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St. Paul’s Lodge No. 500

partnered with IMCAP to provide a $4000 microgrant to the team. The team was able to perform in the parade and create memories that will last a lifetime.


It is always exciting when student show interest in a lesson being taught in class. At the South Central High School, 6 students were so interested in welding that a brand new welding class was created. The school was able to purchase 3 welders for the class to develop their skills on. However, it was soon discovered that an additional 3 welders may be more beneficial so that every student has a chance to practice. Kinmundy Lodge No. 390 put their full support behind this new class and partnered with IMCAP to provide a microgrant to purchase 3 more welders that would be delivered to the school. The total cost of the 3 additional welders came to $3008. To go a step further, Kinmundy Lodge No. 390 is planning to provide Vocational Grants for students to pursue a career in the trades after high school.

St. Paul’s Lodge No. 500 found a way to use the funds generated by their Charity Golf Outing to the fullest by donating to 3 organizations in their community; WordUp! Of Central IL, James Project, and Ann T Havey Foundations Bundles of Joy Project. Each organization received a donation from St. Paul’s Lodge No. 500 for $1494 each and a microgrant from IMCAP for $1494 each. The WordUp! Of Central IL provides tools to lowincome families to support language development in babies and toddlers. Through the James Project, foster families in Sangamon County are provided housing, support, and child related needs. Finally, the Ann T Havey Foundations Bundles of Joy Project supports low-income families in Springfield, Illinois through supplies for their newborns to get the family off on the right foot. All three organizations provide needed assistance to their communities.

Left to Right: St. Paul’s Lodge No. 500 Past Master

AJ Mayes, Grand Lodge of Illinois Masonic Charities Committee Matthew Harvey, Executive Director of The James Project Olivia Hayse, Director of WordUp of Central IL Linda Johnson, and Board of Managers member of The Ann T Havey Foundation Timothy Havey.

Gale Kilbury, Director, Illinois Masonic Children’s Assistance Program

Grand Lodge of Illinois, (217) 529-8900 Ext.222

Jessica Petty, IMCAP Coordinator

Grand Lodge of Illinois

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