A DOG DAY MORNING Chris Couture: Life Behind the Lens Page 8 Photo by Kenneth Chan
Photographing pets for a good cause A pack of dogs round the corner as we drive up to the ranch house and get out of the car. They are all wagging their tails and barking in that “someone’s here” way – which lets their owner know we have arrived. Leading the pack is a strikingly handsome shepherd mix with a shaggy black and white coat and blue eyes. Right next to
him is a small cow dog half his height and hair volume. They make a striking pair, and I find out later they were both adopted from the pound and are best of friends. Rounding out this welcome wagon of tail-waggers is a lab mix with pretty black and tan markings, a lanky catahoula with brindle markings, and a black and white shepherd who is showing her age, but game none-the-less to be part of the pack.
Prison Life On View In Old Jail Globe’s 1910 Territorial Jail reveals history, attracts tourists By Linda Gross
Page 36
Dog Days, Continued on page 38
A Superior Bread Man By Linda Gross
Bert Archer has always been a craftsman and artisan of sorts. As a general contractor in California for nearly 30 years, he designed, built and installed custom kitchens and cabinetry. However, a heart attack several years ago left him unable to return to the demands of that job and ultimately led him to relocate to Superior, Arizona and devote his time and talents to bread making. The change suits him just fine. Bread making, it turns out, is much like crafting cabinetry and laying out kitchens. It requires the right tools, precise measurements, a firm grasp of the basics - in this case, the science and chemistry behind bread making – and an artists’ passion for the process and the product itself.
United Fund Celebrates 50 Years Page 6 Guayo’s Guayo’s Guayo s On The Trail Trail ra
Electric Drr APS
Bread Man, Continued on page 40
Judy’s Cookhouse
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A typical cell for women and juveniles. Prisoners were given a thin mattress, no pillow and one blanket.
Mtn View Dentistry
Country Club
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Prison Life, Continued on page 42
Find A Grave Project
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A crude message scratched into the concrete walls of a cell is a melancholy reminder of prison life in the old jail. Lest he be forgotten, one prisoner chose to write his story on the walls, “Bob D. in for rape 1964…15 years to go?” He ends it with small sign of hope, a question mark. At the time it was written, the old jail was being condemned as substandard by several federal, state and county groups; the plumbing didn’t work, the ceilings had begun to sag, there was only one working bathroom. The jail was originally built for 35 prisoners but routinely exceeded that number, and over-crowding was a problem almost from the day it was built.
Far behind the pack is Jane Hale, a fourth generation rancher and our host for the morning. She waves us over to the side yard and introduces us to the greeters; Beauty is the handsome one and Cowgirl is his sidekick. They are equally interested throughout the morning in what we are doing at any given moment and niggling each other into a friendly growling romp around the yard.
Miamii Mia High Hig gh Schoo Schooll
Area Walking Maps C b Cobre Valley Vall lley
By Linda Gross
FALL 2014
Boyce Thompson Arboretum to the Rescue Boyce Thompson Arboretum recently announced that it is part of a massive effort to save the plant collection of Wallace Desert Gardens. Located in north Scottsdale, this garden contains 12 acres of more than 7,000 cultivated plants, including a 6,000 square foot pavilion of large specimen cacti. HB Wallace built the Wallace Desert Gardens over 25 years ago and amassed 3,000 species of plants, including a wide variety of ephedras, boojum trees, agaves, cacti, and aloes. Adding this plant collection to the one at Boyce Thompson Arboretum will create a superlative garden of plants from arid lands around the world. With over 4,300 species combined, Botanic Gardens Conservation International estimates this plant diversity will place Boyce Thompson Arboretum in the top 100 gardens globally, and top 25 in the United States. Mark Siegwarth, Executive Director of Boyce Thompson Arboretum, says, “This unprecedented project to relocate 7,000 plants in the Wallace Collection to Superior will be complicated, but we know this project is extremely important as over one fourth of the combined
collection is held in fewer than 10 gardens globally, with a significant number representing threatened species.” “Expanding the garden area at Boyce Thompson Arboretum will allow us to create an even larger trail system with more educational and recreational opportunities to better fulfill our mission as an Arizona State Park,” continues Siegwarth. “The sheer biological diversity of the combined collections will permit us to expand our mission of research and conservation in our other role as a University of Arizona Experiment Station.” Lee Brownson, Executive Director of the Wallace Desert Gardens, is extremely pleased the entire collection is to be relocated to Boyce Thompson Arboretum. “H.B. Wallace, and indeed several generations of the Wallace family, have been instrumental in agricultural research over the years. Both garden founders were committed to finding ways plants could benefit mankind. It seems fitting that although the gardens were started in different locations at different times, together they can further the founders’ original intents.” The Wallace Desert
Upcoming Events All walks and tours are free with paid admission unless otherwise noted.
Fall Plant Sale: October 10 – Members only preview sale; October 11-26 – Open to all October 18 – Bird walk 8:30 am October 18 – Plants of the Bible Lands tour 1:30 pm October 25 – Butterfly walk 9:30 am October 25 – Geology tour 1:30 pm November 2 – History walk 10 am November 8 – Edible and medicinal plants 1:30 pm November 9 – Live music festival November 11 – All veterans admitted free November 29-30 – Fall Foliage Festival October-November: Many photography workshops – check website Gardens has had a long relationship with both Boyce Thompson Arboretum and its Desert Legume Program at the University of Arizona. With the Wallace Desert Gardens Board of Directors’ desire to share this collection with the public and continue their founders’ interest in agricultural research, Boyce Thompson Arboretum seems a natural fit with its dual role as a University of Arizona Experiment Station and as a State Park. Wallace Desert Gardens Acting Board President Joe Giacobazzi says, “The move to Boyce Thompson Arboretum is really the perfect solution and fit for the Wallace Collection.” Although this is a novel way to rescue a garden, it will not happen overnight. It will take approximately three years to move the plants and
perhaps five years to integrate both operations. Each plant will have to be individually evaluated to determine the best method and time of year to be moved. “We have so many microclimates,” Executive Director Seigwarth says, “we want to find the perfect place for each plant.” The Arboretum will be constructing a new loop trail for the Wallace collection, so there should be minimal impact on visitors. A few plant specimens may be relocated to existing areas at the Arboretum in order to more fully develop those exhibits. Visit the Arboretum’s Facebook page and website for the latest information as plans become more solidified in anticipation of the start of relocating the Wallace Desert Gardens plant collection to Boyce Thompson Arboretum.
For more information: Call 520.689.2811 • Click /boycethompsonarboretum • Follow /BoyceThompson • Find us on and on
Fall 2014
LAW AND ORDER IN A LAWLESS TIME: Steadying his rifle against the corral for accuracy, Apache policeman John Talkalai took deliberate aim and shot and killed his brother, Tonto Apache chief Disalin. It was a few days before Christmas, 1875, and earlier that day, Indian agent John Clum (later Tombstone Epitaph editor), was said to have scolded Disalin for beating his wife. The chief came back with a rifle and tried to kill Clum and the five other non-Indians at the San Carlos agency. His attempt was thwarted when Talkalai stopped him with his fatal shot. In a 1978 book published by Clum’s son Woodworth, the author pieces together his father’s life as an Apache agent in a book by the same name, Apache Agent. The book relies on the unpublished memoirs of the elder Clum who served as an Indian agent for the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation in the Arizona Territory from 1874 to 1877. The memoirs point out a unique friendship which developed at that time between Clum and John Talkalai, a San Carlos Apache who served on the first tribal police force established by Clum. In the account pertaining to the killing of Talkalai’s brother, it is reported that Clum remembered looking over Disalin’s body when Talkalai said, “I have killed my own chief and my own brother. But he was trying to kill you, and I am a policeman. It was my duty.” The two men then sealed
The story of Indian Agent John Clum and the first Apache Policeman, John Talkalai ~1877 By Jim Turner
a mutual pledge of friendship with another clasping of hands and kept that pledge to the day of Talkalai’s death. Clum, who was a New York farm boy and member of the Dutch Reformed Church, had dropped out of Rutger’s college in the East halfway through his education due to health reasons and headed west, where he took a government job in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He had been at that job less than a year when President Grant decided to turn all Indian reservations over to missionaries, and the Dutch Reformed Church, which Clum attended, selected the young college-educated man as agent to the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation. The 22-year-old arrived at San John Clum (center) with Indians, Diablo and Eskiminzin, on the San Carlos Agency in 1877 Carlos on August 4, 1874. At a time rule by creating both the Indian Tribal when many politicians saw Indians alike, Police and Tribal Court. Talkalai was one of and agents routinely used their position the first Apaches, along with Eskiminzin, to line their own pockets, Clum was an Goodah and Sneezy, selected to serve on anomaly. He treated Apaches as friends the Tribal Police and to work with Clum and established the first system of self-
Talkalai as a young man
to create a sense of law and order on the reservation. Three years later, Clum and Talkalai would play a major role in the capture of Geronimo, marking the only instance in which Geronimo was captured without a shot fired on either side. According to Clum’s memoirs, in April of 1877 he and about one hundred of his Apache police marched more than four hundred miles from the San Carlos reservation to the Ojo Caliente (Warm Springs) agency, near today’s Truth or Consequences, Chief Talkalai, Continued on page 5
FALL 2014
Publisher Linda Gross Creative Director Jenifer Lee
The world is hugged by the faithful arms of volunteers. ~Terri Guillemet aah, the weather has finally turned and fall season has arrived bringing with it a slew of holiday events, family and friend gatherings and memory-making moments. This season I want to give a shout out to all the volunteers who are rarely acknowledged for the work they do to help others, create fun in our lives and make things work in our world. Take the upcoming holiday season with such crowd pleasing events as the Electric Light Parade, Fall Festival, Ghosts of Globe Tour and Annual Dessert Social. It’s easy to believe some all powerful figure is behind this magic – someone like the mysterious Wizard of Oz who makes everything right in the Kingdom. Yet, when the curtain is pulled back, we discover these events are not underwritten by some powerful benefactor or local agency like city or county government. They are homegrown, through the crazy passion and persistence of regular people; volunteers whose efforts create a sense of community and appreciation for the downtown district. It is hard to imagine a holiday season without these events to share with family and friends, so my hat is off to Kip Culver, Molly Cornwell, Ed Gardea and the many volunteers who help them every year to pull off the magic that they do for the rest of us. (See pp 12-13 Calendar of Events). And as for community service, I invite you to look no further than United Fund of Globe-Miami and their many recipient agencies who provide services to a wide range of organizations from youth sports to the local humane society throughout Globe and Miami. These agencies and organizations are changing lives one donation at a time and making each of their dollars stretch well beyond face value thanks to the hundreds of volunteer hours that go along with each contribution received. (see pp 6) Our lead story this season goes to the dogs as we highlight the work that went into producing this years’ annual calendar by the High Desert Humane Society. Here is another all-volunteer organization caring for the needs of discarded dogs and cats by making it possible for them to find homes. Kenneth Chan, a local photographer, lent his time this September meeting with pets and their owners. The photo shoots often took hours to get just the right shot. (see pp 1) So as we head into the end of another year I encourage you to look closely at those things you take for granted in your community and acknowledge the volunteers among us who make it all happen – time and time again. ~Best,
PS: And forget about making resolutions for next year! Instead, pick a moment this season to sit down and reflect on what you’ve learned in the last year and make a list. You may surprise yourself with the lessons learned in the last 365 days. So go ahead, start your own list! Check out photographer Chris Couture’s list-oflessons on page 32.
