By Patricia Sanders n south-central Utah, due east of Moab and north of the Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument, lives one of the most remarkable creatures on Earth. From the edge of an alpine lake, a forest of quaking aspen climbs the steep angle of a hillside. A portion of this highaltitude forest – 107 acres of it, comprising some 47,000 trees – is one single organism: a clonal colony of aspen growing from a single root system. The colony weighs around 6,600 tons, making it the world’s most massive organism. Pando, as this colony of quaking aspens is known, has been alive and regenerating itself for at least 80,000 years. The name is Latin for “I spread.” Painter Frank Balaam discovered Pando a few years ago, when he found himself – along with the painter Nora Balaam, his wife – sketching in the forest by Fish Lake, unaware that they’d stumbled into the arms of a single, gigantic tree. Since then, Balaam has painted several series of canvases from Pando. These canvases, ranging in size from 14 x 11 inches to 50 x 36, offer, in the artist’s words, “the sensation of being alive in a living forest” – achieved through the use of assertive color and a style suspended between representation and abstraction.
The Wild West Route Brings Cyclists to Globe
Artist Frank Balaam, Continued on page 18
Monsoons in Arizona
Social Hour with the Dogs – Keeping Life Sane
By Thea Wilshire
s the coronavirus turns the world we know it upside down, many are relearning the joy of simple pleasures and finding new ways to practice self-care. Something that does both is being around companion animals.
Globe’s Dog Park offers benefits to dogs and owners
Copper Mining in the Corridor
However, in the summer heat with most social opportunities closed due to the pandemic, people sometimes wonder where to exercise a dog, as well as safely connect with others. A growing number of residents are discovering the Globe Dog Park, the only space dedicated entirely to dogs in Southern Gila County. While people are being directed to avoid close contact, part of the joy of dogs is their complete disinterest in social distancing. Fortunately, both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the international World Organization for Animal Health report COVID-19 does not appear to be transmittable by animals. Globe Dog Park, Continued on page 16
A Look At COVID-19
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Local Real Estate Market Booms Despite Pandemic “We have people renting sight unseen on the short term [6 months],” says Debbie Cox, with Service First Realty, the largest property management firm in the area. By Cheryl Hentz
The way the world does business has changed since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. That includes how real estate agents and brokers approach the business of marketing and selling houses, even renting them. Gone – at least for now – are the days of weekly open houses and agents driving buyers around from property to property in their search for a new place to call home. Instead, agents are meeting buyers at listed properties, sometimes even letting them tour vacant properties by themselves. In cases where the properties are occupied, agents and buyers are donning masks and sometimes gloves, using hand sanitizer, and touring the homes while physically distancing, not shaking hands, and making sure not to touch things for fear of possibly spreading the virus. Some agents are now slowly starting to hold open houses again – especially in the case of vacant properties – but when the pandemic first hit, sellers were reluctant to have a lot of strangers coming through their homes. Real Estate, Continued on page 19
August 2020
CVIT is the Copper Corridor’s public Career & Technical Education School District providing local students with the knowledge & technical skills for tomorrow’s workforce.
Beginning a Career in Healthcare Thinking about a career in healthcare? A great place to start is by becoming a nursing assistant. CVIT offers a comprehensive Nursing Assistant course, specifically designed as an introduction to healthcare. During this one-year program, students learn medical terminology, medical dosages, and basic healthcare concepts; how to take a patient’s vital signs and how to help patients with daily care, like helping bathe or shower them, dress and feed them; do oral care and other basic hygiene-type things. They also learn how to safely transfer a patient from one place to another, such as from a bed to a wheelchair; and they learn proper body mechanics and what to look for and how to respond in emergent situations. This entry-level knowledge provides a great foundation if they want to go on to become a nurse. There are some other allied health classes to give students a basic understanding of healthcare so they can obtain entry-level positions in healthcare settings. “The most common places for a nursing assistant or a nurse aide to work are a hospital, long-term care facility (formerly known as nursing homes), hospice or home health,” says Dawn Polkabla, a CVIT nursing instructor. The course combines lectures with hands-on experience in the school’s skills lab, followed by clinical experience in a hospital or long-term care facility, where they can perform the skills they’ve learned on real patients. Upon graduation, students can take the test to obtain their state license as a Nursing Assistant through the Arizona State Board of Nursing. One student who graduated from the program and who just started the Nursing program at DAWN Northern Arizona University is Allicia Woodring, 18. She says CVIT’s Nursing Assistant program POLKABLA helped her get started on her career path early. “It’s a great program and since it was paid for by Globe High School it was a good way to get ahead,” she says. “And Dawn’s a really good teacher, so it’s a fun class all the same.” Polkabla says this course is also superb for older adults who are caregivers for a loved one. “One woman who took the course is a caregiver for (a parent) and it boosted her confidence to know she was doing things the right way.”
CELEBRATING OUR STUDENT SUCCESSES: PATRICK TARANGO Finding students who are so serious about their education that they work around obstacles and do the best they can, despite them, isn’t always easy. But Patrick Tarango is one such student. As a 15-year-old high school sophomore, he decided to take CVIT’s Nursing Assistant program. “At first, I wanted to try the program just to see if I liked it and could learn something new,” he says. “I ended up really liking it, so I’ve stuck with it ever since.” Patrick went to high school in the morning and attended college classes in the afternoon. While his class schedule didn’t allow much time to hang out with friends, he says it was all worth it in the long run. He finished the program when he was 16 with one of the highest grades in the class and became a licensed nursing assistant. He immediately got a job at Haven Health, where he worked for about 18 months. He left in March 2020 and took a job as a pharmacy tech at Fry’s. Patrick is currently studying to take his state board exam so he can obtain a pharmacy tech license. “I’m really doing it for the experience, because when I go to nursing school, I’ll know all my meds and things like that. So it’ll really help me get ahead.” Patrick says when people hear he’s going to nursing school, they sometimes think he’s doing it for the money. “That’s not it,” he says. “You really have to like people and enjoy caring for them.” “If you think you should do it for the money, it’s definitely not for you. The mental stress of it (can take a toll on someone), so money shouldn’t be the reason someone goes into it. For myself, people would never have thought I would’ve gone down this career path, but now it’s all I want to do.”
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High school graduates should submit their applications and other required documents to their high school counselor. Home school and online students may contact Mike O’neal at 928-242-1907 or mo’ Cobre Valley Institute of Technology serves students from Superior, Miami, Globe, San Carlos, Hayden-Winkelman and Kearny including home school and charter students. Our career and technical education programs are approved by the Arizona Department of Education and supported by our community partners including Eastern Arizona College Gila Pueblo Campus and Central Arizona College Aravaipa Campus.
