2011 Summer

Page 1


at Boyce Thompson Arboretum


By Kim Stone

It was Sunday, May 8, and 500 visitors were enjoying Mother’s Day at the Arboretum. When the Picket Fire was first spotted just before noon, it was small – as all fires are at the beginning – and an unthreatening two miles to the west. By the time Forest Service engines pulled up to the scene at 12:30, the fire had already increased to four acres in size. They hoped to keep it south of FS 231 and the Picket Post Trailhead junction, but strong, red flag winds from the southwest caused the fire to “come flying across the road,” as Fire Management Officer Quentin Johnson put it, forcing the firefighters to pull back from their ridge.

It's A Mystery – But Not For Long Page 10

Boyce Arboretum, Continued on page 3 Photos by Boyce Thompson Arboretum Staff

A New Day For Velma: A Children's Story

Integrative Medicine

Page 6

By Linda Gross

Medicine has come a long ways since doctors used leeches to purify the blood and cut off limbs to save the patient. And in the wake of such challenges as small pox, tuberculosis, and AIDS, traditional medicine as we know it, has grown up fighting infectious diseases and developing surgical techniques that now save life and limb on a large scale. Yet, while we’ve been focused on doing battle with things we could see and identify, a series of chronic, complex diseases including Alzheimers, heart disease, cancer and diabetes have become an even bigger threat. In fact, these diseases now account for three quarters of all healthcare spending. They defy all efforts to find one clear cause, and hence continue to elude a pure allopathic mind set which was built on fighting a bad guy; an infectious agent which could be targeted and eradicated. BooYah! Integrative Medicine, Continued on page 30

By Darin Lowry

When seeing an Apache burden basket for the first time, we are not only struck by the unique quality of such an object, but by its beauty and practicality: the fresh, tangy scent of the willow strips combined with the pure, organic feel of the object create a simple yet intriguing vessel. A ‘burden basket’ was for many years quite simply a device used to carry everyday items such as food and firewood. Dreamweaver, Continued on page 29


Area Walking Maps Pages 15-18

My Father's Car Page 20




Preserving Our Cultural Heritage... Bob Jones Museum 300 Main Street • Superior Visit Bob Jones Museum, operated and managed by the Superior Historical Society. Located at the home of Arizona's sixth Governor, Robert Taylor "Bob" Jones, explore the rich history of Superior, including its culture, relation to mining, minerals, and pioneer families. Make sure you stay for the showing of "Silver, Copper and Sweat – The Story of Superior," playing every hour. Visit

us.geocities.com/superiorhs/museum.html for more information.

Bullion Plaza Cultural Center and Museum 131 N Plaza Circle • Miami (928) 473-3700 First Friday Programs: Presentations of historic interest are presented on the First Friday of each month, September through June, at the Bullion Plaza Cultural Center & Museum in Miami, at 6pm unless otherwise noted. These programs are sponsored by the Bullion Plaza Cultural Center & Museum and the Gila County Historical Museum, and are made possible through the Arizona Humanities Council.

Ask us about our Great Selection of Historical Books!

Gila County Historical Museum 1330 N Broad Street • Globe (928) 425-7385 The museum will begin hosting it's monthly hamburger fry on April 29th. Join us on the lawn for this community tradition. Everyone is invited. The Museum offers 4,000 photographs, historical documents, texts and displays plus a complete line of books from local authors and others who have written on the history of this area. Gila Historical Museum in the old Mine Safety Building

Discover us online at GMTeConnect.com/museums Historic Museums sponsored by

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Cutting the grade for the Arizona Eastern Railway to access the Old Dominion Mine – 1911

VOLVO RENTS We have the right equipment... and right expertise for your project.

The mine smelter and inspiration school – 1930's. Courtesy of Bullion Plaza Museum

A Steam Crane helps get a rail car on track – 1907

GLOBEMIAMITIMES Boyce Arboretum, Continued from page 1 Within 30 minutes, it had more than doubled in size and was moving very close to Highway 60. Even more troubling was an eastward push of wind that was driving the fire simultaneously towards the Arboretum. After receiving several corroborating reports about the fire’s intentions, Director Mark Siegwarth made the decision to evacuate the Arboretum. It was 1:30pm. The sense of urgency for everyone was palpable, reinforced by the increasingly visible smoke plume growing in the western sky, and visitors quickly made their way towards the main entrance. Arboretum staff patrolled each trail and exhibit, then called in by radio to report: “Chihuahuan Trail. Clear.” “High Trail. Clear.” “Picket Post House. Clear.” “Main Trail. Clear.” In a remarkable 35 minutes, all visitors were evacuated, leaving the main parking lot empty by 2:05 pm and ready to receive the emergency and fire vehicles that were on their way as the fire rapidly spread eastward. Now at 15 acres, the fire hit Highway 60 hard, crossing two wide asphalt lanes

PAGE into the median. Gusty, erratic winds were moving the fire so quickly that firefighters were forced to pull back into a more defensive stance of protecting motorists and structures along the highway, and people, collection plants, and structures at the Arboretum. By 3:00, fire crews and equipment were flowing through the front gate of the Arboretum. The Globe Ranger District had helped the Arboretum develop a defensive, pre-attack fire plan last year, so firefighters already knew our water sources, vehicle access points, trail systems, and our staff, and were able to hit the ground running from the moment they entered the grounds. The fire jumped Highway 60 again in numerous places, consumed a quarter mile of wooden guard rail posts in the process, and raced towards us. Nearly horizontal, wind-driven flames swung around water tank hill and slammed into our plant collections at the main gate. The fire climbed the trunks of 20 feet tall date palms and ignited dozens of adjacent yuccas, agaves, acacias, and aloes, before it crossed the highway to the north.


Fire at the base of Picket Post Mountain illuminates the magnitude of the flames; Courtesy of John Aho

As firefighters worked to save these collection plants, a slurry bomber made its initial reconnaissance pass and then, about 3:35, dropped 2000 gallons of Pepto Bismol-colored fire retardant across the main parking lot, highway, and the south-facing slope to the north, effectively slowing the fire’s march to the east. The more worrisome fire was now to the southwest, with one aggressive hotspot burning unchecked on the

hillside above the High Trail. Intense, creosote-fed flames were generating volumes of expanding smoke and embers that drifted into the branches and leaf litter of the red gum eucalyptus trees across the creek. “I can see the fire through the trees!” Lynnea Spencer exclaimed, looking southward towards Queen Creek through the Gift Shop window. Boyce Arboretum, Continued on page 5




From t he Desk of t he Publisher

Publisher Linda Gross Creative Director Jenifer Lee

This summer we invite you to play along with us as we test out QR codes – those funny squiggly icons which have been popping up everywhere. (I just got my bank statement the other day and the envelope had one of these!). If you are a smartphone user – or soon to be one – then this will be your chance to scan little coded messages and see what your neighbors are doing with them. We have launched two community projects with them including a walking History Tour, and invited our advertisers to try them out. Before you launch off into this new world, you might want to catch our article on QR codes (pp 5). As for the summer? It started off with a vengeance this year as extreme heat and dry conditions made ideal fire conditions. The entire state was glued to the progress of the Wallow fire in June. A fire which grew to surpass even the acreage of the RodeoChedeski fire. But closer to home, it was the Picket Fire, which broke out on May 8th, which threatened the very existence of one of our neighbors to the west and one of the State’s biggest treasures: Boyce Thompson Arboretum. Kim Stone, a BTA staffer and writer has done an excellent piece on just how iffy the outcome was for all concerned. (pp 1) Our piece on Integrative Medicine was inspired by what Chad Campbell and his fellow staffers are doing at Hope Family Care Clinics. (pp1) I am continually surprised by this little rural community; by the wealth of ideas, resources and talent it draws to it, and this is yet another example. In 2007, Campbell, who is a licensed Physicians’ Assistant from here, attended the two year fellowship on Integrative Medicine taught by Dr. Andrew Sarah's Summer Garden; Photo by Sarah Bernstein Weil at the University of Arizona Medical School. He is now a man on a mission; to bring Integrative Medicine to Globe-Miami. And it may just change how you look at healthcare. We have introduced some new writers this summer including Kate Peifer who is here visiting for the summer before returning to the University of Portland to work for the school newspaper, The Beacon. We know you’ll enjoy her piece on Bobby Hollis and the Hollis theaters as much as she enjoyed the interview. (pp 22). And the piece on ‘My Father’s Car’ was done by a writer I’ve always enjoyed; my brother. (pp20). Plus, we are launching a new column by Sarah Bernstein on entertaining. (pp 22). Other features in this edition include a children’s tale about an overweight border collie who finds her way to a healthier lifestyle when her ‘dad’ takes diet and exercise seriously. Written by one of GMTs favorite writers, Darin Lowery, it is a cute tale with a serious message and aptly illustrated by the talented Jim Lindstrom. (pp 6). Darin’s other piece this summer is about Mary Jane Dudley, a San Carlos Apache basketweaver. Both subject and writer shine in this piece which explores the intricacies of weaving and the life of the artist. (cover story) As we went to press this summer, we had just lost one of our favorites; Joe Oddonetto. A tribute to Joe can be found on pp 24. A loss like this reminds us all not to take anything for granted. Either the length of time we have on this planet or the chance to appreciate fully our neighbors, friends and family. I look around and see much to be grateful for this summer, so I leave you with the words of Ghandi, who once said, Cheers, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow.

Learn as if you were to live forever.” So, here’s to Life! and Learning! RIP Joe.


