CYLINDERS Security cylinders SAFETY A complete range: from base cylinder to a maximum safety cylinder, with patented and incopiable key. The CDS cylinders are equipped with more advanced protection systems: among others, piston-loaded springs and extraction systems. Thanks to the incopiable key systems, it's not possibile to find in the market a key blank for duplication. To ensure maximum security, only authorized key centers can duplicate the key for CDS cylinders.
AMMAESTRY CAPACITY The ammaestry is a planning system opening, through which a key called "maestro" that opens more than one cylinder, regardless of whether that each cylinder has its own key. All systems of CDS cylinders cab be ammaestred.
RANGE VARIETY The CDS systems are classified on the basis of four parameters: ◊ Key type, flat or toothed. ◊ Free or protected ◊ Security Grade ◊ Ammaestry Capacity The combination of these parameters allows to meet any design of both residential or institutional: from simple system to the patented high security, being able to offer a solution for every need.
WARRANTY The CDS cylinders meet the regulatory requirements of the European rules, such as EN 1303. The European normative lists the parameters of the evaluation of a cylinder: fire resistance, security against breakage, the number of combinations, durability and corrosion resistance, indicating 5 degrees of safety. The DIN normative, instead, indicates the requirements for certification to the ammaestry. The cylinders also meet the requirements of he UL (USA), NEN (Netherlands) and SS (Sweden).
CYLINDER Security cylinder CHART ACCORDING TO THE KEY MODEL Security level
Ammaestry capacity
T60 Anti Bumping
Key type
CYLINDER TE-5 Standard cylinder
TECHNICAL The TE-5 is the standard cylinder, witha a greater base level of security. It's the ideal cylinder for simple installation or for small ammaestry systems. It's available in a wide range of sizes and models.
FEATURES ◊ Key type: toothed in nickel steel ◊ Number of files: 1 ◊ Number of pistons: 5 ◊ Technology: Tumbler ◊ Combinatorics: Gradeo 5 ◊ Ammaestry: Standard capacity ◊ Corrosion and temperature Resistance: Grade B ◊ Average protection against crowbar ◊ Resistance: certified for 50.000 cycles ◊ 3 keys in nickel steel ◊ Standard finish: brass ◊ Certified according to EN1303
OPTIONS ◊ Finish: Nickel ◊ Cam: Radius 15 and Radius 13 ◊ Possibility of any ammaestry ◊ Wide range of sizes and profiles
REGULATIONS The cylinder TE-5 is certified accorging to European rules, as indicated in the table below.
TABLE Key Resistance
Grade 1
Durability (4-6)
Grade 5
Fire resistance (0-1)
Grade 2
Corrosion resistance
Grade B
Key Security
Grade 2
Crowbar Resistance
Grade 0
AMMAESTRY Allows to combine 10 heights positions. The TE-5 thus ensures an ammaestry safe and reliable.
USEFUL INFORMATIONS ◊ Use the appropriate lubricant to prolong the maximum duration of the cylinder; ◊ Use the original keys to make copies; ◊ If you change the cylinder or order of a new cylinder, consider that, once installd, the cylinder should not protrude more of 2 mm.