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August 2020
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August 2020
The Greeks and the Romans had it about right when they coined the phrase “dog days of summer.” The term refers to the time when Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, appears to rise just before the sun, in late July and into August. The ancients referred to these days, being the hottest time of the year, as a period that could bring fever, or even catastrophe. Well, here in Globe-Miami as we head into August, a new fire has broken out just north of Globe that is currently at 100-plus acres and fueled by dry grass and thunderstorm winds. We are grateful for all the fire crews who have been quick to get on this one! Without them, there would be little in the way of stopping any fire, as we have seen little rain this summer – despite some promising dark clouds and forecasted rain days. Our schools are making a mighty effort to get everyone “Back to School,” but COVID and state leaders change the ground game – almost daily – forcing administrators, teachers, parents, and kids to adjust. (See pp. 5 and 15.) We are grateful for all of them as well. In response to the chaos of the pandemic, it appears many are keeping their sanity by engaging in a bit of home remodeling, if the traffic at Ace Hardware and Pinal Lumber is any indication. A friend’s son, age 7, when asked what he thought of COVID, replied, “Well, COVID is bad,” before adding, “But our house has never had so much remodeling…” We also checked in with realtors this month and were happy to hear that the market is strong despite the pandemic and all of its challenges. (See p. 1.) And then for many in the community, sanity is a three-letter word which spells D-O-G. Dog owners and their pooches weighed in this month as we bring you an update on progress at the new dog park and profiles of our Globe-Miami four-footed friends. So here’s to the Dog Days of Summer. Stay sane. We will get through them together. Until next time,
Publisher Linda Gross Creative Designer Jenifer Lee Editor Patricia Sanders Contributing Writers Patti Daley Linda Gross Patricia Sanders Thea Wilshire Contributing Photography Linda Gross Thea Wilshire
Published Monthly Copyright@2020 Globe Miami Times/ Globe Miami Visitors Guide
175 E Cedar Street, Globe, AZ 85501 Office: 928.961.4297 Cell: 928.701.3320
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Advertising Deadline: Artwork is due the 25th of the month preceding publication. Design and photography services are available beginning at $35 hr. Display Advertising Rates: Contact Linda at 928.701.3320 or Annual Subscriptions: $48 per year. Please send name of recipient, address and phone number, plus a money order or check made payable to Globe Miami Times 175 E. Cedar St., Globe, AZ 85501
ON THE COVER Frank Balaam Paints the Luminous Forest Social Hour with the Dogs – Keeping Life Sane Local Real Estate Market Booms Despite Pandemic 5 My Life as a Quaran-teen 6 The Wild West Route Brings Cyclists to Globe 7 Copper Mining in the Corridor 8 A Dog’s Life Crossword Puzzle 9 Monsoons in Arizona 10 A Look at COVID-19 12 Globe Unified School District Update 12 Who’s Hiring in Globe/Miami 14 Service Directory 15 Miami High School
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August 2020
Note from Globe Miami Times: The upheaval that Covid-19 is creating for our students, teachers, school administration and parents is reflected in this month’s Op-Ed pieces which came from a co-worker’s niece and a widely shared FB post by an educator.
Note from the Principal:
This Fall Your Classroom Will be Equipped with a Lion Dear Garfield Middle School Teachers, As we prepare for the start of our school year, I wanted to alert you to a recent addition to your classroom learning environment. As per the order of the State Department of Education, each classroom will now be equipped with a lion. The following information is designed to help you achieve your learning targets as you manage your lion. Please note: Due to the fact that we have never had lions in our classrooms and we’re figuring this out as we go, these recommendations could change at any moment. 1. Y our lion will not be contained; s/he will be free to roam around your room. Please instruct your students to stay 6 feet away from the lion at all times.
2. T he lion could lick or just scratch a student. It’s also possible they could flat out devour one. Or you. Another reason to stay 6 feet away from the lion.
By Natalie H.
On the evening of February 26th, everything seemed perfect. My grades were good and my mom and I were at a meeting preparing for our school trip to Europe. We were going to Italy and France in March. I’d worked for a year to save for this trip. There was talk of some serious sickness in Italy called “Covid-19,” but the tour guides and teachers promised us that we would most likely have nothing to worry about. Soon after, life was put on pause, and the perfection crumbled. My lifelong dream of seeing the Eiffel Tower was “postponed.” I told myself it was alright. I was safer here than I would have been there. But I was not aware how untrue that was. Spring Break came and went. I remember the Thursday before I was to return to school, my family and I were at the movies for what would be the last time for months. We heard the announcement that my little brother and I would not be returning to school after break. Come April, we still had not returned to school. My birthday had come and gone. My family has a tradition of going out to dinner at the birthday-person’s restaurant of choice. We ate take-out from a local restaurant (definitely not my favorite) on the couch. By the time May arrived, I’d finally started to get the hang of this whole “distance learning” thing. I ended the third quarter with straight A’s, and now the schools had decided that any online work we had done would simply be added as extra-credit to our previous grades. This effectively worsened my motivation. The fourth quarter “online assignments” were mostly busywork and review, that was plain to see. I spent hours every day doing my assignments that were essentially to watch a video and fill in the blanks. I felt exhausted at the end of every day, maybe even more so than when I actually am at school. I suffer from migraines, and staring at a screen all day did not help. So needless to say, I would like to return to school in August. I would like to get up in the morning and have to wear something other than pajamas. I would like to be a part of clubs. I would like to be held accountable for turning in hard work that I have done on rigorous assignments befitting of honors classes. Much to my chagrin that come August 3rd, I will again be returning to my laptop in my pajamas. Maybe this time will be different. But then again, maybe it won’t.
3. T he lions will also be free to roam the halls, bathrooms, front office, gym, cafeteria, nurses office, teachers lounge, etc. Try not to bump into them as you pass, it could get ugly. 4. S ome people at the Dept. of Ed and Cynthia (frequent poster to the school FB page but not a parent), say a lion is not super dangerous, more like a cat. Still, we recommend you don’t try to pet one. 5. W e must confess, we don’t know a lot about the lions’ training or behavior history. The vice-president of the school committee got a deal from a Latvian Circus recently shut down by PETA. They came with some sort of paperwork, but none of us read Latvian. It’s possible the lions only respond to commands given in their native language, I guess we’ll find out. 6. L ions have an acute sense of smell which could trigger aggressive behavior, therefore all students will be slathered in hyena guts (least favorite lion food - thanks, Mr. Sullivan for that tidbit!) upon entering the classroom in order to prevent an attack. Frequent re-application may be required. 7. M s. Porter at the Central Office said she’s “never seen anyone get eaten by a lion so they probably don’t do that.” Mr. Scott believes lions prefer to eat adults over children, but we haven’t seen the hard data on that one. We are doing our best to manage the conflicting opinions on lion behavior. 8. W e don’t currently know how long we’re going to keep the lions in your classrooms, we estimate they will be with you until someone is either eaten or our Donor’s Choose campaign to buy cages is fully funded. The Dept. of Ed has not given us a dead/wounded minimum that would activate the removal of the lions. Could be a week, could be… well, most of us are betting on one week. Associate Principal Peters doesn’t think we’ll make it through the first day and those Donor’s Choose campaigns usually take a few months. Contact Mrs. Lazar in the office if you want to get in on the pool – $5 (cash only). We are not entirely sure why the Dept. of Ed is putting lions in our classrooms, most of us think it’s a pretty bad idea. We think viewing lions at a distance is wiser, but what do we know? We’re just educators, not zoo keepers. If you have any questions about the lions, please don’t ask. Good Luck, Maria Wilson, Principal Garfield Middle School
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August 2020
Aaron Beese and Charlie Cahill stopped over in Globe this spring on their way to Whitefish, Montana. Courtesy Photo. By Linda Gross
his spring, just as the weather was turning and temperatures were rising into the upper 90’s, two cyclists stopped over in Globe for a few days before heading north on a border-to-border trek. They were staying at the Copper Hills Inn, hanging out around the pool, when I ran into them and we had a chance to chat. Friends Aaron Beese and Charlie Cahill told me they’d begun their adventure just outside of Sierra Vista earlier in the week. They were on the first leg of a 2,700-mile journey that would take them to the Canadian border before dropping back down and ending in Whitefish, Montana. It’s not unusual to see cross-county cyclists in Globe. We are central to many routes that criss-cross the southern reaches of Arizona.
