ValueRich Magazine Spring 2004 | Clint Eastwood

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In the Business of Building Your Business. Investors Capital Holdings (see our company profile in this issue) is a diversified financial services holding company that owns and operates three subsidiaries: Investors Capital Corporation, a nationally recognized, independent broker-dealer; Eastern Point Advisors, Inc., a registered investment advisory firm; and ICC Insurance Agency, Inc., a full-service firm that offers life, disability, long-term care, and health insurance. We continue to grow revenue through our subsidiaries, while earning important industry validation . We invite you to take a look at Investors Capital Holdings (AMEX: ICH).

#11 "Biggest financial services companies by revenue" (The Boston Globe, May 20, 2003)

"Top 100 return on equity" (The Boston Globe, June 2, 2003}

#6 Revenue Growth (Financial Planning, June 2003)

#1 Client Account Growth (Financial Planning, June 2003}

#3 "Largest Brokerage Firms, Massachusetts" (Boston Business Journal, July 25, 2003)

Broker/Dealer of the Year (Investment Advisor, 2000 and 2001)

How 15,000 publicly traded companies fell off the face of the investment world and what we plan to do about it Let me thank you for your interest in the premiere issue of ValueRich magazine. Our goal is simple: We want to help businesses do business. We w ill introduce them to the very people who can help accompl ish their goals without the burden of hiring high-priced representation. Our publication may be in direct conflict with the practices of some of my associates, friends and even clients, but we are not trying to win a popularity contest. We are taking the initiative to be the changing force in an industry suffering under an antiquated culture and misguided values. I am betting that Va lueR ich w ill someday be a common element in every investment professional's game plan. Recently, regulatory accounting and lega l changes in and around Wa ll Street have taken their toll. Any public company that is still in business after the last four years deserves to be congratulated. More than 90 percent of today's 15,000 pub licly traded companies get little or no attention from Wall Street. In today's high-tech, internet-based world, mountains of information can be shared across the planet in seconds. Yet, until today, there was no way for a sma ll company to broadcast an inexpens ive and effective message about its business or banking needs to the investment comm unity. As an investment banker, I t ravel the world and meet w ith repre sentatives from thousands of companies. They are crying out for assistance on everyth ing from rai sing basic capital to finding an international partner to help expand the growth of their unique product or service. In response to this need, I have envisioned a publication that will offer underfol lowed and underserved public compan ies a new channel through which to commun icate information and business objectives. Public Company Profiles appearing in Va/ueRich magazine w ill provide the perfect format for them to clearly state their business and investment banking needs. These profiles are designed to be easily reviewed based on whether the company is seeking capital, mergers and acquisitions, partnersh ips, joint ventures, market support services, business development contacts, or the sa le of the company.

ValueRich magazine is the focal point where money and ideas connect. A high qua lity coffee-table magazine with a unique blend of lifestyle and business articles, ValueRich magazine wi ll offer great reading in the corporate lobby, on the road, or at home. It wi ll be circulated worldw ide to ten s of thousands of public company officers, investment bankers, money managers, attorneys, accountants and business consu ltants who potentia lly hold the key to success for deserving compa nies. Up-to-the-minute information about profi led companies is also ava ilable on our website at In preparing the profi les for this first issue, we have already established productive business relationships w ith several outstanding compan ies. No doubt some of these underfollowed gems w ill help shape the future, as they become the giants of tomorrow. I very much hope you participate in and enjoy our ambitious venture. I am extremely interested in your ideas and comments. Please feel free to e-ma il me at jcv2000@bell

Sincerely, Joseph C. Visconti President and CEO, Va lueRich, Inc.

4 ValueRich Magazine

The Westoort 路-Deck Motorvacht

Welcome to ValueRich magazine - It's all about you Listening to investment banker Joseph Visconti tell me his idea for a new magazine, I realized he had it bad. I recognized the symptoms. He was an entrepreneur with an IDEAl His idea was to create a publication that would offer smal l public companies, currently being ignored by Wa ll Street, a line of communication to the investment banking world. He already had a name for it ValueRich magazine. It didn't take long for me to understand that Joseph had discovered a gaping hole in the marketplace. Significant needs were not being met. The more I listened, the more it became evident that th is venture had great potential for success. Not just publishing success, but success for everyone involved - public compan ies, investment professionals: win, win, win. He wa nted to jump-start an entire dormant economy. "I can't believe you get this," he exclaimed at one point. I got it, all right. Internet profiles are the only way that these compan ies cu rrently have any market presence. Unfortunately, on line profiles are a passive presentation. Unable to reach out, companies must wait to be discovered.The web presents other problems as well: The internet may have stream li ned the way we facilitate business, but it is a terrible place to bu ild relationships. This is partly because web browsing actua lly train s users to be fickle. The web is short-attention-span theater. Magazines are different. When you pick one up, it becomes a possession. When you share one with someone else, it is a treasu re. Readers develop personal relationships with magazines. Magazines build commun ities. ValueRich magazine is the ideal way to build a comm unity for sma ll companies and investment bankers. ValueRich Public Company Profiles are the purpose and energy behind our publication. Viewing the co llection in this premiere issue, I'm struck by the breadth of entrepreneurial ideas they represent. Read ing the compan ies' business objectives and strategies, I get a sense of how success or failure can pivot on a simple turn of events.These profiles are just as interesting, and more genuine, than anything you'll see on rea lity TV. Business is life - dreams made true by serendipity, tenacity and ethics. Every product has a story. Art and fashion are expressions of our free-market society. The articles in ValueRich magazine explore these connections. Some might ca ll ValueRich a lifestyle magazine. You cou ld just as easily ca ll it a bizstyle magazine. From Hollywood icon Clint Eastwood and partner Nancy Haley's golf-inspired multi-million-dollar fashion company to singer Jimmy Buffett and yacht bui lder Rybovich's "Margaritavich" sportfishing boat venture to the story of Henry Ka llan, immigrant bus-boy from Czechoslovakia who today owns and operates five of Manhattan's trendiest boutique hotels, this fi rst issue of Va!ueRich magazine showcases the entrepreneu ria I dream-come-true. There is a seamless relationship between the articles in ValueRich magazine and its readers. ValueRich readers are as motivated and adventurous in life as they are in the pursuit of business. Every issue of Va!ueRich wi ll be full of articles about finding the best, making the most, and living life to the fullest. We hope that once you've read this issue you will choose to subscribe. We also hope that someday we can assist you in achieving your business goals. Welcome to Va!ueRich magazine, where we like to "Thi nk Small-cap, Live Large."


David A. Willson Editor in Chief, ValueRich Magazine

6 ValueRich Magazine








56 i.Want.1


6 Stuff: Ride , burn,





6 The Secret Designs of Nick Mongiardo:


snap , read , wear, conve ne - Check th is stuff

A Hollywood icon 's fashion bra nd takes off .

out. You'll want some.

Clint Eastwood and Nancy


4 Business + Pleasure= iPod:

Business rocks. Apple's popular music player is easily converted to a business multi-tool.

Now they are turning the

Armani, Karan and others want to keep him al l to t hemselves.

leisure fash ion industry every

Too bad for them! We're

which way but loose. By David Willson

blowing his cover in

Haley met on the golf course.



Making the Right 404 Compliance Choices Sarbanes-Oxley: Accounting Perspective

PCPS chairman and top CPA Richard Caturano examines the th ree choices CFOs face in preparing for a Section 404 audit.

Perception is as Important as Reality 16 Sarbanes-Oxley: Director's Perspective ABA, NASD Corporate Financing Rules subcomm ittee member and attorney Ralph V. De Martino on how to win friends of auditors and influence judges. 8 Valu eRich Magazin e


ValueRich magazine. By Jenny Wonderling



The Va lue Ferrari:

You don 't have to be a millionaire to own the world's most coveted car. By Michael T. lynch


4 Mercedes SLR Mclaren:

Sex and violence on t he open road.


Rybovich Sportfishing Yachts: The Rybovich company practical ly invented sportfish i ng. Now they have teamed up with tropica l troubadour Jimmy Buffett to build the ultimate Caribbean cruiser. By David Willson



x. Peditions

What Makes Henry Run? HK Hotels founder Henry Kallan started his career as a busboy. Now



Xtreme Winter Adventures: Time to take a powder.

118Todd English: The celebrity chef is on a roll.

Rev1ew of a seduct ive CD. World

Hot deals for cool winter fun.

Restaurants, books, TV and

music diva Susheela Raman's


he owns and operates five of Manhattan's top boutique hotels- including the new Meatpacking District beacon, Hotel Gansevoort By Ellen Bainer



Love Trap:

n.Ciosing 128Godsand Generals: What 's wrong with the market? Investors are at

By Ellen Bainer

now a featured spot on the

music will capture your heart.


war with each other in an

Queen Mary 2.

By Tom Orr

aimless and leaderless

Defy Gravity: Learn from a champion. World wake-


board champ Darin Shapiro's

osinful Zins: Four great zinfandels. A tasting tour

intense ski school.

of some exceptional north-

By Will Andrews

ern Cal iforn ia wineries. By Greg Allikas

market. By Charles V. Payne

Cover photo of Clint Eastwood by Robert Walker

Valu eRich Magazin e 9



Joseph C. Visconti President & CEO David A. Wil lson Editor-in-chief

BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, Jaguar, Lexus, Rolls Royce, Bentley Sales & Rentals

Contributing Editors Ellen Bainer Catharine S. Rambeau Karen Willson Contributors Greg Allikas Michael T. Lynch Tom Orr Charles V. Payne Jenny Wonderling Advertising Executive Kim J.Armstrong Public Company Profiles Brandyce Stephenson Michael McCarthy Corporate Development Advertising/Public Company Profiles

Ashley Sosner Director of Global Affairs Roxane E. West 1-214-244-6400, 1-2 12-956-2461 Special thanks to: Theodore Charles, CEO Timothy Murphy Investor Capital Holdings Ltd.


Richard J. Caturano, President Jill Hullsen Vitale, Caturano & Co., PC Ralph V. De Martino, Esq. Julie Meyer Dilworth Paxon LLP

Now taking orders for the 2005 AeroB- The New Generation of Morgan. Plus, we have a few of the very last PlusB 35th Anniversary Edition to ever be built. Available Dec; Jan.

WingYu CEO, FinanciaiContent, Inc. http)/www.ftnancia 650.837.9850 Copyright 2004 byValueRich,lnc.AII rights reserved. ValueRich magazine is published six times a year. Reproduaion without the permission of the publisher is prohibited. The publisher and editors are not responsible for unsolicited material and it

will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication subjea to ValueRich magazine's right to edit. Return postage must accompany all manuscripts, photographs and drawings. Every effort has been made to assure that all information presented in this issue is accurate, and neither ValueRich magazine or any of its staff is responsible for omissions or information that has been misrepresented to the magazine. ValueRich, Inc. P. 0. Box 962, Palm Beach, FL 33401 561 -832-8878, Fax: 561-841-1524

10 Va lueRi ch Magazine

Big 4 expertise with responsive, flexible service.

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We offer the power and expertise of many years of experience working with medium to large public and private companies. Our partners and senior staff members, some of whom have joined us from the former Boston office of Arthur Andersen, have the intellectual capital you need, the understanding of your cost

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Whatever your needs, we can provide the service that is right for you.





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The Right Choices are Crucial for Complying With Sarbanes-Oxley When Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, no one would argue with its main intent -

to protect investors from

meltdowns on the scale of Enron and Worldcom. Yet the Act has requ ired hundreds of hours and bi llions of dollars for comp liance at a time when publ ic company CFOs and their staffs are already stretched extremely thin. Complicating this scenario is the factthat many ofthe ru les are still in the process of being written, with compliance dead lines looming in 2004 (first quarter of '05 for compan ies under $75 million in market capita lization).The Act's Section 404 mandates that a company establish, document, and subsequently audit internal controls for their financia l statement preparation procedures, prompting many of our clients to ask,"How do I best implement the requ irements of 4047" Wh ile the company's auditor will be requ ired to test, evaluate, and report on the effectiveness of the docume nted control structure, the Act severely rest ricts the services that t he audit firm can provide to its audit clients to assist in Section 404 compliance. It's still a gray area . So CFOs have three choices- do all the preparation for 404 compliance in-house; get assistance from the existing aud it firm under certain constraints; or engage a separate firm to assist in the implementation and/or documentation of all the required internal controls. Option one, assigning the work to existing staff, will work best for t he largest companies -

those t hat already have deep resou rces in

internal aud it. The staff may be stretched t hin, but CFOs in a recent study indicate that they may just delay or cancel other initiatives, such as tra ining or technology, in order to make sure the work gets done. This begs the question, "how much work are we ta lking about?" The SEC estimates that the average add itional workload per company wi ll be 383 hours- the equiva lent of 10+ weeks of fu ll time work -

and estimates the annual cost at an average of $9 1,000, not

including add itiona l aud it fees. While these may be the officia l estimates, CFOs we know unanimously think that they are misleadingly

by Richard Caturano, CPA, Vitale Caturano & Company Richard J. Caturano, CPA, is president of Vitale Caturano & Company of Boston, the largest regional CPA firm in New England, which represents both national and international clients with a full range of finan ci al and strategic services. Mr. Caturano is also chair of PCPS , the AICPA's Alliance for CPA Firms, and sits on the AICPA's committee on staffing issues.

low. Further, not only do CFOs and their staffs have a wide range of new responsibil ities, but there's an opportun ity cost to Congress's actions: the intense focus on comp liance and its implementationfrequently across multiple business units -

means t hey have far less

time to devote to more strateg ic decisions. Option two, asking the existing aud itor to assist with 404, may prove prob lemat ic.

The new Public Company Accounting

Overs ight Board has not issued final ru les on auditor independence, but it has expressed, loud ly and clearly, the opinion that audi-

Continued on page 14 12 Valu eRi ch Magazin e

Continued from page 12 tors should never be in a position to audit

Section 404 related work fo r their aud it

resources to provide advice on tax and

their own work. Therefo re, it is not clear if a

clients for this very reason. We would always

other routine and strategic financial mat-

public company wi ll be allowed to prepare

rather err on the side of prudence.

ters. 404 provides an opportunity to get

the work interna lly and then have the

Second, introducing a new team pro-

existing external auditor give feedback on

vid es the company with a set of fresh eyes

In addition to the Big Four audit firms,

the work product.

that may identify and correct any gaps in

there are many local and regional CPA firms

that team in place.

Sma ller compan ies may simply not have

the control structure for financial statement

providing excellent service in the 404 area. I

the luxury of assigning the project internal-

preparation. In our experience, at least ha lf

advise clients to keep in mind t hat what's

ly. Those t hat cannot are likely to adopt

of the CFOs we work w ith are saying that

most important for these assignments is

option three, retaining a separate CPA firm

going through this additiona l compliance

not size, but internal audit expertise and

to get prepared to meet the 404 rules. While

process is yield ing benefits w ith regard to

access to "best of breed" processes and sys-

there's clea rly an additional cost in taking

tightening up thei r controls.

tems. Make sure to ask for the qualifications

this step- especially tough in times of re li-

Third, the time and energy it takes now

and credentials of the firm in this area, as

giously tight budgets- there are some dis-

to bri ng a new non-aud it team up to speed

we ll as its comparab le experience w ith

t inct benefit s that clients ca n real ize in

on the company, its business, its financial

companies in the same industry.

doing so.

reporting process and its control environ-

Above all, time is of the essence. Whi le the SEC did delay imp lementation dead-

First and perhaps foremost in this climate

ment, may be an excel lent investment in

of scrutiny, hiring a separate firm avoids any

the future. Not only does Sarbanes-Oxley

lines from the origina l (and unrea listic)

whiff of impropriety for the company, its

require that public compan ies recycle their

December 2003, that's no reason to sit back.

Board of Directors, and the CPA firms

auditors every five years, but given the new

The smart CFO will report to the company's

involved. Some CPA firms, m ine included,

restrictions on non-audit services provided

CEO and the audit comm ittee of the board

have actual ly taken the bul l by the horns

by auditors, compan ies wi ll be scrambling

that 404 work is either done -

and decided that they will not do any

(if they are not already) for external

underway -




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14 ValueRich Magazin e

or well

by early next year. VR



In the Post-Enron Era, Perception is as Important as Reality. The challenges presented by Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 to the internal accounting staff and the board of directors of a public company are daunting for Fortune 500 companies- for medium or small cap companies, they can be overwhelming. Directors are increasing ly being held responsible, legally and in t he media, for the failures of their companys' management prompting them to consider many questions: How can directors of public companies assure that they are fulfilling their fiduciary obligations? What reasonable efforts must be taken to assure that their company wi ll be we ll-positioned for the 404 internal control aud it? Most importantly, what will maximize the possibil ity that the issuer wi ll emerge with an acceptable op inion of their independent aud itor w ith respect to th e company's internal contro ls? And, In the course of pursu ing those objectives, how do directors impleme nt their responsibi lities in a manner that will limit their exposu re if the 404 audit results in a conclusion that internal cont rols are ineffective or deficient? As a consequence of the requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley and ensu ing rules adopted by the Securities and Exchange Comm ission, Nasdaq and the various exchanges, most public companies have estab lished Audit Committees comprised of independent directors who are financially literate. Public companies that are quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board and t he Pink Sheet s, though not necessarily bound by the same requirements, would be we ll advised to act as if th ose requ irements also applied to them. The reasons are fundamental. We are living in a t ime of low investor confidence and high regu latory scrutiny. Acting as if your company is traded on an exchange w ill result in adopting better disclosu re controls and w ill demonstrate a sensitivity to corporate gov-

By Ralph V. De Martino Ralph V. De Martino is a corporate secur ities lawyer and Managing Partner of Dilworth Paxson LLP, Washington D.C. He has substantial experience in private placements and

ern ance issues. Adopting these practices wi ll also increase the chance of subsequent approva l for an eventual listing on an exchange or Nasdaq and w ill serve to reduce the company's exposure to a host of regulatory and civil litigation claims. Over time, it is likely that the requirements applicable to

the issues encountered by NASD member firms. He serves

excha nge and Nasdaq t raded companies will create practices that

on the American Bar Association Federal Regulation of Securities Committee Subcommittee on NASD Corporate Financing Rules , which addresses issues arising under NASD Rule 2710.

th e Courts will deem to be the "custom and practice" of pub lic reporting compan ies, and therefore the standard by which all public companies w ill be measured in regu latory and civil cha llenges.

Continued on page 18 16 ValueRich Magaz in e


D E A l E R

Continued from page 16 Fina lly, implementation of such practices establi shes a means of

good exercise of care.

independent oversight of the company's efforts to properly imple-

An Audit Committee shou ld consider the retention of qua lified

ment, modify and document internal controls that will successfully

independent counsel to advise its members and to assist them in

w ithstand a 404 audit.

establ ishing and monitoring the process of attaining compliance

Thus, it is the Audit Committee's responsibility to assure that a

with Sarbanes-Oxley. In doing so, the Audit Committee w il l demon-

reasonable timetable is establ ished; that the CFO has sufficient

strate that it is taking a serious approach to its obligations by

resources to meet that timetabJe; that there is period ic review and

obta ining special ized legal expertise, and thus make great strides

accountability of the CFO and his staff to the Aud it Comm ittee with

toward showing that it has acted diligently and with ca re.

respect to implementing, modifying and documenting appropriate

With the assistance of its counsel and with input from the com-

internal controls; and that the system of controls is in place and

pany's accounting staff, th e Committee should then assess what

properly documented when the company undergoes a 404 audit.

outside accounting expertise, if any, needs to be reta ined to assist

Most Audit Committees (and many CFOs) do not have the

in implementing its responsibi lities, as wel l as preparing adequate-

expertise to implement this process themselves. Moreover, it is nearly impossible for Aud it Committee members to independent-

ly for the 404 process. Often Aud it Committees retain the services of outside account-

ly assess whether such expertise exists w ithi n the internal account-

ing experts who are independent from its auditor and from its

ing staff of a company. Where does that leave the members of the

accou nting staff to provide advice with respect to pa rticul ar issues

Audit Committee?

that may arise.

Directors are required by law to exercise a duty of care in the

For instance, the outside provider could provide an assessment

implementation of thei r responsibilities. Courts have consistently

for the Audit Committee regarding the ability of internal account-

held that diligent pursuit of the objectives at hand and the utiliza-

ing staff to adequately and promptly construct, modify and docu-

tion of third party experts by directors are stro ng indications of

ment the control environment contemplated by applicable law and accounting literature. In the event of an adverse conclusion, such a provider cou ld assist directly, or help find an appropriate service provider to assist the company in those efforts. The practice of engaging the se rvices of an independent


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provider of accounting expertise does not necessarily represent a significant cost to the company. Yet it goes a long way toward fulfi lling the duty of care, and demonstrating that t he directors have engaged in a reasonably structured process to fulfill their obligations. Finally, any Audit Committee that has not taken action independent from the CFO to assess and oversee the process of addressing internal controls in advance of the applicability of 404 is running the risk of exposing itself to the claim that it has abdicated its duties. As the directors of Disney found, abdication of directors' duties can result in dire consequences for a company and can expose directors to liabil ity resu lting from derivative lawsuits filed

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by shareholders in the name of the company. Good corporate governance practices result in long-term benefits for a company and the mitigation of exposure to liability for the directors. That statement is as true in addressing the 404 process as it is in any corporate context- but particularly in this post-Enron era where perception is as important as reality. Therefore, directors must be as diligent in documenting their efforts and their satisfaction of the duty of care wh ile preparing thei r company for Section 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley as they are in causing the company to be prepared to cope with Section 404. VR

18 ValueR ich Magazine













The ValueRich Way:

Companies hire an investment banker, accountants, attorneys, a public relations firm and produce expensive presentations, then pay all expenses to take the show on the road.

Companies publish their specific needs and information for the financial community inexpensively in Va/ueRich magazine and on www. va Iuerichon

Unfortunately in today's market this strategy often yields disappointing results.

Va/ueRich magazine is distributed to the companies, entrepreneurs and investors who are searching for relationships to create wealth and growth.

ValueRich , Inc., P. 0. Box 962, Palm Beach, FL 33401 • 561-832-8878 • Fax: 561-841-1524 •

Valu eRich Magazin e 19

INVESTMENT BANKING/BUSINESS OBJECTIVE: Canyon Resources is currently seeking capital to develop the McDonald Gold Project, investigate new advance-stage precious metal exploration and development projects. Mine development can normally be financed through a combination of equity and project debt, whereas acquisitions generally require a greater component of equity financing. Each project has its own specific capital requi rements. Therefore, the Company anticipates raising of capital through equity, possibly debt, and/ or joint venture financings in the future as projects mature.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: Canyon Resou rces is a U.S.-based mining company, whose business is the discovery and production of precious metals. The Company's gold inventory of 13.8 million ounces includes 9.8 million ounces of mineable reserves ($400/ oz gold price) which are being developed or are operating mines in the western United States. Canyon currently operates the Briggs Mine in California, which yielded 57,000 ounces of gold in 2002. Projects being developed by Canyon include the 10.9 million ounce McDonald gold deposit in Montana and a small high-grade gold/ silver project in Mexico. Once permitted and constructed, th e McDonald Mine is anticipated to produce 445,000 ounces of gold per year for a 14-year period. The McDonald project has been impeded by passage of anti-mining initiative 1-137 in Montana; however, the Company is taking action against this ruling.

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: • The Company is pursuing a lawsuit against the State of Montana seeking to overturn the anti-mining initiative, or, if that fails, to obtain a damage award for the value of the properties "taken" by the initiative. • A 2003 survey of the 10.9 million-ounce McDonald Gold Project indicates that it can be developed over a 14-year period as a run-of-mine (no crushing) leaching operation wit h production of 6.22 million ounces of gold (currently priced around $400/ oz) at an estimated total operating costs of $188 per ounce.The McDonald project would also yield 18.7 million ounces of silver. • Annual production would average 445,000 ounces of gold and 1.33 million ounces of silver using large electric shovels and 300-ton haul trucks on 40-foot benches.

• A redesign of the project incorporates many environmental advantages over an earlier design, such as moving all facilities out of sight from the valley bottom; using in-pad solution storage (no ponds); and lining all leach pads and non-ore rock piles so that rainfall and leach fluids are completely contained and recirculated.

STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN: Canyon Resources is dedicated to bringing the McDonald Gold Project to full development by obtaining relief from the anti-mining initiative 1-137, either through the courts or by means of a new citizen initiative in November 2004. This gold project and district is of such world-class size and economic significance that it will have a dramatic impact on the Montana economy. Canyon is also evaluating other advance-stage gold/ silver projects for acquisition or participation. One such property, El Aguila in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, is being drilled, yield ing high-grade gold/ silver intercepts.

MANAGEMENT: Dr. Richard H. De Voto is Chairman, President and CEO of Ca nyon Resource Corpo ration. He was a cofounder of Canyon in 1979 and a founding Director of Delta Gold in Australia from 1984 through 1990. From 1966 to 1987, he was also a Professor of Geology at the Colorado School of Mines. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Colorado. Dr. Gary C. Huber is Vice President-Finance and Director of the Company. He also was a co-founder of Canyon. Drs. DeVoto and Huber together have more than 75 years of experience in natural resource exploration, development and management.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Richard H. DeVoto, President 14142 Denver West Parkway, Ste. 250 Golden, CO 80401 (303) 278-8464 x11 0 Fax: (303) 279-3772

m e Public Comp any Profi les avail able at • www. va lue r ic honlin e. co m • Value Ric h , Inc ., 1 . 561 . 832 .88 7 8

20 ValueRi ch Magaz in e



Symbol : FCON




Exchange : OTC

INVESTMENT BANKING/BUSINESS OBJECTIVE: FinanciaiContent seeks further investment for a strategic merger or acquisition ventures.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: FinanciaiContent, Inc. is a leading provider of financial data and business applications to online media and financial services companies worldwide.The company offers solutions that encompass market data, real-time news, and analytical tools for web, wireless and print applications. With over 200 deployments around the world, FinanciaiContent is rapidly growing its client base of banks, brokerages, credit unions and application service providers, as well as diversified media businesses and Fortune 500 companies. A pioneer in online content integration, FinanciaiContent is the industry's leading content solution provider offering a full suite of financial data, deployable through an interactive online platform. FinanciaiContent's flagship product, Studio 3.5, is winning rave reviews from clients for the software's ease of use and speed of deployment. FinanciaiContent also offers a full suite of complementary services, including web development and hosting, that target the online media and financial services industries.