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Contibuting Writers Sarah Bernstein John Gross Linda Gross Darin Lowery Kate Peifer Kim Stone Contibuting Photography John Abdo Boyce Thompson Arboretum Staff Sarah Bernstein LC Gross Gila Historical Museum

Contact Information: Linda Gross 175 E Cedar Street • Globe, AZ 85501 Phone: 928-701-3320 Fax: 928-425-4455 linda@globemiamitimes.com www.gmteconnect.com www.globemiamitimes.com

Published Four Times a Year January / April / July / October Copyright@2011 GlobeMiamiVisitorsGuide GlobeMiamiTimes All rights reserved. Reproduction of the contents of this publication without permission is strictly prohibited. The GlobeMiamiTimes neither endorses nor is responsible for the content of advertisements. Advertising Deadline: Camera ready artwork is due the 10th of the preceeding month of publication. Design and Photography services are available beginning at $35 hr. Display Advertising Rates: Please contact Linda Gross 928-701-3320 or e-mail linda@globemiamitimes.com for information. Community Calendar: We have moved all of the Calendar items online! To list your event with us, please email Sharon at events@gmteconnect.com. Contributors: We are always looking for articles and images which help tell the story of the area and the people who live here. If you are interested in working an assignment with the Guide, and/or submitting a freelance article or image, please contact me and let’s discuss it!

GLOBEMIAMITIMES Boyce Arboretum, Continued from page 3

PAGE the day as firefighters continued to establish and maintain control lines, deal

Incident Commander Tom Morgan’s

with flare-ups, and begin the process of

attention was fixed on this desperate

mopping-up. Early Tuesday, the fire was

scene from his command post in the

declared 100% contained with a total of

upper gravel parking lot. The fire was

1336 acres burned, including 160 acres of

now well over 200 acres and expanding

native plants on Arboretum property.

up the north faces of Pancho Plateau

The fire took a heavy toll on native

and Picket Post Mountain, but here,

vegetation. But after only two months,

now, all that stood between the fire and

six inches to several feet of new growth is

the catastrophic loss of a dozen of our

emerging from blackened jojobas, canyon

oldest and largest trees – and perhaps the

hackberries, desert honeysuckles, cat claw

Arboretum itself – was a paltry thirty feet

acacias, and mesquites. Bunch grasses

of rocks and boulders in the bottom of

are re-sprouting, many prickly pears

Queen Creek. He called for an immediate

have new pads, and severely burned-over

water drop.

hedgehog cacti are miraculously putting





out new growth at their tips.

hovered over the hotspot with a full

The fire was human caused, though

Bambi bucket of water, took aim, and let

the exact manner in which it began has

loose with a perfectly placed water drop

yet to be determined. A compliment of

that knocked down the flames as if an


airtight lid had been thrown over them.

participated in battling the fire, and we

The force of the water instantaneously

thank each and every one of them from

transformed leaping flames in a benign,

the bottom of our hearts.





pewter-colored mixture of steam and

An expanded story of the Picket

suspended ash that floated harmlessly up

Fire is posted on the Boyce Thompson

the canyon with the wind.


We have a chance now, is what went through many of our minds. By Monday morning at 8:00 am, the




blogspot.com/. Check out our website for up-to-date info about classes and events: arboretum.ag.arizona.edu and

fire was considered 40% contained. The





Arboretum remained closed throughout






A Children’s Story Written by Darin Lowery

Mike and his border collie Velma lived in an old green house on a

Illustrated by Jimmy Lindstrom

hill in a small town. It was a friendly place, and sometimes Mike took Velma with him when he went to the grocery store. People stopped him on the street to tell him how cute his black & white dog was. The next day after a healthy breakfast, they walked to the Bark Park. On the way, Mike said,

Sometimes they would comment on her weight. You see, Mike got in the habit of feeding her too much, and she became very plump. She really liked to go to the market, but sometimes she got tired and out of breath from walking. In their small town, all of the roads and sidewalks went uphil – even the downhill ones!

“We’ll have lots of fun there, and we’ll make some new friends too!” When they got to the park, Mike said, “And remember – whether you’re big or small, I’ll love you just the same. Let’s


try this together for awhile and see how it feels.”

“No more snacks!!!” said Mike. “You may have a morning snack, but only half.” ‘Fine,’ thought Velma. When Mike went to get the mail, Velma reached under the sofa cushions where she hid her food and pulled out a big tasty morsel and gobbled it up!

“Good Morning, Velma,” Mike sang as he came down the stairs from his room.

“Let’s have our breakfast!” “But first, let’s get you on a scale. I think you’ve gained a little weight.”

“Velma!” Mike scolded when he saw what she was doing. “You’re cheating! You need to eat less and exercise more. It’s time to go on a diet.”

For thirty days, Mike fed Velma a bit less than usual, and made sure she drank lots and lots more water. They went to the Bark Park in the morning and in the evening. Sometimes, they went at lunchtime! One night before bedtime, Velma got on the scale and saw that she had dropped a few pounds!

‘But nobody else is on a diet,’ Velma thought as she swallowed her snack. As though Mike could read her mind, he continued. “Tell

you what – I’ll go on

a diet too, and we’ll start going to the Bark Mike looked at the scale, shocked. He scratched his head. “Honey, maybe it’s time you dropped a few pounds.” Mike added, “You can’t jump off the couch very easily anymore, and you watch too much television. The

only thing you ever want to fetch is a snack!” Velma’s feelings were hurt.

Park tomorrow. How does that sound?” Mike smiled and said, “Wow!

Velma, you’ve lost a lot of weight. What a good girl! I can tell you feel better, too.” The next day at the Bark Park, Velma ran for the first time ever. She chased a little Chihuahua all around the park for an hour, and everybody clapped!




The next week at the Vet’s office, Velma got on

Sometimes, Velma still watched television, but

the scale and the doctor was amazed! “Velma,

when Mike called out, “WALK TIME!” she jumped off the couch and they ran out the door of the old green house together.

you’re a new dog!” he cried. “I’m amazed!” Velma smiled inside and said to herself,

‘I’m amazing!’

That night, Mike hugged her and whispered,

“I’m so proud of you.” Velma smiled inside and thought, ‘I’m proud of me, too.’ Then Mike said, “There’s something I want to tell you. Food is food, and love is love. Food is not love. I love you, Velma.” And then he patted her on the head and went upstairs to bed. Velma lay on the couch and fell asleep.

THE END So many new things happened to Velma when she went on a diet. She felt better. She looked better. She made new friends. And best of all, she and Mike spent more time together, running and jumping and laughing. Sometimes

giggled for no reason at all! Now, when Mike gave her an evening snack, she nibbled it slowly and enjoyed it. Velma didn’t hide food under the sofa cushions anymore.


This is a children's tale, based on a true story. The real Velma- a seven year old border collie – lost a total of 21 pounds (one-third of her total body weight) over a two year period with the help of her owner, Darin. You can now find them walking the Darin & Velma hills of Globe or running with the 'big dogs' at the dog park....enjoying a happier and healthier lifestyle.




Remarkable Women of Globe Mark Arizona Centennial Next year on February 14th, Arizonans will celebrate one hundred years of statehood. But even though it’s nicknamed the “Valentine State” because of the date that President William Howard Taft signed the official document, Arizona’s women have been much more than sweethearts, wives, and mothers for the past 100 years. Many practiced professions ranging from aviators to legislators, and Globe has had its share of women who contributed to Arizona’s proud history.

By Jim Turner, author of Arizona: Celebrating the Grand Canyon State

The firm of Herring and Sorin specialized in mining company disputes involving what would be millions of dollars in today’s money. After a victory for the Copper Queen Consolidated in 1900, the Bisbee Review stated that “much of the credit is due to the fine legal ability of this eminent lady.” As the cases became more important, results were appealed to higher courts.

Sarah Herring Sorin, a pioneer professional, became a lawyer in Tombstone just ten years after the O.K. Corral gunfight. Born in 1861 and educated in New York City, her father, William Herring, opened a law office in Tombstone in the early 1880s. At first she taught school, considered a proper woman’s career back then, but resigned when her brother died. Sarah studied law under her father and was admitted to practice in 1892, becoming the first woman lawyer in Arizona. Jacquelyn Kasper, retired research librarian at the University of Arizona’s James E. Rogers College of Law, has thoroughly researched Ms. Sorin and delivered an award-winning presentation at the Arizona History Convention in 2005. She is currently working on a definitive biography of the Arizona pioneer lawyer. According to Kasper, Sarah Herring continued to study law at the New York University Law School and received her degree with honors in 1894. She then partnered with her father in the firm that would eventually become Herring and Sorin. As the economy continued to die in Tombstone after the flooding of the mines, Sorin and her father moved their business to Tucson in 1896. In 1898 Sarah Herring married Thomas Sorin, a prominent Cochise County rancher, mineralogist, and journalist for the Tombstone Epitaph. The couple lived on his ranch near Tombstone for several years, but her husband was on the road with his mineral consulting business a great deal. After the birth of a stillborn child Sarah moved back to her family’s home in Tucson in 1902. She threw herself into to the increasing duties of their rapidly growing law firm.

Sarah Herring Sorin

As a result, in 1906 Sarah Herring Sorin became the 24th woman to be permitted to practice before the Supreme Court, and the first from Arizona to do so. But although she was a ground breaker in that respect, her views were often those of her era, and also the 19th-century West. Kasper cites an April 16, 1906 Washington Post interview where Sorin says she does not believe in the vote for women, nor does she belong to women’s clubs, but says that “without a daily canter on my good horse my spirits and energies would fail entirely. It is the best tonic a woman can take.” She was known for her diligent research, organization, and meticulous preparation and the rigorous exercise must have helped to clear her mind. Working from Tucson for mining companies in Bisbee and Globe, the father-daughter team continued to rise in prominence. William Herring died just as Arizona gained statehood in 1912, and Sorin moved to Globe, where she represented the Old Dominion Copper Company.