CYLINDER TE-5 Price List L
Double Cylinder
55 27,5 27,5 50302727L 60 30 30 50303030L 65 30 35 50303035L 70 30 40 50303040L 70 35 35 50303535L 75 30 45 50303045L 75 35 40 50303540L 80 30 50 50303050L 80 35 45 50303545L 80 40 40 50304040L 85 40 45 50304045L 90 30 60 50303060L 90 35 55 50303555L 90 40 50 50304050L 90 45 45 50304545L 100 30 70 50303070L 100 40 60 50304060L 100 50 50 50305050L 110 30 80 50303080L 110 50 60 50305060L 120 30 90 50303090L 120 60 60 50306060L 130 30 100 50303100L 40 30 10 50MC3010L 45 35 10 50MC3510L 50 40 10 50MC4010L 60 50 10 50MC5010L 70 60 10 50MC6010L 80 70 10 50MC7010L 90 80 10 50MC8010L 100 90 10 50MC9010L 60 30 30 503B3030L 65 30 35 503B3035L 70 30 40 503B3040L 70 35 35 503B3535L 75 35 40 503B3540L 75 40 35 503B4035L 80 30 50 503B3050L 80 35 45 503B3545L 80 40 40 503B4040L 85 40 45 503B4045L 90 30 60 503B3060L 90 40 50 503B4050L 90 45 45 503B4545L 100 50 50 503B5050L ACCESSORIES AND DIFFERENT FINISHES Raw Key LLAVEOTE5 Duplicate Key LLAVECTE5
Cylinder with knob
Half Cylinder
Increase nickel finish
CYLINDER T-60 Safety cylinder TECHNICAL The T-60 is a security base cylinder, equipped with a reversible flat key. This cylinder can be used for ammaestries with a degree of complexity not hight.
FEATURES ◊ Key type: flat reversible ◊ Number of files: 1 ◊ Number of pistons: 6 with a double diameter ◊ Technology: Tumbler conventional ◊ Combinatorics: Grade 5 ◊ Ammaestry: Capacity standard ◊ Corrosion and temperature Resistance: Grade B ◊ Average protection against crowbar ◊ Anti-drilling protection ◊ Resistance: certified for 100.000 cycles ◊ 5 nickel-plated brass keys ◊ Finitsh standard: nickel ◊ Certified according to EN1303
OPTIONS ◊ Finish: Bras ◊ Sliding device ◊ Modular system (for measures not widely used to reinforce the bridge with screw hole) ◊ Cam: Ray 15 and Ray 13 ◊ Possibility of any ammaestry ◊ Wide range of sizes and profiles
REGULATIONS The cylinder T-60 is certified accorging to European rules, as indicated in the table below.
TABLE Key Resistance
Grade 1
Durability (4-6)
Grade 6
Per porte REI (0-1)
Grado 1
Fire resistance (0-1)
Grade 5
Corrosion resistance
Grade B
Crowbar Resistance
Grade 0
AMMAESTRY Allows to combine 7 heights by position. The T-60 is a system suitable for those ammaestries whose level of complexity is not high. Ideal for a system of 100 different keys in MK.
USEFUL INFORMATIONS ◊ Use the appropriate lubricant to prolong the maximum duration of the cylinder; ◊ Use the original keys to make copies; ◊ If you change the cylinder or order of a new cylinder, consider that, once installd, the cylinder should not protrude more of 2 mm.
CYLINDER T-60 Price List
Cylinder with tang
Half cylinder
double cylinder
L 60 65 70 70 75 75 80 80 80 85 85 90 90 90 90 95 100 100 100 110 110 110 110 120 120 120 130 130 140 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90 100 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70
30 30 30 35 30 40 35 35 30 45 35 40 30 50 35 45 40 40 35 50 40 45 30 60 35 55 40 50 45 45 45 50 30 70 40 60 50 50 30 80 40 70 45 65 50 60 30 90 40 80 60 60 30 100 40 90 40 100 30 10 35 10 40 10 45 10 50 10 60 10 70 10 80 10 90 10 + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang
T6553030N T6553035N T6553040N T6553535N T6553045N T6553540N T6553050N T6553545N T6554040N T6553550N T6554045N T6553060N T6553555N T6554050N T6554545N T6554550N T6553070N T6554060N T6555050N T6553080N T6554070N T6554565N T6555060N T6553090N T6554080N T6556060N T6553100N T6554090N T6554100N T6553010N T6553510N T6554010N T6554510N T6555010N T6556010N T6557010N T6558010N T6559010N T6E53030N T6E53035N T6E53040N T6E53045N T6E53050N T6E53055N T6E53060N T6E53070N
Double cylinder fritioning with 3 keys (on request)
CYLINDER T-60 ANTI-BUMPING Security cylinder Anti-Bumping
TECHNICAL The T-60 ANTI-BUMPING is a security base cylinder, with a reversible flat key. Equipped with Bumping resistance, new technique of burglary, increasingly frequent, can be used for ammaestries with a degree of complexity is not high. FEATURES ◊ Key type: flat reversible with a long neck ◊ Number of files: 1 ◊ Number of pistons: 6 with double diameter ◊ Technology: Tumbler conventional ◊ Combinatorics: Grade 5 ◊ Ammaestry: Capacity standard ◊ Corrosion and Temperature Resistance: Grade B ◊ Anti-Bumping Resistance ◊ Average Protection against crowbar ◊ Anti-drilling protection ◊ Resistance: certified for 100.000 cycles ◊ 5 nickel-plated brass keys ◊ Finitsh standard: nickel ◊ Certified according to EN1303 OPTIONS ◊ Finish: Bras ◊ Sliding device ◊ Modular system (for measures not widely used to reinforce the bridge with screw hole) ◊ Cam: Ray 15 and Ray 13 ◊ Possibility of any ammaestry ◊ Wide range of sizes and profiles
AMMAESTRY Allows to combine 7 heights by position. The T-60 is a system suitable for those ammaestries whose level of complexity is not high. Ideal for a system of 100 different keys in MK.
