run begins at 8:00am / Fair begins at 9:00am Where: Cobre Valley Regional Medical Center 5880 So Hospital Dr, Globe, AZ Cost: Free Admission This will be the 5th year of the Health Fair and it gets bigger every year. Free health screenings, health and wellness booths, craft fair, auto show, children’s activities, salsa contest and a “Get Fit” run. This is great for the whole family!

Globe’s 31st Annual Historic Home & Building Tour When: April 11-12; 9am-3pm. (Last tours leave at 3pm) Where: Globe Hosted by the Globe Miami Chamber, the tour showcases a variety of the local homes and commercial buildings. The tour begins at the Train Depot, where you pick up your copper ticket and take a shuttle to each of the stops on the route. Festivities also include a chili luncheon, antique show and performance by the Globe Centennial Band. For more information call the chamber at 928-425-4495.

Verde Valley Fair When: April 29-May 3 Where: CottonwoodFairgrounds Pull on your boots and enjoy a county fair with country roots. www.vvfair.com

Cinco de Mayo Celebration When: May 3 10am-10pm Where: Old Dominion Parking Lot Sponsored by Holy Angels Catholic Church. Hometown celebration with musical groups, kids corner, talent show and beer & margarita garden.


JULY 4th Celebrating Independence Day Globe-Miami When: July 4th Where: Tailings Dam across from WalMart Come watch the best fireworks around as FMI once again hosts a fantastic firework show from the top of the tailings dam. Show begins at dusk.

WATCHABLE WILDLIFE Wildlife Fair When: May 9; 9am-3pm Where: Payson Wildlife-based activities during the 21th Annual Payson Wildlife Fair. Parents and kids can fish, play games and get a close-up look at wildlife. http:// paysonrimcountry.com/Activities/Special-Events/ Wildlife-Fair

Events Calendar, Continued on page13

SPRING 2015 Events Calendar, Continued from page 12

Verde Valley Birding and Nature Festival When: April 23-26 where: Verde Valle This nature festival has been going on for fourteen years and is known as the friendliest birding festival around. www.birdyverde.org

FUNDRAISERS 3rd Annual Domestic Violence “Hats Off” Champagne Brunch When: Sunday, May 2; 9:30am-12:20 pm Where: Dream Manor Inn This event is sold out each year, as it raises funds to support the local Safe Home. It includes a program, silent auction and champagne brunch. For more details please contact Carolyn Gillis 928-402-8032.

Relay for Life Where: May 15-16; 6pm-6am Where: Harbison Field, Globe Relay for Life events bring together communities from all over the globe to both honor cancer survivors, bring awareness to the disease and raise funds for the American Cancer Society in fighting cancer and coming up with a cure. For details on the local event, please visit www.relayforlife. org/coppervalleyaz.


RODEOS Gary Hardt Memorial Rodeo When: May 16-17 at 7 pm Where: Payson Event Center, Payson. Honors Payson native, Gary Hardt, a well known roper and member of the Rodeo Cowboys Association. Benefits local youth.

Prescott Frontier Days – Worlds Oldest Rodeo When: June 29-July 5 When: Prescott Rodeo Grounds This rodeo attracts over 20,000 spectators and brings in top talent, headliner shows and crowd pleasing attractions. The five day event includes a rodeo dance, the Kiwanis Kiddie Parade, Arts and Crafts Show, Cowboy Church and more. For tickets or to see the complete schedule of events visit www.worldsoldestrodeo.com.



Old Tales of Law & Order Madam Jennie Scott and Her Clashes With The Law By Jenn Walker

For a brothel operator, you could say Madam Jennie Scott had it rough in Globe. She ran her brothel in Globe's red light district, yet had constant run-ins with the law. On June 18, 1891, she was arrested for "offense of good morals" – supposedly she was not a favorable lady among the so-called decent women of Globe. The case went to trial, and the verdict came back not guilty. Several months later, Sheriff J.H. “Rimrock” Thompson arrested her. The charges read that "said named defendant did unlawfully carry upon her person a certain loaded pistol and did discharge the same on the street in Globe." When the school of trustees built a new school near downtown Globe, a complaint was made that Scott's brothel was too close in proximity to the school. An earlier law passed by the territorial legislature stated that "no house of ill fame shall operate within 400 yards of any courthouse, city hall or other public building." Scott fought with the school board. The Gamblers and Bartenders Union passed a resolution: "Move the damned school," and presented it to the sheriff. A man by the name of Alex Pendleton was hired to measure the distance between Scott's establishment and the school. He and his nephew measured the distance with a measuring tape, stretching it from the school, across Broad Street and Pinal Creek to Scott's place. Pendelton concluded that her business could only be ran in the back rooms of her building. In response, she simply moved things down the hall and stayed in business until 1917. That year, the US Army, which had troops stationed in Globe, threatened to declare Globe out of bounds if the brothel remained in operation. That was the end of Scott's red-light establishment. Original version of the story found at the Gila Historical Museum.


The obvious. FRESH produce. Produce sold at the market runs the gamut – you'll find standard favorites like zucchini, tomato, garlic, peppers, green beans, greens, apples and peaches, to more exotic things like kohlrabi, mesquite beans and figs. See a familiar face. Or ten. Isn't that what small towns are all about? Raffles! Who doesn't like getting handed a free bag of goodies? Enjoy a Globe summer morning. The market starts at 8 a.m., you know, the best time to be outside in summer. SWEETS! If you show up early enough, you might get your hands on a pecan pie or brownie... before it goes home with someone else. Support local gardeners and farmers. Many of the sellers at the market are our own local folks, some of whom are WIC certified. Live music. Get serenaded with guitars or the occasional tambourine while you peruse the goods. Get the little ones out n' about. The market offers fun stuff for kids: think water balloons, bubbles, painting... Fresh flowers. You might walk away with the biggest sunflower you've ever had. If you still need a reason (really?), you can also find: potted plants, fresh eggs, homemade bread and soaps, jams and jellies, jewelry, honey, handmade aprons, hand-painted rocks... We're probably forgetting something. The Globe-Miami Farmers' Marketwill be held from the first weekend of June to the last weekend in September. The market starts at 8am on Saturdays at 150 N. Pine Street.



The Society Page


Boys and Girls Club Annual Dinner March 27 At this year's annual dinner at Dream Manor Inn, The Boys and Girls Club of East Valley/Globe Branch honored Gerry Kohlbeck who passed away in January. Kohlbeck was a long time supporter of the club and donated his time and much of the materials to establish the club’s facility here. A scholarship in his name raised over $2,000 to help kids who need financial assistance become members and participate in the Club’s programs. “Champions of Children” – Mike Pastor (Gila County Board of Supervisors), Michelle Duenas (Grants Manager, Boys & Girls Clubs of the East Valley), Fernando Shipley (Globe Boys & Girls Club Branch Board President), and Mike Neil (Boys and Girls Clubs of the east Valley, Corporate Board President).

Michelle and John Marcanti, (Gila County Board of Supervisors) – another strong supporter of the local club and the programs it offers children in our community.

Ramon Elias, Boys & Girls Clubs of the East Valley President & CEO

Board President, Fernando Shipley and IDA Board Member, Stan Gibson.

Travis Holder from FMI accepted an award on behalf of Freeport McMoRan for their ongoing support of the club. There was talk of “Gerry’s Kids” that evening and all he did to support the local Boys and Girls Club …but here are Gerry’s women who always supported him; Kim Bryant, Tracy Quick and Amy Measeles.

Monthly Chamber Mixer McSpadden Ford ~ March 19

The Shipley family: (L-R) Brandon, Caressa, Denise and Fernando Mona Dixon, keynote speaker, with Michelle. Dixon was homeless up to the age of ten and says it was through the kindness of a stranger, she was able to enroll in Boys and Girls Club. Since that time she has made good use of the education and guidance she received there, becoming the club’s National Spokeswoman of the Year in 2010 and now travels extensively speaking to groups around the country about the impact Boys and Girls Clubs everywhere have on children’s lives. Gary Murrey, the COO of Apache Gold General manager, Mark Appel discussing Casino/Resort with wife Kristie and Bryan some of the new car options with Mary Ann Seppala, with Resolution Copper Moreno and Pearl Nancarrow

James "Mac" Freezor of IDA and his wife came from Payson. Shown here with Carrie Heglund, the District Manager for Southwest Gas and Mickie Nye, business owner and former Board President of the Boys and Girls Club in Globe.

McSpaddden’s new service manager, Mike Horwitz comes from Indianapolis and has over thirty years of experience as a service manager. Shown here with Nikkie Barber, the service advisor.

Owners Udon and Kim McSpadden, along with Chamber Director Ellen Kretch greeted people at the door with raffle tickets for the evening.



Center for the Arts • February 14th

Miami High School • February 18 The 2nd annual STEMpaths conference brought together professionals from a range of industry, business, government and service to speak to kids in break out sessions where they could also ask questions.

< Medical speakers: (l-r) Chad Campbell, Dr. Holly Rooney, RN Joy Peery, and Dr. Travis Charles. (Both Joy and Travis work at CVRMC).

The Three Tremors, an acapella group consisting of Darryl Meeks, Jason Marr and Kip Culver composed - and sang- valentines to select audience members

Troy and Autumn Volberg

< Environmental Science Speakers: (l-r) Richard Reitz, Globe District Ranger-US Forest Service; Austin Jones, Environmental Scientist at Freeport-McMoRan; Dan Rodriguez, Arizona Game & Fish.

< Freeport Speakers: (l-r) Michelle Montague (Geologist), Dan Foley (Metallurgist), Robin Horta (Community), Austin Jones (Environmental Scientist)

The Society Page

Masquerade Ball


Paul Buck, Ed Gardea and Desi Baker.

Margaret Payson and her husband made a striking pair. Margaret designed and made these costumes for the Ball.

Suzi Baker’s mask was painted by Fillaree .

