Top 3 Tips to Get Kim Kardashian's Big Butt Naturally

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Top 3 Tips to Get Kim Kardashian's Big Butt Naturally

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How to get Sexy Big Butt like Kim Kardashian, naturally? Every time that we think of big butts a certain celebrities come to mind. Most often that name is none other than Kim Kardashian, a famous Hollywood star, renowned for her big round booty, which is still “under the investigation” of being real or fake.

Judging by the source Kim underwent an x-ray and thus “proved” her buttocks are all real. However, besides having butt implants, another method is available called fat transfer, in which the fat from body parts where you don’t want it to be (belly fat for example) is transferred to the curvier parts of your body, thus resulting in a sexy big butt.

Anyway, I doubt that we will ever know the truth when it comes to Kim Kardashian’s case, but we should all admit, she look(ed) damn good in her prime!

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Now, regardless of how she managed to do it, I wonder are there natural ways anyone can use (that is not a millionaire) to increase their butt size and get Kim Kardashian's big butt naturally?

I am myself also an enthusiast when it comes to exercises that target the upper glutes (the gluteal muscles). I love training my ass off at the gym and I eat foods that were supposed work best with butt workout. And I managed to get results. Real results. But there were ups and downs, I learned from my mistakes and finally I feel that I found the formula for how anyone can get that round sexy big butt like Kim Kardashian in a completely natural way.

I would like to share my experience and what I’ve learned, here with everyone on this planet, and help all women who’re desperately trying to improve their curves. After all, curves are sexy, and sexy is confident, and real confidence means that you won in life. Let’s take a look at my top 3 tips to get Kim Kardashian’s big butt naturally!

1. Determination and strong will Yes, this is number 1. If you don’t have real desire, if you’re not passionate about achieving your goals, then you will not succeed. Period. You have to believe in yourself, you have to look long-term. If you think you’ll go to the gym twice and do some dieting for a month your wrong.

Little effort will not result in a transformation. You’ll get desperate during your trainings and you will be on the edge of quitting. Don’t! Those who get through, those who go on, those with great determination – only those women will end up having the sexiest and the roundest ass out there.

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2. Butt workout & doing exercises that strengthen glutes How to get sexy big butt like Kim Kardashian you ask? Well, not by sitting around and by lying on the sofa watching TV wondering when something will happen on its own. It never will. Action is required to make reaction!

So step up, and decide on taking action. Make yourself a schedule when and where you’re going to do your butt workouts. At least 2-3 times a week first 3 weeks, and later you should make it 4-5 times per week. Each training session at least 45 minutes from the start. And later at least 60 minutes.

But you see, even training hard, won’t give you the maximum results you can get, if you don’t do correct exercises, correctly. For that some basic anatomy knowledge is needed. Glutes are made of 3 muscles: gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and the gluteus minimus. What many women are doing wrong, and also many fitness instructors I see are completely disregarding this powerful secret, are the gluteus medius muscles. Merely by doing squats you’re not targeting the glute medius. The secret to getting that Kim Kardashian's big butt naturally, is focusing on the forgotten butt muscle, glute medius.

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There are several exercises that target gluteus medius butt muscles:        

Hip abduction chair replacement Lateral squat shuffle Reverse frogger abductions Glute kickbacks Fire hydrant / donkey kick Barbell squats Kneeling squats Weighted squat jump / curtsy lunge

Here’s how you do reverse frogger abductions.

image found at

And there are so many more exercises that you can do to increase the size and the shape of your booty. But keep in mind, that glute medius is the muscle that you are probably neglecting, which is a crucial mistake. You’ll never get Kim Kardashian's big butt naturally without working out your upper glutes. P a g e | 5 of 8

3. Eating foods that improve the size of your butt Curves, what are they? Why some women are busty and curvy, while other are working their ass off without any results. Simple answer – hormones.

Women with increased levels of androgens (male hormones, e.g. testosterone) tend to look manlier and are at most times “flat”. There’s no breasts, there’s no booty. These hormonal imbalances and the lack of estrogen, is a big obstacle when a woman wants to look more, well, like a woman.

Hormone levels can be messed up due to thousands of reasons – skincare products, toothpaste, processed foods, shampoos, perfumes, and so on. All these items can cause endocrine disrupting activities messing up your hormone levels.

The best way to activate your female hormones and to clear out any imbalances, is by a healthy diet. And here are some great foods that are surely going to help you gain fat in those area’s every woman wants it to be. But be careful – when I say diet I’m not talking about weight loss, god forbid. I’m simply making a point, that you should include in your everyday meals some of the below foods, which are so commonly never tasted by so many people.

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Again, in no way should you lose weight. Losing weight equals no curves. Train your ass off but don’t forget to eat! However, try to focus on eating the 9 booty diet foods we suggested. There are studies suggesting that these 9 foods work really well for women trying to improve the size and the shape of their butt:

1 Quinoa

4 Raw cow milk

7 Cottage cheese

2 Salmon

5 Nuts

8 Mushrooms

3 Freekeh

6 Eggs

9 Pistachio butter

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These were my top 3 tips to get Kim Kardashian's sexy big butt in a completely natural way!

Thanks for reading, hope it turns out helpful. P a g e | 8 of 8

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