
JIA XUAN LI3dyna-mo2 OFACKNOWLEDGEMENTTHECOUNTRY I begin today by acknowledging the Wangal people the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we gather today on which the white bay power station is located, and pay my respects to their Elders past and present. I extend that respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples here today, also paying my respect to the past, present and future of the developing country and the multiple generations on the land. CONTENTS pg. 4-19 pg. 44-53 pg. 66-79 pg. 80-89 pg. 20-31 pg. 54-65 pg. 32-43 DESIGN PROPOSAL & STRATEGY OBSERVO TIMESHISTORICALRAMPNODESCONNECTION LIBRARY HYDRO CAFE COMMUNITYINDEX ENGINE

, reveals that intergeneration interaction and knowledge exchange
the younger generation
JIA XUAN LI5dyna-mo4 The Dyna-mo Intergenerational Recreation Center operates as an engine for intergenerational activities to bridge community and social gaps for the future through highly inclusive, interactive and innovative implemented spaces. The spaces will be able to offer you a unique experience to create new memories while commemorating the past. ABOUT the intergeneration recreation center 0-14 30-4460-7415-2975-85%45-59yrsyrsyrsyrsyrs31.9%2.7%13%14.8%20.3%17.3%
The of Intergenerational Relationships enhances between and the rest of the
the substantive relationship

WBPS serves as an industrial belt that has played a significant role in Sydney’s industrial development. Several generations in the local community have benefited from the WBPS’s stable employment opportunities.
Today, the power plant is a symbol of Sydney's industrial development, and it is currently being used as a filming location for movie production, a sign that promotes Sydney's history while also maximising local recognition.
Reconstruct the site to embrace intergenerational community bonding. Through highly inclusive, interactive and innovative implemented spaces, it will be able to offer a unique and special experience to create new memories
THE SITE location & architecture morphology
The site is formally located in Sydney in the suburb of Rozelle, with a dense population providing endless opportunities for us as designers to offer the place a new identity while retaining the existing cultural features. The lack of social gathering spaces commercial and cultural spaces, parks etc in the suburb raises the issue of the lack of community bonding.

It is due to the diverse range of age gaps, so exploring inclusive and diverse ways of connecting the past and future acts as a tool to help bridge the gaps between the diverse age group of peo ple living around as well as foster long-term bonding for future generations.
Exploring new ways of interlacing the past and future to enhance community’s cultural and creative mindset that triggers emotional belongings and embark community connection to create a profound and highly cohesive community in the Emotionalfuture.belonging and well-being shall be valued as it is a major contributor to impacting the community’s psychological and mental health. The current situation of COVID-19, has been challenged through the changes of perception that people have towards a public space, which resulted in a negative result with a decrease of belonging towards a public and community space.
the intergeneration recreation center
Community connectivity is an element that has been significantly valued by the precinct stake holders and local government. However, the lack of emotional belonging is an issue that affects the community’s bonding.
A cultural and creative mindset is something essential to consider about to reinforce culture and art resonation for multi-generations. However, it has been challenged due to society’s overreliance on the import of international culture. A creative mindset is a foundation for creating a profound and cohesive cultural community in the future.

According to the Bays Precinct Strategy Framework it is essential to enhance community Createcohesiveness.aplace that offers open spaces, recreational, community and cultural facilities to forge a high level of community cohesivity, inclusivity and productivity.
According to the Culture Infrastructure Study, Embrace cultural diversity and encourage diverse multicultural creative production and practices. Facilitate cohesive cultural communities through increasing opportunities for active creative participation, and shall address inequalities of access.
According to the Conservational Manage Plan It is essential to preserve heritage items according to significant grades and to inherit heritage. Utilise heritage items and blend in with spatial forms to create an intuitive and innovative experience in commemorating and learning about the heritage. research and analysis

dyna-mo12 THE NEW SYSTEM the narratie The new system of the dyna-mo intergenerational recreation centre correlates with the original coal electrical generation process. Transforming each stage of the process into a new system gives the historical venue a new identity that helps to bridge the gaps between multiple generations. Learn and assimilate diverse knowledge from multigenerational aspects. Create new memories while respecting the heritage. Admire the heritage and reflect for the future generation.
REFLECTIMPRINTASSIMILATE Proposed design to correspond with the existing architectural grid. Tubular and linear forms act as transition element to guide movement and to create ‘moments’ within space