<Marian Reams and her daughter, Cyndi McLean who was visiting from El Paso where she is a physical therapist with the U.S. Army.

Cobre Valley Regional Medical Center Groundbreaking ~ February 5, 2015 Groundbreaking ceremonies for the hospitals' new expansion. The additional 66,810 square feet will include a wound center, patient/family centered med/surg, cath lab, pharmacy, family birth center rooms (OB), family lounges & ICU rooms

Tech Speakers: Michael Covarrubias, Darrel Yerkovich, seen in the foreground working IT Architecture and Standards with Globe’s Robotics team who gave a live Manager at APS and David Moss, demonstration to wrap up the day long conference CTO and co-founder of People Power also gave the keynote speech .



A Powerful Tool For Business...

If You Embrace It By Linda Gross

Remember when you first launched the business because you were passionate and knowledgeable about your product or service and you felt you could make money delivering on your unique talents? But, it didn’t take long to discover those talents were just the beginning of being your own boss and hoisting the flag on your own enterprise, right? There was so much more you had to learn: accounting skills, managing people, product merchandising, and, yes even building maintenance. So, kudos to you for keepin’ it real and keepin’ it on track for all these years. Which is why you shouldn’t dismiss social media as being one bridge too far that you’ve either (1) refused to cross or (2) refused to invest in learning it well enough to make it work for you.

Social media, and particularly Facebook in rural communities like ours – is one of the most powerful and farreaching tools you can add to your bag of talents. It is a cheap, yet effective method to keep your customers close. I single out rural communities in particular because our towns and cities are smaller than average and spread over wide distances. Our client base is not just the few hundred people within our store, or within the sound of our voice or our social circles. We rely on an extended market for our products and services, which include neighboring communities, pass-through travelers, day-tripping tourists, and yes, even our local folks who never get outside of their circle of familiar routines. Building our business is about reaching, connecting, and convincing each customer that we are ‘IT’ for them; that we are worth their time, worth the drive, and ready to deliver on what they want. Social media helps you reach and connect with an audience. The convincing is up to you. Of all the social media platforms (Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+, etc.), Facebook is the most used social media tool in our area, and is the logical place to start when it comes to getting your business “out there.” Go ahead; connect with the wide world outside of your world and see what it does for your business.

Facebook for Business 101 What: Four-Hour Workshop hosted by Globe Miami Times. When: Saturday, May 22 Cost: $95/$70 Early Bird Registration Instructor: Linda Gross Publisher/Editor and Social Media Coach Location: Globe-Miami Chamber of Commerce; Class size limited to 10 participants. Hands-On Training Learn how to feed the content monster, craft engaging posts, build audience, use hashtags/mentions, handle negative comments, use photo and graphics, leverage the new CTA button and more. For more information and to sign up please go to http://theartofsocial. eventbrite.com. (No registration or walkins at the door)



Welcomes You

Globe Unified School District Home of the Tigers

Superintendent's Letter Dear Greater Globe Community, Globe Unified School District continues to press forward in its efforts to “Capture Hearts and Empower Minds." There are many ways that the district is striving to live up to its vision statement. Chief among those strategies is the continuous implementation of our two major initiatives, the Beyond Textbook Curriculum system and the Capturing Kids’ Hearts school climate processes. We are almost two years into both programs and are seeing positive results. However, we know we must continue to prevail in implementing those philosophies with fidelity in spite of the continuing challenges of our state finances. As we move forward in the spring of 2015, it seems that there are more questions about how our state will fund schools, than answers. The one constant seems to be continued budget shortages. Our newly-elected governor has maintained his intent to have a balanced budget without the

support of additional new revenue. With this being the case, after all the dust settles, school districts will be expected to do more with less. School districts have been encouraged to focus the majority of their resources in the classroom, and here at GUSD we are working diligently toward that end. Over the past three years, we have increased the percentage of our overall spending in instruction by about two percent of each dollar spent. However, increased spending in the classroom is just part of the challenge. We know we must provide the other services so essential for student achievement. Transportation, food service, special education auxiliary services (speech pathology, physical therapy, occupational therapy, etc.) and other supports, are every bit as necessary as classroom instruction. The legislature did not implement the governor’s initial budget requiring reduction in “non-classroom” expenditures. Even so, we all need to remember how important the services,

such as the ones I listed above, are to students’ success. It is incumbent upon all of us to keep the real costs of running our public schools in mind. One key factor, not mentioned above, is the cost of keeping older buildings heated and cooled, maintained, and serviceable as positive and safe educational environments for our young learners. As we face the 2015-2016 schoolyear and the budget implementation details are worked out, I want to encourage all of our community citizens to consider the role that public education serves in making our community viable. By any applied metric, nationally, Arizona consistently ranks very low in its support of public education; whether it be funding per pupil, teacher pay, or academic achievement. As part of the greater Globe community, GUSD’s challenge is to figure out how to make the best use of the resources we have, while challenging our state leadership to consider how to provide a truly world class education for Arizona’s students. Locally, I encourage you to get involved any time you can. GUSD

Super Hero and Me! An evening for mothers and sons

Copper Rim Elementary School • March 27th

always encourages adult volunteers to help guide our young people. Studies have shown that students academically prosper much more when they are mentored by an adult on a regular basis. We enthusiastically welcome that type of positive influence on our students. Please consider how you might help in making a difference in the future of your community and favorably impacting students’ lives. I look forward to hearing from you, if you can help. Have a great spring! – Jerry Jennex, Superintendent




Some Consider It the Perfect Job Story and Photos by Linda Gross

It’s mid-day at the Bus Barn located on a hill overlooking downtown Globe. The parking lot is beginning to fill up with drivers coming in for their afternoon run. I’m here to do a ride-along with Marsha Cowan so I can get a better feel for what it’s like to be a bus driver. Cowan, who is a transplant from North Carolina and now lives in Globe, has driven for the district for the last year and a half. Her route, which takes her out to San Carlos and back in the afternoons, is one of the longer ones. It requires nearly two hours to get everyone home from school. I learn that every route has its own special set of challenges. This one includes the occasional San Carlos bull crossing the highway (it is free range for the cows), and drivers who pass in a no-passing zone. “We are taught to always go right," says Cowan. Luckily, there have been no accidents, just close calls avoiding bulls and bully drivers. The district, which is currently short two drivers, does its best to accommodate every child who needs to ride the bus to school or get to a sporting event, field trip or other school sanctioned event. However, with just eight full time drivers and two special events drivers−it often means drivers are asked to double-up on runs or do extra bus duty for special trips. And, it means picking up some kids up when the sun is barely over the horizon in the morning and getting them back home some twelve hours later. At 5’6, with salt and pepper hair, an athletic demeanor and a quick smile, Cowan seems perfectly suited for the role of teacher, educator or even contractor (all of which she has been in a career spanning nearly forty years); yet here she is confidently striding through a forty five foot bus like the mechanic she has become: checking the transmission fluid and oil levels, the air brakes and idle times, tire pressure

and running lights, radio and intercom systems. All are part of a pre-check, which every driver performs both before and after their runs. “When I drove a bus in North Carolina,” Cowan says, “all I had to do was drive. Here we do much more. We have to know every inch of our bus, and we’re responsible for the maintenance and the cleanliness of the bus.” Cowan’s fellow driver, Carol “Crash” Covington, has been driving for twenty nine years and now trains drivers for the district and serves as one of the special event drivers. She drills the basics into her drivers, including this mantra: When in doubt… Don’t. If you don’t know if you should pull out into traffic… Don’t. If you don’t know if you can make that corner… Don’t. And always go right. There was an accident on the highway where a driver had drifted over into the bus driver’s lane. Thinking she would avoid a head-on crash, the bus driver shifted over into the left lane, except the other driver realized their mistake and swerved back into her lane at the last minute. They hit head on, but luckily no one in that instance was hurt. But the bus driver was the one cited. It’s times like these that drivers are thankful that their busses are built like tanks. Designed with heavyduty bumpers and frames, a school bus can survive many crashes and mishaps that will destroy a lesser vehicle. And instead of seat belts, which might impede an evacuation or trap kids inside, the seats on all busses are designed to protect kids from flying about in an event like the one above, with extra high backs and padding on both sides. Hence the three cardinal rules you’ll hear from every driver:

Buses ready to leave for the afternoon route.

Marsha Cowan has been a contractor, teacher and educator before her current gig as a bus driver. She says she enjoys the freedom and not having homework and lesson plans to prepare.

Sit down Face forward Stay behind the seat in front of you If anyone is caught standing on a bus or hanging out in the aisles, it is grounds for a bus driver to lose their CDL, so these rules get enforced without exception. Even for the occasional adult who may think the rules don’t apply, they do. Covington’s nickname “Crash” was given to her on her first day as a driver nearly three decades ago when she took out a small reflector light on the ground while backing her bus through a cattle guard using her new bifocals. She hasn’t taken out a reflector since, but since the district had several Carols at the time, her nickname stuck and helped her stand out among the Carols. Today, if someone refers to her as Carol, no one knows who that is. Today, she takes would-be drivers through a fourteen-day, hands-on training program teaching them how to make corners, back through tight spots and drop off children safely. “Ninety percent of all fatalities happen as drivers are picking up or dropping off children,” she says. “We try to design our routes so we are always dropping off kids on the right, but it’s not always possible… especially in Miami.” As a grandmother and a driver, she is both roadsavvy and streetwise. While she is not bothered by loud noise on her bus, she draws the line when it comes to foul language. “I give them my little pre-game speech,” she says. “This is my home away from home, and home rule applies. No one speaks dirty on my bus, or I will be happy to turn around and bring you back.” Bus Driving, Continued on page 21



Bus Driving, Continued from page 20

Carol says she has always liked kids and driving, and has never been one to sit still. After thirty years, she has a wealth of stories and memories to share, including this one about a little drama queen who boarded the bus one day and confided in Carol she was worried. Really worried. “ About what?” Carol asked. “We’re going to have a test today,” the girl replied. “Oh? What is it on?” Carol asked again. “On paper of course!” said the exasperated kindergartener. Most drivers see their kids every day, twice a day and sometimes on the weekends, and over time will often find themselves playing the role of coach, commander-in-chief and confidant. “Kids don’t always get a good deal of guidance or discipline at home, and they’ll talk to me, “ says Carol. “And while I can’t give them advice, I do try to tell them what I would do… or what I wish my grandkids would do.” She points out the consequences of their actions and tries to get them thinking about the future repercussions.

