Valuerich June 2007 New York Expo Guide

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June 21 r 2007

Thursday, June 21 7:00AM-8:00AM

Sponsor & Exhibitor Registration and Set-up Note: All exhibitors must be set up by 8:30AM . Location: Canyon Prefunction & Plateau

8:00AM-1 O:OOAM

Attendee Registration Opens Get your name badge at the registration desk and join us for breakfast! Location: Registration desk at top of stairs

8:00AM-1 O:OOAM

Continental Breakfast Buffet Join us for coffee and a Continental Breakfast Buffet. Location: Forest Ballroom


Expo Floor Opens to All Location: Canyon Prefunction & Plateau

9:30AM-1 0:30PM

Gregg Lowenstein, VP of Sales ofValueRich, Inc. welcomes all. Location: Forest Ballroom


20-minute company presentations begin. Webcasted by Onstream

12:00PM-1 :30PM

Three Course Served Lunch Presenting Keynote Speaker: David Feldman, Founder and Managing Partner of Feldman Weinstein & Smith LLP Location: Forest Ballroom Lunch Sponsor: Ayuda Funding Corporation


20-minute company presentations resume. Location: Ocean/Sea Room & Arbor Room


Don't miss US EURO Securities, Chairman, Michael Roy Fugler speaking on "How to Complete a Successful Best Effort Offering with a Firm Commitment Structure".

5:00PM- 8:00PM


Join ValueRich for cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, and live entertainment! Start Spreading the News! Join ValueRich for cocktails, horsd 'oeuvres, and live entertainment! Give-a-ways Announced! Location: Forest Ballroom Cocktail Sponsor: Clearly Canadian Beverage Corp.




S:OO- 8:00 Sponsored by:


CANADIAN庐 l~ {_. B路 R A N-D S

A Family of Healthy Choices NEW YORK 2007 1


Kuhns Brothers Bankers Boardroom Open to Restaurant Below

Oc~an/Sea Wom~n

Presentation Room


Open to Lobby/Lounge


J Canyon

Forest Bol/room

Breakfast, Lunch & Cocktail Event

Host Investment Bank

[ Expo Floor J


Platinum Sponsors

Cocktail Sponsor

Gold Sponsors Service Provider



Onstream > > >>> MEDIA :::• ~--.·>;~







Profile PG

1st Global Financial Corp. (FGBF)


Astrata Group, Inc. (ATTG)


Expo Co-Sponsors

Ayuda Funding, Inc. (Private)


Business Wire Clearly Canadian Beverage Corp. (CCBEF)


DigitaiFX International (DFXN)


Dot VN, Inc. (DTVI)


EMTA Holdings, Inc. (EMHD)

25 26

Foldera, Inc. (FORA) Harbinger Research


Hyperdynamics Corporation (HOY) Kuhns Brothers Lehman & Eilen LLP Littlefield Corporation (LTFD)


Marketing Worldwide Corp (MWWC)

29 NexGen Biofuels, Inc. (Private)


Odyne Corporation (ODYC)


Onstream Media Corp. (ONSM) Pipeline Data, Inc. (PPDA)

32 33

PureDepth, Inc. (PDEP)


Real Paper Displays, Inc. (Private) Security With Advanced Technology (SWAT)


Terocelo, Inc. (TCPS)

36 37 38

US Dry Cleaning Corporation (Pending) ValueRich, Inc. (Private) Vision Opportunity Capital Management, LLC.




Clearly Canadian Beverage Corporation:


Just Add Water For 1Organ1c growth ~


Page 6

I[ By Kristina Henneberg i1





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'"'~!:1:::::: : :::~~~- Marketing Partners

Official Newswire Sponsor

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walls Lunch Sponsor

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INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH PARTNERS, LLC ···---·--······················- --······-···- ·····························-·-·-·······-

NEW YORK 2007 3

Presentation Schedule 20 min Company Presentations Thursday 6/21 Time

Ocean/Sea Room

Arbor Room

10:00-1 0:20AM

Terocelo (TCPS)

Onstream Media Corp. (ONSM)

10:25-1 0:45AM

NexGen Biofuels, Inc. (private)

Hyperdynamics Corp (HDY)

10:50-11:10 AM

Foldera, Inc. (FORA)

Marketing Wordwide Corp (MWWC)

Dot VN, Inc. (DTVI)

11:15-11:35 AM


Clearly Canadian Beverage Corp. (CCBEF)

DigitaiFX International (DFXN)


Lunch Break

Lunch Break


Littlefield Corporation (LTFD)

PureDepth, Inc. (PDEP)


Security With Advanced Technology (SWAT), Inc. (Private)


Astrata Group, Inc. (ATTG)


US Dry Cleaning Corporation (Pending)



Real Paper Displays, Inc. (Private)

Pipeline Data Inc. (PPDA)


ValueRich, Inc.


US EURO Securities


EMTA Holdings, Inc. (EMHD)

1st Global Financial Corp. (FGBF)

Odyne Corporation (ODYC)

AMDL, Inc. (ADL)



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Clearly Canadian ~eve rage Corporation: f ~.




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By Kristina Henneberg

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Retail product manufacturers don't have an easy job when it comes to selling their merchandise. Prime real estate in the retail world is hard to come by, given the frustrating fact that key placement on highly trafficked aisles and eye-catching shelf space is often what induces shoppers to pick a particular product. Beyond that, they face the larger and more critical challenge of creating longevity and establi shing brand equity in consumers' minds . Failing in either of these areas ha s led to the demise of more companies than one cares to count. Due to the potential for impressive returns in many lucrative segments, however, the retail product market remains heavily populated with both new and established competitors vying for success. Vancouver, B.C.-based Clearly Canadian Beverage Corporation (OTCBB: CCBEF) understands the highs and lows of consumer retailing. Established in 1988, the Company was an early pioneer in the "alternative beverage" segment when it introduced one of the first all-natural fruit-flavored sparkling waters. From its standout packaging, a clear, teardrop -shaped bottle, to the bottle's contents, crisp and refre shing flavored water with no artificial ingredients or preservatives, Clearly Canadian captured consumers' attention. By 1992, total sales had reached $200 million, and the Company 6


soon became NASDAQ- and TSX-Iisted . The Company w as also exclusively selected to private label Reebok Fitness Water, one ofthe first vitamin-enhanced wate rs to hit the market. Nearly a decade later, competition intensified when beverage makers and

"What's really pushing the growth in conventional stores is [that we're] offering more all-natural, organic products:'

other brands began to notice consumer gravitation toward bottled water. In the mid 1990s, in an effort to keep its products fresh, Clearly Canadian introduced Orbitz, a noncarbonated fruit-flavored water with floating gel beads . Then, in the late 1990s, they opted to redesign the Company 's signature bottle with an opaque wrapping. Neither decision generated the desired results. The Company's new image was unrecognizable to loyal consumers and Orbtiz was not received well. Sales plummeted, leading to net losses and an OTC Bulletin Board listing. Clearly Canadian decided to get back to business , naturally. Under new management since late 2005, the Company has raised over $13 million in ca sh, unloaded its debt and diversified its product line through two acquisitions of organic-product companies. In 2007, Management formed three divisions: naturally enhanced waters; organic, healthy sn a cks; a nd org a nic baby food. "As a beverage company, we have gone in another direction," says Brent Lokash , President of Clearly Canadian . "We are not trying to solely ga i n market share in the hugely competitive $21 billion alternative beverage market. What's really pushing the growth in conventiona l stores is [that we're] offering more all-natural, organic products . Our corporate JOIN THE iVALUERICH COMMUNITY

turnaround is about becoming a 'good for you' company." To help drive his vision, Lokash has recruited industry executives from Pepsico-QTG (Quaker, Tropicana Gatorade) and Snapple. "Only a little while ago, 'good for you' products were relegated to a single ten-foot freezer in a grocery chain. Now organic products take up at least two to four or more aisles," says Lokash . What was once considered 'alternative' is, ironically, going mainstream . Publix, one of largest supermarkets in the U.S., plans to open its first "Green Wise" store later this year, with a focus exclusively on selling healthier, natural foods that are earth-friendly. Wai-Mart, Safeway and others are likely to follow suit.

To strengthen marketing efforts, Clearly Canadian's naturally enhanced beverages are represented by celebrity spokesmen. The Company has inked exclusive product endorsement deals with Steve Nash, the basketball legend and two-time NBA MVP, and British Columbian-born Justin Morneau of the Minnesota Twins, the reigning American League MVP. Contests and other promotions involving these sporting legends reinforce the concept of making greattasting, functional healthy beverages a part of one's daily routine. Capitalizing on these role models is also helping reenergize the Clearly Canadian brand as the Company seeks out new distribution channels worldwide.

Clearly, back to its roots

Snack attack

A cornerstone of the Company's business model is leveraging nearly 20 years of brand equity and awareness. Since its inception, more than 2 billion bottles of Clearly Canadian beverages have been sold. "If you mention Clearly Canadian to someone, they are likely to smile and say, 'I remember that brand.' It is always a positive response," says Lokash. Clearly Canadian Management decided to capitalize on its original natural sparkling water formulas by reintroducing a similar line with the same clear bottle, now sporting embossed maple leaves, and by launching a proprietary one-liter plastic bottle to meet demand from retail chains for larger-size take-home products. The Company also took its newfound confidence into another exploding market - fortified flat-water beverages. In February 2007, Clearly Canadian Naturally Enhanced Waters hit shelves with three healthful added benefits: dailyEnergy, dailyVitamin and dailyHydration, a certified-organic essence water. All waters are either low or zero calorie and are naturally fruit flavored with no preservatives. In the initial months following their release, Clearly Canadian 's enhanced waters, along with the new one-liter sized bottles, have generated $700,000 in sales.

In February 2007, Clearly Canadian acquired DMR Food Corporation, eastern Canada's leading organic and natural snack food company. DMR, which is now operating under the name Clearly Canadian Brands, sells a wide range of organic and natural dried fruit and nut snacks marketed under the brand names SunRidge Farms, Naturalife, Sweet Selections, Simply by Nature, and Glengrove Organics. A profitable company with annual growth of 25 percent, DMR is immediately

Since its inception, more than 2 billion bottles of Clearly Canadian beverages have been sold.


