By David Abbott
n the wake of the Woodbury Fire, Paul Heley of AZ Stay + Play wants everyone to know that Roosevelt Lake is open for business. “We had two days where we had an hour of smoke,” he says. “But for the fire to get to us, it would have had to jump the 188 [Apache Trail], the Salt River and Saguaro Lake, so, in our eyes, it didn’t affect anything.” AZ Stay + Play is located in the Tonto Basin area about 15 miles north of the Town of Roosevelt, and offers jet ski, kayak and paddleboard rentals, but can also create the ultimate lake experience for groups and individual in well-appointed cabins located near the beautiful Tonto National Forest. In the very near future, Heley also hopes to offer a full slate of desert jeep tours of the unique Sonoran Desert surrounding the northeast end of the lake.
Roosevelt Lake, Continued on page 9
The Woodbury Fire Page 12
Apache Times Page 20
The MOB of Broadstreet: When City and Committee joined forces for Good Works Story by Carol Broeder; Photos by LC Gross
Ten years ago, a MOB ran rampant in downtown Globe, and they’re not ashamed of it. In fact, they would like to do it again, picking up where they left off to further beautify the city. You can still see traces of their handiwork around town, including many of the trees growing on Broad. Led by then-Globe Mayor Fernando Shipley, the group formed in 2009. It was made up of local “movers and shakers— people who were visionaries,” he explained. The group with no name jokingly called themselves the MOB until the time came for a more formal moniker. It was the late Kip Culver who came up with an official name incorporating the group’s nickname—My Own Backyard (MOB), Shipley said. “During the meetings we would joke and be vulgar and have a great time, but we would still get things done,” he said. And get things done, they did, as the former members will tell you. The Broad Street lampposts were a result of MOB.
MOB, Continued on page 10
Endangered Language By Patti Daley
When a language disappears, culturized traditions and local knowledge are lost. So too, a way of life, and a unique worldview. Within the next 50 years, nearly half of the world’s roughly 6,500 languages could be lost. Western Apache, the official language of the San Carlos and White Mountain reservations here in Gila County, is one of them. “The children sing songs in Apache,” says Joycelene Johnson, an Apache teacher, reflecting on the younger generation. “They sound so beautiful, yet our students did not know what they were singing, had no understanding of it.” Joycelene has taught Apache language and cultural appreciation in San Carlos schools for 26 years, served five years as Language Preservation coordinator and takes classes on the topic at the University of Arizona during the summer months. Endangered Language, Continued on page 20
Calendar of Events Page 14
Globe-Miami Visitor’s Map Page 16
JULY 2019
Globe Miami Times Goes Monthly! We’ve heard from our readers for years that they would like MORE of Globe Miami Times.
And so we listened! This issue will mark our move into a Monthly Publication. Now you can read us each month. Stay in touch with the things that matter to you. Check out our monthly Live Events calendar, or weigh in with an Op-ed or Letter to the Editor. Try our free listings on The Trading Post Page, or let us help you recognize a co-worker, engagement or a 50-year anniversary. Read about the meaning behind the headlines, where we bring you in depth coverage on select community topics.
Visit our website at for details, or contact for more information.
JULY 2019
JULY 2019
From the Desk of
Publisher Linda Gross
the Publisher As the Woodbury fire took the top headlines for weeks in our area, all watched firefighters and Incident Command masterfully protect homes and property in the face of the 100,000-plus-acre fire, we working on our own headline news. This month marks a milestone in Globe Miami Times’ evolution as a community newspaper. This month, we go to a monthly publication after serving the community for over 13 years as a quarterly newspaper. My goal then, as now, has been to offer a well-written, engaging look at our community. One that went beyond simply promoting an event or visitor destination, but would reflect the culture, people and events that draw people here in the first place. Our plan is to go beyond just the daily beat of news, to provide readers with a fuller look at the issues impacting them. The move means we will come out more often and can cover more stories. I’m happy to announce the addition of David Abbott and Carol Broeder to our staff. Both are strong journalists with a passion for our community and that makes them a perfect fit for GMT. In addition we have added two new columnists; Thea Wilshire, and her Globetrotting column, an insider’s look at what’s cool to do in this area (pp 25), and Mary Karlin, a cooking instructor and author, who will be doing a food column this summer based on local produce and our local Farmers’ Markets. (pp 26). Our freelance writers continue to add depth to our coverage, including Patti Daley, whose new column (pp 28) taps into the wonderful insights of our retired teachers, and Kim Stone who delves into the sad state of recycling (PP 6) which has been in our local news lately. (Look for a follow up on our local trash service and the impact recent changes have had on our community). We will also include more coverage of our neighbors in San Carlos and have created a new section, which this month includes two pieces on the power of language. Twenty nineteen is the Year of Indigenous Languages, which is helping raise awareness of the importance and contribution of language. In Telling Our Stories, (PP 20) 6th edition, produced by Carol O’Connor and the RhymeN-Reason Foundation, we see voices often overlooked, those of youth, and the many forms expression can take to show us insights into our world and others. Additionally, this spring, author, and language expert, Willhelm de Reuse, was at San Carlos Apache College teaching a class on the textbook he developed for the Apache language. ( PP 1). Our lead story this month on AZ Stay + Play reminds us what an asset we have in Roosevelt Lake. I was thrilled to meet up with owner Paul Heley who launched his business this year, providing a much-needed service for lake-goers by renting out watercraft and side by sides. He is also hosting visitors overnight at his property in Tonto Basin. (PP 1) If you don’t have all those toys, he will help you get on the water this summer! Enjoy,
Creative Director Jenifer Lee Editor David Abbott Contributing Writers David Abbott Carol Broeder Patti Daley Linda Gross Mary Karlin Kim Stone Thea Wilshire Patricia Sanders Sue Marceau Contributing Photography Patti Daley Linda Gross Thea Wilshire
175 E Cedar Street, Globe, AZ 85501 Office: 928.961.4297 Cell: 928.701.3320
Published Monthly Copyright@2019 Globe Miami Times / /Globe Miami Visitors Guide All rights reserved. Reproduction of the contents of this publication without permission is strictly prohibited. The Globe Miami Times neither endorses nor is responsible for the content of advertisements. Advertising Deadline: Camera ready artwork is due the 25th of the month preceding publication. Design and photography services are available beginning at $35 hr. Display Advertising Rates: Contact Linda Gross at or call 928.701.3320. Annual Subscriptions: Annual subscriptions are $48 per year. Please send name of recipient, address and phone number, plus a money order or check made payable to Globe Miami Times at 175 E. Cedar Street, Globe, AZ 85501.
Linda Gross
Table of Contents ON THE COVER
Roosevelt Lake The MOB of Broadstreet Endangered Language
20 Apache Times “Telling Our Own Stories” 23 Partnering to Rehab Michaelson Building
5 Opinion
24 The IDA
6 Is Recycling Enough?
25 Globetrotting: St. Charles Catholic Church
8 Recognition and Rewards 10 Globe-Miami Real Estate 12 The Woodbury Fire
26 A Superior Kinda Summer 28 Spirit of Education
14 Calendar of Events
29 Git ‘er Done Award – Barry Schwenk
16 Globe-Miami Map
30 Patti’s Pots in Miami
18 The Society Pages
31 Service Directory
Speak up for women in the crusade for amends to people whom society has exploited and neglected. If anyone or any group deserves compensation for evils committed against them by men in power, women stand front and center. Females represent more than half of the nation’s population and include every “protected class” that the federal government has vowed to shield from discrimination on account of factors such as sex, race, age, disability, color, creed, national origin, and religion. However, women continue to confront bias, abuse and harassment. The bottom line is that the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) must be ratified quickly to advance the status of women, the most underestimated segment of our society. Female equality has remained shockingly elusive, despite heroic efforts by dedicated lobbyists, advocates and supporters. Equality for women is far from a new undertaking and repeatedly has stalled over the decades, succumbing to myths, misconceptions and falsehoods. Contrary to what opponents would have everyone believe, the ERA does not legislate abortion, women in the military or unisex restrooms. At the outset, male-focused legislative priorities kept the Founding Fathers from including women’s rights when they put to paper the guiding principles of this great land. A long 243 years later, women in the most free-thinking nation in the world still lack constitutional equality. That fact by no means signifies a lack of trying. Fresh off success in obtaining the right to vote for women after ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920, Suffragist Alice Stokes Paul promoted equality under the Constitution as the next great breakthrough in the advancement of women. The dynamic push by the National Organization for Women (NOW) was rewarded by Congressional approval in 1972, subject to ratification by 38 states. Following a lull since Indiana ratified in 1977, the ERA again emerged victorious with approval by Nevada in 2017 and Illinois in 2018. Arizona today would stand proudly as that milestone 38th state to ratify, if not for the blatant disregard for the will of the people among lawmakers in both state houses. A collection of self-righteous politicians persist each year in imposing their own prejudices to block the ERA from legislative discussion and vote. Forward-thinking lawmakers in all the lagging states would be well-served to increase their endorsement among women, who embody 52 percent of the nation’s population, 47 percent of the workforce, and 60 percent of college graduates. The nation’s women and their male supporters—sons, fathers and grandfathers —comprise an election-tipping ratio of the population. Every one of them has or had a mother and grandmother, and many also are or were blessed with sisters who paved the way for them. Make no mistake: Ratification of the ERA is a vote for family. When men and women stand up for equality, they help ensure the economic well-being of children and families. Financial health matters—immensely. The impacts of poverty among single-family households headed by women persist from youth to old age because chronic lower pay translates to financial insecurity and results in lifelong earnings disadvantages spanning generations. Disturbingly, many women end up relying on social services in their later years. And here’s why. For every dollar paid to Arizona’s working men, 81.8 cents on average is earned by the state’s women. The average annual salary difference between Arizona’s men and women is $7,000, accruing to an annual wage gap of $6 billion. Career earnings tell an even more appalling story nationwide. Consider the compounded value of lost wages to women and their families over a typical 47-year career. A female high school graduate earns $700,000 less than male counterparts, while a female college or university graduate is paid $1.2 million less, and a woman with a masters, law or medical degree loses out on $2 million in lifetime earnings. For anyone under the mistaken impression that wage disparities can be attributed to factors such as college major, occupation, industry, sector, hours worked, workplace flexibility, experience, educational attainment, enrollment status, Grade Point Average (GPA), college selectivity, age, race/ethnicity, region, marital status and motherhood, the American Association of University Women reports a 7 percent salary difference between males and females just one year after graduating from college. The deck is stacked against women from the beginning and the imbalance magnifies over time. The most meaningful long-term gains in equality for women will arise from the ERA’s ratification to become the law of the land. Equality for women resonates with lobbyists, advocates and average citizens because economic security is paramount to a vibrant society. The ERA is our nation’s conduit to everyone—male and female—reaching full human potential. The injustice to women and families stops here and now, when we raise our voices in unison and compel lawmakers to ratify the ERA. Let freedom ring and equality reign.
JULY 2019
I’m writing this from a hotel room in Peel, a tiny town on the west coast of the Isle of Man. This morning I had breakfast watching the Irish Sea wash the beach just steps from the hotel’s front porch, and tonight I plan to sit on a bench on the promenade and watch the sun set over the water. In the meantime, I’ll saunter around town, revel in the sunshine and write. I’ve been here on the Isle of Man for the past two weeks to see the annual TT motorcycle races, a thrilling event that attracts bike aficionados from all over the world. And I’ve spent most of that time in the company of a good friend — riding on the back of his Bandit 1200, enjoying the gorgeous scenery, sharing the excitement of the races. I’m more relaxed and happy than I’ve ever been in my 52 years. For the first time in my life, I wake up looking forward to the day. I’m excited for the future. In other words, life is good. And I’m grateful. Because I know life isn’t wonderful for everyone, and because it hasn’t always been this way for me, either. Sometimes I’ve felt like a lab rat that’s been running through a maze for the past 52 years. I don’t believe the challenges ever end — that’s what life is. We constantly grow and change and learn through interesting and sometimes confrontational experiences. We always will. But I do feel that I’ve made it through that maze. I’ve learned a lot. There’s tons more to learn. But the fact that I’m looking forward to the future — for the first time in my life — tells me I must have leveled up. If I died right now and had only two minutes to pass on the essence of what I feel I’ve learned in 52 years on Earth — my advice for anyone who can use it — I’d croak out these seven messages: 1. Keep going. To quote Harriet Tubman, “Don’t ever stop. Keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.” At so many times in my life, I thought I’d reached a dead end. (When I dropped out of college during my first semester. When I was married to a narcissist and felt there was no way out. When I was living in my truck and working as a cook in a Mexican restaurant in Carrizozo, New Mexico. When I found myself in Thailand, broke, trying to live on Mechanical Turk.) But it was never true: There was a corner ahead that I couldn’t see yet, and things changed dramatically. Never underestimate what is possible. Keep going. Even if it’s just one foot in front of the other. 2. Be honest — with yourself most of all. I think people almost always know, inside, what the essential, basic truth is — of our lives, ourselves, our relationships. If you sit quietly and let yourself feel it, you probably know at least in a general way things like whether you’re happy or not, what you basically want to do, or whether a relationship is right for you. It’s only been when I’ve allowed myself to acknowledge and accept the truth that I’ve been able to see how to move forward. Denying the truth only locks you into the present. 3. Have faith in the upside. Often, when you’re about to take a risk, it’s the downside that’s foremost in your mind. It’s easy to anticipate the pain of a separation, the difficulties of building a new life, or the fears of attack, abuse, and abandonment that can come at you when you make a change. What’s harder to see and anticipate is the upside. I think that’s because the rewards are part of your new world, and often you won’t be able to see, understand, or believe in them until you become part of your new world. But whether you can see or believe in them or not, the rewards are always there, just waiting for you. Trust in them. 4. Be afraid, but not too afraid. The world is a scary place. To navigate it, you have to listen to your gut. Fear is your friend: it tells you that something you’re scared of is nearby. Intuition can keep you from walking down the wrong dark road. But remember that fear is only an emotion. It’s really only telling you about your internal condition — that you’re scared — and not necessarily about the reality of the external world. Being able to see the difference, internal versus external, opens up a universe of marvelous experiences. Listen to your fear, consider what it’s telling you, but don’t be a slave to it. In the biggest picture, we’re all going to be just fine. 5. You can grow. Again: Never underestimate what’s possible. You can do things you don’t think you can. These seemingly impossible things expand you when you do them. And in my experience, it’s been those “unimaginable” things, the ones that seem completely beyond possibility, that have made the most difference when I did stretch myself to tackle them. When you reach for an “unimaginable” thing and make it happen, that seemingly impossible thing has just became something that you’ve done. You amaze yourself. And more unimaginable things become possible. 6. And the world changes, too. When you grow and change, the world changes along with you. This fact can seem unbelievable until you’ve experienced it yourself. A world that has always seemed dark, terrifying, and hopeless becomes lighter, brighter, and gradually more exciting, beautiful, and desirable. Keep going. Most of all… 7. Don’t ever write off love, God, yourself, life, or anything else good. Life can be disillusioning. We get wounded and afraid, and we want to protect ourselves from future pain and harm. In the process, we forget that it wasn’t love that hurt us — it was failures to love. It wasn’t God, it was people — people who were disconnected from God. It was never you, yourself — it was wounds and mistakes and false understandings — all of which are fixable, over time, and not part of your true self. Don’t let pain lead you to turn away from everything that’s good. In a few days I’ll be leaving the Isle of Man. I’ve started another chapter of my life—another maze! But this time I’m excited, because I’ve developed faith in the process. Will the lessons get harder? I don’t know. I do feel that these fundamental things that I’ve learned can guide and hold me and help me through whatever’s next. Do you think they’ll be useful for you, too? Patricia Sanders lived in Globe from 2004 to 2008 and at Reevis Mountain School, in the Tonto National Forest, from 2008 to 2014. She has been a writer and editor for GMT since 2015. She is currently traveling long-term and researching a book on dance. You can follow her writing on the website, under the pen name SK Camille.