“It could win an award for the friendliest and most welcoming town in America.” Cyclists come from all over the United States and Canada. We’ve reported on several of them: In 2014, we featured Jake Saxton from Seattle, Frank Marchetti from Ontario, and Team Kaker, a group of four friends from San Francisco who passed through town on New Year’s Eve. Team Kaker spent the night in Globe, enjoyed a fine Mexican meal, shot some pool, toured the local Wal-Mart for bread to bring to a New Year’s Eve party, and rang in the new year with the locals. They later posted on their travel blog about Globe: “It could win an award for the friendliest and most welcoming town in America.” Jake Saxton found Globe a reprieve for his nerves after maneuvering his heavily loaded touring bike up the steep grade from Superior through Devil’s Canyon, while avoiding semis and trucks whizzing by at 50 miles per hour. The route Beese and Cahill were following is a relatively new adventure known as the Wild West Route. Beese, the more experienced cyclist of the two, has biked through all fifty states, not to mention a few countries. He was the instigator of the new adventure. He’d heard about a recently established route that was supposed to be even more rugged, remote, and beautiful than the Great Divide Mountain Bike Ride, which had attracted cyclists for decades. The GDMBR has long been established as the premier off-pavement biking adventure - but the new route might just surpass it. According to AtlasGuides, “The Wild West Route offers bikepackers a non-technical, expeditionary-scale riding experience that explores vast expanses of wild western public lands.” This route is still so new, Beese says he and Charlie are probably among the first five to ten people to do the route - at least from south to north. Both Beese and Cahill hail from Colorado. They knew the Arizona heat would be an issue, but to experience it in May, while climbing the grade into Globe on a loaded bicycle, made it one of the hardest climbs the pair had tackled. A two-day stopover in Globe seemed warranted. “But blasting down the other side into Globe was quite fun,” Beese said with a grin. u
August 2020
*Note: Our new series on mining will feature second-generation miners and a column which will address frequently asked questions about mining in general and specifically about the operations in our region. If you have a question you’d like to ask please send it to
What is mined in the area and how is it mined? By GMT Staff The primary metals mined in our region include copper, smaller amounts of molybdenum, and trace amounts of gold and silver. Many mines in the area started as underground mines and then became open pit mines. Mine engineers and geologists evaluate ore bodies and determine whether it is more cost effective to mine the ore by underground or open pit methods. We have both open pit mining (Pinto Valley) and underground mining operations (Resolution Copper) in the region, plus a smelter for processing the copper (FMI – one of only three smelters in the U.S.). FMI also operates a rod plant for converting copper to cathodes used in a wide range of manufacturing operations. BHP runs a leaching plant for extracting metals from ore with acid. Ore (rock which contains valuable metals) is mined from the ground by blasting and loading broken rock into haul trucks for processing. The two primary methods of processing copper ore are milling/floatation and leaching. In the Globe Miami area, both methods are used.
Capstone Mining Corp. Operations Support Superintendent Interview by Patti Daley
“It’s literally in my blood.” What do you do?
“My days are never the same,” Dennis says, “which is awesome.” Dennis Palmer, 36, is the Operations Support Superintendent at the Pinto Valley MIne. He supervises 10 supervisors and oversees departments that include fleet and facilities, tailings operations, SX/EW and leaching operations and the assay lab. His team supports the operation with pipe work in the pit, carpentry needs in the mill, building guards, welding, and maintenance of a huge fleet of vehicles and mobile equipment. Dennis likes the busy pace, the interactivity, being in the field and helping to solve problems. He’s been in the newly created position since February 2020. “It’s challenging and it’s exciting,” Dennis says. “I’m learning more from my team than they’re learning from me, for sure.”
Child of a Miner
“I’m never working in the mines,” Dennis thought in his childhood, “it’s dangerous.” Although his father and both grandfathers were miners, Dennis had dreams of going to college and doing “something else.” By senior year, his thoughts and priorities had changed. He had friends working in the mines. Making good money. There was a baby on the way. When Dennis graduated from Globe High School in 2002, he went to work as a laborer at a calcium mine in Superior. “It’s kind of all we knew,” he reflects, “kind of the culture here.” He turned the job into a career. Became an operator. Worked at Philips-Dodge. He came to realize and respect how hard his parents had worked, and his grandparents. “No one ever went hungry,” Dennis says.
Grandchild of a Miner
Ron Ray is Dennis’ maternal grandfather and was general foreman at Pinto Valley when it reopened in 2007. At his invitation, Dennis attended a job fair and got a position as a mill control technician. His first supervisor taught him about leadership. “Everyone needs someone to mentor them,” Dennis says. “For the most part, a good supervisor can make anyone a good employee.” When BHP shut the mine down in 2009, Ron Ray retired. By 2012, Dennis was promoted to supervisor. Then senior supervisor. Then shift superintendent. He’s currently taking courses online to earn a degree. His long-term goal is a position in general management. Dennis likes the advantage of working for a smaller company. “It’s relationship-based,” he says, “You’re not just a number at Capstone.”
What’s different about mining now?
“Safety culture,” says Dennis without pause. He’s heard stories about the “crazy things” they did in his forefathers’ era. “That’s changed tremendously,” he says. “For the better.”
What is the same?
“Fellowship. Comradery of the mines,” says Dennis. “I’ve worked with people from all over the world. It’s unified. You learn from each other. Everyone in mining wants mining to be successful.”
The Next Generation
For Dennis, mining is personal. “It’s literally in my blood,” he says, “both sides!” He also sees mining as a part of something greater. “It’s so easily overlooked but it’s so big. Every single person in the world damn near is impacted by mining, in a positive way. Turning on the light. Using a cell phone,” says Dennis. “That we can do this and protect our employees and communities, it’s pretty awesome.” Dennis’ daughter, Madison Palmer is a 2020 summer intern at Pinto Valley, working in processing. At 18, she has already excelled in academics, sports and service and is now a pre-med student at Grand Canyon University. “If they want to get into mining, I’ll support it,” says Dennis, now father to three. “If they want to go into something else, I’ll support that.”
In this process, mill grade ore is sent to the mill where the rock is crushed and finely ground so the copper can be separated from the barren waste rock by floatation. The concentrator building holds a series of floatation tanks where reagents and water are added to the finely ground copper ore, which is then further refined into pure copper at the smelter. In the floatation circuit, the ground rock that does not contain desirable metal is slurried out in a series of pipes to a tailings storage area that will eventually be reclaimed and revegetated at the end of the life of the mine. Leaching is an entirely separate process. Ore considered suitable for leaching is hauled by truck and placed on a leach pile. A solution of weak sulfuric acid is sprayed on the top and sides of the pile so it can percolate through the broken ore and be collected in ponds at the bottom. This mixture is then pumped to a Solvent Extraction/Electro Winning plant (SXEW) where it is further processed to make pure copper sheets called cathodes which are 99.99999% pure copper (BHP).
Discover job opportunities with our local mines
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BHP: Capstone–PintoValley: Freeport-McMoRan: Resolution Copper:
August 2020
A Dog’s Li fe Crossword by Joe Skamel
Crossword Answers on page 13
3 8 9 12 14
Not at night Australian worker Little one Best friends’ friend Common name
15 16 18 19 20
Something to chase Genus Found at the pound Foaming Cozy home
in Globe-Miami since 1967
1 2 4 5 6 7
Namesake Macho man’s desire Done all day long Not for fishing Where a tag goes Mexican ankle biter
1316 North Broad Street Globe, AZ 85501
10 11 13 14 17
Not pure bred Snoopy Chrysanthemum face Scratchables Family dog
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August 2020 Monsoon season is here! What does that mean? We usually think about flooding rains, but that’s not really accurate. Let’s take a look at how the National Weather Service defines what a monsoon actually is and what causes the monsoon to occur. By definition, a monsoon is a seasonal change or shift in wind direction. A monsoon is not a thunderstorm, nor is it a series of thunderstorms or rainy days. In fact, the definition doesn’t mention rain or moisture at all! Rain is only a by-product of this shift in wind direction – if the moisture is available. Monsoons occur seasonally across our fragile planet in a few familiar locations: Asia (India, Bangladesh, and Thailand), in the southern and central parts of Africa, in the northern part of Australia, and here in the United States, where we have the North American monsoon. Monsoons occur because a few factors fall into place seasonally every summer. First, in late June or early July, temperatures usually will soar far above seasonal summer norms. The average high temperature in Phoenix on July 1 is 107°F. But you might have noticed that on July 1, Arizona can have a temperature of 112°F, 115°F, and even 118°F. In fact, if you go back to June 26, 1990, you’ll find the highest temperature ever recorded in Phoenix: 122°F! It seems that in early summer, these extended periods of above-normal temperatures prime the atmosphere for the onset of the seasonal shift in wind direction. During the summer, Arizona’s upper and mid-level winds shift from a westerly flow to a southerly or southeasterly flow. This is usually caused by a high-pressure center building and settling over northern Mexico or the Four Corners area. These high-pressure areas will rotate clockwise, drawing in moisture from the Gulf of Mexico. As this moisture becomes caught in the rotation, it migrates over mountainous terrain of Mexico. Here, the moisture condenses and, we hope, begins to cross over into Arizona. At the same time, a lowpressure center also forms over the Baja
By Jeff Payne, Director of Horticulture at Boyce Thompson Arboretum
Peninsula, rotating counter-clockwise. This counter-clockwise rotation draws up moisture from the Gulf of California, enhancing the moisture over Arizona. This seasonal weather pattern lasts anywhere from eight to twelve weeks, on average. When the condensing moisture from these wind movements reaches the rising heat of the desert floor, convection causes
the moisture to rise into the atmosphere, and Arizonans will start to see clouds and thunderheads form. In the past, the National Weather Service tracked the North American monsoon in a very technical way, by measuring dew points – a measure of humidity, or moisture in the air. For the Phoenix area, the requirement was three consecutive days of dew points
of 55°F or higher. When that happened, the Weather Service declared the official start of the monsoon. In 2004, after an international research project that increased our understanding of the monsoon in North America, the National Weather Service decided to scrap all these details and change up the definition of the monsoon season. They abandoned the technical aspects that used to define when the monsoon begins and ends, and even came up with a new term for the monsoon season. Now, statewide, June 15 through September 30 is officially Arizona Monsoon Season. This is the time period when the seasonal shift of winds could occur. This is a lot easier to understand than all of that technical scientific data about dew points. Arizona’s monsoons have been changing over the years. In 2019, many people decided to call the monsoon season a “nonsoon,” because a weakened monsoon pattern failed to bring much moisture. In fact, the monsoon of 2019 nearly broke records for being hot and dry. It was the ninth driest and third hottest since records started being kept on this in 1895. Was there a seasonal shift in wind direction last year? Yes, there was. Arizona did, in fact, have a monsoon last year. But now you know that the definition of a monsoon doesn’t mention rain or storms. In 2019, the winds shifted, but they didn’t pick up enough moisture to being much rain. Weak flows prevented the winds from bringing the water vapor that, in a normal year, would have caused storms or at least rain over Arizona. As you see, storms during monsoon can be hit or miss. Sometimes the monsoon season brings strong winds that cause lots of damage to landscapes, buildings, and vehicles. Dust storms can roll in, reducing visibility and wreaking havoc on the highways and interstates. Lightning and excessive winds can cause power outages. All these things can happen, and yet sometimes it still doesn’t rain. During the summer, BTA is open every day except Tuesday, 6 a.m. to 3 p.m.