JIA XUAN LI1501 02 03 04 05 360 O view, hydro power engine; to reflect the past, present and future under the intergeneration and sustainability ideology. 05 Hydro Cafe Re:flect 02 Community Engine Multifunctional space with gathering, creating and cultural inheritance purposes acts as the ‘fuel’ for intergenerational bonded future. Re:birth 03 Observo Ramp Observe, experience, transition; activation of past worker experience & sense of participation of the past in present Re:capdays. Bridging the knowledge from the past and keeping a record of the present. To connect and enhance wellbeing and mental fulfilment for multi-generational visitors. 04 Times Connection LibraryRe:cordRe:connect 01 Historical Nodes Transformation and circualtion nodes for heritage knowledge activation. Imprinting space enhances physical and emotional belonging to the place. SEQUENCESPATIAL the generation walk

The place for the recreation of past memories & the new journey begins...... the old verses new Reinterpret traditional materials and industrial features as a way to inherit the past material and create a more coherent style, and to resonate more with the existing Usecondition.newand contemporary materials that mimic traditional patterns, colours and textures. The chosen material corresponds with functional needs that are highly inclusive of intergeneration needs.

Corresponds with the existing view of the interior, where it has 3 big voids. Penetrating the roof and allowing light into the whole vertical space generates an idea of recreation. Inspired by the hydroelectricity generation process, where the water comes from underground. To use the layering technique to mimic the process, as it is the main source of energy used in the prosed building.
JIA XUAN LI19dyna-mo18
Tunnel as the main form used in my design indicates the metaphoric notion of the energy generation process thorugh several tubular forms. Creating moment’s within the tunnel is something essential.
Adding a new volume into the space and centralising it maximises the use of space height. It is a space that represents the new strategy of intergeneration, where a water curtain will be created inside which represents hydroelectricity. It is also a place that offered the opportunity for people to have a 360 o view of the whole interior at the top.
Inspired by the machinery and the energy production process in the WBPS. The use boiler house machine, the boiler uses water to generate steam in order to create electricity. It reflects the idea of the transition of elements into electricity which has taken a great role in Sydney’s past development. Acting as a metaphor linking the past and future, for spatial connections, the tubular forms reflect a fluid and dynamic transition from one thing to another. using tubular forms to create special moments and nodes for people to connect and transition from space to space. design techniques
CIRCULATION Guided circulation thorugh tunnels and ramps. Free movment circulation.

and bring your
coal and energy production system, acting
Welcome on
your journey! Record new memories / Sydney past development ‘records‘ / Place to imprint and meet TRIGGER EMOTIONAL BELONGINGS 01 Interactive exhibition with mist outlet on the ground
metaphor linking
memories. Tubular circulation tunnels mimic
WBPS, absorb and
spaces above to
The journey begins at the base of the learn about the history knowledge to the next few complete a fulfilled journey of new the as a the past present and future. board to the first stage of
remembrance and

JIA XUAN LI23dyna-mo22 06 0207 03 04 0501 08 09 10 11 MATERIAL & LIGHT PALETTE 1110090807060504030201 Corten Steel Sheet from INDUSTRIAL METAL SUPPLY CO. Rusted steel sheet recyled from site Polished stainless steel panel from Atlas Steels Retain exisitng concrete floor and to be polished to new condition Sparkling Granita corian surface from Corian Solid Surface Dry Customice grey tinted mirror from The Framing Project. FogWater[chemical reaction] - Water vapor from the air, condensing due to the cooling effect of the carbon dioxide Dim space uses only artificial light to lit up the space Extensive use of LED lighting Brick walls will be retained from the existing site, no new conditions will be made to the existing wall. Extensive use of metals in the space, creating the experience of walking through tubes.