JULY 2019 By Kim Stone
The current state of recycling worldwide is somewhere between dismal and dire. The market demand for recyclables has fizzled, yet the supply of potential recyclables is as continuous and unrelenting as our ravenous appetite for the products they contain. Commercial recycling programs are being curtailed, modified, or discontinued. Many of us face the repulsive alternative of having to throw our cans, paper, plastic bottles, and glass in with the rest of the trash. I’m currently suffering from post recycling depression (PRD). And it gets worse each time I pitch my empty bottle of imperial IPA or plastic container of Naked juice (rinsed, of course) into the kitchen wastebasket instead of the recycle bin. And I know I’m not alone.
What has happened to a worldwide recycling industry that was flourishing just a few years ago? For 25 years, since the early 1990s, China had been the main market for recyclables, including plastics, paper, and cardboard from countries like Japan, the United States, Thailand, Germany and Belgium. Fully 45 percent of the world’s recyclables were exported to China and they were paying exporters good money for it. In the U.S. alone, as many as 4,000 shipping containers of recyclables were leaving for China every single day. The dirty little secret is these containers were often contaminated within non-recyclable garbage. With China’s cheap labor, they were willing to sort these recyclables clean enough to process. However, with China’s rapid growth, it has increasing amounts of its own domestic recyclables to process. They finally reached a tipping point when they were no longer willing to be the world’s dumping ground. So they put on the brakes. In January 2018, China began enforcing its National Sword policy,
IS RECYCLING ENOUGH? The market for recyclables has tanked in the past year and part of it is our fault. But even if it recovers, the endless proliferation of plastics will be the greatest challenge.
which effectively banned all recyclables from other countries that weren’t 99.5% pure. Even saints don’t have that level of purity, so the effective result was to remove China as a buyer. This has left the rest of the world scrambling for new markets.
What can you do? ✔✔ Bring your own cups to Starbucks (their cups are not recyclable). ✔✔ Carry a refillable water bottle with you all the time. ✔✔ NEVER accept a plastic bag when making a purchase. Always bring your own. ✔✔Avoid plastic cutlery (utensils)
Most Common Contaminants
✔✔ Avoid all single use plastics whenever possible
Keep these items out of your recycling bin!
Contamination nation In the not-so-distant past, households separated their own paper, glass, plastic, aluminum, and steel cans for recycling. It was cumbersome, and all of those separate containers took up a lot of space. Curbside recycling began in earnest about twenty years ago when all recyclables were mixed into one recycling bin. This made for some carefree recycling. Trucks dump the bins into their cavernous innards and deliver the load to a material recovery facility where workers do the separation that we used to do. One of these facilities, operated by the Waste Management, is located in Surprise, Arizona. With such an efficient system, what could possibly go wrong? “The one word answer to that is contamination,” says Brandon Wright, Vice President of the National Waste and Recycling Association, a trade group that represents the waste management and recycling industry. Fully 25% of the Recycling, Continued on page 7
JULY 2019
Types of plastic 1. PETE: Polyethylene Terephthalate. Soft drink and water bottles 2. HDPE: High Density Polyethylene. Milk bottles, juice bottles, shampoo and detergents, irrigation pipe 3. V: Vinyl/Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC). Cosmetic containers, hoses, shoe soles, medical tubing, irrigation pipe 4. LDPE: Low Density Polyethylene. Glad wrap, garbage bags 5. PP: Polypropylene. Potato chip bags, straws, microwave dishes 6. PS: Polystyrene. CD cases, plastic cutlery, styrofoam 7. OTHER: Other mixed resins. Car parts, computers, appliance parts Recycling, Continued from page 6
items—one in four—that are placed in a curbside recycling bin are not recyclable. Common contaminates include used diapers, lithium batteries, strings of Christmas lights, plastic toys, clothing, plastic bags, garden hoses, and yard waste. Even food can be a contaminate when it is found in un-rinsed glass or plastic containers, or in grease-soaked pizza boxes. If there are enough of these contaminates in a truckload, all of it can go straight to the dump. “We have slowed operations at our material recovery facility in Surprise to hand-pick more contamination from lines,” says Jennifer Rivera, Communications Director for the Four Corners Area of Waste Management. Workers line conveyor belts and pull non-recyclables as the items move past, but sometimes slowing the conveyor still isn’t enough to keep up. Some companies have had to increase the density of employees to sort through the mess, and this increases their costs.
Recycling literacy It’s hard to pinpoint why recyclables are so often polluted with nonrecyclables. The recycling industry has coined a term called “wishcycling” that offers a likely explanation. “Folks are holding a product in their hand,” Brandon Wright posits. “They’re undecided about what to do with it. They want to feel good about helping the environment, so they put it in the recycling bin.” Their hope, of course, is that the smart people at the recycling facility will figure it out. But contamination is too rampant of a problem to give a questionable object
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the benefit of the doubt. The best course of action should always be: When in doubt, throw it out. Every recycling company has guidelines on their websites about what is—and what isn’t—recyclable. It’s also true that they could be doing a better job of getting that information in front of customers through more traditional means. Waste Management does a particularly good job with blogs and infographics (see the resource section below for the links) that help educate their customers. Their website www. is a good source of information. One of the best sources for determining which plastics can be recycled is right in front of your face. That’s because it is printed on the plastic bottle you may be drinking from as you read this. It’s called and they have created a standardized labeling system that tells you what can and cannot be recycled. Over 100 corporations use this system, including mega companies like Walmart, Campbell’s (yes, those cans are recyclable), Costco, Nestlé (which markets Arrowhead Water), and Starbucks.
The Globe Landfill currently accepts: ✔✔Aluminum cans ✔✔White paper - junk mail, newsprint ✔✔Used motor oil ✔✔Car batteries ✔✔ Appliances- charged by weight ✔✔Computers and monitors ✔✔#1 and #2 plastics ✔✔Used tires ✔✔Bicycles – inmates refurbish bikes
Has plastic overtaken us? Recyclables like glass bottles and aluminum cans are 100% recyclable and have no limit to the number of times that they can be recycled. This can’t happen,
...ouR gReEn cHiLi wiLL mAkE yOu
of course, unless they are returned for deposit or find their way to a recycling facility. Paper is more limited in its generations of recycling because the wood fibers eventually break down, but it has the advantage of being biodegradable. Plastics are a completely different animal, and they have been in the headlines lately for very good reasons. Only 9 percent of the plastics produced in the last 70 years have been recycled. The other 91% has been buried in landfills, burned, or cast into the natural environment. Plastics only came into common usage after World War II, but their use has steamrolled since then. 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic products (this includes fibers made for synthetic clothing) were produced from 1950 to 2017. And get this: almost half of it—3.9 billion metric tons—has been produced since 2002. That’s 6.6 trillion pounds, or the weight of 1.3 billion 2019 Jeep Grand Cherokees. Because of the complexities of plastic chemistry, even common #1 PET plastics (what most water bottles are made from) can only be recycled one or two times. From there, they might be spun into yarn for clothing or simply landfilled. With China out out of the picture, Jenna Jambeck, an associate professor of engineering at the University of Georgia, calculates that an additional 111
million metric tons of plastic waste will have to go somewhere else between now and 2030. It’s a potential catastrophe that seems unstoppable—unless we curtail our use of plastics. Recycling, no matter how noble our intentions or efficient our methods, will not put even the slightest dent in what’s looming. Plastics do not biodegrade, but they do photo degrade. When the size of the particles reach 5 millimeters or less, they are called microplastics. Larger pieces of plastic such as fishing gear, plastic bags, balloons, cigarette butts, and bottle caps are the most deadly to marine life and have been widely reported. And who can forget the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in the North Pacific Ocean. Microplastics, however, are much more pernicious and widespread in many of the earth’s oceans. In Monterrey Bay, a recent study in June 2019 found more microplastics in deeper depths than closer to the surface. This study has contributed to the growing evidence that plastic is accumulating within the animals and bottom sediments of the deep sea. In a study of the American diet published in June 2019 in Environmental Science and Technology, researchers estimate that Americans consume 50,000 microplastics per year. Breathing accounts for another 100,000. Bottled water drinkers consume 22 times the amount of microplastics as tap water drinkers. We have some control over terrestrial plastics, and we may be able to filter the air, but those that are already in the world’s oceans are there to stay. The only thing we can do is try not make it any worse. u Additional Resources
JULY 2019
Recognition and Awards
For Birth Announcements / Anniversaries / Work Related Promotions & Recognitions / Youth Achievements Weddings & Engagements / Retirement / Celebrations and more
Brady And Toja Ellison Take Top Honors
Dr. James Smith is Retiring! Mountain View Dentistry is both saddened and happy to announce the retirement of Dr. James Smith, who has served the Globe area for over 30 years. Dr. Smith is loved by those who worked with him and by his patients. His hard work, honesty, and care for his patients are traditions that will be carried on by Dr. Marshall Griggs. In retirement, Dr. Smith plans on spending more time with his family, including his 15 grandchildren, and we wish him the best.
Welcome Dr. Phillip Garrett! Moving forward, Mountain View Dentistry would also like to announce the addition of specialist, Dr. Phillip Garrett, to our practice. Dr. Garrett is a board certified periodontist, specializing in dental implants. He will be a great asset to Globe and surrounding areas. Dr. Griggs and Dr Garrett will be working side by side to bring the best care possible to our community.
BRADY ELLISON wins big at World Archery Championships in June. Brady Ellison, of Globe, won the 2019 Hyundai World Archery Championships in June, becoming the first recurve men’s world champion from the USA since 1985. Brady, who started archery in 2002, and made his international debut in 2006, has competed in the London and Rio Olympics (2012 and 2016) respectively. He plans to compete in the 2020 Olympics to be held in Italy next year. Courtesy Photo
How it works:
EAGLE SCOUT JOE BODANI The Elks Club • Globe, AZ Troop 245 Parents: Karen and Scott Bodani
Celebrating 50 Years! KYLEIGH MADISON
Congratulations John and Susan Madison
July 1969 St. James Chapel Minnesota
on your new baby girl!
TOJA ELLISON, of Globe, took top honors at the European Games Championship in Minsk in June, beating World Archery Champion Natalia Avdeeva in a shoot-off with the Russian archer. 10-8. Toja and husband, Brady both train in San Diego, California to be close to other team members on the USA squad.
Recognize the people and events in your life which deserve a bit of the spotlight. Each month our Recognitions page will publish notices of achievements, special events and milestones in life. The opportunities to acknowledge a person or milestone include birth announcements, work and wedding anniversaries, work-related promotions or achievements, weddings and engagements and retirement. You can go to our website to fill out the form and submit your photo directly to us, or send it to Free listings include a photo and 50 words of text. Submission does not guarantee publication as it depends on space availability, but we will include as many as possible. Paid listings includes guaranteed publication, Custom fonts and layout, and up to 75 words of text.
United Fund Celebrates 55 Years! By Carol Broeder
Launched in 1964 as a way to connect donors with local charities, the United Fund of Globe-Miami will celebrate its 55 years of service next month with an evening gala at Bullion Plaza Cultural Center and Museum in Miami. The Aug. 24 event, which will include dinner, music and a cash bar, will be set up for dancing. The AZ Groove Merchants, a 10-piece, Scottsdale-based, rock, R and B and funk band, will bring its unique, horn-driven, high energy show, playing everything from classic and Motown favorites to today’s top 40 hits. “We look forward to seeing all of our agencies, donors and supporters, as well as past, present and maybe even future board members at the anniversary gala,” United Fund Executive Director Maryn Belling said. Ranging from $250 to $2,500, sponsorship packages help defray the cost of the event, keeping ticket prices down while having phenomenal music, food and networking, she said. The $2,500 package includes sponsoring part of the cost for the band, eight tickets, a sponsored table and logo on all printed materials.