Contributing Writers Chris Couture Linda Gross Ann McAuley Libby Rooney Kim Stone Jim Turner Jenn Walker Contributing Photography Boyce Thompson Arboretum Staff Kenneth Chan Linda Gross Tanner Yeager
Contact Information Linda Gross 175 E Cedar Street • Globe, AZ 85501 Office: (928) 961-4297 Cell: (928) 701-3320 Fax: (928) 425-4455
Published Four Times a Year January / April / July / October Copyright@2014 GlobeMiamiVisitorsGuide GlobeMiamiTimes All rights reserved. Reproduction of the contents of this publication without permission is strictly prohibited. The GlobeMiamiTimes neither endorses nor is responsible for the content of advertisements. Advertising Deadline: Camera ready artwork is due the 10th of the preceding month of publication. Design and photography services are available beginning at $35 hr. Display Advertising Rates: Contact Linda Gross at 928-701-3320 or e-mail sales@ Community Calendar: Interested in having your event showcased in our community calendar? Please send us an e-mail with all the details by the 15th of the month prior to our publication date. We will post your event online for FREE. Events posted in the paper are subject to space available. For guaranteed placement in the paper there is a nominal $39 fee for up to five lines.
Fall 2014 and later a postal inspector for the Alaska Territory. As for Talkalai, little is New Mexico, in pursuit of Geronimo. known of his life after Clum left in 1877. Thinking there were only twenty police, Nearly 42 years later, in 1919 accounts Clum says Geronimo came in for a talk of his life in Miami, Arizona turned up and was surprised when eighty more in the newspapers. By that time he was hidden Apache police burst out of the nearly 90 years old. The details of why commissary. “Once rifles were leveled at he left the reservation are lost to history, Geronimo, he realized he could neither but local speculation is that he was flee nor fight.” Their success in capturing shunned because of his work for Clum one of the most elusive warriors of the and others. Adding to his woes, the army decade-long Apache wars gave the army had long ago denied Talkalai’s request for a black eye and furthered the tension a pension because there was no record of between Clum and his superiors. military service, so he relied on the local community for his welfare. Kelly, a well-known local photographer, provided the former Apache policeman with images he would take of him, which the elder Talkalai then sold to tourists for ten cents each. Even the local Camp Fire girls were said to have raised money to help build a new porch on his house while others lent a hand from time to time as needed. When John Clum visited Miami in 1929, Talkalai was over 105 years old. He found the elder Talkalai blind, deaf, and hardly able to walk, but said in his memoirs that the two greatly enjoyed their reunion. In a speech to Miami citizens, Clum emphasized how important Talkalai had been to early Arizona settlement and encouraged them to help his old friend. He lamented the fact that Geronimo, whom he and others of his era considered a murderer and thief, had become internationally Talkalai: One of the many portraits taken by Kelly famous and considered noble, while Studios in Miami which Talkalai sold for 10¢ each. the others that he respected: The bureau was not supportive of “Eskiminzin, Talkalai, Goodah, and Clum’s methods in giving self-rule to Sneezer – red men who always had been his Apache charges, and in constantly loyal to the white man’s government, who questioning their authority and guidelines had risked their lives to protect their white for reservation life. Clum grew increasingly brothers, who had striven . . . for peace and frustrated with what he saw as an justice – who had ever heard of them?” uncaring and often times corrupt bureau Talkalai died the next year and is administration. He resigned from his post buried in the Pinal cemetery in Central just three years after he had arrived and Heights, not far from where he lived more said goodbye to his government job and than half his life. John Clum died two years Apache friends. after their meeting, in 1932, at the age of He would later become a newspaper 80 at his home in Los Angeles, where he man, publishing the Tombstone Epitaph, is buried. Chief Talkalai, Continued from page 3
FALL 2014
Join community leaders on November 7, 2014 at the Bullion Plaza Community Center in Miami, where we will be celebrating the superheroes of the last 50 Years of the United Fund of GlobeMiami, helping non-profit organizations throughout the area. Like Clark Kent, United Fund supporters, volunteers and staff at recipient agencies go about their service as everyday people. Below
the surface they are the heroes helping to improve lives and build a stronger community. The United Fund currently provides funding to more than 20 local agencies in the areas of housing, community development, youth sports, senior citizens, the arts and more. True superheroes, agency staff are primarily volunteers who serve after they have worked full days or weeks. They are passionate about helping the community,
United Fund Board 2015 (L-R) Front: Anna Petty, Linda Oddenetto, Gail Lenox Back: Kip Culver, Linda Gross, Ellen Kretch, Gloria Rico, Mary Anne Moreno, Rulah Colvin, Maryn Belling, Robin Horta
and the United Fund is committed to helping them to continue to fulfill the mission of their organizations. The Gila Community Food Bank is one of the recipient agencies of United Fund donations. As an all-volunteer organization, they rely on donations of food from individuals, businesses, and corporations to provide emergency food boxes to those in need. According to volunteer Dr. Rula Colvin, “The monthly allotment from United Fund helps us purchase food when contributions do not give us enough to meet the demand and helps cover operating expenses. We also received a special grant to upgrade our building to be handicapped accessible. Without the grant, we would have had to spend funds that would have otherwise gone to purchasing food. We are very grateful for the funding we receive from all sources and are especially grateful for United Fund’s generosity to us.” The United Fund couldn’t help the community without the support of donors and the work of volunteers and staff at recipient agencies.
organizations like the Salvation Army, then-YMCA of Miami, and Boy Scouts needed money to support their efforts. People in the community were being asked by different organizations for donations, and business owners recognized a need to keep donations in the Globe-Miami area. Designed as a funding umbrella, the United Fund was formed by a group of business people, and the purpose was – and still is – to be a donation resource for all of the non-profit organizations in the area. 100% of all donations to the United Fund of Globe-Miami stay in the area. Continuing the philosophy of the founders of the United Fund to help organizations year round, agencies receive equal monthly payments based on the total amount awarded. In addition, special grant funding has enabled many organizations to meet additional needs including a $1,7000 grant to High Desert Humane Society for a shade structure this last summer and $35,000 to meet the final leg of funding for the elevator project at the Cobre Valley Center for the Arts. United Fund, Continued on page 7
History of the United Fund The United Fund of Globe-Miami was started in 1964 after frustration within the community about the needs and funding of non-profit organizations. Non-profit
Troop 101 with Field Director Brett Biebe and Scout Master Joe Brunson in front of Bullion Plaza Museum. The Boyscouts are one of the oldest recipients of United Fund of Globe Miami.
Fall 2014 United Fund, Continued from page 6
History of Superheroes Longtime supporter, volunteer, and Board member Mary Anne Moreno has been involved with the United Fund since 1968. She became the United Fund representative for her employer Gila General Hospital and a Board Member for the United Fund. Moreno says it was her job to “strong arm my fellow employees,” and she took her job seriously by raising funds and generating community support for the organization, and her support has continued throughout the years. She, like so many of the superheroes, believes in the power of a few people to make big changes, “I am pleased at the growth of the United Fund over the years due to the generosity of the people and businesses of Globe, Miami and surrounding areas. When we have this level of support we are able to fund more non-profits
50th Anniversary Gala To commemorate 50 years of serving, the United Fund of GlobeMiami will be honoring the following individuals and agencies who are a part of the United Fund family. Please join us as we celebrate five decades of supporting those who support others in our our community.
in the community and help more people.” Moreno is just one in a long history of United Fund supporters. Echoing Moreno’s sentiments, Ellen Kretch, Executive Director of the GlobeMiami Chamber of Commerce says, “While big donations are welcome and needed, the United Fund was formed and continues to be supported by many people. If everyone can give a little, we can help a lot of people.” Kretch began her work with the United Fund in the 1970s as an employee at the Arizona Silver Belt. “Our boss at that time was Tom E. Anderson. He encouraged each employee to give one hour of pay each month as a United Fund donation. In return he would close the office and buy us all lunch. If you worked for Tom, you know it was a rare occasion that he would close the office. I think that shows how much he – and all of the employees – supported the United Fund’s efforts in the community.” And the support of local businesses continues today. While it may not be the strong arm, Derek Cook, General Manager at Freeport-McMoRan – Miami, has been a key leader in engaging the team at his organization and raising money for the United Fund. He, along with the other mines in the area, are among top donors.
Mary Anne Moreno
Superhero Awards Michelle Duenas The Boys and Girls Club Cheryl Brazel High Desert Humane Society Rulah Colvin Gila County Food Bank Kip Culver Cobre Valley Center for the Arts
Transformer Awards
Tom Foster, Executive Director Bullion Plaza Museum and Cultural Center Tickets to the 50th Anniversary Gala are $25 each and may be purchase through: www.Unitedfundof, or by calling Gail Lenox at 928-200-9777. It is only through ticket sales and generous corporate donations that the United Fund is hosting this special event. Interested in learning more? Contact Gail Lenox, Executive Director of the United Fund of Globe-Miami at 928200-9777 or email her at unitedfund@
Fund is that donations stay within the community. On the first of every month I have the pleasure of delivering checks to all of our recipients. And it’s not just about dropping an envelope on a desk. It’s an opportunity to check in and see how they’re doing, how the donation is helping them, and what we can do to further help their organization. It is an extremely rewarding job,” says Lenox. The annual campaign is taking place October 7-30, 2014. This is the sole effort for 2015 fundraising. Contact Gail Lenox, Executive Director of the United Fund at 928-200-9777 to learn more.
Becoming a Recipient Organization
Founders Award
Derek Cook, General Manager Freeport-McMoRan – Miami
United Fund Executive Director, Gail Lenox handing a check over to Tom Foster, Executive Director for Bullion Plaza Museum and Cultural Center. Gail says handing out checks is one of the best parts of her job.
Each dollar raised gets thousands of volunteer hours. 90% of all donations to the United Fund go directly to non-profit organizations in the area. While only 10% of donations are used for administrative costs. Since 2011, the annual budget has grown from $80,000 to just over $500,000 under the guidance of Executive Director Gail Lenox and the Board of Directors. “What I like most about the United
Each year the United Fund of GlobeMiami opens applications for funding to all non-profit organizations in the area. Recipients are selected by the Board of Directors based on a variety of criteria, including need and impact on the community. Copper Cities Youth Sports was formed by Larry Anthony to serve the youth in the area. With the help of the United Fund and support of parents, Copper Cities is able to provide opportunities in a variety of sports to more than 600 children and teenagers. In their second year as recipients, they are able to provide funding to supplement registration fees, allowing children who might otherwise be unable, to participate in sports. Additional funding also enables them to financially support out of town trips, and train parents as coaches. The United Fund of Globe Miami supports a variety of organizations including youth sports, food banks, community centers, and more.
Anne McAuley is a Mesa based freelance writer and owner of McAuley Freelance Writing where she is a copywriter and blogger for businesses. She believes that words matter. What you say and how you say it is the difference between landing a deal and losing a customer. When she’s not crafting content for her clients, Anne is spending time with friends and family. She can be reached at or via her website
FALL 2014
Chris Couture talks about his journey as a photographer By Linda Gross
After six years behind the lens, Chris Couture had his first photography show in Scottsdale at the First Friday Drive-Through Gallery event last month where he showcased four of his images along with other artists. He says it was the first time he had to stand around and accept compliments on his work,in person, instead of on his Facebook page where he has a strong fan base for his photography, ಯItಬs a hard thing for me to do,ರ Chris smiles as he and I talk on my front porch about his journey from a guy who had never touched a camera before purchasing his first DSLR four years ago, to turning heads with his images. His images have received recognition on Arizona Highways and Sunset Magazine online photo feeds, caught the eye of Western Horseman, been featured in COPA, an art and lifestyle magazine for Maricopa County, and will be showcased on an upcoming Nashville album, “Cowboy Chris and Buddy Bacon Operetta” by singer-songwriter Corey Padilla. next three years in the infantry division in Born and raised in Miami, Arizona, Chris Germany and Kuwait City. Today, he works for enlisted in the army at age 18 and spent the Southwest Gas as a technician and instructor < The corrals at Apache Springs Shipping and says he didnಬt venture into photography Corral. Photography is not just an art, but until four years ago this October when he an attitude. A shot like this takes patience, bought his first DSLR with $500 he got in because as Chris once penned in a piece he overtime pay. He set about teaching himself wrote titled, What I've Learned..."just because I have my camera set up, nature will not just put photography mostly by shooting a lot. His on a display." ಫMOಬ consisted then, as it does now, of hitting the road on weekends with Buddy Bacon, a chocolate lab he bought just months before the camera. Buddy has followed along on many photo shoots, although not all, as Chris explains:
“While making preparations for an upcoming trip I realize that photographers do not measure their time away in days, but in the number of sunrises and sunsets they’ll be able to capture.” ~ Chris Couture, May 2014 Facebook ಯHe has separation anxiety, so I canಬt take him on just any photo shoot. Having an anxious 70 lb dog around expensive camera equipment on the edge of a lake or a 1000 ft drop off is not good,ರ Chris says. If there is one thing you come to know about Chris, it is that he is as protective of his camera gear as he is about Buddy Baconಬs comfort. ಯI leave him home unless Iಬm going to be somewhere he can run around and be close to me without causing problems.ರ Mares and colts being brought in from pasture for the annual colt sale at the Babbitt Ranch, north of Flagstaff.