In 1913 she became the first female in U.S. history to argue (and win) a case before the nation’s highest court by herself, with no male lawyer as a partner. Inducted into the Arizona Women’s Hall of Fame in 1985, her biography quotes a newspaper of the time as saying, “The case was that of James H. Work against the United Globe Mining Company, a contest for the possession of the Big Johnny mine. As a result of Mrs. Sorin’s victory before the highest court of America, the PhelpsDodge interests, owners of the United Globe, have undisputed possession of the Big Johnny and it is expected that they will proceed without delay to develop the mine, which gives rich promise.” The Tombstone Epitaph said “Mrs. Sorin is at perfect ease in a courtroom and commands the respect of both judge and jury and wins the admiration of the bar for the graceful manner in which she handles her case. She is never at a loss for authorities, being so thoroughly prepared as to have references at her fingers’ end, and no matter how complicated the issue, she possesses that happy facility of elucidation that most generally wins for her client a favorable verdict …” In 1914, just a few months after she won the Supreme Court case, Sorin contracted a respiratory disease purportedly contracted from a Tombstone hotel room infected by the previous tenant, and died at age 53. She was inducted into the Arizona Women’s Hall of Fame in 1985, and continues to be one of Globe’s most prestigious citizens in the rugged, independent tradition of what she liked to call “the Wild and Wooly West.”

While much of Sarah’s life is a matter of public record, Irene Vickrey,

Globe’s mystery archaeologist, remains an enigma. Tenacious research by historian Janolyn LoVecchio reveals that she was born to Christopher and Grace Singleton on April 4, 1911 in Hume, Illinois. LoVecchio interviewed longtime Globe resident Lowry Ligon, who said that Vickrey was “Five foot eight inches tall, very outgoing, liked the outdoors,

hiking, trout fishing, and climbed Baldy Peak.” According to a résumé she filed with the Arizona State Museum while applying for work as an “Assistant WPA Archaeologist,” in the early 1930s she did two years of law work, one year of archaeology at the University of Indiana, another year at the University of Arizona, and two summers of field work in archaeology with the University of Arizona. Vickrey served as “sponsor’s supervisor” for a New Deal archaeology project from May through November, and from then until the time she filed her resume she served as sponsor’s supervisor and WPA supervisor in archaeological work. Vickrey had to accept the title “sponsor’s supervisor” because married women could not be employed by New Deal projects. Government officials believed that husbands needed the work more to support their families. Perhaps somewhere before her first government archaeology job, she married Parke E. Vickrey, although the year and locations of the marriage are not known. What is clear is that Parke Vickrey was born in Indiana in 1886 and arrived in Globe in 1910. In 1919, Parke was part of Professor Byron Cummings’ first summer field trip, A Course Among the Cliff Dwellings. By the 1930s Mr. Vickrey was a high school manual arts teacher and coach in Globe. In interviews with one of Parke’s relatives and Ligon, LoVecchio learned that the couple met and married in Indiana. Archaeology was their common passion, despite their twenty-five-year age difference. Irene must have been efficient and well-organized, because she rose quickly through the ranks and soon served as assistant to Roy Lassetter, project superintendent for the WPA Statewide Archaeological Project. Vickrey was in charge of subproject E, the excavation of the Besh-ba-Gowah ruins. When Lassetter resigned to enlist in the Army on July 8, 1940, 29-year-old Vickrey became Acting Project Superintendent for archaeology programs throughout the state, a position she held until the impending war halted all non-essential work on October 4, 1940. By that time crews excavated more than 200 rooms and 350 burial sites in the Globe area. Vickery

GLOBEMIAMITIMES wrote about the discoveries in Arizona Highways and Kiva, an Arizona State Museum publication. Always energetic and socially involved, Vickrey was a first vicepresident of the Globe chapter of the Business and Professional Women’s Association of Arizona, and also a member of the Order of the Eastern Star and the Red Cross. In May 1941 she involved the whole community in bringing Globe’s ancient past to life by directing “Last Days of Besh-Ba-Gowah,” a pageant performed on the roof of the museum that climaxed in an attack by rival outsiders. The pageant involved a small cast who played several parts, and let children get into the act as well. The night sky glowed with colored lights, the high school chorus provided background music, and San Carlos Reservation Apaches performed a devil dance as Irene Vickrey

a grand finale. In following years the cast for the annual grew to more than a hundred, and everyone in the GlobeMiami area must have known someone who was involved with the gala. Irene Vickrey was so vibrant and involved that everyone was heartbroken when she died in January, 1946, at the age of 35. But it wasn’t a total surprise. Lowry Ligon said that she “came to Arizona with respiratory problems, and working with soil and dust didn’t do her any good.” He said, “She liked to keep active and was a Christian Scientist. My father worked at the Miami Hospital and she wouldn’t let a doctor make house calls at her home.” Globe’s most famous citizen, Rose Mofford, may remember the grief shared by the whole community at Vickrey’s untimely death.

PAGE Born Rose Perica in Globe in 1922, her father and mother were Austro-Hungarian immigrants, and he became a copper miner. Her marriage to Phoenix Police captain T. R. “Lefty” Mofford in 1957 ended in divorce, but they remained friends until he died in 1983. Rose was Globe High School’s first female class president, active in both academics and sports. She was a deadeye hitter and a powerful fielder, according to those who knew her back then. A former teacher said, “She was definitely good enough to play on the boys’ baseball team, but of course that wasn’t allowed.” Globe’s star athlete became an All-American softball player, but her father decided it would be best if she turned down an opportunity to play professional basketball with the All-American Redheads. When she addressed students in the gymnasium of her alma mater in 1988, she said the class prophecy for her was that she would become the manager of the New York Yankees ball club. Rose Mofford began her state career at age 17, as soon as she graduated from Globe High School, in 1941. She started as secretary for state treasurer Joe Hunt, and from then on developed a knack for being at the right place at the right time, loyally serving the Democratic Party. She followed Hunt when he became tax commissioner, but left to become business manager for Arizona Highways Magazine in 1945, returning as executive secretary to the tax commissioner two years later. When Hunt retired in 1960, Mofford was fired because the new commissioner felt that a man would be better for the job. Mofford then became executive secretary to Arizona Secretary of State Wesley Bolin, and in 1975 she became assistant director of the State Revenue Department. Secretary of State Bolin became governor in 1976 when Governor Raul Castro resigned to become Ambassador to Argentina, and he appointed Mofford to serve out his term as Secretary of State. She did not succeed Bolin when he died in office in 1978 because she had not been elected to office, but she was elected Secretary of State on her own for three successive terms in 1978, 1982, and 1986. When Governor Evan Mecham was impeached for improper use of state funds and obstruction of justice, Mofford was sworn in as Arizona’s first

woman governor on April 4, 1988. For the next two years she worked to restore dignity and stability to the office, and chose not to run for election in 1990. After a fifty-year career in state government, she retired to dedicate her time to civic and charitable activities. She was elected to the Arizona Softball Hall of Fame, and both Phoenix and Butler (north of Kingman) have named municipal ball fields in her honor. When she retired from the Governor’s Office, one reporter wrote that her friends said she’d come a long way from that tall red-haired girl in Globe with the mighty throwing arm. It is certainly appropriate that a copper miner’s daughter would become the first woman governor of the Grand Canyon State. As the Arizona Statehood Centennial approaches, it’s time to look back and see how we got here. “Globe City” contributed a great deal to our state’s history, especially through independent professional women like Sarah Sorin, Irene Vickrey, and Rose Mofford. Who knows how many more are lost to the pages of history? That’s a question future historians may answer in the next 100 years.




What looks like a puzzle, but can’t be deciphered with the human intellect or the naked eye? Yep, you guessed it. QR codes. Those funny, squirrelly little jig saw puzzle looking things that have been popping up in magazine ads and product aisles everywhere. Although you may only have “seen them somewhere” in the last year, they are positioning themselves to become your next best friend. And for those of you who refuse to “Friend” them, you will still find the little icons weaseling their way into your life through your friends, family and customers who HAVE friended these guys. Starting with this edition of the GlobeMiamiTimes. You’ll find them tucked into ads and on store windows and old buildings. We’ll tell you what to look for in a minute, but first it might help to explain how these codes can make life better. For those of you who don’t have smart phones we apologize now that we are going to tweak your interest in this new ‘revolution’ without any way to try it out. They do require a phone that


can ‘scan’ QR codes. You may have no use for any more technology in your life. You may like your life without a smart phone. That is fine and we even understand it. But a revolution of sorts is coming. We’re just here to let you know (1) what it can do, (2) what others are doing with it, including GlobeMiamiTimes and (3) what you might want to do in the future with one.