USEFUL INFORMATIONS ◊ Use the appropriate lubricant to prolong the maximum duration of the cylinder; ◊ Use the original keys to make copies; ◊ If you change the cylinder or order of a new cylinder, consider that, once installd, the cylinder should not protrude more of 2 mm.
Cylinder with tang
Half cylinder
Double Cylinder
L 60 65 70 70 75 75 80 80 80 85 85 90 90 90 90 95 100 100 100 110 110 110 110 120 120 120 130 130 140 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90 100 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70
30 30 30 35 30 40 35 35 30 45 35 40 30 50 35 45 40 40 35 50 40 45 30 60 35 55 40 50 45 45 45 50 30 70 40 60 50 50 30 80 40 70 45 65 50 60 30 90 40 80 60 60 30 100 40 90 40 100 30 10 35 10 40 10 45 10 50 10 60 10 70 10 80 10 90 10 + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang
Code T65A53030N T65A53035N T65A53040N T65A53535N T65A53045N T65A53540N T65A53050N T65A53545N T65A54040N T65A53550N T65A54045N T65A53060N T65A53555N T65A54050N T65A54545N T65A54550N T65A53070N T65A54060N T65A55050N T65A53080N T65A54070N T65A54565N T65A55060N T65A53090N T65A54080N T65A56060N T65A53100N T65A54090N T65A54100N T65A53010N T65A53510N T65A54010N T65A54510N T65A55010N T65A56010N T65A57010N T65A58010N T65A59010N T65AE3030N T65AE3035N T65AE3040N T65AE3045N T65AE3050N T65AE3055N T65AE3060N T65AE3070N
Price Anti-Bumping Resistance 5 long neck keys
CYLINDER T-60 ANTI-BUMPING CLUTCH Safety cylinder Anti-Bumping cluthc with master key 1+4
TECHNICAL The T-60 ANTI-BUMPING CLUTCH is a security base cylinder, with a reversible flat key. Equipped with Bumping resistance, new technique of burglary, increasingly frequent, can be used for ammaestries with a degree of complexity is not high. It's equipped with 5 long neck keys: 1 master key + 4 sealed keys.
FEATURES ◊ Key type: flat reversible with a long neck ◊ Number of files: 1 ◊ Number of pistons: 6 with double diameter ◊ Technology: Tumbler conventional ◊ Combinatorics: Grade 5 ◊ Ammaestry: Capacity standard ◊ Corrosion and Temperature Resistance: Grade B ◊ Anti-Bumping Resistance ◊ Average Protection against crowbar ◊ Anti-drilling protection ◊ Resistance: certified for 100.000 cycles ◊ 5 nickel-plated brass keys ◊ Finitsh standard: nickel ◊ Certified according to EN1303 OPTIONS ◊ Finish: Bras ◊ Sliding device ◊ Modular system (for measures not widely used to reinforce the bridge with screw hole) ◊ Cam: Ray 15 and Ray 13 ◊ Possibility of any ammaestry ◊ Wide range of sizes and profiles USEFUL INFORMATIONS ◊ Use the appropriate lubricant to prolong the maximum duration of the cylinder; ◊ Use the original keys to make copies; ◊ If you change the cylinder or order of a new cylinder, consider that, once installd, the cylinder should not protrude more of 2 mm.