(01-2) Custum interactive joinery (01-3) ‘Collect’ joinery - the first activation piece from the fog engine (01-4) ‘Rotate’ joinery - the second activation piece from the fog engine (01-5) ‘Mill’ joinery - the third activation piece from the fog engine (01-6) ‘Generate’ joinery - the last activation piece from the fog engine
Joinery pieces are designed in the way to represent the coal electrical generation process in a simple way that consists of 4 of the main process. You will be able to assimilate past knowledge in a unique way. The system will operate as the following:
2. Mill: put the collected coal into the coal mill
3. Rotate: rotate the wheel to create thermal energy to mimic the boiling process
Heat will be released through the fog engine’s tube
4. Press the button on the screen to activate the fog engine
JIA XUAN LI25dyna-mo2401-201-3 01-4 01-5 01-6
1. Collect: collect a small piece of coal from the joinery box
Use tunnel expression and nodes to connect spaces and increace chance of interaction.

view of the tunnel interior with custom overhead movie player
The overhead movie player is located in the node of the space, each node represents a time period of Sydney that has significant development happened in the past. (02-2) Embedded technology system within space, allows you to track your digital imprint on your phone and inside the headset, have a record of the visit to leave down an imprint 02-2 Custom digital screen
JIA XUAN LI27dyna-mo2602Front

JIA XUAN LI29dyna-mo2803Interactive exhibition center space Located right under the existing boiler holes, to maintain eye contact with the above levels. Led lights are installed to the edge of the wall to highlight the existing material of the red brick

The combination of the fog engine and dry ice is a futuristic and sustainable way to generate fog to recreate the past spatial condition of having a smoke.
JIA XUAN LI31dyna-mo30
03-3 03-4
The interactive element within the tunnel allows you to have a metaphorical practical experience to activate the fog engine.
The engine will operate when you press the start button and will release hot air through the tube which will create a chemical reaction of water vapour from the air, condensing due to the cooling effect of the carbon dioxide.
Referring to the previous use of the site as a coal electricity power station, you will be able to experience an immersive spatial experience through this space.
(03-2) Custom mist outlet in tubular form (03-3) Custom light (03-4) Touch screen for thermal activation (03-5) Dry Ice and mist (03-6) Inclusive design of ramp, allow equal access for wheel chair03-5 03-6

Community Gathering / Reboot of creative industry and mindset / Use creative as a tool to bridge the gap of past present and future generations
COHERE & COMMUNITY BONDING 01 Front view of the custom sculpture
The ‘hottest‘ space within the WBPS, a reinterpretation of the past spacial condition. Reflected through the chaotic and energetic setting of the space. The multifunctional spatial division provides diverse activities that act as the fuel to boost the intergenerational community for the future.

JIA XUAN LI35dyna-mo34 1413121110090807060504030201 Corten Steel Sheet from INDUSTRIAL METAL SUPPLY CO. Tactile linen cladding from Cladding Australia Black galvanized currugated metal sheeting from Langnaisyteel Rusted steel sheet recyled from site Polished stainless steel panel from Atlas Steels Natural light to lit up the space during day time Adjustable LED coloured lights Sustainable vinyl iQ surface flooring from Tarkett Sparkling Granita corian surface from Corian Solid Surface Sparkingling black quartz from Great Lakes Stainless steel floor grating to be attached to floor from Lang + Fulton Soft Cotton Herringbone - Matcha Latte from the Fabric Store Jackson Milled shoulder in cocoa leather from AusTANNERS Glass panels to be customized 04 05 08 09 10 11 12 13 01 02 03 06 07 MATERIAL & LIGHT PALETTE Brick walls will be retained from the exisitng site, no new conditions will be made to the exisitng wall. A young colourful palette has been chosen to demosntrate the diversity of spacial function of the space. Being a place for multiple genrations to gather, the space are flexible with thw use of light. 14