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: • In July 2003, FinanciaiContent acquired the assets of CNET Networks, Inc.'s Private Wire division, a financial channel solution for websites and print publications, in exchange for cash and preferred equity, convertible to approximately 20 percent of FinanciaiContent's common stock. Additionally, FinanciaiContent entered into a content-licensing and co-marketing agreement with CNET to power the Investor Channel of CNET • The Company has announced the launch of FinanciaiMedia, a major initiative to deploy contextual advertising products on financial channels powered by FinanciaiContent. The Company partnered with a leading paid-search provider to conduct a test-run within a full -featured financial channel that will be powered by Studio 3.5 and private-labeled for one of the nation's largest cable and broadband service providers.

STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN: FinanciaiContent's objective is to be the industry's preferred integrator of financial data and tools. Elements

of this strategy include: • Targeting businesses in industries that require robust online market analysis tools and financial information on their web sites. The Company continues to develop content packages targeting specific industries. • Developing and marketing innovative products and services to attract and retain clients. Also, continuously developing new delivery and caching systems to maximize the scalability and availability of the data delivery service. • Accelerating its sales, marketing efforts and technology development and gaining access to compelling content, applications and functionality through strategic alliances. Considering mergers and/ or acquisitions of businesses that can complement its products and services, provide access to new markets and increase profit margins.

MANAGEMENT: FinanciaiContent is managed by a group of dedicated executives with years of experience in the online content business and depth of expertise in the efinance industry. Wing Yu, Chief Executive Officer, formerly was COO of Cosmoz Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. Gregg Fidan, Vice President of Product Development, has received recognition in publications including Money Magazine, Bloomberg, Online Investor and CNBC. Mark Dierolf, Vice President of Technology, has more than a decade of technology experience including extensive database and web development management. Dave Neville, General Counsel, has been practicing law over 11 years. His experience spans the areas of corporate governance, securities compliance, tax laws, human resources and investor relations.

CONTACT INFORMATION: FinanciaiContent, Inc. Wing Yu, Chief Executive Officer 400 Oyster Point Blvd., Suite 435 South San Francisco, CA 94080 (650) 837-9850, Fax: (650) 745-2677

R ea l-time P ublic Company Profiles availab le at • www.valuer ichonline .com • Va lue Ri ch, In c . , 1.561 .832.8878 ValueRich Magazin e 21



Genio is currently seeking capital in order to further market its products and increase business and advertising opportunities.

The Company plans to steadily increase advertising utilizing favorable pricing that Genio negotiated through t hird-party media buyers. Increased advertising, according to early feedback, has proven to increase awareness and demand for products. In addition, the Company is seeking capital to assist in expansion of business.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: Genio Group, Inc., is a developer and marketer of entertainment and leisure products. Genio Group holds a world wide license with Marvel Enterprises, Inc. to manufacture and sell specific categories of products based on the globally recogn izable Marvel Super Heroes™. The Company's first product offering, the Genio Ca rds™ series is now available at more than 10,000 retail outlets nationwide. The cards attract children ages 4-12 and are accepted by parents as quality "edutainment" products. The card series includes a collector's album, nine-card packs, and 36-card MegaDecks, consisting of 360 illustrated cards that take kids on an amazing journey through 30 subject categories from the birth of our universe and outer space to the traditions of martial arts.


MANAGEMENT: The Genio management team has extensive experience in consumer product marketing. Shai Bar-lavi, Chief Executive Officer Susan Eisner, President Andrew Schnker, Chief Financial Officer

CONTACT INFORMATION: Genio Group, Inc. And rew Schnker, CFO 150 Broad Hollow Rd., Melville, NY 11747 (212) 626-6702

• On December 8, 2003, Genio announced that it had received subscription agreements for a $1 .0 million private placement of 476,190 shares of its common stock at the price of $2.10 per share. • In December 2003, the Company announced that early feedback from both retail outlets and consumers indicates that the Company's television ad campaign, launched in late November, is proving effective in generating increased awareness and demand for Genio Cards™. • In November 2003, the Company announced its first expansion into non-traditional retail outlets: Its Genio Cards card collection is now available in more than 800 Blockbuster trial-market stores nationwide.

R ea l-t im e P ublic Company Pro fi les avai la bl e at • www. val ue r icho n lin • Va lu e Ri c h , In c ., 1 . 56 1.83 2 .8878

22 Valu eRi ch Maga zin e




Symbol : GLXS.OB








----·1 :


Exchange : OTC BB



The Company is seeking capital, as well as acquisition candidates, to expand business. Acquisition of peer industry players presents the greatest opportunity for significantly increasing Global Axcess' top and bottom lines over the near and long term. Currently, our management team is engaged in identification, qualification and negotiation with several highly desirable target companies. It is our intent to acquire one company per quarter through the end of 2004. Full execution of this acquisition strategy is expected to yield double and perhaps triple digit revenue and earnings growth over the same time frame.

The Company remains highly concentrated on achieving successive annual revenue increases while delivering consistent profitability through : • intelligently targeted acquisitions; • accelerated market acceptance of our proprietary branded cash program; • enhancement of our product and service offerings with proven technologies demonstrating high market demand; and • stringent cost controls designed to maximize our capital resources.


Michael Dodak, CEO, was Chief Executive Officer of Nationwide Money, an independent ATM network operator and services provider, prior to joining Gobal Axcess Corporation. David Fann, President, was the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board ofTeraGiobal, Inc., a publicly traded company, from September 1998 through September 2000. David Surette, CFO, was the Chief Financial Officer of National Service Direct, Inc. (NSDI), a majority-owned subsidiary of SR Teleperformance, a French publicly traded corporation in the telemarketing industry, prior to joining Global Axcess Corporation. Robert Colabrese, Executive VP Sales, joined NMS in 1996 and has more than 20 years experience in the industry.

Global Axcess Corporation was founded in 2001 for the purpose of consolidating the highly fragmented Automated Teller Machine (ATM) industry. Nationwide Money Services, Inc. (NMS), a Global Axcess' core operations subsidiary, provides turnkey ATM management solutions that range from cash management to proprietary software solutions. Additionally, Global Axcess' wholly owned subsidiary, EFT Integration, Inc. (EFTI), is a network certified processor and processes the electronic financial transactions from the Company's base of ATMs operating in 39 States. Global Axcess' software development group has developed a proprietary turnkey software suite of products over the past five years called NMS Mystro that includes the modules: CashManager, WorkOrderManager, TransManager and CommissionManager.

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: • For the nine months ended 9/ 30/03, revenues fell 5 percent, to $7.9 million. Net income totaled $265,000, up from $3,000. • On November 11 , 2003 the Company announced implementation of a non-exclusive agreement with Community Bank Connection (CBC), a Jacksonvillebased consulting firm engaged in marketing cost-efficient correspondent banking services to community banks via Banker's Banks. • In September 2003, the Company announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, EFT Integration, Inc. (EFTI), broke two company records and signed two new processing customers in August.

Rea l-time


CONTACT INFORMATION: Global Axcess Corporation David Fann, President 224 Ponte Vedra Park Drive Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 (904) 280-3950 Fax: (904) 280-8588

Public Company Profiles availab le at • www .va luerichonl • Va lue Rich , Inc., 1.561 . 832.8878

Valu eRi ch Magazin e 23

INVESTMENT BANKING/BUSINESS OBJECTIVE: US Wireless Online is currently seeking capital of $3

millioni to complete its deployment of a recently developed non-line-of-sight (NLOS) wireless data transmission system in Louisville, KY and to begin NLOS deployment in the Company's other core markets. Upon the successful completion of the Company's initial NLOS rollout, it will begin the rapid deployment of systems in targeted markets, primarily in the eastern U.S., through both acquisition and organic development. This phase of the Company's development will require additional funding of approximately S15 million and will establish the Company as the leader in wireless broadband and a significant participant in the "last-mile" broadband market making itthe"third pipe" in addition to DSL and cable.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: US Wireless Online was formed in June of 2000 to take advantage of opportunities in the broadband data marketplace, including "last mile" high-speed Internet access, mobile Internet access, and other highspeed access products. It began commercial operations in Atlanta in January, 2001 and has since grown internally and through acquisitions to more than 500 commercial customers representing 24,000 users in five metropolitan markets: Atlanta, Louisville, Cincinnati, Columbus and Dayton.

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: The company became a public entity in May 2003 through a reverse merger. It has secured funding to begin the nation's first "overbuild" or metro-wide deployment of NIOS high-speed data transmission to compete directly with DSL and cable modem broadband providers. It began commercial operation of the system in mid- September 2003 and expects to complete deployment in the Louisville, KY market in 2004.

STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN: The US Wireless Online strategy is to capture market share by offering a superior and lower cost product to both business and residential customers. Central to the Company's strategy is the rapid deployment of newly available NLOS technology, which will allow the Company to increase its service availability to approximately 85 percent of its current markets. Deployment of NLOS equipment will also allow the company to cost-effectively utilize mass-marketing media strategies to provide its service. Equity funding will be used to continue to acquire and install the equipment needed to expand the Company's NLOS service territory and customer base. The Company also believes that the wireless broadband sector is ripe for consolidation and has devoted time and resources to identifying and analyzing potential acquisition candidates.

MANAGEMENT: The Company's senior management has extensive experience in successful development and operation of new and existing companies. Strengths are in mass marketing, finance and operations.


745 W Main Street, Suite 100 Louisville, KY 40202 (502) 213-3700 Fax: (502) 583-8251 i

Real-time Public Company Profi les avai lab le at • lue ri c honli • Value Ric h , Inc ., 1 . 561 . 8 3 2 . 8878 24 ValueRich Magazin e

Meet the experts on Sarbanes-Oxley compliance. If you need to address the requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley compliance, no one is more qualified to help than the Baker Tilly International network. We have representatives throughout the world. The firms listed here have specific expertise in Sarbanes-Oxley compliance.

Blum Shapiro Darrell Pataska, CPA

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Habif, Arogeti &Wynne, LLP Jonathan Miller, CPA

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Katz, Sapper &Miller, LLP Ron Lenz, CPA rlenz@ksmcpa .com

Indiana 317-580-2063

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Maine 207-879-2100

Vitale, Caturano &Company, PC Joel Shaman, CPA The Rehmann Group Kirk Balcom, CIA, CISA

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Minnesota 612-376-4629

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Amper, Politziner &Mattia, PC Lawrence Gray, CPA Eisner, LLP Bruce Rosen, CPA

~AKER TILLY INTERNATIONAL World Headquarters, 2 Bloomsbury Street, London WC1 B 3ST, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)20 7314 6875 Fax: +44 (0)20 7314 6876 Baker Tilly International is a network of high quality, independent accountancy firms. We are the 1Oth largest network in the world by fee income and are represented by 112 firms in 65 countries, with a global fee income of $1 .5 billion and 18,500 staff worldwide. With a global reach we provide advice in all major business communities. We work to offer expert technical guidance which includes a wide range of specialists and experts on every continent in which we do business. Baker Tilly International is a trademark of the UK firm Baker Tilly, used under license.

Massachusetts 617-912-9000

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Rotenberg &Co., LLP Eileen Francati, CPA

New York (Upstate) 585-295-2400

Cohen &Company, CPAs Peter Bastulli

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Parente Randolph Philip Santarelli, CPA

Pennsylvania 570-820-0127

Hansen, Barnett &Maxwell, CPAs Douglas Hawkes, CPA

Utah 801-532-2200

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Virginia 703-637-7672

Virchow, Krause & Company, LLP Steve Stensrud, CPA

Wisconsin & Minnesot; 800-362-7301

Ii.WANT.1 You Are How You Eat At bult haup, the emphasis has always been on life revolving around the kitchen . The German architects and manufacturers of luxury furniture and kitchen design are known for th eir aesthetic minimalism, exclusivity and luxurious materials. Spend ing more time at home seems to be eve ryone's top priority th ese days. bu lthau p designs help organize personal kitchen spaces to simplistically accommodate a relaxed and efficient home life. bu lthaup has earned a trusted fo llowing among tre ndsetters, architects, chefs, gourmets and celeb rities.

Worl d-renowned

chefs Emeri l Lagasse of The Food Network and Pino Luongo of Le Madri and Coco Pazzo in New Yo rk have had their personal kitchens crafted by bulthaup. Other notable customers include Brad

Weighi g In at 751bs: Muhammad Ali the Book Muhammad Ali, 61, is one of the most

revered him. The politica l establ ishment

greatest sports figure of ou r time.

feared hi m. He boasted in rhymes before

He was a controversial and outspoken

anyone ever heard of hip-hop.

champion for peace, freedom, and equal

Today, he is still an inspiration. He fioats

rights, boasting a boxing record that is still

like a butterfly through the ravages of

unbeaten two decades afte r his retire-

Parkinsons disease, still dazzling at public


appearances. It on ly stand s to reason

As a black man, he was second to no man ... and he made sure everyone knew it. He fi lled the camera and electrified the

26 ValueRich Magazin e

media. He was brash and rebellious. Youth

remarkable personal ities and probably the

that t his larger-than-life man would be the inspi-

Pitt, Eric Clapton, Bill Paxton and Joel Si lver. Inspired by the minimalist elegance of Bauhaus architecture, bulthaup's kitchens, are designed in t wo systems.

System 25 is bulthaup's signature style of contemporary kitchen architecture. Its

System 20 modules offer end less design combinat ions and a myriad of uses.

New York, Los Ange les, Ch icago, Dal las, Denver, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, San

bulthaup's modular designs invite users

Francisco, San Diego, Atlanta, Boston, Miami

to app ly personal tastes and preferences to

and other cities worldwide. For more infor-

their living space. bulthaup showrooms are located in

mation on how to create an in spirin g sou l for your home, visit

modern functiona lism provides countless va riations in kitchen layouts. System 25 materials include g lass, linoleum, wood, stainless steel, alu minum, laminate and lacquer. Quality craftsmansh ip with authentic materials and an obvious attention to detail give bulthaup kitchens a unique and discreet visual appeal. System 20 offers mobile,functioning elements, predominantly aluminum, featuring stainless steel feet or rolling casters that can be combined to liberate a kitchen or livingspace. Building a kitchen in modular pieces allows it to evolve functionally based on the owner's needs.

ration for the most expensive book ever

ny text from more than 20 different contrib-

photographer Howard Bingham.

made. It took four years to publish, costing

utors, including Al i himself, as wel l as press

At a retail price of $3,000 per copy and

$11 million.

accou nts, posters, memorabi lia and a full list

$7,500 for the 1,000 copy "C hampions

of all fights.

Edition," GOAT wi ll probably appeal most to

GOAT A Tribute to Muhammad Ali, produced by Taschen publishing, is 20 x 20

The tota l worldw ide print run is limited

t hose affluent boomers who cheered the

inches and about 800 pages. At 75 pounds,

to 10,000 numbered copies, hand-sig ned by

"Thril la in Manilla" w hile listening on radio.

it takes a heavyweight just to lift it.

both Muhammad Ali and artist Jeff Koons,

But there are sure to be more than 10,000 of

who contributes an orig inal sculpture multi-

them out there.

career is fu ll of previously unpubl ished

ple in the first 1,000 copies and photo-

material from private arch ives. Nearly 3,000

graphic work in the remaining 9,000 copies.

"This is not a book. This is a monument on paper, the most megalomaniacal book in the history of civilization, the biggest, heaviest, most radiant thing ever printed - Ali's last victory." - Oer Spiegel

Th is complete chronicle of Ali's life and

public and private photographs accompa-

The first 1,000 copies also include four limited-edition original si lver gelatin prints signed by Muhammad Ali and

ValueRich Magazine 27

Ii.WANT.1 ou Be ie e ... Maxwell Smart had a shoe-phone. Now you can have an unbelievably versatile digita l camcorder that looks like an electric shaver. The 5.4-ounce Fisher FVD-Cl Pocket Camcorder is a more capable little device than you might suspect at first glance. It's a full function 30fps VGA MPEG-4 video camcorder that also can shoot 3.2megapixel photos simu ltaneouslyl The thoughtfu lly designed C-1 has a 5.8X zoom \ens that's far superior to what you' ll find on simi lar but cheaper also offers a fu ll range of shooting and playback features, built-in flash and even functions as a voice recorder. The package in cludes a postage stamp-

size 512MB SO card that lets users record up to 30 minutes of fu ll-motion video at an industry standard 30-frames-per-second (VGA-size: 640x480).1n still mode, the 512MB card can store up to 49 1 images (2048x1536), more than enough for crisp, sha rp 11 "x 14" color prints. The FVD-C1 comes with a charge r/docking station that provides plug and play functionality to both your computer, through USB, and your video system. Compact enough to fit snugly in your hand or ca rry easily inside a pocket or small purse, it's the ideal, ail-in-one device for personal or business use, making the $900 price tag worthwhile. Ava ilable at Sears and other reta ilers.

25 Hours of Hassle-Free Private Travel on the NetJets速 Fleet Marquis Jet is offering the card that is a key to endless opportunities. Sold in increments of 25 hours, the Marquis Jet card provides the convenience, freedom and flexibility to fly in complete comfort on the exclusive NetJets速 fleet. Call for your jet with only several hours notice, pick the time, ai rport and destination-and a 28 Valu eRich Magazine

NetJets速 aircraft will take you there. Costs range from S109,900 to $299,900, depending on the type of aircraft selected, for 25 hours of flight time (wheels up to wheels down) on the best-maintained fleet of private jets in the world. Ca ii 1-866-JET-1400

Say Cheese Olympus commemorated its 2003 sponsorship of the Ferrari F1 Grand Prix team by issuing the limited edition Ferrari Digital Model last fa ll. Unfortunately, the 4 mega pixel promotional camera, featuring a compact high-resolution 3X zoom lens and a 16 MB Xd picture card, was never made available in the United States, causing a great gnashing of teeth and tearing out of hair among U.S. Ferrari fanatics. However, you can still buy this beautiful Cavallino-cam for $697, plus tax and customs duties, on the Ferrari Web site. Hurry while supplies last.

A Red line Drawn in the Snow The Redline 800 Revolt is finally coming, and it challenges every presumption about conventional snowmobile design. This year's production run is limited to only 700 sleds. The limited production is because Red line had to regroup and seek new financing to manufacture the radical new sleds after the 9-11 attack. "We were very close to production, but by the end of September our funding resources dried up completely," said Rob Massey, Red line national sales manager. "That process cost us a year." The hot new sled is back on track. One look at the radical design of the 800 Revolt

and you know you're in for a wi ld ride. Red line comes from a long heritage of successfu l off-road racing, and it is the first to

bring state-of-the-art, off-road technology to snowmobiling. Take, for instance, the patented T-15 swing arm suspension. It offers 15 inches of true vertica l travel along the rail, compared to just eight inches on other snowmobiles. This unique suspension is the main reason the 800 Revolt looks as if it can fly. And it does .. . catchi ng big air off moguls. And the Revolt's proprietary 800cc twin engine combined with a truly revolutionary clutch isolation system really claws snow. The 800 Revolt is all about speed, maneuverability -and fun. Redline's fast-growi ng dealer network is taking orders. Expect to payS 12,000 for one of these icebreaking machines. www.l red!

Valu eRi ch Maga zi ne 29

li.WANT.1 Digital Music Box

High-quality input and output from every kind of audio device - even your old turntable.

The COMDEX electronics trade show usual ly generates much of its excitement with consumer gadgets. What rea lly wowed them this year however, was video conferencing software from a start-up company cal led SightSpeed. Yes, vid eo conferencing software that actua lly wo rks like it's supposed to

If you are one of those peop le who believes Cat Stevens doesn't sound right

desktop amplifier for connecting any home


speakers or MP3 player to your computer.

images or lost audio, but clear smooth

unless you hear the snap, crackle and pop

The PowerWave offers flexible input,

from your old vinyl album, and you're wo n-

exceptional output, and amplifier power in

dering how to get that ve rsion on your iPod, then look no further. We have the product for you. The Griffin PowerWave USB Audio Interface & Desktop Amplifier is a power-

one simple device.

no latency, jerking out of sync

images and sound. Sig htSpeed takes a software-based approach to enable convenient, simple

USB audio is far cleaner and more effec-

to use, high-q uality video conferencing

tive for getting sound in and out of a com-

over any IP-based connection. So video

puter than bui lt-in audio.

conferencing w ith SightSpeed is as easy

Th e $99 PowerWave uses the best USB

ful and extremely flexible computer audio

audio codec (compressor/de-compressor)

tool. With it you can record any mike or line

available -

as picking up the phone -

at home, at

the office or on the road.

the identical codec used in

SightSpeed software requires no net-

input into yo ur computer. Record your

professional USB audio systems that cost

work knowledge and is designed to run

entire album collection to make CDs or

fi ve to ten times as much. Specially

on Windows, Mac and Unix computers

MP3s,or hook up a mike and musica l instru-

designed software is ava ilable that allows

without the assistance of IT staff

ment and turn your computer into a

you to customize your audio input and out-

recording studio.

put like a pro.

The PowerWave is also an integrated

Pocket Projector

Learn more about SightSpeed and the various pricing and subscription options at

ture quiet performance, a 2000:1 contrast

Gone are the days of depending on

ratio, and Dig ital Light Processing™ by

AV staff to schlep around a

Texas In struments.

tangled mess on wheels

Full automatic sensing, projector adjust-

just so you can give your

ment and digital keystone correction pro-

PowerPoint presentation. PLUS Vision Corpora-

vide for quick and easy set-up. Other indemand features include a 2x dig ital zoom

tion of America has just released the world's thinnest mobile projector-line, the V3 series. The projectors are as thin as

lens, a presentation timer and password mobile professional s w ho wan t to carry a laptop and a projector in a sing le bag.

laptop computers, 1.38 inches, yet st ill

The V3-11 1, an 800 lumen SVGA

include the same features found in larger

(800x600) projector, and the V3- 13 1, a 1000

models. The V3 are specifically designed for

lumen XGA (1024 x 768) projector, both fea-

30 ValueRich Magazine

security protection. The V3s support the latest video standards. Video input sources include component, S-video, and composite video. The V3-111 sells for $1,595 and the V3131 for $2,295.

i.WANT.1 Amphib Shirt: A customized air vent system offers temperature regulation. Features hidden snap closures and concealed zip mesh pocket. $45

Extreme skiers Megan Brown, Kina Pickett and Chris Davenport left the slopes to climb and bike over rugged terrain and shoot the X3 lifestyle catalog.

32 ValueRich Magazin e

Here's a perfect fit for adventure seekers: new outdoor cl othin g and accessories from BMW's X3 lifestyle collection. Developed by Salomon, maker of multisport gear, this original line of versatile outerwear and accessories is designed for t he adventurous at heart. The X3 Lifestyle Collection debuts in Februa ry 2004, when t he new 2004 BMW X3 Sports Activity Vehicle goes on sale. The X3 lifestyle collection features breathable, lightweight, waterproof fabrics and thermal protection, made from high-tech material s that are rainproof and w ick away body moisture to keep you wa rm and dry in various weather cond itions. Jackets feature elastic thumb loops and adjustable cord locks. Thumb inserts on shirts hold sleeves in place during activities. The X3 Lifestyle collection also features backpacks, travel bags, mesh ziphood jackets and button-snap sh irts.

THE NEW X3: BMW's Second Sports Activity Vehicle The 4-year-old BMW X5 has been so successful that it helped double the luxury SUV market. Build ing on success, BMW has launched the new X3. Compact - yet roomy and practical, it's above all a thoroughbred BMW. The X3 2.5i, with a 2.5-liter inline 6-cylinder engine, is base-priced at $30,995. The 3.0-liter/22 5-hp X3 3 .0i offers upgraded features at $36 ,995 $10,000 and $15,200 less than X5 models. Valu eRi ch Mag azi ne 33

34 ValueRich Magazine

Simply plug the Belkin Voice Recorder into the earphone jack and the iPod becomes a fully functioning voice recorder, allowing you to record memos, lectures, interviews, or conversations in true WAV format. The iPod's abundant storage capacity allows hundreds of hours of highquality audio storage. The module features a built-in speaker and status LED for quick review. And unlike many stand-alone voice recorders, the iPod allows you to copy recordings to your desktop or notebook computer for storage, editing, or sending via e-mail. The Voice Recorder speaker even works with the iPod's built-in travel alarm clock. $49.95

Save a bundle on memory cards for your digital camera by transfering the images from your camera to your iPod via the Belkin Media Reader. The Media Reader has slots for CompactFiash® (Type 1 and 2), SmartMedialM, Secure Digital (SO), Memory Stick®, or MultiMediaCard (MMC). Pictures transfer quickly and easily using t he on-screen user-interface that's already built into the iPod's operating system. A 40GB iPod holds about 160 256MB memory cards' worth of images, rendering a low cost per GB storage option in a handy little package. $99


The iTrip FM transmitter, designed specifically for the iPod, can play music through any FM radio channel like the one in your car.The iTrip needs no batteries, receiving its tiny amount of power from the iPod. iTrip is so small you barely know it's attached - no muss, no fuss and no wires. $34.95 New functions, like uploading large image files, cause iPod's hard drive to spin for longer periods, resulting in faster battery drain. Belkin's Battery Back Pack for the iPod holds four AA alkaline batteries, providing an additional 15-20 hours of battery power. $69.99

Simple and essential, ( the tiny PocketDock by SendStation lets you connect the new G3 iPod's docking port to the standard 6-pin FireWire ca ble which is necessary for older accessories and chargers. $18.95

FM Tuner perfomance is occasionally marred by signal interference. For car stereos with an auxiliary input, the best sound quality will come from a direct connection. The Belkin Auto Kit connects your iPod to your car's cigarette lighter, charging it while providing an adjustable amplifier with volume control and a 3.5mm audio-out jack. $49.99


ValueRich Magazine 35

Designed expressly for the G3 iPod, Altec Lansing's in Motion portable audio system delivers natural sound w ith bass at frequencies far below what you'd expect from a sma ll speaker set. Plus, it features a fully functioning iPod docking bay which performs all the same data transfer and synchronization functions as Apple's standard, free-stand ing iPod dock -including iPod battery recharge through the AC power supply. inMotion features flush-mounted power and volume controls and an auxil iary in put jack for connection to laptops, older iPod s, and other MP3 players. Spending slightly more than $100 over the cost of Apple's extra dock, you get a cool desktop stereo as well. $149 http//

Top developers continue to deliver innovative products for the iPod. Harman Multimedia's JBLCreature™ audio system provides iPod users with great sound and out-of-this-world-style. The magnetically sh ielded three-piece speaker system, featuring superior \\\..

sound performance, was specifically designed with iPod s and desktop systems in mind. $129

If you have a deep-seated desire to control your iPod from across the room, then get TEN Technology's naviPOD. The naviPOD consists of a distinctive 5-button infrared remote control and receiver unit that plugs directly into the top of the iPod. With NaviPod, you can control the iPod's Play/Pause, Next, Previous, and Volume functions from the comfort of your couch. $49.95

Gi ro® brings driving audio power to the slopes w ith the Fuse™, the Nine.9™ and the Nine.9™ MX helmets in a new Audio Series. Audio Series helmets are equipped with premium-quality headphones integrated into the earpads, so you ca n just plug an iPod into the headphone jack and go! Helmets priced from $124.99 to $179.99 36 ValueRich Magazine


Burton Amp Pack has a bu ilt-in iPod control system, using SOFTswitch™ tech no logy, making it easy for people on the move to control their iPod without the hassle of removing the pack. The Amp Pack features a secure iPod storage pocket and a headphone port located on the shoulder strap, as well as an easy-access side entry laptop compartment.