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CLEARLY CANADIAN. BRANDS A Family of Healthy Choices


Clearly Canadian Beverage Corporation 2267 lOth Avenue West Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6K 2J1 P: 800-735-7180 CONNECT

Investor Contact: Steve Cook P: 561-549-0887 accretive to Clearly Canadian. Lokash says that DMR sales alone could double the Company's top line revenue in 2007 over 2006. "We see great upside in Sweet Selections' business over the next several years as retailers place major emphasis on organic and natural products. With its strong presence in Canada's largest grocery chains, Sweet Selections is an ideal complement to Clearly Canadian's brand recognition and established presence in the beverage sector;' says Lokash . "Just as PepsiCo , Inc., has successfully done over the years with the acquisition of Frito-Lay, we are pairing our beverages with snack foods, but with a concentration on the organic, healthy category. The idea is for a consumer to walk into any North American convenience store and be able to purchase one of our waters with one of our snacks.''

My organic baby

Brent Lokash and Andrew Strang of Clearly Canadian Beverage Corp.

The Company also acquired My Organic Baby, Inc., the first comprehensive national line of organic baby food in Canada, in May 2007. The fast-growing line has over 30 product offerings listed in leading baby food retail outlets across the country, with NEW YORK 2007 7

plans to expand into the United States in the future. According to the Company, consumer spending on baby products has experienced double-digit growth over the past five years. With its national retail presence in Canada, My Organic Baby benefits from strong brand awareness. The acquisition provides an immediate revenue stream and strategic positioning for future product distribution and sales growth. Lokash says, "Large-scale baby food manufacturers are likely to try and get in on the organic food sector, but My Organic Baby provides us with firstmover advantage:' Lokash estimates the acquisition of My Organic Baby will add nearly $5 million to 2007 revenues. Independently distributed Clearly Canadian recently opted out of its master distributorship with Dr Pepper/ Seven Up Bottling Group, owned by Cadbury, and plans to focus on independent distributors . "Our distribution strategy is to partner with independents that are ahead of the pack in terms of organic-product retail space. It may be a smaller niche market, but [it is] one that is transitioning rapidly toward mass retailers;' says Lokash. Over 10,000 stores carry Clearly Canadian products in North America. The Company utilizes some of the largest, independent beverage distributors in the United States, including the major markets of New York, Boston and Chicago, and regionally in the Midwest, Pacific Northwest, and many other states . In Canada, convenience stores like ?Eleven as well as grocers countrywide are making room for its two beverage lines and organic snack and baby foods. Tree of Life Canada, Inc., the leading



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distributor of natural and organic food products, is distributing the Company's Glengrove Organics dried fruit and nut products in Canada, specifically targeting mass retailers. Established selling relationships bring cross-selling and expansion opportunities across its divisions. As Clearly Canadian was rapidly establishing a slew of national retail listings, news hit that Coca-Cola had

trust for years to come," says Lokash. And if you miss any of the progress the Company is making toward those goals, you can soon play catch-up thanks to high-definition television . High-definition cable network INHD is financing and currently filming a reality television series based on Clearly Canadian and its quest for an unparalleled corporate turnaround . Rather than being another Donald Trump-like reality show, the Clearly Canadian program will give viewers full access to the actual corporate drama, dealmaking and pressure that exist in the high-stakes corporate world. The program is slated for release to millions of viewers over INHD's own MOJO Network in the first quarter of 2008. "The reality show will provide a personal connection between the consumer and our brand like never before. The advertising buzz alone will enable us to break new ground," says Lokash. Clearly, Management believes the Company is on a path destined to generate real profits and returns for its shareholders. V R

/JOur goal is to position Clearly Canadian as a 'good for you' company and to build a name that health-conscious consumers will know and trust for years to come" acquired Vitaminwater maker Glaceau for $4.1 billion . Lokash believes that if Coca-Cola moves Vitamin Water onto its trucks, it may offer the Company an incredible opportunity to fill the void left with Glaceau's major distributors, many of whom Clearly Canadian is currently partnered with. A clear take on reality "Our goal is to position Clearly Canadian as a 'good for you' company and to build a name that healthconscious consumers will know and

ValueRich will obtain Clearly Canadian Beverage Corporation's prior written approval on all material disseminated by Va/ueRich in any manner to any person, company, firm or other party far purposes of Clearly Canadian Beverage Corporation verifying the accuracy of facts related ta it, provided, however, that it is understood and agreed between the parties to this agreement that Clearly Canadian Beverage Corporation will not approve or adopt any opinions made by ValueRich in relation to Clearly Canadian Beverage Co rporation and that such opinions are solely those of ValueRich. ValueRich, Inc. publishes this magazine as a service to our customers. Our editorial goal is to provide a forum to promote communication of information and business objectives. Our articles, columns, advertisements and other features should not be construed as investment or legal advice, nor does their appearance imply an endorsement by ValueRich of any specific investment, security, transaction or strategy. The articles we publish contain the views solely of their respective authors and our publication is nat a claim, promise or guarantee about the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the information and we are not responsible or liable for any trading or investment decisions made based on such information. Our affiliates, officers, directors and employees may have purchased or may buy shares discussed in ValueRich from time to time. We may also receive compensation from parties who utilize our publication services and engage in future transactions as a result of our services or publication. 8 VALUERICH SMAll-CAP FINANCIAL EXPO



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Harbinger Research , LLC A StreetCapital Company 257 Park Avenue South, 12th Floor New York, NY 10010

Fact Sheet Our Company and Philosophy We founded Harbinger Research in late 2004 with a simple goal in mind: bring the highest level of personal and professional integrity to bear in helping deserving smallcap and micro-cap companies become more widely held and actively traded, and in helping these companies experience a market valuation that more closely approximates their real value. Our approach to providing this result is twofold. First, our all-CFA research team creates institutional quality content regarding each public company we cover, and we then distribute that content to a wide variety of individual and institutional investors. Furthermore, we understand that while independent equity research is valuable, it is only one of the necessary components in helping a company realize its full potential as a public company. Therefore as a StreetCapital Company, we are more than happy to work in conjunction with investor relations, investment banking, and other financial professionals.

Harbinger Research Content Our standard Research Coverage service begins with an in-depth analysis of each enrolled company's business, financials, management, business plan, and business strategy, and results in a prospective earnings and cash flow model, an investment rating, and in some cases, a target stock price. Once our analysis is complete, we articulate it in the form of an institutional-quality Coverage Initiation research report, and our analyst then follows the subject company, usually for a period of 12 months or more. During coverage, we will at a minimum issue update reports following quarterly earnings announcements, and will also issue research updates and estimate changes as needed. In some cases, rather than conduct an analysis and provide ongoing research coverage, we will author a no-opinion Investment Report. This report may include an historical earnings model with management's estimates of future results, at the client's option, and can be customized in length to suit most companies ' needs. No-opinion reports receive our standard electronic distribution. Enrolling in Research Cove rage

It's easy and relatively inexpensive to get started with Harbinger Research coverage - just contact David W. Bora!, Director, Business Development, at 212.612.3002 or by email at We have institutional fund manager and corporate executive references available upon request.

Investor Outreach (Distribution) Once we author a report, we publish it through our electronic distribution channel. This channel includes: •

Inclusion on most major financial portals, such as AOL, Yahoo! Finance,,,, and well as on institutional research services such as Multex, ThomsonONE Analytics (formerly First Call), and Zack's.

Email distribution to our own proprietary databases of investors; one of these consists of investors who have registered on our website to receive Harbinger Research reports; in combination all of our lists include well over 1 million (primarily U.S.) investors.

Through our partner Investors Insight Publishing, we are able to reach an additional 1.3 million investors on their opt-in investor list.

We also offer an institutional distribution service for a small incremental fee; this service includes a professional printing and physical mailing of up to 1,000 copies of the report to highly targeted portfolio managers.

We also make all of our reports available to our clients and to any investor relations, investment banking, or investor outreach providers with whom they have a relationship.

Our Research Team Our company is led by Brian R. Connell, CF A, and our research team is led by our Director of Research, Michael A. Bain, CFA. Our research team includes: Michael A. Bain, CFA

Healthcare, Dir. of Res.

Michael R. Anderegg, CFA

Technology, Hardware

Dennis C. Fischer, CFA

Biotech, Special Sit.

AndrewS. Ilua, CFA

Technology, China

Stephanie Loiacono, CFA

Retail, Financial

Lisa Springer, CFA

Mining, Oil & Gas E/P

.David M. Parr, CFA

Banks, Special Sit.

We employ only CFA Charterholders as our Senior analysts; most have a minimum of ten years of experience in their respective fields. For questions or other help, please contact our Operations Manager, Elizabeth A. Frederick, at 212.612.3000, or by email,

Harbinger Research, LLC, a StreetCapital Company 257 Park Avenue South, l21h Floor, New York, NY, 10010 • 212.612.3000 +

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Global Financial Corp.

Stephanie Loiacono, CFA

(FGBF - Pink Sheets)

Senior Research Analyst

Sector: Services

Industry: Financial Services

Ob,jective: Capital, Mergers & Acquisitions, Market Support, Strategic Partnerships & Joint Ventures, New Contacts $2.70

Price as of 6/01/07 Market and Trading Data


Market Capitalization (M) Enterprise Value (M) Shares Outstanding (ODDs) Float (ODDs) Avg. Volume (10 day trailing) Avg. Volume (3 month trailing) Institutional Ownership(%) Insider Ownership(%) Balance Sheet Data (OOOs)


292,360 Unavailable

19,213 38,943 Unavailable Unavailable

From Last 10-Q I 10-K

Cash Net Current Assets Current Ratio Long-term Debt Total Debt to Capital Ratio

Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable

Company Description 1st Global Financial Corporation offers a complete array of financial services through its three subsidiaries: 1st Federal Financial, Inc.; 1st Federal Advanced Funding; and lst Federal Leasing, LLC. These services include credit and debit card acceptance, check guarantee, check verification, check conversion, Automated Clearing House (ACH) check processing, point of sales terminal sales and leasing, and working capital for small- and mid-sized merchants throughout the United States. In April 2006, 1st Global entered the credit processing industry. By October 2006 monthly transactions had grown to approximately $100,000. By March 2007, transactions had expanded to almost $3,500,000 per month. The business plan focuses on growth through the addition of key ISOs (Independent Sales Offices) throughout the United States.

Strategic Business Plan 1st Global is leveraging its highly experienced management team to combine its complimentary strengths to identify and build new opportunities. The Company is striving to become a single source operation that will provide one-stop shopping for merchants who need payment processing and its related services and products.