Chris Hazelett is the mechanic at the Bus Barn. Lee Kinnard (L) gives Johnny Tsinnajinnie (R) credit for juggling the routes and schedules to accommodate as many as possible.

Carol “Crash” Covington has driven for the District 29 years. She now trains bus drivers and handles the runs for sporting events and school functions.

Sometimes kids tell her things she is sure she shouldn’t know, like the kid who happily boarded the bus one morning and announced to Carol in a voice no one else could hear, that she couldn’t tell anyone else because it was supposed to be a secret; her uncle was visiting from another state, where he was “… what they call a bail jumper.” These days, Carol no longer drives the regular routes, having shifted over to driving for special events and sporting events, and training other would-be bus drivers. She has taken ex-Marines and former school teachers under her wing to teach them the rules of the road and skills needed to drive, but that isn’t always enough. The Marine she trained ended up quitting after his first week as a driver, saying he couldn’t hack it. The “it” being the actual live beings on the bus commonly known as kids. On the other hand, Marsha, the former school teacher, took to driving with kids onboard like a duck to water. “It’s like my classroom, only I don’t have the kids as long, so I have to get to them fast,” she says. According to Marsha and Carol, men often have a tougher time than women dealing with the stress of managing a bus-load of kids. The reason, they say, is because men often want to do something physical to stop the chaos, when a little diplomacy or counseling will result in a better outcome and less drama.

Marsha tells of an incident on her bus where one of her students was vandalizing the seats. The other kids on the bus confirmed who it was, but wouldn’t corroborate these details to the principal, who could then have taken district action. Instead, Marsha handled it her way and kept the kid on the bus one day to confront him about the vandalism. When he denied any wrongdoing, she told him it was okay. “You don’t have to tell me,” she said. “ I just want you to know the consequences are going to get worse from here. I don’t know who you are angry at or what’s going on, but you need to go and talk to a counselor and get it off your back. If someone is giving you trouble in your life, she can help make it stop.“ Soon after that heart-to-heart talk, something changed for the better, according to Marsha, and there have been no more problems. When problems can’t be solved by the drivers themselves, there is always the home office at the Bus Barn which is just a call away. If there are any discipline problems a driver needs help with, all they need to do is pull over and call in to the Bus Barn, where Lee Kinnard, the director, or Cece Aguilar, the administrative assistant, will be able to tell a driver what to do and assist in any way to resolve the problem quickly. “They always have our back,” Marsha says.

Kinnard, who joined the Bus Barn as its director two years ago, left a twenty-five year career in law enforcement where he served as an officer with the Globe Police Department, and later as its police chief. After a heart attack and being on one too many crime scenes, he says he decided it was time for a change in careers and applied to the school district. At the time, the Bus Barn was struggling with just four drivers and an array of problems. But, there were no dead bodies, so Kinnard was in. Since arriving, he has worked to improve the bus routes, added drivers and installed ZONAR, a new software program that tracks busses in-route as well as the maintenance on each. And soon, he says, the system will be used to track when and where each child gets on and off the bus. Currently he has eight route bus drivers, and two special events drivers to handle all the demands the district throws his way. Spring is an especially busy time with all multiple sporting events in full swing: baseball, basketball, track and volleyball, in addition to school functions and field trips. He would desperately like hire two more full-time drivers, but in the meantime, he says many of his route drivers take up the slack by signing on for extra trips mid-day, or filling in on a route if a driver is out sick. The job pays approximately $15,000 a year for drivers who put in five to six hours a day, four days a week, during the school year. Others can make up to $25,000 a year if they add on extra runs or special events and school functions. All this and summers off, too. Still, the low pay and above average responsibility of driving a school bus means this job isn’t for everyone. It requires much more than just the ability to maneuver a forty-five foot bus over hill and dale. It includes being the sole person responsible for a passel of sixty-plus children every day and getting them to and from school safely, listening to their chatter, doling out guidance and addressing discipline as needed. Yet, there is much to love about the job…for the right person. “There is no homework and no lesson plans,” Marsha says smiling. “Plus, we get holidays and summers off, work a few hours in the morning and afternoons, have weekends off, and get full benefits.” What’s not to love about that kind of freedom and flexibility in a job?



An evening for fathers and daughters Copper Rim Elementary School February 6th


COBRE VALLEY CENTER FOR THE ARTS Home to the Oak Street Shops and Your Host to Arts, Entertainment and Social Events. (928) 425-0884 or www.cvarts.org

To Payson

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BULLION PLAZA MUSEUM & CULTURAL CENTER Now Featuring The NEW Slavic Cultural Display!


Open Thurs-Sat 11am-3pm; Sundays Noon-3pm


(928) 473-3700

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GILA HISTORICAL MUSEUM Where History is preserved. Serving the region since 1985. Open Mon-Fri 10am-4pm; Sat 11am-3pm

(928) 425-7384

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Brought to you by...

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Out and About

Apache Gold Security Team of Brandon Gilbert and Chris Martin

Apache Gold’s Tanisha Vann and husband Patrick with son Gerhardt who competed in Tiny Tot Grass Dancing. Standing with them holding the camera is AGCR’s new Social Media Director, Darin Lowery.

Sisters, Desirae and Kendra Redhouse from Mesa have been dancing for nearly twenty years. Desirae competed in Fancy Shawl and Kendra in Women’s Jingle Dance.

Xavier Bolton, age 8, in full regalia competed in Grass Dancing like his father, Darryl. His mother competed in Fancy Shawl.

Tina and her friend Katja traveled all the way from Jena, Germany to catch the POW WOW! Fred Murphy (L) and his wife Sharon came from Alburqurque NM to competed. Shown here with Silas Perkins who drove in from Orange County, LA. Fred competed in Northern Men’s Straight Dance and Silas competed in Men’s Straight Dance.

Promotions Manager Lorenda Kozie and Players Club Manager Michelle Perez were on hand to assist with drawing entries.

Winners Kathleen and Mathew Hopkins

Apache Gold General Manager Christabelle Mull with Head Gourd Dancer Tommy Spottedbird.

This group was visiting the area from Ontario, Wisconsin and Nevada.




Introducing Darin Lowery... who recently came aboard as Director for Social Media for Apache Gold Casino. Lowery, who is a tall, lanky guy with a quick smile seems perfectly suited for his role as social ambassador. Although the casino has had a Facebook page since 2013, Lowery will be the first Director whose job it is to manage the social media profile on a broader scale. Originally from Chicago, Lowery first moved to Mesa nearly twenty years ago and later to Globe where he worked for the Pickle Barrel Trading Post and was instrumental in managing their Facebook page. He will be in charge of all non-gaming properties as he builds awareness of the casino’s properties through social media.






The Journey of Water in Globe-Miami, From Faucet to Drain And the Problems That Come With It By Jenn Walker

Back in California, for the first time in history, Governor Jerry Brown mandated water use restrictions in April, responding to the state’s four-year drought. Meanwhile, Phoenix is uneasy as the Colorado River continues to wane.

Further east, in rural Arizona, we have our own set of water issues, including supply as well as infrastructure. Beneath the City of Globe, the Town of Miami and everything in between lie networks of aging water pipes, some of which are more than 100 years old. Yet, many of these pipes are what surrounding

Map showing location of the Salt River and Safford Basins in relationship to Well #4 and Globe-Miami

Cu tt er

W el ls Salt River Basin

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communities continue to rely on to bring water into their homes and carry sewage away. When these stop functioning, so do our neighborhoods. So, how are rural communities like ours handling water issues here in the Southwest?

Where Our Water Comes From

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The first step to understanding where our water comes from is understanding the lay of the land. Unlike our metropolitan neighbors to the west, we do not rely on the Colorado River, or even the Salt River just north of us, for water. Instead, in the Globe-Miami region, we primarily rely on water collected from the groundwater basins beneath us, which are accessed by wells and then distributed by pumps and pipelines. Globe, Miami, and everything in between lie in the Salt River Basin; meanwhile San Carlos lies in the neighboring Safford Basin to the east. You may be wondering, what exactly is a groundwater basin? Generally speaking, a groundwater basin is an area enclosing one or more bodies of groundwater, also called aquifers, and is typically expressed on the surface described by the topography of the land. For the sake of this story, it is also important to know that within the Safford Basin is an area locally known as the Cutter Basin. The Cutter Basin lies beneath both Globe and the San Carlos Apache Reservation; its exact depth is not known, but estimates have suggested

that it lies more than 1,600 feet deep. Pipelines and Wells: The Evolution Of Our Water Systems The City of Globe lies within the Salt River Basin, but it does not rely on the water from it. Since the 1950s, the neighboring Cutter Basin, within the Safford Basin, has been Globe’s main source of water. Prior to the ‘50s, Globe relied on water from the City of Globe Municipal Water System, formed in 1912, and supplied by wells at the intersection of Ice House Road and Six Shooter Canyon. Yet, the demand for water began to increase as the supply decreased. From 1931 to 1956, the Old Dominion Mine was providing water to the city. Residents also collected water from Pinal Creek. Stanley Gibson, who served a total of 40 years on Globe City Council as mayor, Water Journey, Continued on page 32



Raw sewage treated at the Miami Wastewater Treatment Plant. Photo by Wes Sukosky Water Journey, Continued from page 31

vice mayor and council member, grew up in Globe during that time period. “The city would call for a moratorium on watering yards and washing cars,” he recalls. “The only source was Pinal Creek and the Old Dominion Mine. The city had to really scramble to try to find a source of water.” The city began looking for new sites to drill wells. In 1957, a hydrologist by the name of Samuel Turner supposedly advised Globe’s city council to locate its new wells as close to the San Carlos Apache Reservation as possible in order to access water from Cutter Basin. And that’s exactly what the city did, drilling wells along the upper edge of Cutter Basin. “If the council hadn’t proceeded with that, Globe would have dried up and blown away,” Gibson says. The city drilled its first well, Well No. 1, in the Cutter Well Field in 1957. Four more wells were drilled there over the years; the most recent one was drilled in 2009. The Cutter Wells drop between 900 to more than 1,100 feet below the ground. Meanwhile, the Arizona Water Company began serving the Miami region in 1955, when the company first opened and purchased the water distribution system from Arizona Public

Service. In that first year, the company had 12,604 customers.