Wearable electronics are the next revolution in clothing, and Burton is leading the way by offering breakthrough snowboard jackets with built-in iPod controls. Burton's Radar 2 Layer iPod Jacket is the first women's snowboard jacket with iPod control capabil it ies. Two new men's jackets, the

Ron in 2 Layer iPod Jacket and the Burton Shield iPod Jacket, are also part of the new col lection. All of the new Burton iPod gear is compatible with the latest generation of iPods and incorporate SOFTswitch TM iPod control systems. The Ron in, Radar and Burton jackets have an updated, flex ible control pad on the sleeve which operates the iPod, stored safely in a specially designed padded chest pocket. The jackets are constructed with breathable, twolayer waterproof fabric and are machine washable when the iPod interface module is removed. $359.95 to $379.95



The Company is currently seeking to locate and consummate a merger or acquisition with an existing small business approaching near term profitability.

The Company currently has diminished business operations due to the wind down of the Isis subsidiary. As such, the Company's principal business at this time is to find and carry out a merger or acquisition with a private unit.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: The Company has developed, marketed, distributed and supported a diversified mix of products and services for the telecommunications industry. Over the past 14 years, the Company has developed expertise in real-time wireless call-processing and has created technologically advanced solutions for this industry, focusing primarily in the area of wireless communications, fraud management, geo-location wireless software applications and sales of prepaid long-distance phone ca rd products.

MANAGEMENT: Stephen Katz, CEO and Chairman of the Board, has been Chairman of the Board and a director of the Company since its inception and was a member of the Management Committee of the predecessor partnership during the entire period of its existence. Bruce R. York, Vice President and CFO, joined the Company in April 1999 as Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. Mr. York has also served as Secretary since August 2000.

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: • For the nine months ended 9/ 30/ 03, revenues fell 98 percent to $196 thousand. Net loss before accounting change fell 66 percent to $906 thousand. Revenues reflect reduced sales from the Company's Isis phone card segment. • On November 9, 2002, CTS ceased development efforts of its Neumobility development project, and on December 11 , 2002, it adopted a plan to wind down the operations of its Isis Tele-Communications, Inc. subsidiary. Consequently, as of December 31, 2002, CTS has no current business other than to complete the wind down of the operations of Isis. • Management anticipates that all remaining assets of Isis will be realized and liabilities settled. • During 2002, 2003 and into 2004, management has been and will continue evaluating alternative businesses and acquisitions.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Bruce York, Vice President and CFO 2815 Second Avenue Suite 100,Seattle,WA 98121 (206) 733-8180 Fax: (206) 443-1550

R ea l-time Public Company Pro f il es avai lab le at • www. valuer ic h o nl ine . com • Va lue Rich , Inc . , 1 . 56 1.832 . 8878 38 Valu eRi ch Magazine

INVESTMENT BANKING/BUSINESS OBJECTIVE: Eagle Supply Group, Inc. is seeking acquisition candidates in the fragmented roofing and masonry supplies distribution industries. The Company believes that there are opportunities to source and distribute products efficiently and to achieve cost-savings and increased profits through economies of scale by growing through internal expansion and acquisitions. Eagle plans to seek acquisition candidates in the Southeast, Midwest, Southwest and Western regions, with less emphasis on the Northeast region of the country. Eagle anticipates enhanced profit potential through our strong management team, combining operations of the acquired companies.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: Eagle Supply Group, Inc. is a wholesale distributor of residential roofing and masonry supplies and related products in the United States. These products represent 85-90 percent of Eagle's total revenues. The Company sells primarily to contractors and subcontractors engaged in roofing repair and construction of new residences and commercial property. It distributes sheet-metal products used in the roofing repair and construction industries, as well as drywall, plywood and other related products. Vinyl siding is distributed solely in Colorado. Other products include equipment, tools and accessories for the removal of old roofing, re-roofing and roof construction, as well as related materials such as shingles, tiles, insulation, liquid roofing materials, fasteners and ventilation materials. The Company distributes a complete line of cements, masonry supplies and related products in the Dallas/ Ft. Worth Metroplex.

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: • Revenues for the 4th quarter ending June 30, 2003 increased 15 percent to 69.7 million. • Revenues for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003 decreased by 1.9 percent to 226.1 million . • Eagle is the only publicly owned wholesale distributor specializing in the distribution of roofing and masonry supplies. • Company executives own 64 percent of the outstand ing shares. • Eagle Supply Group operates a network of 33 distribution centers in nine states, with locations in Texas

(13), Florida (nine), Colorado (five) and one each in Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Mississippi, Missouri and Nebraska.

STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN: Eagle's success in the roofing-supply and masonrysupply distribution industries can be attributed to the following : • Using its size and financial strength, Eagle negotiates volume discounts and other favorable terms with suppliers.This allows its distribution centers and sales force to offer customers competitive pricing and purchasing terms, maintain broad product lines and inventory levels, and ensure timely delivery of products. • Maximizing economies through the Company's combined buying power and the use of centralized information systems. The manager of each distribution center has great latitude in operating his own distribution center, meeting customers' requirements, staffing his own operation, controlling expenses and assuring profitability.

MANAGEMENT: Douglas P. Fields serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer. He also is Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of TDA Industries, Inc., Eagle's largest stockholder. James E. Helzer is President and Vice Chairman of the Board. From 1982 until July 1997, he was the owner and Chief Executive Officer of JEH Company, Inc. Frederick M. Friedman is Executive Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and a Director. He also is Executive Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and a Director of TDA Industries, Inc. E.G. Helzer is Senior Vice President-Operations. He also is President of Eagle Supply, Inc. and JEH/ Eagle Supply, Inc., Eagle's operating subsidiaries.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Eagle Supply Group, Inc. Douglas P. Fields, Chief Executive Officer 122 East 42nd St, Suite 1618, New York, NY 10168 Phone: (212) 972-0326 Fax: (212) 972-0326

R ea l-t i me Public Company Pr ofi les ava il ab le at • lu eric hon • Value Rich, Inc ., 1 . 56 1 . 83 2 . 88 78 Valu eRich Maga zin e 39



The Company is seeking acquisition candidates, or seeking strategic merger, partnerships, joint ventures or acquisition.

Eldorado's international expertise in mining, finance and project development positions the company for strong long-term growth to become a 300,000-to500,000 ounce a year gold producer in 2007. The Company raised construction of Kisladag Mine in Western Turkey. The Company has a plan to build a successful midtier gold company based on current wholly owned long-lived assets that deliver superior returns at existing or lower gold prices including three key elements: • Implementation of detailed work plan for each asset that maximizes value from operations and develops existing projects. • Identify and pursue external opportunities given strong financial position. • Effectively communicate company value to public markets.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: Eldorado Gold Corporation is an international gold-producing company currently active in development and exploration. The company has gold assets in Brazil and Turkey, two countries that offer strong geological potential. Recently, the company signed an agreement with China National Gold Group to review properties and mines in China. The Company's wholly owned Sao Bento Mine is Brazil's fourth-largest gold mine, producing approximately 100,000 ounces of gold on an annual basis. In Turkey, Eldorado's wholly owned projects at Kisladag and Efemcukuru have a combined resource base of 9.5 million ounces. Eldorado has 6.4 million ounces of proven and probable mineable reserves and 11.4 million ounces of resources. The Company is debt free and unhedged.

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: • At our Sao Bento mine in Minas Gerais, Brazil, a 5.2meter diameter concrete line shaft is to be deepened 370 meters to be completed early 2005. The Company has a 14,000-meter drilling program to expand the current 531,355 ounces proven and probable reserve base. • An optimization study completed September 2003 on the Kisladag Gold Project in Turkey improved the financial performance and accelerated the expansion of the open-pit heap leach gold mine. Kisladag reserves increased to 5.1 M ounces of gold at $325 gold per ounce. • Environmental Positive Certificate was received June 2003. • Company anticipates receiving all permits and begins construction early 2004. • Average Annual Gold Production Phase I-Year 1: 155,000 ounces. • Average Annual Gold Production Phase II- Year 2-12: 246,000 ounces. • Cash Cost over life of mine $149/ oz gold.

MANAGEMENT: Paul Wright, President and Chief Executive Officer, and Earl Price, Chief Financial Officer, have experience in operating both open-pit and underground gold mines and are well-regarded in the gold industry. Management has successfully eliminated all debt and built a strong balance sheet. Hugh Morris, Chairman of Eldorado Gold's Board of Directors, is a seasoned leader in the mining industry and chairs a six-member Board; five directors are independent directors with more than 120 years experience in mining, finance, accounting and project development.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Eldorado Gold Corporation Nancy Woo, Manager, Investor Relations 920 Guinness Tower, 1055 West Hastings St. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6E 2E9 (604) 601 -6650 Fax: (604) 687-4026

R eal-time Public Com pa ny P r of ile s availab le at • lu erich on line .co m • ValueR ic h , In c., 1 . 561 . 8 3 2 . 88 7 8

40 Valu eRi ch Maga zin e

INVESTORS'" CAPITAL INVESTORS CAPITAL HOLDINGS INVESTMENT BANKING/BUSINESS OBJECTIVE: Investors Capital Holdings is currently exploring merger and acquisition opportunities. The Company has a cash position of over $7 million dollars. COMPANY DESCRIPTION: Investor Capital Holdings, of Lynnfield, Mass achusetts, is a diversified financial services holding company that own s and operates three distinct subsidiaries: an independent broker-dealer firm , an investment advisory firm, and a full-service, fixed and variable insurance agency.

KEY FACTORS: • Offers fee-based asset management through its registered investment advisory subsidiary. • Manages its own in-house mutual fund (Eastern Point Advisors "Twenty Fund") consisting of 20-30 large cap stocks of primarily US origin. • Expanded its insurance subsidiary in 2003 to include both fixed and variable insurance offerings. • Established a "Tax Solutions" franchise business, and opened four specialized tax offices on the east coast. • Launched a "Seminar Boot Camp" program (featured in Research magazine) to help its representatives attract new business and increase production. • Expanded its fixed income department in 2003 to offer in-house bond trading capabilities.

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: Investors Capital Holdings increased its profitability by more than 100 percent in fiscal year 2003, despite one of the most difficult years ever experienced in the financial services industry. For the fiscal year ended March 31 , 2003, total revenue was $34.3 million, an increase of 18.7 percent, and net income was $115,891, an increase of over 100 percent from the previous year. Financial Planning magazine ranked Investors Capital Holdings' broker-dealer subsidiary, Investors

Capital Corporation, No.1 in client account growth, and No.6 in revenue growth in June 2003. 1n May 2003, The Boston Globe ranked Investors Capital Corporation No.ll among "biggest financial services companies by revenue" and included the firm in its"Top 100 return on equity" listing in June 2003.

STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN: Investors Capital Holdings and its subsidiary, Investors Capital Corporation, are focused on helping financial advisor affiliates successfully build their businesses through a comprehensive range of value-added products and services. The firm is continually expanding its distribution system through targeted financial talent recruitment, and plans to explore merger and acquisition opportunities over the next year. Investors Capital Holdings has a cash position of $7.1 million as of March 31 , 2003.

MANAGEMENT: Theodore Charles, President and CEO, and Timothy Murphy, Treasurer and CFO, lead a seasoned management team and board of directors who bring more than 150 years of collective financial services expertise to Investors Capital Holdings. The executive management provides strategic direction to grow revenue for Investors Capital Holdings and its three subsidiaries, as well as controlling costs, recruiting talent and holding the company accountable to its financial objectives.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Timothy Murphy Investors Capital Holdings 230 Broadway, Lynnfield, MA 01940-2320 Phone: 800-949-1422 Fax: 781-593-9464

R e a l-ti me Public Company Profi les ava il ab le at • luerichon • ValueR ich, Inc., 1 . 561.832 . 8878 Valu eRi ch Magazin e 41



Seeking Acquisition Candidates. Seeking Strategic Merger, Partner, Joint Venture or Acquisition Seeking to Initiate and cultivate relationship with premier investment bank for future advisory services and possible IPO.

The Company's goal is to become a leading network provider of radiation therapy services in the United States through strategic relationships, new center developments, prudent acquisitions and internal growth. The services we provide are predicated on state-of-the-art information systems and the delivery of superior university level care in a cost efficient manner.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: OnCURE Medical Corporation owns, operates, and manages fourteen radiation cancer treatment centers. The centers are designed and equipped to provide patients with the latest advances in outpatient radiation therapy, diagnostic testing, and chemotherapy programs in some instances. The centers do not own physician practices or maintain any control over the provision of medical services. Affiliated physicians are contracted by OnCURE to provide medical services to the cancer centers. The earnings model appropriately aligns the Company's economic interests with those of the affiliated physicians by providing capital and management resources, including clinical management, billing, and collection, data warehousing and other administrative services.


MANAGEMENT: Seasoned and experienced management team with equity fund sponsorship, including Crossbow Ventures, a $160 million fund in Palm Beach, FL, Halpern Denny and Co., a $600 Boston based equity fund, and MedEquity Capital, a healthcare dedicated private equity firm .

CONTACT INFORMATION: Jeffrey A. Goffman, Chief Executive Officer 610 Newport Center Drive, Suite 350 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 721-6609 Fax: (949) 721-6610

On July 7, 2003, OnCURE Medical Corp. (OnCURE) announced that it has completed $12 million in institutional financing to fund acquisitions and a capital restructuring. A portion of the proceeds were used to complete the acquisitions of four outpatient radiation treatment facilities: the Mission Viejo Radiation Oncology Center (Mission) in Mission Viejo, California, the San Clemente Radiation Center (San Clemente) in San Clemente, California, the Park South Radiation Oncology Center (Park South) in Bradenton, Florida, and the previously announced acquisition of the Southside Cancer Center (Southside) in Jacksonville, Florida. The acquisitions strengthen OnCURE's position as a leader in the operation and management of outpatient radiation treatment centers.

Rea l-time Pu b lic Com p any Pr of iles ava il abl e at • lu er ic honl in e .co m • Va lu eRi c h , In c., 1 . 561 .832 .88 7 8

42 ValueRich Magazine



The Company is seeking acquisition candidates to expand business opportunities. SuperGen's strategy is to identify, acquire and develop pharmaceutical products in the later stages of development. This will shorten the research and development cycle and minimize the time and expense associated with drug commercialization.

The Company strategy is to minimize the time, expense and technical risk associated with drug commercialization by identifying and acquiring pharmaceutical compounds in the later stages of development, rather than committing significant resources to the research phase of drug discovery.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: SuperGen, Inc. is a pharmaceutical company dedicated to the acquisition, rapid development and commercialization of oncology therapies for solid tumors, hematological malignancies and blood disorders. Products offered by the Company are Nipent, Orathecin, Dacogen, multi-source anti-cancer drugs, and a strong portfolio of development therapeutic products. Nipent, a hairy cell leukemia drug, makes up 90 percent of current revenue. Orathecin has completed all pivotal trials in pancreatic cancer and is in the final stages of a rolling NDA submission. Dacogen has completed patient accrual for its pivotal trial in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS).The Company's portfolio of products includes generic daunorubicin for a variety of acute leukemias, Mitozytrex (mitomycin for injection), cancer vaccine Avicine, Partaject-delivered busulfan and inhaled versions of Orathecin and paclitaxel.

Joseph Rubinfeld, Ph.D., Chairman Emeritus, cofounded SuperGen in 1991 and has served as Chief Executive Officer, President and a director of the Company from its inception to December 31 2003. James Manuso, Ph.D., CEO and Chairman, has served as a director of SuperGen since February 2001. Dr. Manuso is co-founder and immediate past President and Chief Executive Officer of Galenica Pharmaceuticals Inc. Edward L. Jacobs, COO, was appointed Chief Business and Financial Officer in October 2001, after serving as Executive Vice President, Commercial Operations of SuperGen from 1999 to 2001. Karl Mettinger, M.D., Ph.D., joined SuperGen in August 2000 as Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer. Michael Molkentin, CFO. Mr. Molkentin brings over 15 years of fin ancial leadership experience in a variety of industries, including biotechnology, to SuperGen.



• In December 2003, SuperGen announced that data from five separate clin ical st udies demonstrated the activity of the anti-cancer drug Nipent® (pentostatin for injection), as part of combination therapy, in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Also, that data from two multicenter clinical studies demonstrated the activity of the anti-cancer drug Nipent® (pentostatin for injection), as part of combination therapy, in Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL). Results from these studies were recently presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology (ASH) in San Diego. • Revenues rose 27 percent to $10.7 million. Net loss fell 20 percent to $34.6 million, for the nine months ended 9/ 30/ 03.

R ea l-time Publ ic Company Profi les avai lable at



SuperGen, Inc. Tim Enns, VP, Investor Relations and Business Development 4140 Dublin Blvd., Suite 200, Dublin, CA 94568 (925) 560-0100 ext. 111 Fax: (925) 560-0101 luerichon li ne .co m


Va lue Rich , Inc .. 1 . 561 . 832 . 8878

Valu eRi ch Mag azin e 43

INVESTMENT BANKING/BUSINESS OBJECTIVE: Seeking synergistic acquisition candidates and public technology company clients that need to expand their core technology. UTEK Corporation is a business development company that acquires, develops and finances primarily university technologies for its corporate customers. UTEK technology acquisition candidates should represent a major technological leap forward, have an existing global market, be socially responsible and have a customer in place prior to acquisition.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: UTEK® is an innovative technology transfer company dedicated to building bridges between universitydeveloped technologies and the commercial sector. UTEK, along with its TechEx and UVentures on-line and its PAX European divisions, identifies and transfers new technologies from universities and research centers to the marketplace. As a business development company, UTEK provides research outsourcing services to commercial enterprises and technology-transfer services to research institutions. UTEK® creates value for universities and laboratory research centers by transferring their intellectual capital to commercial partners. Technology firms benefit from having the opportunity to acquire and commercialize new technologies developed by universities, medical centers and federal research laboratories.

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: • In November 2003 the Company acquired the website and certain other intellectual property assets from Uventures, Inc., an Internetbased exchange for the marketing of physical science technologies developed at universities and research organizations. • The UTEK model creates a win-win solution for both universities and small public companies, as UTEK's unique approach serves as a bridge for growing technology companies with university intellectual capital. • There is a dramatic global demand for new technology. Thousands of public companies with market capitalization of up to $250 million operate with limited ability to conduct basic research and limited R&D budgets.

R e al-time Pu bl ic Comp any Pro fil es avail ab le at

44 Valu eRi ch Magazin e


T he Sou r ce for New T echno l ogy

STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN: UTEK has four specific strategies to contribute to their success. • Establish a corporate culture based on fairness, professionalism, opportunity and enthusiasm. • While providing our corporate customers with a low-cost outsourcing solution for technology development, we will simultaneously provide universities with 100 percent of royalties to support and expand their research . • Provide our customers with equity financing to facilitate technology purchases. • Listen and respond to the needs of our customers and associates. Select our strategic alliances based on their ability to innovate or their capacity to successfully bring new products to market.

MANAGEMENT: UTEK's leadership brings an in-depth understanding of the dynamics and issues necessary to transform the technology transfer marketplace. Clifford M. Gross, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer, Chairman Bill Porter, ChiefTechnology Transfer Officer Jeffrey D. Bleil, Ph.D., ChiefTechnology Officer Joel Edelson, VP Technology Alliances CaroleR. Wright, CPA, Chief Financial Officer John D Emanuel, VP and Chairman of Pax Technology Transfer, LTD. (UTEK subsidiary) Sam Reiber, VP and General Counsel

CONTACT INFORMATION: UTEK Corporation Clifford M. Gross, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer 202 South Wheeler Street, Plant City, FL 33563 (813) 754-4330 Ext 227 Fax: (813) 754-2383 cg lu eric honlin e .com


ValueRic h , Inc ., 1 .5 61 .83 2 .88 7 8



XStream Beverage Group, Inc. is seeking acquisitions of independent beverage distributors and bottlers with proprietary brands. The company is also seeking to raise capital.

XStream's mission is to build shareholder value through the accretive acquisition of regional beverage distributors and effectively leverage their outlets to cross-market inhouse and licensed brands. This will enable XStream to: ·Create and develop a network of distributors in key US regions and markets. • Consolidate sales and marketing efforts. ·Cross-market new in-house brands and those acquired from regional bottlers. • Attract companies looking to capitalize on their regional brand names and production efficiencies, and accelerate their expected organic growth rates.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: XStream Beverage Group, Inc. (OTC BB: XSBG), headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida, is developing a network of small-to medium-sized beverage distributors to grow the sales and market coverage of proprietary and independent value-added beverage brands throughout the United States. The Company has completed its first two distribution acquisitions, Universal Beverage of Florida and Finish Line of Connecticut. It is currently formalizing letters of intent to acquire additional beverage distribution operations as well as finalizing the terms to acquire a juice trademark for the U.S. market from a Canadian firm. XStream recently introduced its first original beverage, an energy drink called Yohimbe.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Steve Haglund, CEO 621 NW 53rd St., Suite 145, Boca Raton, FL 33487 561-982-7997

Real-time Public Company Profile s ava il ab le at • lu ericho nl • Va lu eRi ch, Inc ., 1.56 1.832 .88 7 8

Speczailzirzg in fine art inj(uenwf 6y tfic Jrertcfi I

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Contemporary h·cnch \ni't" and Post lmpre!'J!\ionists Including: 1




(561) 832-6311

ValueRich Magazin e 45

Tehama partners Clint Eastwood and Nancy Haley


TEHA A Hollywood Icon's Fashion Brand Takes Off Clint Eastwood and Nancy Haley met on the golf course. Their friendship blossomed into entrepreneurship. Now they're turning the leisure fashion world every which way but loose. Story by David Willson Photos by Glenn Cavalli When graphic designer Nancy Haley took

golf course.

her stamp of approval. She loves the prod-

up the sport of golf, she noticed that most

"Ti ming is everything," says Nancy. "He's

uct development side of the business. "In

fashions available for women in golf shops

right in the midd le of developing this golf

the last ten years, the technical advance-

were less than inspiring. So in the mid-'80s,

course, I had just retired, and I think he saw

ments of fabrics and fabrication have really

she launched the sportswear company

something there that wou ld be a natura l. He

been super for golf," says Haley. "In every-

Sport Haley featuring her designs. She took her company public in the early '90s in order to raise expansion capita l. However, she ended up leaving the company she founded in 1996, completely discouraged. "This is an age-old story," Nancy says in a phone interview w ith ValueRich magazine. "I had brought in a partner and our philoso-

kept asking, 'What are you going to do now

thing from sweaters to shirts to slacks, espe-

that you're retired? Don't you need to work?

cia lly woven pants, add Lycra and you get

You seem li ke a girl that needs to keep

tota l ease of movement, there's no restric-


tion. Not only that, but it adds a real soft

"I figured, what have I got to lose by asking

hand to everything it's added to.

he can only say'You've got to be kidding,'

"Blending polyester microfibers with

so I asked him,'Why are you asking- would

materials li ke Pima cotton or rayon mimics


you be interested in doing someth ing with

other natural fabrics such as silk, suede or

phy for business clashed. I'm a big believer in

sportswea r for golf?' -

cashmere. We have developed a microfiber

quality products, customer service and mar-

me and said,'we can ca ll itTehama.'

and he just looked at

gabardine twil l. You can't tell the difference

keting, and he was more of a believer in

"The blood rushed out of my head and I

money. With a public company, what

just about fainted right on the spot," Nancy

microfiber gabardine- and you can throw

became more important was dollars and

says, laughing.

ours in the washing machine!"

cen ts, ignoring al l else."

"We met in his business manager's office a

between expensive gabardine wool and our

Of course, the marketing ofTehama ben-

The joy had gone out of the business for

couple of week later and agreed that we

efits immensely from Clint Eastwood. He sa id

Nancy. She didn't think she'd ever go back to

wanted this to be fun. We wanted Tehama to

to Nancy in the beginning, "You make

the sports apparel business again. Events

be a upper median priced superior product

clothes, I make movies, let's do what we do

quickly conspired to prove her wrong, how-

-a great va lue for the money," Nancy recal ls. "Marketing a product using a Hollywood icon

best." He is committed to being the image of Tehama. Cli nt and his w ife Dina act as mod-

like Clint Eastwood seemed like a dream."

els, and he has also made himself available to

ever. Nancy loves to tell the story. "When I left

appear on Good Morning America, and do

my company, I actua lly had time to do

Haley and Eastwood started Tehama (pro-

things, like go to Carme l and play golf. I met

nounced Tah ~ ma) each owning 20 per-

promotional events. The slogan, "A Lifestyle

Clint Eastwood through my husband who

cent shares in the company. They did three

Starring Cl int Eastwood as Himself," appears

private offerings over three years, ensuring

on every m arketing piece.

had known him for ten years, playing golf." At the time, Clint was building the Tehama Golf Club, which had been a per-

thatTehama was well-funded. The company showed a profit in its fifth year.