30 interesting ways to use QRcodes

Depending on the 'expert' you talk to, that future is either right around the corner, or 'years down the road.' Some say this revolution is here to stay. Others predict it is a passing fad. I don't know the answer to this. It might be that both are true. It's the nature of technology and revolutions to change rapidly. However, it makes sense to me that as we move away

from computers and towards smartphones and notepads that the ability to deliver information to mobile devices will continue to drive technology. And QR codes play a role in that future. You can opt out if you choose. Or play along. The QR Codes: Improving the game In the past barcodes use to be the domain of manufacturers, inventory geeks and shipping giants. They were one-dimensional codes which could be scanned to enter the price of groceries or track widgets. They could hold up to 20 numerical digits – not something we, the public, even cared about – but it was sufficient to track stuff and communicate prices which didn’t exceed a quintillion. (That is six more zeros than a trillion) This was fine for most of the world, but not for a Toyota subsidiary known as Denso-Wave, who, in 1994 developed a two-dimensional barcode to handle inventory. The new design could handle thousands of pieces of data. Toyota decided not to patent this new design

for themselves and basically gave it to the world. Nice! Since ’94, those in Japan have been making good use of this technology and virtually everywhere you look in that country from bus stations to fashionware you’ll find a QR code attached which provides consumers with either (A) more information, (B) some kind of savings/coupon/discount or (C) a phone number or text message. QR codes and the American Market Here in the United States where we like to think of ourselves as tuned-in and hip to technology, it took nearly 15 years for QR codes to make an impact on the American mind. Ralph Lauren was one of the first marketers who used these in ads, but at the time, few people had smart phones and fewer still knew how to use them. That is all changing. Smart phone sales have increased every year and now make up nearly 40% of all mobile phone sales. The design and capabilities of these phones get better each year. Studies show that

GLOBEMIAMITIMES How do I get a QR code? 1. Their are several free websites which generate QR-Codes, including the popular qrcode.kaywa.com. 2. Decide where you want the user directed to once they scan your code. You have an option to select a URL (website/ web page/ YouTube video etc), a Phone Number, Text Message or SMS message. 3. Decide if you want it to be small, medium, large or extra large. Size does matter. It depends on where you are going to display the code. And, the truth is some scanners are going to pick up a small code on a page and others won’t read it unless it’s larger. You have to experiment with size and readers to see what works best. 4. Now hit “generate.” Wala! This is the fun part. A code comes up immediately and you can save this graphic code to a file for future use on any printed materials from business cards to t-shirts.

How do I read a QR code? There are literally dozens of free and low-cost Apps which are designed to read QR codes. This is true for iPhones, Droids and Blackberrys. Go to your marketplace or Apps Store and search for QR code reader. I tried a few out before I found one I like. My favorite happens to be Red Laser, but you might like Scan Savvy, or Sticky Bits...or any of dozens others. I didn’t like Sticky Bits, because it gave me too many options to save, share, categorize and ‘rate’ the things I scan. I don’t care to be that organized and informed about the things I scan, but if you are, you might try it out. Red Laser is like a point and shoot camera. Simple. It ‘dings’ when it has locked on to the bar code and a cancel/ open button comes up. This does not require me to read directions or go to the help menu. It got my vote right away. You might want more technology with yours.

How can I use a QR code with my business? The Social Media Examiner has done a great piece on QR codes and lists practical uses of QR codes including: the back of your business card, on brochures and marketing materials, for product tags and packaging and for event tickets. They can be linked to things like installation instructions, valuable coupons and special offers and even customer feedback forms. Now. Go out and Scan!

PAGE either we are getting smarter, or our smart phones are getting more intuitive because even people who once said “not for me” are signing on for these devices and using them in more ways than ever before. A quick look at stats for QR code usage is enough to make anyone who has ever tried to communicate with an audience stand up and take notice. There was a 1600% increase in scanning in the last year and a half. Other studies have shown that 52% of the public now know what a QR code is, and 38% have scanned codes to get information or coupons. These figures correlate roughly to sales figures for our high tech toys. Sales of desktops and laptops have been dropping while sales of smart phones and notepads have been rising steadily. As this happens more and more products and applications are being geared towards these devices. QR Codes: A love affair or bad relationship? So, once you understand how much easier it is for people using smart phones and notepads to surf the web, access information about your product or service, and communicate with each other through facebook, twitter and e-mail, you’ll understand why smart phone users are beginning a love affair with QR codes, and marketers and others are capitalizing on opportunities to fan the flames of this attraction. “Right now, QR codes may be the most interesting thing in the world.” Michael Kilcoyne for “Marketing, Mobile”. Instead of typing in a website and navigating the tiny images on the screen to find the information you want, with QR technology and your smart phone, all you have to do is AIM-and-SCAN. Of course, this still supposes that the manufacturer, small business, government entity, public service or non-profit organization has created that option for you by linking their information to a QR code. In the US this process is still a work in progress. As with anything new, there are missteps. One example is a company who thinks that just by linking their QR code to their website, they have hooked into this technology. They have not. Most websites read poorly on cell phones and are difficult to navigate. An optimized website or page will read on one screen. It does not require the viewer to constantly expand and shrink the text and move around on the screen to find what they want. You do not have to optimize your entire website. It’s possible

to just do a landing page. Remember, your audience is mobile and viewing your information on a screen that is the size of a credit card. Some QR readers are better than others and cell phones and internet service affect reception of the message. And, as with all the new and emerging ideas of how to use QR codes, there are as many failures as successes. As many foul balls as home runs. But we are all learning fast and it is easy to see how this technology could become second nature in the future.

GlobeMiamiTimes launches QR ‘projects’ GlobeMiamiTimes is taking the lead this summer to launch a few programs involving QR codes, and we have invited our advertisers to try them out as well. The following programs are directed at our visitors and local businesses. We hope you give them a try if you see one of these decals in a window. GMT Business The BUSINESS project is designed with both local residents and visitors in mind and links the user to a web page about that business which is hosted by GMTeConnect. These business pages have been optimized to read on mobile phones and the pages may be updated by businesses and used in a variety of ways. These decals are provided free of charge to any GMTeConnect member who requests one. GMT History The second project surrounds the HISTORY of a particular building and is designed primarily with our visitors in mind. It is a way of encouraging foot traffic throughout our downtown districts by placing colorful decals in the windows of participating businesses which link to the history of that building. The project is a shared venture between Globe’s Main Street Program and GlobeMiamiTimes. Historical research is provided by local historian, Donna Anderson in concert with information provided by current owners. Research includes date of construction, architectural details, old photos and misc. details as available. The cost is just $65-$85 and includes a window decal or aluminum sign & page hosting for one year.





The Society Page

5 Years of High Society LCGross and GlobeMiamiTimes hosted a show at the Center for the Arts in April. The night of the reception included a camera set up with a remote control so people could take their own pic. It got alittle out of hand!



Easter Parade


The Society Page

April 24th

Bawdy Broad Street Tour May 13 Harvey Girls, Jean, Jerry and Grace, practice their serving skills at the Depot.

Tom Foster and Rudy Amador helped to host the Tours that night which included a stop at the old jail.

'Slugo' and Lucinda turned out with the family for Easter Parade.

The Easter Bunny with the Cowbells

Celebrating a Birthday, Shannon Philpot (seated) shares a night on the town with his friends: Orval Philpot, Carolyn Cummins, Jennifer Culpepper, Steve Quick, JD Philpot, Terry Wilson, Jeremy and Tracy Quick.

The Huddle celebrates Old West Days and the Rodeo Parade: Stan Fuller, Tracy Quick, Roger Lucero, Steve Quick, Terry Wilson, Frank Nader, Al Nader

Old West Days

Chrsocolla Inn recently hosted a group of friends and everyone got into the swing of making fresh, homemade gourmet pizzas. A Deluxe Evening! Thanks, Holly! Alica Jones and Chris Matthews perform at Sam's Open Mic Night.

"A Chilled Affair" was held at Simply Sarahs' in June. Part of Sarah's and Londas summer-long cooking classes,on the Patio, this one focused on gelatos and other frozen delights.

Hudson and Cooper keeping a careful eye on the photographer.

May and Randy Sullivan

Ed and Doris Bacon turned out for the parade with a front row seat, just outside of their shop!

Nancy Sheppard – Trick Roper extroadinaire and home town treasure.




Numerical Qi Feng Shui has been around for thousands of years and is an ancient system of arranging the placement of items using the laws of Heaven and Earth to improve life by receiving positive qi (pronounced “chee.”) One aspect of Feng Shui involves your homes’ ‘vibrational’ energy which can be calculated as follows: Take the numbers of your address and add them together, ie., if your house is 4562 Blaze, add 4 + 5 + 6 + 2 = 17; then add the sum together, ie., 1 + 7 = 81. If the total is more than nine, keep adding the numbers together until you reach a number of 9 or lower. This is your homes Feng Shui vibration. We found a good explanation on the meaning of each ‘vibration’ on diy-stress-relief.com, a cool site which talks about health, wellness and environment. If you want more info on this, check them out! Essence of One: independence; new beginnings; self-development; creativity; individuality; progress. If you want to embark on an individual creative venture or follow your own instincts, this is a good place for you. One homes may not be the neatest – but they encourage risk taking. Essence of Two: a balance of yin and yang energy; surrender of self; putting others before yourself; dynamic attraction one to another. Great home for two people sharing a house as husband/wife, room-mates or lovers. You’ll feel connected and in-tune with the other person in a two home. You’ll find yourself being more diplomatic and understanding of the other in the house. Good place to explore your intuitive abilities and grow a marriage or partnership. Essence of Three: mind, body and spirit; expansion; expression; communication; fun; giving outwardly; openness; optimisim. You’ll feel positive about your life in a three home and it gives you freedom to communicate in your own unique style – including great parties and entertaining. Your social life will increase! Essence of Four: security; selfdiscipline through work and service; productivity; organization; unity. If you’re looking for stable and secure, this is the home for you. Four represents four walls or secure boundaries. It encourages you to be practical and supports stead employment and building strong foundations for the future.