Chris Couture, Continued on page 9
Fall 2014
Duane Reece has been ranching for over seventy years in Gila County. He was the state cattle inspector at one time and used to rodeo quite a bit.
Chris Couture, Continued from page 8
As a self-taught photographer, Chris says trial and error in the field taught him a few things about lighting, angles, and ISO settings, but he received some of the most valuable lessons early on in his career when was invited to send some prints to be critiqued by a professional, a man who had done work for Arizona Highways. Chris laughs when he remembers that he was sure he had some pretty good stuff to share by that time and was surprised when the critique came back. ಯHe crucified meಹMy shadows were too heavy, my framing was off, there was
too much clutter in the image. You know, it hurtಹbut it was also the one thing that has helped me more than anything else.ರ Chris says he never used to look at others work and didnಬt even know who Ansel Adams was when he first picked up photography. He does not do much post editing to his images beyond using Lightroom to balance out the light in the image and crop out the clutter. ಯWhen I started with this I never thought Iಬd have anything someone would like, much less buy,ರ says Chris. At the point he is at now, he is hoping when he retires in sixteen years he will have some supplemental income from his
photography. His work currently covers a broad range of subjects, from ranching to landscapes, and astro photography to western life. The one thing it does not include is weddings. ಯI donಬt have time for bridezillas,ರ he says. It is his passion for photography that drives his work, not a particular subject area. He has chased summer storms and
captured lighting racing across the sky and hitting the ground. He has spent nights under the stars to capture the milky way and worked into the early morning hours capturing the heavens as they move through time and space. The first time he shot out at a ranch was in 2012 when he was invited to photograph a fall branding on the Griffinಬs X4 ranch just north of Globe. ಯIಬve always liked cowboys and the cowboy way of life,ರ Chris says, adding that he grew up wanting to be George Straight or Clint Eastwood. Chris Couture, Continued on page 10
The Tilting H Ranch in Young. Bringing in an extra horse for the day's work.
Observing his subjects and watching for patterns helps to put Chris in a position to catch the best action, like in this shot during the spring branding at the Griffin's 4X Ranch.
FALL 2014
Chris Couture, Continued from page 9
The best storytelling is often found in the details.
The more time he spends around ranches and the people who grew up on them, the more he likes the ಫcowboy way.ಬ ಯYou never hear a cowboy bitch about anything,ರ he says. ಯThey just have a job to do and they do it.ರ Shortly after the shoot on the Griffin ranch in May of that year, he headed up north to photograph the Babbitt colt sale which happens every year in July. His images from both of these brought new fans to his work, new friends to his life and new opportunities for his photography. His work for Corey Padillaಬs new album out of Nashville titled, ಯCowboy Operettaರ came as a result of his work on the X4 ranch and recommendations from owners Therese Hicks and Janet Cline. Ray Kennedy, the producer, who is a four-times Grammy winner, hired him to do a promotional video for the project. Then later this summer he was approached by Bullion Plaza Museum and asked if he would give a presentation in January on Gila County Ranching as part of their First Friday lecture series. Wanting to expand his portfolio to include more ranches for this presentation, he put a call out on Facebook for ranches willing to be included, and then spent the better part of several weeks visiting each of them. Currently he has photographed four ranches and expects have three to add to his portfolio before his presentation in January. His collection of images reflect the cowboy way of life in Gila County - and contain a blend of landscapes, portraits and tightly cropped details which help tell a story. Mark your calendars now for the First Friday program on January 9th, at 6:30 p.m., January 9, in the Inspiration Room at Bullion Plaza Museum and Cultural Center in Miami.
Fall 2014
Old Tales of Law and Order in Globe-Miami These accounts of law and order as published in local newspapers reflect the life and times of those living in Globe-Miami at the turn of the century.
Vendetta averted thanks to poor marksmanship Perhaps it was the heat of summer which caused John Ducovich on that hot August evening in Globe to take a couple of shots at John Columbus for “reasons that the latter avers he is absolutely ignorant of.” Ducovich, an Italian employed by the Old Dominion seemed to have it in for a fellow Italian as it was described by the court: “Columbus was just about to enter his house when the shooting occurred, and it is owing to Ducovich’s poor marksmanship that he is alive today. Ducovich had evidently been lying in wait for him for some time to avenge some fancied grievance, but when the critical moment arrived for the cancellation of the vendetta, about the only man perambulating the streets at the time, who was really safe, was the intended victim himself. “ “After the fray was over, Columbus hastened to the office of Justice Thomas and swore out a warrant against Ducovich charging him with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill. Ducovich was placed under arrest, and being unable to give bond, was committed to jail. He refused to discuss the causes leading up to the shooting, but will probably not be so reticent when confronted in the courtroom by his intended victim.” (Arizona Silver Belt, August 1906)
Cattle Owners are aroused. Vow to stop practice of roping cattle on the range.
“Complaint is made by local cattlemen – and justly so – of the injury resulting to the interests of cattle owners from steer tying contests, common in the cattle growing districts. The ambition of the average cowboy to excel in throwing the lariat leads them to improve every opportunity for practice and the roping of cattle on open range thus becomes a favorite pastime with many of them, greatly to the injury of the cattle and financial loss of the owners. Frequently cattle are killed or maimed in these practice bouts, and it is safe to say that the losses annually sustained by local cattle owners from this causes aggregate many hundred dollars. Very often the injuries to animals which have been roped and thrown are not apparent until they have gone to the slaughter house. We were called into a local butcher shop one day last week and shown the carcass of a fine steer so covered with bruises as to render it wholly unfit for use and a total loss to the owner. This evil of roping cattle for sport on the open range is hard to remedy…but the cattle owners have been aroused and are determined to put a stop to the vicious practice. The agitation no doubt will result in an effort to secure legislation at the next session of the territorial legislature that will provide adequate punishment for the offense." (Arizona Silver Belt, September 1906)
Religious excitement sends man to Phoenix Asylum “The many friends of James Howard, a fireman on the GVG and N were greatly shocked to learn that he had become violently insane necessitating his removal to the asylum at Phoenix where he was taken Monday Morning by Sheriff Shanely. His malady seems to be the result of religious excitement. He came to the court house on Saturday and desired to perm on his violin for the edification of Justice Thomas and a room full of people. When taken into custody he became very violent and it took four or five deputies and officers to subdue and handcuff him. He is young, stalwart and has a vigorous constitution and it is hoped that the aberration will soon pass." (Arizona Silve Belt, September 1905)
FALL 2014
October 11
October 18
Event: Performance by Guitarist/ Vocalist Sarah McQuaid Time: 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Location: Cobre Valley Center for the Arts Cost: $20 An evening with UK guitarist/vocalist Sarah McQuaid on her intimate 38 stop US Tour. Light refreshments and a no-host bar will be provided for this Old Courthouse Theatre, 100 seat-only house concert experience. Tickets are available at the CVCA box office and/or The White Porch gifts & antiques.
Event: 31st Annual Apache Jii Festival Time: 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Location: Downtown Globe Cost: FREE to the public Apache Jii celebrates both Apache and Native American culture, featuring artisans and vendors who come from all corners of the state. Arts, crafts and food will be available for purchase, from knickknacks and fry bread to fine art and Apache flute music. A variety of Native American performances will take place throughout the day. See: www.globemiamichamber. com for details.
October 16-18
October 18
Event: Twelfth Annual Run to the Rez Location: Apache Gold Casino Cost: $30 Run to the Rez is a benefit biker rally which supports veterans. Started by Apache bikers who wanted to honor local Apache Veterans, it has expanded to host hundreds of riders who come to support veterans everywhere. The ride kicks off the tribe’s annual tribute to veterans and has been called ‘the most spiritual ride in Arizona.” Additional events planned during the Run to the Rez and Veterans weekend include a full slate of events: For additional information contact or call (928) 812-0388, or visit the website at
Event: Fashion Show ~ ‘The Honor Will Remain’ Time: 4:00 p.m. Doors open at 3:00 p.m. Location: Chrysocolla Inn, Globe Cost: $10 per person. Seats are limited See the 2015 collection of Native American fashion designs by Selina Curley. Tickets on sale through the Cobre Valley Center for the Arts and San Carlos Cafe.
Event: Fall Fest Family Carnival Night and more! Time: 7 p.m.-10 p.m. Cost: Varies Fun for all ages, and all for community charity fundraising! This jam-packed evening of fun will include; Carnival games, Face painting, Food, Music, a rumored Hay Ride & Community booths; The 6pm downtown Zombie Walk & Contest (launching from the Depot), the 9th Annual BYOP (Bring your own Pumpkin) free Pumpkin Carving & Contest (in front of the Historic Courthouse); The 3rd annual Dylan Earvin Foundation upper Oak Street Pumpkin Roll; and to round out this not-to-miss evening in Historic Downtown Globe, join us for the 16th Annual Main Street/Copper Cities Community Players Ghosts of Globe Downtown Walking Tour. The Tour will include your ONLY peek/ experience of the 1910 Territorial Jail of this season, the 1906 Gila County Territorial Courthouse and frightfully historic night-time experience in downtown.
October 23 Event: OPENING NIGHT! The Addams Family ~ The Musical Time: 6 p.m. Gala Reception * 7 p.m. Show; Cost: $15 - $50 Featuring the original story, the play centers around Wednesday Addams, “the ultimate princess of darkness,” who has grown up and fallen in love with a sweet, smart young man from a respectable family. She begs her father to keep her secret which means Gomez Addams must do something he’s never done before - keep a secret, from wife, Morticia.” Paul Tunis and Katie Gardea direct. Note: The $50 tickets are for special seating on stage with the actors. See for a complete list of dates and times. Oct.23-Nov.2.
October 30 Event: Haunted House at Bullion Plaza & Porter’s Ghost performs Time: 5:00 pm Location: Bullion Plaza Museum Cost: $6 for the Haunted House. $6 for the Performance. Or $10 for both. This year Fall Festival is joining forces with Bullion Plaza Museum where they will be hosting the musical group “Porter’s Ghost” and featuring an upstairs Haunted House for the public. Booth information should be directed to Bullion Plaza for this event. Information: Tom Foster/Bullion Plaza (928) 473-3700.