How Things Work Today The Arizona Water Company pumps groundwater from local aquifers within the Salt River Basin into 15 different wells dispersed throughout Miami, serving Miami as well as Claypool, Central Heights, Russel Road, areas near Kellner Canyon and Highway 188, and parts of Globe. The majority of the system is gravity-fed, meaning that the water flows from higher elevations downward. The company’s system is an on-demand system and is not pumped 24 hours a day. The City of Globe provides water to Downtown Globe, as well as Crestline, Skyline, Ice House, Six Shooter and Kellner Canyons, Alhambra, clear out to the prison and up to Globe Mobile Home Park on Highway 60. Old infrastructure has been problematic. Some of the city’s water pipes date back to 1917, says city manager Brent Billingsley, which have caused losses throughout the system. He says that the city is currently working to improve the water main transmission line that runs along US 60 from The Tap Room to Globe Mobile Home Park. It is notorious for breaking on a regular basis.

“People sometimes have to go six to eight hours without water while the city repairs it,” he says. And, of course, the wells in this area aren’t getting any younger. Some of the Arizona Water Company’s wells are at least 40 years old. Now that one of Globe’s wells, Well No. 1, is almost 60 years old, it too has caused the city grief. In January, the city reported that the electric cable had rotted out, the pump was worn and there were holes in the casing. In January and February, the city contracted out repairs, and now the well is under control. The city works within its capacity to fix these problems, Billingsley says, saving money when it can – like purchasing used equipment – and maximizing staff capabilities.

Additionally, according to the city’s pumping records, provided by Gibson, from 1993 to 1996 the static water level in Well No. 3 dropped 55 feet. In 2008, its recorded total draw down from 1974 was 274 feet. Well No. 3 had been the city’s best producer, according to Gibson. This is not to say that the basin cannot receive some amount of recharge–or water coming back in–such as runoff, groundwater from another basin, rainfall or snowmelt, which could bring water levels back up. What is really important to understand, however, is how much water is going out of the basin versus how much is going in, Davis explains. If a basin is being depleted more than it’s being recharged, that poses a problem.

Dealing With A Finite Resource To those who have spent years studying the Cutter Basin, like Gibson, who served on the Citizen’s Advisory on Water Issues in 1999, the levels in the wells have been a cause for concern. In his words: “We’re pumping out of a bucket.” The Arizona Department of Water Resources measures water levels in various wells throughout the state on an annual basis. The department refers to them as index wells. These wells are meant to provide some kind of idea of what water levels look like in a given basin. One of those wells includes Globe’s municipal Well No. 4. “We’ve been measuring [it] for quite some time,” says Teri Davis, the manager of the department’s hydrology division field services section. “I’ve measured [it] myself.” “The water levels have gone down pretty significantly,” she adds. “The depth to water was measured in January 1990 to be 563 feet below the land surface,” she later explains. “While the latest measurement recorded in the database in November 2013 was at 688 feet below the surface.” That’s about a 125-foot drop in 23 years, or 5.4 feet per year.

Water after it has been treated at the Miami Wastewater Treatment Plant. Photo by Wes Sukosky

The department hasn’t been able to record water levels in other wells throughout the Globe-Miami region in recent years, Davis says. Prior to 2010, the department listed Safford Basin as a very high priority for a “basin sweep,” meaning the water levels in all wells within the basin would have been measured; however, layoffs in 2010 prevented that from happening, she says. The Arizona Water Company’s water levels in Miami have not changed much over the past 12 years and are relatively constant, says Bill Garfield, the company’s Water Journey, Continued on page 33

SPRING 2015 Water Journey, Continued from page 32

president. At this time, the company’s water supply is adequate, and there is no immediate need to drill new wells, he adds. Meanwhile, the City of Globe is actively considering other water options outside of Cutter Well Field, according to Billingsley. In fact, the city is currently working with Clear Creek Associates, a water resources management firm, to study the feasibility of using the city’s treated wastewater for recharge and reuse. “The city needs to get more serious about reuse,” he says, “And the study is a first step in that direction.” “It’s an expensive enterprise,” he adds. “But we’ve got to start somewhere.”

What Happens To Water Down The Drain? As long as Wes Sukosky has been Miami’s public works director (eight years now), he has been working to help improve the town’s sewer system. It has been deemed one of the worst in the nation, he says, because the town is currently relying on a 100-year old system that ran throughout Miami when it was laid out much differently than it is today. “A lot of municipalities don’t see what we see,” Sukosky says. “We’ve uncovered manholes that the town didn’t even know about.” Five or so years ago, the sewage line collapsed beneath Highway 60. Fortunately, the town was able to replace the line with federal money. Things are starting to look up, though. Eight years ago, the Town of Miami began a project to revamp its sewer system. The debt for the town is in the six million dollar range; it is a debt that the town will have to repay over a 40-year period, with low interest. That is why the sewer rates have gone up from $13 per month to $60 per month. “People really don’t understand what the process of sewage treatment costs, between electricity and pumping,” Sukosky says. “And it costs $4,000 to $5,000 just to treat it.”

“The sewer system was overlooked until things were deteriorating,” he adds. “We have to get this project done, otherwise that will be the end of Miami right there.” Between 2011 to 2012, Freeport McMoRan provided funding and technical assistance to the Town of Miami to build a new wastewater treatment plant at the base of the No. 3 Tailings Pile, adjacent to Miami Wash. The result is what is considered an A-plus water treatment facility, according to Sukosky. In other words, the sewage water going into the treatment plant has to come out crystal clear on the other side as A-plus effluent. The facility serves somewhere between 800 to 950 homes, in addition to businesses along Highway 60, like Cobre Valley Regional Medical Center, Walmart and Safeway. The sewage travels through lines beneath town to the treatment facility, which produces roughly 200,000 to 275,000 gallons of treated water daily, water that is supposedly clean enough to drink. About 12 million gallons of treated water are sent to replenish aquifers upstream. The remaining majority is given to Freeport McMoRan. That was part of the deal— Freeport would receive the grade A water from the facility in exchange for funding the construction of the plant. Some 45,000 to 50,000 feet of sewer line run beneath Miami at depths ranging from 12 to 16-feet deep as they approach the sewer treatment plant, which is gravity-fed. The main line begins at Mackey’s Camp. Three to four inch-wide laterals, or pipes, connect sewage from houses to the mains, the pipes running beneath the street. The main line runs beneath Highway 60; the distance from the end of Miami to the lift station is a little more than two miles. From the lift station, the sewage is pumped 75 feet to the treatment plant at the top of the tailings, where the sewage water is then separated from solids, treated, chlorinated and either sent directly to Freeport McMoRan or Water Journey, Continued on page 34



SPRING 2015 Water Journey, Continued from page 33

dechlorinated and then released to replenish aquifers. Water is pressed from the remaining sludge, which is sent to a landfill and used for mine reclamation or farm application. Back in the City of Globe, a similar process occurs. The city also operates a wastewater treatment plant that processes wastewater from downtown Globe, Crestline, Skyline, the Pioneer Hills and Fry’s Grocery. And, like Miami, Globe also currently does not hang on to its treated wastewater. In 1983, the city signed a contract with mining company Inspiration Copper (now Freeport McMoRan) agreeing that it would discharge its treated wastewater into Pinal Creek. As a result, Globe’s wastewater is sent to the Pinal Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility located along Pinal Creek Road, where it is then treated and

discharged into Pinal Creek. The facility processes 600,000 gallons a day. Wastewater arrives to the facility by gravity flow. The facility has been there since the ‘70s, but as Billingsley points out, it’s been upgraded since. Like Miami’s sewage treatment facility, the Pinal Creek facility also has a grid separator that pulls solids, sand and rock from the wastewater. The water at the Pinal Creek facility enters an oxidation ditch, where it also goes through an oxidation process, removing harmful materials. It passes through a secondary clarifier separating the solids from the liquids. The water is then chlorinated, de-chlorinated, and discharged into Pinal Creek, while the solids are pressed and sent to the landfill. In fact, the city just invested in a used belt press earlier this year.

Unincorporated Areas All of this, and yet, many of the unincorporated areas around GlobeMiami have their own water infrastructure to deal with, including private, domestic wells that are exempt from reporting requirements and regulation. As of 2009, there were approximately 5,680 of these wells within Gila County registered with the Arizona Department of Water Resources. About four and a half years ago, the Tri-City Regional Sanitary District began a project to create a uniform sewer system for the unincorporated areas between Globe-Miami. Those include Lower Miami, Claypool, Miami Gardens, Country Club Manor, Midland City, Bechtel Tract and Central Heights. “We have a tremendous problem in the area between Globe and Miami,” says Bob Zache, who has served as president of the district for the last 30 years. The problem, he says, is that roughly 90 percent of the unincorporated areas in the region are still relying on aging cesspools, which are essentially holes in the ground where sewage is released, or

dysfunctional septic tanks, as a means of sewage disposal and treatment. Either one poses the threat of groundwater contamination. While both have potential to be constructed in an environmentallyfriendly manner, they rarely are. It is yet another repercussion of living in old, rural neighborhoods with aging homes. “When I was a kid growing up there, people had outhouses, and everyone had a cesspool,” says Zache, who grew up in and around Miami. His mother’s home, which he has been trying to sell, has a cesspool functioning as a septic tank. For that reason, he’s had three or four buyers walk away. “It’s a huge economic issue. There are vacant homes all over that people can’t sell,” he says. “I’ve heard horror stories of cesspool covers collapsing or sewage seeping up,” he adds. “That’s what we’re trying to fix.” Currently the district is working to get funding through the USDA’s Rural Development Office. Completing the project will be a matter of time, funding, engineering and dealing with easements, but Zache remains optimistic.