Dr. Julie Grahe DC FIAMA

Essence of Five: feeling free; active; physical; impulsive; energetic; adventurous; excitement; change. This is a good house to move into if you want to increase your communication skills. It is a house which is on the go all the time with people in and out and lots

of activity. Great for mental stimulation and sharing experiences. Good place for a journalist! Good house for romantic flings! Essence of Six: compassion; love; beauty; service; self-harmony; caring; children; balance; community service; the Arts. Ahhh, a home which is a center of harmony and balance. Great for raising a family. Close relationships blossom, as does compassion in a six house. Essence of Seven: the inner life; mystical; wisdom, seven chakras; birth and rebirth; religious strength; sacred vows; spiritual ritual; path of solitude; analysis; contemplation. This is a home for contemplation and solitude. Here you can analyze the past and present and emphasize your spiritual development. Great place for someone who lives alone and wants to retreat. Essence of Eight: material prosperity; self-power; abundance; reward; authority; leadership; infinity; cosmic consciousness. You’ll feel abundance in all areas of your life with lots of friends, family and material possessions. Living in an “Eight” house contributes to your organizational and managerial skills and thus to success. You command respect and equality in an Eight house. Essence of Nine: selflessness; dedicating your life to others; completion and endings; release; universal compassion; tolerance; wisdom. Your love and compassion for humanity expands in this home. Your greater wisdom means you’ll be able to ‘not sweat the small stuff.’ Even if you don’t have a choice in your home’s vibrational energy, you can still learn from the energy that is there. Just be open to the possibilities and ask yourself, “How can I learn from this?”









HWY 60


Antique Shop


*Please note: This map is not to scale, it is intended for informational purposes only.




































BULLION PLAZA Straight Ahead
































Open Sundays



To Besh ba Gowah Pinal Mountains





MESQUITE ONE WAY this block only




*Please note: This map is not to scale, it is intended for informational purposes only.


Train photo by Rick Benning




FREE Entrance to Historic Downtown Globe








To discover more about our local shops and businesses, see the business directory GMTeconnect.com



































Open Sundays



To Besh ba Gowah Pinal Mountains





MESQUITE ONE WAY this block only




*Please note: This map is not to scale, it is intended for informational purposes only.


Train photo by Rick Benning




FREE Entrance to Historic Downtown Globe








To discover more about our local shops and businesses, see the business directory GMTeconnect.com













HWY 60


Antique Shop


*Please note: This map is not to scale, it is intended for informational purposes only.




































BULLION PLAZA Straight Ahead



New Digital Scanner Opens Up New Possibilities Bullion Plaza Museum Executive Director Tom Foster tests out the new digital scanner which was purchased with the help of a $15,000 grant from Freeport McMoran, plus private donations and in-kind matches. The scanner offers the latest technology in this type of equipment and will read both microfiche and reels. It has text recognition, and will scan and print two sides. Many libraries and museums are still using older scanners because they work, and they are expensive to replace, but here in Globe-Miami we had the 'good fortune' to have scanners which were beyond repair. This meant that anyone wishing to do research would have to travel to Phoenix to access old microfish film of historical events. In a community where local history played such a key role in much of the State's history, being able to access historical accounts and records is a valuable service to a range of journalists, researchers, book authors and others. Foster first heard about grant funding through FMI which might be used to purchase a new scanner, and he and Cynthia Bach filled out the grant application which was later accepted by FMI for funding. The grant funding was for a total of $30,000 which will also pay for computers, printers and furnishings for a new Research Room at Bullion Plaza Museum. The Room is schedule to open to the public in September.





GLOBEMIAMITIMES Summertime in our house always meant it was time to pile into the family station wagon and head to grandma’s house. That old station wagon was so wrapped up in our early years that our mother wrote a story once about our childhood through the many adventures we’d had in that car. To her the car was as reliable and wondrous as the ‘Deacon’s One Horse Shay’ and she fondly referred to it as DW for it’s entire life which reached well past 200,000 miles. Recently, my brother and I were reminiscing and the subject of DW came up. John, who brings his man-perspective to this topic, started comparing DW to his most recent purchase. And it turns out – the memory of DW still carries magic.

MY FATHER’S CAR By John Gross I bought a new car this year. It came with every amenity I could imagine, and some I have yet to discover. It has an air conditioner that uses a Freon gas that will not impact our ozone leading to global warming. If driven carefully, it can attain mileage figures that a few years ago, would have been deemed impossible. It has radial tires offering less rolling resistance and disc brakes for safer stopping. It has ergonomically correct seats, and a radio that receives its signal from an orbiting satellite. I can make a phone call to anywhere in the world by simply asking my rearview mirror to get someone on the line. It has steering column mounted controls for the radio and speed control so your hands need never leave the wheel. Its engine, driveline, and emissions systems are computer controlled for optimum performance. I have more computing power in my car than did the original Apollo Space Program. I may be a middle-aged, balding, white guy, but I gotta say, I’m rolling phat….. Or am I. When I was six years old, my Father bought a new “family car”, a gleaming white Chevrolet Biscayne Station Wagon. It came loaded with a 283 cubic inch small block motor rated at 165 blistering horsepower. Dad sprang for the two-speed PowerGlide Automatic transmission and, Air Conditioning. Dad passed on power steering, power brakes, and carpeting as those were luxuries that undoubtedly would have cost more to purchase and yet more to maintain. And we didn’t need them. Mom and Dad were both young and absolutely capable to wrenching a steering wheel, or smashing a brake petal, kind of an early day isometric

exercise program. As was true of Detroit Iron at the time, it was a true lead-sled. The frame, engine and body pieces were all steel. No plastic, carbon fiber, fiberglass, or aluminum for this beast. It was all steel. As a token of good faith, they did manage to wrap the seats with vinyl, and there was some kind of plastic insert over the steel panels in the door, but it was basically three thousand pounds of steel barreling down the road. The dash wasn’t covered with anything except a coat of grey paint. It acted as a huge heat sink whereby in the summer it would heat enough to cook eggs, maintain that heat the entire time you were driving, then slowly dissipate the heart once you’d stopped in a shady spot. The car had seatbelts, I remember. I asked my Mom once why she didn’t wear hers, and she replied “because I have the steering wheel that I hold onto. You should wear yours.” Which I didn’t because it was an impediment to clambering over the seats. The rear seat would fold down if you didn’t have guests and create a huge cargo bay. I’ve seen the cargo bay on Endeavor, and I’d pit our old station wagon against it any day. Of course Endeavor does have that cool remote controlled articulating arm, but we had three kids, so I believe it’s a wash.

GLOBEMIAMITIMES And he bought air conditioning. This has puzzled me for 50 years. He wouldn’t actually use the Air Conditioning, as he believed the gas mileage suffered. This at a time when a gallon of regular gas was about 19 cents. He’d occasionally turn the blower on and all the accumulated dust from those miles of riding around with the windows down would come hurtling out of the vents and settle on the rubber matted floors, or just as likely, your face as you had it pressed against the vent to see where the “cold” air had gone. Mom was only marginally better. Apparently getting caught running the air conditioner was tantamount to some kind of sick infidelity in our home, so she’d run it intermittently and always with the caveat that we not tell. Over the years we used those “cubic feet of cargo space” in manners never anticipated by its designers. It hauled dirt, groceries, kids, bikes, newspapers, horses, household goods, rocks, furniture, dogs and cats, and more. It ran through hailstorms, rainstorms, snowstorms, dust storms, ice storms, tornadoes, and at least one hurricane. It was never properly maintained, yet we had such utter faith in that car, it always came as a huge surprise when something broke, which it rarely did. The floorboards were one of its first casualties. Beginning with a small seam of rust, it expanded until it finally let go in the back seat. No worries, we placed a floor mat over the hole and save for the exhaust fumes coming into the cabin you’d never know. The exhaust fumes weren’t really all that bad as the Air Conditioner was still not used, so the windows were always down. The quarter panels were next as I recall. All those years of driving on salted

PAGE roads, finally rusted the quarter panels through. Kind of good news though, as any further salt would run all the way out without getting trapped between

Have you ever wondered where the family station wagon got it’s start in America? Well, it seems they were initially designed to collect passengers and their luggage from train stations. At a time when train travel was de riguer, the issue of what to do with all that luggage upon arrival drove the need to design a car with atleast as much luggage space as passenger space. They were initially called ‘depot hacks.’ The name station (train) and wagon (cars with luggage space) eventually took hold and America began their love affair with them. As train travel began to take a back seat, literally, to America’s love affair with their cars, families discovered all that “cargo” space meant they could pile the kids, grandma and the family dog in the back and hit the road – which they did in huge numbers. Which is why so many of us have ‘Backseat Memories’ of traveling with our siblings in piles of blankets, graham crackers, and silly games.

two panels. An occasional chunk of rust would continue to fall out but as we had no way of knowing whether that was bad or not, we assumed the car as it aged was just lightening its load. I believe we must have lost the keys at some point. The car never, as far as I recall, required a key to start. It had an ignition port, a place where you could if you wanted to show off, put a key, but it was always an option. The way it worked was that there was a raised plate of either side of where the key could be inserted and if you didn’t have a key, or simply couldn’t be bothered, you put your fingers on either side of the ignition switch and turned it. The car was perfectly happy with this arrangement, as were we. Now you couldn’t open a locked door, until its later years when a sharp tap on the door would make the door window slide down enough to get your hand through it without a key but our family was never big on locking doors anyway. The radio was amazing. AM only, without station select buttons, so


you had to tune all the way across the band, stopping when the static faded and some station came through. Paul Harvey must have been on at least half of the radio stations in the country because I can’t recall ever NOT being able to find a station he was on. You’d listen and listen and wait until you heard those magic words “… and now you know the….rest of the story” before cranking on the tuning knob again. Satellite radio on my new car doesn’t have a thing on that old AM radio. I remember many an evening driving across the plains states listening to WLS in Chicago. Now THAT was magic. I’d never even been to Chicago, but here I was 1,500 miles away, listening to the same radio station as the people who lived there. Simply Amazing. So now I drive a new car. It rides better and is safer for my family than the old station wagon. It gets better gas mileage, pollutes less, handles better, stops better, and even cools better. But it’s a soulless form of transportation. It will never have the character that that old wagon had. I am absolutely sure that in fifty years, no one will be sitting down at their computer to remember a family member that ran on ethanol.