While the upcoming gala celebrates United Fund’s history, Belling is enthusiastic about the here and now. “Our agencies are really making a difference in the community in ways that weren’t being seen yet at our 50th anniversary gala,” she said. In what Belling calls one of United Fund’s most exciting projects, the Lion’s upcoming Project ACE (All Children Eat) will install a food pantry and laundry facilities at all six local public schools. For 55 years now, the local organization has been the “angel wings” beneath many good works from those United Fund is currently accepting applications for 2020 Operational Support funding from 501c3 organizations in the Globe-Miami community. In addition to being an IRS recognized 501c3, applicants must be in good standing with the Arizona Corporation Commission and be able to abide by United Fund’s participation agreement. Applications are due by Monday, July 15. Go to to download a form.
serving the needs of others; from senior citizens to youth sports and the food bank to historic preservation. With donations from its mining partners FMI, Capstone and Resolution Copper, along with local businesses and individuals, last year alone United Fund was able to fund grant requests from nearly 25 agencies, as well as provide special funding for capital grants. Donors giving to United Fund can be assured the money goes to a worthwhile cause and is put into the hands of agencies the board has vetted and evaluated. One hundred percent of funds stay in the community. At just five percent, United Fund’s administrative costs are among the lowest, setting the organization apart from others. Donors know that the majority of the donation goes to the organizations themselves.
Globe-Miami United Fund’s 55th Anniversary Gala will be held from 6-10 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 24 at the Bullion Plaza Cultural Center and Museum, 150 N. Plaza Cir., Miami. Available through Eventbrite, tickets are $40 each or $70 for two. For a sponsorship letter and form, contact the UF via email at or by Facebook messenger.
JULY 2019
“The thought of renting homes and entertaining people was in my head for seven or eight years, so when I turned 50 I told myself, ‘hey, it’s happening,’ I’m just giving up everything else and putting this in motion.”
About the Lake By Carol Broeder
Roosevelt Lake offers miles and miles of shoreline and few crowded locations making it the go-to destination for both locals and urban dwellers looking to cool off this summer. Photo by LCGross.
At 15,560 square feet, it’s the largest lake in Central Arizona and perhaps one of Arizona’s best kept boating secrets. A drive of less than two hours from the Valley, Roosevelt Lake feels worlds away—a true oasis in the desert. Roosevelt offers boating, fishing and camping with all the amenities — boat storage for those who own a boat and boat rentals for those who don’t, as well as an RV Park and a newly renovated store. According to Scott Dunn, with the Arizona Office of Tourism, in 2018 the National Park Service reported 39,800 visitors to the Tonto National Monument, who spent an estimated $2.4 million in the area. And, in Gila County alone, visitors spent $294 million in 2017, supporting 21,240 jobs and saving the average Gila COunty household $1,040 in tax contributions. Tonto Basin Broker Margaret Rambo, with Rambo Realty and Investment, says that, in the past,the ranching industry had the biggest impact on the area. “The need for water and construction of the (Roosevelt) dam changed the area to recreational,” she explains. “The reason for the growth is that Roosevelt Lake offers fishing, water sports, ATV trails and scenery.” The rise in the lake’s water level this year brought a lot of summer visitors. However, the lake has become a popular winter destination, too. “When the level is down, there is more shoreline camping, so that is good for recreational use and more,” Rambo adds. Rambo, who has sold real estate in the area for 38 years, said that the limited availability of private land keeps the communities small. In 1993, the Tonto National Forest traded 740 acres into private land along Highway 188 as well as 300 acres across from Punkin Center. “That really helped our area grow,” she says. “Over the years it has increased the value of real estate.”
Paul Heley; photo by LCGross
Roosevelt Lake, Continued from page 1
“We’re your recreation rental resource in the Roosevelt Lake region,” Heley said. Located about 80 miles northeast of Phoenix, Roosevelt Lake is an undiscovered gem, featuring classic desert landscapes, plenty of recreational opportunities, and 128 miles of shoreline. While other lakes in Arizona are often packed during peak season and there are often queues to get a craft on the water, Heley says at Roosevelt Lake, getting on the water is not a problem. A former elementary school teacher with 11 years in the classroom, Heley has been in the personal watercraft business for more than a decade. He worked at a Phoenix jet ski rental business fixing equipment for several years. After buying a half interest in that endeavor, Heley soon found he had to make a choice between teaching and recreation, so he dove into the water with both feet. He began visiting friends in Tonto Basin a decade ago, and three years ago founded AZ Stay + Play to create recreational adventures on and near the water of the largest lake entirely in the state of Arizona. “I came up here and saw all this open space and all the fun activities,” Heley says, “so I bought property with money I had from selling my house in Phoenix.” For about nine years, he commuted back and forth from the Valley on weekends and supported himself as a handyman, but when Heley turned 50, he decided to go all in. “The thought of renting homes and entertaining people was in my head for seven or eight years,” Heley says. “So when I turned 50 I told myself, ‘hey, it’s happening,’ I’m just giving up everything else and putting this in motion.”
A month after his 50th birthday he moved to Tonto Basin permanently. He had two houses to rent out, but had to purchase more equipment Heley recently hired Staci Zahn, the daughter of a friend and cancer survivor who was living in Columbia, Washington. She worked for Kellogg’s there, but in January 2017 was diagnosed. After dealing with her health crisis, a family
member introduced Zahn, who is all in helping Heley grow his business. “I’m all in and have a new lease on life,” she says. “I have something to add and I’m excited about this.” As the business expands services in tandem with improvements to the Roosevelt Marina, which reopened on June 30 after a fire evacuation forced its closure for 10 days, both Heley and Zahn see ample opportunities for growth throughout the lake communities. “We want to be global and to bring people in five, six 10 days and tour them around the mountains and the lake and make it a full-on vacation destination,” Heley said. “We also want to serve the local people and we don’t want to lose that.” Most of his business from outside the area comes up from Tucson, as there are other lakes that are more accessible from the Valley, but Heley wants to change that. “At other lakes, there’s a half-hour, 45-minute wait just to put your boat on the water sometimes,” he says. “It’s crowded, it’s windy, so to spend the extra time driving here for this peaceful lake. There’s a lot to say for that.” u
Your Recreational Rental Resource for Roosevelt Lake!
JET SKI HEADQUARTERS Jet Skis • Kayaks • Paddleboards Side-by-Side All Terrain Vehicles Make reservations online: 602.370.5159
JULY 2019
G lo b e - M i a m i R e a l E s tat e
LeeAnn Powers, Molly Cornwall, Kip Culver and then – City Manager, Kane Graves were just some of the dozens of city employees, community members and downtown merchants who came out to help lay pavers. The all-volunteer effort ensured that MOB could make their dollars stretch farther.
MOB, continued from page 1 In 2009, the City of Globe received a $250,000 grant from then-Arizona Congressman Rick Renzi, with $150,000 designated for the historic train depot and the rest slated for redevelopment of the Broad Street property where the movie theater and the Pioneer Hotel had burned down. Unlike most grants, the one from Renzi had few conditions attached. Shipley, who was Globe mayor
The entrance to Broad street looked quite different before MOB, which took on this area, laying brick pavers, installing electric, adding trees and benches.
from 2008 to 2012, was the one who discovered it. As mayor, Shipley was considered executive of the city and, as such, would have to renew the grants that the city needs to function. He spotted a message one day alerting the city that it was about to lose $98,000 in grant funds. The alert caught Shipley’s attention, prompting him to ask about it and learning that its only stipulation was that it be used for economic development
1635 E Ash Street Globe, AZ 85501 (928) 425-7676
“Kip Culver was the glue that kept me in Globe. We were like two peas in a pod.”
Fernando Shipley was Mayor of Globe, when he convened the group to help determine the best Kip Culver and Jim Ohl at a downtown way to invest a $98,000 grant in event held at the train depot. downtown Globe.
or beautification. City officials were wary of using such an unusual grant. “Federal grants have crazy rules and regulations,” said Chris Collopy, the city’s development services director, who became a MOB member after then-City Manager Kane Graves asked him to be the city’s liaison to get projects going. However, MOB knew the grant was just what the organization had been looking for to carry out its many ideas for beautifying downtown. MOB ended up with $98,000 to use as it saw fit, never touching the money designated for the train depot nor redevelopment of the burned property, Shipley said. “We didn’t go out to bid for anything,” he said. “If we needed a concrete saw, we just went out and bought a concrete saw.” As a group of volunteers, MOB had more leeway than a city would have. “When you are a government entity, you have to go out to bid on projects and get specs, etc.,” Shipley explained. With the goal of sprucing up historic downtown, MOB installed pavers and attractive trash cans, widened sidewalks, built housing for conduits for electrical power and planted flowers and trees. Jim Ohl became a member of the
group through Culver. A working contractor, Ohl had moved from California to Globe to work on buildings. “Kip Culver was the glue that kept me in Globe,” Ohl said. “We were like two peas in a pod.” Projects Ohl worked on included the gutting and remodel of the building that houses Vida E Caffé and the Old Globe Cafe. As a member of MOB, Ohl installed the “pyramids” on the Broad Street sidewalk in front of Tri-City Furniture to provide electricity for sidewalk vendors as well as for putting holiday lights in the trees. Until vandals struck, there were lights spotlighting the trees. “Chris and I decided not to replace them,” he said. Ohl’s handiwork can still be seen downtown with the globes atop the posts in front of the Cobre Valley Center for the Arts and the train depot. “We saw some in catalogs that cost $1,500 a piece,” he said. “So I bought the materials and made one.” With great fanfare, Ohl presented the globe posts at a Globe City Council meeting, bringing one into council See MOB, page 11
Designated Broker/Owner (928) 200-2885 Serving the Globe-Miami and surrounding areas for over 20 years specializing in Residential, Land and Commercial Real Estate Sales.
Former Killmer's Country Store located approx. 2.5 miles North of Globe on Highway 188. Great potential for convenience store, bait & tackle, water sport rentals, boat and RV storage, etc. Heavy traffic highway frontage RECENTLY REDUCED TO $149,900!
JULY 2019 MOB, Continued from page 10
chambers covered with a sheet. The bases are made with white art glass so that light can shine out the sides. Ohl had the lights turned off in the room and then turned the post on. Explaining that similar items were $1,500 each in catalogs, Ohl told the council, “I can make this for you for about $500 a piece.” “The city bought 10 of them,” he said. “All of them have plaques on them acknowledging sponsors for their donations.” At the city’s recommendation, Hollis Theater also bought some to use in front of its emergency exit doors, Ohl added. He also worked with fellow MOB member Tracy Quick, owner of The Huddle, on the committee for creating the “Globe” letters now on the fence behind the train depot. “That was my bailiwick,” she said. The large, white cut-out letters were originally intended for the railroad trestle on Broad Street, but Quick said the railroad company would not allow it at the time. After working together for about two years, MOB disbanded once the $98,000 in grant funds was used up. Like the other former members, Quick would join MOB again “in a heartbeat,” she said. “If MOB ever starts up again, I will do my best to be on it,” Ohl said. “We spent the money well. If we had more money or a grant, we could have finished what we were doing. There’s a bunch of things we could do to make Globe look better and try to promote it.” And they already have ideas as to what comes next. Ohl said that one project discussed 10 years ago was painting murals on the backs of buildings that face the highway. “Buy the paint and let the graffiti artists paint the backs of buildings,” he said. “I am sure that there are graffiti artists out there who would love to have their work showcased that way.” “There is always room for more stuff in downtown,” Collopy said. “I would like to see all of downtown have the historic lights.” MOB had also installed street lights with an antique look—think “Bedford Falls.” Collopy said there was also talk of a splash pad for the kids on a couple of vacant parcels. “We need public bathrooms somewhere,” he added. “There are a ton of things we could do downtown.” The city helped MOB and MOB helped the city. “We were crawling around on our hands and knees installing the pavers,” said Quick, adding that city employees then did the finish work at no charge. “They cooperated with the council and city staff,” Collopy said. “We could do a lot more with the money with volunteer labor and time. I believe that MOB projects actually kick-started the revitalization of downtown. People started building off of what the MOB did.” “We were able to do what we set out to do,” Quick said. “With the money we had we did a lot, but you’ve got to have the money to spend.” Ohl believes that with improvement in the economy, the money may now be available again. “There are a lot of people in town who want to see [renovation] done well” Ohl said. “The greatest part is that wonderful, like-minded people can make something happen,” Quick said. u
Coming in August!
TRADING POST Listing can include up to 2 photos and 50 words. Deadline is the 25th of the month. Do you have things to buy, sell, rent or lease. Not getting the response you need on facebook? Many say that classifieds in print are dead. But we don’t believe them. We’re running an experiment this summer to see if we can help you reach your audience.
Our new Trading Post page will publish your listing FOR FREE in August and September.
Send your notice to editor@globemiamitimes or go to our website at and use the Trading Post form.
JULY 2019
The fire began initially at the Woodbury Trailhead, five miles northwest of the Town of Superior.
Saturday, June 8, fire started near the Woodbury Trailhead, approximately five miles northwest of Superior. Three crews and five engines assigned to the Fire, in extremely steep and rugged terrain, in an area with thick brush, making direct suppression tactics a safety concern for firefighting personnel. More resources ordered. Human cause, under investigation, 500 acres, 0% contained. Monday, June 10, weather disturbance and shifting wind patterns create challenges for firefighters. Fire grows to 1,400 acres, 0% contained.
Signs began popping up around a fire camp in the Tonto National Forest. Courtesy U.S. Forest Service.
Fire along a ridge in the Superstition Wilderness on June 18 during the Woodbury Fire that began five miles northwest of Superior.
Thursday, June 13, fire grows to 10,090 acres with 500 firefighters on the scene to protect “values at risk,� including the Communities of Queen Valley Estates, Estrada, Gold Canyon, Superior, Apache Junction; JF Ranch and disbursed homes, ranches and range improvements; APS and SRP power lines, Arizona Trail and Sonoran Desert ecosystem, including the saguaro and Hedge Hog Cactus; riparian waterways, and historic sites. 500 residents attend meeting in Gold Canyon for update. Impromptu tributes to firefighters in Gold Canyon. Courtesy inciWeb.