AMMAESTRY Allows to combine 7 heights by position. The T-60 is a system suitable for those ammaestries whose level of complexity is not high. Ideal for a system of 100 different keys in MK.
CYLINDER T-60 ANTI-BUMPING CLUTCH Safety cylinder Anti-Bumping cluthc with master key 1+4
Cylinder with tang
Doubel cylinder
L 60 65 70 70 75 75 80 80 80 85 85 90 90 90 90 95 100 100 100 110 110 110 110 120 120 120 130 130 140 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70
30 30 30 35 30 40 35 35 30 45 35 40 30 50 35 45 40 40 35 50 40 45 30 60 35 55 40 50 45 45 45 50 30 70 40 60 50 50 30 80 40 70 45 65 50 60 30 90 40 80 60 60 30 100 40 90 40 100 + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang
Code T6FA53030NKD T6FA53035NKD T6FA53040NKD T6FA53535NKD T6FA53045NKD T6FA53540NKD T6FA53050NKD T6FA53545NKD T6FA54040NKD T6FA53550NKD T6FA54045NKD T6FA53060NKD T6FA53555NKD T6FA54050NKD T6FA54545NKD T6FA54550NKD T6FA53070NKD T6FA54060NKD T6FA55050NKD T6FA53080NKD T6FA54070NKD T6FA54565NKD T6FA55060NKD T6FA53090NKD T6FA54080NKD T6FA56060NKD T6FA53100NKD T6FA54090NKD T6FA54100NKD T65AE3030NKD T65AE3035NKD T65AE3040NKD T65AE3045NKD T65AE3050NKD T65AE3055NKD T65AE3060NKD T65AE3070NKD
Price Anti-Bumping Resistance 5 long neck keys 1 master + 4 sealed keys
CILINDRO T-60 DINGO Security cylinder Anti-Bumping resistent with tear resistant steel bar
TECHNICAL The T-60 DINGO is a security base cylinder, with a reversible flat key. Equipped with Bumping resistance, new technique of burglary, increasingly frequent, can be used for ammaestries with a degree of complexity is not high. Equipped with 5 long neck keys and a steel bar tear resistance for high security.
FEATURES ◊ Key type: flat reversible with a long neck ◊ Number of files: 1 ◊ Number of pistons: 6 with double diameter ◊ Technology: Tumbler conventional ◊ Combinatorics: Grade 5 ◊ Ammaestry: Capacity standard ◊ Corrosion and Temperature Resistance: Grade B ◊ Anti-Bumping Resistance ◊ Average Protection against crowbar ◊ Anti-drilling protection ◊ Resistance: certified for 100.000 cycles ◊ 5 nickel-plated brass keys ◊ Finitsh standard: nickel ◊ Certified according to EN1303 OPTIONS ◊ Finish: Bras ◊ Sliding device ◊ Modular system (for measures not widely used to reinforce the bridge with screw hole) ◊ Cam: Ray 15 and Ray 13 ◊ Wide range of sizes and profiles USEFUL INFORMATIONS ◊ Use the appropriate lubricant to prolong the maximum duration of the cylinder; ◊ Use the original keys to make copies; ◊ If you change the cylinder or order of a new cylinder, consider that, once installd, the cylinder should not protrude more of 2 mm.
AMMAESTRY Allows to combine 7 heights by position. The T-60 DINGO is a system suitable for those ammaestries whose level of complexity is not high. Ideal for a system of 100 different keys in MK.