October 31 Event: Halloween Block Party and Town Trick or Treat! Time: Noon, 5:30- 7:00 pm and 7 - 9 p.m. Location: Downtown Globe Cost: Free Start your Halloween Evening with a Noon child-friendly matinee of “Addams Family the Musical” in the Old Courthouse Theatre. Then join us for the “Big Daddy” Downtown Community Trick-or-Treat event and Block Party! Hosted by the Historic Globe Main Street Program, we are shaking things up a bit this year ~ the Broad Street Trick-or-Treat will be held from 5:30-7 p.m. and is free to the public. This is an amazing time to meet and greet and thank the businesses, organizations, fire departments, and charity groups who are the reason why we can hold this immensely huge undertaking of an event. On average these folks hand out over $500 each worth of candy in giving back to this wonderful community. Calendar of Events, Continued on page 13
Fall 2014
Calendar of Events, Continued from page 12
Please help your favorite group with your wrapped candy donations prior to the event to show them your love! The Cobre Valley Center for the Arts/Ortega Shoes & The White Porch are also receiving points for candy or monetary donations. The CVCA is a 501C-3 tax deductible entity hint hint!! (Business/Organizations interested in a location to hand out candy please contact Kip Culver or Molly Cornwell* to be included on the map, and secure your location.) The evening will be followed by a musical block party held at the Depot Complex, including a town costume contest. This portion of the event is being moved off of Broad Street so that the City Public Works employees can enjoy their evening with their families after the major Trick-or-Treat. It is a fun winwin for everyone!
November 7 Event: United Fund 50th Anniversary Celebration Time: 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Location: Bullion Plaza Gymnasium Cost: $25 per person The United Fund of Globe Miami is celebrating the 50th Anniversary of serving the needs of the local community. Tickets to the dinner and program may be purchased by calling Gail Lenox, Executive Director at 928-200-9777 or www.
November 15 Event: 9th Autumn Oak Street Marketplace Time: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Kick off your holiday shopping with this event, which includes Arts & Crafts, Music, Food & Farmer’s Market Vendors, Antiques and Collectibles, Flea Market finds, and Garage sale and/or Park and Swap booths.
November 21 Event: 7th Annual Dessert Social Time: 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Cost: Tickets for Tastings This event was moved forward to November this year, just in time to set the mood for your Thanksgiving baking. Sponsored by the White Porch gifts & antiques, it is a benefit for the Cobre Valley Center for the Arts. This is always a heart warming event that has a fabulous youtaste-it-all People’s Choice component. The event includes a dessert contest, silent auction, raffles and a fun apron fashion show. Rules and information available on facebook @ White Porch gifts & antiques.
December 3 Event: Chamber Mixer at the Center for the Arts Time: 5:00 pm - 7:30pm Location: Center for the Arts Cost: Free Come enjoy the Chamber mixer at the Center where you can mix and mingle and enjoy true holiday festivities with light refreshments and a musical performance.
December 6 November 14 Event: Cobre Valley Art & Wine Auction Location: Gila County Fair Grounds Time: 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. Cost: $15 per person in advance; $20 at the door The fundraiser put on by the Hospital Foundation helps to raise money for equipment, training and education. Always a crowd favorite, the event has continued to grow each year. This year’s theme is "Friday Night at the Movies." To purchase tickets, call 928-401-1141.
Event: The Annual Christmas Concert/ Production by the Copper Cities Community Players Please check with CVCA for final details on this event.
December 13 Event: Miami’s Small Town Christmas Time: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Location: Bullion Plaza Gymnasium Cost: FREE Santa visits the kids of Miami with gifts for all plus fun and games with hot lunch and cocoa served.
December 13 Event : 15th Annual Electric Light Parade Time: Dusk-thirty (around 8 p.m.) Location: Downtown Globe Cost: FREE This year’s theme is Broad Street Glitters, and if that inspires you to create your own entry for the parade this year, you can pick up an entry form at the Cobre Valley Center for the Arts, the Globe Miami Chamber, the White Porch or Ortega’s Shoes. Globe’s light parade is a community favorite bringing out everything from tricycles to cattle trucks. Last year there were over thirty entries, and thousands of people packed Broad street to watch the show. So please join us again this year for the best light parade around, and bring the whole family!
December 21 Event: Festival of Lights Location: Besh Ba Gowah Time: Dark Cost: FREE One of the most beautiful sights of the season is when they light over 1400 luminaries at Besh Ba Gowah located in Globe on Jess Hayes road. The site consists of an ancient ruins of a Rio Salado village which date back to 1150 A.D. A program including dance, music and story telling runs from 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. and complimentary hot cider, coffee and tea are served.
Merry Christmas!
FALL 2014
STEMPath Orientation ~ September 23rd
The Society Page
New MHS Principal, Glen Lineberry, Communications and Outreach Specialist, Holly Sow, MUSD Superintendent Sherry Dorathy, and Gila County Superintendent of Schools, Linda Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Dell. The event was held in the Miami High School auditorium in the morning and High Desert Middle School auditorium in the afternoon. Over 400 kids attended the session.
Linda Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Dell and David Moss. Moss, a 2000 graduate of Miami High School, was back again this year to talk on Technology. He is the co-founder of People Power, a tech company which is turning iOS devices into remotely monitored video cameras and smart home management solutions.
Kelly Shaw, Roger Laija and Robin Horta of Freeport McMoRan. Roger was one of the nine presenters providing students insight into various career paths.
Out & About
The all volunteer crew for Bountiful Baskets helps unload and distribute fresh produce bi-monthly behind the Chamber of Commerce.
Barbara Nancarrow and Lynne Perry at the Hamburger Fry held at the Gila County Museum.
Copper Country Rendevous' opening night: Mike Stapleton ~ District 4 Councilman, Phil Smith ~ Owner, Joe Bracomante ~ Fire Marshall, and Mike Yeager ~ Globe Police.
OKTOBERFEST ~ October 4th Hosted by Pinal Mountain Foundation
Rabecka Manues, Trena Grentham, Christie Baltierra, Lindsay Hicklin and Devin Dominguez were in charge of serving up fry bread for the crowd. Most were students of the Cosmetology Academy which is one of several CTE courses offered at Gila Community College.
Fall 2014
Butch and two of his entries for the ever-popular chihuahua races.
Anthony & Sherri Davis
Gloria and Richard Robertson enjoy the music of the mariachi band who performed for the fiesta.
'Gus' Wallace, Bobbie Ravenkamp, and Marian Reams headed up the registration process for the Centennial and helped GHS Alum like Robert Cubitto get checked in for all the events.
The Society Page
Rosemary Castenada and Ester & Tony Sanchez
Armida Bittner, Vi Radonovich and Nancy Sheppard enjoy the shade by the Depot while watching the Homecoming Parade
Tom Smith was the official photographer during the Centennial and will be offering CDs for sale. Shown here with his wife Lula. Dick Wenker managed the raffle sales for two large gift baskets done by Molly, of the White Porch Gifts & Antiques. The winners were announced during the Hall of Fame event on Sunday: Kathy Ryan and Sue Armer. The gift baskets raised over $1,000.
Susie Hom takes the opportunity to pose for a photo with her dadâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s old sign from their family restaurant.
FALL 2014
Welcomes You
Globe Unified School District Home of the Tigers
After years of sitting behind a desk, the inevitable question facing each Globe High graduate is “what next?” If work is on the horizon, suddenly this person is expected to not be told what to do, but to know what to do. No longer is this person begged to fill a spare seat in a class, this person is begging to get hired. It’s a lot to consider just out of high school. Perhaps that’s why CTE, GHS’ Career and Technical Education program, has become increasingly popular at Globe High. It allows students to get job training they may not have otherwise had coming out of high school. Thanks to increases both in student interest and in funding, the program has grown immensely within recent years. “I would say almost every student is in the CTE program,” says Mike O’Neal, Globe High’s CTE director (a former industrial technology teacher). He has been the high school’s CTE coordinator and director for the last 13 years. He also teaches the school’s auto classes. For four or more hours per week, students can fulfill their elective units by taking CTE classes either at Globe High, Gila Community College, the fire department, or the occupational training center. Classes cover anything from auto mechanics, construction, and engineering to cosmetology, graphic design, and photography. What makes CTE classes stand out is not only that students get practical experience in a potential career choice, they get to apply whatever they learn using their hands.
Globe High’s CTE Program Continues to Grow Story by Jenn Walker; Photos by Linda Gross
“You don’t sit in a class for an hour, read a textbook or get lectured to,” O’Neal explains. “You come into the classroom for a very short period of time, and then you go out and you get to use your hands, and you get to do something you’re passionate about.” “And I think that’s why kids like our classes, because they’re very handson,” he adds. Even if a student doesn’t plan to go
directly into the workforce after high school, he or she can get college credit for taking a CTE class while gaining work experience at the same time. For free–that includes books, fees and tuition. Globe High has always offered vocational courses. Students could take auto shop as far back as the ‘70s. Supposedly the wood shop was once in the school basement. But the number and diversity of programs have grown in recent years, as has the funding streams for the program. For instance, when Globe High joined the Cobre Valley Institute of Technology, the region’s Joint Technical Education District (JTED), funding for the school’s CTE program increased. This year, the CTE program generated $170,000 in JTED funds alone. Six years ago, the entire program was running on roughly $40,000 to $60,000. Now it runs on $261,000. In 2010, the program offered six vocational courses. Now it offers 17. In total, 595 seats are currently filled in the CTE program on campus (some students are enrolled in more than one class). In addition, another 77 students are enrolled in the Central Campus Program, which includes classes offered at GCC, the fire department, and the occupational training center.
Total, that is 672 students who enrolled in this year’s CTE program. According to O’Neal, it is the most popular elective on campus. And, the more seats that are filled, the more funding the program receives–funding that is used to bring better equipment and tools to each of the classes. Increases in funds have allowed O’Neal to acquire $25,000 worth of iPads for his auto shop students, as well as poster printers, iMacs, and new scanners to diagnose vehicles. Gila Community College also provided O’Neal’s auto classes with tool boxes and an alignment rack for front-end alignment on cars. Universal Technical Institute donated tire changing machines. Students can work on one of several cars parked in the garage, including an electric car, that have been donated to the program. CTE allows students to work with teachers who have both handson experience in areas such as auto mechanics, nursing, and agriculture, and are also CTE-certified teachers. O’Neal, for instance, grew up turning wrenches for his father’s gas station. He has a degree in education with a minor in biology, and a master's in vocation, and is a CTE-certified instructor. In his class, students might learn how an internal combustion engine works. “This is where kids get to be handson,” he explains. “They learn about the engine. They tear it apart. They look at it. They learn what the parts are. Then they have to put it back together, and it has to run.” “By the time they’re a senior, hopefully they have higher-level thinking skills. They have the knowledge base, and now they can problem-solve,” CTE Program, Continued on page 17
Fall 2014
CTE Program, Continued from page 16
he continues. “For example, if a car is going down the road, and the front end is shaking when you apply the breaks, they have an idea of what’s causing that and what part needs to be replaced.” O’Neal’s former students have gone on to become engineers and have been accepted to schools like the Motorcycle Mechanics Institute. One of O’Neal’s current students was recently hired by Big O' Tires and just got accepted to UTI. Students in the construction program have competed in competitions like SkillsUSA Construction, where they are judged by professional carpenters and contractors.
“They give them blue prints, a stack of lumber, and tools and say, ‘You have three hours to build this. Nobody can help you. You’re on your own,’” O’Neal says. This year, Globe and Miami's CTE programs were awarded a $50,000 grant by Freeport McMoRan that is being used to transport students to and from the college for CTE classes. “I think that’s why our enrollment went from probably, I would say, 40 students to 77,” O’Neal adds. “ Before, students could only go out [to the college] if they had a means of getting out there... I believe that Freeport McMoRan gave us that grant because they see future employees.” In the near future, GUSD hopes to offer even more programs, like early childhood development. “We see it as an opportunity to hopefully produce future educators, because that’s a problem within our community, is finding teachers and
getting them to stay,” O’Neal says. Whether the program produces more photographers, nurses, engineers, or simply better prepared college students, O’Neal’s hope is that the CTE program continues to grow.
