4 minute read

The great adventure

A large part of the Nordic region’s longest waterway passes through Värmland. Follow along with Linnea and Niclas’ exciting journey south along the winding, meandering river Klarälven.

Text: Pål Johansson Photo: Roger Strandberg / Linnea Nilsson-Waara


Great weather and not a ripple to be seen on Lake Femunden, the Norwegian lake which forms the start of the Trysilelva and Klarälven rivers.

You might remember the such as Linnea and Niclas. Over the years, couple from Visit Värmboth had been on long trips, whether on land’s Instagram account foot or skis; however, a canoe and kayak trip last summer. Linnea Nilssonwas something totally new. They had the Waara and Niclas Bentzer basics down, but needed to take a course on from Skellefteå together, along with their learning different swimming techniques and dog Storm, paddled down river Klarälven how to read the water. on their journey to Gothenburg and the When it came to packing, it was all about North Sea. A 31-day trip that started at lake intelligent packing; avoiding unnecessary Käringsjön in Härjedalen and ended 805 weight, and having what it takes to stay kilometres away in Långedrag. warm and dry. – The idea for the trip was born in 2016 – I remember one of my first mountain when I read Nordens längsta vattendrag trips when we packed nearly 50 kilos in [The longest waterways in the Nordic region] our bags. Among other things, it included I was very inspired, but I had to think long a book about Kungsleden, which was unand hard before suggesting the idea to necessary. You can just photograph it and Linnea. She jumped at it so have it on your mobile, says we decided to start the trip 2 things about... Linnea. the week after Midsummer in Niclas continues: 2018, says Niclas. ...fishing? Not as much – I think we did well. The as we had hoped... We only thing we were missing was A YEAR OF planning followed after they had made the were often too tired in the evening. a self-supporting tent, which would have been good when we decision to go. And a year ...fear? The biggest crossed lake Vänern and had to of paddling! Preparing for a worry was when we overnight on barren islands. month-long journey puts a lot of demands on you, even for were going to cross lake Vänern. You’re much more affected by the THE COUPLE COULD not those who have a genuine inteweather, and the risk of have chosen a better summer rest in nature and outdoor life drowning is greater. for their adventure. All the

Campsite at Rendalssølen, the 1,700 meter Norwegian mountain.

Read more about the couple’s adventure at:

waaraworldwide.com and deluxeturer.se

For the beginner

Learn about paddling, life-saving, and equipment. Do some research and go on guided tours.

Check the weather reports, particularly if you’re planning on paddling across open water.

Drink a lot. Take food that is light, full of energy and is easy to prepare.

Stay Safe. Wear a life-vest. Don’t go alone. It’s more fun and much safer with a companion. best and warmest bits of Värmland were on show. Rainwear wasn’t necessary and remained untouched at the bottom of their backpacks whereas their swimwear got plenty of use. – Despite being on the water all the time, it can be easy to forget to fill up with water. It wasn’t a problem when we were up river Trysil as we were paddling in drinking water, but down in Värmland it was important to make sure the bottles were filled.

THEY LOOK ON their trip paddling down river Klarälven with some wonderful memories. In addition to it being fantastic, with great swimming on hand, and not to arduous a paddle, the trip also brought them closer to animals. They also got to experience some fantastic food and cultural events as well. – It gave a new dimension to our trip. After the barren wilderness and rapids of the mountain terrain, it felt quite nice to be in more civilised terrain. The lovely people who followed our trip online gave us lots of tips and ideas about places, restaurants and attractions to visit along the way.

THE SUMMER’S LOW water and numerous sandbanks made the journey somewhat longer than planned as they had to stick to the deeper, outer edges of the river. But it wasn’t anything that spoilt things for the couple, who as a result got to spend more time enjoying the surroundings and nature. Beavers, moose, deer and jumping fish crossed their path during the journey south. – In lake Vänern, it was awesome see a ferret swimming past us! And a frog that jumped down into Niclas’ kayak and tickled his legs before finding a new home on an island out in the beautiful archipelago, laughs Linnea.

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