Half cylinder
Double cylinder
60 65 70 70 75 75 80 80 80 85 85 90 90 90 90 95 100 100 100 110 110 110 110 120 120 120 130 130 140 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
30 30 30 35 30 40 35 35 30 45 35 40 30 50 35 45 40 40 35 50 40 45 30 60 35 55 40 50 45 45 45 50 30 70 40 60 50 50 30 80 40 70 45 65 50 60 30 90 40 80 60 60 30 100 40 90 40 100 + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang
T65D53030N T65D53035N T65D53040N T65D53535N T65D53045N T65D53540N T65D53050N T65D53545N T65D54040N T65D53550N T65D54045N T65D53060N T65D53555N T65D54050N T65D54545N T65D54550N T65D53070N T65D54060N T65D55050N T65D53080N T65D54070N T65D54565N T65D55060N T65D53090N T65D54080N T65D56060N T65D53100N T65D54090N T65D54100N T65DE3030N T65DE3035N T65DE3040N T65DE3045N T65DE3050N T65DE3055N T65DE3060N
+ tang
ACCESSORIES AND DIFFERENT FINISHES Description Code Standard raw key Long neck raw key Standard duplicate key Long neck duplicate key
Price Anti-Bumping Resistance 5 long neck keys Anti-tearing Steel Bar
Increase for brass finish
CYLINDER TX-70 Anti-Bumping Resistance- Customized profile
TECHNICAL The TX-70 is a security base cylinder, equipped with reversible key. Thanks to the Bumping Resistance, new technique of burglary increasingly frequent, can be used for ammaestries. It's possible to have a customized profiles. FEATURES ◊ Key type: flat reversible with a long neck ◊ Number of files: 1 ◊ Number of pistons: 6 with double diameter ◊ Technology: Tumbler conventional ◊ Combinatorics: Grade 5 ◊ Ammaestry: Capacity standard ◊ Corrosion and Temperature Resistance: Grade B ◊ Anti-Bumping Resistance ◊ Average Protection against crowbar ◊ Anti-drilling protection ◊ Resistance: certified for 100.000 cycles ◊ 5 nickel-plated brass keys ◊ Finitsh standard: nickel ◊ Certified according to EN1303 OPTIONS ◊ Finish: Brass ◊ Sliding device ◊ Modular system (for measures not widely used to reinforce the bridge with screw hole) ◊ Cam: Ray 15 and Ray 13 ◊ Possibility of any ammaestry ◊ Wide range of sizes and profiles
USEFUL INFORMATIONS ◊ Use the appropriate lubricant to prolong the maximum duration of the cylinder; ◊ Use the original keys to make copies; ◊ If you change the cylinder or order of a new cylinder, consider that, once installd, the cylinder should not protrude more of 2 mm.
AMMAESTRY Allows to combine 6 heights by position. Possibility to use 2 files of spring-loaded pistons with 10 total positions, for a better cheights combinations.
CYLINDER TX-70 Price List
Cylinder with tang
Half cylinder
Double Cylinder
L 60 65 70 70 75 75 80 80 80 85 85 90 90 90 90 100 100 100 110 110 110 110 120 120 120 120 130 130 130 140 140 140 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90 100 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70
30 30 30 35 30 40 35 35 30 45 35 40 30 50 35 45 40 40 35 50 40 45 30 60 35 55 40 50 45 45 30 70 40 60 50 50 30 80 40 70 45 65 50 60 30 90 40 80 60 60 50 70 30 100 40 90 50 80 40 100 60 80 50 90 30 10 35 10 40 10 45 10 50 10 60 10 70 10 80 10 90 10 + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang
Code TX7F33030N TX7F33035N TX7F33040N TX7F33535N TX7F33045N TX7F33540N TX7F33050N TX7F33545N TX7F34040N TX7F33550N TX7F34045N TX7F33060N TX7F33555N TX7F34050N TX7F34545N TX7F33070N TX7F34060N TX7F35050N TX7F33080N TX7F34070N TX7F34565N TX7F35060N TX7F33090N TX7F34080N TX7F36060N TX7F35070N TX7F33100N TX7F34090N TX7F35080N TX7F34100N TX7F36080N TX7F35090N TX7F33010N TX7F33510N TX7F34010N TX7F34510N TX7F35010N TX7F36010N TX7F37010N TX7F38010N TX7F39010N TX7E33030N TX7E33035N TX7E33040N TX7E33045N TX7E33050N TX7E33055N TX7E33060N TX7E33070N
CYLINDER TX-80 High security cylinder with Anti-Bumping Resistance
TECHNICAL The cylinder TX-80 is equipped of high quality protection system. The patented key isn't a free distribution. Thanks to new patented recently renovated the TX-80 ensures ever an high security.
