AB InBev - GLS Press release

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Interview with Audrey Lemmert Business Service Center Europe Director, Anheuser - Busch InBev Please introduce yourself! My name is Audrey Lemmert and I am working for 3,5 years now, for Anheuser - Busch InBev, which is the worlds Global Leader in beer production and we are among the top 5 FMCG companies. Even now, one of our key principles revolves around people, as they are the most important asset in our company. Please tell us about your first im pressions, interactions with AIESEC! I came in contact with AIESEC when I was actually working in Prague for our Service Center there, where we had a few AIESECers who were part of the team and what I really liked about AIESECers is the ambition, the energy, the high-level of curiosity compared to the general population. We partner with AIESEC nicely, because we have a common goal and that is recruiting and developing high-potentials. Based on your experience so far of having AIESECers as em ployees at Anheuser - Busch InBev, what did you notice as a m ain “differentiator” between them and the fresh graduates that weren’t involved in AIESEC during their studies? Firstly, it is the level of ambition and challenging mindset, so AIESEC is very much developing that character, that is really important for us as an organization, that means continues improvement, continues changing, and continues looking for efficiency. We do find that profile in the market directly, but it is almost a guarantee that AIESECers are that caliber of people. I also saw, that AIESECers are not satisfied with just doing day- to-day mediocre work, they go out of their way to find ways of improvement, which we really value. Anheuser - Busch InBev dares to dream big as an organization and that is why we are the biggest beer company globally and are on the constant lookout for people who are daring to dream big as well. In this way it takes the same amount of energy to dream big as to dream small and actually define how far you go as an individual, hence dare to dream big! Can you tell us how m uch Anheuser - Busch InBev is excited to be the Platinum Partner of Global Leaders’ Sum m it 2012? Well, definitely from the perspective of continued partnership and the fact that we do attract AIESECers to come and join our company, but I think it is also very important both in Czech Republic and in Hungary that we partner with AIESEC. By partnering with AIESEC we become a known entity as a recruitment opportunity for young talent. So for the future to come I am really looking forward to a very successful Summit and a continued collaboration with AIESEC Globally.

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