"Tehama is something you put on in the morning, you go to work, and in the after-

sona l dream of his. For yea rs, he had owned

The early success of the Tehama brand is

noon you can play 18 holes of golf, go out to

land up in the hills above the Carmel Va lley,

a direct reflection of Nancy Haley's touch.

dinner and a movie, all wearing the same

and his dream was to have his own private

Not a product goes out ofTehama without

clothes- there's no need to change your ValueRi ch Magazin e 47

clothes," says Nancy. "Clint says that all the t ime -

he even says, 'It's so comfortable

you can sleep in it.' I say 'Clint, let's not go too far with that."'

and merchand ising of lzod golfThey signed the deal in December 2003.

appare l wi ll be in the golf shops. Will we be seeing images of Clint

Clint and Nancy are very excited about

Eastwood and Disney characters together

bring ing the well-known lzod brand back to

on store d isplays? Probably not, but th is

Tehama is one of the fastest growing lux-

the No.1 status it once enjoyed in golf. Using

contract definitely means a fistful of dollars

ury lifestyle brands in the country. The li ne

updated designs, superior quality and cre-

for Tehama .

has been named to the Robb Report's "Best

ative marketing, Tehama foresees their lzod

of the Best Apparel Brands" top five list four

li ne as hip, edgy sports fashion .

"We are constantly ta lking about new products to add," Haley says,"l ike golf shoes,

years in a row and is doing wel l in better pro

Arnold Palmer

sung lasses, maybe even a line of Tehama

shops and resorts, as well as at Nordstrom

Tehama was also recently approached

furniture. "

and Saks Fifth Avenue.

by the Arnold Pa lmer Group to take the

Tehama's success is remarkable considering that reta il markets have been so soft late-

reigns of their brand. 'This is rea lly exciting," says Bob Shell,

Eventually, the largest potential growth area for Tehama is completely separate from products for reta il and pro shops. It is the

ly. Most retai l companies have been pursu-

"Arnold Pa lmer is huge in golf and he's one

corporate in -stock business -

ing cost conta inment instead of growth

of the most beloved golfers of all time. He

through ASI (ad specialties incentives) chan-

strategies -

has contributed so much to the game."

which may be the reason why

sel ling

nels to end users, many of them Fortune

Tehama caught the attention of so many big

'The marketing for Arnold Palmer is real-

500 companies. They purchase Tehama

players in merchandising and sports com-

ly going to be fun," says Nancy. "We have

apparel to embroider with their logo for

munities. As a resu lt, Tehama's growth plan is

some incredible photographs of Arnie

special events, interna l gifts and employee

in overdrive. It has announced major new

when he used to hang around with

incentive programs.

partnerships and agreements one after

Nicklaus and Hogan and those guys in their

It's an enormous, fast growing area.

heyday, and the attitude was just awesome.

Tehama has been developing th is business

They were very hot."

for three years . AS I products currently


Asian Markets

account for 20 percent of Tehama's busi-

In October 2003, Tehama announced a

Both the lzod and Arnold Pa lmer prod-

licensing agreement with t he $100 bill ion

uct li nes w ill sell for $50 and under. Wh ile

ness. In five years, they expect it to grow to

Japanese investment and trading company

Tehama cloth ing starts at $65 and goes up

50 percent.

Sumitomo Corporation. Sumitomo is one of

to $250 for some of the jackets, lzod and

With the lzod and Arnold Pa lmer licens-

the ten largest companies in the world.

Arnold Palmer wi ll each operate as a sepa-

es, and the marketing clout represented in

Tehama joins other qua lity leadersh ip

rate division within Tehama . Each w il l have

relatio nsh ips with Sumitomo and ESPN,

brands li ke Eddie Bauer and Coach using

its own genera l manager, vice president of

Tehama has made great strides toward

Sum itomo as their brand caretaker for the

sa les, design and customer service staff.

accomp lishing its growth plan. "We are

Interestingly, this isn't the first business

financially stable and have enough money

Sumitomo immediately launched a line

all iance invo lving Clint Eastwood and

to grow for a couple of years, but then we

of men's suits, shirts, accessories and outer-

Arnold Pa lmer. They are also pa rtners in the

are going to need to take the company

wear under the Tehama brand, which has

ownersh ip of the Pebb le Beach Resort

pub lic, se ll, or find a strategic pa rtner," says

already exceeded expectations. A sports-


Nancy. "If you look at what we've got now,

wear li ne is slated for next spring. Tehama


we've created a pretty exciting package w ith splend id growth potential.

Asian market.

president Bob Shell th inks that in five yea rs

Tehama has also an nounced that they

Tehama could easily be a $50 mil lion brand

will join Visa, Lexus and U.S. Airways as part-

"Large public companies are looking fo r

in Asia.

ners with ESPN in their go lf schools. Tehama

companies like us who are on the up side of


will povide cloth ing to instructors and the

the bell curve, with tremendous growth

In the '80s, lzod was the most successfu l

brand name wi ll appear on all ESPN promo-

potential. That's part of our strategy. If we

tiona l materia ls and websites.

didn't have th is strategy, we wou ld just be

franc hise in golf shops -

but lzod's golf

sa les have languished lately. When the pre-


doing Tehama and be as happy as clams for

vious licensee's ag reement expired last June,

In another recent coup, Tehama was

the next ten years." She pauses for a second,

lzod parent company Phillips-Van Heusen

awarded official golf apparel supplier at all

and then with a ring to her voice says, "I've

Corporation approached Tehama about tak-

of the Disney Resort properties. Disney

got to tel l you, building something like this

ing on the design, distribution, marketing,

emp loyees w il l be wearing Tehama, and its

is pretty exciting." VR

48 Valu eRich Magaz in e

Fac Diem Meam Jackets Dina and Clint show their patriotism in black leather and denim jean jackets embroidered with Old Glory, "Make My Day" in Latin and the Tehama logo.

The Good, Bad and Ugly Jacket Wear it as a vest in good weather, a ha lf sleeve jacket in bad weather and a fu llsleeve jacket in rea lly ugly weather.

She's wearing a washed linen jacket with petal Lycra t -shirt and tropi cal print capri in rayon herringbone.

The Midnight in the Garden of Good and Eyi/ collection Below right , Dina wears a 3/4 sleeve embroidered

The Blood Work collection Woven shirt and Friscon Cord polynosic pants with Croco brown leather belt.

ERICA COURTNEY Hollywood. baby. Hollywood. 7465 Beverly Blvd .

Los Angeles, CA 90036

323 .938.2373

n.Desi n

The Secret Designs of Nick Mongiardo By Jenny Wonderling

Nick Mongiardo has designed and built furniture for Giorgio Armani, Yoko Ono, Calvin Klein, Michael Chow and Jann Wenner, among others. Yet while the list goes on, his name remains a mystery to the general public, even to those who have acquired his pieces through a decorator or boutique that failed to mention him. He is, as Keith Barrish of Planet Hollywood says, "One of the best-kept secrets in the industry." So why, after three decades of restoring,

business, always hoping the quality of the

t ure was fal ling through some funne l,

creating and executing some of the most

work would speak for itself. Furniture he

becom ing generic. But to maintain the qual-

noted designs of the century, is Mongiardo's

bui lt for clients like Calvin Klein and Donna

ity that we need, w hich I won't compromise,

name known only to an elite circle of high-

Karan has appeared in numerous publ ica-

we can't afford to sell who lesale anymore."

end fashion designers, architects, restaura-

t ions with no mention of Mongiardo at al l.

In the past, Mongiardo had sold his

teurs and the like?

The "Spoon Cha ir" (for Donna Karan) in par-

pieces at cost to designers, and through

Early in his career, Mongiardo painted a

ticular has been featured in at least eight

stores like Wyeth in New York. In 2000,

hot rod that won first prize in a contest. The

magazines with no credit to Mongiardo and

Mong iardo and his wife Lydia opened t heir

owner was quoted in a magazine as having

Les lie Steven, its rightfu l creators. "No one

own boutique, Lydia Mong iardo Collection,

painted the car himself. It seems that from

wants to source us out," Mong iardo

in Lenox, Massachusetts. A perfect blending

early on, the issue of Mongiardo working

exp lains,"so they have gone so far as to say

of Nick's furniture and Lydia's impeccable

meticulous ly for minimal credit has been a

t he items were purchased in Asia, Africa,

sense of color, design, and space, the store

recurring theme: the eternal battle of art

even by other designers. Anywhere but in

also showcases a select handful of other

versus commerce. Apparently, with such an

my stud io!"

artists, jewelry designers and artisans, and

intense focus on the art alone, Mongiardo

Without any real recogn it ion for his

has a distinctly refined, almost As ian fee l, as

failed to protect or sufficiently promote his

efforts, Mong iardo said, "I t was like my furni-

does their nearby pagoda-style home which

Ruhlmann style Maharaja Sofa -

Ruhlmann used onl y the finest material s; hand-carved solid macassar ebonized arm rail and Dual oy leather.

Photo: Sarah Gross

ValueRi ch Magazin e 57

Mongiardo desig ned and built himself When Calvin Tsao, the esteemed designer of the Wheatleigh Hotel in Lenox and

years, he has restored hundreds of extraor-

New York-based financier and producer,

dinary objects. Bernard Dunand sa id about

says," He's the g reatest furniture maker work-

his father,

ing today and a true artist."

"In his hands, craftsmanship

arch itect ofTsao & McKaan, wa lked into the

became an art." The quote also describes

boutiqu e for the first time, he encountered

Mong iardo.

Mongiardo expresses disdain for the assumption that an artist's style shou ld be

the creator of the furniture he had admired

His personal works, however, while often

homogenous.''! hate those art shows where

for so long."l guess the eat 's out of the bag !"

an allusion to ea rl ier masters, are not lim ited

everything looks the same," he says wryly.

he exc laim ed. Tsao eventually commis-

by those trad itions. His expansive studio, like

The un likely con trast of designs revea ls Mongiardo's pro lific diversity of skill and his broad definitions of beauty. Sensua lity and elegance seem to be the un ifying factors in al l his objects whether decorati ve screens, chairs, tables, frames, mirrors, jewelry, or lighting fixtures. The reflective qualities of his fi nishes are made up of a deep layering of colors, blacks over red s, rich browns over ye llows.

"With lacquers, you are actually

looki ng in to look out," he explains."There is a reverberation of color." Run your hand over one of his finishes and you might imagine the taut skin of an athlete. The frames on one work table are clearly African-inspired, revea ling patterns that resemble the scarification of young warriors. "The percentage of great th ings being

Ruhlmann style Gonse Chair- The chair floats effortlessly on three points of balance.

made is less than years ago," Mongiardo expla in s."lt's a disposable world, it's depress-

sioned Mongiardo pieces for the hotel. Matt Nye of Matt Nye Inc., a New York-

ing, and t hat's w hy we do w hat we do. I'll die

based des igner who co ll aborated with

doing what I'm doing but I am not going to

Mongiardo on Jann Wenner's (Rolling Stone

bu ild less quality. We bu ild things to last

magazine) mansion, says, "N ick rea lly partic-

your lifetime." Jerry Moss, co-founder of A&M and

ipates in the process of design; there's a dialogue. He's a real craftsman. He does every


piece by hand, all sma ll scale. When you

Mong iardo's pieces for th irty years. "I think

Records, has

start mass-producing, the work loses its fin e

Nick's brilliant," he says."He's also fun to work

qua lity, the th ing that made it so special. "

with because he has such an interesting



Nick Mongiardo, his eldest son Taj and

sense of design and joie de vivre. When

four fu ll-tim e assistants are collectively

asked why he thinks Mongiardo's work isn't better known, he answers,"People don't get

known as Decorative Arts Stu d io. Located in Housatonic, Massachusetts, the studio specializes in the restoration of early twentieth

Mongiardo 'Z' Lamp -

playfully hammered steel and alabaster.

cred it fo r making things more beautiful the way they do for having the original

century French furniture and accessories, namely those of esteemed designers Jean

his home, revea ls the sleek finishes and classic designs reminiscent of Ru hlmann and

thought." A good portion of Nick's work has other, more famous designers.

been the restoration and reproduction of

Dunand, Emile-Jacques Ruhlmann, Pierre

Chareau juxtaposed against others that are

Chareau, Jean-Michel Frank, Joseph Urban,

strikingly modern .There are also the elegant

It is the business of restoration, though,

Armand -Albert Rateau and Eileen Gray. Like

yet primitive designs, such as those execut-

that may evoke some of the rich est stories. Concerning his greatest design infiuences,

his predecessors, Mongiardo has developed

ed fo r Donna Karan. It is Nick's craftsman-

his expertise in the varied arts of woodwork,

sh ip that has helped make t he minimal

namely the early twentieth century French,

metalwork, lacquer, eggshell inlay and more.

Asian aesthetic of her home decor almost as

Mongiardo says, "The pieces themsel ves

Throughout a career that spans thirty-four

well-known as her clothes. Keith Barrish, the

have personal ities of their own.They are just

58 ValueRi ch Magazine

like people-some are pleasant, some are

to accompany them through time."

suicidal, we've even had pieces that almost

When asked where he thought his sense

jump off the table. I only need a fragment of

of aesthetics comes from, considering he

they were great at what they did. If I think someone is a master at what they do, I like to find the time to spend with him or her."

the piece to recreate whatever it was that's

grew up in a family with, he says, no artistic

Mongiardo first fell in love with smooth

been missing. So you can give me one leg

vision, he res pond s, "It's a mystery. Growing

finishes as a child laboring ove r uncount-

from a Jean Michel Frank chair and I'm

up in Canarsie, Brooklyn, it was a big dea l to

able mode l toys. At age twelve, Mongiardo

going to give you the rest of the chair. And

leave the neighborhood, wh ich was about

and a few neighborhood boys combined

in the restoration of it, if you try t o do it

ten blocks square. Nobody crossed the

snow-shoveling fortunes and bought a

another way the piece itself w ill tell you that you are going in the wrong direction. "Our theory is to return it to its original presentation, which is anti-museum. That's why we have rarely worked for museums because their theories of restoration and ours are quite different ... although many of our things have ended up in museums. They are into the aesthetic of leaving pieces in the original condition and [just] repairing wha t is damaged. Americans especially want French Art Deco furniture to be perfect -

they [usually] don't have the aes-

thetic of something being in disrepair but there's nothing bener than a distressed original piece, as long as it is still functional. Funny, the world seems to think that every major piece of Deco furniture happened to

Mongiardo Dining Table- Exotic Kawazinga wood on a brushed stainless-steel wedge base .

be in perfect condition. I venture to say that

wreck of a car for $50. That stripped -down

they weren't. "People don't want to know that some-

class ic design and restoration . His early

thing's been fixed, " Mongiardo adds."So the

interest in veh icles led him to employment

1929 Ford may have spawned his love for

fact is that when you fix something correct-

w ith Porsche/Mercedes, whe re he trans-

ly, you are invisible. The object of a great

ferred to the body and paint restoration

resto ration is to leave no trace. it's like coun-

department and learned welding, metal

terfeiting. And if you fail, that's your signa-

straightening and painting. He developed a

ture. That's when you become known."

critical eye for color matching and opened

He explains that the twentieth centu ry

his own auto-body shop, special izing in cus-

masters made everything from hinges to

tom painting. Eventually his interest turned

locks by hand and that it was their imper-

to antiques and importing furniture from

fections that created the uniqueness of the finished piece. Mongiardo cal ls t hose blemishes "consistent inconsistencies," and that is what



Europe. After restoring and furnishing a

Mongiardo Planter -

Japanese lanterninspired goatskin and bronze planter.

Victorian townhouse he was awakened to the clean lines and smooth surfaces of


bridge. Going to Manhanan was almost like

Deco. "Apply the Mercedes finish to 1930s

mechanized, mass-produced.

you were taking the Santa Maria and dis-

furniture," he thought.



"When all those consistent inconsistencies

covering Americal"

In 1974,a bedroom suite he had restored

are put into one, it works. I've seen repro-

But Mongiardo can quickly recall the var-

for Alan Moss, one of the most knowledge-

ductions by other people and they are lack-

ious influences that set his path. "I lived by

ab le dealers in the design industry, was

ing what I consider that major ingredient.

the Brooklyn Museum, so I would go there

exhib ited at the Radio City Deco Show. It commanded so much attention that it

"The mystery of these pieces is unbeliev-

all the time, see thi ngs. I've also always had,

able," he says refiectively. "I always thought

like, surrogate fathers. From machinists to

secured his next career as an expert restorer

the furniture should have a trave logue book

racecar drivers, it didn't matter, as long as

of Deco furniture. Extensive research into ValueRich Magazin e 59

Ruhlmann Style Ball Table - Th is reproduction uses bent recycled ivory inl ay techn iq ues not seen since 1925 (i nset , left) on a tab le made of macassar ebony and amara nth veneer.

Chareau Style Table Lamp - Mongiardo ce lebrates the luminous style of Pierre Chareau with thi s lamp constructed from mahogany and bronze with alabaster shades .

the period led him to his first experiments

and immed iately turned t he table upside

when t hey designed and built the Armani

w ith eggshell inlay and lacquer. The artist's

down. I knew I had hi s number."

store in Las Vegas. Working closely, they

pa ins to achieve the fin ished product of this

In a phone interview, M ichae l Chow

spent the better part of a year executing

ancient technique can be quickly over-

describes Mong iardo as"the best of his craft,

gold-leafed disp lay cases and the famed

looked. A mere square foot of the labor-

the Rolls-Royce of w hat he does. His work is

Chow "Eggs." The breaking point, though,

intensive process of eggshe ll in lay requires

so movin g, so ve ry beautiful. In America he's

was Chow's design for a leather-lined cloth-

approximately eighty hours to create. His

certainly the best, yet he's not adequately

ing cabinet decorated w ith mother-of-pearl

furniture, util izing these techn iques, became

appreciated."When asked why, he says,"First

lacquer, sand -blasted glass, slid ing glass

a passion and was soon exh ib ited at the

of all, you j ust don't have many cl ients that

doors, lit floor to ceiling, complete with a

Cooper Hewitt Museum (1977), besides se ll-

require such a high standard in this day and

th irty-four foot airplane wing and surf-

ing his own designs to Yoko Ono and John

age. In the last sixty years, the who le world

boards to boot, the entire structure listed in

Lennon, Jann Wenner and ga llery owner

has homogen ized and does not respect

opposite directions. Nick said, "The Arman i-

Lillia n Nassau. Some rare pieces that have

craftsma nsh ip. In the land of prot ected

Las Vegas project did it. Fried me. I never

passed through Nick's hands have been val-

mediocrity, w hich is addict ive even if you're

want to work like that aga in."The combina-

ued at more than two million dollars.

offe red so met hin g great, people crave

tion of underbidd ing, lack of appreciation

mediocrity. It al l comes down to econom ics.

for the work and the stress of deadlines became the catalyst, ultimately limiting the

Twenty-five years ago, Michael Chow, the esteemed restau rateur, designer, artist and art collector, gave Mongiardo a table to

Nick is a dying breed."

resto re. It was t he fi rst of many. "It was th is

about Chow." Meet ing the Chows and work-

very low, completely destroyed eggshel l

ing with them has been so inspirationa l.

Dunand tab le, and paint was com ing off

They have such a finite eye and it turned me

Mong iardo is equa lly complimentary

amount of commercia l work he would accept in the future. Rather than be torn between the contrad ictory

pu ll s of art



everywhere," says Mong iardo. "I spent as

on to another level of vision . He's a genius,

Mongiardo has soug ht to achieve more bal-

much t ime on the underside of the table as

the best w hen it comes t o design."

ance in his persona l life. At his home,

I did on the top. And when I brought it to

After numerous restorations and collab-

imp romptu d inners fl ouris h. There is music,

Chow, he sat on the floor, crossed his legs

orations with Chow, t hey teamed up again

laughter and lots of wine. Young children

60 Va lu eRi ch Magazin e

dodge priceless furniture and decorative

cha irs and tables."

Clay in London who couldn't recommend

screens. I ask Nick how he can have the

Cand les cast the ir glow and Nick's face

you enough. And I'm not going to give out

much sought-after furniture of Chareau,

transforms as he speaks. Around him sit a

your number either!' And then she request-

Dunand, and Frank along with hand-paint-

chef, a book publisher, a write r, a sculptor,

ed that I do the mural anonymously! " he

ed velvet pillows and exquisite vases in a

one photographer, his son Taj, and Lydia, his

says, laughing over it all.

house with two boys and their young

radiant wife. Between bites of homemade


lasagne and mesclun sa lad, we are mesmer-

Mong iardo had the impetus he needed to

ized, suspended, often convulsed w ith

open Lydia Mongiardo Collection and get


the recognition he has long deserved. The

Traces of Mong iardo's upbringing seep out of every sentence. Words are punched

No longer laboring


obscur ity,

out in Brooklynese, with curses and hand

Mong iardo begins aga in: "A few years

store is phenomenally successful, with inter-

gestures added for emphasis in case you

ago I got a call from a gal lery owner. This

national clients responding to the unparal-

missed something, which is impossible.

woman was designing a hotel and wanted

leled quality of his work. Content to have

"Because their lives are more important

a bid on a similar mura l to one we executed

fina lly struck a better balance between work

than the surfaces," Mongiardo says. "I

for Sigourney Weaver's character's apart-

and family, he can appreciate the fruit of his

remember when my eldest son, Taj, [now

ment in the film Copy Cat." Mong iardo's

labors in a way he never had time to in the

twenty-seven] was little. I once flipped out

vo ice for now takes on the cadence of an

past. Mongiardo's eyes grazes the objects

because he put a lunchbox on a table and

older woman."'! had to ca ll all over t he world

around us and says, "You know, maybe

then I realized what I was doing. I decided

for your number! Al l the best peop le in

they'l l be the heirlooms of the future. Like

then that I would never allow things to dic-

Hollywood seem to know your work but no

Dam ion Pedutto says,'You're creating some-

tate the discipline of my children. It's all fix-

one would give up any information on how

thing that will never be disposed of, or

able, but people are much harder to fix than

to find you! I final ly got in touch w ith Jim

should never be."' VR

Valu eRi ch Magazin e 61



The company is seeking strategic relationships and/or acquisitions to expand its ad-processing platform to media companies and vertically integrated online businesses.

The Company plans to continue focusing its sales efforts on large and middle-tier publications, aggressively marketing its ad-processing platform to media companies and vertically integrated on-line businesses. Ad Star will also pursue relationships with third parties that are able to integrate the classified ad requirements of their customers with the Company's technology and/or those that offer complementary technologies which will allow AdStar to receive additional fees when advertisers access its services.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: Ad Star, Inc. offers publishers and advertisers superior e-commerce services and a unique technology infrastructure that facilitates electronic ad-transaction services in the $20 billion classified ad industry. The Company's products bridge disparate technologies and systems in a way that provides for seamless communications and transmission of ads between advertisers and publishers for print and/ or online publication. Ad Star has developed strong relationships with several of the leading newspaper publishers (e.g., Chicago Tribune, Belo Corporation), along with thirdparty ad providers in the real estate, automotive and recruitment industries, the Newspaper Association of America (NAA) and CareerBuilder. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: • In October 2003, AdStar acquired Edgil Associates, the leading supplier of complete automated payment processing systems and content processing solutions for the publishing industry. • In September 2003, the Company closed a Private Placement for nearly $2.0 million. • For the quarter ended September 30,2003, ASP revenues increased by 53 percent and the Company reported a net loss of ($414,480). • AdStar's Application Service Provider (ASP) revenue model represents the fastest growing segment of the Company's business. ASP fees grew 74 percent for the nine-month period ending 9/30/ 03, when AdS tar's ASP infrastructure processed over $52 million in classified ad transactions.

Rea l-time Public Company Pr ofiles availab le at


MANAGEMENT: Leslie Bernhard, President and CEO, founded the company along with Eli Rousso in 1986. Prior to founding Ad Star, Inc., Ms. Bernhard was a partner at Multiple Funding Services, Inc. Eli Rousso, Executive VP, CTO, Secretary and Treasurer, a founder of the Company, heads the software development and technology operations and is the chief architect of AdStar's technology. Jeffrey Baudo, Senior VP and COO, joined the Company in 2001 . Prior to joining AdStar, Mr. Baudo spent 25 years in the publishing industry (including Dun & Bradstreet's Yellow Pages division) and more recently served as president and COO of Advertising Periodical Publishers. Anthony J. Fidaleo, VP Finance and CFO, was VP/ controller at before joining AdStar. CONTACT INFORMATION: AdStar, Inc. Jeffrey Baudo, Senior VP and COO 4553 Glencoe Avenue, Suite 325 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 (31 0) 577-8255 Fax: (31 0) 577-8266 lue richonline .com


Va lu eRi ch, Inc ., 1 . 561.832.8878

Valu eRi ch Magazine 63

INVESTMENT BANKING/BUSINESS OBJECTIVE: Seeking strategic merger, joint venture or acquisition

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: AVI BioPharma, Inc. is developing a robust pipeline of therapeutic products for treating life-threatening diseases using third-generation NeuGene® antisense technology. NeuGene compounds are highly specific and have broad applicability. We have completed nine clinical trials with our NeuGene drugs in more than 250 subjects addressing cardiovascular restenosis, cancer, polycystic kidney disease and drug metabolism. We have shown that our novel antisense drugs are both effective against their gene targets and well tolerated in early clinical data. AVI's second technology, AVICINE® cancer vaccine, has successfully completed six clinical trials and is

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COMPANY CONTACT: Michael Hubbard, Director of Investor Relations One SW Columbia, Suite 1105, Portland, OR 97258 Phone: 503-227-0554 E-mail: Website:

INVESTOR RELATIONS CONTACT: Lippert/Heilshorn & Associates, Inc. Bruce Jody Cain: Phone: 310-691-7100 Web site:

Re a l-time Publ ic Comp any Profi les avail abl e at • www. va lue ric honlin e . com • Val ueR ich , In c ., 1 . 561 .832 .8878

Small-cap markets don't last forever. Will your company fully participate in the one currently underway? Founded in 1990, RJ Falkner & Company provides highly effective, pro-active investor relations services, in the form of independent research , to a small and very selective group of public companies. By leveraging our staff's more than 100 years of combined investment research experience, we broadening the exposure and raise the profiles of our clients within the investment community. Our approach is to interact with small- and micro-cap money managers, retail brokers, high-net-worth individuals and online investors much more effectively than traditional IR firms.