From the Desk of Jerry Jennex, Superintendent Looking Back, Looking Forward How to Invest in the Future of GUSD In our culture many organizations are constantly asking for your support. Many folks feel that since public schools are tax supported there is no need for community members to consider donating to them. I will tell you that many public schools across the country have received significant gifts that have allowed them to go “above and beyond” the basic programs the state and local taxes can provide. In one school district where I served as superintendent, I received a phone call asking how a person might contribute to the cause of the school district. I explained that we had a foundation in place that would allow us to promote the whole educational program. That was the last I heard from that person until two years later when I received a call from an attorney explaining that the person who had called me had passed away. In their will they had designated the foundation as a recipient in their will in the amount of $333,000! I understand that this may not be the norm, but perhaps you might consider some type of donation to the ongoing improvement of educational programs in the Globe Unified School District. There are many projects that could help build upon the legacy at varying cost levels. For instance $500,00 could permanently endow a teaching position in Fine Arts, Science or Math, etc, $100, 000 could renovate the Tiger Gym locker rooms, $25,000 could help create an FFA animal raising facility and $20,00 could furnish a permanent robotics workshop. I would be more than willing to discuss this potential with anyone interested.
The 100th Anniversary Celebration of Globe High School was certainly a big event in the life of the greater Globe Miami community. To see the many alumni who were in town for the different events, to watch them walk through the hallowed halls of Globe High School, and to just get the opportunity to hear them talk about some of their fondest memories was extremely rewarding. The weekend of the Centennial was outstanding. From the rededication ceremony, to the Hall of Fame Banquet, and everything in between, I think it is fair to say, “a good time was had by all!” The weekend caused us to look into the history of Globe High School. There were many outstanding alumni that shared how GHS helped prepare them for their futures in various venues. These alumni are representative of the same types of students that we have today at Globe High School and at all of our schools in Globe Unified School District. They came from all backgrounds to walk the halls of GHS and to go forth to higher education, in most cases, and then on to make significant contributions to our society. What a legacy Globe High School has put forth! The weekend caused me to ask the question, “What will happen in the next 100 years?” Will the GHS building continue to serve students for another 100 years? Will GHS produce the scientist who will discover a cure to one of our most deadly diseases? What will the City of Globe look like in 100 years?
How will schools be different? The questions are endless, but the answers are undetermined. Who can know these things? I am convinced that our task is to stay true to the principles that have allowed GHS to flourish for 100 years. We are in the midst of a constantly changing culture in the early part of the 21st century. Education is in a state of fluidity. Schools are asked to do continually more than ever before. With that in mind I know that it is incumbent upon the Globe Unified School District to remain committed to the path that we have chosen in the past couple of years. That path is defined by our district vision statement, “Capturing Hearts, Empowering Minds.” We will continue to focus on building a culture of acceptance for our students and community. We are also committed to improve our academic achievement. We have measures in place that will help us do both, and we are not backing off those efforts. As I look forward, knowing what we are committed to as a district, I want to offer anyone who reads this the opportunity to be part of the ongoing legacy of GHS and GUSD. We welcome the help of adult volunteers to spend time with students. We welcome alumni participating in the efforts of the GHS alumni association whose purpose is to support improving Globe High School. I also have a list of significant projects that a person could donate to that would help leave a legacy for the future. As I look to the next 100 years for Globe High School, I invite you to join with me and build on the great traditions of Globe and work to make the next century even better than the last.
FALL 2014
GHS Receives $1.9 Million School Improvement Grant
Principal Bobby Armenta and Superintendent Jerry Jennex
Marian Reams, GHS Alumni treasurer
Debbie Thompson, Eloise Price and Darlene Medina greet attendees for the Principal's Breakfast held at Dream Manor Inn.
The fact that GHS has struggled academically over the past several years is no secret to the leadership of GUSD. The 2013 strategic plan has implemented steps to improve the academic performance of GHS. These actions have shown immediate impact as GHS moved from a “D” to a “C” this past summer. However, there is still a great amount of room for improvement. Last spring, GHS was eligible to apply for a School Improvement Grant from the Arizona Department of Education. High school principal Bobby Armenta and Coordinator of Special Projects Deb Leverance met a tight timeline to get the grant application completed at the end of the school year. The GUSD Superintendent was informed in early June that GHS did not receive the grant. At the end of August, GUSD Superintendent Jerry Jennex received a phone call from ADE. This call informed him that the grant application had been reconsidered. This time the grant was approved in the amount of $1,941,040 over the next three years. The purpose of the grant is to implement interventions that will help GHS dramatically improve the academic opportunities and performance of its students. GHS Principal Bobby Armenta will be meeting with state officials to “fine tune” the use of these grant funds in the very near future. This is a great opportunity for the district to put into place strategies that will provide long-term opportunities for students to grow in academic proficiency. Mr. Armenta will work closely with GHS staff members to identify the most effective uses of these funds. “I am excited to have the opportunity to use these resources to help our students,” Mr. Armenta stated. “We know that this funding has the potential to make a huge impact.”
Fall 2014
Tigers Win Over Vandals 34-8 in 100th Match Game
RECEPTION Lower Uptons ~ Hosted by Carley Boyer
FALL 2014
Patty Nolan, Darlene Medina and Carley Boyer
Susie Hom, Eloise Price, Chef Jordan Baker-Johnson, Brittaney Santos and Susie Baker helped serve the crod.
HALL OF FAME Sunday, September 21st
Jim and Nancy Phillips arrive at Uptons. Class of ’56.
Tom Vinyard ’56 and Armida Bittner pulled off another successful Hall of Fame event. This was the fourth HOF since it was launched in 2010.
Carolyn McMahon ’56 and John Pavlich ’68
Edd Dawson and Jerry Jennex
The Gary Keltner family: Gary was inducted along with the 1953 football team with a 9-1 record.
Joyce McBride. Class of ’64 ~ Historian for Arizona History Project
The High Desert Spirit Line were greeters for the evening.
Shawna Scrogham, Dee O’Neal and Kary Termain
Mike O’Neal, John Scogham, Aaron Termain, Mitch Moody, along with HOF inductees, Frank Holder and Larry Perino are all part of the class of ’86.
Inductee Paul Waddell, GHS class of ’62 with Wayne Comer, GHS ’62 and Kent Comerford MHS ’52.
Inductee, Christine Marin and family. Left to right: Linda McPherson Hereford, Ellen McPherson Strapac,John Strapac,Martha Marin Cephas, Christine Marin, Dora Marin, Sherrie Marin, Genevieve Marin (in black), Tom Marin (standing in back), Ben Marin and Monica Marin.
Darlene Medina, Bryan Seppela, Eloise Price
Inductee Judge Robert Duber II with Judge Doug Rayes and Susie Hom
Eddie Lopez, GHS ’86 was Master of Ceremonies
The Holder Family: Dave Willerth, Tiffany Holder Willerth, Pat Kilmer (back), Tianna Holder (front), , Art Sandell (back), Mick Holder (back), Juan Aguero (holding Sophia Cota), Diane Holder, Travis Holder (back), Susan Hahn, Frank Holder (back), holding Collin Cota, Patti Holder, Jaron Duenas (back), Ranelle Holder, Michelle Holder Duenas (back), and Sharon Holder Sandell. (Not pictured, Brandon Duenas and Tierra Holder)
Photo by Elizabeth Eaton
Area Walkinigde! s Maps In
Discover the riches of Miami and Globe as seen through the eyes of local photographer, Elizabeth Eaton, who will be displaying her work at Bullion Plaza Museum and Cultural Center this Fall. Eaton moved to Miami after retiring from teaching and picked up photography. She has been documenting the people, buildings and events of the local area for several years. Her show titled, "Through the Magical Lens of Elizabeth Eaton," is expected to run through the end of the year. Visit Bullion Plaza Museum Thursday through Saturday from 11am-3pm and Sundays 12pm-3pm.
To Lake Roosevelt
Brought to you by...
Roosevelt Lake Resort
188 LLC Guayo’s On The Trail
Mtn View Dentistry
Country Club
Electric Dr
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"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give"
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Southeastern Arizona Behavioral
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Chamber of Commerce
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Heritage Health Care CopperHills Nursing Home
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Gila Community College
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Besh BaGowah & Globe Community Center
Apache Gold Casino • Resort Golf Course 5 MILES San Carlos Lumber About 1 Mile
Hollis Cinema
COBRE VALLEY CENTER FOR THE ARTS Home to the Oak Street Shops and Your Host to Arts, Entertainment and Social Events.
(928) 425-0884 or
To Payson
To ShowLow
To Young 188 BULLION PLAZA MUSEUM & CULTURAL CENTER Now Featuring The NEW Slavic Cultural Display!
288 Roosevelt Dam & lake
Open Thurs-Sat 11am-3pm; Sundays Noon-3pm
Sa lt R
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(928) 473-3700
Apache Lake
R i ver
88 188
Guayo’s On The Trail
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Bullion Plaza Museum
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Superior To Phoenix
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Apache Gold Casino
All Roads Lead To
Boyce Thompson Arboretum
El Capitan Pass
Ray Mine Overlook
Florence – FL OR EN C
A globe-miami tradition for 30 years Hwy 60/188 Globe Az 85501 928-425-5366
Gila County Museum
7 Days A Week 6am-12pm
Gila River Canyon
Kearny 77
To Tucson GILA HISTORICAL MUSEUM Where History is preserved. Serving the region since 1985.
Hayden Winkelman To Tucson
Open Mon-Fri 10am-4pm; Sat 11am-3pm
(928) 425-7384
630 Willow Street Globe, AZ 85501 928-425-5200
To Safford
Fall 2014
FALL 2014
Fall 2014
FALL 2014
Get your Medallion, Lapel Pin and Commemorative Football while they last! We have a limited number of these commemorative items remaining and then they will be gone! gone! gone! $18 Medallion; $10 Lapel Pin $10 Football *Proceeds go to the GHS Alumni Association
Now available at The White Porch Gifts & Antiques 101 N Broad St Globe, Arizona 85501
Fall 2014
Toastmasters Are Back You can’t blame a child for thinking that a toastmaster is someone particularly adept at browning bread. An adult might picture someone who finishes an impromptu wedding reception speech with a hearty “cheers!” or “salud!” as he raises his glass from the head table. Ask one of the 270,000 members of Toastmasters International, and they will tell you that a toastmaster is the person in charge of the proceedings of a public speaking event, namely, the weekly meeting of a local Toastmasters club. For the past 90 years, the mission of Toastmasters has been to help its members learn the arts of speaking, listening, and thinking. Every local club aims to provide a supportive and positive learning environment in which each member has the opportunity to foster these arts, and develop oral communication and leadership skills in the process. During the past several years, Toastmasters has made a strong comeback in the Globe-Miami community. The local club calls itself the Copper Talkers, and meets every Tuesday night at the Farmers Fogle Insurance Agency on Highway 60 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. The Copper Talkers are one of 13,000 Toastmaster clubs throughout the world, and the meeting structure is no different in Auckland, New Zealand than it is in Globe, Arizona. Weekly agendas are designed as much around learning good time management, listening, working your creative mind, and having fun, as they are about giving formal speeches. For most of us, public speaking is an intimidating business, and that’s exactly why Toastmasters is structured to allow everyone to steadily build confidence, through well-written manuals, practice, and a friendly audience of fellow Toastmasters who want you to succeed as much as you do yourself. Toastmasters teaches you to express yourself clearly, confidently, and persuasively. You’ll learn how to formulate and succinctly express your ideas, growing more comfortable each week as you hone your skills. The effectiveness and vibrancy of any club is directly related to its membership, and that’s why everyone is invited to attend a meeting of the Copper Talkers Toastmasters club in Globe-Miami and discover what it’s all about. Guests are always welcome. See you there. Visit or join us on
End of the Year Special Pricing for GMT Photography All orders between now and the end of the year come with a 2-for-1 offer! Order one and get a 2nd print for FREE! Packages available online. Shipping in time for Christmas.