Looking Ahead Whether it is here in Globe-Miami, in our neighboring states, or in other parts of the world, the value of water cannot be ignored. As governments, as well as communities, corporations and innovators continue finding ways to address the problems surrounding water, how we choose to handle water as a whole will pave our future. The better we engineer our water infrastructure, and the better we manage our water, the better off we will be for years to come. For more images, infographics and online resources, check out the online version of this story at globemiamitimes. com. We encourage you to leave your comments and add your voice to this discussion.


Congratulations Globe TigeRobotics!

Photo Courtesy of Kenneth Chan


Travel G de ui


It's On To Nationals!

Just as we were going to press, we learned that Globe TigeRobotics made it into the FIRST Robotics Championship in St. Louis, Missouri! Other competitors from this region included teams from Superior, San Carlos and White River. The championship is an international competition, and this is the first time a local team has ever made it this far. See the whole story on globemiamitimes.com.

...ON FACEBOOK! Share photos, video and community events from any of these neighboring cities and towns: Florence, Superior, Roosevelt, Payson, Mammoth, Clifton, Tortilla Flats and more. If you live and work in central Arizona, we hope you'll check out the page and contribute to what's happening in your community to share with others.






An ideal audiobook for a daytime road trip, or a frightening read with iced tea in the sunshine, but if you dare to read it after dark, remember the author’s provenance. Joe Hill is Stephen King’s son. He brings personal haunting to a whole new level. The craftsmanship of his storytelling will leave you wanting more. You’ll never forget the ghost of Craddock McDermott. You might find yourself shaking out garments very carefully for a while — and not for our local scorpions and spiders!

Joe Hill’s “Heart Shaped Box” By Maryn Belling

Would you buy a dead man’s suit for $1,000? What if it came with the promise of owning your own personal ghost? Would it be worth it to rattle you out of a rut and into the adventure of a lifetime? What if your adventure could right a wrong and straighten out a family’s broken past? Retired rockstar and macabre collector Judas Coyne paid the $1,000 for a dead man’s suit so you don’t have to. All you need to do is join him on the adventure. When the suit arrives at Jude’s doorstep, it’s no ordinary online auction purchase. The dead man’s suit is supposed to include a ghost, but you can’t really buy a ghost, can you? This time you can. The ghost embeds himself in Jude’s life in ways he never imagined. Craddock McDermott’s ghost is exceptionally cranky. He’s on a mission. A mission he expects Jude to fulfill, and not without a spate of terrifying experiences. Facing down all his own demons and dealing with the ghost from the suit is a tall order. Can Jude find a way to put the suit’s ghost to rest and get his life back? Every time the solution seems obvious, a new twist arises. A new compulsion. A new demon to face. A resurrected moment from the repressed or forgotten past. Playing on the title and lore of the Nirvana song by the same title, Joe Hill’s first novel captivates from the very beginning. Whether you’re nostalgic for road trips, need to know that someone else’s family is weirder than yours, or are itching for a good scare, “Heart Shaped Box” is a great introduction to its author. This psychological thriller and horror story is probably too gruesome for an R-rated movie, so be careful where your imagination takes you.

Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist By Jeff Battese

The Alchemist is a worldwide phenomenon, translated into 60 languages, selling 65 million copies in 150 countries. Brazilian author Paulo Coelho’s novel, written in 1988, follows a young shepherd named Santiago through a magical journey to find his personal legend in the form of buried treasure. Whilst seeking his destiny, Santiago’s life is shaped by those people he meets, including a shopkeeper, thieves, alchemists and love interests. Following a reoccurring dream, interpreted by a gypsy, and prompted by a king, Santiago’s journey starts in the Spanish Mediterranean Coast, and unfolds years later across the desert and The Great Pyramids and back again. Along the way, and in the midst of war, he finds love in a desert oasis. His love promises to marry him only after he finds his personal destiny. While “The Alchemist” heavily relies on mystic symbols and themes to paint its picture, it also closely follows real life. Santiago’s journey is sought with fear and skepticism juxtaposed against determination and adventure. Book Reviews, Continued on page 37

SPRING 2015 Book Reviews, Continued from page 36

An example would be when Santiago first steps outside his comfort zone to seek his personal destiny, selling all his sheep, only to have his money quickly stolen. Despite fear and his desire to return home defeated, he holds steadfast. As the book unfolds, his experiences, including major setbacks, only seem to help galvanize his determination towards his goals. Throughout this book, a constant theme emerges when it comes to a personal destiny: ‘all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.’ Santiago learns that everyone must seek out their own personal destiny.

roots back four generations on family ranches from Nebraska to Arizona and have the stories to tell. And still, others, including Bob Boze Bell, the publisher of True West Magazine, and Marshall Trimble, state historian and storyteller, have contributed greatly to bringing Western life to the greater public. Sheppard has crossed paths with each and every one of the characters in her book, and it is these stories which add the meat and potatoes to this book of recipes. From the Haythorn Land and Cattle Company to Cline’s O-Bar-C Ranch, and from Madison Square Gardens to Tonto Basin, it is the lives of those who Sheppard calls friends who remind the reader what a remarkable life this woman has led and what remarkable people she has known. Copies of “Ridin’, Ropin’ & Recipes” can be purchased at the Pickle Barrel Trading Post.

A Remarkable Ride: Nancy Sheppard’s “Ridin’, Ropin’ & Recipes” By Linda Gross

“Ridin’, Ropin’ & Recipes” by pro Rodeo Hall of Famer Nancy Sheppard is a compilation of recipes given to her by the men and women she has met over a seventy-year career in ranching and rodeo. The book may be billed as a recipe book, but the truth is: the recipes themselves are simply a ploy for the real plot, which are its characters. It is Sheppard’s brief but insightful bios introducing the people behind the recipes that offer up a great read and encourage one to settle in with a good cup of coffee. While ranchers and rodeo folk may readily recognize many of the people she has tapped for recipes, there are many details and stories about these individuals that come from Sheppard herself and add context to familiar stories. As for readers who have only watched from the sidelines, the book provides an insider’s introduction and narrative about the life and luster of a Western way of life. Many of Sheppard’s friends started out on ranches as she did, learning skills which would take them to the top of the Pro Rodeo Circuit, where many would parlay their talents and looks into stints as models, Hollywood actors and stunt men and women. Others featured in the book track their

Graeme Simsion's “The Rosie Effect” By Maryn Belling

Meet Don Tillman, a brilliant but gawky guy. When he debuted in “The Rosie Project,” he had decided that finding a companion was a scientific endeavor. From meals to martial arts - Don’s approach to his life is perfectly scheduled and entirely lacking in nuance. His straightforwardness and need for routine lead to unexpected outcomes. Add in Rosie Jarmon, a witty and brilliant woman whose place in Don’s life is definitely an unexpected outcome. Rosie’s acceptance at Columbia Medical School means life is moving more than 10,000 miles around the world. Finishing her Ph.D. thesis while embarking on her M.D. puts Rosie in a unique position. You never quite know what you’re going to learn from Don or Rosie as their life-story unfolds. When is it necessary to buy new clothing? How many superfoods are in a burger? How long can someone else’s awful blind date haunt you? Can a geneticist really turn a business around? Is it weird to fly from New York to Los Angeles with a passport and nothing else? Just how badly can your life story be misreported by a star-struck reporter? How many special

requests does it take for a restaurant to offer your meal to everyone? Now mix in Don and Rosie’s friends: Gene the psychiatry professor. Dave the AC Repairman. Sonia the accountant. George the retired rockstar. In the first installation of Graeme Simsion’s story, Don’s learns that there’s more to life than a perfectly maintained schedule. In this second tale, with all its ups and downs, Don and Rosie learn the art of compromise. An art which consists of more than making a study out of an apartment bathroom. The only thing that would make this book better is a companion version written from Rosie’s perspective. For all his brilliance and knowledge about human genetics, Don still doesn’t have a clue what Rosie’s thinking. If you have a friend, colleague, or partner whose quirks are sometimes irks, Don and Rosie’s story provides the reassurance that there’s more to being quirky than being irksome. And if you’re the quirky one? You’re not alone. In the long run, will quirky prevail over the expectations of “normal”? Read “The Rosie Effect” to find out for yourself. Added bonus: if you listen to “The Rosie Effect” or its prequel “The Rosie Project” as an audiobook, they’re narrated by Dan O’Grady, whose Australian accent brings Don and his fellow characters to life exceptionally well.