JIA XUAN LI37dyna-mo3602Front view of the communal seating area

JIA XUAN LI39dyna-mo38
(02-2) Custom individual seating plinth (02-3) Individual plinth fixed to stair seating detail and music player detail on the plinth (02-4) Hand rest detail (02-5) Head phone hanging method (02-6) Stair, handrail to floor and led strip lighting fixed to floor detail
02-3 02-4 02-5 02-6 02-2
QR codes are stuck onto the plinth allowing people to scan to add a hashtag to the community floating panel. In this way, you will be able to leave down your imprints and have a physical belonging to the centre. You are also able to hear soundtrack recordings of past spatial conditions by using the headphones in order to create a more immersive experience in this open space.
App access diagram to suit the mass society of using phones to scan the QR code in order to add hashtags to the community floating board. Possible for visitors to add their own hashtags without lining up at machines.
Offers a new way of seating in a more private setting, intentionally designed to break down the macro scale of the entire seating space. It is also more inclusive for people who might still be aware of the covid pandemic and wants to have some protection barriers while still being with the mass visitors.

Reservoir Generator Water
To reflect the hydroelectricity generation process, where the water comes from uner ground. Layering another space above helps to demonstarte the conept 03 Walking path of the seating area 03-2 03-3
Possible spatial atmosphere during night time (03-3) Natural light diagram - sustainable use of natural energey source.
JIA XUAN LI41dyna-mo40
Being the bonding space in the newly proposed centre, it is designed to have diverse possibilities through the use of space. It is uniquely designed to suit an intergenerational concept of having 2 spatial conditions during the day all in an inclusive manner. During the day the community engine will operate as a normal gathering space, whilst during the night, the spatial atmosphere will be changed into a more futuristic and young condition.
Create spaces underneath to maximizes the use of height in the overall building
WIthout having any partition walls and enclosure, being a fully open space that is able to gather hundreds of people, makes the acoustic condition very chaotic. It uses a spatial way to mimic the mass spatial condition of being very hot and noisy.(03-2)

To maintain a correlation of spatial activities, the custom sculpture allows fog to rise up to the gathering space, you are able to feel the fog and mist more closely from the opening of the sculpture.
(04-2) View of the custom tubular sculpture (04-3) Custom community float board fixed to the tubular sculpture detail (04-4) Fog outlet area (04-5) Light and hand rail detail (04-6) Inclusive diagram
Inclusive access paths, allow for wheelchair access. Keeping similar journeys for each user group to each space. Allow diverse ways of moving through space, receiving the same atmospheric condition. Vertical connection for connected experience from different levels.
04-3 04-4 04-5 04-2
JIA XUAN LI43dyna-mo42

Observe the heritage views / Metaphor of connecting spaces connecting the different times through the spatial exploration / Place to link and transit COMMEMORATE & MENTAL FULLFILLMENT walkway
01 Tunnel
The WBPS interior views are a heritage exhibition for visitors while they transit on the ramp. A guided exhibition path observing heritage views and activating past worker experience of ‘working in the air‘. The ramp connected directly into spaces for a linked journey to help form a fluid and dynamic narrative through all the It is a metaphor of connecting spaces connecting the different times through the spatial exploration to re:cap RAMP

JIA XUAN LI47dyna-mo46 07060504030201 Rusted steel sheet recyled from site Polished stainless steel panel from Atlas Steels Boston 705 Locking Crimp Woven Wire Mesh from MESHSTORE Light Rammed Earth with demi rustic finish from Clayworks Water ripple stainless steel sheet Glass panels to be customized into shape LED strip lighting for wayfinding along the path A clear and clean palette is chosen for this space, it uses see-through material wisely to maintain eye contact with all other spaces. Also having the purpose of a Guided circulation; Different levels of observation points for commemorating purposes, heritage views naturally form an exhibition. The use of water ripples ceiling for the tunnel space links to the hydro concept in my design. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 MATERIAL & LIGHT PALETTE Only ramp access, suitable for all group of users. Led light along ramp for way finding

The ramp designed tolocate near the wall and the large glass partitions, allowing visitors to have a closer look at the exisitng materials and also to touch and feel the texture. Able to see clearly of whats happending on the other spaces.
Guided circulation; Different levels of observation point for commemorate puporse, heritage views naturally forms an exhibition.
2 level tunnel, different experience; normal circulation ramp that also allows visitors to expereience past working conditions.
JIA XUAN LI49dyna-mo48 02 Open walkway of the ramp