Recent Developments P&L Data (OOOs) Revenues Gross Profit Operating Profit Net Profit EPS Margin Analysis (%) Gross Margin Operating Margin Net Margin

Company Contact Information

Gil Gillis

President 1st Global Financial Corporation 4760 South Pecos Road, Suite 103 Las Vegas, NV 89119 866.418.1432 www

• FGBF's Apri12007 total merchant base increased approximately 14% over March 2007. • The Company hired KramerWeisman, Certified SEC Auditors, to audit its 2006 fmancials. The 2006 audits should be finalized shortly. The Company is also beginning the process of moving off the OTC Pink Sheets and onto a higher-level stock exchange. 1st Global is committed to providing full financial disclosure to current shareholders and the public at large. • 1st Federal Financial has reached an agreement with A Business Store (Austin, TX) to be the exclusive processor for A Business Store's merchant portfolio, adding a potential 50 plus new merchants each month. At this potential rate, this will add over $2M in monthly transactions to 1st Global over the next six months. • In March 2007, 1st Global Financial announced that lst Federal Financial, Inc. reached an agreement with Nelce Mosley's to become a new Independent Sales Office. This ISO could add an additional 30 plus new merchant accounts per month at an industry average of $8,000 a month . This agreement could potentially add over $1OM in annual credit card transactions within the next 12 months. 1 Year Prtoee



3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50

IR Contact Information


James M. Farinella


Integrated Capital Partners, Inc. 908.204.0004


J~l Jun



. o.oo Oct



0 quot e moe.:Ua .com

NEW YORK 2007 19


( + Harbinger Research



Independent Investment Analysis


The Astrata Group, Inc. (ATTG- OTC-BB)

Michael Anderegg, CFA Senior Research Analyst manderegg@harbingerresearch. com

Sector: Technology

Industry: Telematics & Security

Objective: Not Stated Price as of 5/29/07


Market and Tradin~ Data Market Capitalization (M) Enterprise Value (M) Shares Outstanding (OOOs) Float (OOOs) Avg. Volume (10 day trailing) Avg. Volume (3 month trailing) Institutional Ownership (%) Insider Ownership(%) Balance Sheet Data (OOOs)

$23.36 $34.80 20,855 8,280 58,062 48,531 0.80 Unavailable

From Last 10-Q I 10-K

Cash Net Current Assets Current Ratio Long-term Debt Total Debito Capital Ratio

$179 ($9,509) 0.177 $70 0.07

P&L Data (OOOs)


Revenues Gross Profit Operating Profit Net Profit EPS

FY'07 Nov'06 Aug '06

The Astrata Group was founded in 1986 and is based in Costa Mesa, CA.

Recent Developments • In April 2007, Astrata was awarded a $1 million contract from the U.K's SouthWest Highways to monitor its fleet of cars, trucks, sweeping, and mainten ance vehicles. • The Company was recently awarded a $93 million telematics contract, which management believes is the largest single contract in the telematics industry ' s history.

3,472 758 913 426 1,590 242 122 334 (6,622) (1 ,892) (1,720) (1,883) (14,679) (6,287) (461 ) (2,770) p .14) (0.60) (0.14) (0.15)

Margin Anal ~s i s (%) Gross Margin Operating Margin Net Margin

Company Description The Astrata Group, Inc. develops, distributes, and supports proprietary hardware and software that tracks, controls, and monitors the movement of assets and people, providing real-time reports of the current position of each asset and its travel history. If a vehicle deviates from its planned course, it can be stopped or disabled. Astrata has sold its systems to businesses and governments in Southeast Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.





(1 90.7) (249.6) (188.4) (442.0) (422.8) (829.4) (50.5) (650.2)

1 YearPtice- ATTG

2.00 1.80

Company Contact Information


Todd M. DeMatteo Financial Advisor


The Astrata Group , Inc .


950 South Coast Drive, Suite 265 Costa Mesa , CA 92626-1776 212 .558.8809 www.astratagroup .com

1.00 0.80

IR Contact Information

Robert J. Onesti Dominick & Dominick LLC 212.558 .88 10


0.60 I

Jul May 31, 2007







0.40 @) quote



.. -. . .1

THINK SMALL- CAP, Inc. (Private)

Stephanie Loiacono, CFA Senior Research Analyst

Price as of 5/29/07

Sector: Internet

Objective: Capital, Mergers & Acquisitions, Market Support, Strategic Partnerships & Joint Ventures, New Contacts N/A

Market and Trading Data Market Capitalization (M)


Enterprise Value (M)


Shares Outstanding (OOOs)


Float (ODDs)


Avg. Volume (10 day trailing)


Avg. Volume (3 month trailing)


Institutional Ownership(%)


Insider Ownership(%)


Balance Sheet Data (OOOs)

Industry: Social Network/E-Commerce

From Last 10-Q I 10-K



Net Current Assets


Current Ratio


Long-term Debt


Total Debt to Capital Ratio


P&L Data (OOOs) Revenues Gross Profit Operating Profit Net Profit


Company Description, Inc., which recently launched its website BOOMj .com, plans to bring to the Internet new "Web 3.0"; a social, political, financial, e-commerce, and lifestyle network focused on providing diversified media, compelling content, and advertising targeting Baby Boomers and Generation Jones . BOOMj .com, "America's Social, Political, Financial and Lifestyle Network," is focused on a very specific demographic: the 78 million Baby Boomers and Generation Jones that spent $2 .3 trillion last year, have $1 trillion of disposable income and have an estimated $45 trillion in potential retirement benefits. This demographic is the fastest growing group on the Internet, according to surveys conducted by the Pew Internet & American Life Project.

Strategic Business Plan The Company's business strategy for fast growth and market penetration encompasses five principal areas: I) the delivery of superior and compelling content to the Company's members; 2) focused marketing, comprised of an on-line and off-line component; 3) named merchandise brands and products through the launch of a social e-commerce platform; 4) the continuing development of new and proprietary technologies; and 5) free access to content provided on the Company ' s Website.'s revenue model consists of advertising revenues, generated through the sale of banner and text ads, streaming video ads and sponsorships programs, and commissions through affiliate marketing programs. Revenue is also generated through the Company's e-commerce platform from the sale of a wide range of products to members. From the sale of its products, revenues are also generated through commissions, co/op advertising, and volume rebates available from the Company's distributors, publishers, and manufactures.

Recent Developments Margin Analysis (%)

• The website was launched in February 2007.

Gross Margin

• The Company is debt free and in a sound equity position, with PCAOB audited financial statements.

Operating Margin Net Margin

• has 13,660,000 fully diluted common shares outstanding.

Investment Banking Objective Company Contact Information

George Pursglove President & CEO

The Company is currently raising approximately $5 million through the sale of 2,500,000 shares of Series B Convertible I 0% Cumulative Preferred Stock ($ .00 I par value) priced at $2.00 per share. Management intends to use this funding to become publicly trading, either through an IPO or a reverse merger., Inc. 3753 Howard Hughes Pkwy., Suite 200 Las Vegas, NV 89109 714.427 .6100 IR Contact Information

Tom Freydl Allison & Partners 917.254 .7411 WWW.iVALUERICH.COM

NEW YORK 2007 2 1


( + Harbinger Research Independent Investment Analysis


Clearly Canadian Beverage Corp. (CCBEF - OTC-BB)

Stephanie Loiacono, CFA Senior Research Analyst

Sector: Food & Beverages

Industry: Natural & Organic

Objective: Capital, Mergers & Acquisitions, Market Support, Strategic Partnet·ships & Joint Ventures, New Contacts Price as of 5/29/07


Market and Trading Data Market Capitalization (M) Enterprise Value (M) Shares Outstanding (OOOs) Float (OOOs)

$56.65 $54.43 19,010 Unavailable

Avg. Volume (10 day trailing) Avg. Volume (3 month trailing) Institutional Ownership (%) Insider Ownership(%)

588,960 188,586 Unavailable

Balance Sheet Data (OOOs)


From Last 10-Q I 10-K

Cash Net Current Assets

$6,677 $5,899

Current Ratio Long-term Debt Total Debt to Capital Ratio P&L Data (OOOs)

Mar '07

Revenues Gross Profit Operating Profit Net Profit EPS

1,467 356 (2,181) (2,181) (0.1 2)

2.655 $893 0.17

Company Description Clearly Canadian Beverage Corporation markets premium alternative beverages, including Clearly Canadian ® sparkling flavored waters and Clearly Canadian dailyEnergy, dailyVitamin, and dailyHydration Natural Enhanced Waters. Clearly Canadian's recent acquisitions of My Organic Baby, with a complete line of natural and organic baby food products, and DMR Food Corporation, with a wide range of dried fruit and nut snack offerings, mark the Company's debut into natural and organic products.

Strategic Business Plan Company management is focused on the organic growth of all divisions through increased distribution of existing product lines and introduction of exciting new product lines, combined with the continued execution of a strategic acquisition plan. The Company is seeking to build name recognition of Clearly Canadian as a leader in the natural, organic, and healthy market sectors.

Recent Developments • In May 2007, Clearly Canadian completed the acquisition of My Organic Baby, Inc., Canada's first nationwide line of organic baby food. My Organic Baby's founders will be joining the Clearly Canadian team and play a critical role in introducing an organic product line for toddlers and expanding My Organic Baby's products into the U.S . • The Company recently announced the addition of new partners to its growing network of North American distributors, including distribution partners throughout the U.S . as well as 7-Eleven and Shell convenience stores throughout Canada. • In April 2007, Clearly Canadian closed a series of non-brokered private placements for a total of $3 .5 million.

Margin Analysis (%) Gross Margin Operating Margin Net Margin

24.3 (148.7) (148.7)

1 Year Price - CCBEF

5.00 450 4.00

Company Contact Information

Brent Lokash

President Clearly Canadian Beverage Corp. 2267 1Oth Avenue West Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6K 2J1 604.742 .5323



3.00 2.50

2.00 IR Contact Information

Steve Cook

Investors Matrix Group <;~

1 t:;LLQ nAA7



Jul May 31, 2007







!.SO @ « .com



Michael Anderegg, CFA

DigitaiFX International, Inc. (DFXN - OTC-BB)

Senior Research Analyst

Sector: Technology

Industry: Digital Communications

Objective: Mat·ket Support


Price as of 5/29/07 Market and Trading Data

$101.89 $98.88 23,695 5,660 14,555 36,629 0.10 6.36

Market Capitalization (M) Enterprise Value (M) Shares Outstanding (OOOs) Float (ODDs) Avg. Volume (10 day trailing) Avg. Volume (3 month trailing) Institutional Ownership(%) Insider Ownership(%)

From Last 10·Q I 10·K

Balance Sheet Data (OOOs)

$5,723 $4,247

Cash Net Current Assets

2.563 $0 0

Current Ratio Long-term Debt Total Debt to Ca~ital Ratio P&L Data (OOOs) Revenues Gross Profit

Mar '07


FY '05

Company Description DigitalFX International, Inc. creates digital communications and social networking solutions, as showcased on its social network website The Company develops and markets proprietary communication and collaboration services and social networking software applications, including video email, video instant messaging, live webcasting, and digital phone services. Its flagship product, called The Studio, is an affordable, cross digital platform web-based solution. DigitalFX International is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Strategic Business Plan Digital FX management is currently focused on four major priorities: • Expand international operations. • Offer services to small- and medium-sized business customers. • Expand offerings to large enterprises. • Integrate digital phone service with its video, storage, and convergence offerings.