Digging Beneath Superior

This dig site was uncovered when ADOT began work on improving US 60 last spring. Photo by Linda Gross By Jenn Walker

Driving on US 60 for the first time between Florence Junction and Superior is a memorable experience. It’s a white-knuckle kind-of-ride when there is nothing more than a bright yellow line separating you and the cars driving in the opposite direction. Recently, however, ADOT began a $45 million roadway improvement project to widen that five-mile portion between mileposts 222 to 227, converting it into a modern, four-lane divided highway, for the sake of both traffic flow and safety. The department hopes to complete the project by 2017. Prior to construction, however, ADOT performed a standard review identifying any potential environmental impacts or impacts on sensitive cultural resources. “It’s the right and respectful thing to do and part of our commitment to the environment,” explains Dustin Krugel, ADOT’s Statewide Public Information Officer. As it turns out, there were archaeological remains at the site. So, beginning in February 2014, ADOT consultants began unearthing a collection of what, based on evidence, are believed to be Salado remains from that area. They led controlled excavations of the site, which

would have certainly been impacted by the project’s construction. The site extends from Highway 60 to Main Street in Superior. At the time this article was written, the excavations were expected to be complete by the end of March. The Salado were a people believed to have inhabited the Southwest between 1100 to 1400 A.D., roughly 100 years before the Spanish came along. The renowned Southwestbased archaeologist Harold Gladwin was the first to identify the Salado as a distinct culture in the 1920s. Gladwin supposedly believed that the Salado evolved around the Little Colorado region, and began to migrate into the Tonto Basin from there. Arleyn Simon, who has been a research professor at ASU for more than 20 years, and also manages the

curation facility for archaeological collections at the Center for Archaeology and Society Repository, says that poor climate and drought led early pueblo people in the Colorado Plateau and Four Corners regions to move to middle and southern Arizona, New Mexico and Northern Mexico. From the late 1200s to the early 1300s, influences were also traveling upward from prehistoric cultures in Northern Mexico, she says, and trade networks were established. “This was a classical period,” she adds. “We might think of it as the great melting pot of the Southwest.” It is around this time that the Salado culture developed. There might have been several thousands of people living in Southern Arizona, according to Simon, and they used religious and social structures to allow them to integrate — big social and religious changes were the result. Evidence suggests that the Salado dwelled in heavy concentrations around the Gila and Salt Rivers. Several Salado ruin sites have been uncovered locally near Globe-Miami, including the Tonto Cliff Dwellings, Besh Ba Gowah and the Gila Pueblo Community College just outside downtown Globe. And, of course, ADOT’s recent excavation suggests that the Salado were also around Superior. Krugel was able to share some information on this latest excavation with GMT. According to Krugel, a crew of 15 to 25 ADOT consultants found more than 50,000 artifacts and samples at depths ranging < Animal bones and arrowheads were among the remains found at the ADOT excavation site. ADOT could not provide photos. This collection was photographed at Gila Historical Museum in Globe. Photo by Jenn Walker

between eight inches to almost five feet beneath the ground. They are believed to date somewhere between 1325 to 1450 A.D., although ADOT consultants hope to eventually get more specific dates from tree-ring, radiocarbon, and archaeomagnetic dating.

ADOT, Continued on page 39

Culture, Continued on page 33


ADOT Finds Salado Artifacts ADOT, Continued from page 38

The most common artifacts that the team unearthed were ceramics and flaked stone, like projectile points and arrowheads, and the debris from making such tools. They also uncovered numerous manos and metates, which are stones used for grinding things like corn, as well as animal remains. The crew also found pigments and minerals, roof beams, axe heads and a bone rasp. “We would expect to find those things in any Salado site,” Simon says. Simon was part of one of the largest excavation projects in Arizona herself — a 10-year excavation conducted by ASU around Roosevelt Lake — in the ‘90s. The team spent four years excavating more than 120 sites around the lake, and spent another six writing reports. “There are two things in particular that mark Salado culture,” she says. “Pottery and architecture.” The Salado are known for their polychrome pottery, she continues. In other words, it has more than two colors on it. Those colors included red from ochre, white from volcanic ash deposits, and black from paint made of cookeddown mesquite beans. They made plenty of utility pottery, too, she adds. Their pottery was not always decorated. “Decorated pottery always gets a lot of attention because it’s beautiful,” she says. “But just like if you went into your own home, you might have your best pieces displayed, but you also have a lot of everyday cooking and storing pieces.” The animal remains found at the site make sense, she says, because the Salado hunted animals such as deer and rabbits. They also grew a lot of food, such as corn,

different kinds of beans and squash. They also harvested wild food in desert, like agave. The heart of plant can be roasted. The Salado also built unique platform mound structures, Simon says, which consisted of rectangular, level rooms filled

The Salado are known for their pottery such as this example which is part of the collection at the Gila Historical Museum. Photographs of the actual remains from the dig site are not available at this time thru ADOT.

in to make a platform, with an elevated room built on top. There might have been several dozen people living near these platforms, but since they were also ceremonial areas, other suburbs would have been within half an hour to an hour walk away. So, in fact, an actual community might have been spread over a two-plus mile radius, and could support 200 to 400 people in that area. And, of course, if there was access to a river, the population density might have been higher. While the artifacts uncovered at the Superior site were generally in good


Oval piece in the center of this photo is a replica hearth with pieces of charred wood. Photographed at Besh Ba Gowah.

condition, Krugel said that the team detected some evidence of disturbance from looting, animal burrows and tree roots. What ever happened to the Salado is uncertain. By 1450 A.D., nearly all evidence of their existence disappeared from the areas they had inhabited. “These are some of the mysteries of the past,” Simon says. “What may have happened is that the conditions of Northern Arizona may have improved, and people may have moved north.” “Also, as we see in our modern politics and world news, sometimes religious and social movements are successful for several hundred years, and then a change happens.” According to Simon, after some time, the people remaining in the Southwest seem to abandon the platform structure and ceramics, returning to a lifestyle consisting of small agricultural villages and the courtyards previously used for ceremonies and social interactions, as

opposed to the platform structures. “It’s not like everyone just left, but the social and cultural organization changed again,” she adds. At the time this article was written, Krugel stated that the artifacts were being washed and labeled in preparation for analysis. A technical report describing the results of the work is expected to follow, after which the artifacts will be curated in perpetuity at the Arizona State Museum in Tucson. Meanwhile, the project’s construction is expected to happen later this year.



Here is some of Marianne’s work which can been seen throughout downtown Miami. Photos by Autumn Giles

Cats of Miami, Continued from page 1

She figured it would be enjoyable for Miami residents and also attract visitors to Miami’s downtown. “I spoke to a number of business owners, and they said ‘go for it,’” she recalls. Collins explains that the concept was simple. For the price of $25, she would paint a cat on their building. She acknowledges that the price might seem low, but calls the project “a labor of love.” “Everybody was very kind about it and thought it was great,” Collins recalls. Collins worked with many business owners on custom cats. For example, at Julie’s Sewing Corner, Collins a painted cat with a quilted vest. Collins clarifies that 121 refers to the total number of painted figures around town, the majority of which are cats, with the exception of occasional non-feline animals accompanying the cats. However, “nobody said they didn’t want a cat,” according to Collins.

In the fall of 1993, Collins’ cats inspired a cat-themed art festival called “Purrs in the Park,” in Miami Veteran’s Park. The festival had a great turnout and included a chili cook-off, walking tours of the cats and Miami’s historic downtown, and an art show. Other artists have painted cats in homage to Collins around Miami, including what she calls “a purple avant garde kitty” at Miami Art Works, as well as a cat done by an anonymous artist in Sykes Alley. “It looked like someone did it in a hurry, but it was kind of cute,” says Collins of the alley cat. It may come as a surprise that Collins really likes cats, but is somewhat allergic to them, so she has dogs at home. Still, she had a practical reason for choosing cats to paint around Miami. Collins had worked larger murals in Wilcox, AZ, and in Washington State and saw the advantages to doing smaller scale paintings. “They’re all the same size and shape,” she explains, “and they fit almost anywhere.”

She was typically able to complete a cat in two or three hours, although sometimes the fancier breeds would throw her for a loop. Collins process for painting the cats was a combination of using photo references and painting from her imagination. “I tore apart a lot of cat magazines,” says Collins. She manipulated the cuttings to get the cats’ overall shapes before painting. “It certainly has followed me over the years,” she says of the cats’ legacy. Collins recalls an animal control worker in Miami telling her that he’d go to where the cats were painted looking for stray dogs because they’d often be there barking at the cats. She took this as a great compliment. She is unsure how many of the original 121 remain, but knows some were lost when planters were removed or damaged, including one of her favorites. She’s also fond of the cat on the planter outside her studio. She isn’t aware of any that have been painted over though. People still

Marianne Collins working on a mural at Cedar Hill Bed and Breakfast in Globe, which depicts the owner’s cat, Ike, lying in bed with a coffeedrinking lizard.

contact her about the cats, and she says that people have returned over the years to see if she has painted more. While she doesn’t have plans to paint any more cats on buildings, she paints commissioned pet portraits. She also offers discounted pet portraits painted on rocks during the Gila County Gem and Mineral Show in January. She can be contacted through the Cobre Valley Center for the Arts, where her work is also on display. The best way to see Collins’ cats is by foot around historic Sullivan Street in downtown Miami.


Advice to Graduates Commencement speeches through the years Make mistakes; it means you’re doing something… And even if…your cat explodes or the IRS is on your trail… or somebody on the Internet thinks what you do is stupid… Go out and make good art, and do the stuff that only you can do. – Neil Gaiman 2012 - University of the Arts

If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat. Just get on. – Sheryl Sandberg, 2012 ~ Harvard Business School

Build yourself a great story. – Jeff Bezos, 2010 ~ Princeton

Know that your mistakes are your own unique way of getting to where you need to be. Conan O’Brien, 2000 ~ Harvard

In the past, people talked about career ladders… first of all ladders are very unstable. Do a career pyramid so you have a great base, you can change your mind, you can do a lot of different things. – Carol Bartz, 2012 ~ UW Madison

The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. – Steve Jobs, 2005 ~ Stanford

Failure is not fun. It can be awful. But living so cautiously that you never fail is worse. – JK Rowling 2008 ~ Harvard




Sheppard, Continued from page 1

Nancy twirling a rope at age 11 in Mammoth Falls, Oregon.

