3 minute read
For the Kids
eFor the kids
two whole pages of fun!
PAINT A PICTURE AND WIN A BOOK Artytude! This summer, Artytude was published in our National online edition and we had entries from all over the country on the subject of A fun thing I’ve done during lockdown. It’s been so exciting to see what you’ve all been doing during this strange time and we are so impressed by all your arty activities.
Well done to all the following, who win a prize from the editor’s Jenga-like pile of children’s books.
ACROSS 1 The most effective way of preventing disease (11) 7 Nine 10s are?(6) 8 What your teacher does when she passes on information directly from a book (5) 9 One of the USA’s 50 states (4) 12 The act of starting up a computer (3, 2) 13 The place you are now (4) 14 Twelve months, 52 weeks or 365 days long (4) 16 The opposite of lends (7) 20 Preposition: in the direction of (2) 21 Food that comes from animals (4) 22 You might have to do this to a knot (5) 23 City in southern Italy famous for its pizza. (6) 24 Crossing the road without looking is very... (5)
DOWN 1 To disappear suddenly (6) 2 One hundred years, or a score in cricket (7) 3 Old-fashioned word for no. (3) 4 An endangered amphibian (6) 5 A colour and a fruit. (6) 6 In total agreement (2, 3) 10 Someone who does not drink alcoholic drinks (8) 11 Places where boats and ships shelter (8) 15 The name of our species (5) 17 A helicopter blade (7) 18 The opposite of closes (5) 19 What children often have read to them before they go to bed (5) 20 Informal word for thanks (2)
TOO HARD? Why not ask a grown-up for ideas? Children under 7 will find the orange clues easier.
The joke’s on us Boy: I’ve just given your vacuum cleaner away. Parent (horrified): Why? Boy: You said it was only gathering dust!
Max Simpson, 8,
Coberley Primary School, Gloucestershire Max tells us he has used his daily walks during lockdown to collect reeds and stones for his otter artworks. He glued them to scrap paper and card to make this river otter hunting fish, creating an extraordinarily vivid and realistic natural scene. What a talent!
Sanaya Azeem, 5,
Hallsville Primary School, London This picture of a woman in a beautiful dress is breathtaking! The patterns are so intricate, and the colours complement themselves perfectly. Well done Sanaya, and keep up your painting because you are clearly very good at it.
Azaria Mitcheson Soley, 5, Torpoint Nursery and Infant School, Cornwall The good ship ‘Moana’, a raft of cardboard and bunting for sails, looks like it will carry Azaria to the ends of the earth and perhaps even to Polynesia, where the legend filmed by Disney first came from. Daisy Pritchard, 4, The
Granary Nursery School,
Framlingham, Suffolk Daisy has called this happy, energetic picture ‘Home Sweet Home’. She has perfectly expressed what a wonderful place home can be, even when you’re stuck there for rather a long time!
The next competition is about SEEING MY SCHOOL FRIENDS AGAIN
Send in your painting or drawing to PRIMARY TIMES, GLOS, P.O. BOX 3438, Bristol, BS3 9JF or as a high resolution image to mike.gartside@ primarytimes.co.uk by Monday 2 November.
Don’t forget to include your name, age, school and home address so we can send you the prize. See primarytimes.co.uk/gloucestershire/tcs for competition terms and conditions.