Entertaining with Simply Sarah Savoring Summer's Bounty By Sarah Bernstein

This summer, as my garden spreads beyond its boundaries and I begin to harvest the fruits of our labor, I savor the beauty of all the fresh garden produce. The abundance of rich colors, textures and flavor inspire my appetite and what better place to set a table and and serve up the harvest than right in the garden! This last weekend, my garden table was set for two and the menu drew upon a community of growers and homemade craftsman from my area. It included one of my favorites this time of year; a roasted veggie egg scramble" which included veggies grilled the night before Sarah Bernstein is the proprietor of Simpy Sarah's in downtown Globe, who juggles her roles as artist, mother, wife, and entrepreneur to "...savor life and find the beauty in all mediums" ..... She is currently co-hosting summer evening classes at her shop, with Chef Londa Ortega-Robison in outdoor cooking and entertaining. Space is limited and registration is required. Call the store for more information: (928) 425-3892.

in Queen Creek Olive Mills' Meyers Lemon Olive Oil with sea salt and freshly cracked pepper from Simply Sarah. And the veggies themselves come from the Harbison, Dickison and Gross family gardens, with fresh sweet basil from our garden and the the eggs came from Reevis Mountain School. (2) The strawberry and banana jam came from the kitchen of Chris Attaway (and should surely take a ribbon at the fair). (3) Hibiscus tea – Simply Sarah. (4) A fresh peach and apricot tort made by myself and inspired by a beautiful selection Currently, the classes are showcasing flavors from our downtown Safeway. (5) and foods from around the world. Chef Londa Fresh fruit, yoghurt and granola Robison (far right) with some of the class participants, showing off their Paella. parfait made from fruit from the local market mixed with palm sugar and korintje cinnamon,with a hint of Nielsen-Massey Vanilla and drizzled in Pleasant Valley Honey from Young beekeeper Dan Cooper. The nest of scrumptious coconut/cherry granola blend was purchased at our local farmers market from Dana Cecil of Sweet. It was a most delicious meal if I say so myself. Life is good and we are blessed. Globe has yet to be discovered as a 'foodie mecca,' but we may just Tony Brusca flew in fresh Alaskan Salmon for a be on our way. special class on Tuesday.



GlobeMiamiTimes Contest All it takes is a GlobeMiamiTimes in the photo, or a really good story to put you in the running for prizes and accolades from us.

Pets Love GMT Our new facebook application invites readers like you who have pets like this, to submit your photos on our page and tell us about why you love your pet and why your pet loves GMT. Friends, family and viewers can weigh in on their favorite pics by voting for them! The ones which get the top ratings every quarter will be reviewed by our panel of judges and prizes awarded for the following categories: • Most Endearing. This category involves the “Awwww ain’t that cute” response. • Smart Pets. This category includes a photo and a blurb about what your pet does exactly that you feel qualifies them for the “Smart Pets Hall of Fame.” • Best Buddy. This category is about you and your pet. Show (and tell) us why you and your pet would ‘friend’ each other on facebook if you could.

Not This!


GlobeTrotters for GMT

For years, we’ve heard from readers who have sent the GlobeMiamiTimes to friends and family in far off places so we initially designed this second application for just that reason! We wanted to see just how many places in the world, GMT is being read! But then we broaden the idea to include our own backyard. So, here’s how it works! Anywhere YOU or your friends and family are reading the GlobeMiamiTimes qualifies in the GlobeTrotters category. Snap a photo and share a blurb about it on our Globetrotters Facebook testimonial page and then get your friends and family to vote on your entry. Those votes can help place your entry into the running for prizes and accolades. The prizes awarded in the Globe Trotter category include: • Farthest Away. Your photograph should include some identifying marker to show us that you really are in Krasnoarmeysk, Russia...or some little Isle in Ireland. Don’t forget to include a short blurb about your adventure! • Around The Neighborhood. This category includes any place you and your friends read the GMT. The photo might include more than one person(s) reading the paper, and can be anywhere around town or our ‘neighborhood’ of Gila County.

Entries in both contests will be reviewed by our ‘Panel of Judges’ and prizes will be handed out, plaques awarded, accolades given...and we will publish the winners in the upcoming GlobeMiamiTimes. See our facebook page for more details, www.facebook. com/globemiamitimes.




GLOBEMIAMITIMES to Special Tribute

tto e n o d d O h p e s o J Word spread quickly in a community which thrived on the comfort foods, as well as the ‘hometown comfort’, of Joe’s Broad Street Grille. Joseph Oddonetto, chef, restaurant owner and hometown boy, passed away on July 4th at the age of 55 while on his annual visit to Grand Junction, Colorado, to visit his sister and ‘cook for family.’ He was born and raised in Globe and lived in the family home at the top of Oak Street. He loved, but never married. Never had children of his own. Instead he cared for family and friends whenever he was called upon to do so. Or simply whenever he saw a need. He cared for his father in the family homed until he passed away, and later for Sister Mary’s kids when she passed away two years ago. He was the ‘Go To’ guy for his senior neighbors up on Oak, many of whom have known him since he was a boy. He would check in on them, and whether it was helping with a household repair or bringing over some of his famous apple cobbler, they knew he was there. It was Woody Allen who once said, 80% of success in life is just showing up. Joe “O” was a guy who showed up always for his family and his community. He grew up here, built a life, had a successful business and was an integral part of a community who came to depend upon him for both personal and professional reasons. Immediately following the news, people began to stop by and leave flowers in the doorway of Joe’s Grille. Someone put up a banner. And someone else posted a poem from the ‘Class of ’74’. It speaks for a community who loved him:

“He will be thought of always and missed dearly.” Although details were not available at press time, Joe’s Broad Street Grille will continue under the capable skills of Adrian Perez, Joe’s long time right-hand man. It will be business as usual. Just as he would have wished. For everyone who has ever been honked at by Joe (it was his way of letting ya know he saw you), please feel free to ‘Honk Back” as you drive by Joe’s Broad Street Grill this summer. We’ll know what you mean.



A new book which is scheduled to be out in October, just in time for the State’s Centennial Year and the holiday season of gift giving is Jim Turner’s, ‘Arizona. A Celebration of the Grand Canyon State.’ Turner, who grew up in Tucson and retired from the Arizona Historical Society, is now a “Roads Scholar” for the Arizona Humanities Council. He gives talks across the State which have been called “entertaining, educational, and inspiring.” He has also been a contributing writer to the GlobeMiamiTimes and submitted the current piece, “Three Remarkable Women of Globe” for the summer edition. I got a sneak preview of his book while he was here and the photography alone, both historical and modern-day is worth the $26 investment. When you add Jim’s developed sense of historical perspective and insight, you end of up with a book which will both entertain and delight a wide audience. He tells me that many of the photographs and chapters related directly to Globe-Miami and this region of the State and we look forward to a local book signing and future articles in GMT which provide excerpts and embellishments upon topics near and dear to the Globe-Miami community. Currently, it is possible to pre-order the book through Amazon.com with a ship date of October. The Wigwam Motel is on Route 66 at the edge of Holbrook Arizona. It was built in 1950, part of the resurgence of tourism after World War II when the G.I.s had their Bill, gas rationing was over, the auto industry was booming, and it was time to "See the USA in your Chevrolet."

Got Web?

We do websites, web pages, social media and marketing for your business. Packages Available. Call Today or scan our code GlobeMiamiTImes, Linda Gross


I Jordan Johnson's Catering – LCGross

(480) 329-9842





Hollis Cinema

Reclaiming the magic It’s 1940 in Phoenix, Arizona. A man by the name of Frank Hollis oversees that tonight everything goes according to plan. A couple arrives formerly dressed for the special occasion. The doors are opened by an employee in suit and tie, and the guests find their designated seating. Once everyone in their evening’s best is seated, the lights dim and the feature presentation begins. If you haven’t already guessed, we’re at the theaters and no one knows movies better than the Hollis family. Frank Hollis was manager of Fox Vista Theater in Phoenix, Arizona in the 1940s, requiring that all employees dress in formal attire. He knew a night out at the movies was magical and made sure it was all that and more. However, Frank had a decision to make. He and his wife could move across country to New York

The Fox Vista Theater in Phoenix – 1940s; Courtesy of the Hollis Family

By Kate Peifer

The Alden Theater in downtown Globe; Courtesy of Gila County Historical Museum

City where Frank was offered a managerial job for Radio City Studio, or he could move to the small town of Globe and purchase two local theatres, Alden and Globe Cinemas. The young couple set their sights on Globe where they could safely raise the children and moved in 1951. The smaller of the two theatres, the Alden, was shut down and the Apache Drive-in was built where the current Fry’s is now located. In 1976, the drive-in was relocated to it’s current site off of US Highway 60.