Recent Developments In May 2007, DigitalFX and Fusion Telecommunications International, Inc. (AMEX:FSN) signed an agreement to integrate Fusion's digital phone services into DigitalFX's advanced Web 2.0 video, storage, and convergence offerings.

6,396 22,800 5,431 18,356

Operating Profit Net Profit EPS

104 56 0.00

Margin Analysis (%) Gross Margin

5,068 3,820 1,165 (1,167) 480 (1,223) 0.02 (0.06)




Operating Margin




Net Margin




1 Year Price - DFXN

14.00 12.00

Com ~any

Contact Information

10 .00

Lorne Walker Chief Financial Officer DigitaiFX International, Inc. 3035 East Patrick Lane, Suite 9 Las Vegas, NV 89120 702 .938.9300 www.digitalfx .com

8.00 G.OO 4.00 2.00

IR Contact Information

Arun Chakraborty Stern & Co . 212.888.0044 WWW.iVALUERICH .COM


Jul May 31, 2007







0.00 @J


NEW YORK 2007 2 3

. . RICH




Dot VN, Inc. (DTVI - Pink Sheets)

Stephanie Loiacono, CFA Senior Research Analyst

Sector: Services

Industry: Internet Services

Objective: Not Stated Price as of 5/29/07


Market and Trading Data Market Capitalization (M) Enterprise Value (M) Shares Outstanding (OOOs) Float (OOOs)

$38.75 Unavailable

15,500 Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable

Avg. Volume (10 day trailing) Avg. Volume (3 month trailing) Institutional Ownership(%) Insider Ownership(%)

Company Description Dot VN, Inc. provides online services of .VN (Vietnam) domain name registrations worldwide. The Company also offers Internet services and related e-commerce solutions in Vietnam and internationally. The Vietnam Internet Network Information Center (VNNIC) awarded Dot VN an exclusive unlimited length contract to be the first registrar to promote, market, and register its country code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) of .VN via the Internet. The Company has formed strong alliances and cooperation with major Vietnamese and international ISPs such as Netsoft, VDC, FPT, Verisign,, and over 40 others to commercialize Vietnam's Internet services. Dot VN was established in 200 l and is based in San Diego, California, with additional offices in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam .

Recent Developments Balance Sheet Data (OOOs)

From Last 10-Q I 10-K

Cash Net Current Assets Current Ratio Long-term Debt Total Debt to Capital Ratio

Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable

P&L Data (OOOs)

Revenues Gross Profit Operating Profit Net Profit

• In May 2007, Dot VN announced that Intel Corporation; Federal Communications Group, Inc.; and Cere! ink are collaborating with the Company to build out a I 0,000 square foot world-class Tier-3 commercial Internet Data Center in Hanoi. • Dot VN recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding to partner in a joint venture with Quang Trung Software City Development Company to build out a 20,000 square foot Internet Data Center in Ho Chi Minh City. • The total number of .VN domain names registered online by Dot VN increased by 143% for the first quarter of 2007 as compared to the same quarter in 2006.

EPS Margin Analysis(%) Gross Margin Operating Margin Net Margin 1 Year Pti<e · DTVI



Company Contact Information

Thomas M. Johnson

Chairman & CEO Dot VN, Inc. 9499 Balboa Ave ., Suite 114 San Diego, CA 92123 858.571.2007 www.dotvn .com IR Contact Information

Gary Thompson

Director 858 .571.2007 x14



Jul Ma y 31, 2007







1.00 @

quotemedia .com




EMTA Holdings, Inc. (EMHD- OTC-88)

Lisa Springer, CFA Senior Research Analyst

Sector: Basic Materials

Industry: Oil & Gas Refining & Marketing

Objective: Mergers & Acquisitions $0.20

Price as of 5/29/07 Market and Trad i n~ Data

$6.27 $10.24 31,367 Unavailable 46,383 45,060 Unavailable Unavailable

Market Capitalization (M) Enterprise Value (M) Shares Outstanding (OOOs) Float (ODDs) Avg. Volume (10 day trailing) Avg. Volume (3 month trailing) Institutional Ownership (%) Insider Ownership(%)

From Last 10-Q I 10·K

Balance Sheet Data !ODDs)

$446 ($2,493)

Cash Net Current Assets

0.295 $878 1.04

Current Ratio Long-term Debt Total Debt to Capital Ratio P&L Data !ODDs)

Dec '06 Sep '06

Revenues Gross Profit Operating Profit

48 105 (1) 36 (576) (759) (16,922) (1 ,562)

Net Profit EPS



Gross Margin



Operating Margin

n. m. (722.9) n. m. n. m.

Margin Analysis (%)

Net Margin

Company Description EMTA Holdings, Inc. is a holding company which provides innovative solutions to conserve energy usage, particularly for petroleum-based fuels. Through its subsidiaries, the Company has developed unique products which serve industrial, commercial, and consumer markets. EMT A sells its products through retailers, auto parts suppliers, and the Internet, as well as through direct sales representatives . The Company is currently developing three new lubrication products and is interested in identifying future merger opportunities. EMTA's flagship XenTx® products, including XenTx Extreme Engine Treatment, XenTx Extreme Transmission Treatment and XenTx Extreme Diesel Fuel Treatment, are used to reduce overall friction and mechanical wear, resulting in greater fuel economy and less air pollution. XenTx has a broad spectrum of applications and can be used as an additive in turbine, diesel, gasoline, and two-cycle engines, transmissions , and differentials. As a raw material it is used in various lubricating products and applications for industrial equipment, bio-diesel fuel, and machine cutting tools.

Strategic Business Plan EMTA's goal is to provide a wide range of products to the retail consumer, commercial, and industrial markets that are tested and proven to provide the benefits as advertised. The Company seeks to be an industry leader in each product category in which it competes.

Recent Developments • In May 2007, EMT A announced that it will sponsor all "Extreme" sports events created by WGAS Motorsports this summer, providing event promotions, signage, discount coupons, PA advertisements, displays, and other activity in and around the WGAS events . WGAS is the largest motorsports promoter in California and promotes quality motorsports throughout the western U.S. • EMTA recently announced that Clark County, Nevada, has agreed to use XenTx Diesel Fuel Treatment with CleanBoost technology in all county-owned diesel-powered vehicles. • In February 2007, EMTA announced that independent on-highway tests showed that XenTx Extreme Diesel Fuel Treatment can save truck owners up to $1,200 per vehicle, per year, while meeting strict new emissions standards in states such as Texas and California.

Company Contact Information

1 Yea,. P rice· EMHD


James C. Marshall Chief Financial Officer EMTA Holdings, Inc. 7530 East Butherus Dr., Suite C Scottsdale, AZ 85260 480.222.6222 www

5 .00 4.00 3.00 2 .00

IR Contact Information

Stanley Wunderlich Consulting for Strategic Growth 1, Ltd . 800.625 .2236 WWW.iVALUERICH .COM


' Jul Ma y 31.2007






' Apr

@ q•Jote m>?:di3 .c om

NEW YORK 200 7 25


( + Harbinger Research Independent Investment Analysis


Foldera, Inc. (FDRA - OTC-BB)

Michael Anderegg, CFA Senior Research Analyst

Sector: Technology

Industry: Software

Objective: Market Support, Strategic Partnerships & Joint Ventures, New Contacts Price as of 5/29/07


Market and Trading Data Market Capitalization (M) Enterprise Value (M) Shares Outstanding (OOOs) Float (OOOs)

$54.49 $52.46 113,514 53,770 48,418 98,439 3.1 44.4

Avg. Volume (10 day trailing) Avg. Volume (3 month trailing) Institutional Ownership(%) Insider Ownership(%) Balance Sheet Data (OOOs)

From Last 10-Q I 10-K

Cash Net Current Assets

$3,870 $2,381

Current Ratio Long-term Debt Total Debt to


2.426 $171 0.10

Ratio Se~

P&L Data (OOOs)

Mar '07 Dec '06

Revenues Gross Profit Operating Profit Net Profit EPS

'06 Jun '06

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (2, 559) (3,098) (2,478) (3,859) (2,509) (3,013) (2,450) (3,836) (0.02) (0.03) (0.02) (0.03)

Margin Ana l ~sis (%) Gross Margin n. m.

n. m.

n. m.

n. m.

Operating Margin Net Margin

n. m. n. m.

n. m. n. m.

n. m. n. m.


n. m. n. m.

Contact Informatio n

Company Description Foldera, Inc. is a software company that has developed an online organizational platform designed to instantly organize workflow into one convenient and integrated application. Document storage, e-mail, calendar, file sharing, administration, and other functions are all incorporated into one simple web based platform, in which Foldera does the sorting and filing for you. The basic Foldera platform is free, with the Company planning to earn revenues from search, ads, and paid premium services. Having launched the Foldera platform at the end of March 2007, the Company is looking to attract customers, gain market awareness, and drive top-line revenue toward profitability.

Strategic Business Plan Foldera launched its Public Preview program on March 30, 2007, and has started generating revenue from the service. Management expects new strategic alliances to also allow Foldera to launch into complimentary vertical markets. Since launching its beta release, Foldera has activated accounts for over 800 businesses of all sizes, including small companies, departments within large well-known companies, and school districts. Over 600 individuals have activated Foldera accounts for personal use. The Company intends to launch a formal marketing program in summer 2007, and has already received over 15,000 account requests. According to Blake Hunnel, Foldera's Chief Information Officer, infrastructure is performing well during the beta release and the service should be open to the general public on June 29, 2007.