GHS Centennial and Homecoming Match Up between the Tigers & the Vandals Go HERE: • Event Key: GoTigers
GlobeMiamiTimes Society Page Archives Go HERE: • Event Key: GMTarchives1
FALL 2014
By Libby Rooney
What creates the fabric of American lifestyle? According to Phil Smith, the answer is hotdogs. “Outdoors at family picnics, in kitchens, at ball games. Hotdogs are everywhere.” Happy times shared with family, simple pleasures like roasting a frankfurter on a stick over the fire and the delicious culinary creations at community potlucks beefed up with slices of hotdog. “That’s what it’s about” he says with conviction.
“The rendezvous has always been close to my heart” Phil explains. He envisions it like the old days where mountain men would meet and share stories; a place to resupply and relax. Except now he and Lori hope it becomes a place where neighbors meet up and families have fun; where kids and adults can enjoy the simple pleasures of games, good food and camaraderie. “That’s the spirit of all this,” says Phil. Thirteen year old Haley Fillmore from High Desert School says, “I like it because it’s a place kids can hang out and not get in trouble.” A full size pool table, foosball, table hockey, slot cars and digital racers are just some of the fun stuff for lovers of hands on, indoor competition. Phil smiles, “Grown men giggle and sparkle. They can’t wait to bring the grandkids in and share some memories.” The Rendevouz features a variety of hotdogs and brats, home made soup and a wide variety of “fixings.” Phil likes to point out the ‘dogs’ they serve are Hebrew National Hotdogs which are the best and healthiest out there according to Phil. Customers also
For Phil The Copper Country Rendezvous is a pipe dream come true. The Little Chuck Wagon hotdog cart was where it all began. A Globe Police Officer by night, Phil would came back onto the streets by day to stand on the corner of Broad Street and Oak with his wife, Lori, serving the community in a different way. The smiling couple has sold many a wiener and made lots of friends waving and chatting, and soft white buns Rendezvous, Continued on page 31 and cold drinks and “Where are you from?” and “Would you like mustard on your dog?”. Lori recalls the day a man came by with a concessions trailer for sale with four wheels, two big windows to serve customers and a hook to hang your apron at the end of the day. The couple thought about how much they enjoy their small business. It would certainly be a step up from a three wheel cart and an umbrella. Lori remembers thinking they could put in a fan, maybe even an air conditioner. “We could just go for brick and mortar,” Phil said, adding he could just quit his job. “We could just do that,” Lori laughs, as she found herself agreeing to the plan. The Copper Country Rendezvous Restaurant at 274 N. Broad Street, next to Shirley’s Gifts, maintains the character of Historic Downtown Globe and the flavor of the couple who made it happen. The same ideas hold true in the new hotdog establishment as did at the cart of their modest beginnings, but it is much more. Besides providing darn good hotdogs and lots of small town hospitality, it’s got tables and chairs, a loft and a skylight, plenty of games and oodles of activities. A “safe, clean place for all ages to come and enjoy” says Phil. Lori at the Lucky Dog stand on Maple Street.
Fall 2014
Rendezvous, Continued from page 30
get a wide choice of “pile ons” from mayo to pickle relish and a selection of chips from vegan, to Kosher which contain no msgs or hormones. Customers are surprised to find how delicious these can be, Phil says. And, of course, a favorite with everyone are the large, soft pretzels served up piping hot. While the couple keeps an eye on the quality of ingredients from the bread buns they select to the toppings they offer, Phil explains the menu is nothing fancy. “Just good, American comfort food.” “Historic Downtown Globe is important to me,” Phil says. He points to a large community bulletin board where customers are invited to share what is important to them. The space feels fresh, yet vintage in a way that is reminiscent of a time - before internet - when food and entertainment was about getting together, telling stories and doing things with family and friends. “Good, clean fun. That’s our goal. It’s pretty simple” Phil says. “It looks like we’re going to be coming here a lot,” say parents Josh and Lena as they watch their kids, eight and ten year old Gweny and Jeremiah play a rousing game of foose Ball. Sitting on bar stools beside the black and white checker board counter, four students from Globe High School, Bridgette, Elias, Anitra and Michael, are
having lunch together. I ask them if I can interview them. “What do you think of this place?” I ask. “The Rendezvous? It’s awesome,” says Michael. Anitra who says she comes here every day, has also talked her father and his fellow firefighters into coming down. “They liked it too,” she says. Phil and Lori are doing what they can to revive some of the history of Globe in both memory and spirit. Hard work and heart have brought them far and now Historic Downtown Globe can enjoy fun, family, friends and frankfurters at the new Copper Country Rendezvous restaurant and meeting place. It is open Sunday, Monday, Tuesday from 11 a.m. 8 p.m., and from 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Thursday - Saturday. Closed on Wednesdays.
FALL 2014
I Have Learned...
As the year winds to an end it’s a good time to look back and reflect. Chris Couture, the photographer we featured in this issue of GlobeMiamiTimes, wrote on his Facebook page last year about the things he had learned. What would your list include? ~GlobeMiamiTimes
That it’s all about shutter speed. That I am not very patient. That you can make much better photos when using a tripod. That there are always two people in every photograph. The photographer & the person viewing the photo. That few people know what the little lever on the left of the steering wheel is for. That just because I have my camera set up, nature will not just put on a display. Sometimes the sunrise/sunset is boring. That God answers prayers in His own sweet time. That “ask and ye shall receive” does not necessarily apply to me. That I am closer to God when I’m alone in the hills photographing His displays than I ever could be in a church full of strangers. When I want something I am very tenacious. That “maybe” really means no and “we’ll see” means probably not. That I really do not NEED anybody. That communication is the key to ANY successful relationship. That even when you are not given an answer directly, the answer is still there. That words are hollow but a persons actions speak volumes. That you learn more by listening & paying attention than you do by talking. That even the woman of your dreams has flaws. That there does come a time that you need to let go. That people are terrified to make tough decisions.
Fall 2014
That people will almost always do what’s easiest even if it means they’re unhappy. That regardless of what women say they don’t want a nice guy. They want a jerk that they can attempt to change into a nice guy. That you can make somebody hate you but you can not make somebody love you. That sometimes you can reveal too much of your soul. That sometimes time spent alone can be time well spent. That when you’re somebody’s option you will never be first on the list. That you can not depend on others for your own happiness. That sometimes before you can be truly happy some tears must be shed. That having an outstanding memory is both a blessing & a curse. That too often people settle for much less than they deserve. That Labs are the best dogs in the world. They are also the worst shedders. That family & friends are obligated to like what you do, but a stranger will tell you when you suck. That I am never satisfied. I am always trying to better myself. I refuse to settle and become stagnant. That hangovers hurt more than they used to. That Karma is good and irony sucks ass. ~ Chris Couture
FALL 2014
A Guilt-Free, Chocolate Lover’s Delight! By Linda Gross
Several years ago I launched a Facebook page called, “Not Yo Mama’s Cookin.’” I use it as a way to share a new way of cooking and baking I’ve embraced since turning 50. It is NOT the way my mother had taught me. My mother was like many of her generation, raising a family throughout the 50’s and ‘60s, where she was taught to believe three ingredients would improve any dish; butter, bacon and Crisco oil. When she got older – much older – she did start to lean towards a healthier diet and became famous for her "Healthy Cookies,” which she proudly declared were made of oatmeal – hence, healthy. The rest of the ingredients included liberal amounts of brown sugar and ‘criscobutter’, a new invention of food engineers which is still popular with cooks today. It took me nearly 40 years to learn that eating well is better than all the work out sessions or diet fads I used to follow. Although I have bid a fond farewell to the foundation of Southern cooking, crisco-butter and bacon, I’ve found there are more than just a few alternatives which are equally satisfying. This fall, I’m sharing one of my all time favorite desserts which is guilt free and contains my three favorite ingredients during any holiday season: chocolate, walnuts and caramel. If you want to splurge this season but keep it healthy, check out this recipe from Chris at talesofakitchen. com. The woman can boast of 5,000 Facebook fans and developed this recipe as a thank you for all that loyalty. Trust me…this is a thankyou worthy effort guaranteed to please the choc-o-holics among you.
“You are what you eat. So don’t be fast, cheap, easy or fake.” —Unknown
Chocolate banana banana Chocolate cake with with caramel caramel cake layer and and cacao cacao nibs nibs layer
Author: Chris Cook time: 10 mins | Total time: 10 mins Serves: 2-4 Ingredients for the cake: • 1 cup whole walnuts • 1/2 cup sunflower seeds, ground • 1/3 cup sultanas or raisins (oil/sweetener free) • 1 ripe banana • 3 TBSP cacao powder • 2 TBSP coconut oil • 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder • pinch of sea salt For the caramel layer: • 4 Medjool dates, pitted (or about 6-7 dry dates, soaked in water until soft, then drained) • pinch of vanilla powder • 2 TBSP coconut oil Toppings: Cacao powder and Cacao nibs Instructions 1. Add all the ingredients for the cake in a blender and blitz for few seconds until you get a creamy dough consistency. Make sure you don’t process the mix completely, to leave some pieces of whole walnuts in it – they will add crunch. 2. Scoop out the mix in a spring form pan lined with baking paper or cling wrap and place in the fridge. 3. To make the caramel, mix all the ingredients together. You can easily do this by hand. 4. Spread the caramel onto the cake and return to the fridge. 5. Allow the cake to firm up for about 1-2 hours. Or at least 30 mins. 6. Pimp it up with cacao nibs on the sides (press them by hand into the cake) and powder it with cacao powder on top.
Fall 2014
Tips for Staying Healthy Through the Holidays By Anne McAuley
As we enter the holiday season we begin one of the busiest and most stressful times of year. From school and community obligations to office and family parties, this time of year brings challenges to time, waistline and wallet. While we don’t have the $27,393 to buy all of the items on the 12 Days of Christmas list, we will spend a significant amount of personal time and money between November and January. All of those parties and gift giving can take a toll on your health which is why we offer the following tips for staying healthy throughout the holidays: Control Your Calendar. While we want to help everyone and be at every party, we can’t do it especially if we want to survive this busy time of year. As the requests are coming in, remind yourself that it’s okay to say no. The goal isn’t to run yourself to exhaustion; the goal is to have a happy holiday season. Stay Cold and Flu Free. Easier said than done especially if you have children bringing germs home from school. Wash your hands. Don’t touch your face and as much as you can, stay away from people who are sick. Drink lots of water or hot tea and get the recommended 6-9 hours of sleep per night; your body will reward you with good health through the winter. Plan Ahead. Whether you’re hosting or attending parties or managing the holiday budget, it’s important to plan ahead especially if you want to save money, time, and stress. Shop for holiday gifts throughout the year and get your holiday grocery essentials on special before holiday prices hit. Stock up on holiday staples like frozen meat and vegetables, storage bags, and baking supplies in the fall. Combine coupons and sales for the maximum savings on gifts and groceries. Practice Mindful Eating. This time of year is especially challenging for staying on a diet or eating healthy. Mindful eating
means not eating your favorite dessert, not one of everything on the dessert tray. Eat a protein-filled snack such as almonds and drink a glass of water before heading out to a party. You will be less hungry and less likely to overeat. Treat yourself…in moderation. Take Time to Relax. Did you know our bodies, minds and spirits are connected? When you are experiencing anxiety, for example, your physical body is stressed. Just ask a massage therapist how many clients have shoulders that seem to be stuck to their ears! During this time of year it is especially important to take time away from the hustle and bustle to relax. Take a walk. Meditate. Spend time in quiet. Do something a few days a week that takes your mind away from your holiday to do list. You will be more productive than if you don’t relax. This time of year is filled with obligations and stress that, if left untreated, can make us sick. Make the most of this holiday season by taking time to de-stress and have a happy and healthy holiday season!
FALL 2014
his list. “That helps find them.” With a list of names including birth and death dates, general location and names of neighboring graves, we begin to search for graves. “I’m looking for Adina Whaley in row five,” Joe says. Once located, Joe tries to find the right angle to photograph the headstone which dates back a hundred years. “There’s just nothing on the front of the monument,” he says. “So I’ll take a picture of it and annotate that it belongs here. That’s all I can do.” “I’m one of those people who do not modify a tombstone,” says Joe. “I have a little brush, I can brush the dirt off. I don’t chalk them. I don’t hit them with water. You don’t want to destroy them. Some of these things are very fragile.”