Please contact Patti Mathews, Vice President of RJ Falkner & Company, Inc. at 800-3779893 or email at 64 ValueRich Magazin e



The Company is currently seeking to acquire, develop and manufacture new product technologies and expand its manufacturing capabilities through joint ventures and partnerships.

The Company's focus is to acquire, develop and manufacture new product technologies and to expand its manufacturing capabilities. Pursuant to perceived market demand, the Company has developed and is currently marketing the Bovie IDS 300-Watt and Bovie IDS 200-Watt digital generators under the newly formed Bovie sales division. In an effort to increase international sales and maintain its ability to sell products worldwide, Bovie has been certified as IS09001 / EN46001 quality system compliant and has been granted its CE mark (International Quality Control). ln addition, the Company has established several strategic development and manufacturing supplier agreements as well as international distribution relationships.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: Bovie Medical Corporation manufactures and markets a variety of electrosurgical medical products and develops related technologies and products. The Company directs its efforts and resources towards manufacturing a wider range of electrosurgical generators and accessories for physicians, hospitals and outpatient surgeries. Electrosurgery is used in 80 percent of all surgical procedures performed worldwide. Bovie is also engaged in a joint venture to develop a technology (J-plasma) that utilizes a helium gas ionization process. The device produces a stable focused beam that offers a controllable range of temperatures and intensities, thus allowing the surgeon both precision and minimal invasiveness because of the absence of conductive currents during surgery.

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: • Announced our move to the American Stock Exchange • Reported revenues increased 33 percent to a record S12.4 million and record net income of $944,324 or $.06 per diluted share for the nine month period ended September 30, 2003. • Acquired an exclusive license to manufacture and market an innovative suture removal device. • Signed a development and manufacturing agreement for new electrosurgical generators with large medical company. • Selected by the Hea lth Industry Distributors Association as the Manufacturers Excellence in Service Award winner. • Received FDA clearance to market Bovie IDS 300 fully-digital electrosurgical generator.

MANAGEMENT Andrew Makrides, Chairman of the Board and President, became President of the Company in 1985 and the CEO in December 1998. He is a member of the Bar of the State of New York and has practiced law since 1968 J. Robert Saron, President of Aaron Medical Industries, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bovie Medical Corp., has been a director of the Company since 1994. Moshe Citronowicz, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, joined the Company in 1993 after working in a variety of manufacturing and high tech industries. He is responsible for manufacturing, purchasing and product design as well as new product development.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Bovie Medical Corporation Andrew Makrides, President 734 Walt Whitman Road. Suite 207 Melville, NY 11747 (800) 888-4999Fax: (631) 421 -5824 www.boviemedical .com

R e a l-t i me Public Company Profiles ava il ab le at • luericho nl • Va lue Ri ch, Inc., 1 . 5 6 1 .83 2. 8878

Valu eRi ch Ma ga zin e 65



The Company seeks to increase shareholder value by exploring relationships to broaden the range of products and tools available to its target markets.

As the only vertically integrated company in our industry, the iCAD plans to establish a competitive position in t he higher-volume segment of the mammog raphy market on the basis of technological advantages. In addition, iCAD plans to broaden the range of products and tools available to its target markets. iCAD uses competitive costs and other advantages derived from vertical integration to expand the market for iCAD products.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: iCAD, Inc. a medical imaging technology company, has developed and is marketing an FDA-approved Computer Aided Detection (CAD) system for the early diagnosis of breast cancer. iCAD offers the fastest CAD system available, the only system that can find asymmetries, and the most effective system available to detect breast masses.The iCAD system is the only CAD system designed on a relational database platform. The iCAD system can improve productivity and reduce operating and capital costs at women's health care centers by offering computer-assisted detection as an integrated or integration-ready part of current or anticipated informatics systems, digital imaging resources, and workflows. iCAD is the only vertically integrated company in its market, and also manufactures medical film digitizers for a variety of medical imaging and other applications.

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: • On December 1, 2003, the Company announced that it had entered into definitive and binding agreements under which iCAD will merge with privatelyheld CADx and Qualia (together, CADx). • In November 2003, iCAD became a strategic partner with i3ARCHIVE's leading product, The National Digital Mammography Archive (NOMA), an archiving solution that allows participating hospitals and physicians to access the largest national database of mammography images, associated clinical and demographic data, and centralized CAD algo rithms. • The Company received FDA marketing approval for the use of its CAD technology with the Fischer Imaging SenoScan digital mammography system in November 2003. The approval expands iCAD's ability to serve both the full field digital mammography and traditional screen film mammography markets.

R eal-ti m e Pub lic Company Profil es avail ab le at

66 Valu eRich Magazin e


MANAGEMENT: W. Scott Parr, President, CEO and Director, joined the Company in 1998 as President and CEO. Previously, he served as Divisional Director and member of the Board of Directors of SABi, International Ventu res, Inc. Maha Y. Sallam, Executive VP Annette L. Heroux, CFO and VP of Finance. Kevin S. Woods, VP of Research and Development


W. Scott Parr, President and CEO 4 Townsend West, Suite 17, Nashua, NH 03063 (603) 882-5200, Fax: (603) 880-3843

www. va lueric h on line .com


Va lue Ri ch , Inc . , 1 . 5 6 1 .832.8878

Michael T. Lynch The finest examples of utilitarian objects

cialist dea lers came on the scene, including a

ers to keep cars in inventory, the market

often find themselves elevated to being

Ph ilade lph ia promoter, Kirk F. White, who put

benefited when the Reagan administration

thought of as art.

out brochures wh ich presented hi s wa res in

squeezed the inflatio n out of the economy

If you doubt this, try buying a Paul Revere

du lcet prose we wou ld today associate w ith

in the early '80s.

silver bowl or a Duncan Phyfe highboy at the

Beverly Hi ll s real estate. Ferraris were no

By the mid-'80s, prices were off and run -

next Christie's auction of American decora-

longer cars, but collectables t hat showed

ning, fueled by a surging market for art and

tive arts. Some automob iles have also

their owners to be people of wealth, taste

other collectibles, a societa l swing to con-

reached the status of being collectible. The

and a sense of adventure. For ea rlier models,

spicuous consumption, the rise of vintage

best-known post-World War II marque in this

depreciation had ceased.

category is Ferrari. While there are selected mode ls of other makes that sell for more, Ferrari has more models worth over S1 million than any other manufacturer. New Ferraris are expensive and often

Certain circles held the weird belief that all Ferraris would increase in value when Enzo Ferrari died.

involve waiting lists and above-sticker pricing, but because such a large percentage of

racing and newly organized tours. The momentum was partial ly fueled by the fax mach ine, just coming into w idespread use. As cars became avai lable, descriptions and pictures were sent to prospective buyers worldwide in a matter of hours, instead of the days and weeks it formerly took to dis-

Throughout t he seventies, the market

seminate the information. Dea lers were buy-

Ferrari production has survived, there is a

proceeded on a fa irly rational basis as t he

ing fairly ordinary Ferraris and rese ll ing t hem

remarkably active market for used cars. These cars are a combination of invest-

prices of low-production competition ca rs

for unheard of profits within weeks, some-

moved up and away from the higher vol-

times days.

ment and art, but their price movements do

ume road-going models. The bel lwether car

Believing he was an artist like Michelan-

not m irror either of t hese markets although

became the 250 GTO,a dual-purpose model

gelo or Jackson Pollack, certa in circles held

both affect collectible automobile prices.

of which 38 were bu ilt in the early 1960s.This

the weird be lief that all Ferraris would

From the beginning of production in

was a shapely coupe which wea lthy ama-

increase in value when the founder of the

1947, Ferraris were simply used cars until the

t eu rs cou ld drive on the street and still win

firm, Enzo Ferra ri, then in his eighties, died.

1970s, stuck in the $2,000 to $8,000 rang e. At

their class in the classic endu rance races like

Leaders in the madness were the Japanese,

that point, the sport of vintage racing was

Sebring and Le Mans.

w here a new generation began spending

beginn ing in America and awakened inter-

After a short run-up in prices in t he late

the money their parents had accumulated

est in 1950s Ferrari race cars. The passenger

1970s was nipped in the bud by high inter-

during the postwar econom ic boom. They

cars also began to climb in value. Soon, spe-

est rates that made it too expensive for dea l-

were buying cars as well as artwork and Va\ ueRich Magazine 67

365 GTB/4 Daytona This vintage Ferrari will keep up with all but the fastest of today's cars.

land mark properties around t he world, leveraging off their own wil dly inflated real estate. Headlines told the story of a 300-square-foot ta il or shop in downtown Tokyo that so ld for $7.5 million. Ferraris were not the only beneficia ries of the boom. All exotics followed, although not to the same level. To give some examples of the foolishness, Ferrari 308s were goi ng for $75,000, Daytona coupes $500,000, 275 GTB4s and Daytona Convertibles for S1.2-1.5 million. Dealer Mark Ketcham ( remembers the beginning of the end. "After the 1990 Ba rrett Jackson auction in January, and the Monte Carlo and Swiss auctions in late spring, the market stood teeteri ng on roller skates at the top of a ba llbea ring hill." A free-fall ensued when all the dea lers t ried to unload their inventories at once. Prices didn't stabilize until late 1993. For Ferraris, this meant 308s, at $25,000, were now appearing in Southern Cal ifornia high school pa rking lots.365 GTB/4 Daytona coupes plunged 80 percent to S100,000. Even the great 250 GTO got below three million doll ars after reaching alm ost fifteen. By t he mid-'90s, the recovery had begun. Ketcha m describes it thu sly: "There's no question the revival of t he collector car market in 1993-1994 was driven by enthusiasts in three primary areas: vintage racing, the 68 ValueRich Magazine

Concourse Crowd, and those who are what I ca ll social tourers, who drive gently through breathta king cou ntryside, fol lowed by groa ning boards of food an d wine in the evening." The ups hot was that the market broke into three categories. At t he top of the pyramid were sports racing ca rs and coachbu ilt tou ring cars that show the individ ual styling cues of t he industrialists, movie stars and statesmen who origina lly ordered them. These have benefited from a steady price recovery that has lifted the iconic GTO back to more tha n S10 million. For the uninitiated, this sounds like a lot of money, but Ferraris hardly rule the roost in the collector car market. A 1955 Mercedes W196 Grand Prix car recent ly sold for ju st shy of S18 million. The second category is 1970s and 1980s street cars, which inched up from the crash and only recently have shown new life. Fina lly there are the contemporary Ferraris, wh ich are still dropping in va lue, awaiting the bottom of the price troug h before becoming collecti ble. One thing that affects the U.S. pricing of Ferraris that have quit depreciati ng is the ri se of the Euro. Va lued at 82 cents in October 2000, it's now at S1.26.That means buyers in t he Euro zone can purchase a U.S. Ferrari for 54 percent less tha n they could a few years ago, without expending one fra nc, pound or

deutsch mark more of their own currency. Currency rates wax and wane according to political pol icy, but as long as the exchange rate remains the sa me or the dollar weakens further, the Euro effect will lift prices on previously stag na nt cars. As with all used luxury ca rs, Ferrari street cars can be considered a bargain in today's market, especially if buyers can do their own mechanical work. If you want what is referred to as a "significant" Ferrari, however - a period converted Daytona racer, a '50s or '60s sports racer or a 41 0 Super Ame rica once owned by a celebrity, be prepared to pay up - if you can fin d one for sale. Used Ferra ris can offer great value for the money, but a buyer has to be rea listic about the cost of running one. Thirty-thousandmile services by a qual ified shop will run arou nd $4,000, as does a cl utch replacement. Major rebuilds of transaxles are in the S12,000 rang e, with an engine twice that. There are also anoma lies like ea rly 456 Automatics. If you have a problem with the transmission, it is on ly sold as a unit and the dea ler list price is $30,000. Ferraris usually attract sophisticated owners who keep meticulous service records, but because of the potential cost of problems, walk away from the dea l if the records are not with the ca r. You are not buying a Lexus orToyota.The purchase price of a used Ferrari is only the beginning, as ongoing




328 GTS The 328 is the last of the Ferraris that can be properly worked on by independent shops.

ma intena nce w il l contin ue to generate bills.

th eir provenance. They ca n be helpful in

GTB/4 Daytona and t he 328 series have long

Despite the expense, generat ions of enth usi-

fi nding cars, advising on th eir aut henticity

sin ce bottomed out and are showing the

asts have found t he sati sfaction of t he own-

and even coaxing a desired car out of a col-

slow but steady rise of collectibles, w hile the

ership experience more t han offsets the cost.

lector w ith whom they've worked before.

F355 and 550 Ma ranello are still in t he price-

Unlike more munda ne cars, few Ferraris

For thi s they usually extract 5 percent of the

declining category of used cars. Pricing infor-

pu rchase price from both buyer and se ller.

mation is based on good to excellent ca rs

are driven on an everyday basis. Because of t hat, even extremely low m ileage cars may

Used Ferrari s ca n be fou nd at aut horized

w it h al l document s and service records.

need costly ma intena nce. Michael Sheeha n,

dealers and at t he many independe nts who

Recent sa les rat her t han asked prices were

( w ho has brokered

deal in exotics. On t he Internet, eBay has a


as m any Ferrari s as anyone in the U.S., ca lls

se lection and a recent check of

attent ion to what he ca lls, "t he $2,000 hose

tu rned up over 200 used Ferraris, almost all

job."Th is is t he result of rubber pa rts- shock

late models.

1968-1974 365 GTB/4 Daytona When the Daytona made its debut at the 1968 Pa ri s show, Ferrari regained supercar

Sports Car Market magazine (www. -

preeminence from t he Lamborghini Muria. has used Ferraris listed,

Wit h an interm inable hood, a green house

age. Over time, even low-mileage cars are

but more useful are its auction reports that

that looked as if silk had been attached to

subject to t his. Sheeha n says,"l am a re lent less

allow one to see sa les results arou nd the

t he windshield and tight ly stretched over

advocate of thorough pre-purchase inspec-

world. Autoweek ( has a

th e passengers' heads to t he stylishly trun-

tions as part of any used Ferra ri acquisition."

good selection of used Ferraris, almost all

cated rear end, t he Daytona's styling w as

Sheehan also recommends t hat b uyer and

offered by deale rs. The bi b le of th e Ferrari

backed up by performance. Althoug h a bit

seller consider some kind of sp lit of t he

market is historia n Gera ld Roush's Ferrari

t rucklike in traffic, t he Daytona's 35 2 horse-

im med iate expense involved to make su re

Market Letter (www.ferrarimarketlettercom).

power, four-camshaft V-12 makes it fly on

any o lder car is both roadworthy and safe.

Published every ot her week for twenty-eight

t he open roa d. With a mid-t hirteen second

This creates a hea lthy tension between buyer

years, Roush cu lls ads from newspapers, sub-

sta nding quarter-mi le and 173 mph top

and seller w here the sel ler is unwi lli ng to

scribers and dea lers. FM L offers the largest

speed, th is vintage Ferrari will keep up wit h

commit to paying for the buyer's complete

list of classified Ferrari ads in t he world as

all but t he fastest of today's cars.

w ish list, wh ile the buyer gets an effective

well as an extremely helpful p rice gu id e. The

If you crave an open vintage Ferrari at a

reduct ion in price so t he deal can be done

newsletter also has useful art icles concern-

price, something over 100 Dayton as w ere

and immediate repa irs are wit hin his budget.

ing all t hings Ferrari.

"cut" -

absorber seals, suspension bushi ngs, brake and water hoses -

becom ing brittle w ith

As exotics have increased in price, a bro-

Four Popular Models

converted from coupes to convert-

ibles in the aftermarket. Because originality

kerage market has deve loped, just as w ith

As a sa mple of th e Ferrari m arket for

counts more in the Ferrari worl d t han else-

rea l estate. Good b ro kers keep a database of

Va lueRich readers, we chose fo ur models, all

where, t hese cars are priced the same as a

al l Ferraris b ui lt up to a certai n pe riod and

offe ring a lot of ca r fo r th e money. Th e 365

sim ilar cond ition coupe. This is considerably

70 ValueRi ch Magazin e

F355 GTB The 355 took its place at the beginning of a renaissance of Ferrari street cars.

less than 50 percent of the price of an

Daytona coupe or cut Spyde r. Facto ry

sive electron ics as on later models. One

authenti c factory

Spyders go for $300,000-$400,000

drawback is t he interio r panels, w hich tend


convertib le.

1985-1989 328 GTB, GTS

Depending on your planned use, they can be

to show premat ure wear." Because of its sim-

a bargain, especially t he top-quality conver-

Wh ile the 308 GTB may be t he cheapest

plicity, the 328 is the last of the Ferraris tha t

sions done by Strama n and European Auto

sporting Ferrari ava ilable, al l our experts

can be properly worked on by independent

Sales in Southern Californ ia. You will not be

agreed t hat t he 328 is wo rth t he extra

shops. Subsequent cars' electronics demand

allowed entry, however, in any high-leve l

$1 0,000-to-$20,000 req uired if t he buye r

compu ter ana lys is usua lly ava ilable only at

Ferrari concourse and may even find resist-

can affo rd it. The 328 rep resented a major

authorized dealers. Some owners complain

ance at some of t he snootier road events.

redo of t he ten-yea r-old 308, t he latt er car

about cowl shake in the GTS, especially

Daytonas were slow to rebound after the

havin g

st rugg led

w it h U.S. em iss io ns

when the Targa top is removed. While the

crash, but have recently been moving up

requ irements during its life, at t imes stran-

ex perts say the 328 is almost bulletproof,

due to the Euro effect.

gling its performance. An increase in dis-

se rvice can still be costly. A majo r (30,000)

Mechanics say Daytonas are stout cars,

placement t o 3.2 liters, redesigned cylinde r

m ile service runs around $4,000. Fo r a

but have reached an age where the rubber

heads and a new Ma rel li Micro plex ignition

younger owner, not yet at fu ll earning power,

comments above app ly, so check for leaks

system put a 260 -horsepower kick into t he

a sinking fund is recom me nded.

carefully. Watch for smoke indicating the

328, knocking a full seco nd off t he qu arte r-

328 Berlinettas ra nge from $35,000 to

need for va lve g ui de work wh ich can run

mi le t ime of its predecessor. Other maj or

$50,000, whi le the open GTS com ma nds $45,000 to $70,000.

$6,000. Worn sync hros can cause second

compone nts including t he inte ri or and

gear pop-out res ulting in costly transaxle

gea rbox were also brought up to date. The

work. Be sure the cl utch is in good order as

imp roved mechanica ls we re comp lement-

The F355 was introduced in Be rli netta

the American habit of sli pping the clutch and the mighty Daytona's huge torque are

ed by revised styling t hat updated t he car's class ic shape w ith mo lded bumpers front

form in 1994 with the Ta rga-style GTS and Spyder follow ing. After years of lumpy

not a recipe fo r long wear. Tom Shaughnessy

and rea r. 328s are wo nderful drivers,

styl ing statements li ke the 308 GT4 and the

1994-1999 F355 GTB, GTS, Spyder

(vint ageferra points out th at,

ext remely we ll -balanced and manageab le

Mondia l series and the inability or unwill-

"Many Daytonas were fitted wit h oversize

at real-world speeds and fast enoug h to

ingness by Ferra ri to get ahead of the emis-

wheels. If the cars were driven hard, these

meet a first-t ime owner's expectations of

sions requ irement curve, the 355 t ook its

wheels cause undue hub wear, so check for

driving a legend.

place at the beg inn ing of a renaissance of

looseness. Also, exhaust systems are hard t o

Tec hnician Da ryl Brown of Sym bo lic

find, and fabricating them from stainless is

cen t er

Montezemolo. Gone were the sidewinde r

expensive and loses some of the engine's

(wwwsymbo/ says the 328 "is extremely easy to work on.The fuel injection is simple. There are no outrageously expen-

engines of the 308/328. The 3.5-liter V-8 was

great tone." Expect to pay $130,000 to $165,000 for a




Fe rrari street cars led by new president Luca


now mounted longitudina lly and pumped out 375 horsepower. Competit ive reality was Va lueRi ch Magazine 71

550 Pininfarina Barchetta Its 485 horsepower V-12 pushes the car to a shade under 200 mph.

more readily accepted at Ferra ri and for the

transmission doesn't seem to have any spe-

chase has been retrofitted . As on all later

first time, the tappets were hydrau lic and self-

cial problems."

Ferraris, if a Tubi or other aftermarket exhaust

adjusting.The performance, fit and finish and

F355 Berlinettas are ava ilable for $65,000-

has been fitted, be sure all the em issions

slippery styling all screa med that Ferrari was

$95,000.The Targa-top GTS goes for S75,000-

gear is sti ll in place. Early cars run high oil

back. In later models, you even had Ferrari's


and the completely open Spyder

pressure wh ich ca n resu lt in blown oi l fi lters

first applicat ion of padd le shifters all owing

only gets a slight prem ium from t he GTS.The

accord ing to Sheehan, who says,"Preventing

the driver on his way to work to fanta size

F1 padd le t ran sm ission ca n ca rry the sa me

the problem is as simple as removing a few

that he was Schum i on the race track. The


on ly com plaint about performance is that you have to keep the engine on t he boi l. Low-end torque was sacrifi ced for big power

premium that it did when the car

was new.

1996-2002 550 Maranello, Pininfarina Barchetta

spacers in the oil system. "This only involves about an hour in shop time. Sheehan also warns about cars with a tendency to pop out of reverse. "Th is indicates a circlip and perhaps even reverse gear have to be

at high rpm . Another annoyance is the

After years of rear-engined ca rs like t he

incredibly complex top ope ration on the

365 BB and 512 with tight cockpits and com-

replaced.The t ota l job can run $3,500."There involves automatically lowering the

promised luggage space, the 550 Ma ran ello

is also a factory fix for a problem involving the seal between the door windows and the

w indows and moving the seats forwa rd with

was a breath of fresh air. Harken ing back to

the ca r in neutral and the emergency brake

the Daytona, it was a front -eng ined V-1 2

rea r quarter glass. Make su re this has been

on. Woe be to those who are weight-cha l-

with prod igious power, plenty of interior

done, because it involves new glass and win-

lenged.They may be squeezed between the

room and loads of luggage space. Its 485

dow motors, an $8,000 bill if paid by the

steeri ng wheel and the adva ncing seats dur-

horsepower V- 12 pushes the car to a shade


ing the top-lowering process.

under 200 and a stand ing quarter mi le in the

A 550 Maranello coupe can be pu rchased

Some early models had problem s w ith

mid-twelves. Even the styling is a faithfu l

for S115,000-$ 165,000.The rare 550 Barchetta

both cylinder liners and va lve guides, so

modern interpretation of the Daytona, com-


convertib le



some shy away from 1995 models because

plete w it h a huge front overhang, long hood,

$275,000. On t hese cars, t he padd le shift will

of t his. A sign of these problems is a ca r t hat is down on power. Make sure any purchase

steeply raked windsh ield an d pronounced tu mble home to the Kam m-type rea r end.

cost an extra $5,000-$1 0,000. Good luck in your search. If you are suc-

has had all t he fa ctory fixes. including one

With prices beginning ju st over the low

cessful, you wi ll join many of the most

for fu el lines. Sheehan warns of fau lty $4,000

S1OOs, you can't buy more machismo for the

famous post-World War II race drivers as well

exhaust man ifolds. Symbol ic's Daryl Brown


as a who's w ho of t he business, entertain-

says that, once fixed, the p roblems don't

Da ryl Brown says about half the cars he

ment and political world in enjoying the

recu r. Brown again:"At fi rst t here were con-

has seen blew their coolant hoses. Ferrari

experien ce of t raveling behind the shapely

ce rn s about t he F1 paddle transmission.

provided a sil icone-impregnated hose as a

steerin g wheel wit h the prancing horse in

Now that t he cars are getting older, this

replacement, so be sure a prospective pur-

the center. VR

72 Valu eRi ch Magazin e

never actually



You take


of it




merely the



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Annual Calendar by Patek Philippe

74 ValueRich Magazine



/ n.Motion7 Z

The unveiling of the SLR McLaren sports coupe marks a new era for Mercedes-Benz. It has served notice: The Italians no longer exclusively hold the highest ground for building chariots of passion. Mercedes' futuristic blending of raw power

are combin ing thei r col lective experience

from its latest Formula One Silver Arrow

in the development and production of

race cars and precisely engineered beauty

hig h-performance road cars. This unique

from its SL series road cars brings cutting-

co mbination of expertise man ifests itself

edge motorsports-inspired design to the

not only in dozens of pioneering develop-

road, just as the legendary SLR "Gull Wing"

ments, res ulting in impressive performance

did in 1955.

for t he new SLR, but also in its high levels of

Thi s wi nged avatar's supercharged V8 produces more than 600 hp, rocketi ng it from zero to 60 miles per hou r in just 3.7 second s.

safety and practica lity - something rare in race-inspired grand touring cars.