Recent Developments • Foldera's Public Preview release of its application was made available on March 30, 2007. The layout and imagery of the application was greatly increased, with additional significant improvements to the architecture of the system improving both the speed and reliability of the service. Thus far, the beta release has gone according to plan and the Company is on schedule for the general release. • Foldera recently entered into a common stock purchase agreement with Vision Opportunity Master Fund, Ltd. On May l 0, 2007, Vision funded $1 million, and it has the option, but not the obligation, to purchase an additional $3 million through July 31, 2007. I YeaF Price - FORA

4 .00

Hugh Dunkerley VP, Corporate Finance


Foldera, Inc. 17011 Beach Blvd ., Suite 1500 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 714 .766.8737

3 .00 2.50 2.00


IR Contact Information


Stephen Gjolme


Ibis Consulting Group 949.852.8474

' Jul May 31, 2007


' Oct

' 2007


' ApF @)

quoternedia .com


Hyperdynamics Corp. (HDY - AMEX)

Lisa Springer, CFA

Sector: Energy

Senior Research Analyst

Objective: Market Support, Strategic Partnerships & Joint Ventures, New Contacts $2.14

Price as of 5/30/07 Market and Trading Data

$104.70 $105.10 48,925 23,890 229,954 140,204 1.20 11.67

Market Capitalization (M) Enterprise Value (M) Shares Outstanding (ODDs) Float (ODDs) Avg. Volume (1 0 day trailing) Avg. Volume (3 month trailing) Institutional Ownership(%) Insider Ownership(%) Balance Sheet Data !OOOs)

From Last 10-Q I 10-K $1,815 ($171) 0.923 $0 0

Cash Net Current Assets Current Ratio Long-term Debt Total Debt to Ca~ital Ratio P&L Data !OOOs)

Mar '07 Dec '06 113

Revenues Gross Profit Operating Profit Net Profit EPS



Industry: Oil and Gas E&D

'06 Jun '06 325


(638) (2,106) (1 ,463) (1 ,996) (2,109) (1,830) (2,835) (1 ,432) !0.05) !0.04) !0.06) !0.03)

Company Description Hyperdynamics is committed to providing energy for the future by exploring for new sources of oil and gas both domestically and internationally. The Company is currently exploring offshore Republic of Guinea and holds the largest exploration license in West Africa, covering 31,000 square miles. The Company was founded in 1996 and is based in Sugar Land, Texas.

Strategic Business Plan Hyperdynamics' strategy is to build value for the Company by exploring high-potential oil and gas opportunities. The Company expects to mitigate risk and increase operational bandwidth by partnering with other operators in its West Africa program. Additionally, to accelerate the time frame necessary to drill exploration wells, strategic relationships have been formed with key offshore drilling contractors and equipment providers, laying the foundation for timely support of offshore drilling programs for the company or its farm-in partners.

Recent Developments • In 2007, Hyperdynamics is commencing its farmout program to expedite exploration and drilling activities offshore Guinea. • The Company entered into a direct Production Sharing Contract with the Republic of Guinea in September 2006, making Hyperdynamics the largest acreage holder offshore Africa. • Hyperdynamics recently engaged Global Santa Fe's Applied Drilling Technology unit to conduct a feasibility study for offshore drilling operations.

Margin Anal~sis !0/o) Gross Margin Operating Margin Net Margin

n. m. (427.8) (614.2) (195.1) n. m. (535.1) (872.3) (437.9)

1 Year Price- HDY

3.20 3.00

Company Contact Information

Christopher Watts

2 .80

Director of Communications Hyperdynamics Corporation One Sugar Creek Center Blvd ., Suite 125 Sugar land , TX 77478 713.353.9400

2.60 2 .40 2.20 2 .00 1.80 1.60

IR Contact Information


Tony Schor

Investor Awareness, Inc. 84 7.925.2222



Jul May 31, 2007







1.20 @ quate m~ di a. com

NEW YORK 2007 27


( + Harbinger Research Independent Investment Ana lysi s


Littlefield Corp. (L TFD - OTC-BB)

Steph anie Loiacono, CFA Senior Research Analyst m

Sector: Entertainment

Industry : Gam ing Activities

Objective: Mar ket Support, Mergers & Acq uisi tions, Strategic Partnerships & Joint Ventures Price as of 5/29/07 Market and




Market Capitalization (M) Enterprise Value (M) Shares Outstanding (OOOs) Float (OOOs)

$12.23 $15.40 11 ,218 6,740 17,967 12,521 0.10 37.15

Avg. Volume (10 day trailing) Avg. Volume (3 month trailing) Institutional Ownership (%) Insider Ownership(%) Balance Sheet Data (OOOs)

From Last 10-Q I 10-K

Cash Net Current Assets

$3,198 $2,999 2.691 $4,602 0.39

Current Ratio Long-term Debt Total Debt to Caeital Ratio P&L Data (OOOs)

Mar '07 Dec '06 See '06 Jun '06

Revenues Gross Profit

3,489 1,115

4,009 976

2,858 444

Operating Profit Net Profit EPS

493 358 0.03

85 (35)

(280) (341 )



3,615 1,080 664 612 0.06

Margin Analls is (%) Gross Margin Operating Margin





14.1 10.3

2.1 (0.9)

(9.8) (11 .9)

18.4 16.9

Net Margin

Com pany Description Littlefie ld Corporation is the largest owner of charitabl e bingo halls in the United States, with a total of th irty bingo halls located in Texas (17), South Carolina (1 0), and Alabama (3). The Company, headquartered in Austin, Texas, operates its charitable bingo business thro ugh wholly-owned corporate subsid iaries and is branded as Littlefield Entertainment. Littlefie ld also owns the largest offsite catering business in Central Texas, as well as an allied party rental business. This business segment is organized as Littlefield Hospitality, Inc. and offers two very strong brands in Word of Mouth and Premiere Tents & Events.

Strategic Busi ness Pla n Littlefield plans to continue to pursue a methodical acquisition and expansion program of bingo properties in every market in which the Company currently operates, and is seeking to expand into additional markets management believes will provide attractive long-term growth opportunities. In addition, Littlefield anticipates entering into the Amusement With Prize ("A WP") business during CY 2007 at its Texas b ingo halls. The customer base provided by the existing Texas bingo hall portfo lio provides a geograph ically diverse population in excess of 2,000,000 prospective customers in ten different cities who regularly patronize the bingo halls.

Rec ent Developments In February 2007, Littlefield agreed to sell 400,000 shares of its common stock to funds affiliated with Value Fund Advisors, LLC of Tulsa, Oklahoma at a purchase price of $1.1 9/share, which represented a 15% premium to its five-day average closing price. Value Fund Advisors wi ll also purchase 100,000 add itional shares of Littlefield's common stock in the open market over the next three years.

1 Year Price- LTFD

1.40 1.30 1.20 1.10

Company Contact Information


Michael J. Lindley

Executive Vice President, Institutional IR Littlefi e ld Corporation 2501 North Lama r Blvd . Austin , TX 78705 512.476.5141 www.littlefield .com


0.90 0.80


Jul May 31, 2007







0.70 @ quotem~dia .com


· -.


Stephanie Loiacono, CFA

Marketing Worldwide Corporation (MWWC - OTC-BB)

Senior Research Analyst

Sector: Automobile

Industry: OEM Automobile Accessories

Objective: Mergers & Acquisitions, Market Support, Strategic Partnerships & Joint Ventures, New Contacts $0.94

Price as of 5/31/07 Market and


Data $10.68 $14.20 11,363 720 13 551 Unavailable 81 .0

Market Capitalization (M) Enterprise Value (M) Shares Outstanding (OOOs) Float (OOOs) Avg. Volume (10 day trailing) Avg. Volume (3 month trailing) Institutional Ownership (%) Insider Ownership (%)

From Last 10-Q I 10-K

Balance Sheet Data (OOOs)

$122 $929

Cash Net Current Assets Current Ratio Long-term Debt Total Debt to Capital Ratio P&L Data (OOOs)

1.444 $1,543 0.61

Mar '07 Dec '06

Revenues Gross Profit Operating Profit Net Profit EPS

2,242 673 12 0 0.00

Margin Analysis (%) Gross Margin Operating Margin Net Margin

2,161 647 63 32 0.00

FY '06 9,476 2,433 482 306 0.03

Company Description Marketing Worldwide Corporation (MWW) designs, develops, and manufactures highquality automotive accessory components for major automotive manufacturers delivered "Direct-to-Port" for installation at their large Vehicle Processing Centers in the U.S. and Canada. The majority of the Company's products are currently being designed and manufactured for Toyota, Kia Motors, and Hyundai passenger cars, SUVs, and light trucks. MWW is based in Howell, Michigan.

Strategic Business Plan Management intends to expand market share and increase revenues by developing new products for its existing customer base, implementing newly developed profit centers, and transferring its proven and profitable business model to new customers. Management plans to continue to acquire companies that provide additional and essential supply, manufacturing, and distribution resources for MWW; accelerate the advancement of the Company's vertical integration strategy; and drive increasing revenues and profits to reach projected $34.5 million in sales and $2.4 million in profits by the end of 2009 (up from $9.45 million in sales and $332,000 in profit in 2006). MWW intends to increase market awareness for the Company's fundamentals and stock in the brokerage and investment communities through focused investor relations campaigns.

Recent Developments • The Company recently acquired Colortek, Inc., a leading Class A pamtmg facility certified for MWW 's Toyota customers, Ford, GM, Chrysler, and Mitsubishi, advancing MWW's vertical integration strategy. • In April2007, MWW raised $3.5 million from an institutional investor to accelerate the implementation of its business plan. • In December 2006, MWW moved to new headquarters in Howell, Michigan, custom built to accommodate the Company's rapidly expanding operations.




0.5 0.0

2.9 1.5

5.1 3.2

Company Contact Information

Rainer Poertner

Executive Vice President Marketing Worldwide Corporation 2212 Grand Commerce Drive Howell , Ml 48855 517.540.0045 x39

• In its fiscal year ended September 30, 2006, the Company showed significant growth, reporting increases in sales of 18% and in net income of 70% in comparison to FY 2005. Sales continued to rise during the first quarter of FY 2007, continuing a track record of five years of increasing sales and profitability. • In May 2006, MWW began delivery of its 2007 Toyota Camry lip spoi ler to South East Toyota (SET), Gulf States Toyota (GST), and Toyota Canada (TCI).