The Woodbury Fire in the Superstition Wilderness could be seen for miles. Photo by Vince Nielsen, AZ Fire Medical
A map of the progression of the Woodbury fire to June 17. The fire burned 123,404 acres by June 27. Courtesy U.S. Forest Service.
JULY 2019
A Rapid Extraction Module Support (REMS) crew from Fry, Arizona set up in Roosevelt to support the fire fight in the Superstition Wilderness. Pictured from left: Dennis Ferrel, Austin Nash, Mike Shamus and Kurt Denney. Photo by David Abbott.
Saguaros and rock formations along the Apache Trail on June 27. Courtesy inciWeb.
Friday, June 14, due to weather conditions, fire jumps to 25,893 acres with 607 firefighters. State Route 88 closes from Needle Vista to junction with 188 at Roosevelt Dam, including Tortilla Flat, Canyon and Apache lakes as well as NF campsites along Highway 88 in the road closure area.
Wednesday, June 19, Gila County Division of Health and Emergency Management announces evacuation of Roosevelt Lake area. Temporary shelter facility located at Lee Kornegay School, livestock sheltered at Gila County Fairgrounds. Thursday, June 20, Gila County Board of Supervisors declares state of emergency. Fire up to 65,903 acres, 1,112 personnel.
Monday, June 17, resources utilized to protect Reavis Ranch, including helicopters setting lowintensity fires to reduce fuel for the wildfire. Hotshot crews drop in to fight the fire near Hewett Ridge and Buzzard Roost: 37,765 acres, 736 fire and support personnel, 0% contained.
Friday, June 21, public meeting at Miami High School draws large attendance. Reevis Mountain School suffers minor damage to one structure. Saturday, June 22, fire grows to 79,944 acres, but crews able to construct firelines. Structure protection actions at Top of the World, Pinto Valley and Carlotta mines.
Smoke from the Woodbury Fire seen from Globe on Tuesday, June 17. Smoke inundated the globe area for several days during the week of June 17. Photo by David Abbott.
Monday, June 24, command operations move from Apache Junction to Charles Bejarano Elementary School in Miami. Fire reaches 112,899 acres with 931 personnel, 48% contained. Tuesday, June 25, evacuation notice lifted for Roosevelt Lake area residents. Highway 188 fully open from Globe to Payson. Sunday, June 30, For two days, firefighters were challenged by hot temperatures, low relative humidity and gusty winds from nearby storms. Fire hits 123,827 acres, 68% percent contained, 410 personnel. Monday, July 7, firefighting resources continue to staff the Woodbury Fire and patrol the containment line. A Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) team assesses condition of 15 affected sub-watersheds in preparation for rain. Fire affected 123,875 acres with 94 personnel remaining, 90% contained. Fire near Reavis Ranch on June 27. Courtesy inciWeb.
Firefighters prepare the Upper Cliff Dwellings at Tonto National Forest for the coming Woodbury Fire. Courtesy inciWeb.
Special Event
Bonds and more
Globe Team Barbara Miller Elton Miller Christina Ortiz Miranda Ortiz
670 E. Ash St. Globe, AZ 85501
928.275.5555 hablamos espaĂąol Serving Arizona for over 35 years
JULY 2019
EVENTS/ACTIVITIES CITIES AND COUNTY July 13: Dollar Dump Day at Gila County landfill on Saturday. Russell Gulch Landfill, 5891 E. Hope Ln., Globe. Hours are 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more info, call 928-425-7470. July 14, 2:30-4 p.m.: Mobile Clinic Pet Care and Vaccinations on Sunday, at Tractor Supply, 2260 W. Highway 60, Miami. July 16, 6 p.m.: Globe City Council special meeting on the city’s final budget at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, in council chambers, 150 N. Pine St. July 16, 5 p.m.: Supervisor Humphrey hosts community meeting – Claypool/Miami. District 2 County Supervisor Tim Humphrey will host a community meeting for Miami and Claypool at 4280 Broadway, Claypool. July 22, 6:30 p.m.: Miami Town Council regular meeting on Monday, in council chambers, 500 Sullivan St. Public hearing on a proposed sewer rate increase. July 23, 6 p.m.: Globe City Council regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, in council chambers, 150 N. Pine St. July 23, 10 a.m. County Board of Supervisors meeting, 1400 E. Ash St., Globe, on Tuesday. Gila County and Gila County Library District Truth in Taxation public hearings. July 28, 2:30-4 p.m.: Mobile Clinic Pet Care and Vaccinations on Sunday, at Tractor Supply, 2260 W. Highway 60, Miami. Aug. 6, 10 a.m.: County Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, 1400 E. Ash St., Globe. Aug. 7-9: 2019 Arizona Rural Policy Forum by the Local First Arizona Foundation and Arizona Rural Development Council. More than 300 rural leaders and stakeholders will gather for capacity-building sessions, receptions, handson workshops and keynote presentations. Held at Round Valley High School, 550 N. Butler St., Eagar. Tickets available through Eventbrite. Aug. 10: Dollar Dump Day at Gila County landfill on Saturday. Russell Gulch Landfill, 5891 E. Hope Ln., Globe. Hours are 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more info, call 928-425-7470. Aug. 12, 6:30 p.m.: Miami Town Council regular meeting on Monday, in council chambers, 500 Sullivan St. Aug. 13, 6 p.m.: Globe City Council regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, in council chambers, 150 N. Pine St.
July 11, 16 and 18: Hip Hop, Dance and Tumbling Camps Tuesdays and Thursdays. Power Elite Dance Company offers two-week classes. Costs range: $35$50. Each participant receives a drink and a snack. For more info, call 928-425-4124. July 11 and 18, 10 a.m. to noon: Beat the Heat with the Miami Police On Thursday, the youth of Miami and surrounding communities will clean up Sullivan Street in Downtown Miami. Meet and pick up at the police department, 500 W. Sullivan St. Youth must have a signed permission form and waiver to participate. For more info, call 928-473-4403. July 12, 6-8 p.m.: Second Fridays in Downtown Superior Music, shops, restaurants, guest speakers, special performances and food and craft vendors. New this year is garden fresh goodies from the Food Hub. Superior’s Farmers’ Market in downtown will be open. July 13, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.: Second Saturday Jail History Tours Globe Tours start with quick video, $5 suggested donation. Tour of the 1910 Territorial Jail in downtown Globe on Saturday. July 13, 4-6 p.m.: Super Spaghetti Dinner Tickets: $15. Everyone is welcome on Saturday. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Hosted by Cobre Valley Youth Club, at 2140 E. Ash St., Globe. For more info, call Adrienne at 928-793-3926. July 16, 3-4 p.m.: Free seminar for youth: A survival guide to living in the real world Geared for teens and young adults. Learn about credit, saving for first car/home, checking and savings accounts, insurance and general dos and don’ts of adult finance. Hosted by Geneva Financial. RSVP to or 480-490-9812. July 16, Summer Movie for Kids “The Lego Movie 2” sponsored by PACT and Hollis Cinemas. FREE Admission for kids and their adult chaperone. Doors open at 9 a.m. July 16-19 and 20-23: Summer Bible Camp The senior high summer camp for ninth to 12th graders will be held at the Elks Youth Camp, Nf-487, in Young. Separate camps for junior and senior high schoolers. Hosted by Salvaged Az. Cost is $150 per student. For more info or to register for camp, go to July 20, 3-4:30 p.m.: Art in Progress Meet Up The Art in Progress group will meet at the Cobre Valley Center for the Arts on Saturdays. Designed for artists and art supporters to share, get feedback, grow ideas and independently or collaboratively produce new work. Future meetings: Aug. 17, Sept. 21 and Oct. 19.
July 21: GMTimes Film Club presents, ‘Bisbee 17’ This much anticipated movie offers a look back at the deportation of 1200 immigrant miners over 100 years ago. Held on the third floor of the Center for the Arts. Doors open at 5:30. Movie at 6:00 p.m. Free to the public. July 23, 9 a.m. to noon: Beat the Heat with the Miami Police Open discussion on 9-1-1 and Stranger Danger. Walk to the Miami Library. Meet and pick up at the police department, 500 W. Sullivan St. Youth must have a signed permission form and waiver to participate. For more info, call 928-473-4403. July 26, 5:30 p.m.: Monthly Hamburger Fry at the Museum The Gila County Historical Museum hosts their monthly hamburger fry. $7 a plate gets you a hamburger with all the fixins, dessert and live entertainment. Held at 1330 N. Broad St., Globe. Aug 3, 5-7 p.m.: Artists Reception for Fred Nack Show At the Cobre Valley Center for the Arts, 101 N. Broad St., Downtown Globe. Come meet the artist. For more info, call 928-425-0084. Aug. 3, 6:30-10 p.m.: 5th Annual Magma Royale in Superior The Superior Optimist Club hosts the event and is sponsored by Resolution Copper. Held at the Magma Club, the theme will be “The Great Gatsby.” For more info, go to or call the Superior Chamber of Commerce at 520-689-0200. Aug 14: Free Legal Aid Legal aid staff visit Gila County on Wednesday from 11 a.m. to noon and 1-4 p.m. Free civil legal assistance for those meeting eligibility guidelines also includes rental lease termination, debt problems with creditors and credit monitoring agencies. Appointments preferred. Call 520-623-9465, ext. 4189 or toll-free 800-640-9465, ext. 4189.
JULY 2019
ENTERTAINMENT July 12, 7 p.m. and July 13 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.: Shrek the Musical Summer Youth Theater performs Shrek the Musical, at High Desert Middle School’s auditorium. Tickets $5-$10, available online or at the door. July 13, 6:30-9 p.m.: Band–Hearts of Arizona plays at Miami Memorial Park. Summer Concert Series. Free. Bring your chairs and join your neighbors. July 20, 7 p.m.: Band–Jukebox 6 plays at Historic Train Depot in downtown Globe. Summer Concert Series. Free. Bring your chairs and join your neighbors. July 25, 6-8 p.m.: Open Mic Night hosted by Nja Onê and Dan Shinder. Held at The Gila Valley Youth Club (in the Knights of Columbus bldg.) 2140 E. Ash Street in Globe. Free community, family-friendly event. Everyone is welcome. July 27, 6:30-9 p.m.: Band–Sunset Highway Band plays in Miami Memorial Park. Summer Concert Series. Free. Bring your chairs and join your neighbors. Aug. 3, 7 p.m.: Band–Back to the 50s plays at Historic Train Depot in downtown Globe. Summer Concert Series. Free. Bring your chairs and join your neighbors. Aug. 10, 6:30-9 p.m.: Band– Los Implikados plays at Miami Memorial Park. Summer Concert Series. Free. Bring your chairs and join your neighbors. Drift Inn hosts Karaoke at 9 p.m. in Downtwon Globe. Thursdays with a DJ at 9:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday nights. Wild Horse Saloon hosts Karaoke on Sullivan Street, Miami, 7 nights a week starting at 7 p.m. Jammerz hosts Karaoke on Wednesdays starting at at 9 p.m. in downtown Globe.
Attention adult women. Did you ever want to learn how to shoot skeet, or paddle a canoe? Would you like to learn how to present a fly to rising trout? Maybe you would like to try archery or Dutch oven cooking. Do you have a fear of heights? Sign up for the rappelling class and conquer it! The September 2019 Becoming and Outdoors-Woman (BOW) workshop is now accepting registrations. This popular program is sponsored the Arizona Wildlife Federation in partnership with the Arizona Game and Fish Department. The workshop introduces women to outdoors skills in an enjoyable, non-threatening environment with expert instructors. Classes are held during the day, and the evenings are filled with fun and entertainment like night hikes, fly tying, and motivational speakers. Some classes offered include Horsemanship, First aid in Backcountry, Birding and Rappelling & Field Dressing Big Game. There are over 30 different classes for participants to choose from. Two new classes are Art in Nature and AZ Wildflowers. “BOW is about much more than hunting and fishing or even camping and paddling,” says Linda Dightmon, a coordinator for the program. “It is all about learning to appreciate our wild lands and wildlife and how to help conserve them. It is all about learning a new skill or conquering an old fear. It is all about meeting like-minded women and making new friends. It could be all about learning a lot more about you.” Participants stay in rustic cabins, but there are showers and bathrooms in each cabin. One great thing about this camp is that a woman can try a new sport without buying all of the equipment. The only thing the participant needs to bring is her personal stuff, a good attitude and a willingness to learn. Scholarships are offered for the September BOW event. Go to:BOW Scholarship Application to print your application. Class materials, food and lodging are all included in the $275 registration fee. Horsemanship, Horsemanship 102 and Ropes Challenge have an additional fee of $50/each. For more information on the Arizona Becoming an Outdoors-Woman events, visit, e-mail or call Kim at 480-201-7456.
August 17th•7-10pm
OUTDOORS Now through July 31: Water aerobics in Miami – Classes are $55 per person, held 6-7:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, at Hostetler Pool. Miami Hostetler Pool hours of operation 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Thursday and Sunday; 11 a.m.–7 p.m. Friday and Saturday (11 a.m. to 5 p.m. if rented) Cobre Valley Recreation Center Pool hours of operation 7 a.m. - 9 a.m. – Lap Swim Mon–Friday; 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.; Lap Swim Saturday & Sunday; General Swim: 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday–Sunday
Have an event for our calendar? Please email
Join us for live music and a performance by Singer Joyse Schumacher at The Barmacy as part of Superior’s Prickly Pear Festival! Plan to make reservations for dinner or join us on the patio with your friends for a Superior evening at the Barmacy. Listings are FREE and must be submitted no later than the 20th of each month preceding publication.
JULY 2019
Sunday, July 21, 6-8 p.m. “Bisbee 17”
Rated 4.5 stars by Rotten Tomatoes An old mining town on the Arizona-Mexico border finally reckons with its darkest day: the deportation of 1,200 immigrant miners exactly 100 years ago. Locals collaborate to stage recreations of their controversial past.