According to a video clip about interviewing past WBPS workers, one interviewee mentioned “On top of the boilers, had no head for heights on top of an extension ladder changing the globes and the roof......well working at heights working in dangerous conditions I mean the best the place was dripping without asbestos, mean I used to waled around and hold my breath around there no the pump rooms and things behind because it was in the air.”
JIA XUAN LI51dyna-mo50 mesh surface Past work condition experience point, activates past experience. Visitors choice of which level to walk.03 Enclosed tunnel walkway for the ramp Connected directly into spaces for a linked journey through the narrative storyline

Human standing position on the experiencing spot.
03-2 03-3 03-503-4
JIA XUAN LI53dyna-mo52
Past work condition area are only designed as a one spot area, which protects visitors privicay when walking pn the ramp. It is inclusive for visitors to their own choice of expereience
(03-2) Mesh floor area with led light embeded, lettereing printed onto the floor with neon light (03-3) Custom hand holding bar (03-4) Hand rail detail (03-5) Custom shape light box along the tunnel walkway edge fixed to the ramp floor

world. Connect past,
wellbeing. Multi-media
visitors / Exchange thinkings
individuals’ mental
Using and multimedia device to educate and knowledge to bridge and learn knowledge and their present and future, to enhance fulfilment and and technology-based offer an while learning.
01 Custom seating
innovative experience
the gap INTERLACE PAST PREST AND FUTURE To reconnect, share
/ Place

Polished stainless steel panel from Atlas Steels
White Yasmine Corian by DuPont Corian Clam Shell corian surface from Corian Solid SurfaceGlass panels to be customized into Sustainableshape vinyl iQ surface flooring from Tarkett Glass panels to be customized into shape
Brick walls will be retained from the existing site, no new conditions will be made to the existing wall. A soft palette has been chosen to create a calm and pleasant atmosphere of space, retaining the existing brick wall and the coal hopper creates a unique contrast. The use of steel grating mimics the use of similar materials in other spaces. A soft palette has been chosen to create a calm and pleasant atmosphere of space, retaining the existing brick wall and the coal hopper creates a unique contrast. The use of steel grating mimics the use of similar materials in other spaces.
JIA XUAN LI57dyna-mo56 01 02 07 0803 04 05 06 09 10 10090807060504030201
Stainless steel floor grating to be attached to floor from Lang + Fulton
Soft Cotton Herringbone - Matcha Latte from the Fabric Store
Rusted steel sheet recyled from site
The combination of natural and artificial light Delano oak timber in natural finish from Laminex

JIA XUAN LI59dyna-mo5802Birds eye view of the Times Connection Library

JIA XUAN LI61dyna-mo60
The existing coal hoppers were merged within the design of the space, where a custom rotatable book engine is designed to mimic the changing nature of sustainability and social issues. It also represents the motion of the dynamic movement of how electricity is produced as well as reflecting on the proposed dynamic movement through space. Activated with two people siting on it. Not fully activated.
03 Front view of the Times Connection Library
Self-serve digital devices for borrowing books, creating incidence for visitors to come back to the place again.

JIA XUAN LI63dyna-mo62 (03-2) Book shelf light detail with braille for inclusivity, book placing location (03-3) Digital screen for book borrowing and return (03-4) Front view of custom seat joinery (03-5) Adjustable seating button installed03-303-2 03-4 03-5 Pressure sensors are embedded for interactive and heritage activation purposes, which creates a sense of participation feeling. A metaphoric meaning for the importance of each person during the past development of Sydney. App access diagram to suit the mass society of using phone scan to remote the machine

The custom book engine automatically rotates in one direction at a slow pace, representing the motion of how electricity is produced as well as reflecting on the proposed with a dynamic movement thorughRetainspace.exisitng elements and add new insertions beyond, play with transparency to retain heritage view.
JIA XUAN LI65dyna-mo6403-703-8 03-9 03-10 (03-7) Joinery detail (03-8) Book engine light detail (03-9) Book engine moving plate and book hodder detail (03-10) Entrance detail with led lighting installed inside, entrance light detail (03-11) Motion of book engine