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August 2020
A Look at Covid-19 in JULY
Globe Miami Times takes a look at the pandemic as it unfolds each month and have divided our coverage into four categories: Pandemic Numbers, WORLD VIEW Economic Impacts, Healthcare Impacts and Personal Impacts. Each category is then broken down into world, USA, Arizona, and Globe-Miami news.
Pandemic by the Numbers WORLD VIEW
✦ In sheer numbers, the pandemic is continuing to worsen globally. The world began the month of July with approximately 10.4 million confirmed cases and 509,000 deaths, and ended the month with approximately 17,422,000 cases and 676,000 deaths. This is an increase of roughly 7 million cases and 167,000 deaths during July. For comparison, during June, the number of cases increased by 4.17 million and deaths increased by 135,000.
ARIZONA VIEW ✦ Arizona began the month of July with about 97,935 confirmed
ARIZONA cases andVIEW 1,829 deaths, and ended it with approximately 175,000 cases and 3,700 deaths: an increase of roughly 77,000 cases and 1,871 deaths during July. In June, those numbers had been 78,000 cases and 923 deaths. In other words, the state saw a similar increase in new cases, and about twice as many deaths, compared to June.
✦ July 10 set a record: the number of cases globally increased by 228,102 in only 24 hours. In the previous six weeks, cases globally more than doubled, reaching 12 million on July 10. July 12 set a new record of 230,370 cases confirmed in a single-day worldwide. (
✦ Latin America, the Caribbean, Brazil, Japan, Hong Kong, parts of Australia, Iran, and parts of the United States saw surges in infection rates ( With Latin America now becoming an epicentre of the pandemic, the WHO expressed concern at COVID-19’s impact on indigenous people in the Americas ( During July, Qatar and Bahrain had the highest per capita rates of coronavirus infection anywhere in the world ( The coronavirus pandemic is still rapidly spreading through in the Americas and, according to the WHO, is showing “no signs of slowing down” (bit. ly/30wOvXs).
✦ July 23, the Director-General of the WHO urged people to play their part in preventing further spread of the pandemic, warning of no return to “the old normal” ( The WHO urged all countries to make the necessary hard choices in order to avoid a new wave of lockdowns and beat the pandemic ( and announced that the first wave of COVID-19 was still continuing and that the virus was likely not impacted by seasonal changes like other respiratory diseases. The WHO urged significantly more respect for physical distancing measures to prevent the virus’s transmission (
✦ The United States began the month of July with approximately 2.624 million confirmed cases and 128,000 deaths, and ended it with approximately 4.7 million cases and 157,000 deaths: an increase of roughly 2.1 million cases and 29,000 deaths during the month. For comparison, in June those numbers were 824,000 cases and 23,000 deaths.
✦ Gila County cases broken down by age group: 0-19 years: 40 cases, 20-44 years: 137 cases, 45-54 years: 79 cases, 55-64 years: 84 cases, 65+ years: 148 cases, unknown: 1 case. (
✦ Gila County began the month of July with 337 confirmed cases and 8 deaths, and ended it with a total of about 822 cases and 29 deaths: an increase of 485 cases and 21 deaths during July. In June, the number of deaths was 6 and the number of new cases was 297. ✦ Payson led the county in cases and deaths. Many occurred at Rim Country Health & Rehabilitation, where 15 patients had died from Covid-19 by July 28. (, ✦ Broken down by location: Globe: 143 cases, Payson: 265 cases,
WORLD VIEW Miami: 37, Claypool: 11, Pine: 9, Tonto Basin: 5, Hayden: 4, Star Valley: 8,
✦ High numbers of new cases continued to shift from cities to more rural areas. Hotspots occurred in Florida, Arizona, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, and California.
✦ On July 1, daily cases stood at 43,767 (based on an average of the previous seven days). Daily deaths stood at 481 on July 1. On July 31, daily new cases were 64,632 and daily deaths were 1,164.
Strawberry: 2, Winkelman: 3, Young: 1, Unknown: 1. (
✦ Differences in case number and death totals can be attributed to the reporting practices of different agencies.
✦ July 1, the United Nations Secretary-General announced that unless the world acts immediately, with “bold and creative” solutions, the COVID-19 pandemic and accompanying global recession would trigger “years of depressed and disrupted economic growth” (
✦ July 14, Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres warned that the pandemic has the potential to push the world back “years and even decades” in terms of economic progression, with estimates suggesting 100 million people could be forced into extreme poverty during the pandemic (bit. ly/2XD7AW5).
✦ July 14, the governor’s office announced plans to distribute nearly $6 million to combat homelessness. Many renters and homeowners are having trouble making payments as pandemicrelated unemployment benefits come to an end (
✦ July 16, Ducey extended a moratorium on residential evictions until October 31 for renters impacted by Covid-19. In total, state and local governments have made more than $80 million available to assist renters and prevent homelessness (
✦ In California, on July 13, all restaurants, museums, leisure centres, bars, and cinemas were ordered to close due to surging coronavirus cases. In the worst-affected counties, places of worship, gyms, shopping centres, and salons were also closed (, bit. ly/3a1MzJz).