“Be careful when you step on a grave. With all this rain the ground is soft. You may sink a little bit,” says Joe, “and that’s scary.” Wearing long pants, sturdy shoes and broad rimmed hats, Joe Skamel, a local volunteer for Find A Grave, and I begin our field day at the Globe Cemetery, which dates back to 1876. Many of the graves here are unmarked and the writing on many headstones is difficult-toimpossible to read. Weeds and high grass make it even more difficult to find what we are looking for. Our task on this hot August morning is to photograph as many headstones from our list of graves as we can find. The Find A Grave project has inspired people across America to volunteer their skills and time so that anyone can easily go online and possibly locate their ancestors grave, see a photograph of it and maybe even find a news paper clipping or story. The project uses the internet and an open website that any one can view and become a member of. You can light a virtual candle of remembrance, give virtual flowers and leave a note. Descendants and friends can also request a photograph, and Find a Grave volunteers will go out to cemeteries in the attempt to locate and Joe Skamel volunteers his time to help identify and photograph headstones and document graves in Globe’s old cemetery. upload this information to the national website. Globe and Miami’s leading grave hunters are Joe and Lee Ann Powers. They have taken on the job of researching local Lee Ann Powers is a research assistant cemetery records, death certificates and at the Bullion Plaza Museum and Cultural obituaries to find the names and stories Center in Miami, but in her spare time that might have otherwise been lost. she volunteers her skills to FindaGrave. At the cemetery, Joe explains to me com by researching old newspaper how he prepares the grave search list. articles, obituaries, and death certificates. “I go to the museum and I sequence She also manages a Facebook group them by location,” he says. The Gila called Resting in the Sun, for local Find a County Historical Museum in Globe Grave enthusiasts. collects and preserves local records, Someone writes to Lee Ann on and has a good research library, besides Facebook. interesting historic exhibits. “Then I cross reference them by the two on either side,” Joe explains, pointing to the columns on Headstones, Continued on page 37
Digging through a lot of information and loving it
Fall 2014
helping to fill in the empty spaces of ancestral history.
Headstones, Continued from page 36
“I can’t thank you enough for finding my uncle John’s grave and info. I have searched for him for a long time to no avail.” “YIPPEE!” she answers, “This is what makes the hard work soooo worth it!!” She asks friends around town what they remember, consults with local historians and sifts through information online. When she comes across something interesting she shares it. “Thought you guys would get a kick out of this,” she writes and posts a photo of a grave on Facebook. Beside the headstone is a parking meter with the red “Time Expired” tag up and engraved on the headstone “Our Mom. Her Humor Lives On.”
Things were different then Cemeteries are important not just for the families buried there but as a historical account. In the march of history, much of the memories, stories, old photos and family heirlooms were left behind or forgotten. Then, as now, economics played a role in who was recognized in death and who was not. The melting pot of America – and Globe-Miami- includes a rich influx of immigrants from Europe, Mexico, and China, to name only a few. Most of their stories are left untold. That is why cemeteries are unique.
• Myrtle Byers died of typhoid fever in1909. She was only 28 years old, born in Missouri and married J.J. Byers. The couple lived on Noftsger Hill near downtown Globe. • 35 year old John Massa was an immigrant from Italy working in the mines. His death certificate says he committed suicide by dynamite in 1912.
Here in Globe the search for headstones has been made easier thanks to the earlier work of six women who walked the old cemeteries and documented each grave using burial records kept by one of the local mortuaries. Their work is meticulously documented in several volumes of hand typed notes, records and maps which the Gila Historical Museum guards under lock and key. The notebooks have been instrumental in helping many families locate a grave of an ancestor and is used in the work that Joe Skammel and Lee Ann Powers are doing today for Find A Grave.
Over decades of time much of history can be lost. Memories and stories, old photos and family heirlooms left behind or forgotten. A hundred years ago Globe and Miami had a different flavor. Populated mostly by immigrants from Europe, Mexico, and China. The melting pot of cultures that America is known for. Sometimes the newcomers came alone, sometimes they came as families. The promise of silver created jobs but then the silver ran out. The promise of copper created new jobs again but work was was hard and life a gamble in the rough little mining towns of Arizona. There were floods and fires, decease, mining accidents, saloon brawls and angry Apaches. There was the Mexican Revolution, a world war, an economic depression and then another world war. Every grave has a unique story but not every story got recorded or archived. Find a Grave is
Locating grave markers which have been eroded by time and the elements takes persistence… and a good map system. is hosting a Global Cemetery Meetup on Saturday, October 18th in conjuction with Find A Grave to help add to the online records of gravesites. “Cemeteries are an important part of our family history. Your work to fulfill outstanding photo requests and build memorials help people around the world who cannot visit these cemeteries in person.” Hoping to inspire meet ups all over the world, the organizers invite you to participate in your location by first going to to see if your community is listed. Globe is listed thanks to LeeAnn Powers who got it listed on the site. Now all you have to do is join the meet up online and show up.
• Roy Charles Bybee died of malnutrition in 1939 at the age of four months and two days. • In 1915, George Raymond Summers, a young 19 year old black man from Kentucky working in the smelter, died of Septicemia, an aggressive infection in his lungs. You can begin to feel just a little of the hardships of the day. Even without having known the person beneath the stone, those few words carved on a headstone connect us with humanity and the hope that our lives will be remembered. The weathered markings are the haiku of a life no longer living. “Till we meet again” (Joe W. Tatton, age 21, 1907), “Gone but not forgotten” (Annie Kelly 1876 - 1912), and “God needed one more angel” (Ransome Kellner 1903 - 1904). May they rest in peace and may they be remembered.
FALL 2014
Cowgirl, Tex, Jake, Beauty and Cowgirl loved the challenge of this shot which required them to run “with enthusiasm’ past the photographer to Jane who was handing out treats. Dog Days, Continued from page 1
Ted is the black and brown lab mix, a people pleaser from the word go, who was dropped off on the road last year and found his way to the ranch where he seems determined to remain. Same story with Jake, a rambunctious four-year old black lab who showed up at about the same time. Less of a people pleaser, Jake is more of a me-pleaser, yet somehow this makes him charming as he races about the yard barely able to contain his enthusiasm for just about everything. In stark contrast to Jake is Blue, the lanky catahoula who stands shoulders above the others but seems willing to hang back until called upon. The breed is appreciated for their ability to work cattle and was given to Jane as a gift years ago. Blue would prove to be the Cary Grant of the cast of characters; resigned to the chaos around him, but ready to step up and take his place when called upon. It is a beautiful September morning,
Jake, Cowgirl, and Blue look to Jane and the treats, while Tex and Beauty look to Kenneth for some instruction.
and Kenneth Chan and I have driven out to Jane’s ranch west of Miami to photograph these dogs for the upcoming 2015 calendar published by the High Desert Humane Society of Globe-Miami. Each year, the humane society hosts a fundraiser in August where the highlight of the evening is bidding for a spot on the calendar. The event raised over $20,000 this year with bids for calendar pages going up to one thousand dollars. This is Kenneth’s first year to volunteer as the official photographer, and the morning shoot out at the ranch will be his fifth appointment out of twelve he will do before the end of September. Each session is different because pets, like kids, are unpredictable when it comes to being in front of a camera, and it takes a combination of patience, skill and luck to pull off good shots. Kenneth tells me about one shoot where the owner wanted their two dogs and their cat to pose together but acknowledged the cat could be skittish
Jake takes a break from the morning shoot to cool off.
Jane and Kenneth discuss a plan of action for the morning shoot.
with strangers. “When I got there, the cat came right up to me, “says Kenneth, “so I thought, this is good, this will work! However, that brief meet-n-greet was the last time he saw the
cat. After that, it disappeared and couldn’t be found. Although he waited for two hours - working with the dogs and helping the owners look for the cat, the elusive feline was never located. In the end he did the shoot with just the two dogs. He explains that when he spends the time to let the pets come out and get to know him and get comfortable with the equipment, he always gets a wider variety of good shots to choose from, which is what he prefers. “I know if I spend an hour I can get one shot that really works,” he says, “But the more time I spend to get comfortable with the pet, the more shots I get.” Back at the ranch, we are there to shoot Jane's 22 dogs. The group who came out to greet us: Blue, Ted, Cowgirl, and Jake have largely come to her through adoption or abandonment. Only Blue was a gift. The others were dropped off in open country – discarded by previous owners or left at the Dog Days, Continued on page 39
Fall 2014
Setting up the shot took patience, and quite a few treats!
Dog Days, Continued from page 38
humane society. What could have been a tragic end for these dogs has turned out to be heaven. What seems a little out of kilter as we look around the ranch is the gaggle of fifteen rag-a-muffin dogs on the front porch. Years ago, Jane says, she rescued her first Shih Tzu while working for the humane society. The little dogs with a mass of silky hair which covers their eyes and bounces as they run definitely seem like a breed more suited to a New York loft apartment than a cattle ranch. Yet, here they are, fifteen of them – rescued dogs – abandoned or ill treated by others – ranging in ages, temperaments and infirmities; home on the range with Jane. “I don’t breed these dogs,” she says. In fact, all of her rescue dogs have been spayed, neutered and given all their shots. “You know, some people think when I tell them I have 22 dogs that I am like a cat lady who hoards cats,” she laughs at she leads me into a large, spacious sun room inside her house outfitted with grooming tables, vet supplies, dog beds and kennels. Hale, who ran the local humane society for years and still assists in fostering hard-to-place-dogs, also worked for local vet,
Dr. Eubanks. She grew up on a ranch where taking care of business meant taking care of your animals. And it’s not just about food and shelter, but caring and comfort. Hale enjoys every one of her animals. The difference can be seen in the dogs around me. They are happy to follow at her heels. Everyone gets a pat on the head, a treat for being good, a reprimand if needed, an atta boy and a hug from Jane during our time on the shoot. She has a good time with her dogs and they know it. Kenneth is lining up the shot of all the Shih Tzus on the porch. He wants them to come out of the gate and down the steps en masse. The stage is set with Jane at the gate with treats in her hands. She opens the gate and starts down the steps. She is followed by a few of the dogs. The others pause before heading for the gate. Some don’t move from their perch on the porch. Not exactly the shot Kenneth was hoping for. "Can we try that again and can you get them to pause on the steps?" he asks. Jane smiles, “We can try.” Like the missing cat, this shot is just not going to happen. Kenneth moves on. “Let’s get them all in the yard and have them run to you,” he suggests. Chaos reigns as a few dogs now
A gaggle of Shih Tzus pour down the front porch steps of Jane’s house.
chase each other around the yard energized by the excitement of strangers, equipment and ‘the project’ while the rest stick to Jane like glue making the intended shot of having all of them “run to Jane’ – impossible. Kenneth is still hopeful. He has Jane walk along the outside of the fence and positions himself in a location where the dogs have to pass by his camera. It works. Sort of. Well, maybe. With photoshop. He is smiling the entire time and sounds encouraging. “Right! that looks good….but maybe we can just do it one more time," Kenneth smiles.
The Calendar will come out in December, just in time for the Holidays and be on sale at various locations in the area. Proceeds from the sale of these calendars goes to support the work of the High Desert Humane Society.
FALL 2014 Bread Man, Continued from page 1
Loaves of daily bread, cinnamon-pecan whole wheat and foccaccia go onto trays for proofing
After proofing the dough, Bert removes each loaf from the tray and slides them directly onto the hot stone foundation of the oven. Then to remove the loaves he uses a long handle paddle.
Bert pours water on the hot oven door to create steam which helps to moisten the bread as it bakes and adds golden color to the crust.