Investment Banking Objective MWW is seeking M&A investment banking partners for selective acquisitions in the Company's core industry. 1 Y•' Pri.::<l> - MWWC

1 -200

.----\ \J

IR Contact Information


Stanley Wunderlich

Consulting for Strategic Growth 1, Ltd . 800.625.2236

;:: : 1 .100

2: 0 0 7


0 .700

o.l6.oo 0.500 0.400 0.300


.1.:.. 1



M .ay 3 1 ,. 2:00 7


NEW YORK 2007 29


( + Harbinger Research


Independent Investment Analysis

NexGen Biofuels, Inc. (Private)

Lisa Springer, CFA Senior Research Analyst lspringer@harb ingerresearch. com

Sector: Alternative Energy

Industry: Biofuels

Objective: Capital, Mergers & Acquisitions, Market Support, Strategic Partnerships & Joint Ventures, New Contacts Price as of 5/29/07


Market and Trading Data Market Capitalization (M) Enterprise Value (M) Shares Outstanding (OOOs) Float (OOOs) Avg. Volume (10 day trailing) Avg. Volume (3 month trailing) Institutional Ownership(%) Insider Ownership(%) Balance Sheet Data (OOOs)

Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable

From Last 10-Q I 10-K

Cash Net Current Assets

Unavailable Unavailable

Current Ratio Long-term Debt Total Debt to Capital Ratio

Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable

Company Description NexGen Biofuels, Inc. is an early-stage company planning to produce and distribute ethanol and bio-diesel. The Company was founded in August 2006 and is based in Tampa, FL. NexGen Biofuels is developing four 100 MGPY ethanol plants and two 50 MGPY biodiesel plants in six states. The plants will be built in two phases, with the first phase yielding two ethanol plants and the two bio-diesel plants, and the second phase yielding two more ethanol plants . The intended plants will have an initial annual capacity to process 37 million bushels of corn from each of the ethanol plants and 500 metric tons per day of vegetable oil from each of the bio-diesel plants. The ethanol plants will also each produce 276,000 tons of distiller dried grains (animal feed) , 15 ,000 metric tons of corn oil, and 270,000 tons of raw carbon dioxide per year as by-products. The bio-diesel plants will each produce over 16,500 tons of glycerin per year as a by-product. The plants will take from 12 to 18 months to build - from design to operation. The first phase of construction is scheduled to commence within the second quarter of 2007, and will involve a total investment of $500 million ($200 million each for the ethanol plants and $50 million each for the bio-diesel plants).

P&L Data (OOOs)

Strategic Business Plan

Revenues Gross Profit Operating Profit Net Profit EPS

Management has extensively studied recently built and fully functioning ethanol plants and has found that all have achieved break-even within six to nine months from the date of production. NexGen has projected to achieve revenue of $284 million, which the Company expects to quickly grow to $986 million revenue and $129 million net income by the fifth year.

Margin Analysis (%) Gross Margin

NexGen Biofuels signed a definitive agreement for a reverse merger with Healthcare Technologies (HCTL) in early January 2007.

Recent Developments Operating Margin Net Margin

Investment Banking Objective NexGen is seeking $25 million in equity financing for its first tranche in funding.

Company Contact Information

Jim McAiinden Chief Operating Officer NexGen Biofuels, Inc. 2533 Windguard Circle, Suite 102 Tampa, FL 33543 813 .929.4802 www.nexgenbiofuels .net





Odyne Corporation (ODYC - OTC-BB)

Michael Anderegg, CFA Senior Research Analyst

Sector: Automotive

Industry: Powertrains

Objective: Capital, Mergers & Acquisitions, Market Support, Strategic Partnerships & Joint Ventures, New Contacts $0.49

Price as of 6/07/07 Market and


Data $9.43 $8.07 19,239 6,930 45,393 34,983 Unavailable Unavailable

Market Capitalization (M) Enterprise Value (M) Shares Outstanding (ODDs) Float (ODDs) Avg. Volume (10 day trailing) Avg. Volume (3 month trailing) Institutional Ownership (%) Insider Ownership(%)

From Last 10-Q 110-K

Balance Sheet Data (OOOs)

$2,130 $1,938 3.537 $4 0.03

Cash Net Current Assets Current Ratio Long-term Debt Total Debt to Ca~ital Ratio P&L Data (OOOs) Revenues Gross Profit Operating Profit Net Profit EPS

Mar '07 Dec '06 Sep '06 Jun '06 23




(1 ,043) (1 ,657) (1 ,016) (1,980) (0.06)


Margin Analysis (%) Gross Margin (426.1) (461.6)

Company Description Odyne Corporation develops Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) powertrains for Class 6, 7, and 8 vehicles. Odyne is working with vehicle manufacturers , vehicle retrofitters, and fleet operators who use heavy-duty vehicles that weigh in excess of 20,000 pounds and are used in applications with frequent starts and stops. Conventionally powered vehicles used in these applications are generally fuel-inefficient and contribute a disproportionate amount of pollution. By applying Odyne's PHEV technology to vehicles that fit this profile - including transit buses, school buses, garbage trucks, and others- operators can reduce fuel consumption, emissions, and brake wear. Odyne's core competency is in control and power electronic circuit design, development, production, and the integration of this technology with reliable and cost effective off-the-shelf technologies.

Strategic Business Plan Odyne intends to develop intellectual property consisting of battery management systems and control systems . The Company plans to integrate this technology with reliable commercial off-the-shelf technology to create Plug-In Hybrid Powertrains, to be sold as an OEM to the bus and truck industry.

Recent Developments • Odyne recently announced that DUECO, Inc. issued a purchase order to Odyne for installation of Odyne' s propulsion technology into an aerial lift truck which will be displayed at the International Construction and Utility Equipment Exposition (ICUEE) on October 16 - 18 in Louisville, Kentucky. Odyne and DUECO had earlier entered into an exclusive agreement whereby DUECO and Odyne intend to develop and install proprietary plug-in hybrid electric vehicle propulsion systems optimized for aerial lift truck applications. • In May 2007, Odyne announced an alliance with Creative Bus Sales, Inc., the nation 's largest commercial bus dealership.

Company Contact Information

• The Company recently announced a strategic supplier agreement with EnerSys, the world's largest industrial battery manufacturer and a leader in stored energy solutions. EnerSys will supply Odyne with Genesis® pure lead batteries for its plug-in hybrid electric vehicles as Odyne ramps up production.

Roger Slotkin

1 Year Pri<e- ODYC

Operating Margin

n. m.

n. m.

Net Margin

n. m.

n. m.


Chief Executive Officer Odyne Corporation 89 Cabot Court Hauppage, NY 11788 631 .750.1010

2.50 2.00 1.50

IR Contact Information

Andrew Merkatz


CountryRoad Capital LLC 212.826.3184 Andrew Lavin A. Lavin Communications





lui Jun 8, 2007








NEW YORK 200 7 3 1




Onstream Media Corp. (ONSM - NASDAQ)

Michael Anderegg, CFA Senior Research Analyst

Industry: Business Software & Services

Sector: Technology

Objective: 1\'lergers & Acquisitions, Market Support, Strategic Partnerships & Joint Ventures, New Contacts Price as of 5/29/07


Market and Tradin2 Data Market Capitalization (M) Enterprise Value (M) Shares Outstanding (OOOs) Float (OOOs)

$94.53 $89.87 39,885 20,300 298,082 467,113 2.50 7.04

Avg. Volume (10 day trailing) Avg. Volume (3 month trailing) Institutional Ownership (%) Insider Ownership(%) Balance Sheet Data (OOOs)

From Last 10-Q I 10-K

Cash Net Current Assets Current Ratio Long-term Debt Total Debt to Capital Ratio

$7,210 $7,231 3.879 $45 0

P&L Data (OOOs)

Mar '07 Dec '06 Sep '06 Jun '06

Revenues Gross Profit Operating Profit Net Profit EPS

2,065 2,175 2,290 2,317 1,239 1,333 1,398 1,473 (2, 513) (1 ,512) (1 ,331) (1,433) (8,039) (3,487) (861) (1 ,179) (0.29) (0.21) (0.06) (0.08)

Mar9in Anal~sis (%) Gross Margin Operating Margin Net Margin

60.0 61.3 (121 .7) (69.5) (389.3) (160.3)

61.0 (58.1) (37.6)

63.6 (61.8) (50.9)

Com pan~ Contact Information

Barry Struhl

Vice President, Account Services Onstream Media Corporation 1291 SW 29th Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33069 954.917 .6655 www.onstreammedia .com

Company Description Founded in 1993, Onstream Media Corporation is an online service provider of live and on-demand, digital media communications and applications. The Company's pioneering Digital Media Services Platform (DMSP) provides its customers with the necessary tools for audio conferencing, webcasting, web conferencing, and "webinars" as well as managing digital assets, publishing content on the Internet in various files and formats, and establishing e-commerce storefronts to transact business online. All of Onstream Media's services are focused on increasing productivity and revenues, and reducing capital expenditures and operational costs for any organization in an affordable and highly secure environment.

Strategic Business Plan The most comprehensive online rich media services provider, Onstream Media is the Internet's first total solutions provider for all aspects of live and on-demand rich media communications, including webcasting, webconferencing, content publishing, and digital asset management. As a result, 78% of the Fortune I 00 CEOs and CFOs and almost half of the Fortune 1000 companies have used Onstream Media's services. Select Onstream Media customers include: AOL, AAA, AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company, Bonnier, Disney, MGM, Deutsche Bank, Thomson Financiai/CCBN, PR Newswire, Televisa, and the U.S . Government. Onstream's strategic business plan is to continue to expand the Company's sales and marketing activities and to identify synergistic as well as strategic business and technology opportunities.