FEATURES ◊ Key type: Patented flat reversible ◊ Number of files: 2 New with Renoved Patent ◊ Pistons: 8+2 security sensors on the key ◊ Technology: Tumbler with double diameter ◊ Combinatorics: Grade 6 ◊ Ammaestry: High Capacity ◊ Corrosion and temperature Resistance: Grade B ◊ Bumping Resistance ◊ Average protection against crowbar ◊ Anti-Drilling Protection ◊ Resistance: certified for 100,000 cycles ◊ 5 keys in ALPACA ◊ Ergonomic design of the key ◊ The copy of the key only on property card presentation ◊ Standard finish: nickel AMMAESTRY ◊ Certified according to EN1303 The TX-80 system combines the use of a technology "tumbler" OPTIONS with an exclusive multi-profile ◊ Finish: Brass system and passive pistons. ◊ Modular system (for measures not widely used to reinforce the bridge with screw hole) This allows to make very complex ammaestries, ◊ Cam: Ray 15 and Ray 13 maintaning high the security ◊ Possibility of any ammaestry grade. Who can install to ◊ Wide range of sizes and profiles check out the copies of the keys and cylinders made, thanks to USEFUL INFORMATIONS the property card that ◊ Use the appropriate lubricant to prolong the accompanies each cylinder and maximum duration of the cylinder; ammaestries. ◊ Use the original keys to make copies; ◊ If you change the cylinder or order of a new cylinder, consider that, once installd, the cylinder should not protrude more of 2 mm.
CYLINDER TX-80 Price List
Cylinder with tang
Half cylinder
Double cylinder
L 60 65 70 70 75 75 80 80 80 85 85 90 90 90 90 100 100 100 110 110 110 110 120 120 120 120 130 130 130 140 140 140 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90 100 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70
30 30 30 35 30 40 35 35 30 45 35 40 30 50 35 45 40 40 35 50 40 45 30 60 35 55 40 50 45 45 30 70 40 60 50 50 30 80 40 70 45 65 50 60 30 90 40 80 60 60 50 70 30 100 40 90 50 80 40 100 60 80 50 90 30 10 35 10 40 10 45 10 50 10 60 10 70 10 80 10 90 10 + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang
Code TX853030N TX853035N TX853040N TX853535N TX853045N TX853540N TX853050N TX853545N TX854040N TX853550N TX854045N TX853060N TX853555N TX854050N TX854545N TX853070N TX854060N TX855050N TX853080N TX854070N TX854565N TX855060N TX853090N TX854080N TX856060N TX855070N TX853100N TX854090N TX855080N TX854100N TX856080N TX855090N TX853010N TX853510N TX854010N TX854510N TX855010N TX856010N TX857010N TX858010N TX859010N TX8E3030N TX8E3035N TX8E3040N TX8E3045N TX8E3050N TX8E3055N TX8E3060N TX8E3070N
CYLINDER TX-80 LEOPARD High security, Bumping resistance with steel bar
TECHNICAL The TX-80 LEOPARD is equipped with a steel bar that resists on the force of 1.500 kg to the tear, returning in the parameters of grade 5 (the maximum) of security, provided by European standard EN 1303. So even without the use of the defender, the cylinder offre ottime garanzie di sicurezza.