✦ July 17, U.S. treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin stated that policymakers should consider blanket loan forgiveness for smaller businesses that received funding from the Paycheck Protection Program, and also stated that additional funds could be made available, with businesses badly affected potentially entitled to a second emergency loan ( ✦ For several weeks in June and July, the numbers of people applying for unemployment benefits each week decreased. But July 23, the number increased again, with more than 1.4 million American citizens applying ( Since the beginning of the pandemic, at least 1 million additional Americans have been applying for unemployment benefits every week. ✦ Amid nationwide job losses, 32% of American households missed their July housing payments (
✦ July 4, Donald Trump extended the country’s Paycheck Protection Program relief fund for businesses to August 8 (bit. ly/2C4VP37,
GLOBE-MIAMI VIEW ✦ July 3, the European Commission approved the use of remdesivir to treat
severe cases of coronavirus, the first such drug approved by the European Union (, The EC has purchased enough doses of remdesivir from the American pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences to treat approximately 30,000 coronavirus patients. Diplomats stated that they hope to secure more of the drug in the future (
✦ July 4, the WHO announced that it would be stopping trials of the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 after they failed to reduce the mortality rate among hospitalized patients ( ✦ Scientists around the world are continuing to work on a vaccine. The United Arab Emirates is working on a vaccine along with China’s National Pharmaceutical Group and a private company, G42 Healthcare. They are in the third phase of development, carrying out the first human trials worldwide (, Advanced trials are also under way in Brazil for a vaccine developed by a Chinese company (, In Germany and Thailand, thousands of volunteers have signed up to take part in clinical trials for vaccines ( The vaccine from Thailand, if successful, could go into production by the end of 2021 ( An Indian pharmaceutical company plans to complete late-stage trials in March (
✦ Scientists at the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca say their vaccine might be available for purchase by the end of the year after the first stages of clinical trials showed that the vaccine initiated an immune response in volunteers (bbc. in/33y0PIJ,, The China National Pharmaceutical Group also announced that its vaccine might be available by the end of the year and said its clinical trials should be complete in October ( ✦ Russia says it plans to produce 30 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine domestically in 2020, with the possibility of manufacturing a further 170 million doses abroad. This statement brought criticism from governments in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, who claimed that state-sponsored Russian cyber attacks had been carried out on research institutions in their countries to attempt to gain information relating to coronavirus vaccine trials. The Russian government strongly denied the allegations. (,, ✦ Countries are jockeying for access to these vaccines. For example, Brazil was in discussions with American pharmaceutical company Moderna to potentially get priority in purchasing a possible COVID-19 vaccine being developed by the company ( European pharmaceutical companies GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi are discussing providing up to 300 million doses of a vaccine to the European Union ( And the European Union and member states are negotiating with the American pharmaceutical company Pfizer to purchase that company’s potential vaccine (
WORLD VIEW ✦ July 9, Gov. Ducey announced a collaboration with Sonora Quest Laboratories and PerkinElmer to expand Covid-19 testing in the state and improve turnaround times ( In addition, ADHS and ASU will be working together to offer free saliva diagnostic testing for Covid-19 at expanded testing sites (
✦ July 13, Ducey announced that $120,000 would be provided to support first responder mental health amid the pandemic (
✦ July 1, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services
Alex Azar announced that the American government GLOBE-MIAMI USA VIEW has purchased nearly all of the next three months’ VIEW
estimated production of the only licensed COVID-19 therapeutic, remdesivir, from the biopharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences for use in American hospitals, prompting both domestic and international criticism (,
GLOBE-MIAMI VIEW ✦ July 15, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced that the American government will take direct control of all coronavirus-related data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. All information will be sent to computer databases in Washington, D.C. (,
✦ The U.S. government and pharmaceutical companies have been working to secure a future vaccine for the American people. The government is paying Pfizer and BioNTech nearly $2 billion to produce 600 million doses of a potential COVID-19 vaccine (, The government is also providing $470 million in funding to the biopharmaceutical company Moderna for vaccine development (, That vaccine moved into human trials in July, involving 30,000 volunteers (, The government also is paying $2 billion to the European pharmaceutical companies GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi for 50 million, and possibly up to 500 million, doses of a potential vaccine (
A Look at Covid-19ARIZONA in JULY VIEW
August 2020
PERSONAL IMPACTS ✦ During July, countries and localities around the world created a patchwork of requirements to combat the spread of infection. In some places and at some times, requirements were imposed to reduce spread of the coronavirus, but in many cases these requirements were then lifted under social or economic pressure. When infections began to increase, the requirements would be reinstated. In Paraguay, for example, violent protests against a planned lockdown led to the lockdown being cancelled (
✦ The Director-General of the WHO stated that some nations battling the COVID-19 pandemic who had been taking a “fragmented approach” to suppressing the deadly virus, “face a long, hard road ahead” (
✦ For a few examples of policies around the world: In Iran, people caught not wearing a face mask in public can be denied access to state services, and employers who fail to follow government guidelines regarding workplace safety can have their business closed for a week. The German government announced that wearing masks in public will probably be required for a few more months. France’s government announced that face masks will mandatory in all indoor areas across the country beginning August 1. French people who fail to wear a mask can be fined 135 euros (about $160). In France, a court specializing in government misconduct is looking into several government ministers’ handling of the coronavirus pandemic, accusing them of “failing to fight a disaster.” (,,,, ✦ Many countries banned tourists from entering, some forbade their own residents from traveling abroad for nonessential purposes, and many required COVID tests for all people entering their borders. In Jordan, for example, arriving travelers were issued electronic wristbands to track their compliance with strict 28-day quarantines ( ✦ Some tourist attractions reopened with special measures to reduce the possibility of spreading infection, such as the Louvre in Paris and the Giza pyramids in Egypt. However, Rio de Janeiro’s beaches will only officially reopen when a vaccine for COVID-19 is found. ( ✦ Health authorities in Saudi Arabia announced rules for this year’s Hajj pilgrimage. Restrictions include the mandatory wearing of face masks, strict social distancing between all pilgrims during prayers, reduced capacity on public transport, measures to prevent pilgrims from touching the Kaaba, restaurants selling pre-packaged food and drink, compulsory coronavirus tests, and only pilgrims living in Saudi Arabia permitted to travel to Mecca. (,
Masks are imperative to keeping Arizonans protected, healthy and strong.” ~ Bill Lavidge, CEO of LAVIDGE ✦ Turkmenistan and Fiji saw their first COVID-19 cases in July. ✦ Hundreds of thousands of seafarers continue to be stranded at sea – some of whom haven’t returned to land for over a year – due to COVID-19 travel restrictions (bit. ly/3fxGhm8).
✦ Mayors and governors in hotspot areas imposed an array of requirements to reduce the spread of infection. Miami-Dade County in Florida had a curfew for the Independence Day holiday weekend. Due to the spike in cases in Florida, the scheduled reopening of entertainment venues including theatres and casinos was delayed, and some new restrictions were imposed (,
✦ In Texas, the governor made it mandatory to wear a face mask in public, with fines of up to $250 for those who are caught not wearing a mask (, July 10, a six-week-old infant died of coronavirus in Texas ( ✦ Mask wearing continued to meet resistance across the country. The director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Robert R. Redfield, stated that the coronavirus pandemic in the United States could be controlled in as little as eight weeks if all Americans wore face masks (, ( Starbucks announced that face coverings would be mandatory at all stores in the United States beginning July 15 (nyti. ms/3gR86aF), and Walmart started requiring customers to wear face masks in-store beginning July 20 (
✦ Google’s CEO announced that Google employees will be encouraged to work from home until July 2021 (bit. ly/3gER6Ek).
✦ In the second half of July, the governors of Arkansas, Colorado, and Wisconsin, as well as the mayor of Washington, D.C., announced new mask wearing requirements. Donald Trump also began to urge Americans to wear face masks in public. (,,, bbc. in/30HDrqF,
✦ The United Nations Security Council passed a resolution demanding a global ceasefire during the pandemic (
✦ The governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, attempted to sue the mayor of Atlanta for imposing a mask wearing requirement, but withdrew the suit a week later. (,,
✦ July 7, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro tested positive for COVID-19, and July 9, Bolivian President Jeanine Áñez tested positive (
✦ July 29, after Republican Representative Louie Gohmert tested positive for COVID-19, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi announced that all representatives and visitors will be required to wear face masks in the House of Representatives to prevent transmission of coronavirus. Members will be permitted to remove their mask when addressing the house. (,
✦ July 10, Players and owners of the National Hockey League in the US and Canada approved an agreement to resume the season from 1 August in Toronto and Edmonton, although all games will be played without audiences (, ✦ School openings became an increasingly controversial issue during July, around the world. The UN estimates 1 billion children are missing school ( The WHO called for school reopenings to be decided as part of comprehensive, data-driven COVID-19 public health strategies, rather than politically-driven decision-making processes ( ✦ The pandemic is increasing poverty globally. According to the UN, the pandemic and resulting recession are set to cause the first increase in global poverty in thirty years, pushing 265 million people to the point of starvation by the end of 2020. The UN appealed to the G20 for $10.3 billion to fight the pandemic in 63 low-income countries ( The World Food Programme and Food and Agriculture Organization warned that hunger threatened “to soar to devastating levels in 25 countries in the coming months,” pushing the world poorest “closer to the abyss” of famine (
✦ July 1, Gov. Ducey extended the timeline for the 2020 Census, to November 1. It had been set to end on July 1.
