SAP Mobility Online Training
SAP Mobility Platform offers an integrated platform solution to extent your enterprise applications to mobile workers in this field. SAP Mobility acts as the hub that connects data sources and enterprise information systems to mobile devices. Features for mobile application development, security, deployment and ongoing mobile device and mobile application management offers a complete end to end solution.
Fundamental knowledge about the mobile business, technologies and development in general Experience with previous mobile platform releases, e.g. Sybase Unwired Platform, Mobiliser Platform
SAP MOBILITY COURSE CONTENT: 1. Introduction to Sybase Unwired Platform 2. Sybase Unwired Platform Architecture 3. Installation and Prerequisites 4. Post Installation Tasks 5. Design and Development 6. Developing Application with the Unwired Workspace (Eclipse) 7. Configuration of the Unwired Workspace 8. MBO Creation Methods 9. MBO Operations, Parameters and Attributes 10. Defining MBO Relationships
11. MBO Deployment to Unwired Server 12. Hybrid Web Container-based Workflow Development 13. Deploying to Blackberry, Windows Mobile and iOS Devices 14. Viewing and Testing the Generated Application 15. Troubleshooting 16. SOAP Web Service MBOs 17. REST Web Service MBOs 18. SAP and Sybase Integration with SUP 19. Adding New Screens / Controls to your Application 20. Connecting Screens and Alerts 21. Developing Applications Using the Sybase Unwired Platform APIs 22. Overview of SUP Administration Functions
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