Guayo’s On The Trail
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Judy’s Cookhouse
Golden Hill Nursery
State Farm F. Shipley Chamber Commer
E Golden Hill Rd
Gila Historical Museum
SW Gas
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S Old Oak St
Oak Realty
Miami High School Cobre Valley Regional Medical Center
Summer Concert Under the Stars: August 3, 7-9 p.m.
Bring your lawn chairs, dancin’ shoes and join your neighbors at the Train Depot in downtown Globe. The rock-n-roll band, ‘Back to the 50s’ will be playing. The concert is FREE and brought to you by the Globe-Miami Community Concert Association.
is e Av
Bullion Plaza Museum
Library and Sports Hall of Fame
To Phoenix
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Liquor Stables
Electric Dr APS
“When a film takes a moment in history previously unknown to most and turns it into a riveting, compelling film that breaks all bounds of what we think we know about documentaries, you’ve got a winner on your hands.”
li v ul
Mtn View Dentistry
Country Club
3rd Floor of Cobre Valley Center for the Arts Doors Open at 5:30. Bring refreshments. Free to the Public.
an R Mo c -M t r po e e Fr
and Roosevelt Lake Resort
To Tonto Basin
Downtow Globe Entrance
HWY 60
BULLION PLAZA Straight Ahead
lways ! A e r e W ’ the Drive Worth
2nd Saturday Historic 1916 Territorial Jail Tours!
Artwork by Laurie Manzano
Come Shop, Dine & Explore!
Cobre Valley Center for the Arts • 101 N Broad Street • Globe Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-5pm; Sundays Noon-4pm (928) 425-0884
230 Properties • 125 Retail Opportunities • 120 Years of History
Opening October!
ONE WAY this block only
HWY 60
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JULY 2019
TriCity Furniture
Noftsger Hill Baseball Complex Dog Park
Round Mountain Park
Western Reprographics
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City Hall
Center for the Arts
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Hollis Theater
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Cedar Hill B&B
Chrysocolla Inn
State Farm C. Lucero
Kachina Realty
*Please note: This map is not to scale, it is intended for informational purposes only. To Show Low
Samaritan Vet
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Post Office
Gila County Courthouse
Globe High School
Heritage Health Care
Nurdberger Cafe
AALL Insurance
Library Simply Sarah
Je ss eH
Pickle Barrel Trading Post
Service First Realty
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Days Inn
Gila County Fairgrounds
Coming Fall 2020
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Matlock Gas Pinal Lumber
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Globe Community Besh Ba Center Gowah
Hike The Pinals
Gila Community College
Apache Gold Casino • Resort Golf Course 5 MILES
JULY 2019
Camaraderie • May 9
Ken and Evelyn Vargas with Kim Bryant
Bryan Seppala, Kerri Jones, Jesse Leetham and Shelbi Lindesmith
Hosted by the Globe-Miami Chamber of Commerce, this year’s dinner-fundraising event sported a Hawaiian theme.
Rebecca Williams and Christie Cothrun
Vincent Mariscal, Danny Trammell, Jerry Barnes, Linda Oddonetto and Jesse Leetham
Piranhas Fundraiser • April 13 The annual fundraiser for the Piranhas was held at Chrysocolla Inn
Kim Bryant, Tyler Spross and Mollie Leetham
The Dalmolins: Frank, Carol, Frankie, Melva and Betty
Darryl Yerkovich, Paul Tunis and Brandon
Dr. Julie Grahe-Keel and Dr. Mike Durham
Some Piranhas showing team spirit and selling hats!
L-to-R: Vanessa Philpot, Desiree Aragon (Piranha alumni), John Rittenbach and Stephanie Irish
*The Piranhas doubled enrollment this year, but because of pool problems had 2 practices cancelled and could only host one home swim meet this year.
Historic Downtown Globe Easter Parade April 20 Molly Cornwell and Rudy Amadour decked out for the annual stroll down Broadstreet.
Carla Garcia with Sorrin Garcia – Miss Estrella Mountains Outstanding Teen 2019
Pastors Juanita and Tony Blevins
Cobre Valley Cooperative • May 23
Members of the Cobre Valley Collaborative planning process met at Dream Manor Inn to discuss the results of a 3-month planning process begun in January to address issues and opportunities in 3 key areas. Photo by LCGross
JULY 2019
Chamber Dinner Recognition • June 27
The annual installation of officers and awards included the Business of the Year and Golden Service Award. The event was hosted by the Globe Miami Chamber at Dream Manor Inn.
John O’Donnell was recognized for his community service with the Golden Service Award. L-R: Erica Muniz, Chamber President and Bryan Seppala, Past President
Mothers Day Tea May 11
L-R Jonelle Robertson, Mickie Nye, Robin Horta, Bryan Goslin, Robert Howard and Rhonda Mason *For complete photo gallery go to GMTimes facebook page.
JULY 2019
Endangered Language, Continued from page 1
She has witnessed the decline in the Apache language first-hand, and is one of many committed to preserving it. The local effort to save the Apache language and the culture it conveys includes many players—San Carlos unified schools, Apache K-12 teachers, the Apache Museum, San Carlos Apache Tribal Department of Education, the Apache Language Preservation office, and Dr. Willem de Reuse, a professional linguist who has a ponytail and a Ph.D. and speaks with a Dutch accent. Currently employed by The Language Conservancy, a non-profit dedicated to the preservation of indigenous languages, Willem has studied the Apache for 25 years and is the author of A Practical Grammar of the San Carlos Apache Language. “I am one of those rare Europeans who came to the United States with one goal, which was to study Native American languages,” says Willem. “I am extremely pleased and flattered that I got to do that.”
down into English, both agree a lot is lost in translation. “There are many parts of Apache culture – storytelling, singing, ceremonies – that can only be carried out in the Apache language,” Willem says. “The literary quality and verbal art disappear when these works are translated into English.”
A Practical Grammar for San Carlos Apache Dr. Willem de Reuse guest lecturing for the Apache Language class in the Spring of 2019. Teaching photos by Kenneth Chan Photography. A big team effort. Willem (center front) works with members of the Apache Culture Center in Camp Verde, March 2010. Courtesy Photo.
Quest of a linguist As a child growing up in Belgium, Willem read adventure novels about heroic Apaches. At age 8, his father moved the family to France to take a job with the European Space Agency. Under pressure from his Parisian peers, Willem learned the French language quickly. From that experience, he developed a fascination for how languages are formed and how they convey. At age 24, Willem came to the U.S. to further his studies. He earned an M.A. in Linguistics at the University of Kansas studying the Lakota language, and a Ph.D. at the University of Texas with a dissertation on the language of the Siberian Europic Eskimos. Willem began his studies of Apache, officially known as Western Apache, in 1993, as a visiting professor at the University of Arizona. With permission, he worked with native Apache speakers, Joycelene among them, to record and study the language. The process involved countless hours of recording simple sentences, then expanding into more and more complex sentences and ideas. To prepare for the work, Willem studied the documented Navajo language, which is “quite similar, but not the same” as Apache. Apache verb prefixes, he says, are extremely complex. He clearly delights in other discoveries within the language. Mountains are defined by their shape. Trees by the way they grow. “There is no word for river or lake,” says Willem with a huge smile. “They are conceptualizations of the general word water. Qualified by a verb.” He explains that river is expressed as “water that flows” and lake, as “water sitting in an open container.”
“Which is the same word for a cup of tea,” he continues, “It’s all defined by the context.” After more than two decades of study, Willem admits he is not fluent, and proclaims there are parts he still does not understand, like relative clauses. He sees his role as a linguist to a language, as a mechanic to an airplane. “I can take it apart and put the parts together, but I cannot pilot it,” he says. His efforts and expertise are lauded by others in the effort to save the Apache language. “I think he does excellent work as a linguist, writing the Apache text,” says Joycelene, his long-time colleague one-time student. “He has elegant pronunciation of anything that is written in Apache.”
“Immersion works when there are many elders and few kids,” explains Willem. “But what we have now, in these cultures, is the opposite of that.” Second language learning requires qualified teachers and age-appropriate curricula. Willem also favors Total Physical Response (TPR) as part of the learning program, and believes technology has a role to play. “Immersion plays a part,” says Willem, “but a variety of approaches are needed.”
Willem’s book, provides an introduction to the pronunciation and spelling of San Carlos Apache and represents a huge step forward in the effort to document and preserve the language. The book was written over a 10year period, at first with the assistance of Phillip Goode, a renowned native language expert, until his death in 1999. Their research was funded by grants from the National Science Foundation and the University of Arizona. Published in Germany in 2006, A Practical Grammar of the San Carlos Apache Language, is intended for undergraduate university students and high school language teachers with some training in linguistics. Sold mostly to university libraries, the San Carlos schools recently ordered 80 copies. The book includes 20 graded lessons on morphological and syntactic topics, grammatical explanations, example sentences, exercises for non-native speakers, and practice dialogues with translations.
Speaking Apache There are two Apache languages: Western Apache and Eastern Apache, each of which has a number of dialects. Western Apache is a Southern Athabaskan (Na-Dené) language. The current number of speakers is disputed; estimates range from 14,000 to fewer than 5,000. No one denies the number is declining. By far, the greatest number of Apache speakers live on the San Carlos and Fort Apache reservations. In 2011, the San Carlos Apache Tribe’s Language Preservation Program began its outreach to the 14,000 tribal members, of whom only 20 percent of whom still speak the language fluently. Most children now learn Apache as a second language, in elementary and high school.
Willem has spent countless hours with Joycelene Johnson and other native speakers to record, write and translate the Apache language, one sentence at a time. Photo by Patti Daley.
Writing It Down Prior to the 1960s, the Apache language did not exist in written form. A spelling system was developed by the Summer Institute of Linguistics (now known as S.I.L. International), in an effort to translate the bible into Apache. “They are a Christian organization,” Willem notes, “ but they do a lot more with literacy than with proselytizing.” He made his own orthographic contribution to the spelling system by introducing the mid-tone, marking it a dash above the vowel. High tones uses an acute accent and the low tone is not marked. “I’m really serious about getting the spelling correct,” he says. While controversy persists regarding the documentation of oral languages, Willem sees value in it. All language, including the English language, he notes, were at one time, oral languages. “I was born speaking Apache,” Joycelene says, but since she was schooled in English, she didn’t learn to read and write Apache until she took a college course from a native speaker. “I see literacy, not as the main thing, but as a tool for helping preserve the language,” Willem says, “to preserve the culture and help preserve the literature.” Joycelene agrees. Although many of the stories and myths have been written
The author humbly refers to the 569page tomb as a “drop in the bucket,” but it is the most comprehensive documentation of the Western Apache grammar and the only professional work published in the past 30 years.
A Global Inspiration The United Nations (UN) has declared 2019 the International Year of Ingigenous Languages in an effort to raise awareness of endangered languages and celebrate revitalization programs. It was Willem’s inspiration to spend this year in Globe, Arizona. As part of his work for the Language Conservancy, he traveled in June to Billings, Montana to study the Crow language and then to Fort Yukon, north of the polar circle, to study the Gwich’in language. He will live the rest of the year in Globe, to further his collaboration with Apache educators and study of the Apache language. “It’s a long-term process,“ Willem remarks. Some of the long-term objectives include dictionaries that address all dialects, teaching materials for all ages and programs that train speakers to become teachers. “There’s a misconception that you must be a fluent speaker to teach,” says Willem. “If you’re a beginner speaker, a non-fluent speaker, you can teach. If you’re really well-prepared, you can help other people learn the language.” u
JULY 2019
JULY 2019
Hip-hop doctor on a mission to spread the word By David Abbott
used to get my name in the newspaper for crimes and stuff, but now I’m getting it in there for my art… Nobody ever knew I was an artist.” These are the words of Myron Starr, a tattoo artist at Top Notch Tattoo 2 in Globe and member of the San Carlos Apache Tribe. “Art saved my life,” he says. Starr has been in and out of jail, that is, until his work started to get noticed. Enter Carol O’Connor, Ph.D. and textbook author. She’s a diminutive 70-something who, with her freckled face and blonde hair, could be a high school teacher or a principal at a local school in Anytown, USA, which, coincidentally, she has been. O’Connor taught high school in San Carlos and spent five years as a principal for Lee Kornegay Intermediate School and Charles A. Bejarano Elementary. Most recently, though, she is the co-founder of the nonprofit Rhyme-N-Reason Foundation, a 501(c)(3) headquartered in Jackson, Mississippi that is devoted to finding talented youths to empower through art and the written word, with an emphasis on rap, hip-hop, graphic art and education. The foundation just produced its 6th edition of “Telling Our Own Stories,” a book featuring the work of poets and writers illustrated with art by graffiti artists and alums of Rhyme-N-Reason, in May. Past and current editions have featured the art of many San Carlos Starr. Apache Reservation artists, such as Starr credits O’Connor with helping him find his voice and encouraging him to take his art into the public sphere. In 2005, O’Connor heard about his work and wanted to publish it in “Telling Our Own Stories.” Initially, he wasn’t interested. “I thought it was typical, so I didn’t jump at it,” he remembers. But he eventually relented to O’Connor’s passion for the work. Starr came on board in 2009, contributing interpretations of graffiti style to several books in the series. After a short stint in jail, Starr returned to the Reservation in 2016 because his father was sick, and has been out of trouble ever since. Starr is one of many who has felt the positive impact of Rhyme-N-Reason. Miriam May, also of the San Carlos Tribe, turned a math project into poetry, which is published in the current edition of “Telling Our Own Stories.” With lines such as “Learning about math/He definitely picked the right path/Instead of selling dope/ He made his way up the slope,” May’s message fits in with the intent of the book and the mission of RhymeN-Reason. Other artists from several U.S. states, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda have added their voices to the book, creating a global network of hope.
