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Tetris Play-Scape
Rapid urbanization is a global topic that has been focused on in recent days, whilst china’s urbanization has been developing rapidly for years, where professionals mentioned: “the scale of urbanization in China is without precedent in human history.” Urbanization enriches and shapes a city’s physical environment and also transforms and embraces its culture. However, due to the competition for space in the city, children’s outdoor play area is one of the components that have a lack of concern during development. This topic inspires me as I think, through the increase of urbanized cities around the world, this issue has a great possibility to become more significant. So I’d like to explore a possible solution to help and adapt under different circumstances and environments. Since play areas for kids is extremely important for their physical and mental development they should be prioritized.
My spatial inspiration is from the game Tetris, where this game is popular among several generations think it is a great entry point to create a meaningful play scape that not only for playing but also commemorates the changing times. Utilizing modern design techniques, and translating a 2D game into a 3D space.
Tetris Modular Units Target User Group
Study Of Kids Mind Set
China & US kid’s mindset differences
The mindset statement is “Your intelligence is something about you that you can’t change very much”.
Form Dimension
Tetris uses simple and bright colours for the cubes which suits kid’s colour preference.
The variety of cube forms and the ways of placement of cubes creates engagement and enhance playability.

The Site
According to the article ‘Explore Children’s Outdoor Play Spaces of Community Areas in High-density Cities in China: Wuhan as an Example’, Wuhan is a city in china that has developed rapidly and gradually that result in a dense and modern city in recent days. This, therefore, led to a decrease in children’s outdoor play areas due to the competition for space. Whilst children’s outdoor play area is an important sector in children’s mental and physical development, it is essential to create a flexible play-scape that offers functions that contributes to children’s physical and psychological health, and also help to develop social interactions and social networks.
Wuhan, China
Utilizing Tetris as a design element to create a space for exploration and adventure as a way to embrace kids’ and parents’ childhood memories. Also to introduce the new playable option for Tetris in order to enhance a more creative and intriguing interior spatial form.
Urbanization & Modernization

Outdoor children play area
Prefabricated to be flexible to suit different cities and site
The study of growth and fixed mindset of kids in china and US showed that China kids has a more fixed mind set compared to the US kids, through the survey of the mindset statement above.
Mindset Visual Representation
China Kids Fixed & Linear & Modular US Kids Creative and Flexible
Mental Skill
Provides physical and mental exercise for the game players which enhances creative and logical mindset.
Research stated that an appropriate size for a tunnel is with a minimum width of 500mm with openings at the two ends that are less than 2000mm. The choice height of the cube are designed for an average body size kid to have plenty amount of space to crawl.
Choice Of Colour
In order to suite the kids and adult’s colour preference, decided to create visual balance with the use of colour and the effect it will create
Evokes empathy
Being a game that covers most people’s childhood, it recreates memories and creates new memories.
TETRIS = Logical + Flexible + Modular
Calms mind & body
Energizes kid’s body