Sheppard was born in Fort Worth, Texas, home of the world’s first indoor rodeo, on Dec. 29, 1929. Her family was a pioneer Texas ranching family, and the rodeo tradition in her family runs deep. Her father Cleve Kelley was a Texas cowboy, rodeo calf roper, and signer of the famous Boston Rodeo Document. Her mother Margaret Adams was the daughter of prominent horse and mule dealer, and showed horses as a child in the old coliseum in Fort Worth. Needless to say, Sheppard grew up around rodeos. “These are the kinds of things I saw all my life,” she says. “I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.” When Sheppard was maybe three years old, she remembers watching a woman dressed in all white riding a snow-white horse around an arena. It was the infamous cowgirl Mamie Francis riding alongside her husband Frank Hafley. Sheppard thought to herself, “I’m going to do some of that someday.” So, she began trick roping when she was small. She learned by watching. At the mere age of nine, with her hands clasped behind her back, she worked up the courage to approach Harry Rowell, an acquaintance of her father’s. He was also the producer of the Hayward Rodeo in California.

“I was very shy back then,” she remembers. “It took all I had.” Right then and there, she negotiated her first rodeo contract for $10. It was normal to perform in rodeos at an early age. Next thing she knew, she was hired to perform at the Rowell Ranch Rodeo. She can’t remember how big the grandstand was, but that early debut launched her career. She trained hard – she took on acrobatics, trapeze, tumbling, tap and folk dancing. These all strengthened her abilities as a trick roper and trick rider. Her mother made all of her riding and roping wardrobe by hand. (Sheppard would make all of her own wardrobe pieces once she became an adult.)

Nancy at age 85 Photograph by Jenn Walker

By age 11, Sheppard was performing at the Pendleton Roundup in Pendleton, Oregon. It was not long after that she began trick roping while executing the hippodrome stand on horseback. The idea came from her boss at the time, rodeo producer Everett Colborn. He suggested combining the two when she was 14; and, to this day, she says it was the best advice anyone ever gave her. The way she talks about it, you would think it was a breeze. “Standing on the horse is the easiest part,” she says. “The hard part is getting on the horse.” Around that same time, Sheppard got a part shetland, part thoroughbred horse she named Candy. She trained him herself. He was foolproof, she says, and she credits him for her early rise to stardom. “He made me look like the greatest, whether or not I was,” she says. “There will never be another like him. He was the smoothest horse I’d ever been on.” Cowboys would make bets about Sheppard. They would bet that she could ride Candy across the arena with a glass on her head. She never did try that, she says with a laugh, but people often asked her how she trained Candy to be so foolproof. “He knew what I was doing and viceversa,” she remembers. “We were partners. I never thought I’d love any man as much as I loved that horse.” “I trick rode him until he could go no more,” she adds. Sheppard was getting offers to perform around the country. Her parents were divorced, but her mother went with her to all her shows. Off she and her mother went across the states, hauling Sheppard’s horse around in a trailer. When she was 16, she met her future husband Lynn, from Globe, at a rodeo in Burley, Idaho. He was calf roper, steer wrestler and team roper. The following year, Sheppard was at Madison Square Garden in New York, performing with orchids pinned to her shirt from a man with high hopes of becoming her other half. “That was hard to miss, all those orchids,” she says with a laugh.

Sheppard modeling a blue Western suit for Merritt’s Western Store. Cheyenne, Wyoming circa 1950s

That man’s wish was not fulfilled. Instead, Lynn and Sheppard eloped at the Gila County Courthouse when Sheppard was 18. And after that, they went rodeoing. “That’s all we did,” she says. They performed everywhere, from California to Boston to Texas. Three years later, Sheppard gave birth to their son Lex. The couple stayed in

A publicity photo taken in the studio circa 1950s

Sheppard, Continued on page 43

SPRING 2015 Sheppard, Continued from page 42

Globe three weeks after Lex’s birth; then they lost no time hitting the road again. “I could barely restrain myself those three weeks,” she says. Already, rodeo producers were eagerly awaiting Sheppard’s return to the arena. She bought a travel trailer so Lex could have everything he needed, and then the Sheppards were off rodeoing. In 1953, Sheppard was offered a movie contract for Western films. They wanted to sign her on the spot. “You will be the leading lady in your first picture,” she was told. She declined the offer. Lex was two years old at the time, and she had plenty of rodeos she was expected to appear in. For years, she rode and roped from coast to coast, hitting just about every major rodeo in the U.S. In addition to Colborn and the Christensen Brothers, she worked for rodeo producers like Harry Knight, Leo Cremer, Kohrs Rodeos, Doc Sorenson and Cotton Rosser. She appeared in numerous publications, and the renowned Western boot brand Tony Lama ran full-color ads of her wearing the brand’s boots. Within the last 25 years, Sheppard has been inducted into the National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame, the National Cowboy Museum and Hall of Rodeo Fame, and the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame in Colorado Springs. In 1992, at age 60, Sheppard was invited to a party for clothing designer Giorgio Armani in Milan, Italy as a guest performer. “Only the richest people in the world and royalty were invited,” she recalls. “They had 20,000 gorgeous roses flown in from Morocco.” She still has a photo of herself from that day wearing the outfit that she made.

Her trick roping performance was one of many acts in a two-hour long show, but her performance supposedly received the most applause. She will never forget when, after the show, a New Yorker in faded denim walked up to her, shook her hand, and said, “You make me proud to be an American.” Last December, after five years of working at it, she published and released her first book, “Ridin’, Ropin’ & Recipes,” which includes biographies of rodeo performers she has known throughout the years, as well as recipes they shared with her. She paid for the book herself. Flipping through it , she can point out names and faces instantaneously. “He was the wildest cowboy,” she says, pointing to a photo of cowboy Dave Ericsson. She flips the page to the name Don “Brown Jug” Reynolds. “I was seven years old when he was born,” she says with a smile. “When he rode out, they gave him a standing ovation... He was a real daredevil.” Sheppard still keeps a busy schedule. Locally, she is a member of the Gila County Cowbelles. She performed tricks at the Singing Wind Book Shop in Benson in January, and she had a book signing at the Payson Museum this past March, where she also performed and presented as an inspirational speaker. And, she is remains adventurous. “I still want to get a dancing horse,” she says. Read a review of Sheppard’s book on page 37. Copies of “Ridin’, Ropin’ & Recipes” can be purchased at the Pickle Barrel Trading Post.




Collectors, Continued from page 1

Dolls and Nostalgia Standing on top of the cupboards in Elaine Goulden’s kitchen is a long row of dainty, wide-eyed dolls. A number of them are at least 50 years old, if not older. Goulden, like her husband Fred, has a knack for collecting. “We’ve been collectors for years and years,” she says. He collects classic cars and Lionel trains; meanwhile, she collects dolls. And they are serious collectors, serious enough that they opened a museum in Coolidge about 25 years ago — the Golden Era Toy and Auto Museum (which is open by appointment). Goulden realizes that times have changed, and doll-collecting is something younger generations don’t necessarily understand. “The younger generation doesn’t like clutter,” she observes. Women from ages 50 and up, however, share her interest, she says, which makes sense. “There is a sense of nostalgia with dolls,” she explains. “We played with dolls when we were kids. People start collecting by what they remember as a child. If they were in love with a doll, then that might be what they collect.” “I just fell into it and stayed with it,” she says. “I know people who collected dolls and then sold them all. Not me, uh uh!” Originally from Michigan, Goulden moved to Arizona with Fred when she was 27. For years, they lived in the Phoenix area. By 2001, however, the couple was searching for a place to put their collection. They were living in Scottsdale at the time and heard about buildings selling in Miami for cheap. They decided to move to Miami and bought a commercial building for their collectibles. Fred had always been a collector, and Goulden’s interest in collecting began when she married Fred. At first she tried collecting coins, but that didn’t thrill her. Then, sometime in the mid-70s, she

actual Dionne quintuplets, who were five identical Canadian sisters born in the ‘30s, and the first group of quintuplets medically documented to survive birth. Goulden purchased them from the original owner of the dolls. Another doll was inspired by the doctor who delivered the quintuplets — Dr. Dafoe. Goulden acquired him just recently on eBay. He is missing his original hat, so he was priced at a lower cost. To these dolls, water can be a threat. Like many dolls made during that time period, their composition is primarily of sawdust and glue, Goulden explains, and Goulden purchased this set of rare Dionne Quintuplet dolls from the original owner. Photo by Jenn Walker if they get wet, they can crack. They’re also susceptible to high went to an antique sale at a Goodwill shop. temperatures, and have to stay in “I saw a doll I wanted as a child,” she climate-controlled rooms. recalls. “That’s all it took.” Of all her dolls, though, her She had stumbled upon a Terri Lee doll Terri Lee dolls are her favorite. priced at $20, and it was in pretty good She has been to the Terri Lee condition. The Terri Lee doll was a wellconvention twice in California, dressed, toddler-aged doll that young girls which attracts some of the biggest vied to have in the ‘40s and ‘50s. Goulden collectors. had been one of those young girls — Goulden’s oldest doll is she never had a Terri Lee doll as a child, perhaps her laughing jumeau doll, although she got to play with her friend’s. a doll that dates as far back as the Fred encouraged her to buy the doll. early 1900s and is made of bisque Then she found out that if she took home porcelain. Fred found the doll in 10 dolls, she could be a member of a doll Colorado and bought it for her for club. So she did, and she went to the Christmas. meeting the following Monday; she has “Every doll has a story,” remained a member ever since. she says. Now, 40 years later, she owns One of them includes another somewhere between 500 to 1,000 dolls. Terri Lee doll. She was riding along Some were made in factories. Some are in a 1946 Mercury convertible with newer, some are older. the Ford V8 Mercury Club, and she Goulden’s doll collection is spread out saw it in the window of an antique throughout various locations, including store in Florence during their tour. the commercial building in downtown “The tour couldn’t go on until Miami and the Goulden’s museum, while Goulden with her Terri Lee doll (L) and her Shirley the antique store opened,” she Temple doll (R). Photo by Jenn Walker others are displayed throughout her home. says with a laugh. Still an avid collector, she finds dolls also buys them in mint or near to mint “Just look at those curls,” at various doll shows in Phoenix, antique condition. That means no nicks and a full she says admiringly, picking up the doll. stores, and on eBay, although lately she is head of hair. “People either love them or they hate them. taking it down a notch. Looking around her house, it’s I love them. I think they’re beautiful.” “I was getting dolls too often,” she says impressive that her dolls remain in such “It’s been so exciting to collect dolls,” with a smile. “This year, I’m cooling it.” good shape. Being at least 50 years old, she adds. “I get a huge joy out of collecting When she is buying, though, she looks many of them are fragile. She points out them... it just makes me smile.” for dolls that are wearing their original a Shirley Temple doll, which was made clothing. She’ll notice if one is missing a in the ‘30s, and the Dionne quintuplets: bonnet or is wearing different shoes. She a group of five dolls modeled after the Collectors, Continued on page 45

SPRING 2015 Collectors, Continued from page 44

A World of Whimsy If you walk past the living room of Glenna Kay’s house, past the swinging doors, you will step into what feels like a retro vintage shop. There, you’ll find a world of whimsy: a massive collection of whimsical vintage things, mostly Barbies and ceramic cats spanning decades. Row after row, they are lined up on shelves inside white Ikea cases illuminated by glowing lights. “I like everything... Anything old that makes you grin, you ought to have it,” she says as we pass rows of cat statues protected behind glass. “A lot of these are sentimental things.”