Cooked from Scratch The SLR Mcl aren is not just a souped-up

Stoppi ng the ca r is eq ually dramati c,

ve rsion of a pre-exist ing Mercedes des ign .

t hanks to ceram ic bra ke discs and an inno-

Every aspect of the ca r wa s des igned from

vat ive air brake mou nted in the t run k lid.

the ground up w ith perfectly matched

The ca r holds the road effortlessly at speeds norm ally contemplated only by seasoned

than with the front-m ounted engi ne, wh ich

race drivers. One thing is for certai n -

t he super-

ca r world has been changed forever now t hat Mercedes-Be nz and its Formul a One pa rtner Mcl aren

components.This cou ld n't be more evident is unu sually situ ated behi nd t he front w heels for opti mu m w eight distribution, han dl ing and hi g h stab ility during braking. The 5.5-litre Mercedes-AMG

The MercedesBenz SLR Mclaren is made entirely out of ultra-rigid yet lightweight carbon fiber material, making it about 30 percent lighter than similar automobiles. Valu eRi ch Magazi ne 75


VS powerplant is one of the most powerful engines found in a se ries-produced sports ca r. The specially developed engi ne generates a peak output of 626 hp and delive rs unwavering maximum torque across a broad engine speed range, up to 5000 rpm. With this kind of efficiency, the SLR Mclaren delivers perform ance figures which are among the best in its class.Top speed pea ks at about 217 mil es per hour. AMG's attention to detail is legendary. Each engine is hand-assembled by a si ng le eng ineer whose name is engraved on the engine block. Feed ing

th ose

impress ive


Mercedez-Benz and AMG engi neers created an intelligent electronic engine man-

agement system w hich regulates the operation of the screw-type air compressor accord ing to the eng ine speed and loa d.

The SLR's AMG powerplant sucks massive amounts of compressed and cooled air through the Mercedes star emblem on the front grill for maximum horsepower.

The compressor is active only when it is

second. Even t he most perceptive driver

In addition to the compressor, the elec-

needed, ensu ring that maximum output is avai lab le as soon as the driver accelerates hard. The eng ine ma nagement electronics

wi ll not notice when the charger phases in. Converse ly, fuel consumpt ion is improved

tronics monitor the powertrain for drive characteristics and the implementation of

by the cha rger system's open reci rculation flap w hile cruising .

spontaneou s transmission activity. It also ensures optimum control of the water cir-

activate the compressor in fractions of a 76 Valu eRi ch Magazi ne

wing doors and the hood. This lightweight yet extremely rigid material originated in the aeronautical and space industries and has proven its benefits in today's Formula One racecars, w ith a 50 percent weight advantage over steel. Overa ll, the SLR Mclaren is around 30 percent lighterthan a comparable conventional stee l-bu ilt midengined vehicle. The SLR is the world 's first series-produced car to have a front crash structure made entirely from carbon fiber. Carbon fiber has four to five times higher energy absorption on impact than steel or aluminum. Mercedes-Benz has inserted two longitudinal carbon fiber members in the front st ructure of t he new SLR wh ich are designed to shred from front to rear with The carbon fiber front structure of the SLR is designed to shred and deform to absorb the energy in a high-speed front collision.

precisely calculated deformation behavior, absorb ing the energy of a high -speed

cuit for the charge-air cooling system. Two

sign ificantly more oxygen for combustion . More F-111 than Formula One

head-on collision without causing harmful deceleration for the occupants.

The SLR is made entirely from carbon

The passenger cell is also made entirely of this high-tech material. In a head-on,

separate charge-air coolers are responsib le for high ouput cooling. This ensures that there w ill be little loss of pressure because cold air is denser than warm, containing

fiber composite, including the front and rear structure, the passenger cell, the swing-

side-on or rear-end collision, it offers the Valu eRich Maga zine 77

The SLR Mclaren has a Formula One-inspired flat chassis and six-channel rear diffusor, adding to its incredible handling characteristics. passengers an extremely rigid, safe survival zone.

car dynam ics, helping it to achieve top figures in three key areas: ag ility, active safety

Mercedes-Benz has also used carbon

and comfort. But it is the SlR suspension that provides the handling a discerning car

fiber-reinforced ceramic to increase performance, temperature-res istance and longevity in the SlR's high performance

driver would expect to find in a super car

brakes. The SlR's large ceramic brake discs

The SlR Mclaren has front and rear rac-

allow the highest deceleration va lue of any

ing eng ineered w ishbone suspensions.The

series-produced car.

lower struts are arranged so that when cor-

embellished w ith the Mercedes star.

The braking performance of the SlR is

nering at speed, the wheels have a negative

also aided by an adaptable spoiler in the

camber ensuring the best poss ible co ntact

trunk lid. If the driver steps heavily on the brake pedal, the rear spoi ler ri ses to an angle of 65 deg rees, boosting the braking effect by producing greater aerodynam ic drag and stability.

with the road in every situation. The axle design also prevents the front of the car from diving when braking heavily and the

In most situations the electronics control the airbrake, as req uired. However, the driver can have a little fun by taking contro l

An electronically controlled trunk lid spoiler boosts the SLR's braking power and stability. an ang le of 30 degrees.

King of the Road or Track Highly developed motor racing technol-

of the airbrake using a switch in the center

ogy, high-performance control system s and cutting -edge materials propel the SlR

console to manua lly raise the rear spoi ler to

Mcl aren into a new dimension of sports

78 Valu eRi ch Magazine

rear from diving w hen accelerating. The wishbones are made from forged aluminum and the wheel mounts cast in aluminum, providing a who le series of advantages over conventiona l steel designs. The lightwe ight nature of the material allows the suspension to react significantly

The SLR Mclaren's cockpit is spartan but not severe, providing comfortable ergonomics without adding unnecessary weight. faster and respond more sensitively.

integrated with recent Mercedes design

The SlR's relatively long wheelbase pro-

tra its. The fascinating interplay of soft con-

vides superior hand li ng and directional sta-

tou rs and taut li nes, a cha racteristic w hich

bility, wh il e its w ide track and low center of

runs th rough ma ny of the models in the

gravity allows for extremely high cornering

current Mercedes portfo lio, take on new passion and meaning in t he SlR.


The Gull Wing is Back

The bodystyli ng of the Sl R also shares

Mercedes-Benz and its Formula One ally,

DNA with Mclaren Mercedes Silver Arrow

Mclaren, have reached just the right syn-

Formu la One raceca rs. The Mercedes sta r-

thesis between t he no-nonsense race world and the accommodations necessary in a

embellished arrow-shaped nose and twinfi n spoi ler give the bumper a bolder, more

road car. The SlR Mclaren offers stunning

powerfu l look, stemm ing from the champi-

power and sensational on-road perform-

ons hip-winning racers. But these are more

ance, but also excellent suitability for safe day-to-day use. If the SlR Mclaren is any

Transmission controls are conveniently located on the steering wheel.

than just identifying design features -

indication, we can look forward to many

design features fi rst caused a sensation

ics and engine cooling.

good t hings from this team in the future. The long, sweeping lines, the rakishly

back in 1952 and have remai ned the hallmark of t horoughbred Mercedes sports

styled air gi lls, the eye-catching sidepipes, the compact tail and the gull wing doors

cars ever since. These and other styling elements rooted in t he SlR trad it ion have bee n smoothl y

evoke the legendary SlRs of the past. These

they are crucial to the vehicle's aerodynamSeen from the side, the new high-perfo rmance supercar's flat wedge-s haped form immediately catches the eye. The long hood, the rakishly angled front windshie ld, the set-back positioning of the pasValu eRi ch Magaz ine 79

The SLR Mclaren's doors swing upward and outward at a 107-degree angle for ease of access and greater safety. luggage capacity, this also serves to reduce

senger cocl<.pit, tile large wheels and the com pact tai l create the sense of a forward

lift and aerodynam ic drag, translating into

surge cou rsing through the new Sl R.

enhanced road-handl ing ability.

The designe rs have in co rporated a fur-

The leather- and ve lour-trimmed trunk is

t her SlR element from the legendary rac-

expansive enough to pack a couple of large

ing cars of 1955 in the form of the finned

suit cases or golf bags. But even the useful

side air gi ll s behind t he front w heels. They

trunk has its performance aspects, i.e.: Flaps

are not just for looks, however. The side ai r

below it provide easy access to compart-

outlets serve to venti late the engine com-

ments for t he washer and brake fluid reser-

pa rtm ent. Practical fur.ction gives way to

voirs, the two batte ries and tools. The

beauty, however, as their sweeping lines

designers opted for t his unusual arrange-

contin ue into the gullwing d oors.

ment in order to achieve better weight dis-

If there is one distinctive feature that the

t ri b uti on with a low ce nte r of gravity close

new SlR Mclaren has adopted from the Uhlenhaut Coupe, the 1955 coupe version

The shift knob start button ... ready to dogfight.

of the legendary SlR racecar, it is the doors.

driver and front passenger.

to t he center of t he vehicle. You would expect to pay a high price for one of the world's most sophisticated super-

However, t he Sl R Mcl are n's doors are

The design of the Mercedes-Benz Sl R

car, and Mercedez-Benz doesn't disapoint

atta ch ed to the front roof pil lars ra t her than

Mclaren's ta il end marks a breakaway from

with a $400,000 price tag. And yet, with only

to the roof itself and swing forward and

that of its legendary predecessor. Wh ile t he

140 currently scheduled for delivery to the

upwa rd at a 107-degree ang le. This design

ta il of the original racing cars sloped gradu-

United States, you can expect them to be in

ensures g re ate r safety, great sty le and,

ally downwards, the boot lid of the new

short supply. No matter. Just standing on the

because of the large openi ng angle, allows

model continues st raight backwards at th e

roadside and watching one drive by will be

comfortable access to the interior for the

same high level. As well as increasing t he

thrill enough for most of us. VR

80 ValueRich Magazine

INVESTMENT BANKING/BUSINESS OBJECTIVE: Duraswitch is seeking additional partners in licensing existing and new technologies, so as to benefit from distribution through an established network. The Company has brought its cost structure down significantly by reducing personnel and utilizing the engineering, sales and marketing as well as production capabilities of licensees and technology partners. With over $5 million in cash and $12 million in minimum royalties for automotive applications from Delphi, Duraswitch feels well-positioned financially and is not seeking additional financing.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: Duraswitch licenses enabling technologies to established manufacturers and OEMs worldwide. Its focus is the multi-billion dollar electronic-switch market: push buttons, rotary dials and mouse or cursor controls. Duraswitch holds patents on technologies which can be used for a wide range of commercial and industrial applications. These patents include the PushGate push button, thiNcoder rotary and Magna Mouse cursor control. Duraswitch has built a network of licensee partners throughout North America, Europe and Asia . These licensees have expertise in serving key switch markets, including automotive, appliance, military, aerospace, industrial controls, elevators, medical, computer, gas pumps, gaming and fitness equipment. Today, more than 100 applications in a wide range of industries use Duraswitch technologies.

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: ·Portfolio of patented technologies. • 2003 licensees Siemens, Danielson and Rafi (Europe), Printec (Taiwan/ China) and Ishii Hyoki (Japan) increased our exposure. ·The number of Duraswitch licensee designs in use by mid-2003 had already surpassed all of 2002. • $5 million in cash, no debt. • Delphi exclusive license guarantees $12 million in minimum royalties (2004-2007), ensuring profitability with our current cost structure • Exponential growth by implementing licensing model for existing technologies and commercializing new technologies acqui red from technology transfer or new partnerships.

STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN: Duraswitch's licensing business model leverages the resources of multi-million-and-billion-dollar partners.

J)URASWITCH' The world is switching.® Duraswitch delivers commercially viable technologies which generate scalable, high-gross margin revenues. By creat ing technology alliances with companies that provide complementary components for switch panels, Duraswitch expands awareness for its technologies. Each licensee and technology partner has relationships with numerous customers that have many product applications which utilize electronic switches in a variety of projects. As applications for Duraswitch switches increase, more licensing revenue is generated for the company. Du raswitch's licensing model creates higher gross margins without significantly increasing operating expenses. Further development of new technology will enhance the profitability of this network of licensees and strategic partners.

MANAGEMENT: Bob Brilon, President and CEO, has been a key player with the company since its inception, determining and executing business strategy. He has 21 years financial and operations leadership experience, including four years public accounting and chief financial/ operations positions with public and private companies. Anthony Van Zeeland, Chief Technology Officer, is the Inventor of the full-travel membrane keyboard -the keyboard which is used with computers today- and other Duraswitch technology. He has more than 30-years industry experience. Heather Beshears, V.P. Corporate Communications, has 12 years in investor relations, public relations and marketing positions. Timothy Kuhn, V.P. Business Development, has15 years of award-winning sales management experience Deborah Moore, V.P. Finance and Administration, has 15 years accounting experience, including corporate controller and vice president positions at public companies

CONTACT INFORMATION: Heather Beshears, VP Corporate Communications 234 South Extension, Mesa, AZ 8521 0 Phone: 480-586-3300, Fax: 480-586-3374 E-mail:

Rea l-time Public Company Profile s avai la ble at • www. valuer ichonline .com • Value Rich, Inc ., 1 . 5 6 1 .8 3 2 . 88 7 8 82 Valu eRi ch Magazin e

INVESTMENT BANKING/BUSINESS OBJECTIVE: The Company seeks to fully commercialize the Female Condom on a global basis to aid in the fight against HIV/ AIDS and explore new opportunities to market and distribute its product.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: The Female Health Company (FHC) is the maker of FC Female Condom® - the first and only female-initiated barrier method of contraception and protection against HIV/ AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. Female condoms play an important role in the global battle against AIDS. FHC was created as a worldwide company in February 1996 with the purchase of Chartex Resources Ltd., the holder of exclusive worldwide rights to FC. FHC is the sole manufacturer and marketer of FDAapproved female condoms in the world. FHC holds exclusive product and technology patents in the United States, Australia, Brazil, Canada, the European Patent Convention, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK, People's Republic of China, South Korea and Japan. The company now has the registered trademark, FC Female Condom, in the United States, and its products are distributed under the auspices of the United Nations and the World Health Organization. FC is available in more than 100 countries and throughout the United States and is sold commercially in 17 countries.

attributable to common stockholders of $(2,833,919) ($0.18 per diluted share) for three months ending June 30,2002.

MANAGEMENT: O.B. Parrish, CEO and Chairman, has served as Chief Executive Officer of the Company since 1994, as Chief Financial and Accounting Officer from February 1996 to March 1999 and as Chairman of the Board and a Director of the Company since 1987. He was previously President of Searle International. Mary Ann Leeper, Ph.D, President and COO, has served as President and Chief Operating Officer of the Company since 1996, as President and Chief Executive Officer of The Female Health Company Division from May 1994 until January 1996, as Senior Vice PresidentDevelopment of the Company from 1989 until January 1996 and as a Director of the Company since 1987. Michael Pope, Vice President of U.K. Operations Mitchell Warren, Vice President of International Affairs Jack Weissman, Vice President of Sales

CONTACT INFORMATION: The Female Health Company O.B. Parrish, Chairman and CEO 515 North State Street, Suite 2225, Chicago, IL 6061 0 (312) 595-9123 Fax: (312) 595-9122 www.femalehealth .com

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: • In September 2003, the Company announced that it had signed an agreement with Hindustan Latex Limited (HLL), appointing HLL as FHC's exclusive marketer and distributor in India, a nation with over 1 billion people and a rapidly growing AIDS problem. • On September 30 2003, the Company entered into an agreement with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which would allow the Company to supply up to 25 million units of the FC Female Condom to USAID through December 31, 2006. • On August 14, 2003, the Company reported net revenues of $3,010,911 and net loss attributable to common stockholders of $(251 ,438) ($0.01 per diluted share) for the three months ending June 30, 2003, compared to net revenues of $1,991,287 and a net loss

Real-tim e

Pu bli c Com pany Pro fil es av ailable at • www. v aluerichonline . c om • ValueRich , In c . , 1 . 561.832.8878

ValueRich Magazine 83

INVESTMENT BANKING/BUSINESS OBJECTIVE: The Company is seeking the development of tactical alliances in geographically strategic manufacturing /distribution locations throughout China. Overseas, Pacific CMA will utilize independent sales and market· ing agents in key global locations. COMPANY DESCRIPTION: Pacific CMA Inc. is global, non-asset based logistics/freight forwarding company, providing supply chain logistics services. Services include freight forwarding and warehousing, including the coordination of shipping and storage of raw materials, supplies, components and finished goods. The Company has a diverse customer base including more than 40 major customers and 1,000 with regular business dealings. The Company moves freight anywhere in the world by air, sea and land, and currently has more than 128 cargo agents stationed in 68 countries and 161 cities serving major gateways worldwide. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: • Pacific CMA's common stock was approved for listing on the Amex in December of 2003.1t began listing under the name "PAM" on Dec. 5, 2003. • For the nine months ended september 30, 2003, revenues rose 63% to 50.5 million. • Officially accepted as a member of the CustomsTrade Partnership AgainstTerrorism (C-TPAT) program, a joint initiative between the U.S. government and business.

through the development of tactical alliances in geographically strategic manufacturing / distribution locations throughout China. Overseas, Pacific CMA will utilize independent sales and marketing agents in key global locations. MANAGEMENT: Mr. Alfred Lam, Chai rman and founder of AGI Logistics (HK) Ltd., is responsible for corporate strategy, strategic planning, and the overall management and administration of Pacific CMA, Inc. Mr. Scott Turner, President, is co-founder of Airgate International Corporation in New York. He has over 26 years of experience in the freight forwarding industry. Mr. Kaze Chan, Cheif Operating Officer, is General Manager and Co-founder of AGI Logistics (Hong Kong) Ltd. He oversees freight activites in Hong Kong, China, Europe and North America. Mr. Henrik M. Christensen, Executive Vice President, has over 25 years of shipping and logistics experience in Denmark, England, Africa and Hong Kong. CONTACT INFORMATION: Henrik Christensen, Executive VP 4750 Table Mesa Drive, Boulder, CO 80305 (303) 494-3000

STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN: Pacific CMA intends to fully leverage its strategic locations, existing relationships, corporate accreditation/ memberships and Industry accolades to take full advantage of the exponential business opportunities created by Main Land China's December 11 , 2001 admittance into the World Trade Organization. Pacific CMA believes that it possesses the experience and proprietary knowledge to expand its business globally while maintaining its focus on the "Factory of the World: Mainland China." Pacific CMA's growth strategy will be fueled through organic growth as well as

a ue ,ch MagazRea ne l-tim e Pub lic Company Profiles availab le at • • Value Rich , Inc ., 1 . 55 1 . 8 32 . 8878

84 V I



INVESTMENT BANKING/BUSINESS OBJECTIVE: Rentech's main objective is to secure a commercial project to implement its gas-to-liquids technology and find a strategic partner to aid in funding, either by joint venture or purchasing a portion of the Company.

currently has underway and proceed to engineering and construction. The Company continues to strengthen technology by increasing its patents and joining in strategic partnerships, such as with Jacobs Consultancy U.K., a division of Jacobs Engineering (NYSE:JEC), to support its efforts.



Rentech, Inc. is the developer and marketer of a patented and proprieta ry gas-to-liquids technology for the conversion of synthesis gas. Solid and liquid hydrocarbon feedstocks (natural gas, coal, petcoke) are made into clean, sulfur-free, diesel fuel, naphtha, waxes and fuel for fuel cells.

Rentech's management team consists of some of the most respected gas-to-liquids experts in the world, including Dr. Charles Benham and Dr. Mark Bohn, founders, and Dennis L. Yakobson, President and CEO. Their combined experience in GTL is equal to over one hundred years of technology know-how in the Gas-to- Liquids field.

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: The Company is conducting commercial feasibility studies for its GTL process in Bolivia, with pertamina in Indonesia, and for potential use of its technology with coal in Australia and the United States.

STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN: Rentech, Inc. plans to complete the feasibility studies it

CONTACT INFORMATION: Rentech, Inc. Mark Koenig, Director of Investor Relations 1331 17th St. Suite 720, Denver, CO 80202 (303) 298-8008 Fax: (303) 298-801 0

R ea l-time Publi c Company Pr ofiles available at • www. va lu er icho nline . com • ValueRich , In c., 1 . 561 .8 32.8878



Semotus Solutions is looking for an investment banking relationship to support the Company in achieving its financial vision . This may include M&A, capital acquisition, and shareholder visibility.

Semotus has two exciting product lines: its Wireless Financial data product family and its Wireless Communications product family. Both have Fortune 1000 customer bases and very high gross margins. The wireless communications family is built around our HiplinkXS platform. Literally every medium-to-large corporate IT department is a potential customer for the HiplinkXS product. It is a target-rich sales environment. The only difficulty in growing Semotus HiplinkXS revenues is the need to hire more sales personnel and a modest investment in marketing. The same is true of the Financial Market Pro product family, except we have the added leverage of a commitment by the Reuter's sales organization to sell for us. Semotus must now hire a sales group to drive the Reuters channel.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: Founded in 1993, Semotus Solutions (AMEX:DLK) is a premier provider of software for mobile enterprise, connecting employees to critical business systems, information and processes. Semotus has differentiated itself by adding continually to its sophisticated suite of mobile communications products, retaining the best talent in the wireless industry, and by aggressively securing a blue-chip customer portfolio, that includes Lockheed Martin, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Chicago's O'Hare Airport, Nextel Communications, Wells Fargo, JPMorganChase, and the United Nations. Semotus currently has 23 employees and two office locations. The Company's headquarters are in the United States. Research and development are conducted in Canada. Semotus Solutions is proud to be included in the Deloitte & Touche 2002 "Technology Fast 500" list of companies.

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: In the most recent fiscal quarter, Semotus has experienced increased revenues and profit margin and has expanded its International reseller sales channel. Important technology alliances have been forged with AT&T Wireless and Research In Motion, and content relationships developed with Reuters News and Dow Jones. The Company is gaining solid recognition in diverse verticals with most recent software deployments in Melbourne Airport (Australia's second largest airport), Lucent Technologies, The United Nations, and Philips Medical.

MANAGEMENT: The Management team is lead by Anthony N. LaPine, MSEE MBA, a Silicon Valley icon and renowned executive and entrepreneur. As the CEO of Semotus since 1996, he has assembled a strong, talented, and dedicated team who have worked together during the best of times and the worst of times for over four years. Cornel Fota, GO, and Pamela LaPine, EVP Marketing & Sales, have been on the team since 1996, CLO Tali Durant, and CFO Charley Dargan since 1998.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Semotus Solutions Tony LaPine, CEO 16400 Lark Avenue, Suite 230, Los Gatos, CA 95032 408.358.7100 Fax: 408.358.7110

R eal-ti m e Pub lic Company Profiles ava ilab le at • lu ericho nl • Va lue Rich , Inc., 1 . 5 61 . 8 3 2 . 8 878

86 Val ue Ri ch Magazin e



Telkonet, Inc. is seeking strategic partnerships with value-added resellers, system integrators and distributors, leveraging the partners' brand name, delivery infrast ructure and customer relationships. Choice Hotels International, one of the largest hotel franchise companies in the world, is the Company's first industry partner. Telkonet's strategy is to gain a foothold in each of the 50 states and to boost market penetration region by region.

October 9, 2003 - Telkonet, Inc. received its first purchase order from Noment Networks, a communication services provider to the residential Multiple Dwelling Unit (MDU) market. October 3, 2003 - announced that certain convertible and senior note holders had elected to convert $6.3 million into equity.This included the exercise of $3.8 million of warrants, resulting in a cash position of $8.4 million and shareholder's equity in excess of $5.1 million. September 24, 2003 - Telkonet announced a field trial in a high-rise apartment complex in Miami, Florida with Rover Communications. September 2, 2003 - United States Patent and Trademark Office notified Telkonet that the claims made in its Patent Application were allowed in their entirety. July 22, 2003 - Telkonet signed an agreement with CompuCom (NASDAQNM: CMPC) to provide installation and customer-support for its PlugPiuslnternet products.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: The Company is the leading developer of high-speed Internet distribution over the existing electrical lines within commercial buildings. Telkonet's proprietary product solution can be implemented quickly and less expensively than most dedicated wiring or wireless systems.

STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN: The opportunity for providing high-speed Internet access in commercial buildings is significant. Vertical markets include hotels and motels (hospitality), multipledwelling units (MDUs) and government facility installations (GFis) worldwide. Management recognizes the potential in all three vertical markets but plans to focus initially on the hospitality market.

KEY FACTORS: • Telkonet has completed development of its PlusPiuglnternet system and has a series of patents issued and pending on the principal components of its product. • n-Stat reports that spending on networking equipment for the hospitality industry will reach $2.53 billion worldwide over the next four years - $793 million in North America alone. • There are an estimated 30 million rental apartments in the U.S., and if 40 percent of them are eventually serviced by high-speed Internet service, the market opportun ity would be 12 million units. • GFis are often particularly sensitive to security issues. Telkonet powerline solutions offer a more secure connection than wireless solutions. Also, many government have asbestos problems that would inhibit their ability to install hard-wired solutions. • The Telkonet solution is excellent for developing countries where public telephone networks have steep perminute charges. Internet users can bypass those charges by combining Telkonet solutions with a two-way satellite link, dedicated land line or fixed wireless access.