Recent Developments • Onstream Media recently anno unced it has signed an agreement to provide a full suite of digital media services to help power Bonnier Corporation's new social networking and on line community-building initiative for all of its more than 40 leading magazine brands. • The Company also recently announced its acquisitions of Infinite Conferencing and Auction Video and Auction Video Japan as another strategic step in providing a complete range of enabling, turnkey technologies for Onstream's clients to facilitate "video on the web" and Internet-based conferencing app lications. • Onstream Media recently issued guidance for the third and fourth quarters of fiscal year 2007. By the fourth quarter of Onstream's fiscal year, due to internally generated growth coupled with a full quarter of contribution from the acquisition of Infinite Conferencing, Onstream expects to achieve quarterly revenues in excess of $4.0 million - an increase of approximate ly 75 % over the comparable quarter of the prior year. 1 Year- Price - O N S M

4 .00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50

IR Contact Information

Bethany Tomich


Equity Performance Group 617.723.1465


J~l May



3 1~



' 2007

0.00 Apr @ quote rr.o;. d 13 .com




Pipeline Data Inc. (PPDA- OTC-BB)

Stephanie Loiacono, CFA Senior Research Analyst

Sector: Financial Services

Industry: Electronic Payment Processing

Objective: Capital, Mergers & Acquisitions, .M arket Support, Strategic Partnerships & Joint Ventures, New Contacts $0.93

Price as of 6/06/07 Market and


Data $44.87 $74.26 48,150 11,700 7,115 21,701 Unavailable 44.98

Market Capitalization (M) Enterprise Value (M) Shares Outstanding (OOOs) Float (OOOs) Avg. Volume (10 day trailing) Avg. Volume (3 month trailing) Institutional Ownership(%) Insider Ownership(%) Balance Sheet Data (OOOs)

From Last 10-Q I 10-K $3,635 $2,058 1.504 $29,027 0.48

Cash Net Current Assets Current Ratio Long-term Debt Total Debt to Ca~ital Ratio P&L Data (OOOs)

Mar '07 Dec '06 Se~ '06 Jun '06

Revenues Gross Profit Operating Profit Net Profit EPS

11,856 11,076 14,929 8,359 3,909 4,456 4,314 3,283 545 236 902 1,198 (143) (305) (1,484) (1,098) (0.02) (0.00) (0.01) (0.03)

Margin Anallsis (%) Gross Margin





Operating Margin Net Margin

2.0 (9.3)

8.1 (1 .3)

8.0 (2.0)

6.5 (1 7.8)

Company Description Pipeline Data Inc. provides an integrated suite of merchant payment processing services and related software products, delivering credit and debit card-based payment processing solutions to small and mid-sized merchants that operate in physical "brick and mortar" business environments, over the Internet, or wirelessly via cellular phones. Products and services are marketed through banks, Independent Sales Organizations, and the Internet. The Company serves approximately 40,000 merchants across the United States through relationships with 50 commercial banks and financial institutions comprising 460 bank branch locations, 48 credit unions, 30 ISOsN ARs, and a national cell phone provider.

Strategic Business Plan There are approximately 5.7 million merchant locations in the US currently accepting Visa and MasterCard credit cards. Pipeline Data aggressively grows its number of merchant accounts through an in-house sales force utilizing multiple lines of origination, including the Internet, call generation, and other marketing media. The Company also continues to employ its successful acquisition strategy in order to identify and integrate select merchant portfolios and compatible businesses. Pipeline Data intends to achieve greater business efficiencies by creating, operating, and continually enhancing its processing and service operations in an efficient and scalable manner. The Company's service and support platforms are completely flexible, enabling merchant customization and scalability to meet the requirements of high transaction volumes. Pipeline Data' s management team has extensive experience in the payment processing industry and a strong history of providing reliable, customer-focused services to merchants.

Recent Developments • During FY2006, the Company completed and fully integrated two strategic acquisitions. • Credit card processing volume for the year ended December 31, 2006 was $1 ,288M, an 83% increase from the $70LM processed during the same period in 2005 . • During Q3 2006, Pipeline Data undertook the expansion of both its sales and marketing center and operations facilities. • Recently concluded contract renegotiations with the Company's largest vendor are expected to result in a significant reduction in processing costs beginning in Q3 2007. • Pipeline Data recently became one of only a small number of companies to be deemed by Visa as both CISP compliant and an authorized merchant payment processor.

Investment Banking Objective Pipeline Data is actively evaluating several financing options to facilitate its aggressive growth strategy. 1


Price - PPDA

1.6 0 1.5 0

Company Contact Information

MacAllister Smith President and Chief Executive Officer Pipeline Data Inc. 1515 Hancock St., Suite 301 Quincy, MA 02169 617.405.2600


1.30 1.2 0


0 .90

J~l Jun 6 . 2 007



'~ 1.00



2 0 07 (I)

quot e,rr, ,;, d i :J .co rn

NEW YORK 2007 3 3



PureDepth, Inc. (PDEP- OTC-BB)

Michael Anderegg, CFA Senior Research Analyst

Sector: Technology

Industry: Electronic Equipment

Objective: lVIergers & Acquisitions, Market Support, Strategic Partnerships & Joint Ventures, New Contacts Price as of 6/01/07 Market and




Market Capitalization (M) Enterprise Value (M) Shares Outstanding (OOOs) Float (OOOs)

$138.27 $137.59 66,157 Unavailable

Avg. Volume (10 day trailing) Avg. Volume (3 month trailing) Institutional Ownership (%) Insider Ownership (%)

27,400 88,174 Unavailable Unavailable

Balance Sheet Data (OOOs)

From Last 10-Q I 10-K

Cash Net Current Assets Current Ratio Long-term Debt Total Debt to Ca~ital Ratio

$5,280 $7,086 6.139 $3,219 1.33

Company Description PureDepth, Inc. is an innovative technology company that delivers award-winning Multilayer Display (MLD™) technology. Backed by 47 approved patents, this breakthrough in visualization is the first display technology that provides actual depth . The Company has, among others, a manufacturing license agreement with DRS Technologies (NYSE:DRS); a sales, marketing, and distribution license agreement with Sanyo Corporation (NASDAQ:SANYY) in Japan; and a worldwide licensing agreement with International Game Technology (NYSE :IGT). Founded in 1999, the Company is headquartered in Redwood Shores, California, with an engineering center located in New Zealand.

Strategic Business Plan The Company plans to strategically align with industry leaders through licensing agreements for its technology. PureDepth has agreements within or is targeting the fo llowing industries: location based entertainment (LBE), LCD monitors and televisions, handheld entertainment, mobile phones, and automotive. Management goals are to have PureDepth technologies become the standard for LBE, LCD monitors, and mass market devices, and to hit and sustain profitability in 2008.

Recent Developments P&L Data (OOOs) Revenues Gross Profit Operating Profit Net Profit EPS

FY '07 Oct '06 Jul '06 269 66


0 0 0 0 (10,482) (2,700) (1,866) (4,499) (10,230) (2,653) (1,857) (4,362) (0.17) (0.04) (0.02) (0.07)

Mars in Anal~sis (%) Gross Margin Operating Margin Net Margin


81 26



n. m.

n. m.

n. m. n. m.

n. m. n. m.

n. m. n. m.

n. m. n. m.

• PureDepth and Samsung recently showcased a 46-inch MLD display, the largest LCD display monitor ever made using PureDepth's MLD technology. • In March 2007, PureDepth announced the development of the Depth Fusion 3D Driver, which will enab le existing 3D content of all kinds to be displayed on a multi-layer display in real time without modification of the content's underlying code. • The Company signed a Memorandum of Understanding with SANYO Electric Systems Solutions Company to develop and market MLD-enabled products into the mobile phone, digital signage, portable media player, and automotive markets. • In late 2006, PureDepth signed an exclusive agreement with International Game Technology to develop casino gaming devices. 1 Year Price - PDEP



Contact Information


Fred Angelopolos

Chief Executive Officer PureDepth , Inc. 255 Shoreline Drive, Suite 61 0 Redwood City, CA 94065 650.632.0800 www.puredepth .com


~~A~ .r: : ~ ~



IR Contact Information


John Stiles

Stiles and Associates 314.994.0560



Jul Jun l , 2007







'0.50 @l quotemedi3 .com



Security With Advanced Technology (SWAT- NASDAQ)

Michael Anderegg, CFA Senior Research Analyst

Sector: Services

Industry: Security & Protection

Objective: New Contacts $3.99

Price as of 5/29/07 Market and Trading Data Market Capitalization (M) Enterprise Value (M) Shares Outstanding (ODDs)

$22.28 $18.86 5,583

Float (ODDs) Avg. Volume (10 day trailing) Avg. Volume (3 month trailing) Institutional Ownership(%) Insider Ownership(%)

3,090 8,855 17,954 14.90 23.31

From Last 10-Q I 10-K

Balance Sheet Data !OOOs)

$5,380 $5,597 3.938 $63 0.01

Cash Net Current Assets Current Ratio Long-term Debt Total Debt to Ca~ital Ratio P&L Data !OOOs)

Revenues Gross Profit Operating Profit Net Profit EPS

Mar '07 Dec '06 152 (109)

361 (127)


'06 Jun '06

302 (172)

213 6

(3,1 19) (1,548) (1, 504) (1 ,160) (3,227) (1,538) (1 ,478) (1,124) !0.58) !0.28) !0.27) !0.20)

Margin Anal;tsis !'/o) 2.8 (71.7) (35.2) (57.0) Gross Margin n. m. (428.8) (498.0) (544.6) Operating Margin n. m. (426.0) (489.4) (527.7) Net Margin

Company Contact Information

Company Description Security With Advanced Technology provides critical security products and services, offering a variety of innovative non-lethal so lutions, defense and tactical training services, security systems design and engineering, systems integration and installation, networkbased facility access control systems, biometric systems, surveillance and intrusion detection systems, and mobile digital video surveillance so lutions. SWAT's products and services are designed for government agencies, military, and law enforcement, in addition to transportation, commercial facilities, and non-lethal personal protection segments.

Strategic Business Plan SWAT offers a well-rounded portfolio of security-related products and services that complement one another whi le serv ing different needs in the security and personal protection market. The Company is positioned to bring many innovative products to the $15 billion-a-year personal security and personal protection markets and is scheduled to launch new products and services throughout the year. SWAT's increased product portfolio presents numerous incremental revenue opportunities.