✦ July 9, the governor issued an executive order limiting restaurants to 50% capacity and launching testing initiatives to support underserved areas. The order also suspends operations of bars, gyms, movie theaters, water parks and tubing rentals ( July 23, Gov. Ducey extended that suspension. This new order also prohibits large events and authorizes local law enforcement to take action to ensure compliance (
✦ July 23, Ducey also announced a new campaign to promote mask wearing. ADHS will be spending $3 million to try to convince Arizonans to wear masks amid a pandemic that has so far cost more than 150,000 lives in the United States alone. Gov. Ducey also announced the “Arizona: Open for Learning” plan to provide options for school leaders and help students receive a full academic year of education ( and an additional $370 million of funding for schools to help with extra expenses related to the pandemic (
✦ July 28, Gov. Ducey announced the formation of a task force on long-term care that will develop recommendations on visitation in LTC facilities and steps facilities can take to help residents and loved ones keep in contact (
Over recent weeks, Arizona has made significant progress to contain the spread of COVID-19, but we cannot let up. COVID-19 remains widespread in our communities, putting lives and public health at risk. We have to continue to press on and keep doing the things that are working: wearing a mask, staying physically distant, avoiding congregating and activities that lead to congregating, and staying home as much as possible.” ~ Gov. Doug Ducey
✦ Sporting events continued to be impacted by the pandemic. A Major League Soccer game between D.C. United and Toronto FC was postponed after one of the players tested positive for COVID-19 ( The NFL announced that all spectators will be required to wear face masks when the season resumes in September ( July 27, MLB postponed two games scheduled to be held in Miami and Philadelphia after several Miami Marlins players tested positive for COVID-19 ( One day later, MLB postponed all games due to be played by the Miami Marlins up to and including August 2 after seventeen of the team’s players and staff tested positive for COVID-19 ( The game between the Philadelphia Phillies and New York Yankees was also postponed after some members of the Phillies were awaiting COVID-19 test results after playing against the Marlins over the weekend ( ✦ In politics, July 7, organizers of the Republican Party’s annual convention in Jacksonville announced that all attendees will be required to have a test for coronavirus before entering the convention ( ✦ The United States’ borders with Mexico and Canada remain closed to non-essential travel. Canadian authorities have stated that there may be increased surveillance and enforcement along their border. ( ✦ Some large attractions reopened. July 11, Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom at Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando reopened to the public with a reduced capacity, mandatory temperature checks on arrival, hand sanitizing stations throughout the park, and the requirement to wear a face mask. Live performances were suspended. (, ✦ The U.S. National Zoological Park in Washington, D.C., reopened with various coronavirus measures in place, including face masks and social distancing ( However, any travelers arriving in D.C. for non-essential reasons from any area deemed to be a coronavirus hotspot have to quarantine for 14 days ( ✦ The U.S. Supreme Court voted to maintain legislation imposed by Nevada preventing large gatherings, even for religious services. A Calvary Chapel in Dayton Valley had requested changes to the legislation to allow large religious services ( ✦ The 2021 Rose Parade, scheduled to be held in Pasadena, California, on January 1, has been cancelled for the first time since World War II (bit. ly/31BM8lA). The Emmy Awards will be held virtually this year instead of at Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles ( ✦ Disney postponed the debuts of several films due to the pandemic. The release of the live-action version of Mulan was postponed indefinitely, and the releases of Avatar 2 and a new Star Wars film were postponed to December 2022 and December 2023, respectively ( ✦ School reopenings have been controversial. July 6, Donald Trump tweeted that he wants to see all schools in the country reopen after the summer break (, This was followed on July 24 by White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany stating that Trump aims to fully reopen all American schools at the start of the academic year despite concerns from teachers and parents about a potential increase in transmission of COVID-19 ( Trump has no authority to open or close schools. ✦ By the end of July, school systems were beginning to announce that they would not reopen or would not hold physical classes. For example, Miami-Dade County Public Schools in Florida, the Los Angeles Unified School District and San Diego Unified School District in California, and schools in Washington, D.C., will only hold virtual classes (,,,
August 2020
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Globe Unified School District Speech Paraprofessional – Copper Rim Elementary Special Ed Teacher – Globe High School Special Ed Teacher – High Desert Middle School Math Teacher – High Desert Middle School
Miami Unified School District Junior High Teacher Special Education Teacher Elementary Teacher CTE Construction Teacher Elementary PE Teacher CAB/LK
San Carlos School District Third Grade Teacher Fifth Grade Teacher Counselor Substitute Teachers Instructional Aide Custodian
GLOBE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Travel/Stocker/Retail Merchandiser – Globe Stocker/Warehouse/Retail Merchandiser – Miami
City of Globe Administrative Clerk – Public Works – FT Building Inspector – Code Enforcement Officer – FT Development Services Director – FT Public Works – Lead Wastewater Operator – FT
US Dept. of Agriculture Forestry Technician (Recreation) – FT
Freeport McMoRan Smelter Operator 1 – FT Security Officer – FT Line Electrician – FT Metallurgist II – FT
School Starts Monday, August 17, 2020 for ALL Students and ALL Schools Are you ready to learn? We are! As of Friday, August 5th, the decision to go all online was made due to new directives from the Governor’s office. Additional laptops, to meet the increased need, are on order, however, the nationwide demand for student devices has gone through the roof, so we do not have firm delivery dates for this recent order. This year may look different. This year may feel different, BUT this year will be full of memories, learning and fun. Why? Because we are TIGERS! We are resilient, we are strong, and we can do hard things together. ***See our website for updates and/or download the Tigers app to get updates and notifications. Download our Globe Tigers app from the APP Store by searching on Globe Tigers or GUSD1.***
Students who signed up for online learning previously may pick up laptops on August 14th. There will be an insurance fee of $24.99 (Sliding scale for free and reduced lunch eligibility).
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Gila County Communicable Disease Specialist – Temp Building Maintenance Technician – FT Road Maintenance and Equipment Operator – FT County Engineer – FT Inmate Counselor – PT Detention Medical Director – FT Nurse/Jail – FT Deputy Sheriff – FT 911 Dispatcher – FT Detention Officer – FT
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August 2020
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August 2020
Mr Pastor handing out Chromebooks.
Mr Marin helping an athlete sign up.
Mr Pietila with the Chromebooks. Photos byPatricia Dodd
PLANNING PAYS OFF When the Governor closed the schools last March, Miami’s administrators and governing board pretty quickly figured out we needed to prepare for the long haul. All of the planning and work last spring and this summer have now paid off: • Shifting all of our curriculum and instructional materials online. • Issuing laptop computers to all Miami students K-12. • Providing T-Mobile hotspots to families without internet connections. • All Miami teachers have been trained in remote instruction, Zoom and either Canvas (high school) or SeeSaw (elementary) learning management systems. • Deep-cleaned and sanitized all of our facilities. • Designed phased resumption of athletic practices. • Prepared the buildings for the eventual return of students.
Miami Approved as Arizona Online Instruction (AOI) Provider
Miami Unified is pleased to announce that the State Board of Education awarded us AOI status for Miami Virtual Program (MVP), which will start enrolling students this month. Along with San Carlos’s Shilgozhoo Academy, this will be the only approved online school in southern Gila County.
Miami is ready to provide top-notch learning opportunities to all of our students until it’s safe to return to campus, and then we’ll be ready to ensure the well-being of our students and staff. No one knows what’s going to happen this fall. We tell our students and parents to ignore anyone who claims to know.