Using present ideology of ‘sustainability’ to reflect the past situation and raise awareness for future use of energy. / Reflect and raise awareness of energy usage for the future / Place to nourish and reflect REFLECT AND MOVE FORWARD
to re:flect HYDRO CAFE
The concluding space for the intergenerational heritage journey, the journey does not end here, it leads you to the next level of mental wellbeing, triggering visitor’s reflection on the past and present ideology of sustainability aiming to plan for a close bonded, rich cultured and healthy future.
01 Side view of the Hydro Cafe interior

JIA XUAN LI69dyna-mo68 1110090807060504030201 Anodised Aluminium Metallic from Laminex Polished stainless steel panel from Atlas Steels Stainless steel floor grating to be attached to floor from Lang + Fulton Metal suspension chain, customized length from All of The Lights Porcelain Mosaic Kit Kat 22×145 Matt Black from Skeme Glass atrium to allow light into the space from above White Yasmine Corian by DuPont Corian Sula Marfil polished nanotech tile from Kajaria Verde Dorato granite, Honed finish from Rlautier Glass panels to be customized into shape Circular suspended light pendant, size tp be customized from GROK MATERIAL & LIGHT PALETTE A more dynamic and bold palette has been chosen to demonstrate the futuristic and sustainable idea of the space. The avant-garde design of the space uses metallic materials highlights the overall concept and also reflect on the steel machinery in the past. 10 11 07 08 0905 0401 02 03 06

JIA XUAN LI71dyna-mo7002Outside view of the Hydro Cafe

Covid-19 response of having 0 contacts with staff. No seating area, to control the interaction with people in the space. Retain existing building height by leaving out voids and creating new voids. 360 o view of the whole interior at the top. Roof penetration allowing light into the whole vertical space generates an idea of recreation.
interior view of the Hydro Cafe
A futuristic design that mimics the transit of movement of the electricity generation process as well as reflecting the tubular transformer belt through the joinery pieces. The space consists of 2 levels a public cafe and a making space above. The interactiveness of the joinery pieces allows visitors to engage more to the self-making process and also more children-friendly as it acts a sense of playfulness and futuristic to the whole space.

JIA XUAN LI75dyna-mo74
Visitors are to DIY their own coffee fully self-served by the newly designed coffee and milk dispensers. Concluding with the recycling and sustainable concept through this space, with the recycled coffee ground feature as a symbol of the green future.
The free coffee ground left over from the above-making space will be disposed of into containers where visitors are able to collect according to their needs by spinning the wheel.
03-303-2 03-4 03-5
(03-2) Custom order and coffee ground collecter joinery (03-3) Collect coffee ground section with wheel detail (03-4) Payment and coffee cup collecting section detail (03-5) Floor signage and light detail
It allows us to reflect on recycling everyday objects like the coffee ground which can be used to wash and for other purposes that can really make a change to the future. This is also using the space to educate present and future generations in a more playful manner.

JIA XUAN LI77dyna-mo7603-6 03-9 (03-6) Coffee dippenser joinery (03-7) Coffee dispenser coffee outlet detail (03-8) Coffee dispenser base detail (03-9) Floor signage (03-10) Milk dippenser joinery 03-803-7
Simple use of the machinery are inclusive for all age group, and the futuristic design reflects on we are now moving towards an automation and high technology future.
Staff makes coffe from the seconf floor and to pour into a container that uses pressure to pump the coffee and milk down.

A self-serve milk dispenser allows visitors to control the amount of milk they want to add to their coffee, which is a custom way to show inclusivity through human action. The suspended metal pieces are used to collate the facts of sustainability in Australia adding a layer of education purpose for future generations to keep in Suspendedmind. metal pieces are stretchable vertically to suit different human heights as a function of inclusivity.
JIA XUAN LI79dyna-mo78 03-12 03-1403-10 03-15 (03-11) Milk dippenser base and signage detail (03-12) Milk dippenser milk outlet detail (03-13) Suspended metal piece detail (03-14) Door and light detail 03-11