FEATURES ◊ Key type: Patented flat reversible ◊ Number of file: 2 ◊ Pistons Number: 8+2 security sensors on the key ◊ Technology: Tumbler with double diameter ◊ Combinatorics: Grade 6 ◊ Ammaestry: High Capacity ◊ Corrosion and temperature Resistance: Grade B ◊ Bumping Resistance ◊ Average protection against crowbar ◊ Anti-drilling protection ◊ Resistance: certified for 100,000 cycles ◊ 5 keys in ALPACA ◊ Ergonomic design of the key ◊ Key copy only on property card presentation ◊ Standard finish: nickel ◊ Certified according EN 1303
OPTIONS ◊ Modular system (for measures not widely used to reinforce the bridge with screw hole) ◊ Cam: Ray 15 and Ray 13 ◊ Possibility of any ammaestry ◊ Wide range of sizes and profiles
Steel bar
USEFUL INFORMATIONS ◊ Use the appropriate lubricant to prolong the maximum duration of the cylinder, ◊ Use the original keys to make copies; ◊ If you change the cylinder or order of a new cylinder, consider that, once installed, the cylinder should not protrude more of 2 mm.
cylinder with tang
Double Cylinder
L 60 65 70 70 75 75 80 80 80 85 85 90 90 90 90 100 100 100 110 110 110 110 120 120 120 120 130 130 130 140 140 140 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70
30 30 30 35 30 40 35 35 30 45 35 40 30 50 35 45 40 40 35 50 40 45 30 60 35 55 40 50 45 45 30 70 40 60 50 50 30 80 40 70 45 65 50 60 30 90 40 80 60 60 50 70 30 100 40 90 50 80 40 100 60 80 50 90 + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang + tang
Code TX8L53030N TX8L53035N TX8L53040N TX8L53535N TX8L53045N TX8L53540N TX8L53050N TX8L53545N TX8L54040N TX8L53550N TX8L54045N TX8L53060N TX8L53555N TX8L54050N TX8L54545N TX8L53070N TX8L54060N TX8L55050N TX8L53080N TX8L54070N TX8L54565N TX8L55060N TX8L53090N TX8L54080N TX8L56060N TX8L55070N TX8L53100N TX8L54090N TX8L55080N TX8L54100N TX8L56080N TX8L55090N TX8LE3030N TX8LE3035N TX8LE3040N TX8LE3045N TX8LE3050N TX8LE3055N TX8LE3060N TX8LE3070N
Accessories and different Finishes for TX-80/TX-80 Leopard Duplicated key Finish Brass
CYLINDER TK-100 High security Cylinder New TECHNICAL The cylinder TK-100 is equipped with a exclusive protection systems. This model includes the patented incopiable key and an innovative system of orbital combination, which exceed the maximum grade of key security, scheduled by European standards. The TK-100, thanks to construction technique, increases the resistance to the burglary attacks, and then breaking of the cylinder. It's also has exceptional anti-drilling protection: in addition to providing more pins drill of hard metal, is provided with a shield inserted in the rotor.
FEATURES ◊ Key type: Patented flat reversibile ◊ Number of files: 2 ◊ Pistons number: 13+2 sensors of key security ◊ Technology: DROP multi-point (TESA Exclusive) ◊ Combinatorics: exceeds the degree 6 ◊ Ammaestry: Maximum Capacity ◊ Corrosion and temperature Resistanc: Grade C ◊ Advanced Bumping Resistance ◊ Average protection against crowbar ◊ Anti-drilling protection than the maximum degree required by the standard ◊ Protection bar against breakage ◊ Resistance: certified for 200.000 cycles ◊ Standard frictioning ◊ 5 keys in ALPACA ◊ Ergonomic design of the key ◊ Key copy only on property card presentation ◊ Standard finish: nickel ◊ Certified accordin to EN1303
NORMATIVE The TK-100 meets all requirements required by European legislation, finishing at higher levels in all areas specified below. TABLE Key resistance
Grade 1
Durability (4-6)
Grade 6
Fire resistance (0-1)
Grade 1
Anti-corrosion resist.