Miami Virtual Program will begin enrolling students this week, and will accept applications from any student who resides in Arizona.
But whatever comes, Vandals will mask up and get to work.
The Arizona Online Instruction (AOI) Program established in A.R.S. §15-808 allows approved school districts and charter schools to develop online instructional systems to expand learning opportunities for students throughout our state. The State Board of Education approves district AOI programs. (See SBE’s website,, for more details.) Last spring the state permitted all schools to teach at a distance when we couldn’t have kids on campus, but that permission will expire when students resume face-to-face instruction. Only schools with the AOI designation will be permitted to offer online programs. A little vocabulary is probably helpful here, because there are some schools claiming to have online programs without state approval. “On-campus” and “face-to-face” mean the same thing. “Hybrid” means students spend some of their days on campus and some working from home. “Distance” means that a student enrolled in a school is working from home because either the school is closed or on a hybrid schedule. “Online” means the instruction is delivered solely via computer by a school officially designated as an AOI provider. MVP will be a great experience to those students participating in the online program. We know there are students that struggle to be in a classroom setting and we look forward to offering a solution for all students.
August 2020
FAMILY: Tara, Austin, Tatum BREED: Blue heeler (Australian Cattle Dog) BIRTHDAY: 2019 PASSIONS: loves playing with his sisters, riding shotgun in the car
FAMILY: Kylei BREED: Lab/Shepherd PASSIONS: water, running
Lottie Rae
FAMILY: Ben & Leslie BREED: Chihuahua PASSIONS: puppy park, watching over mama (grandma), keeping other dogs informed through barking sessions
FAMILY: Tara, Austin, Tatum BREED: Jack Russell Terrier/ Chihuahua BIRTHDAY: 2019 PASSIONS: loves playing with big dogs and telling them what to do
Chi Chi
FAMILY: Karolyn BREED: Pomeranian Mix BIRTHDAY: 2013 PASSIONS: running, kissing people on their ears, friends at the dog park
Soo Yum Globe Dog Park, Continued from page 1
This is great news for Maia Green. She visits the Globe Dog Park daily with her 2-year-old pup, Gnocchi. “It is definitely an outlet to be able to be normal for an hour or two. It keeps me sane. It’s my social hour and it’s a scientific fact that dogs relieve stress.” Green is right. Research shows tremendous benefits of pet ownership during hard times. Dogs decrease the psychological arousal of fear or stress, decrease loneliness, and create physiological changes that make us feel better. “It drives me crazy that I can’t work!” says Green. “Being home all the time sucks and there’s been a huge decrease in social contact. My two best friends just had babies and I haven’t even been able to hold them… The dog park allows me to be social without worrying because we’re outside. It’s comfortable and a little bit normal.” Barbara Speer, who visits the park daily with her goldendoodle Autumn, echoes this report. “When you go to the store, you can’t visit with anybody. You can’t go to church, the movies, or downtown, but you can come up here and socialize. People enjoy watching the dogs run and play. It’s relaxing. You’re not stressed out.” While Globe constructs a new dog park, the current dog park remains open and people are following CDC recommendations for COVID protection. They maintain social distancing, keep group gatherings small, wash hands after visiting, use pet wipes for dogs who have been touched by other park patrons, and some wear masks even out-of-doors. To combat the health threat of excessive heat, patrons bring ice and a swimming pool for the animals. Pre-COVID, the new dog park’s construction was going well. City staff put up a fence for the general use area, created a walking path, put in irrigation, planted grass and trees, added a dog watering station, and built shade ramadas. They also purchased fencing and irrigation supplies to build a smaller special use area. However, the pandemic put a screeching halt to progress.
FAMILY: Laura-Jane BREED: Shar Pei BIRTHDAY: 2017 PASSIONS: jumping/flying, wrestling
FAMILY: Juanita BREED: Chihuahua BIRTHDAY: 2013 PASSIONS: barking, eating, being spoiled
FAMILY: Ruth BREED: Chihuahua/Terrier Mix PASSIONS: loves to bark at shadows, bark at the biggest dog in the park to keep him in line, and then bark a little bit more.
FAMILY: John & Jasmine BREED: Siberian Husky BIRTHDAY: 4/12/18 PASSIONS: wrestling, running
Family Dental Care Peter Garcia, DDS Renee Scott, DDS Mary Denton, RDH
Gianira Lopez, DDS
Morteza Zamani MS, DMD Heather Hanson, RDH
Carol Hinderberger, RDH
We are currently only seeing emergencies based upon CDC and ADA guidelines. Call for availability.
Globe Dog Park, Continued on page 17
FAMILY: Juanita BREED: Terrier/Heeler/Rottweiler mix BIRTHDAY: 12/15 PASSIONS: running, cuddling, protecting
FAMILY: Barb BREED: Golden Doodle BIRTHDAY: 5/8/18 PASSIONS: squeakies, digging, plastic bags
FAMILY: Tanner, Wendy, & Sadie BREED: Beagle PASSIONS: Escaping, going on adventures, climbing trees
Real Mexican Food
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August 2020
FAMILY: Chris BREED: boxer BIRTHDAY: 2017 PASSIONS: frisbee
FAMILY: Ruth BREED: Golden doodle BIRTHDAY: March 2019 PASSIONS: tearing stuff up, eating socks, and getting into the trash
FAMILY: Cheryl BREED: West Highland White Terrier (Westie) BIRTHDAY: 9/2/12 PASSIONS: kissing, dog park, hiking, keep away
FAMILY: Cheryl BREED: Cairn/Scottish Terrier mix BIRTHDAY: 2/20/14 PASSIONS: fetch, dog park, hiking, his mom
FAMILY: Paul & Amanda BREED: Catahoula BIRTHDAY: unknown PASSIONS: dog park, chasing cows
Globe Dog Park, Continued from page 16
John Angulo, Public Works Director, explained he normally has a crew of 6-10 staff members who are supplemented with daily labor from 24 inmates out of the Arizona Department of Corrections (DOC). When shut-downs occurred in March, DOC halted inmate labor releases. This big drop in the workforce was made worse with staff changes necessitating workers assigned to parks to be redirected to other essential services, like water, sewer, and roads. Additionally, there are new responsibilities because of the pandemic. Angulo reports three workers spend hours each day 7 days a week focused entirely on sanitizing bathrooms and play structures around the city. Because of this shift to essential duties, many projects were put on hold and some parts of the city have suffered, like the pine trees lost at Besh ba Gowah because city crews were not available to water them. The good news in the midst of the pandemic, per Angulo, is that Besh now has a new water system with a timer and the trees and grass at the new dog park are being given time to establish themselves prior to park opening. Even with the construction pause, people are impressed with the city’s support of the new dog park and the creativity being putting into park construction. Holly Long and her pit bull, Bella, visit the park regularly. She states, “I’ve been pleased with all they are adding and putting in the new park.” Green concurs and shared her aspirations for the new space. “I don’t want it to be just a dog park. I want it to be a destination. Even now, we don’t have much advertising, but we get people who are touring the country or from out of the area who find us.” In the meantime, dogs and people are getting much needed social connection, stress relief, and physical exercise at the existing dog park. Judy Quinn, a park patron with her small dogs, Honey and Bandit, states, “It’s really nice to know we still have an outlet for connection.” u HOW TO FIND THE PARK: The Globe Dog Parks are located in the Noftsger Hill Ballfields Complex and can be reached via Cuprite Street or North Street.
FAMILY: Tom & Cheryl BREED: Dalmatian BIRTHDAY: 7/8/19 PASSIONS: chasing her brother Romeo, constantly jumping and food
FAMILY: Ron BREED: Schnauzer BIRTHDAY: 11/15/05 PASSIONS: dog park twice a day – every day!