MANAGEMENT: Warren V. Musser: Chairman of the Board/ Co-CEO, is the Managing Director of The Musser Group and Chairman Emeritus of Safeguard Scientifics, Inc. Ronald W. Pickett: Co-CEO/ President, Director and co-founder, has been affiliated with the Company since its founding in 1999. David Powell: COO, previously served as Senior Vice Pres ident of the Network Enhancing Technologies Solutions division ofTellabs and was President and COO of Coherent Communications Systems Corporation. During his 4 years as President and COO of Coherent, he was instrumental in growing annual worldwide revenue from $30m to $1OOm Stephen L. Sadie: Senior VP, Director & co-founder, was a co-founder of the Company in 1999. From 1999 to 2000, Mr. Sadie was Vice President and General Sales Manager of lnternos, a provider of web-based vertical intranet applications. E. Barry Smith: Chief Financial Officer, is a CPA and senior financial executive with diversified experience in both public and private companies.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Jody M. Janson Investors Stock Daily, Inc. 585-454-6955

Ken Sgro 212-732-4300

R ea l-time Public Compan y Profiles avai lable at • lu erichon li • Value Rich, Inc ., 1 .561.832.8878

Valu eRi ch Magazin e 87

88 ValueRich Magazine



/ n.Motion 7 Z

Every sportfishing yacht today owes its heritage to early Rybovich designs. The Rybovich name defines sport fishing and is synonymous with workmanship, quality and innovation. It is one of the world's most respected builders of sportfishing yachts. In the 1930's and '40s, affluent fishermen

"heavy" wood used in traditional designs. It

from around the world began arriving in

was later discovered that Tommy's wood-

the Bahamas and Bimini to fi sh for bluefin

en hulls weighed only 3.75 pounds per

tuna and blue marlin.The boats of the day,

square foot - much lighter than fiberglas s

whi le adequate, we re hard ly ideal for the task at hand. Most were converted cabin

hulls, and still among the lightest around. Tommy Rybovich al so developed the

cru isers, and almost al l were slow and hard

early hull design that was so famou s for

to maneuver.

stabi lity, maneuverability and handling in

John Rybovich, a carpenter and cab inet

rough seas. As more and more fishermen

maker, was runn in g a part-time commer-

heard of the Rybovich boats, demand grew

cia l fishing operation and buildin g some

and so did the innovations, and not just the

skiffs for the loca l king mackerel fishermen

hull design. The compan y is genera lly cred-

in Palm Beach, Florida, at the time. In 1947, th e Rybovich fami ly was approached by automobi le dealer Charlie Joh nson to bu ilt a boat designed strictly

ited with developing the tuna tow er, the transom door, the modern fig hting chai r and alum inum outriggers w ith spreaders. It can be said that the Rybovich famil y

for spo rtfishing. Out of that ass ignment

practically invented modern sportfishing.

came the first in a long line of Rybovich

The Rybovich famil y ran the busi ness until 1975, w hen they sold the company.

sportfish ing boats, the Miss Chevy. John had three sons - Tommy, John Jr. and Emil - and wh ile all of them played important ro les in the growing business, it was Tommy who became the master of

The new owners prod uced an early line of production boats, the Rybo Runner, w hile sti ll maki ng custom yachts. Rybovich changed hands once aga in in

design and in novation. He developed unique combinations of woods for the

1986; and is currently captained by president, Jim Bronstien. Today the company,

hu ll s and scantl in g to provide great

now known as Rybov ich-Spencer, has


strength with low weight, w hich the com-


pany uses to th is day. When the fiberglass

expanded to include not on ly custom boat bui ldi ng but a yacht brokerage firm, mari-



& ~


revo lution occu rred, ma ny th ought t hat the new materi al wou ld complete ly rep lace the

na, marine store and a Rybovich clothing and accessories line. Rybovich had been using the same botVa lu eRi ch Magazine 89


sit to fishing grounds, maneuvering, con-

eng in es were becoming increasin gly pop-

Every sportfishing boat today owes its heritage to ea rl y Rybovich designs. Th ey

ular in the marketplace. The old er hull

are cred ited with bu ildi ng the first boat

equally important for successful fishing

design was n't optima l for the bigger

with a raised foredeck and accommoda-

machines. Rybovich sportfishing boats are

powe r plants. So Bronstien brought in Don

tions be low, the first boat w ith the broken

co nstructed w ith the proper propulsion-

Blount, a naval architect who had been in

shear and the large cockpit.

mach inery selection to produce optimum

tom design since 1965. Large diesel

charge of all the U.S. Navy's high-speed

Today's Rybovich boats share the same

trol and boat motions w hen trolling are

speed and econom ic balance for each

smal l crafts.

distinctive lin es as the ir class ic predeces-

Blount redesigned the hull below the waterline to accommodate the new high-

sors, and are still hand-crafted from either

Recent evolution in design has been

triple, diagonal ly planked mahogany cov-

horsepower diesel eng ines everyone wanted for increased range and speed. Under Blount 's direction, Rybovich's hull

ered with two layers of 20-ounce epoxy resin or hand-laid high-tech compos ite materials. Th is distinctively Rybovich com-

significant. Runn ing lines are continuously tweaked so that developmental changes beneath the waterline steadi ly evolve to provide better high-speed handling in

design evolved into more of a mod ified-V, w ith softer entry characteristics.

bination provides great strength and stiffness in a light hul l.


rough seas. All Rybovich boats feature teak cockp its and exquisite interiors. Their marine car-

Although the hu ll design was state-of-

Fully integrated, cutting-edge des igns

the-art, ve ry little cha nged above the

result in superior seakeeping without sac-

penters are expert craftsmen with exotic

waterl ine. The classic Rybovich look was retained.

rificing efficient performance. Whi le speed

woods, inlays and finishes. Custom Rybovich boats range in size

90 ValueRich Magazine

and ride quality are important during tra n-

The interior of 72' Cutting Edge (tar left) is just that, showcasing the matched grains, inlays and finish that Rybovich's marine woodwork craftsmen are famous for. The galley countertop in the 65' Pescador (left) exhibits 50-million-year-old fossils of prehistoric fish.

from 55' to 78' and are designed and built

until they take delivery."

boats ooze the charm of the ir early sport-

to meet each owner's specific require-

When owners do get involved the

ments. Each custom-built boat takes from

results can be quite distinctive. The latest

endary for attracting more fis h -

18 to 22 months to complete

Rybovich, 65 ' Pescodor, has 50-m il lion-year-

edly as a resu lt of their hull sound.

fi sh ing heritage. Rybovich boats are legsuppos-

That can include a whole range of expe-

old fossil ized fish visible in the gal ley coun-

The historic Rybovich-Spencer boat-

riences, according to CEO Bronstien. "Customers usually come in with a specific

tertop. Owners of these unique sportfishing

boat size in mind, and not so focused on the features. But realistically, the boat size is

yachts are members of an excl usive fraternity. New custom Ryboviches are frequently built for previous owners who wou ldn't

ya rd often refurbishes their older hulls, restoring them to their fu ll glory, updating amenities and tech nology. Restored classic Ryboviches can be purchased from Rybovich -Spencer Yacht

determined more by the features. Once we've established their requirements, the

own anything else. Typically, Rybovich boats are kept in excellent condition by their owners, and

Brokers for a fraction of the cost of a new one, providing an entry point for new

"Some ow ners are very engaged with

don't cost any more to ma inta in than other

t hen, there is now another entry point for

the process from start to finish, giving us lots of detailed input. Others take a look at

boats. A classic Rybovich is just as coveted

first-time Rybovich owners: the 42' Express Wa lkaround -

our typical configuration for a particula r

as a recently built hu ll in the marketplace. Th ese unique craft have been built w ith a

sized boat, say they would like this or that,

perfect ba lance of eng ine-to-hul l ratio, fish-

and that's about all you hear from them

ing functiona lity and comfort. The older

developed by singer Jimmy Buffett. Read on ...

length usually ends up within a few feet of w hat they w anted to begin w ith.

members of the sportfishing elite. But

boat -

Rybovich's new production

a Caribbean island hopper partly

ValueRich Magazine 91




"' Oi






Jimmy Buffett's Margaritavich came complete with fly rod holders, Margaritaville tequila frozen concoction and a custom Koa wood Martin guitar.


luck wou ld have it, Rybovich

man, pilot and entrepreneur, Jimmy Buffett is an avid saltwater fly fisherman.

was in the process of thinking through its own designs for something new .. . an al l composite production boat

He had in mind a boat ... large

Out of such sma ll business

enough to have a comfortable cab in, yet designed so that he

serendipity great products are born. And so the Rybovich 42' Express Walkaround series was

could easily dock and anchor it when he was alone. One that cou ld

created. Behind it all is a love of fishing best conveyed by a

be taken into shallow areas

Buffett expression, "Gatta stop wish in: Gatta start fishin'l"

designed so he could maneuver a fighting fish on light tackle around

Rybovich bui lt its reputation on creating handcrafted, smooth-ridin g, yachts to the

the w hole circumference of the boat A long-time admirer of Rybovich boatbuilders, Jimmy approached t hem with the ideas for his boat As

Jim Bronstien and Jimmy Buffett introduced the 42' Express Walkaround at the 2002 Annual Ft. lauderdale Boat Show.

strictest specifications. The




ValueRich Maga zin e 93

design team, which modernized the classic Rybovich hull for larger power plants and higher speeds, has designed a cored composite boat that is pure Rybovich w ith the proper ba lance of weight, strength and stiffness provided by the cold-molded models. The results are reduced weight, the fam ilia r seakeeping abilities and the feel -

even the

of its legendary predecessors.

sound -

Lightness, speed and maneuverabi lity all combine to make this the ult imate islandhopping weekender. It draws only th ree feet of water, making it perfect fo r fish ing in shallows, snorkeli ng and anchoring in close to explore the shore. The





Walkaround series is right at home with its custom-built pedigree. With fewer than 10 produced per year, it wi ll only be available to a few discriminating owners. It may be a production boat, but the design and quality are pure Rybovich. Of course, Jimmy Buffet gets hull# 1. Why a wa lkaround? The walkaround design offers severa l distinct advantages. First and foremost is safety- especially the ease with which lines can be handled by the owner-operator. The walkaround also provides add itiona l deck space and enhanced fishab il ity. At the same time, a special design effort was mounted to preserve the generous interior space that Rybovich is known for.

Constructing a New Legend United States Marine, a successful and well respected builder of high-performance

The Margaritavich's cabin and galley might easily be mistaken for a cozy Key West cottage. With the standa rd Twin Cumm ins QSM11

The sleek interior is distinguished by the

660 power plants, it w ill reach top speeds in

fine millwork and impeccable finish that is

excess of 36 knots.

an integral part of the Rybovich legacy.

racing boats and, super-reliable patrol craft

A unique and distinctive hard ch ine

Exotic woods and complementary island

for the U.S. military, lends its expertise in

stepped out from t he side of the hull

fabrics evoke t he Margaritavi lle mood in a

crafting the advanced composite structures

reduces spray to provide a dryer ride. At the

comfortable cabin. Th is island hopper may

for the 42' Express Walkaround to Rybovich's

same time, a chine log, borrowed from clas-

be laid-back, but it is no slouch on the

specifications. The fitting of all systems and

sic Rybovich design, sheds water that nor-

amenities. VR

t he masterful finish work- plus the many

ma lly st icks to the hull, reducing weight and

other features that make a Rybovich a

drag while optimizing performance.

The Rybovich 42 ' Express Walkaround: LOA : 42' 4" Engines: Twin Cummins QSM 11 660 BHP Beam: 15' 4 " Fuel Capacity: 520 gall ons Draft: 3' Water Capacity: 110 gallons Displacement: 32,400 lbs. Construction: Fiber reinforced composite Base price: $89 5, 000

Rybovich -

all take place at the historic

Rybovich yard in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Comfort, Style and Island Flair This latest Rybovich is about lifestyle.

The 42' Express Wa lkaround can be

Rybovich has brought the impress ive

optional ly configured as a sportfishing, hard-

credentials of Dalton Designs and Liz

top or open model. This newest legend will

Dalton, who has designed many award-win-

lead the pack with base cruising speeds of

ning Rybovich interiors, to the Rybovich 42'

32 knots and a range of more than 300 miles.

Express Wa lka rou nd series.

94 ValueRi ch Magazin e



$250,000 TO





F L\.G.. L' .E R P' 0' 1\ T E ... ' ~



INVESTMENT BANKING/BUSINESS OBJECTIVE: The Company is seeking market support. In February 2003, EarlyBird Capital managed an equity offering for CPI, raising $7.8 million in net proceeds, which eliminated bank debt and substantially increased working capital. EarlyBird continues to advise the Company.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: Founded in 1980 and based in Edgewood, Long Island, CPI Aerostructures, Inc. is engaged in the contract production of structural aircraft parts principally for the U.S. Air Force and other branches of the armed forces. In conjunction with its assembly operations, CPI provides engineering, technical and program management services. The key programs CPI supplies include the C-5A Galaxy cargo jet, the T-38 Talon jet trainer, the A-1 0 Thunderbolt attack jet and the E-3 Sentry AWACS jet. Some of the parts CPI produces are skin panels, leading edges, flight control surfaces, engine components, wing tips, cowl doors, nacelle assemblies, inlet assemblies, aprons and engine mounts. CPI has more than 23 years of experience with over 1,100 contracts completed.

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: Through October 31 , 2003, new contract awards totaled $28.9 m illion, up 37 percent as compared to the same time last year and surpassing the $24.5 million for all of 2002. Fo r the nine months ended September 30, 2003, revenue increased 15 percent to $20.8 million, from $18.0 million; and net income, excluding gains and tax benefits, rose 27 percent to $4.2 million from $3.3 million in the first nine months of '02. Forbes magazine recently ranked CPI No. 10 in its 2003 200 Best Small Companies list. Of note, CPI was ranked No. 4 on a separate Forbes list based on return on equity. The Company was also named 2003 Manufacturer of the Year by the Long Island Forum For Technology.

STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN: Capitalizing on its more than two decades of experience producing and supplying the military with critical structural parts, as well as its reputation for quality and on-time delivery, and a strong balance sheet, CPI is pursuing larger multi-million contract awards.

Real-time Public Company Profi les avai lab le at

96 Valu eRich Magaz in e


AEROSTRUCTURES , INC. MANAGEMENT: Most members of CPI 's management team have held management positions at large defense contracto rs including Grumman, Lockheed, and Fairchild. Edward Fred, CPI 's President and Chief Executive Officer, has been at the Company since 1995, starting as Controller. In April 1998, he was appointed CFO and several months later he joined the Board of Directors. Following a series of promotions, Mr. Fred was named CEO earlier this year. For 10 years before joining CPI he was at Grumman, where his last position was controller of the International Division. Mr. Fred holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting from Dowling College and an Executive MBA from Hofstra University.

CONTACT INFORMATION: CPI Aerostructures, Inc. Edward Fred, President & CEO 200 A Executive Drive Edgewood, NY 11717 631-586-5200 Fax: 631-586-5840

www.valuerichonli n


ValueRich, Inc. , 1.56 1 .832 . 8878



The Company is seeking market support or advisory services.

Steven A. Kriegsman, President and Chief Executive Officer, previously served as director and Chairman of Global Genomics Capital LLC. Mr. Kriegsman is President and founder ofTKG, a financial advisory firm specializing in the development of alternative sources of equity capital for emerging growth companies. C. Kirk Peacock, Chief Financial Officer, previously was Chief Financial Officer and Vice President of Operations at DigitaiMed, Inc., a venture-backed subsidiary of Tenet Healthcare, the second largest U.S. healthcare provider. David Haen, Director of Business Development, assists in negotiating strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions, and in-l icensing and out-licensing of product opportunities. Carolyn French, Director of Communications, directs and oversees communications programs that effectively describe and promote the organization and its technologies.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: CytRx Corporation is a ribonucleic acid (RNA) interference (RNAi) and biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of high-value human therapeutics. CytRx has a broadbased strategic alliance with the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS) that has given the Company unparalleled access to RNAi technology and serves as a broad platform for a myriad of drug discovery applications including: obesity, type II diabetes, and Lou Gehrig's di sease (ALS). CytRx has strengthened its ALS research program by teaming up with Massachusetts General Hospital to utilize CytRx's RNAi technology. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS:

• On December 10, 2003, Bruce Spiegelman, Ph.D., of Harvard University joined CytRx's Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of its obesity and type II diabetes subsidiary, Araios, Inc., increasing its size to four members. • For the nine months ended 9/ 30/ 03, revenues fell 93% to $87 thousand. Net loss totaled $8.9 million, up from $3.6 million. • In December 2003, the Company was featured in BusinessWeek's Equity Investor's 26-Week Micro-Cap Review. Companies were chosen for the semi-annual Micro-Cap Review, now in its third year as a BusinessWeek special feature, on the basis of their percentage gain in stock price for the six-month period ending September 30, 2003.


Steven Kriegsman, President and CEO 11726 San Vicente Blvd., Suite 650 Los Angeles, CA 90049 (31 0) 826-5648 Fax: (31 0) 826-6139


CytRx is currently seeking strategic partners to complete the development of FLOCOR, and two licensees, Merck & Co., Inc. and Vical Incorporated, are currently developing TranzFect. The Company is also seeking to license its TranzFect technology for development as a potential DNA-based adjuvant for Human papillomavirus (HPV), Herpes simplex virus (HSV), and Hepatitis C virus (HEPCV).

R ea l-tim e Pub lic Company Profiles ava il ab le at • www. va lue ri cho nli ne . com • Va lue Rich, Inc., 1 . 5 6 1 .832.8878

ValueRich Magazin e 97



Electric City Corp. is seeking market support and advisory services.

Electric City Corp. is led by a strong management team and board of directors. Management have the experience, expertise and qualifications to effectively lead the Company towards becoming a leading developer of independent negative power systems. Led by CEO John Mitola, this team of professionals have col lectively raised billions of dollars for power development projects and created innovative and revolutionary energy programs. It has developed power technology hardware and software applications, and designed, spearheaded and overseen the development of large scale supply and demand side utility projects.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: Electric City Corp. was founded in 1998 as a developer, manufacturer and integrator of energy saving technologies. Electric City provides focused, competitive and targeted energy-avoidance through demandresponse/ power-curtailment, retrofit services and distributed generation technologies. Using the flagship technology, EnergySaver™/ Global-Commander™, Electric City enables the combination of permanent demand reduction and demandresponse programs available in local distribution areas. This plan is called the "Virtual Negawatt Power Program (VNPP®)."

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: In the summer of 2003, Electric City announced its first major VNPP with Commonwealth Edison Company (ComEd) in Chicago. The $25-million program is designed to develop 50 megawatts of demand response within 18 months. Electric City has announced that many large municipalities and the State of Illinois have agreed to participate in this VNPP system development. It has already signed up enough host customers to capture over 25 megawatts of load reduction. In the wake of the recent massive North American northeast blackout, the state of Illinois announced that Electric City CEO John Mitola was to serve on the Illinois Governor's Task Force to Review Energy Infrastructure

CONTACT INFORMATION: Glen Akselrod, IR Consultant 141 Adelaide Street West, Suite 1004 Toronto, Ont. M5H-3L5 416-629-5245,416-203-0017 Fax

STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN: Electric City has set in place key elements of its business plan over the last couple of years. The Company has reached enough customer scale that the stage is set for it to lead the industry with solutions to the nat ion's aging energy infrastructure. Electric City is a leader in the development of energy savings/ power management technologies integrated into independent negative power systems. This leadership role is based on the company's ever-increasing customer success rate and it s first 50 Megawatt VNPP development with Com Ed.

R ea l-t i me Public Company Profiles ava ilab le at

98 Valu eRich Ma gazin e


www. va


Value Rich, Inc., 1. 56 1 . 8 32.8878

INVESTMENT BANKING/BUSINESS OBJECTIVE: The Company is seeking market support and advisory services.


fourth and first quarters and a profit in the second and third quarters. Upon financing, management will execute a merchandizing initiative that will consist of building brand image and aligning merchandise that is consistent with the brand image.

Intra-Asia Entertainment Corporation manages and controls Weifang Fuhua Amusement Park in China's coastal Shandong Province in the City ofWeifang. The amusement park has consistently delivered strong attendance and has been profitable since its commercial opening in April 1994. The Weifang Fuhua Amusement Park is the largest in the Shandong region in all measurements, most importantly acreage and number of attractions. Intra-Asia Entertainment Corporation also develops and markets lighting items such as hats and vests and kits for bicycles, cars and motorcycles for both novelty and safety purposes.

Stanley Wu has served as Chief Executive Officer since January 2004 and is the founder and Chairman of the Jimswood Group of companies in California. Companies within the Jimswood Group have holdings and joint venture interest in Japan,China,Mexico and in the United States. Mr. Wu is chairman of the Board of Directors. Duo Wang has served as a member of our board of directors since August 1999 and as our Chief Financial Officer since November 2001. Mr. Wang serves as the Chief Financial Officer.



• On January 2, 2004, GloTech Industries, Inc. (New Symbol OTC Bulletin Board: IRAE) (Old Symbol OTC Bulletin Board: GTHI) today announced the completion of its name change to Intra-Asia Entertainment Corporation and its trading symbol change to "IRAE': The Company also announced a 1-for-5.37 reverse split of its common shares, effective January 2, 2003. These actions follow the Company's acquisition, announced on December 19, 2003, of Intra Asia Entertainment Corporation, the eighth largest amusement park operator in Ch ina. • On December 19, 2003, Intra-Asia Entertainment Corp. was acquired by GloTech Industries, Inc. This transaction was accompl ished as a statutory merger pursuant to a stock exchange agreement.


Stanley Wu, CEO 725 South Figueroa Street, Suite 1650 Los Angeles, California 90017-5416 (213) 622-8558 Fax:(213) 622-7833

STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN: The Company plans to employ a three-pronged approach that will yield significant returns. One tactic will be to expand their brand equity through acquiring underval ued, mismanaged Asian parks in Asia and building on land adjacent to the Weifang Park. The other tactic will be to combine Chinese parks with experienced American amusement park management. Concurrent with their strategy, Intra-Asia is planning to build an indoor amusement park, which will eliminate the seasonality of business that operates at a loss in the

This summ ary is intend ed sol ely to present sa lient facts from a pros pectu s or oth er offering document w hich shall acco mpany this summ ary, the co ntents of w hi ch are incorporated herein by reference and this summary must be inte rpreted in light of such document includ ing but not limited to sections therein regard ing, risk, suitability of any invest ment, forwa rd-looking statements and nature and transferability of securities purcha sed in connection th erewith. Thi s summary is not a solicitation to sell any securities and m ay not be delivered separately from t he document to w hich it is attac hed w ithout the consent of Intra-Asia Entertainment Corporation.

Re a l-ti me Public Company Profiles ava ilab le at • www. va luerichon line. com • Value Rich. Inc ., 1 . 5 6 1 . 83 2 . 8878

Valu eRi ch Magazine 99



The Company is seeking market support and advisory services.

S. Leslie Flegel, CEO and Chairman of the Board, has served in these positions since the Company's inception in 1995. He was previously the principal owner and CEO of Display Information Systems Company, a predecessor of the Company, for more than 14 years. James R. Gillis, President and COO, became President and COO in August 2000 and was appointed as a director of the Company in March 2000. Previously, he served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Brand Manufacturing Corporation. Marc Fierman, CFO, has served as Chief Financial Officer since November 2002. Previously, he served as Vice President of Finance (July 2001-November 2002) and Vice President of Finance-Display Division (March 1999-June 2001).

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: Source Interlink Companies, Inc. is the largest direct-to-retail magazine distributor and leading provider of marketing and front-end management services to publishers, retailers and vendors throughout North America. The Company is also the leading custom designer and manufacturer of retail fixture displays for publishing, confectionary, and general merchandise products. There are two complementary operating units, Distribution/ Fulfillment and In-Store Services. These divisions provide full-service turn-key solutions that enable retailers, publishers, confectioners and general mass merchandisers to manage and grow their respective businesses in the multi-billion dollar front-end checkout sector. Through its integrated, broad-based market capabilities, Source Interlink reaches approximately 500 million consumers on a weekly basis.

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: • In November 2003, the Company announced a new $65 mil lion bank credit facility. • For the third quarter ended October 31,2003, revenues rose 14 percent to $92.0 million compared to $80.9 million in the same period last year. Net income was $4.6 million, or $0.23 per diluted share, before a non-recurring refinance charge totaling $615,000 after the effect of taxes. Including the refinance charge, net income was $4.0 million, or $0.20 per diluted share. • On July 21, 2003, Source announced the signing of an agreement to provide direct-to-retail magazine distribution, export management and information services to Wenner Media, Inc.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Source Interlink Companies Contact: S. Leslie Flegel, Chairman and CEO 27500 Riverview Center Blvd, Suite 400 Bonita Springs, FL 34134 (239) 949-4450 Fax: (239) 949-7633 www.sou

Real-time Publi c Compan y Pr ofil es avai lab le at • • Va lueRich , In c., 1 . 561.832 . 8878

100 ValueRich Magazin e



laser International, Inc. is seeking market support services.

The company continuously markets and develops its technologies for law enforcement, personal security and private defense markets. As new technology becomes available, lASER makes use of it to update its product line to make advanced less-lethal weapons more available and enhance usability. The need for security is increasing. lASER is a market leader in supplying a product that keeps society safer.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: lASER International, Inc., a leader in conducted energy weapons technology, provides advanced lesslethal weapons for the law enforcement, private security and personal defense markets.lASER International is committed to providing non-injurious solutions to violent confrontation by developing products that enable people to protect themselves without causing injury or death to another human being. The Company is driven to do all that is possible to ensure that society, as well as its customers, can benefit from their products, while upholding the highest level of personal and professional ethics in the execution of business. The Company was founded in 1993 and completed its IPO in 2001 .

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: • On December 15, 2003, lASER announced that the U.S. Congress had affirmed its belief that members of a flight deck-crew of a cargo aircraft should be armed with a firearm or a lASER® brand less-lethal conducted energy weapon to defend against terrorist attacks. The language specifically mentioning lASER is part of the FAA Reauthorization Bill, which was signed into law last week by President George W. Bush. • In December 2003, lASER announced four significant orders for fourth quarter 2003. • lASER had revenue growth of 100 percent in 2003, making it a market leader. • In June 2003, lASER purchased laser Technologies Inc. and Electronic Medical Research Laboratories, d.b.a Tasertron, its only competitor.

Re a l-time Publ ic Company Profil es ava il ab le at

102 Valu eRich Magazin e


MANAGEMENT: Rick Smith, CEO and Co-Founder, has served as Chief Executive Officer and as a director of the Company since 1993. Mr. Smith and his brother founded the company in September 1993. Dr. Phil Smith, Chairman of the Board, has served as a director ofTASER International, Inc. since 1993. Thomas Smith, President and Co-Founder, has served as President of the Company since April 1994 and as director since 1993. Kathleen Hanrahan, CFO, is the Company's Chief Financial Officer and also has current responsibility for manufacturing within the company. Doug Klint, Vice President and General Counsel, has served as Vice President and General Counsel of the Company since December 2002.