Frank’s son, Bobby Hollis, remembers well the magic of movies and the impact it had on him. To no surprise, he took over the family business, managing the sole movie theatre within a 70mile radius. In deciding which films to show and for how long, Bobby hires film buyers in Los Angeles to preview movies, then report which movies Firefighters work to contain the blaze of they believe would do well. the Pioneer Hotel fire in the early morning hours; photo by Linda Gross Bobby makes the ultimate decision after considering his audience and juggling how to feature new movies with limited space. An interesting fact unbeknown to many, is that film industries demand almost 90 percent of ticket sales, and the snack bar is where profit is generated. Once the movies are released, all Bobby can do is hope. It’s uncommon to find an operating drive-in theater, making the one in Globe a rare gem. The Apache Drive-in sits on eight

GLOBEMIAMITIMES acres of land with F.M. radio and old time hanging speakers that suspend from car windows. The usual crowd consists mainly of families with small children and the elderly. “There is a very different atmosphere to driveins from a stadium” Hollis explained, “You’re either looking to relax, going out for nostalgia or doing the whole date thing.” Cost of the drive-in is

$15 dollars per carload, so no need to sneak anyone in by way of the trunk. The decline in drive-ins is due to the tremendous upkeep and simply because they don’t yield the same amount of profit as stadiums with surround sound. It is refreshing to see that such an experience has not yet been entirely lost. All was well with the theaters until things took a turn for the worse. On July 17, 2005, Bobby received a late night phone call bearing the news of a fire in downtown Globe. The Pioneer Hotel, which sat next to Globe Cinemas, had caught fire and toppled onto the theatre. The intensity of the fire was so great it melted the blinds in the neighboring courthouse! Immediate response from five different fire departments, including the Globe Fire Department, maintained the fire within a one block vicinity but the hotel and theatre were destroyed. The marquee was the only thing saved. The city began cleanup in September of 2006 by purchasing the lot the Pioneer Hotel had stood on.

PAGE With minimal insurance on the theatre, Bobby knew rebuilding would be an arduous task. He went to the Small Business Development Center of Gila Community College and found Ron Neilsen. “I walked into SBA, explained the situation and Ron looked at me and said he used to own a movie theatre in Washington. He understood the business. Ron Neilsen was a godsend”, stated Hollis. Neilsen helped devise a plan for the new theatre and secure finances. Bobby bought the lot next to the theatre and began reconstruction in January of 2009. It was important to Bobby to have the new building be aesthetically pleasing to the rest of downtown Globe. With this in mind, brick was chosen as the surface, instead of cement, and windows were placed all around. Nearly ten months later on November 20, the new theater, with the original marquee in place, reopened! Hollis recalled the opening day features where more than 1,000 people came to enjoy a movie for the first time in over two years. “Let’s see, there was New Moon, Michael Jackson’s This Is It, The Blind Side and A Christmas Carol”, he laughs. He also remembers how overwhelming and anxious he had been, and how he had asked his wife, “What have I done?” Despite all the jitters and butterflies, Bobby realized the revitalization Hollis Cinemas had brought to downtown and the magic of film he had reclaimed into the lives of moviegoers. Kate Peifer is a sophomore at the University of Portland in Oregon where she is majoring in French, English and Fine Arts. While spending the summer in Globe with her father, she worked on several pieces for GMT and GMTnewsnviews. She will return to school this Fall where she will work for the school newspaper, The Beacon. Her dream job would be to write, travel and never stop learning.





Desert Oasis Wellness Center When one door closes another always opens. This last winter when temperatures hit all time lows, killing off plants and bursting pipes one of the casualties of Mother natures’ winter freeze was the pipes at Hicks Chiropractic Clinic in downtown Globe. The clinic, which was established by Drs. Therese Hicks and her sister, Janet Cline, has been a fixture in the community for over twenty years. In January when pipes burst, they sent water cascading

from the ceilings on the second floor throughout the elegantly restored offices of Adobe Ranch Spa and Hicks Chiropractic clinic. The ‘event’ took a toll on people, computers and ‘Business-As-Usual.” It took nearly six months as the mess was sorted, the insurance adjuster called and everyone was able to re-group and reassess. And a funny thing happened in the process. The broken pipes turned out to be both a catastrophe and an

opportunity for everyone involved. Dr. Cline, who had temporarily relocated the offices to a building on Ash Street found herself settling in to the new location as weeks turned into months to make the repairs. When her sister, Therese decided to retire from practice to pursue opportunities in ranching, 'Dr. Janet' decided to stay in the new location and open up under her own name: Cline Chiropractic and Acupuncture Clinic. (See pp 23) Therese Hicks, who owns the property, then agreed to lease the newly remodeled offices on Broad Street to Dr. Julie, who had come to work for Hicks Chiropractic Clinic nearly seven years early. Grahe, who enrolled in chiropractic school after severely injuring her lower back years ago, says she discovered the benefits of chiropractic treatments when not only did her back improve significantly but her annual case of bronchitis ceased! That experience convinced her that chiropractic medicine could change lives. Grahe and her husband came to Globe after practicing in Phoenix for

five years and she says they jumped at the opportunity to move to a small community “...where people know you and there was a greater opportunity to establish long term relationships with patients and their families.” They were looking for more “connection” and found it in Globe. It was a good fit. Today, seven years later, the doors have opened on a new chapter. And it is a beautiful chapter at that! The interior of the “new” Desert Oasis Wellness Clinic has been completely remodeled and there is a serene air about the place. Grahe is looking forward to building her practice in Globe and will be focusing on nutrition, lifestyle and exercise. She provides not only chiropractic services but acupuncture, homeopathy, supplements and herbal medicines. She also offers additional therapies that she feels has healing properties, such as infrared light therapy, toxin removal and cold laser treatments. Dr. Julie will be hosting a regular weekly program on personal health on KJ1240AM every Friday morning at 6am. And if you miss the program, you’ll be able to find it on their website. The Desert Oasis Wellness Center is open MondaysFridays 8am-5pm.

GLOBEMIAMITIMES Dreamweaver, Continued from page 1 The wearer slung the basket on her back; a strap across the forehead used gravity to keep it in place. ‘Jingles’ at the end of buckskin strips were meant to frighten vermin. Baskets were utilitarian by nature, although specialized decoration by individual weavers created works of art which are sought after by collectors and museums the world over.

PAGE learned by watching both her parents weave until midnight, and while she was proud of herself, that first piece was “… really bad, but it was in the shape of a basket. [I tell my Mom] I’ve always regretted not keeping my first basket.” She learned to cut the cottonwood sticks down by the river in San Carlos or Peridot and to harvest willow from San Carlos, Fort Thomas or the White Mountains. It takes between two and three hours to bend the cottonwood branches, cut and then gather them; smaller trees are the best because they’re younger and softer. For bigger ceremonial baskets she will use thicker sticks, as more support is needed. The willow strips are split three ways, peeled, and woven as quickly as possibly so they won’t dry out- or they can be stored in Ziploc bags for later use. She will then grade the cottonwood sticks and begin weaving the willow strips between them, much like a loom. “I start at the bottom and work up!” Patience is a virtue which gets tested. She says, “I can’t have anybody bother me,” because sometimes the sticks fall outa frustrating thing- and they have to be re-placed. When one looks at the bottom of a well done basket, it appears ‘punched up’-

Mary Jane Dudley is a third generation basket weaver. She credits her mother, Evelyn Henry, for teaching her to weave, and her Grandmother, for teaching her. > Here, they walk together and look for a good stand of willow trees with soft, supple branches.

The heyday of Apache burden basket weaving came to an end during the Great Depression. This was due to many factors: the availability of inexpensive pots and pans (which made baskets redundant for many uses) and the prejudicial attitudes of white bureaucrats who thwarted the sharing of weaving techniques with Apache children by sending them off to government schools. The art of Native American weaving has begun to blossom again, and talented weavers such as Mary Jane Dudley possess the commitment and patience needed to produce baskets which are sturdy, attractive and long lasting. “These are not wind chimes,” she says, laughing. Today, burden baskets in the Apache community are prized for ceremonial use, primarily the rite of passage of a young girl to womanhood during the Sunrise Dance. Sometimes called gift baskets or cigarette baskets, they are filled with candies and presents and distributed to the participants. Larger baskets are filled with food and carried on the back as the girl dances. Mary Jane says, “Burden baskets are a cultural thing, and they stay within the families. It makes me feel good to see them use my baskets.” Mary Jane Dudley was thirteen years old, one of seven children, when she made her first basket. She

an inverted cone. This is due to the tightness of the willow weave. “It’s better to have this [punched up] cone inside because it makes the basket stronger”, she adds. The top rim is wrapped twice, with wire and willow strips, and then a strip of buckskin is wrapped around that. After ‘dressing’ it by adding the strap and thin strips of buckskin which hang from the rim and the base, Dudley adds the ‘bells’ (jingles) which she has hand-cut from tin baking powder cans (in the old days, these were cut from lard cans)- and the basket is finished. This is the most difficult part for Dudley, and she’s relieved and tired when it’s completed. She is unstoppable, however. “I can’t just sit here and do nothing,” she exclaims. “I have to weave!”