Since its initial creation in Cape Coast, Ghana in 2007 by O’Connor and rap artist Ambassador, the foundation has worked directly with underserved youths around the globe, supported through partnerships with NGOs, universities and schools, including Resolution Copper and the Greater Jackson Arts Council. O’Connor has met dozens of unrecognized artists from communities throughout the U.S. and Africa and helped provide them scholarships and a platform through the auspices of “Telling Our Own Stories.” O’Connor’s own journey to spreading peace through hip-hop music and culture has been a fascinating one. After growing up in both Ohio and Southern California, and living in Hawaii, Guam, Abu Dhabi and Vienna, O’Connor eventually wound up in Arizona, first teaching English as a second language (ESL) to adults in Tucson, and then landing a job as a teacher in San Carlos. Although her first year teaching 10th and 11th graders was difficult, she stuck with it and soon developed a bond with her students. She later became an administrator for Miami Unified School District, and it was during that time, in 2003, that she discovered rap music, which introduced her to hip-hop culture. The discovery came when she had an epiphany listening to the song “Nellyville” by the artist Nelly. “I put on the headphones and pressed ‘play’ and it changed my life,” she says. “I went ‘wow, it’s a song of social justice.’” She soon identified hip hop as a culture of peace after learning about its history, and that the “Hip Hop Declaration of Peace” was presented to the United Nations and adopted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2001. “It’s non-judgmental if you embody the elements of it,” O’Connor says. “Caring for other people, fairness, looking out for people’s welfare, not being jealous, but being supportive of other’s success: It’s all these things.” As an educator, O’Connor had seen many “human tragedies,” from children dealing with violence, drug and alcohol abuse or parents absent because they are incarcerated. Hip hop became a means for her to address these tragedies and reach youth at the same time, and she turned to publishing as a vehicle to help youths in often deplorable situations. O’Connor eventually moved to Jackson, graduating from the doctoral program in Urban Higher Education at Jackson State University, and the rest is history. As with most nonprofits, Rhyme-N-Reason is in need of funds, as the cost of the next planned printing will cost around $3,000. Anyone interested in donating can go to, or contact O’Connor directly at 601-940-4197, or by email at u
Myron Starr credits Carol O’Connor with helping him get his life on track by offering him a vehicle to get his art into the public sphere. He is currently a contributor to “Telling Our Own Stories” and a tattoo artist at Top Notch Tattoo 2 in Globe. Photo by David Abbott
Byron has been a regular contributor to Telling Our Own Stories and his work was included in three of the previous issues. He is San Carlos Apache and was 16, attending Ft. Thomas High School, when he wrote, ‘Judgement’.
JULY 2019
Partnering to Rehab Michaelson Building By David Abbott
The City of Globe has embarked on a project that it hopes will anchor development on a high-profile corner in Historic Downtown with the rehabilitation of the Michaelson Building on the corner of Broad and E. Sycamore streets as a co-workspace, business incubator and welcome center. The corner is diagonal from the train depot and will reflect the city’s desire for increased downtown development and new economic activity in the future.
City of Globe Economic Development Director Linda Oddonetto has been working to bring funding and economic partners together to create a signature development to Historic Downtown Globe. Photo by David Abbott.
“We have been actively engaged in economic gardening,” City of Globe Economic Development Director Linda Oddonetto said. “The seeds we’ve been planting the past 18 months are sprouting all at once.” With the help of grants from the USDA, Freeport-McMoRan and a capital expenditure from Gila County, the 90-year-old building will soon get an overhaul, and by the summer of 2020 the crumbling façade will be reinvented.
An artist’s rendering of the facade of the new co-work space planned for the Michaleson Building on Broad Street. Courtesy Photo.
The concept came to Oddonetto last August at a Rural Policy Forum in the Valley. It was there she met Matt Clower, a board member for CO+HOOTS, an organization devoted to helping small businesses in Arizona by creating public workspaces. CO+HOOTS is leading an urban renewal effort in Mesa and, according to Oddonetto, Globe is the first rural community in the state to take it on. “He invited me to his co-work space and I was blown away,” she said. “I thought, ‘This has to be in Globe.’” While no formal agreement has been made, pending completion of a business plan, Oddonetto expects it all to come together once work on the building is complete.
To that end, both Gila County and Freeport McMoRan, through its FMI Community Investment Program, have pledged $150,000 each for the project. According to Gila County Manager James Menlove, the money is part of a $10.9 million construction and infrastructure fund that has been worked into the budget to help improve the face of towns throughout the county. “We’re trying to create a city center, with the Train Depot creating a community gathering space,” he said. “It has nostalgic charm and improving the
area shows we’re proud of our downtown.” There are still many details to work out and a business plan to write, but funding to launch the project has been secured through the capital grants as well as a USDA Rural Economic Development Innovation (REDI) grant that will help get the incubator off the ground once construction is finished. The City of Globe is one of 47 communities in Arizona to receive 2019 REDI grants that could ultimately be worth more than $50,000. Michaelson Building, Continued on page 25
Michealson Building Historical Timeline – 1929 B uilding was constructed in 1929 by James P. Michaelson, who built several others including the Masonic Hall. It was originally built as a grocery store with an open air market and housed Safeway before that corporation built its own building across the street. – 1959 P urchased by George and Margaret Leech.
JULY 2019
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Fred Barcón: His Leadership and Legacy on the IDA
THE HISTORY OF GILA COUNTY’S IDA by Linda Gross In 1972, the Gila County IDA was formed as a bonding authority for the mines. At the time, little thought was given to using the IDA for anything other than bonding, and over a 20-year period, they issued several bonds for the mines and one for the hospital at no charge. Typically, most IDAs are mandated by the state under the Industrial Development Authority Act and supported by the county or city they are assigned to. This is not the case with the Gila County IDA, which is unique in that it is not directly supported by the county, but instead receives funding from a 1995 settlement with ASARCO. The settlement came at an opportune time. Just three years prior, in 1992, Gila County Manager Steve Besich approached Fred Barcón about serving on the IDA board. The two men talked about the idea of leveraging the capacity of the Gila County IDA for more than just bonding — but as an entity which would serve as an economic development tool for the county, supporting efforts to expand business opportunities and tourism. Funding this mission was key, and the settlement with ASARCO provided the capital to expand the IDA’s mission. Since that time, the IDA has contributed to various efforts throughout Gila County, including: underwriting waste water studies, paying for upgrades to the security system for Gila Community College, helping to launch the nursing and cosmetology classes at the college, supporting various youth programs, and donating to Bullion Plaza Museum’s development of the Slavic Center and the Rose Mofford Room, to name a few. In 2012, as funds were running low, the IDA pivoted to pursuing federal grants to further economic growth. Since many federal grants require a 20% cash match, the IDA viewed this strategy as the best way to leverage funds and continue making a positive impact on the community. As a result, the IDA established the USDA Small Business Revolving Loan fund. The fund was most recently used by Globe businesswoman Lois Monarrez to realize her dream of a RV park in Globe. Nearly 20 years in the making, it was the assistance of the IDA in providing a bridge loan and the connection to a funder who would take on her project that led to the successful result in getting the project built in 2018. For over two decades, the IDA has also championed outdoor recreation in Gila County, recognizing the economic powerhouse this represents in a county which is so rich in natural resources. They first helped to underwrite the launch of the nascent ‘Fire on the Rim Bike Race’ in Payson, a mountain bike race which is now in its 9th year and attracts hundred to the area. In 2017, the IDA also underwrote the development of the Southern Gila County Outdoor Recreation Guide which offered information on over a dozen outdoor activities. 20,000 copies were produced and distributed regionally and in chambers and visitor centers around the state. Most recently the IDA underwrote a community assessment needs study. The 220-page study is a thorough, in-depth report on the state of affairs and conditions in Gila County. Research for the CNA report was conducted from September through March of 2019, and the final results will be presented in August in a series of public meetings and made available through the Globe Miami Times website. By identifying areas of weakness in the report, the data helps present our case to secure future grant funding to help solve some of the greater issues faced by the county. The report can be used by any organization or entity in the region to help increase their chances of securing grant funding. This year, the IDA was also awarded the WaterSMART grant from the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR). The first phase of the grant will focus on the formation of a steering committee to work with the research coming out of the UofA Water Resource Research Center on the Cobre Valley region. The second phase of the project will focus on identifying projects in the region that align with BOR’s implementation funding criteria and pursue funding for those projects. Examples of conceptual projects that might be eligible for BOR funding include a community lake, the Pinal Creek Trail project, a riparian area, and other outdoor recreation type projects. And, this fall, the IDA is helping to bring the internationally recognized Mountainfilm on Tour to Globe-Miami-San Carlos. Mountainfilm, which was launched in 1979 in Telluride, Colorado, showcases visually captivating short documentaries involving world-class athletes, change makers and visionary artists from around the world, telling stories of adventure and exploration, the environment, communities and cultural and social issues. The film festival tours more than 180 locations worldwide, with a vision to use the power of film to educate, inspire and motivate. Starting off in a community not unlike our own — a mining community surrounded by rugged mountains, offering a wealth of natural beauty — it seems only appropriate that Mountainfilm makes a stop here. The touring film festival is being hosted by Globe Miami Times and Miami High School on October 17th and 18th; it will include two programs held on the 17th for area-wide middle school and high school students and an event held for the public on the 18th. “We see this as an opportunity to spark a signature event for Southern Gila County in the same way that our early support, many years ago, of the bike race, ‘Fire on the Rim’ took off to become a signature event for Northern Gila County,” says Fred Barcón.
Fred’s commitment to Gila County; from bolstering it economically to mending relationships and forging ties has been a trademark of his for as long as I’ve known him. While he is not afraid to “crack some eggs,” he is also the first one to reach out to find solutions that work for all parties.” ~ Cliff Potts, IDA Board Member
red Barcón’s name is synonymous with the Industrial Development Authority of Gila County (IDA). Having served on the IDA board since 1991, Barcón has been around long enough to witness, and spearhead, some of the most pivotal moments in recent Gila County history. In 1992, former County Manager, Steve Besich, realized the need to spur economic growth in Gila County and knew just the person for the task. Besich asked Barcón to join the dormant IDA board, knowing if Barcón took the reins, momentum would soon follow. During his nearly 28-year tenure on the IDA board, Barcón has served the County in multiple roles, most often working behind the scenes facilitating projects, getting things accomplished and allowing others to step in to take the credit. A few of the many projects he was instrumental in driving forward include the formation of the community college, and the launching of the nursing school and cosmetology program. “Gila Community College has been a lifeline for so many students helping them get an education and achieve meaningful employment without having to commute or relocate to the urban areas.” says Barcón. “Some students don’t have the financial means to commute or relocate in order to pursue an education. It took three tries to pass the secondary tax needed to support a local community college, but we finally did it, and look how many students we’ve helped.” As fate would have it, Barcón’s passion to establish a local community
college came too late for one of his own grandchildren. Carissa Barcón passed away in an auto accident while driving to cosmetology school in the Valley. Through the auspices of his construction company, and in Carissa’s honor, Barcón paid the lion’s share to set up the current building used for the cosmetology program at Gila Community College. Another life-changing project that wouldn’t have happened without Barcón’s tenacity is the Town of Miami’s wastewater project. At the time, the Town of Miami had a bad reputation with state and federal departments. The Town was ineligible for federal funding due to prior mismanagement of federal funds. The toxic conditions residents were living in wasn’t enough to persuade federal departments to step in to help. “No one would work with the Town of Miami due to their financial mismanagement,” Barcón says. “When I was asked to help the Town of Miami by Jay Spehar, I made a several calls to my contacts at the federal departments. They flat-out refused to work with the Town of Miami. I can’t even count the number of times I was hung up on by federal departments. As soon as I mentioned Town of Miami—click.” Barcón was born and raised in Miami and knew many of the senior residents who were hopeless to do anything about the toxic situation. Barcón’s experience as a federal contractor alerted him to the urgent need to address the sewer conditions.
Lois Monarrez on ground breaking day for the new, expanded RV park on Hwy 60.
See IDA, page 25
JULY 2019
IDA, continued from page 24 Barcón’s resourcefulness and tenacity sent in motion a series of events that include enlisting the assistance of his childhood friend and former State Senator Alfredo Gutierrez. Trying to come up with a plan to solve the Miami sewer issues, the duo had the idea to invite former City of Phoenix Mayor, Phil Gordon, to tour the conditions in Miami. Mayor Gordon agreed that the conditions in Miami were deplorable, but didn’t understand why he was invited to Miami for such a tour. “That’s when we told him, this toxic waste is running downhill, straight into the City of Phoenix drinking water,” Barcón says.
I’ve worked with Fred over ten years and although he and I are on opposite sides of the political spectrum and opposite sides of the County, I learned early on that I could count on Fred to work on behalf of the entire county and use the position of the IDA to help not just the County but individuals and local business.” ~ Cliif Potts
The tour ultimately led to the City of Phoenix adopting the Town of Miami and paying nearly $300,000 for the feasibility studies, engineering reports and preliminary work the Town of Miami could not afford. It was also the involvement of Senator Gutierrez and Mayor Gordon that led to the state and federal departments funding Miami’s wastewater project. Without Alfredo and Phil’s involvement, Barcón says, the Miami would not have received funding, since the Town had a bad reputation for mismanaging federal funds. Barcón spent hours and a lot of money for out-of-pocket expenses to bring the project to fruition. Another piece of local history that was touched by Barcón is the GlobeMiami Chamber building. “Gerry Kohlbeck was one of my best friends,” Barcón says. “One day, Gerry called me and said ‘You’re never going to guess what I signed you up for.’ with a laugh. Gerry and I donated our time and labor and built that building, and we were there every day from the foundation through the grand opening.” As Barcón’s tenure at the IDA is ending mid-July, remaining IDA members would like the community to know the impact he has had on the community. The following is a sample of IDA projects brought to fruition by Barcón, a son of Miami. • U SDA Small Business Revolving Loan Fund • O utdoor Recreation Tourism Project • D iscover Gila County- Tourism Website • E PA Brownfields Assessment Grant: Globe-Miami • E PA Brownfields Assessment Grant: Hayden • E DA Community Wide Assessment Grant • USDA Technical Assistance Grants • BOR WaterSMART Grant
– 1982 E dward and Patsy Blanco, along with Edward’s sister Carmen Slough, purchased the building and opened Carmed’s, a clothing store named for Carmen and Edward. – 1991 T he Blancos sold the building to Gila County in 1991 – 1994 A fter extensive interior renovation it became the Child Support and County Attorney investigator’s office. – 2015 C ounty Attorney moved to county offices on Ash Street. The Michaelson Building has been empty since.