“What I really need is a museum,” she adds. “I thought I’d want to sell this stuff. But I’m old now, I don’t want to sell it!” Kay credits her mother, Naomi Nail, for passing along the collector bug. When Kay was growing up in Globe on Anderson Street, her mother turned their living room into a store — Naomi’s Gift Shop — for several Christmas seasons. “Those were my formative years,” she says with a laugh. “I loved it. Everything had its place and was organized.” “She got me started on collecting salt and pepper shakers,” she adds. Though she collected things here and there growing up, Kay’s most avid collecting phase took off about 20 years ago. The conditions were just right. She

Kay showing off some of her salt and pepper shaker collection. Photo by Jenn Walker

Kay’s mother used to transform their living room into a store on Anderson Street. Here is Kay as a child with her mother inside that house. Photo courtesy of Kay.

and her husband John stopped moving around the country for work and settled down in Globe. Her daughters were grown up by then. “It’s just not advantageous to collect with children. I learned the hard way,” she laughs. “I’d get my daughters the dolls I wanted, but I learned I can’t save my daughters’ dolls! I had to get my own.” So she did. Kay discovered eBay, and she was one of its earliest users. Back then, people would clean out their collections and sell things on eBay for


cheap, sometimes 99 cents, Kay remembers. “I was longing for collectibles, and nine times out of 10, I did not find what I was looking for at yard sales,” she remembers. “eBay was a big help for finding all my collections.” “Being in a small, rural town, you don’t see these things, so I thought it was way cool,” she adds. “I didn’t know you could have these things.” It all started with cats, she says. More specifically, it started with a cookie jar and a plaque inspired by B.Kliban’s cat, a recognizable cartoon cat that grew in popularity from the ‘70s onward. She pulls out a stack of vintage postcards. On the front of each one are fully-clothed cats doing humanlike things. The artwork was done by Alfred Mainzer back in the ‘40s, she says. “It’s a time capsule of how people used to live,” she says, flipping them over to admire one-by-one. “Cats were quite an art form. They really did a lot with cats.” We pass rows of cookie jars with cat heads, and ceramic cats holding pies wearing prairie dresses and scarves on their heads, or reading with a pair of overalls on. Those are from the ‘90s, Kay says.

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Collectors, Continued from page 45

“They just bring a smile to your face,” she adds. We pass rows of Barbie dolls displayed with their original packaging, in pristine condition. She stops and stoops over to open a cabinet. “Just to let you see what other things are lurking around,” she says, her voice trailing. She stands up holding 3D paper dolls in her hands. “Is that so, so cool?” she says, handing them over. “They’re probably from the ‘60s. It was a sweeter time back then.” She flips them over to reveal more paper dolls. These date back to the ‘40s. They have seemingly real hair and paper clothes that wrap around their entire paper bodies. Other dolls dating from the ’30s and ‘40s are made out of a woodlike material by an artist named Florence Salter. Adding to her collection, Kay shows off her Cher dolls, mom and dad dolls, and girl cat dolls. “You pick up what you remember from when you were a child, too,” she says, holding up a vintage “Miss Peep” doll. Beyond her cats, she collects other things, like old cameras. She points out an old vintage pair glasses on a shelf made of both gold and white gold. She has old children’s books, including a volume of the old Chatterbox series, dating back to the late 1800s that she found on eBay. “To think I could own a piece of 1885! I was so pleased to find it,” she says with a smile. Her excitement is contagious. She pulls the book off the shelf and opens it to the first pages. She flips to a page with an old signature and note inside. “To think someone got it as a Christmas gift!” she exclaims. “It’s so old and yet it has survived.” And, of course, she holds onto family heirlooms. She kept the matching turquoise dresses both she and her mother wore, as well as a doll dress made out of her grandmother’s 50th wedding anniversary dress, and her mother’s leather jacket and antique jewelry from the ‘60s.

“They used to dress nice even to go to the store,” she says. “Their shoes would match their purses.” She also kept her father and grandfather’s watches. She pulls out a cigarette case with a lighter — there are initials engraved on it. Kay’s mother gave it to her father as a gift. She points out a small wooden jewelry box in the display case. “That was mom’s only Christmas gift,” she says. “My family was made of pioneer people,” she adds. “They were happy getting a frying pan or a new pair of boots.” All the more reason to hang on to such things today.

Fiesta is an Art Deco-style ceramic dinnerware that was manufactured by Homer Laughlin China Company in Newell, West Virginia in 1936. The

The Appeal of Fiesta For Rick Benning, his Fiesta collection is a visual thing. “Like any collection, you get the bug,” he says. “Either it’s a personal collection, or you like the shape or the color, or you like what it’s used for.”

Benning downsized his collection from 350 pieces to a modest 100 or so. Fiesta ceramic dinnerware has a distinctive Art-Deco style and was originally produced in just five colors. Photos by Jenn Walker

“It’s what grandma served all her meals on, and it snowballed to what it is now,” he says, looking up at his displayed collection inside his small house in Globe. Take a step into Benning’s home, and it is evident he appreciates both art and artistic design. Benning moved here from the Valley about 10 years ago, and his house is decorated with numerous pieces of art and furniture purchased in Globe. And, of course, he has his Fiesta collection.

company produced more than one million pieces by its second year of production. The dinnerware was initially produced in five colors: red, yellow, cobalt blue, green and ivory. The company later moved on to produce pastel and earth tones. After 37 years of production, the company stopped producing Fiesta in 1972 (although a new line was reintroduced 14 years later.) “It might have been the number one seller of dishes in the country,” Benning says. “Just about every low to middle-class

American would have had these at some point.” Benning has been to the West Virginia factory twice while attending the national Homer Laughlin China Collectors Association Convention. Once introduced to Fiesta, you can’t miss it. The disc shapes of the water jugs, and the distinct shapes of the covered onion soup and casserole dishes, bud vases and candle holders are unmistakable. “Graphically, it’s a very simple with a clean design, but colorful,” Benning says. He pulls out an old ad dating back to the 1930s. He points out the dishes the food is displayed on — Fiesta dishes. “Advertisers would use Fiesta pieces to make food appear more colorful,” he explains. “It was extremely colorful for that time... And back in the ‘30s, it was very, very inexpensive.”

Back then, a three-pint Fiesta carafe would have sold for $1.60, unless it was red or orange. Those might have been priced closer to $2.10 because of their uranium content, Benning says. Nowadays, one of those same carafes might sell for $100 to $200 a piece. It’s fair to say that Benning got his first true taste of the collector’s itch when he got his first Fiesta pieces. “Like every little kid, I had rock collections,” he says. Collectors, Continued on page 47

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But his Fiesta collection was inspired by his grandmother. When Benning was in his late ‘20s, his grandmother gave him some of her Fiesta plates, cups and bowls. He gladly accepted, and began looking for more pieces to add to the set. Benning recalls going to a department store in Minnesota around that time in the 1970s. He was looking for Fiesta pieces to finish his grandmother’s collection. Because the original design had gone out of production, though, Fiesta pieces were becoming more and more difficult to come by. “That’s not made anymore,” the woman at the department store told him. So, Benning began a hunt. “I just had to start to hunt for it,” he says. “I began looking for whatever I could find.” And hunt he did. Benning’s parents were snowbirds, so he eventually relocated from Minnesota to Arizona. He found many of his pieces traveling to antique shows, thrift shops, yard and rummage sales and flea markets around Phoenix. When the internet came around, he occasionally bought pieces online. At his peak of Fiesta-collecting, Benning had 350 pieces. “That’s small compared to a lot of people,” he says. He has reduced the size of his

collection since; his collection has been modified to somewhere around 100 pieces. “I’ve had my fun with it,” he says. “They’re only dishes.” “Most collections will never be complete, when you think about it,” he adds. He keeps his most sentimental pieces, like the rose platter that belonged to his grandmother. A dark blue Fiesta teapot sits on top of his refrigerator. “It belonged to my mother,” he says. “I remember it being on the fridge when I was really small.” Avid Fiesta collectors want each piece of the dish set in all the original colors: red, yellow, cobalt blue, green and ivory. The rarest dishes are especially sought after, like any of the dishes in medium green, Benning explains, because they were only produced for a year and a half. The covered onion soup dish in turquoise is considered another hot item because very few exist. So is the mustard jar. “People were much more fancy back then,” Benning notes. “Nowadays, you just plunk the bottle it came in on t he table.” “And non-collector people will ask ‘Why?’” Benning says after a moment of silence. “And that’s a good question. I don’t have an answer, but nonetheless I have this stuff.”


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