FAMILY: Thea BREED: Golden Retriever & Italian Mastiff BIRTHDAY: 12/7/15 PASSIONS: water, balls, dog parks
FAMILY: Robert & Sandra BREED: Husky
FAMILY: Sheila & Levi BREED: German Shorthair Mix
Sunshine (Sunny)
FAMILY: Paul & Amanda BREED: Chow mix BIRTHDAY: unknown PASSIONS: petting, snacks
FAMILY: Gail BREED: mixed BIRTHDAY: April PASSIONS: watching younger dogs play
August 2020
Artist Frank Balaam, Continued from page 1
The Pando’s Children series delights in the opulent, drenched light of full day, as the aspens lift their brilliant leaves to the mighty sun, while the Timeless Forest series exalts the withdrawing light of dusk – when leaves change their colors from moment to moment and, as Balaam notes, “colors become richer, shadows grow deeper, and the exotic life of night begins to stir.” With the Last Supper series – “A Last Summer” and “One Last Summer” – Balaam, in his own words, “celebrates a beautiful life.” For Pando may be dying. In recent years the colony has failed to regenerate itself, and unless humans choose to protect and support it, Pando will gradually shrink and eventually wink out of existence. In the Last Supper paintings, Balaam draws parallels between the lives of two magnificent beings and limns the intimacy of grief and joy. To achieve luminosity and aliveness in his forest paintings, Balaam employs reverse painting: in an upending of the traditional technique, he paints the immediate foreground first, then the mid-ground, and last the most distant light and leaves. As a result of this process, Balaam also never paints one color over another. “All the brushstrokes are laid over white canvas with the bright white ground,” Balaam notes, “exploiting the translucence of oil painting to create an effect similar to that of stained glass.” Through this technique and his choice of subjects, Balaam imbues his work with a respect for individuality in its longing for equality and recognition. “Every leaf and every brushstroke has its own dedicated area of pure white canvas,” Balaam writes. “It doesn’t compete for space or have its brilliant, individually colored shape diminished by interfering overpainting or blending.” Balaam’s art celebrates lively contrast and harmony, leaving aside conflict and domination. Events in the outer world have sometimes intersected dramatically with Balaam’s career. When the RodeoChediski fire roared through the forests of eastern Arizona in 2002, Balaam was there to do plein air painting, and he witnessed at first hand the forest’s vulnerability and its acceptance of its own destruction. A few years later, his own work – more than a thousand paintings and sketches – burned in Globe’s Pioneer Hotel fire. This event eventually led Balaam to turn to forests for reconnection and renewal. This year, the Covid-19 pandemic overshadowed Balaam’s first solo exhibition, which featured the Pando work. The show, at Ventana Fine Art on Canyon Road in Santa Fe, opened on May 9. Instead of traveling there to hang his work, Balaam shipped it to the gallery.
Trees are at the mercy of us all to provide a safe and nurturing environment for their existence, so I hope my forests will call attention to their power, their vulnerability, and their essential nature of renewal.”
“My art and heart has always tried to express a sense that everyone and everything is entitled to respect, to a voice, and to a time in the light.” Balaam says, “It hung in all its glory and not a soul saw it.” The day after his show came down, the gallery reopened. Balaam is spending this pandemic season at his home in Globe, with Nora. He paints every morning. “I have paints, I have a studio,” Balaam says. “We live happily together in total isolation, which we have been doing for years. So for us, life itself is quite content. “We’re obviously not unaffected by what is going on around us. We all live at the apex of all the influences around us. All our past and our upbringing and experiences have contributed to this moment. At this moment, I carry a longhandled brush and I dip it in paint and I put it on a canvas, and that is my now. That brushstroke is my now.” u
OVER $25 MILLION IN REAL ESTATE in 2020 so far.
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August 2020
This 3 bedroom/ 2 bath home rents for $1300/month. “These properties are typically on the market for less than a week,” says Cox. She recommends looking about 30 days in advance when you are ready to rent. “ Any time sooner will not be helpful as the inventory moves too quickly,” she says. Courtesy Photo.
Patty Hetrick
Adrea France, Smart Concept Real Estate Group
While commercial property sales lag residential as fewer people are willing to open or expand a business in this environment, this building in downtown Globe sold this spring and has two businesses in it. Courtesy photo (left); photo by LCGross (right).
Real Estate, Continued from page 1
Some real estate offices are closed to the public, but in cases where they’re open, when buyers and sellers go to those offices, the staff are masked and, in some cases, gloved. Many documents that need signatures during the sale process are handled with E-signatures – making home buying and selling more impersonal. And at closings, everyone is masked. The realities of COVID-19 have created even more frustration for Debbie Cox at Service First Realty in Globe – a firm that primarily handles property management. “Having to do things by E-sign doesn’t give me the opportunity to have a person across from me to explain to them how things work, our expectations, and to just get a better feel for the person,” Cox says. “Because our tenants stay with us for five to nine years, I like to get a sense of who my tenants are. COVID has definitely kept me from being able to develop a good rapport with our tenants right off the bat.” Pandemic or not, home sales are at record numbers. Patty Hetrick with Stallings and Long Realty says their current sales are better than when she first opened her office in 2003. She estimates that sales this year have doubled when compared with this time last year. And since March, when COVID-19 first hit, things have exploded. They’ve never been busier, despite low inventory. “Every one of our agents have been just hopping busy; it’s unbelievable,” Hetrick says. “I thought we’d be fizzling out and wasn’t sure how we’d all work from home and sell houses. But it just kind of took off.”
The same is true at Smart Concept Realty Group. “We’re very busy right now. The inventory is low in the Globe-Miami area, so that’s great for sellers. A lot of times they are getting multiple offers,” says Adrea France. What’s behind such buying activity? Historically low interest rates, for one. “Interest rates are phenomenal right now, dipping down into the 2 percent range at times, so I think we can credit a lot of our busyness to that,” says Hetrick. “And they were starting to come down before COVID even happened. I think it’s just a market trend.” Buyers are coming from all over: some are relocating from other states like New York, New Jersey, Wisconsin, even Alaska. Others are coming from places like the Phoenix metro area, where it’s at least 10 to 15 degrees warmer, even at night, and the area is both congested and hectic. “People tend to be attracted to the charm and smalltown atmosphere of the Globe-Miami area, as opposed to the busyness of larger areas, in addition to lower temps and a slower pace of living,” says France. She adds that the ages of buyers vary. “Some are younger and still working. Some are retired. It’s a real mix.” Sadly, there’s not enough inventory for all the buyers, especially given what people are looking for. “The types of home available right now include a lot of two-bedroom/one-bathroom homes, though people are wanting three-bedroom/two-bathroom homes,” Hetrick says. “There aren’t very many four-bedroom homes at all, no matter whether they have two or three bathrooms.
When there is something like a three- or four-bedroom with two bathroom home available, it goes on the market and comes off pretty quickly. A lot of the houses on the market are running about $150 a foot where a year ago, they were running between $100 and $125 a foot. And they’re still selling.” Also selling have been commercial properties and residential properties that investors have been buying either to renovate and flip or add to their investment portfolio. “We don’t see a lot of people flipping property right now because the inventory is so low,” says Hetrick. “But a few months ago, it seemed like everybody wanted to buy those cheap little historic homes and fix them up to turn over to someone else. People were really coming out of the woodwork to buy those. We had a lot of investors coming in and doing that.” “I’m starting to see some commercial properties that have been listed for a while, now starting to sell. That makes me very optimistic about the commercial real estate in town. Price points are phenomenal here, and for people who are entrepreneurs or real estate investors, they offer some good opportunities,” France says. “Properties that need renovating or updating are selling quickly. They just need people willing to spend the money to make those improvements. Prices are significantly higher in the East Valley or Maricopa County. When you can have lower overhead and start an investment business here, you can grow in a small town like this, and that offers a unique opportunity here in Globe-Miami.” u
For all your homebuying and investment needs, call us today.
1635 E Ash Street | Globe, AZ 85501 (928) 425-7676 PATTY HETRICK Designated Broker Cell: (928) 200-2885
KEVIN NOLAN Realtor® Cell: (928) 812-3026
MICHELLE YERKOVICH Associate Broker Cell: (928) 200-1552 License #:BR532664000
GAIL LENOX Realtor® Cell: (928) 200-9777
JESSY PERKINS Associate Broker Cell: (928) 275-0054
Capturing the Luminosity of Trees with Artist Frank Balaam
Local Real Estate Market Strong Despite Challenges
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