Recent Developments • SWAT recently announced its second generation web-hosted security solution, which gives customers complete remote control over access, alarms, video surveillance, and environmental conditions through a secure, easy-to-use website, has been named CommandGrid™. • The Company recently began expanding internationally, signing distribution agreements with Elite Information Systems to provide SWAT's products and services in Nepal, and with OcuSure Ltd. to promote and distribute SWAT's products and services in Europe and South Africa. • SWAT has received national coverage on and with Frost & Sullivan in its Movers & Shakers showcase interviews. • The Company ' s tactical training division, Veritas Tactical, completed an intensive training class on MAIC (Martial Arts Instructor Course) for the U.S . Marines at the Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. Veritias is the only civilian training company to teach at MAIC. • SWAT's non-lethal Avurt launcher recently had its first public demonstration in Las Vegas and was also previewed on an episode of A&E's "Dog the Bounty Hunter." 1 Year Price- SWA T


Scott Sutton President Security With Advanced Technology 10855 Dover St. , Suite 1000 Westminster, CO 80021 303.439 .0372

8 .00 7.00 G.OO

5 .00 4.00

IR Contact Information

Heather Black Public Relations Manager 303.952 .3434 WWW.iVALUERICH.COM


' Jul May 3 1, 2007



' 2007


' Apr (S)

quoternedia .c o m

NEW YORK 2007 35


Terocelo, Inc. (TCPS - OTC-BB)

Michael Anderegg, CFA Senior Research Analyst

Sector: Technology

Industry: Telecommunications Equipment

Objective: Strategic Partnerships & Joint Ventures, New Contacts Price as of 6/01/07 Market and




Market Capitalization (M) Enterprise Value (M) Shares Outstanding (OOOs) Float (OOOs)

$68.44 $76.81 40,026 31 ,140 179,825 225,400 Unavailable Unavailable

Avg. Volume (10 day trailing) Avg. Volu me (3 month trailing) Institutional Ownership (%) Insider Ownership(%) Balance Sheet Data (OOOs)

From Last 10-Q I 10-K

Cash Net Current Assets Current Ratio Long-term Debt Total Debt to Ca eital Ratio

$930 ($7,220) 0.187 $417 0.41

P&L Data (OOOs)

Mar '07 Dec '06

Revenues Gross Profit Operating Profit Net Profit EPS

188 107 182 289 98 (49) 34 24 (8,307) (3,520) (5,581) (3,132) (19,684) (6,757) (8,692) (4,627) (0.59) (0.23) (0.22) (0.17)

Mar9in Analysis (%) Gross Margin Operating Margin Net Margin




n.m. n. m.

n. m. n. m.


'06 Jun '06

(26.9) n. m. n. m.

8.3 n. m. n. m.

Company Description Terocelo, Inc. designs, develops, licenses, and markets communications systems and components. It offers a unique True Software Rad io® technology capab le of dramatically improving the way wireless signals are transmitted, received, and processed. The Company's Lycon™ fami ly of transceiver chips based on that technology allows the direct conversion of received signals into digital form immediately after antenna. The Lycon family of transceiver chips can be integrated into many high-volume commercial markets, including cell phones, base stations, femtoce lls, and the automotive and homeland security markets

Strategic Business Plan The Company is executing a business strategy of securing mutually beneficial cooperative and strategic alliances with major corporations in the communications industry. Management expects these all iances to create revenue through the licensing ofTerocelo's intellectual property along with the sale of its TSR techno logy integrated within chips utilized as a component of all wireless applications .

Recent Developments • Terocelo has developed new reference design circuit boards, one containing its receiver chip techno logy and one containing its transmitter chip technology, to assist strategic partners and prospective licensees. • The Company has developed a CMOS test chip using the latest TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.) production process. The test chip is expected to clearly demonstrate the Company's ability to achieve high performance digital des igns in low power CMOS technology. Prospective customers will be able to utilize Terocelo's TS R techno logy in consumer products such as mobile handsets, PDAs, and new mobile communications devices. This test chip contains Low Noise Amplifiers for eight different freq uency ranges . • Terocelo has developed a WiMAX demonstration platform to display audio, voice and video data transmittal thro ugh the airwaves on multiple frequencies. This is a significant technical breakthrough which had never been successfu lly done before. Users will be able to receive movies, engage in a personal computer video conference with relatives worldwide, or watch live stock market updates on their mobile communications devices instead of on ly being able to do web surfmg.

Contact Information


Edward L. Johnson


Marketing Manager Terocelo, Inc. 6060 Sepulveda Blvd ., Suite 202 Van Nuys , CA 91411-2512 81 8.988.3364 x237

)~~~; ·v :~

1.80 1.70

l.bO !.50

IR Contact Information

Adam Lowenstein


Wolfe Axe lrod Weinberg e r 212.370.4500

1.30 I








Jun 4, 2007


• 1.20 @

quotemedi:a .com




US Dry Cleaning Corp. (N/A - OTC-BB)

Stephanie Loiacono, CFA Senior Research Analyst

Sector: Specialty Retail

Industry: Dry Cleaning & Laundt·y

Objective: IVlarket Support


Price as of 5/29/07 Market and Trading Data

Unavailable Unavailable

Market Capitalization (M) Enterprise Value (M) Shares Outstanding (COOs) Float (COOs) Avg. Volume (1 0 day trailing) Avg. Volume (3 month trailing) Institutional Ownership (%) Insider Ownership (%)

17,891 Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable

From Last 10-Q I 10-K

Balance Sheet Data (OOOs)

$342 ($3,446) 0.336 $1,126 0.12

Cash Net Current Assets Current Ratio Long-term Debt Total Debito Ca~ital Ratio P&L Data (OOOs)

Mar '07 Dec '06

Revenues Gross Profit Operating Profit Net Profit EPS

2,026 1,601 1,012 753 (1,439) (1 ,415) (2,251) (1,538) (0.13) (0.09)


'06 Jun '06 1,527 1,618 722 812 (441) (1,778) (4,264) (2,051) (0.31) (0.16)

Company Description US Dry Cleaning Corporation is a retail consolidator focused on the dry cleaning industry. The Company believes it has the "first mover" advantage and is positioned to be the most capable consolidation entity in the industry. Management is acquiring positive cash flow operations at accretive valuations. Since each acquisition target is expected to be self-sufficient prior to any synergies to be gained from consolidation of operations and economies of scale, the Company expects to limit downside risk. Over the last 18 months, the Company has completed three acquisitions in Hawaii and California with annual revenues of approximately $1OM. US Dry Cleaning combines a management team with extensive experience in retail consolidations and dry cleaning operations with a proven operating model. The CEO, Robbie Lee, has tremendous experience in both retail and consolidation. He grew a video store chain of 35 stores to managing over 500 stores through acquisition. The Chairman of the Board, Tony Bryan, was the CEO of two NYSE companies and on the boards of Chrysler, Monsanto, Federal Express, and ITT, among others.

Strategic Business Plan US Dry Cleaning seeks to acquire only the leading operators in a geographic market. Management is only acquiring companies with a track record of profitability. Company research indicates that there are approximately 100 market-leading operators in the U.S. that are environmentally compliant and have revenues in excess of $5M annually. These companies are second- to third-generation owned and are too large to be acquired by any other operator aside from US Dry Cleaning, thereby lacking an alternative exit strategy. The Company then intends to make subsequent acquisitions within a target market, utilizing the central plant already established.

Recent Developments Mar9in Anal~sis (%) Gross Margin Operating Margin Net Margin

50.0 (71 .0) (111 .1)

50.2 47.3 47.0 (88.4) (116.4) (27.3) (96.1) (279.2) (126.8)

• The Company completed its Initial Public Offering of 3,000,000 units in June 2007. Each unit consists of one share of common stock and one redeemable warrant to purchase one share of common stock. 75% of the proceeds are set aside for acquisition. The offering was priced at $2.50 per unit and trades on the OTC bulletin board. At the time of this printing, the symbol is still being established. • US Dry Cleaning has raised in excess of $1OM in private capital since its inception. • In February 2007, US Dry Cleaning acquired Boston Cleaners, adding 11 locations in southern Ca lifornia.


Contact Information

Rick Johnston Director of Shareholder Communications US Dry Cleaning Corporation 125 Tahquitz Canyon Way, Suite 203 Palm Springs, CA 92262 760.668.1274


NEW YORK 2007 3 7



ValueRich, Inc. (Private)

Brian R. Connell, CFA Senior Research Analyst bconnell@ harbi

Sector: Media

Industry: Conferences & Social Networking

Objective: Capital, Strategic Partnerships & Joint Ventures, New Contacts Price as of 5/29/07


Markel and Trading Data Market Capitalization (M) Enterprise Value (M) Shares Outstanding (OOOs) Float (ODDs) Avg. Volume (10 day trailing) Avg. Volume (3 month trailing) Institutional Ownership(%) Insider Ownership(%)

Unavailable Unavailable 6,534 Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable 40.7

Balance Sheet Data (ODDs)

From Last 10-Q I 10-K

Cash Net Current Assets Current Ralio Long-term Debt Total Debt to Capilal Ratio P&L Data (ODDs) Revenues Gross Profit Operating Profit Nel Profit EPS Margin Analysis (%) Gross Margin Operating Margin Net Margin

$865 $126 1.161 $82 1.52

Mar '07

FY '06

FY '05

547 143 (142) (152)

1,017 377 (969) (937)

1,558 811 (168) (230)







(26.0) (27.8)

(95.3) (92.1 )

(10.8) (14.8)

Company Contact Information

Joseph Visconti Chief Executive Officer ValueRich , Inc. 1804 N. Dixie Highway, Suite A West Palm Beach, FL 33407 561 .832.8878

Company Description ValueRich, Inc. is a privately-held organization with fifteen full-time employees and four free-lance individual contractors, based in West Palm Beach, Florida. The Company's offerings target all participants of the small -cap U.S. equity markets and include a lifestyle magazine, a bi-annual investment conference, and a recently-launched social/professional networking site called iValueRich. The Company has an independent Board of Directors, including an audit committee, and should qualify for listing on the American Stock Exchange in conjunction with its current initial public offering of equity securities.

Strategic Business Plan ValueRich intends to use the capital raised in its upcoming IPO for several strategic purposes. First and foremost, ValueRich plans to aggressively market and otherwise develop its new social networking si te, which links all participants of the small -cap marketplace. Management also intends to hold additional regional expos and increase distribution and publishing frequency of the ValueRich magazine.

Recent Developments • ValueRich recently launched, a Web 2.0 comm unity for smallcap and fi nancial professionals. Using, public and private companies can raise capital and increase market exposure. Investment professionals can increase deal fl ow and go global with their placement power. • In March 2007, ValueRich returned to Miami, Florida for another successful Small-cap Financial Expo. Forty-seven small-cap and emerging companies, coveri ng a full range of industries, were showcased at the event. The audience of more than 500 professional attendees included investment bankers, fund managers, institutional and accredited investors, research analysts, accountants, and attorneys, who gathered to meet with and learn about the innovators and entities helping propel the small-cap market. • Additional ValueRich Expos in 2007 are scheduled for New York City in June and San Francisco in October. • The eleventh issue of ValueRich magazine will be distributed at the New York Expo and, when added to the established subscriber mailing li st, will achieve an estimated readership of 58,000.

Investment Banking Objective The Company is in the midst of comp leting its initial public offering. Therefore, its primary investment banking objective is the completion of that offering and the commencement of trading on the American Stock Exchange.

Underwriter Contact Information

Michael Roy Fugler Chairman US EURO Securities, Inc. 212.631.7770 3 8 VALUERICH SMAll-CAP FINA NCI AL EXPO







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