Grade C
Key security
Grade 6
Attacks resistance
Grade 2
AMMAESTRY The maximum that can meet on the market
USEFUL INFORMATIONS ◊ Use the appropriate lubricant to prolong the maximum duration of the cylinder, ◊ Use the original keys to make copies; ◊ If you change the cylinder or order of a new cylinder, consider that, once installed, the cylinder should not protrude more of 2 installato, il cilindro non deve sporgere
Double Cylinder
60 65 70 70 75 75 80 80 80 85 90 90 90 90 100 100 100 110 110 120 120 120 130 140 150 160
30 30 30 35 30 35 30 35 40 35 30 35 40 45 30 40 50 30 50 30 40 60 30 40 50 60
30 35 40 35 45 40 50 45 40 50 60 55 50 45 70 60 50 80 60 90 80 60 100 100 100 100
TK153030N TK153035N TK153040N TK153535N TK153045N TK153540N TK153050N TK153545N TK154040N TK153550N TK153060N TK153555N TK154050N TK154545N TK153070N TK154060N TK155050N TK153080N TK155060N TK153090N TK154080N TK156060N TK153100N TK154100N TK155100N TK156100N
40 45 50 60 70 80 90 100
30 35 40 50 60 70 80 90
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
TK153010N TK153510N TK154010N TK155010N TK156010N TK157010N TK158010N TK159010N
60 65 70 70 80 80 85
30 30 35 40 30 40 35
30 35 35 30 50 40 50
TK1B3030N TK1B3035N TK1B3535N TK1B4030N TK1B3050N TK1B4040N TK1B3550N
Cylinder with knob
Half cylinder
Price List
AMMAESTRIES AND ACCESSORIES Ammaestries and accessories for cylinders The increases provided below are gross and thereforse subject to the discount given to the customer and should be added to the price of each cylinder component system. KA System KA= Equal keys Code Description Price AMMTE5KA AMMT60KA AMMTX8KA
For TE-5 cylinder For T-60 cylinder For TX-80 cylinder
CC System CC= key common entrance Code Description AMMTE5CC AMMT60CC AMMTX8CC
ket additional for each cylinder over 2.
Master Key Master Key Master Key
For TE-5 cylinder For T-60 cylinder For TX-80 cylinder
Sistema GMK GMK= a chiave granmaestra Codice AMMTE5GMK AMMT60GMK AMMTX8GMK
for groups of two cylinders and one
For TE-5 cylinder For T-60 cylinder For TX-80 cylinder
MK System MK= master key Code AMMTE5MK AMMT60MK AMMTX8MK
For KA systems, we provide six keys
Master Key Master Key Master Key
For TE-5 cylinder For T-60 cylinder For TX-80 cylinder
CAN System CAN=Master key Code Description AMMT60CANKD AMMT60CAN AMMTX80CANKD AMMT80CAN
Master key single for T-60 Master key single for T-60 Master key single for TX-80 Master key single for TX-80
Aluminum knob Brass knob Brass knob Yale coverhole plates
Master Key Master Key Master Key
Price Master Key Master Key Master Key Master Key
Finitura Bronze Satin Chrome Lucid Brass Black
MODULAR CYLINDERS Service of modular cylinders assembled
For all models of cylinder with flat key, such as T-60, TX-70, TX-80, TX-80 Leopard and TK 100, there is a modular versione, made by CDS, which covers the range of all measures used in the European profile. If there is a need to have a cylinder of a measure for longer compared to those available in this catalgoue or an interim measure, CDS offers solutions in rapid times providing the cylinder model requested. The modular cylinders also considerably improve the resistance to breakage, thanks to bar steel junction, as required by UNE EN 1303:2005.
CDS is able to provide double cylinders with sizes up to a maximum of 130 mm per side.
Indicate the size and model you want. In no time estimate will be delivered with an indication of the delivery time.
CDS CENTRO DISTRIBUZIONE SICUREZZA SRL 35010 LIMENA (PD) Via Pierobon 129 T. + 39 049 8841502 Fax +39 049 8846168 -