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The average daily positive numbers have continued to drop drastically in Gila County, especially the last week in February. For a recap of 2022 in Gila County, positive cases in January were 104/ day, February were 40/day, and the week of 2/19 through 2/25 was at 9/day.

With the numbers continuing to decrease in our state and community, we are getting to a point that this virus is more manageable. The CDC is now recommending that indoor masking can be eased up and is leaving it up to businesses on how they move forward for enforcement. Please continue to respect those who choose to continue to mask up until they reach their own comfort zone. For now, we can enjoy the opportunity to not wear a mask, but we should have contingency plans in place to immediately address spikes as they occur, to keep them from getting out of control.

The Gila County Health, Emergency, and Prevention Department continues to recommend getting a vaccination and booster shot. For questions, you can contact the Health Department Hotline at 928-200-7668. To schedule a test, call 928-961-1284. To schedule a Covid vaccination or booster, call 928-910-4009.


In January, the Department of the Air Force released a notice of intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for Regional Special Use Airspace Optimization to Support Air Force Missions in Arizona. There are four alternatives proposed for consideration, in which alternatives 2 through 4 have an effect on the various zones of training in Arizona by lowering the subsonic floor to 100 feet and lowering the altitude for releasing flares.

On February 23, the Globe City Council approved a response letter in regards to the Air Force EIS proposal to meet the deadline date for comments of March 4. Council’s letter supports alternative 1, which has no changes to current procedures.

The letter states that while the City of Globe has a long history of supporting the needs of our military and will continue to do so, there are two distinct concerns with alternatives 2 through 4.

First, as you may recall, last summer’s Telegraph Fire caused an enormous amount of damage in and around the city, and we are continuing to experience the negative consequences of that catastrophic wildfire. Because of the burn scar, the city and surrounding areas experienced multiple severe post-wildfire flooding events during our monsoon season because the soil has become hydrophobic and water flows unfettered into the city, flooding homes and businesses. While no firm conclusions have been determined, many believe the fire was started by the release of a lowlevel flare from a DAF aircraft. Lowering the above-ground-level height may help in training, but it could cause another catastrophic wildfire that we would like to avoid. If DAF can provide assurances that low-level flares will not be used, or anything that is potentially flammable, we would be happy to reconsider our support for additional alternatives.

Second, we are deeply concerned about the effect of sonic booms in and around the city of Globe. As you may know, several of these have occurred in the last several years that have resulted in homes and businesses having their windows blown out. This is uniquely dangerous in the Globe downtown area where we have 100-year-old two- and three-story buildings built with zero setback to the street, and the glass falls directly onto the sidewalks and the pedestrians below. This is an undue and avoidable hardship on property owners and a danger to residents. Again, if there is a mitigation tactic that could avoid these types of incidences, we would be more amendable to the other alternatives.

This letter, along with a list of questions concerning our entire community, was delivered for consideration in the future process.


On February 8, a public hearing was held during the scheduled City Council meeting to consider Ordinance 878, a request to rezone the property located at 450 S. Hill Street, AKA Hill Street School. There were comments by the public against and for the project. The major concern is the parking at the location. There are various options that are being discussed with the developer to address the parking. After the hearing was closed, the City Council voted unanimously in favor of the rezone. The rezone allows the developer to move forward with the application process to apply for funding. If the developer is successful with funding for the project, it is still a way out from groundbreaking, which is anticipated in 2023.

The project proposal is to build a 64-unit affordable senior housing facility at an estimated cost of $18 to $20 million. This building has been vacant for the past 16 years and has been an eyesore that is seen from the highway. There have been several investors and developers interested in this building, but none have been able to secure the funds needed to make it happen. The Gorman Company can make it happen.

Housing has been identified as a major concern in our community. We need to be open-minded and consider all options. We need all levels of housing, from high-end expensive to medium income to low income and senior housing. We understand that parking has been brought up as a major issue, but we believe that this problem can be worked on and resolved.

There was a comment to demolish the building and build new that I believe would be devastating to our historical value. This is the gateway to our historic district, and this building is unique and could attract visitors to enter and visit. Erecting a new modernized building would take away from the historic atmosphere of our community. This project would address two issues by bringing back to life an amazing historic building and helping alleviate the housing shortage.


The City of Globe is always seeking applicants to become board members of the various sub-committees appointed by the City Council. There has been a tremendous response from our residents to volunteer for these positions. We currently still have one open position on the Board of Adjustments and one position open on the Library Committee. Only requirements are that volunteers are 18 years of age and live within the city limits of Globe. Applications can be picked up at City Hall by contacting our City Clerk, Shelly Salazar, at 928-4257146, extension 206.


This is a reminder that the second City of Globe Citizens Academy will be held March 23 through May 4. Classes are held every Wednesday from 6 pm to 8 pm. To register, contact City Clerk Shelly Salazar at 425-7146, extension 206, or by email at ssalazar@globeaz.gov.


The First Friday events continue to grow each month, with more participation from downtown businesses, vendors, and cruisers. Everyone is invited to participate in the downtown cruise. We invite all the community to come downtown and support the participating businesses, enjoy live music, food trucks, and vendors, and watch the vehicles cruising.


March 8 ............... Globe City Council Meeting (6 pm) March 22 ............. Globe City Council Meeting (6 pm) April 1 ................... First Friday Downtown Globe – Cruise Night April 9 .................. Wings of Hope Car Show in Downtown Globe

Superior Chamber of Commerce 165 Main St Superior Az

(520) 689-0200

March 19 th 2022

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