Advertisable community culture: Educational environment and setting: Preserving and activating cultural heritage for the older generation to commemorate and for the younger generation to learn is vital. This proposal is also that hidden line inclusivity to include all age group when Accordingdesigning.
research, analsyis, solution
to Bay Precinct 7 strategy 2, 4, and 5
Enrichment of the working population: The transformation of the old site into a commercial mixeduse space creates new gathering and working opportunities for residents to boost the economy of the area, improve the demographic composition and create vitality at the same time.
According to the Conservation Management Plan Document pg.48 and SREP26
Creating a space where heritage knowledge can be enhanced in a new creative way that is able to attract the younger generation to respect and aware of regional history, Maintain historic aesthetics as well as utilise them in a design scheme.
JIA XUAN LI81dyna-mo80 supporting informations INDEX
According to the Conservation Management Plan Document pg.14
INTA7000 & iINTA8000 Research and analysed informationst hat supports the overall design thinking and solution.
According to various professional documents
Intimate and inviting atmosphere: There is a lack of cultural production in the region. Many people feel that art and culture do not resonate as much in their daily lives, creating a low level of cultural participation. It becomes important to create a welcoming space for residents to engage with the arts.

Various exisitng structures show a sense of ageing and creates a unique view for visitors to observe. The obvious layering of levels remained creates different heights for space.
Unique material texture which has been retained for multiple generations shall be retained for the future. It shows a sense of ageing and is valuable for visitors to observe.
Various sizes of tubular pipes are connected that transfer electricity or other element to different places. Pipes in the linear form of the vertical and horizontal direction. Spaces are connected by tunnel-like forms and have a transforming function.
Big window panels allow a significant amount of light into the space, which is in a good condition for natural sunlight to enter.
The existing architecture grid has a modular circulation pattern along the walls and void, it also has a steel structure on the ceiling.
Machinery tubes intersecting into each other, where the pipes in linear form of vertical and horizontal directions. Tubular forms in different forms and sizes.
JIA XUAN LI83dyna-mo82
research & analysis WBPS TYPOLOGIES

Penetrate existing
ornament to promote sustainability. Low carbon footprint to
JIA XUAN LI85dyna-mo84
sustainable and
architecture form, and
design Carbon Neural Building - energy reformation 54% ELECTRICITY GENERATION FROM RENEWABLES 2020 24% AUSTRALIA’S PRIMARY ENERGY CONSUMPTION Oil - 34% AUSTRALIA’S ELECTRICITY GENERATION Gas - 16% Gas - 42% Hydro - 5% Coal - 42% Wind - 2% CoalAccording77%to Australia Geoscience report research & analysis & solution ENERGY USAGE
coal and energy
According to the Australian Government Department of Industry, Sciences, Energy and Resources it demonstrated a set of statstics of the use of energy in 2020. to the mass production of generation, the health and ecology of the natural landscape have been expensed. process proposed concept. roof allow natural light into central proposed as a environmental promote proposed
eco mindset Hydro-Electrical to power the building Recyle exisitng site material and reassemble to new

An exterior garden or park to be built for the more welcoming scene to attract visitors to visit.
JIA XUAN LI87dyna-mo86
Build exterior car park for visitors that visit by car to be more convenient when parking. Create multi-generation friendly spaces to enhance intergenerational bonding.
Propose greenery spaces in both exterior and interior to promote the idea of sustainability. Clear and flexible circulation route through spaces, to allow dynamic movement thorugh spaces.
To build ramps and lifts for wheelchair access to each space and to create a universal design.
Propose technological and innovative devices to suit an AI setting in the future. Maximise natural sunlight into the space and allow natural ventilation to proceed through all space.
research & analysis & solution EDI SUSTAINABILITY&

Heritage walls have been retained and becomes an exhibition naturally when people walk on the ramps and observe the
Commemoration of past people, thorugh architectural forms in a single space - exhibit. research & analysis
Combinationsurroundings. of old and new material relating to the idea of remembering the past and creating a new future.
Flashbacks are being diplayed thourgh elelctrnic devices and forms a flexible circulation.
JIA XUAN LI89dyna-mo88

dyna-mo GRADUATION DESIGN BOOK BY JIA XUAN LI UNSW B.Interior Architecture (Hons.) 2022 P: +61 450 363 616 E: I :