Michaelson Building, Continued from page 23
So the entire project will be grant funded, with the expectation that fees and space rentals will sustain the business model. “The county is seeing this as economic development, not just a nice way to fix a building in downtown,” Oddonetto said. “We already have people who want to get on a waiting list.” The 8,000-square-foot space will include private offices and meeting rooms, as well as programs designed to create “a true business incubator focused on our rural community, small business entrepreneurs and to support existing businesses.” Oddonetto hopes to have the building reopened by the end of the summer in 2020. “It’s exciting,” Oddonetto said. “We are investing in downtown and who better to start than the City of Globe? We see investing in downtown is a catalyst to development.”
– 2018 T he City of Globe, sought ways to utilize the space to ease crowding in inadequate city facilities and considered moving either the Globe Police Department or the library into the building. While the move would have been a step up from the current department headquarters, it was deemed inadequate as a longterm solution. A hue and cry from library administrators and supporters killed that idea by June 2018. – 2019 T he idea for a shared work space downtown catches on and gets $300K funding from the County and FMI Community Investment Program.
By Thea Wilshire
The Globe-Miami communities are blessed by our proximity to our neighbors, the San Carlos Apache people. I was privileged to serve the Apache people for almost 20 years, and, throughout that time, continued to be amazed by the beauty and treasures of the reservation. Not to my surprise, many Globe-Miami locals do not know about these assets, so I want to highlight some of these treasures. Today my focus is on St. Charles Catholic Church in downtown San Carlos. The first time I walked into the church, I was blown away! I had no clue about the beauty and artistry hidden within this unassuming stone church. I tried to get the history of the church building for this article, but I was unable to find anyone who knew this. (If you have information, please contact me). Here is what I could gather. The church is believed to have been constructed in the late 1800s of native tuff, a volcanic rock quarried on the reservation and commonly used for construction in buildings built during the late 1800s to early 1900s (locally many of us call this “tufa stone,” but geological research states this is erroneous as tufa is formed from limestone precipitated from groundwater and tuff is compacted volcanic ash). By report, there had been little work done on the church after the early 1900s until Father Gino Piccoli arrived in 1997. A Franciscan friar, Fr. Gino served in the San Carlos community for 16 years until his death in 2013.
A photo of Father Gino with an artist rendition of an Apache Jesus. Courtesy Photo.
Globetrotting, Continued on page 27
JULY 2019
A Superior Kinda Summer
Farmers’ Market Offers Up Fresh Produce and More By Mary Karlin
Welcome to my new monthly column, Elements of Taste, featuring seasonal ingredients from our local Farm to Fantastic Farmer’s Markets in Superior (2nd and 4th Fridays, 4-8 p.m.), Globe (Saturday mornings 8-11 a.m.), and Dudleyville (1st and 3rd Fridays 8-11 a.m.). Markets run June through September. Join me here for updates on locally-grown or made products currently available at the markets. Included in each article is a low impact recipe (or two) featuring market ingredients to inspire you to create tasty hot-weather dishes for any summer occasion. You can also join me at the Superior market where I’ll be whipping up a seasonally-inspired dish for you to sample. Recipes for those dishes will be featured in future issues of GMT. It’s an exciting time for local Farmers Markets and residents of the Copper Corridor. Just this season, the availability of more local products has expanded! In addition to the well-established Globe Farmers Market, two more have recently launched in Superior at the newly-renovated Food Court and in Dudleyville at the Multi-Generational Center.
Why shop at a local Farmer’s Market? The products are locally produced, more flavorful and nutritious, and you get to know the people who lovingly created the food. The product is fresh, travels fewer miles to get to market, passes through fewer hands, uses less packaging, and the market sales and taxes benefit the local economy. In spite of the challenges growers faced this season, such as cold weather late into the typical planting season, resulting in later plantings and product availability. And fire dangers and high heat effecting their crops, these passionate growers and producers are at market offering their home-grown wares to you. Attendance is up at the markets with shoppers hungry to purchase fresh, delicious seasonal products directly from local growers and producers. Demand is so high that many of the vendors participate in multiple markets. Because of the demand for more products, more producers are wanted as vendors! Home-based growers and small-scale producers are invited to participate. You don’t have to be a full blown ‘farmer’ to bring what you grow to market. No garden is too small to yield valuable produce to share. Perhaps you have only a bucket or flat of figs, or apricots, or plums. That’s plenty to share at market! As an exa.m.ple, here’s some of my garden filled with produce I’ll take to market. Join in the festivities. Come engage with local shoppers, meet other passionate growers, and contribute good-tasting food to the community. Want to be a vendor? Contact Market Manager, Holly Brantley, 928-701-3097. Some of the delicious products awaiting you: • Fresh chicken eggs and seasonal preserves from Mary Hysong • Hot peppers and pepper powders from Chito Montano • Organic Artisan Breads from Bert at Brick House Bakers • Organic Tomatoes and Fresh Herbs from Brick House Gardens • Fruit and Vegetable Plant Starts from A.m.anda and Phyllis
Market items: Apricots, plums, peaches, oranges, mint, sweet onion or shallot, Italian parsley
Serves 8 • 10 large ripe apricots or plums, or 4 medium ripe peaches • Olive oil for brushing • 1 cup whole milk ricotta cheese, drained • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh mint leaves • 2 tablespoons orange zest • 1/2 teaspoon salt • Pinch fresh ground white pepper Vinaigrette: • Juice of one sweet orange • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil • 1/2 shallot, minced • 1 tablespoon store-bought green olive tapenade (optional) Greens: • One handful tender Wild Arugula • One handful Italian parsley leaves Garnish: • 1/3 cup toasted pistachios, coarsely chopped
• Drizzle: pomegranate molasses (optional) or more vinaigrette. –C ut fruit in half and remove pits. Brush lightly with olive oil and grill cut side down just long enough to mark. Remove from the grill, lightly salt the cut side and set aside to cool. Cut each half into 3 slices. –C ombine ricotta, mint, zest, and salt and pepper. Set aside to chill. –M ake vinaigrette by whisking together the orange juice and olive oil. Stir in the shallot and tapenade. Adjust salt and pepper to taste. –P lace greens in a large mixing bowl. Lightly salt and toss. Lightly dress with half of the vinaigrette and toss. Add more vinaigrette as desired. Place dressed greens on each plate. Top with 3 slices of fruit, spoon a large dollop of ricotta mixture on top of the fruit. Drizzle vinaigrette or pomegranate molasses over fruit and garnish with chopped pistachios.
Pita Bread Fattoush Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette Market items: Pita bread, tomatoes, cucumbers, lemons, red onion, mint Serves 8 Lemon Vinaigrette: • Zest of 1 lemon
• Juice of 2 lemons or 1/2 cup
• Exotic Mushrooms from Mushroom Mike
• 2 tablespoons white balsamic vinegar
• Mr. B’s Honey Bread
• 1 teaspoon honey • 1/2 teaspoon cumin seed, toasted and ground
• Ra.m.ona’s Fa.m.ous Figs • K ombucha Leather and Green Tea Scobies from Rose Irene Dungeon • Mesquite-based baked goods from Linda Alvarado • Assorted fresh fruits and vegetables from home-based growers
Farm to Fantastic The Community Harvesters is a newly-formed Superior-based small group of local citizens who are looking to collaborate with other locals for the purpose of gleaning unharvested surplus or unwanted produce from family-owned neighborhood trees, vines, and bushes. Harvesters are guided, plant-knowledgable volunteers. The harvested produce will be added to the offerings at the Superior Bert Archer and Mary Karlin selling Farm to Fantastic Farmers Market at the at the Superior Farmers’ Market. Food Court. Proceeds from sales at the Market go back into the project to fund stewardship care and maintenance of the host-contributors’ plant(s) for future harvests. Each host-family will have name recognition at the point of sale at market. Got plants with surplus produce in need of harvesting? Know of one in your ‘hood? Want to help us harvest? You’ll get some cool swag to wear! Join this feel-good cause to help feed and beautify the community. Contact: Bert Archer at 707-227-6283,
Photo by shelbi LIndesmith
Grilled Stone Fruit with Ricotta, Mint and Pistachios
• 1 cup extra virgin olive oil • 1/2 teaspoon salt • Fresh ground black pepper, to taste
–C ombine first 3 ingredients, then whisk in the honey until dissolved. Stir in the cumin, then whisk in the olive oil to make an emulsion. Whisk in salt and pepper. Set aside while prepping the salad ingredients. Salad Ingredients: • 5 Hearts of romaine, roughly chopped • 1 1/2 cups cherry tomatoes, cut in half • 1 1/2 cups diced Persian cucumber • 1/2 cup thinly sliced red onion • 1/3 cup chopped cilantro leaves • 1/3 cup chopped fresh mint leaves • 2 slightly stale or lightly toasted pita rounds, torn into bite-sized pieces • 1/3 cup crumbled feta cheese • 1/3 cup pitted Kalamata olives, cut into halves • Salt and pepper to taste – Place first 6 ingredients in large bowl and toss to combine. Lightly salt. Toss in the pita, feta, and olives. Dress with half of lemon vinaigrette. Add more as desired for wetness. Adjust salt and pepper to taste. Portion onto plates and serve immediately. Recipes by Mary Karlin (c) 2019,
Mary Karlin is a passionate cook, cooking teacher, author, and freelance food writer. As a founding staff member, at the award-winning Ramekins Culinary School in Sonoma, CA, she taught classes on wood-fired cooking, cheese making, and Mediterranean-themed cooking classes for over ten years and produced three books on the subjects. She now calls Superior home, where she and her partner Bert, have a home-based business, Brick House Bakers.
JULY 2019 Globetrotting, Continued from page 25
Fr. Gino saw Apache spirituality and Franciscan tradition as interchangeable. I had heard about him skillfully weaving Apache beliefs into the mass with the use of an eagle feather, yellow pollen, and the four directions. However, until I first visited, I did not realize he had actually restructured the church to represent Apache images and beliefs with the congregation seated in a circle around the altar, the addition of Apache Christ and Virgin Mary representations, Apache symbols and colors, and changes to the meeting space based upon the four seasons. God transcends culture, and Fr. Gino found a way to show Christ is relevant to modern-day Apaches and fits within Apache tradition. As an artist and carpenter, Fr. Gino worked for years to restore and renovate the church, church office, and meeting hall next door. If you visit, you will see his intricate painting and extensive woodwork throughout these buildings. He added ornamentation, worked to cover the exposed dropped ceiling, and adapted images to fit Apache tradition. To my great disappointment, I discovered that the church and services have returned to a more traditional Catholic set-up since his death, which feels like an immense loss, but the space still reflects
The St. Charles Church is a blend of traditional and cultural influences. Photos by Thea Wilshire
tremendous beauty and is worth a visit. In a region rich with visual, historic, and experiential treasures, St. Charles Catholic Church is one of the many things I love about our Globe/Miami/San Carlos community. The St. Charles Catholic Community runs the church, elementary school, convent, and a clothing distribution center. They also host a Christmas bazaar of Apache art and handcrafts. Their mass is Sundays at 9 a.m. and is open to anyone. To get there, take Highway 60 east, which becomes Highway 70, turn left at Indian Highway 6 (just after the casino and saw mill), go 12 miles, then turn left on San Carlos Blvd and drive to the church at 460 San Carlos Blvd (on right side of street).
Thea Wilshire works as an author, psychologist, speaker, healthcare consultant, and AirBnB host. Her passions include community development, the creation of public spaces, trying new adventures, and sharing her therapy dog with schools and medical facilities. Find her blog at
157 W Cedar Street • Globe • (928) 473-1207 Hours BREAKFAST AND LUNCH 6:30am-4:00pm; Tues-Sat
JULY 2019
SPIRIT OF EDUCATION Photo and story by Patti Daley
with Armida Guerena Bittner
In this feature, we tap into one of our region’s rich resources – retired teachers. “Once a teacher, always a teacher,” says Armida Guerena Bittner, last December, shortly after her 80th birthday, She was holding her book club members captive through a full reading of “She Persisted,” a gift she planned to give her great-granddaughter. Armida was born and raised in Globe and had always wanted to be teacher. But she wasn’t a good student. She didn’t graduate. By age 16, in her junior year at Globe High School, Armida Guerena married Ross Bittner, pregnant with their child. By age 19, she was mother of three. “I come from people who know they’re going to work,” says Armida, granddaughter of Mexican immigrants. “If you want something, you have to work for it. Ross and I learned this. “ Ross, grandson of German immigrants, worked hard at the mines, in construction, for the highway department. Armida worked at the courthouse. She took correspondence courses from the Department of Education and earned a graduate equivalent diploma (GED). “My proudest achievement”, says Armida, “is that I finished high school.”
The Student Becomes a Teacher As her children grew into adults, Armida returned to school. She took summer courses at N.A.U., classes at Thatcher Community College, and carpooled with other students to ASU. She earned a B.A. degree in Elementary Education and an Arizona teaching
“He would sing and dance, or take a book out, he would read and pronounce everything just right,” she says with a broad smile. “He loved it.” She also taught her students to take notes and assigned them to be reporters at a public event, recognizing outstanding educators and volunteers. “This helped students see the usefulness of the skills they were learning,” Armida says.
Life Beyond The Classroom
credential. She did her student teaching with Kindergarteners at Centra School. After that she was offered a job at East Hill School. Her classroom was on the third floor; her students were fourth and fifth graders. “I learned more from them than I ever taught!” she proclaims. “I learned that you have to be open. You have to be personable and personal with them.”