Initially he opened a small eatery in downtown Superior along with partner Mary Karlin, an acclaimed cookbook author and educator who has taught at Ramekins in Sonoma, California for decades. While Mary split her time between Ramekins and their place in Superior, Bert ran the day-to-day operations and began baking artisan breads for use in the restaurant and for sale over the counter. “TOAST was well received by everyone who found their way to the shop,” says Bert, “but what we didn’t know is that while you can see all the traffic driving by on the 60, most are not stopping.” He remembers talking to people who were surprised to find the place. They would say things like, ‘We’ve been driving through Superior for years and never knew it had a downtown.” Although the restaurant had good support from the locals, it wasn’t enough to keep the doors open, and TOAST closed within a year. Bert then moved the enterprise and his passion for bread making back into their home in Superior. At the time he only had one large wood fired oven he had built on his back patio. Open to the elements, it was nonetheless great for pizza parties and his own baking needs, but when TOAST closed he had to move equipment home, including his 3-ton 1910 commercial oven he had brought with him from California. To protect his ovens, he enclosed the patio area with walls and a roof, and over time, added heating and cooling, wash sinks , a walk-in cooler and stainless steel drying racks. Still, it would be some time before “he was back in business.” But like any artist who has to create, whether they have an audience or not, Bert had to bake bread. He says he happened upon an idea for an ‘exchange’ of sorts - loosely based on the ‘Burning Man’ concept of exchanging goods and services. He called it Bert’s Bread Exchange and he invited people to offer something anything - in exchange for a loaf of bread. It could be a jar of jam, a bushel of fresh fruit, or a haircut, Bert explains. He would even deliver the bread if it was in Superior. The bread exchange idea supported his need to bake and share bread with his community until he could get the licensing to operate a bakery from his home. Once that came through, he launched Brick House Bakers and in addition to selling at the Globe-Miami Farmers’ Market from June to October, he is now launching a Community Supported Bakery in which patrons can pay monthly for a membership ensuring fresh baked bread at a local drop off point every week. My max,” says Bert “ is about 100 loaves a week. Right now I’m doing about half that, so there is some room to
expand – but not much. I can’t do much more production without affecting my health, so I’m happy with baking every week for my community.” He is partnering with Porter’s in Superior and Simply Sarah’s in Globe as weekly drop off points for bread orders. All monies will be paid in advance, and members will receive an email from him listing the breads he is baking that week so they can make their selection from this. Currently he is producing dinner rolls, daily bread, raisin, pecan and cinnamon bread, multi-grain bread, ciabatta and various focaccia breads. Bert is prepping for the Holidays and says he will be adding sweet breads to the selections this season, and is currently evaluating whether to add other specialties like his pizza crust.
The Process of Breadmaking There is a bread revolution which has been occurring for the last twenty years or so, according to foodies like Bert and Mary. It’s a push back against the deteriorating quality of bread as we know it today. Supermarket bread, produced on a large scale typically uses flour that which has been bleached and bromated, and later injected with additives to improve texture, control color and enhance nutrients and preservatives to extend shelf life. “I wouldn’t even use the same flour, “ Bert says matterof-factly. He buys his flour from Central Milling, which is the largest supplier of organic flours. Much of it comes from Utah which is a huge producer of organic wheat. “My flour hasn’t been poisoned in the fields with gyclosophates,” says Bert. "It hasn’t been bleached, and it doesn’t have all those things added to it to make it last on the shelf. When people say they have gluten intolerance, Bread Man, Continued on page 41
Fall 2014 Bread Man, Continued from page 40
sometimes – not always – it is simply an intolerance to what we think is bread, but is in actuality the heavy processing that has gone into the wheat and the additives. Basic artisan bread, he explains, uses just four ingredients: flour, yeast, water and sugar. It is in the process where the craftsmanship of bread making really comes into play. Peter Rhineart is a leading author and expert in artisan breads and a friend and mentor of the couple. “I’ve taken classes from Peter ,” explains Bert, “ and Mary and I both know him through her work with Ramekins. He is legendary in this field and his book, “The Bread Baker’s Apprentice: Mastering the Art of Extraordinary Bread” is sort of a bible for bread makers, having sold thousands of copies. The method of baking which Bert uses for his own dinner rolls, pizza crust and focaccia breads was first developed by a French baker and made all the more famous when Rhineart later included it in his book and sung its praises. It is known as the Asiene Method and calls for the dough to be cooled for 12 - 14 hours immediately after mixing it. This slows down the growth of bacteria and allows an enzyme activity to occur, which brings more carbohydrates and sugar out of the dough – changing the flavor and making the bread taste almost buttery. “My pizza crust and dinner rolls are sorta famous because of this,” says Bert with a smile.
Bert also follows the French method of working the dough, folding it over like a burrito and then turning it upside down to trap the gasses inside like a bubble. “You’re creating a gas bag which creates the air pockets in the bread,” he says and goes on to explain that in the typical kneading process you destroy that lightness which comes with the gas pocket and create a much denser bread. Think of the ‘hippie’ breads of the ‘70s. These days Bert’s schedule is built around the rhythm of bread making. Mondays he reserves for research on everything from techniques and ingredients to new breads he is thinking about adding to his weekly line up or the latest to come out of the bread revolution, like the idea of Community Supporter Bakery. Fridays are his production day, as he calls it, when he orchestrates the timing of over 50 loaves of breads and dinner rolls as he pulls them from refrigeration to proofing trays to the oven and then to cooling racks. This week he will be offering dinner rolls made with an organic white wheat flour with the finest sift, a multi-grain loaf with sunflowers, focaccia bread drizzled with olive oil and laced with jalape³o and cheese, a hearty cinnamonpecan whole wheat bread and his latest, a roasted garlic-chili bread where you get large soft pieces of roasted garlic with every bite. He has become a favorite at the local Globe-Miami Farmers market where he routinely sells out. With the Farmers’ Market closing the first of October, he says he didn’t want to just say “See ya next summer,” so the new CSB he envisions will be a way to continue providing bread to customers who clearly are lining up for more. To sign up for the community service bakery and get your fresh artisan bread weekly, please contact Bert at You can also visit him on Facebook at Brick House Bakers.
The tools of the trade
Bert at the Globe Miami Farmer’s Market. This was his second season and he typically sells out of his bread every Saturday.
FALL 2014
One of many markings on the walls of the old jail.
Jail Life, Continued from page 1
“There were inmates who spent many years in the jail,” explains Rick Benning who is a volunteer tour director with the jail. He goes on to explain prison life. Most, he says, would spend time on their cell bunks or in the common areas between the cells. Sometimes they could wander along the outer walls. There was one toilet and sink at the end of each ‘tank’ of cells shared by 28 prisoners. Smoking was not allowed. Prisoners were fed twice a day. A well-known story about the Chinese businessman who had the contract to deliver food to the prisoners is told over and over. It seems a prisoner once complained about the food he was given and handed the bowl back to Dea Gin Foo, who owned and operated the Sang Tai Restaurant. Dea Gin was a familiar site to locals as he would deliver the prisoners food each day in a little red wagon he would pull up the street to the jail.
A photo of the oldest known jail house in Globe circa 1880s.
Reportedly, he smiled back at the complaining prisoner and said, “You no likee today? You likee tomorrow,” which was undoubtedly true! Benning goes on to explain that if prisoners were good they were sometimes made trustees and allowed to live on the third floor which included a large open space with actual army cots, instead of the steel webbing of most cell bunks. The floor housed 28 trustees, and while the room was not divided with steel bars, it
offered very little heating or cooling to regulate the summer heat or winter cold which wafted to the third floor. The jail, which was built of reinforced poured concrete in 1910, was considered state of the art and first rate at the time. It was a big improvement over the single story jail which it replaced, and included three floors to house the criminal elements in all of Gila County. Built to hold several times the prison population of the previous jail, it nonetheless was often filled to capacity during its seventyyear tenure as the gatekeeper of civilized society. The first floor housed one of two cell ‘tanks’ for prisoners, as well as the residence of the sheriff and offices for his support staff. Each tank, as it was called, was a concrete and steel room designed with seven cells measuring 8ft x 6ft, which housed four inmates each. An upper and lower bunk made of steel webbing was built into either side of the cell with barely 4ft of standing room between them. A single toilet and sink initially included with each cell, was removed in the ‘50s due
Rick Benning stands at the top of the stairs to the women’s cell blocks. He didn’t want his photo taken because he says sometimes he will dress up - especially if he knows there are children on the tour- and play the part of jailer. He prefers to be in the background during his tours and let the jail speak for itself.
to vandalism or disrepair, and replaced with a common toilet and sink shared by each of the 28 inmates per tank. The second floor housed a second tank of 28 cells, as well as an area with slightly larger cells with only two bunks each for juveniles, women and the elderly. This floor also included a cell within a cell, separated from all the others designed for crazy ones and the especially violent prisoners. Thought to be impenetrable, it was the site of one of the most famous murders in 1910 when a prisoner, accused of killing of two young girls, was shot and killed through the prison bars in the early morning hours while he slept on his cot. The case was never solved. The third floor led to a catwalk where prisoners were transported to and from the courthouse next door, and included the trustees ‘dorm.’ Jail Life, Continued on page 43
Fall 2014
The last hanging at the jail took place in 1905. After that, executions were moved to Florence.
Jail Life, Continued from page 42
Benning says he has met hundreds of visitors since he began giving tours of the jail including ones from France, Scotland, Germany and all the provinces of Canada. While some visitors do not speak much English, it is not a problem for Benning. He is not a historian, he explains, preferring to rely on the visual experience of the jail to tell the story. He will have visitors stand inside the cell blocks as he operates the original Pauly system of levers and locks which operate the cell doors. As the doors clang shut they send a shudders to those who find themselves on the wrong side of the bars. The doors and levers came from the old territorial jail in Yuma, which closed just one year before the Gila County jail opened in 1910. Although rusted over and frozen in place during the ensuing years the jail was abandoned, they have since been restored to working order once again. Tom Foster, executive director of Bullion Plaza, who has a penchant The Kinglsley Olds murder case was front page news for many weeks. It made all the more famous when the guy in jail for the murder of the two girls was himself killed by a shot through the prison bars. A shot many said was impossible. Tom Foster meticulously recreated the newspaper accounts with actors, and the same type of rifle, and confirmed it could have been done. Learn more about this case by visiting the jail.
Prisoners were allowed to spend time outside their cells in this common area.
for restoration spent months taking the entire system apart, and refurbishing the levers and track to make them once again operational. The many hours it took to restore the doors are worthwhile when you see the effect on visitors as they tour the jail and get a live demonstration of “lock down.” “It makes a lasting impression,” Benning smiles. He is careful to point out the etchings on the walls in the cell blocks and hallways. Some are so faint you have to look carefully to see the writing. Others stand out as if they were written yesterday. Most are dates and names - reminders, if only to themselves, that someone was there. He points out something he has always found interesting regarding the F-word. There are none. In 70 years of operation, prisoners didn’t cuss on these walls using the F-word. The last hanging in Globe took place in 1905 when Zachary Booth waved his hat for the last time, pronounced his innocence and was dropped from the gallows. Future executions were later moved to Florence after that and the county jail mostly housed criminals in for rustling, rape, second degree murder and stealing. By the 1970s newspapers were filled with accounts of the deplorable conditions of the county jail, and efforts were launched to get public approval to build a new facility which was completed in 1981. The old jail stood vacant and fell into disrepair throughout the ‘90s until Kip Culver director of Globe’s Main Street program, stepped in to preserve the jail as an important part of Globe’s history. Today, the old jail is popular with tourists and is an integral part of the historic district and downtown events. Tours are conducted by Benning and other volunteers every second Saturday of the month and by appointment. Benning, who lives just blocks from the jail, says he will try to accommodate a request for a tour. All they need to do is check in with the front desk at the Center of the Arts and they’ll call to see if he is available.