‘Single stitch’ baskets are especially difficultthese are done with a 1X1 stitch as opposed to the more common 2X2, and it’s a much finer, tighter weave. Devil’s Claw (martynia) is blended with the willow for these striking baskets. The Devil’s Claw is soaked in hot water overnight, then split twice and woven. It’s an arduous process because the strips are so thin. Mary Jane creates baskets on commission and she also sells to purveyors of Native American art, such as Globe’s Pickle Barrel Trading Post. “We absolutely love her work- her attention to detail and the tightness of her weaving is unsurpassable,” says Kelly Moss, who with her husband Jim has owned the Pickle Barrel for eight years. To Dudley, this is a far cry from that first basket she sold to Rupkey’s Trading Post in Peridot so many years ago. “I didn’t know how to sell a basket then,” she says. “I was really happy and appreciated what they did for me.” Today her biggest challenge is getting them done in time: Dudley is a very busy woman. It wasn’t this way a few years ago, after she and her husband, Dennis, lost their seventeen year old son, David, in 2005. She stopped weaving entirely for a two year period because she felt so lost. It was her son, Danny, who told her to resume her craft – “He said, ‘Never give up. You have to keep busy so you won’t think so much’.” Dudley’s favorite image to use in her art is that depicting Friendshipa circle of people holding hands. Her second favorite- which has a deeper meaning – is the Eagle and the Feather. Her sister, Velda, was the one to create this image. “I like doing this one,” she says, adding, “The Eagle represents strength and it reminds me to stay strong, and the Feather [represents] protection. It’s God who protects me all the time and I’ve always relied on God. My parents raised us up in a Christian home.” She goes on to clarify that while the Feather offers protection, it’s truly God who does that job because He is the one who helps us through hard timesand the one who has bestowed the ability and the knowledge to weave. “I’m glad more people are weaving,” says Mary Jane. “This will keep the tradition alive. My Grandmother, Cecilia Henry, was a well known weaver in Peridot. All of my sisters were weavers, and one continues.” She pauses, then adds, “Of all the baskets- I’ve done so many over my life- the one I’m most proud of is my very first basket, which I no longer have.” In closing, she continues, “I also appreciate my Mother, Evelyn Henry, for teaching me to weave, and my Grandmother, for teaching her. And also for my family, for being behind me.” The work of Mary Jane Dudley can be seen at the Pickle Barrel Trading Post in Globe.



Integrative Medicine, Continued from page 1 But the bad guy paradigm isn’t working with the diseases which plague most Americans today. We are facing a new set of Big medical challenges and it has prompted many to look outside the realm of traditional medicine to find answers. While alternative therapies have been around for as long as traditional medicine, they have typically existed outside the realm of ‘real medicine’ until lately. Today, both patients and providers are incorporating these therapies, often side-by-side with allopathic treatments, with greaterr success. In doing so the alternative therapiess including those based on nutrition, meditation,, e bio feedback, herbs and supplements, massage g and acupuncture have steadily been moving into the lexicon of our healthcare system and into the minds of mainstream Americans. One of the first physicians to pursue this connection was Harvard-trained Dr. Andrew Weil who saw the curative effects of botanicals and herbs while traveling in South America in the early ‘70s for the Institute of Current World Affairs. Weil believes mainstream and alternative therapies should be used in conjunction with each other. In 1994 he launched the first fellowship program to teach Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, and since then has graduated over 500 physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners. Today there are 42 academic medical centers including Mayo Clinic, Duke University, John Hopkins, and Harvard Medical School which offer programs in Integrative medicine. Despite these major inroads, the use of alternative therapies is still seen as smoke and mirrors by some and resisted by traditionalists as being without foundation. One such skeptic was Physicians’ Assistant, Chad Campbell, who had come to Globe in ’98 to work for Drs. Ramona Woodruff and later Amalia Pineres

Dr. Jerry Jensen, Joy Watson PA-C and Chad CampbellPA-C with the staff of both clinics

GLOBEMIAMITIMES M.D. before taking a sabbatical to work for surgeon, Dr. Joseph Abdo. “I was getting burned out in Family Practice after nearly ten years,” Campbell says. “People would come in and say something like, ‘Oh you’re gonna yell at me now.’ I was put in a role I didn’t want to be in. It felt like I was a principal. And a mean

flaxseed on the food you eat you can adjust your sugar content in your body. Today if you met Campbell on the street you could readily believe he played soccer in the mid ‘90s and had once entertained the idea of going pro before a serious injury smashed that plan. His plan B was medical field. He is still trim, exudes energy when talking to you and has an almost boyish enthusiasm when talking about his current plans for bringing Integrative Medicine to Globe-Miami. His clinic, Hope Family Care, sits in a small strip m mall just outside of downtown Globe. It is tucked b between a Napa Auto Parts store and a vacant o office. It would be easy to overlook, if not for tthe name HOPE painted in cursive white text a against a stone grey background. It is the o only hint from the outside that this is not y your typical strip-mall store. Inside, the w walls are washed in grey and soft lighting e envelopes the room. A large painting with a almost an iridescent waterfall and lush green tropical growth pulls your attention inward instead of outward at the parking lot. Sofas trimmed in mahogany and covered in off white linen provide an inviting place to sit while waiting. The message here – even upon walking through the door – is this – environment matters. Recently the Atlantic Journal published an article on integrative medicine which said, in part, “...studies show the average visit in a traditional setting averages about 20 minutes, during which time doctors change the subject back to technical one at that! That wasn’t what I went into medicine talk when patients mention their emotions. And that to do.” But when it came to what he did want to do they spend a single minute providing information that was harder. Having been trained in traditional to patients about their health issues. And bring medicine and believing firmly in researchup weight issues with fewer than half of their based medicine, Campbell liked the pure science overweight patients.” of surgery – but knew his heart was still in These findings are not necessarily the fault of family medicine. doctors, rather a System which is driven by So in 2009 when EAHEC (Eastern insurance companies who compensate Arizona Health Education College) “diagnosis and prescription.” approached Campbell and offered When the focus is on the to sponsor him in Dr. Weil’s twomind-body connection, talk year fellowship program, his first becomes as important as reaction was No Way. He believed it lab results. was all a bit like voodoo and he told And as Hipprocrates them he wasn’t interested. said, “ It is more important Instead, he was talked into to know what sort of attending just one class in person has a disease cardiology to “give it a try.” Like than to know what sort of others before him, Campbell did disease a person has.” a 180 degree turn once he was At the Hope Family exposed to the strides which have Care Clinic, you are likely to been made in this new field. be greeted by PA-C, Joy Watson “What I found out is that it is based who smiles as she comes into on research!” the room. She is dressed Joy Watson reviewing her notes. “There has been great research in capris and a summer and studies on how foods affect our bodies. orange top. Her tousled blonde hair is pulled up They’ve proven, for example that flax seed has and wrapped in a clip. The only indication that she been shown to reduce ‘postprandial sugars’ by will be the one dispensing medical advice is the 20 percent!” Those are the sugars after you eat, stethoscope laying around her neck and a small laptop so simply by sprinkling a tablespoon of ground she carries and writes notes in as you talk.



The serene reception area at Hope Family Clinic.

Campbell says the idea is to let the patient take the lead. If they want a diagnosis and a pill, Campbell and the Hope staff don’t insist the patient try a change in diet or bio-feedback. However, the approach surrounding Integrative Medicine is to find out more about the patient’s environment. Their lifestyle, ie., what they eat, how they move through their day, what medicines they are currently on, both prescribed and over the counter. It takes time, but often reveals problems which can readily be helped thru a change of diet, exercise or other therapy. The idea at Hope Family Care is to raise awareness of factors contributing to, or causing problems and then educate, advise and offer choices. It is the patient who decides what seems right for them. As a physicians assistant operating a stand-alone clinic, Campbell is required to work under a Physician which serves

PAGE to oversee and advise on cases. He one of his classmates in the Fellowship found the perfect complement in program, into giving up her Family local family physician, Dr. Holly Practice in Maine and coming to Globe Rooney, who graduated from the to help him spearhead an Integrative U of A Medical School in ’97 where Clinic for the Globe-Miami area. Dr. Weil would occasionally lecture, Dr. Jerry Jensen had been practicing did her residency in Reno, Nevada family care for 20 years in Maine, and and moved back home to Globe in had pursued classes in alternative 2000 to open her own practice. The therapies and nutrition before relationship between Rooney and signing on for the same fellowship in Campbell shows just how well the Integrative Medicine as Campbell. two approaches to medicine can During her years as a Family (A) complement each other and (B) Care physician, Dr. Jensen took actually overlap in many ways. classes on spirituality and medicine, “I was brought up by a mother nutrition and other mind-body who was a dietician,” says Rooney. connections. She even took a six month “We never drank sodas, and may sabbatical to attend a mostly have eaten one BigMac a year vegetarian cooking school in growing up!” Manhattan and later did an internship “What we eat and put in at the Chopra Center in La Jolla, our bodies plays a huge role in California. She believes in the health,” Rooney says. “And what integration of both tradition and we are learning about the role of alternative therapies and points out nutrition and the mind body that, “patients are already sampling connection is constantly expanding alternatives on their own.” Jensen goes how we approach medicine on to say, “...with our medical and healthcare.” training, we are in “Take the old a better position to fashioned food pyramid help guide them in that we all grew up with. their choices.” It says we should Campbell and be eating 6-8 Jensen will be servings of grains pioneering a program every day. Now with Phoenix Baptist we think that is Hospital by offering too much. In fact, a residency program just recently the in Integrative Medicine National Institute for Family Practice of Health threw out residents. It will be the the pyramid and first residency program replaced it with the of it’s kind to offer pie, which gives training in integrative equal emphasis to medicine in a rural the food groups. setting. The program, Rooney and which will launch this Dr. Holly Rooney has had her Campbell, are both own Family Practice in Globe summer, will handle up since 2000. She and Chad working to leverage to seven students who consult on a weekly basis. the strides made in will spend one month healthcare due to traditional medicine rotations working with the staff at while expanding their bag Hope Clinic. of remedies to include new Jensen smiles as she points out that therapies and research there are now sites in Arizona who will which defy that old saying, also be bringing Integrative Medicine “There’s nothing new under concepts to family care/pediatrics the sun.” programs and this, she says, is the real In healthcare. the exciting trend. field of medicine is ever “The real change is going to evolving and proving it happen (in healthcare) if we can is not only possible – educate the parents and those young but a good idea to teach children as they are growing up. If old dogs new tricks; we can start to influence that pool of including both patients people....well, that’s where the real and physicians. change is going to happen over the Campbell recently talked next 20, 30 or 40 years.”


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