Favorite Subject? Language Arts The principals at East Hill were very busy and Armida loved the freedom she had in the classroom. She’d often put aside the prescribed textbook and use jokes and riddles and songs with her students. Together, they read the newspaper and the works of C.S. Lewis. She encouraged students to read to their interests, read for knowledge. She was always buying books she thought the kids would like, and built a wonderful collection. “My husband accused me not ever earning a cent as a teacher because I
bought so many books. “ Some student favorites were Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings and Bridge to Terabithia. If a student didn’t like a book, or an assignment, Mrs. Bittner was open to negotiate an alternative. “Check it out. If it’s not for you, it’s not for you, and we can discuss it, and I’m going to try to help you finish it,” Armida explains. “If you don’t want to finish it, you’re going to have to do something else.” “This is life,” Armida continues. “You have choices. But there are some things that have to be done.”
Favorite Lesson Plan? Reporting on Public Speech “You are going to have to speak in public,” declares Armida. “At some point in life, you will need to express yourself.” Armida’s made students practice expressing themselves in Language Arts class. She remembers how one boy, once a problem, but ultimately her favorite student, took to the assignment.
“I used to have so much fun,” Armida muses, then adds, “Except for the toilet situation.” The restroom for teachers was on the first floor, and after several years of running up and down three flights of stairs, Armida decided it was time to move on. She became County Schools Superintendent, held the position for 12 years and served a term on the AZ State Board of Education. As Superintendent, she implemented a program to effectively address bullying and physical violence at Miami High, and started an alternative school for kids out of juvenile detention with nowhere to go. After losing her last election in a landslide, she retired and cared for Ross, until his death in 2009. Armida uses a walker now. Her kids took the keys to her car. Still, she stays involved with her church, supports youth theatre, watches over Globe from her hilltop home and holds a strong connection to her family, past and present. She has four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, with one more on the way. At some point she gave her book collection away to a teacher friend who asked for them. There’s a wisp of conflicted regret when she mentions it. u
Globe Unified School District
SUPERINTENDENT’S LETTER Greetings! I hope each and every one of you is doing well as we have completed our 20182019 school-year. First let me say “Thank you” to our GUSD teachers and staff. They have labored diligently to serve the needs of our district’s students. We could not begin to provide a good education to our students without their commitment and dedication. Without rushing your summer along, I wanted to report out an important decision that was made by our GUSD Board of Education for the upcoming 2019-2020 school-year. At its regular meeting last evening the board decided to grant its approval to district administration to implement a one-year pilot program with a significantly later start time for Globe High School. The start times for Copper Rim and High Desert have also been adjusted with Copper Rim starting 15 minutes earlier and High Desert starting 20 minutes later. End of school times will be adjusted as well. There were many factors involved in recommending and approving this important change. Perhaps the most important factor was that this change will allow for no child to be picked up by their bus before 6:20 a.m. Under our old schedule there were students that were picked up an hour earlier than that. In addition the research about adolescents indicates that a later start for high school students provides them with the best circumstance for them to be sharp and ready to learn. This was a difficult decision for all involved considering the impact on students, families, and the community it was not reached lightly. The board has approved the pilot schedule for one year and has directed administration to report data about attendance, tardies, grades, and other important factors each trimester in the upcoming year to help them determine whether the change has a positive effect.
As superintendent I want to encourage all of our students, families and community to continue to promote good and punctual attendance as one of the most important factors in student academic success. Some of the biggest challenges our district faces in regards to student achievement lie in the area of attendance. We need our students here on a regular basis and we need them to be on time. We will strive as a district to continue to seek improvement in our delivery of instruction, but we need our students here. As we implement this new bell schedule please join us in doing our best to get our kids here on time every day as we strive to live up to our vision of “Capturing Hearts, Empowering Minds”. Best wishes for a great summer break and we look forward to continuing to grow as a school district and community here in Globe. Sincerely, Jerry Jennex
The new bell schedule for the 2019-2020 school year: Copper Rim Elementary: 7:45 a.m. - 2:15 p.m. High Desert Middle School: 8:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m Globe High School: 8:59 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
JULY 2019 Story and photos by David Abbott
he CCYS Globe Miami Piranha Swim Team has many challenges, but finding a great coach is not one of them. Coach Barry Schwenk, who serves as pastor at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Miami, is in his second year at the helm, bringing a lifetime of community service and talent to his work. Through his eldest daughter Emily’s participation in the Summer Youth Musical Theater Program several years ago, he met Piranhas’ organizer Leslie Parker, whose daughter Ruby was also in SYMTP. Schwenk was hesitant, however, and put Parker off for two years until he finally accepted the offer. “Barry really makes what we do as organizers easier,” Parker says. “We can run the behind-the-scenes items and know that the swimmers are receiving the coaching assistance that enables them to be confident and skilled swimmers.” The team practices every Thursday after Miami’s Hostetler Community Pool opens for the season, which includes six regular meets and a championship contest around the third week of July. Schwenk comes to a program that has the trials and tribulations of many small nonprofits, but also has challenges related to aging and insufficient facilities. Since 1987, the CCYS Globe Miami Piranha Swim Team has offered an outlet for local kids to compete in aquatic sports. The program was originally operated out of the Globe Community Center pool, but after its closure in 2014, moved to Hostetler. While regulation competition pools are 25 yards in length, and deep enough at both ends to do flip-turns, Hostetler is nearly 34 yards long, about 30% longer than its competitive counterpart, and is very shallow at one end. There have also been a series of maintenance problems affecting the team’s ability to use it. In 2018, the Town
This Issue’s Git ‘Er Done Award Goes To...
Schwenk Finds Calling as CCYS Piranha Coach
Hammin’ it up with his swimmers. Courtesy Photo
of Miami spent about $124,000 for an overhaul of the pool, fixing cracks, replacing the diving board and resurfacing decking. There were issues threatening the pool’s opening this year and in the days leading up to the Piranhas first meet of the season on June 22, a filter problem threatened to cancel activities. Despite the problems though, Schwenk is happy with the way things are going. Participation in the program has doubled—from 35 to 70 swimmers— under his coaching. “It’s been good: All the heavy lifting is done by swim parents, so I have time to invest individually in the kids,” he says. “To coach swimming, which seems like a frivolous way to spend time, is an investment in the lives of these kids.” Schwenk comes to Globe after spending his life trying to make the world a better place. At age 12, his parents took him on a mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo, working with seminomadic tribes to help them adjust to
With the pool not open yet, and their first meet coming up that Saturday, Coach Barry conducted a ‘dry land conditioning’ practice. Courtesy Photo from 2018.
CCYS Globe Miami Piranha Swim Team Coach Barry Schwenk yells encouragement to one of his charges. Schwenk is in his second year coaching the team and the program has doubled its number of participants.
forced relocation. The family returned to his native Indiana four year later where he stumbled upon swimming. “It was a big [high school] campus and I kept getting lost trying to find the practice field,” Schwenk says. “I always wound up at the pool and, finally, one of the coaches told me ‘you could just swim,’ so I ended up swimming by accident.” He competed at a high level and was offered a college scholarship, but passed because it would have slowed down his dream to become a veterinarian. After graduating from vet school, he took a position as a at Samaritan Veterinary Center in Globe, but the 80-plus-hour workweeks threatened to burn him out. In 2000, Schwenk was ready to head back to Indiana, but a friend set him up on a blind date with his nowwife Colette. Naturally, they were married within a year and a half. With the addition of Emily, born in 2004, the family left for missionary work
The CCYS Globe Miami Piranha Swim Team operates on a shoestring budget, but organizers try to make its fees accessible to all in the community, at $55 per child annually. According to Parker, expenses are directly proportional to the number of kids, i.e. competition swimsuits, T-shirts, swim caps, extra lifeguards and ribbons. The cost of a season with 60 participants is about $9,000, leaving a deficit of about $6,000 per year. Operating expenses do not include pool repairs and equipment such as starting blocks, time clocks and kickboards. United Fund of Globe-Miami has been a critical contributor to the program.
From left, Leslie Parker and CCYS Globe Miami Piranha Swim Team braintrust Kara Satter, critique team performance during a meet versus San Manuel on Saturday, June 22. Though the Piranhas lost the meet, the numbers are trending up for the team, which doubled in size this year.
in Ethiopia and Sudan. Much of what the trained veterinarian did there was treat war-related wounds in humans. The family, which now numbers five with the additions of Jonas, 12, and Simon, 6, returned to Globe four years later. Both swim parents and their kids love the sophomore Piranhas coach and recognize the challenges he faces. Samantha Irish, 16, has been a Piranha since age 5. She took a brief respite, but is glad to be back in the water. “My experience with the Piranhas has been nothing but great,” she says. “Barry has been our coach since last year, and I can already tell that he’s probably the best one that I’ve ever had. He helps me figure out how I can become a better swimmer, and helps anyone who needs it.” Her mother, Stephanie Irish, echoed those sentiments, but sees limitations with facilities that often thwart the best efforts of everyone involved. “Barry is consistent, fair and knowledgeable on his teachings,” Stephanie Irish says. “But a lot of teams won’t come to our facilities because they are in such bad shape.” Both Samantha and Stephanie Irish support community efforts to build a centrally located aquatic center. “If we were to get a nice Aquatic Center—maybe indoors—then I feel like we could really grow our program into something amazing, with a year-round club team and a good pool location,” Samantha adds. Schwenk looks at a new pool not as frivolous, but as a way to enhance community self-esteem. “When you invest in people—such as building a swimming pool—it gives them a sense of pride,” he says. “It might seem like a luxury, but it helps a person’s attitude about themselves.” Ultimately, though, Schwenk sees coaching as an investment in the future. “I believe a good coach coaches beyond the game and the mark of a successful coach is a community that wins,” he concludes. u
JULY 2019
What’s up with the pots in Miami?
The colorful pots are a striking welcome to visitors as they enter Miami. Photo by LCGross
By Carol Broeder
“Recycling at its best.” That’s what Patty Bringhurst calls the project lining the gateway to Miami with painted pots, which are really not pots at all. Rather, they are manhole collars that had been sitting the Town of Miami’s Public Works’ Yard for 10 or 15 years now. Town staff ran across the manhole collars as they were clearing the yard in preparation for APS’ gas plant remediation project, scheduled to begin July 8. “They cleared out the old structures
Public Works Director Tom Moreno with artist and Town Councilwoman, Patti Bringhurst. Photo by Carol Broeder.
and auctioned off old equipment,” said Miami Town Councilwoman Patty Bringhurst. In the process, Miami Town Manager Joe Heatherly and Public Works Director Tom Moreno came up with the idea to repurpose these old manholes, asking Bringhurst to paint them. “It could be a great signature piece for Miami,” said Bringhurst, who is also a local artist. Heatherly said, “I saw the manhole collars and said, ‘Why don’t we just invert them and make them into planters?’”” He calls it part of Miami’s overall beautification program,”just keep sprucing things up.” “We are trying to take the focus away from old dilapidated buildings and maybe spur people to paint another building,” he says. Heatherly said Bringhurst’s pots project goes right along with the town’s ongoing sewer project, APS’ gas plant remediation project and BHP’s efforts to shore up the old bridge at its entrance. Bringhurst began the work about three months ago after receiving approval from her fellow council members. “I came up with a lot of different options and showed them to town council. I really wanted to go with a talavera pot concept or more of an old Spanish style design,” Bringhurst said. “The final decision was ‘Arizona nature,’ so that’s why you’re seeing roadrunners, coyotes, cactus, Gila monsters and hummingbirds.” And there are more where that came from—quail, bobcats, a woodpecker in a saguaro and four more, as well, as six or eight of the former manhole collars have yet to be painted. “They should line the entire curve when it’s complete,” she said, referring to the snaky portion of Highway 60 between Claypool and Miami. Once all pots are in place, it will be in time to put plants into them, which Bringhurst describes as a huge undertaking, “picking, potting, watering and no money.” “It’s a challenge and I for one would love to see some nonprofits or individuals show some interest in sponsoring a pot or two,” she said. Heatherly said that the town is currently working with Chris Jones, with the University of Arizona, to find drought tolerant plants for use in the pots. The town also plans to install a drip system to help keep them watered, he says. Bringhurst is spearheading the beautification of Miami and one of her ongoing projects is creating downtown pocket parks. “The Miami Business Alliance (MBA) is trying to clean up downtown for our visitors, even if it’s one lot at a time,” said
Patti has completed 4 of the giant pots with plans to paint 8 more. Here she is putting the finishing touches on a hummingbird design. Photo by Carol Broeder.
Bringhurst, who is MBA’s president. Public Works cleaned up the two vacant lots just east of the Guayo’s El Rey Restaurant, at 716 Sullivan St., and Bringhurst is working on the artwork to make pocket parks there. She called it “the town’s way of cleaning up some major eyesores around the downtown area.” “We have a lot of visitors that make their way to Guayo’s for a savory meal and reminisce of times gone by in this little town,” Bringhurst said. “A lot of them walk off their meal by strolling down Sullivan.” The two vacant lots were becoming engulfed by weeds and neglect, so Moreno and his staff cleaned up all the weeds and overgrown desert broom, leaving a clean palette, she said. “I really wanted to clean those lots up and make a welcome place to stop by and reflect,” Bringhurst said. Longtime Miami residents Tony and Ester Sanchez have been showing the pocket park off to all their visitors and have rallied up some money for plants, she said. Guayos donated the first bench, which they are currently having repainted. “Everyone can be a part of this,” Bringhurst said. “RAM has shown some interest in doing another pocket park on the 60 highway.” Another one of Bringhurst’s projects is painting the Keystone stairs, with the town picking up the cost of the paint, Heatherly said. “Since the Fourth of July parade was coming to Miami this year, I asked the town manager if we could paint the stairs,” Bringhurst said. “It’s our way of saying we are proud Americans and proud and honored to have the parade here.” It’s also a way to bring some attention to downtown Miami, she added. “We may not have a lot of stores open, but the ones we do have show the Miami spirit—look at the good in life, pick yourself up, dust off the dirt and get to living,” Bringhurst said. “We aren’t done yet.” u
JULY 2019
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JULY 2019