CONTACT INFORMATION: lASER International, Inc. Phil Smith, Chairman 7860 East McClain Drive, Suite #2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 (480) 905-2000 Fax: (480) 991-0791 luericho nl in e.c om


Va lue Ric h , Inc., 1 . 56 1 .8 3 2 . 88 7 8

.,•..•...A••.., R .., ~····





"Henry, why are you driving yourself crazy like this?"


lfs a question Henry Kalla n, cha irman of HK Hotels, hears often. At thi s mome nt, the query co mes from a wea lthy friend w ho has fl own in to Prag ue for the grand opening of Kal lan's newest hotel, th e Aria . "It's not about the money," Ka ll an rep lied."You do it for t he love and res pect of the people yo u love and respect. it's only fun w hen yo u ca n share things w ith others." Story by Ellen Bainer

The Library, with its 41st street and Madison Avenue address, rooftop gardens and book-themed rooms, is one of Manhattan's finest boutique hotels. This is how Henry Ka llan takes busi ness -

personally. His life lessons very much

and plans are in motion to open a property

worked harder. I wasn't concerned about

in Montreal by next spring.

how much I was paid in a certain job; I saw

sha pe the development of HK Hotels. Coming from Czechos lovakia to New

Lessons in the American Dream

each job as just a stepping-stone to the next thin g. It's about being positive and having a

York City at age 20 with just $20 in his pock-

Ka llan is as eager to share the secrets of

et, Ka llan landed a job as a busboy. He

his success as he is hospita ble. First and fore-

In the last few years his success has rest-

retu rned to the same hotel seven years later

most he had a plan. "l made su re I was loya l

ed on "quality, not short-term goa ls and gim-

as its general manager.

and did t he ri ght thing," he says.

micks." To Kal lan, being t he boss means


Today, at 56, Kallan owns and operates

Speaking virtually no English w hen he

four Manhattan hotels - the Elysee, the

arrived in NYC, Ka llan attended night school

good fortune to be an owner of a property,

Giraffe, Casablanca, and the Library - and is

after hi s 12-hour workday, even though

even if I have partners, I always make sure I

most others in the Czech community were

have the fina l say. You need someone to

cu rrentl y ope ni ng

hi s fifth, the Hote l

Gansevoort, which will be the on ly luxury

saving for a house and car.

doing it your own way."When I have had t he

make the final decision. I suppose I ended up

property in NYC's t rend-setting downtown

"I had different prioriti es," Ka llan explains.

Meatpacking District. Aria, the new 5-star

"I d id it t he hard way. I never worried about

hotel in Prague, is his first outside t he U.S.,

t hings that others worried about -

I always

doing it my way." He pauses. "Like Sinatra sings!" Kallan is a natural host. Even in those early ValueRich Magazin e 105

Kallan's new Aria Hotel , left, is located in the most beautiful area of Prague. Music-themed rooms feature Josef Blecha caricatures of famous composers and musicians, such as Mick Jagger and Keith Richards from the Rolling Stones, below.

years in New York when his first Engl ish lessons came from his back-of-the-house coworkers, he says,"l was very friendly always." In Czechoslovakia, he had worked summers at a hotel reception desk in his hometown ."! enjoyed being nice to people w ithout expecting anything back. It was fun to m eet new people. And I rea lized I'm good at it." "These hotels have my personality," claims Kallan. "Making everybody feel at ease. We never say no." According to him, hotels are all about lifestyle."lt's about being comfortable, not just with the right mattress or shower -

we have oversized 'ra in show-

ers'- but fee li ng good about w here you are

The Aria's luxurious Mozart suite features a beautiful view of Vrtbovska gardens.

and feeling you deserve to be where you

at you r hotel'; he says."Not in you r room, not

service arena where other boutique entrants


making you buy a martini for $12. We give a

fa ll short.

Kallan creates inviting pub lic spaces in his

good feeling -


Reviewers describe the ambi ance at

being in you r own living room. It's what one

Ka llan's hotels as,"brimm ing with warmth';"a

for exam ple. Where most New York develop-

shou ld be offered in a fine hotel: true hospi-

friendly, professiona l staff," and "less attitude-

ers wou ld try to take advantage of every inch of profit-producing square footage,

ta lity.''

hotels.Take the rooftop lounge at the Library,

Kallan has instead created a rooftop oasis for his guests. It is comprised of two beautifully

not intim idating -

prone" than other trendy establi shments.


Casablanca, for example, rates as one of the best boutique hotel s in Times Sq uare:

Kalla n, a consummate manage r, has

Instead of the Armani-suited bouncers and

furnished terraces, a glassed-in conservatory

developed a special set of ski lls acqu ired

unisex androids t hat populate many of New

and a smal l library lounge with sofas and

on ly by doing."l've done every job in a hotel.

York's t rendier hostelries, the staff here

leather arm cha irs set before a working fire-

You have to feel for your people.They make

shows a warm, welcom ing humanity that

place. And it's open to guests around the clock

it for you or they break it."Ka llan's connection

many arriva ls are unprepared for.

to his staff and his understanding of every

"You w ant to have people come visit you

job in the hotel makes his hotels sh ine in the

106 Valu eRich Magazine

"We create a team'; says Kal lan."lt's feeling

comfortable -

not on ly with the style and

The intimate Five Diamond, Moroccanthemed, Casablanca Hotel is in the heart of New York City's theater district and revitalized Times Square.

Rick's Cafe, in the Casablanca, offers guests a warm fire, a complimentary continental breakfast, assorted teas and coffees and cookies throughout the day. Each floor of the hotel is dedicated to a musical style -

classical, jazz, rock -


each room to a composer or performer. Stay in t he Louis Armstrong room, for example, and take an extra hour before bed to turn on the computer and read up on Satchmo's life and times."AII of a sudden you're an expert," beams Kallan. "It's fun I "Sometimes when you live your life on a daily basis you don't have time. There are so many things you don't get to do. Here you have a unique experience. "I had an old friend';Kallan recounts, "who design and physical aspect of the hotel but w ith the kind of people working there. I can truly say I like all the people w ho work at my hotels." And Ka ll an backs up that sentiment with his checkbook."After September 11th'; he sa id,"business wasn't great. We continued to provide cost-of-living increases for our employees. We never la id off an employee. In sma ll hotels, it's like a family."

Value Va lue is at the cornerstone of HK Hotels. "We are priced correctly'; says Kallan, who claims a repeat guest factor of SO percent to 70 percent at all his hotels, an astounding

Once a playground for movie stars, artists, writers and intellectuals, the Elysee Hotel is an oasis of elegant peace in the center of Madison and Park Avenues' shopping and dining district.

feat given today's price-driven market. Each of his hotels (the largest is 100 rooms) offers

created is simple: a quality product and a

used to say, 'Life is a gift, but living is a talent

a private club ambiance. For under $300 a

lifestyle concept. People do have a reason to

and ta lent is rare.' It 's up to each of us. Some

night in Manhattan, you'll get a room in a

experience my hotel. They have a nice room

people have it all and they don't realize it. We

great location, free breakfast, afternoon wine

but they also have a good experience."

take th ings for granted in the U.S. I realized

and cheese and evening snacks served in

The Aria's theme, in keeping with Prague's

that when I came here and I just went for it.''

the guest lounges. Not to mention other

history and cu lture, is music,. "They make a

From the beginning, Kal lan knew instinc-

guest-friendly amenities such as free passes

perfect duet," says Kallan. The hotel has a

tively that he didn't want to exist with limita-

to the New York Sports Clu b, free Internet

Director of Music on staff. Schedu led screen-

t ions. By the t ime t he Russian tanks rolled

service in the lounge and guest rooms, and

ings of COs and DVDs take place in the

into Prague in the summer of 1968, young

in-room refrigerators filled with bottled

music sa lon located off the main lobby. "It

Henry Ka llan had al ready landed in New York

water and Leonidas chocolate.

sounds li ke you're in a concert hal l," says

and begun climbing the ladder of success.

But Kallan adds an extra twist- besides

Kallan. Guests can reserve the salon for up to

"My dream was simple," he said."l just want-

the quality room, service and amen ities, each

six guests or just wander in for the sched-

hotel has a unique theme. "What we have

uled concerts.

ed to be someplace where I could be myself" VR Valu eRi ch Magazi ne 107

Hotel Gansevoort Tops ManhattanS Sizzling Meatpacking District by Ellen Bainer Drop off the dog at woof doggie spa, across the street. Check out the Manolos at Jeffrey. Turn the corner for a quick croque monsieur at Pastis.

You're living the life in New York City's hottest new neighborhood -

the Meatpacking District Fashion designers,

celeb chefs, art galleries and hip night spots have burst onto the scene in a neighborhood whose cobblestone streets date back 150 years. Designers Stella McCartney, Alexander McQueen and Catherine Maland rin o (whose creations adorn Madonna and Nicole Kidman) have opened fiagship stores here. JeanGeorges Vongerichten, mega-chef and restaurateur, adds to an array of upscale eateries with his innovative Asian-inspired menu at Spice Market. And now, w ith the open ing of Henry Kallan's new Hotel Gansevoort, Manhattan's Meat Packing District wi ll get its first fu ll-service luxury hotel. "HK Hotels are known for service, location, guest comfort and distinctive amen ities. The Hotel Gansevoort brings together these key element s as the first fu ll-service luxury hotel in the revitalized Meatpacking District," says Stacy Dreyfus, Director of sales and marketing for the hotel. The 187-room hotel, built from the ground up, boasts Hudson River views, a signature rooftop pool and sizzling style. The innovative rooftop is the first of its kind in Manhattan. Surrounded by glass, the 45-foot heated outdoor swimming pool w it h underwater music anchors one side of the rooftop. On the other is a lushly landscaped garden and expansive "event loft" with 20-foot ceilings and commanding city views. The duplex penthouse suite features a two-story wall of w indows and soa rin g fireplace w ith inset 30-inch plasma TV Add custom-designed furniture and accessori es (a mink th row on a wh ite duvet!) and you've got the ultimate "toastof-the-town" suite. Soph isticated and minimal ist in design, guest rooms offer lofty ni ne-foot ceilings and lots of natural light Many open to Hudson River views from step-out balconies and bay w indows. High-speed Internet access and Wi-Fi allow you to stay connected in t he city that never sleeps. The lobby buzzes w ith the edgy style of the neighborhood. Computer-controlled illum inated g lass columns create

Hotel Gansevoort is located in the heart of the Meatpacking District between the West Village and Chelsea, at 9th Avenue and 13th Street. For a limited time, introductory rates begin at $325 for superior rooms. Suites with balcon ies start at $595. Two-story duplex penthouse suite rates begin at $3 ,500. 108 Valu eRich Magazine

the mood w ith changing colors. Eelskin columns, mohair panels, leather and velvet accent the sleek design. Step outside the lobby to eat, shop and linger in New York's hippest neighborhood. And don't forget your dog. VR

by Ellen Bainer

Heli-Skiing with Canadian Mountain Holidays

10-m inute helicopter flight to the lodg e.

The Deal Seven-night packages include accom-

A skier's dream: fresh white powder and

modations; all mea ls, snacks, and non-alco-

no lift lines!

Are you ready?

ho li c beverages; escorted transportation

In deep snow, the fitter you are t he more fun

from Calgary; certified guides (not ski

you'll have. You'll get 100,000 vertica l feet of

instructors); use of specially designed Heli-

ski ing in a week- that's a lot of ski in g!

Skis and safety equ ipment; taxes, inc luding

Get the feeling

GST rebates for non-residents of Canada .

"You real ly are on top of the world."

Rates are in Canadian dollars (a rea l value

"Amazing beauty.""We were the on ly ones

at about 75 percent of the U.S. dollar!) and

out there.""At the top, you see range upon range of peaks in all directions."

When to go

The common area of the Monashee lodge.


range according to date, lodge and run from about $4,836 per person, double occupancy

12 different areas from eight remote

(about $3,696 U.S.) during off- peak months December and April to $7,941 per person,

January, February and March are the most

lodges, each w ith large common area, d in-

double occupancy (about $6,070 U.S.) dur-

popu lar, but in April there's fre sh powder

in g room, exerc ise room, wh irl pool and

ing peak season February and March.

and more daylight!

sauna. Family-style dining w ith staff and

How to book

Special equipment


Mid-December through end of Apri l.

Skis and poles are provided. Bring your own boots and clothing.

Don't miss A beautiful run in champagne powder! 110 ValueRich Magazin e

How to get there Fly to Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Buses depart Saturday morning to each of 12 remote ski areas (4-to-7 hour d rive). Then a

Call your trave l agent or Canadian Mountain Holidays (800) 661-0252. Book early! It's not too soon for the 2005 ski season .. . nor is it too late for 2004!



Conde Nast Traveler's Hot List ranks the

DELAMAR "one of the best new hotels in the world," CNTraveler, May, 2003. An art-fiUed Tuscan villa. Reminiscent of a Mediterranean villa, the DELAMAR is decorated in sun washed Tuscan tones. Original paintings grace the walls. The lobby features Jerusalem limestone floors and spectacular views of romantic Greenwich Harbor. "May I you to your room?" Luxury at the DELAMAR is matched by hospitality and graciousness of service. Your stay begins with a personal greeting upon arrivaL Your car is parked by the valet without the usual charges. Your express check-in is quick and paperless. A manager personally escorts you to your room. A refreshing no tip policy. The DELAMAR is a no-tip hoteL No tipping means the emphasis is on pride of service. This old world attitude permeates every aspect of the hoteL Bathroom fit for a King (or Queen). Spacious bathrooms await with Italian marble floors, coral marble vanities, hand-painted framed mirrors, and embroidered shower curtains. Step under our oversize rain water shower heads -- or, bathe luxuriously in our deep cast iron soaking tubs. Slip into our deluxe terry robes by Frette. A pillow-top mattress for your dreams. At the end of the day you will drift into sleep on our dreamy, pillow-top mattresses, wrapped in luxurious 300-thread count Italian linens by Frette and FiJi D'oro, complemented by down pillows and duvets. i'

The Gadget Armoire. Elegance with a function. The DELAMAR's hand-painted armoires gracefully conceal large flat screen televisions and both DVD and CD players. Each room is equipped with high speed Internet access, three two-line telephones, plus a wall safe large enough to accommodate a notebook computer. A mini-food and martini bar make impromptu entertaining easy.

Your own private view of Greenwich Harbor. Most rooms have private balconies with wrought iron furniture and spectacular views of our deepwater 600-foot dock which can accommodate yachts up to 160-feet. Four-star dining and room .....- ---....,:=Mill_,_......, service. Connecticut Magazine calls the food at our elegant Provenc,:al harborside restaurant, rEscale, "sublime" and bestows its highest four-star rating. rEscale serves breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as room service. In season, dining is alfresco as you sit by the water and watch the yachts glide by. A superb location. The DELAMAR is just steps away from the world-class shopping mecca of Greenwich Avenue, minutes from express Trains to Manhattan, and adjacent to Exit 3 oflnterstate 95. Introductory rates from $175. For more information and reservations, visit our website at, call toll-free 866-335-2627 or 203-661-9800. • G R E E N .W I C !H • IH ARB 0 R • 1


DELAMAR GREENW ICH HARBOR HoT EL • 500 Steamboat Road • Greenwich , CT 06830




Xtreme winter adventures 路 Chile

Hiking in South America at Explora Lodges in Patagonia & Atacama Park (Patagon ia) and nort hern Ch ile's

Santiago to Ca lama, w here Explora picks you

mountain biking in two remote areas of

Ataca ma Desert.

up for the 1-hour drive to the lodge.


Don't miss

The Deal

Hiking, horseback riding, trekking and

Are you ready? No expe ri ence necessary!

Get the feeling Snow-capped mountains, lakes, and

Th e skies over Ataca ma are the clearest

Seve n-ni ght packages in clud e t ransfers

in the worl d: NASA tested the Pathfi nder

to and from Punta Arenas or Calama air-

here before they sent it to Mars.

ports; accommodations; three meals a day,


house wine, drinks and soft drinks; daily

served on fine Eng lish ch ina in t he din ing

When to go

room, a cozy bar, indoor lap poo l, sauna,

(g roups limited to 10 per gu ide).

boat dock and open air Jacuzzis.

Patagonia: standa rd accommodations, per

Ou r w inter is their sum mer!


hig hs of 75 degrees, nighttime lows in 40s.

Special equipment

30-room hotel features excel lent cu isine

explorations with bi lingual gu ides, equipment, boat, horses, vehicles and supplies

unique rock formations. Untouched natural beauty.

How to get there

person, double occupa ncy from $2,323 U.S.

Fly to Santiago, Chile (S 'h hours nonsto p

Atacama: sta nd ard accommodations, per

Bring your hiking boot s. Exploratio ns

from Miami). For Patagonia, take a 4-hour

person, double occupa ncy from $2,44 1 U.S.

How to book

in clude horseback riding, hiking, trekking,

fli ght to Punta Arenas, w here Explora w ill

photographic safaris, m ou ntain biking and

pick you up and drive you to the lodge (5

Call yo ur travel agent.

more throughoutTorres del Paine National

hours). For Atacama, take a 2-hour flight from

11 2 Valu eRi ch Magazin e

Xtreme winter adventures · Wyoming Snowmobile Touring in Jackson Hole, Wyoming Day trips through Yellowstone National Park

Are you ready? For advanced t rips like Togwotee Pass and Grey's River, you'll need off-road experience snowmobi le or jet-ski expe rience. No experience necessary for Yellowstone, but bring a valid driver's license.

Get the feeling Blue skies, abundant snow and beautiful scenery.

Guided snowmobile trips are the best way to see Yellowstone in the winter.

When to go Yel lowstone is open from December 17

Don't miss

$15 per snowmobile. Old Fait hful $210 (90

Buffa lo, elk, wolves, eagles.

until March 14.

How to get there

Special Equipment

mi les

rou ndtrip,

trai l




Yellowstone-Grand Canyon $230 (122 mi les

Don't bring a thing! They'll outfit you in

Fly to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. You'll be

roundtrip, trail on ly) Full day. Additional riders

a one-piece snowsu it, boots, gloves and hel-

picked up at your hotel for the drive to

$80 per adu lt (13 and over); $60 per ch ild (5- 12)

met. Your snowmobile is a brand new Artie

Yellowstone (about 1'/2 hours).

How to book

Cat 660 or Po lari s 550 Spo rt Touring (each

The Deal

Call Jackson Hole Snowmobi le Tours 800-

Yellowstone National Park entrance fee

equipped with electric hand warme rs).

633- 1733

Xtreme winter adventures · Colorado Winter Ice Driving School in Steamboat Springs Colorado The only driving school of its kind in North America offers World Rally Racing techniques for cornering, acceleration and braking.

Are you ready? No experience necessary


Get the feeling


Look out the passenger window to see


w here you're going!

When to go 2004 Program Sc hedul e: January 23-24; February 7-8. Groups of 8 or more may schedul e add itional dates.

Special equipment A good pair of sunglasses


.. -

.. ,. .. I"




.··-:,.- . Training is available in front wheel drive, rear wheel drive and sports utility vehicles.

Don't miss Learn the "Scand inavian Flick"

How to get there Track is located at t he base of the ski area in Steamboat Sp ring s.

Two-day performance program costs

How to book

$1 ,5 50; including two days on sem i-private

Call 800 WHY-SKID (800 949-7543) VR

co urse w ith individua l attention , video


tape preview, video review and feedback. ValueRich Magazin e 113


Learn to Defy Gravity from a Master

Darin Shapiro owns the space between air and water. He is a master of improbable physics. Can the human body spin this way while flying that way? Darin doesn't answer the question ... he shows you. In fact, he'll show you how to do it for yourself. Story by Will Andrews

and boats to hi s tra1n 1ng facility near

Darin Shapiro has been competing ever

Orlando, he takes the business of wake-

since the first pro wakeboard contest was

boarding seriously ... but not too seriously,

held in 1991 . He is the winn ingest rider in

because above all else, wa keboarding is fun.

the history of the sport. His countless inno-

Darin spent most of his youth skii ng or

vation s and creativity have brought moves

surfing. But it wasn't until wakeboarding's

to wakeboarding that other rider s are

introduction that he truly found his kindred

unable to duplicate. He is currently the 2003

sport. Now he wa nts to share it w ith every-

World Tour Champion and his titles include

one. His training faci lity, Ride The Spot, is avail-

6-time Pro Tour Champion. 2-time World Tour Champion, X-Games Champion, U.S.

able for riding, training and instruction at all

Open Champion, Masters Champion and so

levels (beginner to pro) using pioneered

many more. He has completely dominated

coaching techniques. The training schedule

his sport for 12 years ... a feat not duplicat-

can be as serious or fun as you want it to be.

ed in any other sport.

Students and guests can also wake surf.

Darin got to where he is by being a true professional. For Darin, it's all about the best. From his training regimen to his equipment 114 ValueRich Magaz in e

wake skate, ski, tube, or just enjoy beautiful Lake Mary Jane. Darin's facility is unique in the waterski-

ing and wakeboarding commun ity. The Spot's comfortable 1000-square-foot lakeview guest house is suitable fo r up to five people and boasts many amenities in cluding a hot tub to relax in (after t hree intense sessions of riding per day), a large-screen TV and high-speed Internet. Each night, guests are t reated to a gourmet meal catered by Ride The Spot 's own private chef. Breakfast and lu nch are also provided in the package cost complete w ith a fu lly stocked kitchen and refri gerator for those midnight shacks.

Ride the Spot guest house. The Florida weather is pleasa nt al l yea r round . Lake Mary Jane offers gorgeous sunset s in a secluded natural setti ng j ust 15 minutes from Orlando. Most of the coaching is done by Darin himself. Often students rub elbows w it h pros who are frequent visitors. But Da rin believes in letting students go at t heir own pace, so there is no assem bly lin e style of riding. He bel ieves in making it fun -

whi le

ma ki ng su re you get a lot done on t he water. Da rin is confident his guests leave Ride The Spot having had a blast, and primed as radica l proponents of his beloved

sport. The Spot offers one-day, th ree-day and five-day packages rang ing from $400 to $2,100 per pe rson. Wi nter specials are available from January 1 t hrough March 31, 2004. VR www.da rinsha 116 Va lueRich Magazin e

Darin jumps one of the two sliders available for training at Ride the Spot.

Todd English's Bonfire features ranch cooking from around the world .

Todd English and his restaurants have received endless accolades, ever since May of 1989, when he opened Olives, in Charlestown, Mass. to international acclaim. It has been voted one of the 'Top 10 Restau rants" by Esquire, received the"Best Food"and'Top Table" awards from Gourmet, was named the"Best New Restaurant" by Boston magazine and is consistently named Boston's favorite restaurant by Zagat. However, it was in 2001, when he was named one of People magazine's "50 Most Beautiful People," that English's face became as renowned as his cooking. That same year Bon Appetit recognized him as "Restaurateur of the Year." At age 20, Eng lish began his studies at the Cu linary Institute of America, graduating with honors in 1982. He apprenticed with Jean Jacques Rachou at New York's La Cote Basque and then relocated to Italy, where he polished his craft and developed his unique cooking style at the well-known Dal Pescatore in Canto Sull O'lio and Paraccuchi in Locando D'Angello.

It's Good to be English Celebrity chef Todd English is on a roll ... and it's taking him all over the world


Olives is a popular gathering spot in New York's W Hotel.

English's KingFish Hall is located in Boston's Historic Faneuil Hall.

Upon return ing to the United States at

Beach, SC with golf great Greg Norman; and

Engl ish restaurant aboard the Queen Mary 2.

age 25, English served as the executive chef

King Fish Hall, in Boston's Hi storic Faneuil Hall.

English caught the culinary world's eye in

for the award-winn ing Michela's northern

English also has fou r Figs restaurants in

1991 when the James Beard Foundation

Italian restaurant in Cambridge, before open-

the g reate r Boston area and two locations at

na med him the "National Rising Sta r Chef,"

ing Olives restaurant as a 50-seat storefront.

New Yo rk's LaGuard ia Airport. Figs serves

and then in 1994 named him the best chef in

Olives was later moved to a larger space

not-so-t rad it iona l pizzas and ha nd made

the Northeast. He was also the first recipient

down the street from its original location.

pastas. Eng li sh opened his casua l Rustic

of the Robert Mondavi Awa rd for Culinary

English has opened other Olives locations

Kitchen, in a second Faneu il Hall location,

Excellence and appeared on the companion

through-out the U.S.: Olives New York in the

and Tuscany at Mohegan Sun gam ing resort

public television cookin g series America's

W Hotel in Union Square, Olives Las Vegas at

pays homage to his Ita lian roots.

Rising Star Chefs. The respected Nation's Restaurant News named Engl ish one of their

the Bellagio Hotel, Ol ives DC in the heart of

English's latest concepts incl ude Bonfire, a

Washi ngton DC Ol ives Tokyo, and Olives

steak house celebrating ranch cooking from

Aspen at the St. Regis Hotel in Aspen, Colo.

'Top 50 Tastemakers."

arou nd the world; BlueZoo at the Walt Disney

Maybe you've seen Todd Engl ish on his

Additiona lly, English has opened Miramar

World Dolphin Hotel featuring coasta l cui-

public television series, Cooking In with Todd

at The Inn at National Hall in Westport, CT;

sin e w ith both international and New

English produced by Connecticut Pub li c

Greg Norman's Australian Grille in Myrtle

American cu linary influences; and the Todd

Television, or perhaps as a special guest on

Queen Mary2 Goes English

Iron Chef USA, Martha Stewart Living, NBC's Today Show, CBS This Morning or Live with Regis and Kelly, among others.

What could be better than cruising on the

English is also the author of three critically

grandest vessel in the world while enjoying

accla imed cookbooks: The Olives Table, The Figs Table and The Olives Dessert Table published by Simon & Schuster.

the cuisine of one of the world's greatest chefs? The maiden voyage of the new $800 million Cunard Line flagsh ip Queen Mary 2 is

Between opening restaurants in Tokyo,

also the maiden voyage of the latest restuar-

Seattle, Florida and on the Queen Mary 2,

ant concept from cele brity chefTodd English.

En g lish's schedu le has been gruelin g lately.

Th e new 156-seat restaurant - simply

"Life has been full these past few months,

called Todd English- is English's first venture at sea and highlights interpretive Med iterran ean

both w ith wonderfull y positive things and

cuisine. Eng li sh worked closely w ith Cunard's desigers to create a visually stun ning atmosphere.

some trying times too," says English. "My

Poolside seating is be available.

theory is, get up in the morning, stand by

"Being involved w ith Queen Mary 2 is very exciting for me," says Engl ish. "Wh ile it wi ll be a

your mo rals and persevere. There is always

challenge, it is also a g reat honor for me to operate the signature restaurant on board t he great-

so mething positive to focus on, even in

est luxury li ner in the world."

chall enging tim es." VR ValueRich Magazin e 119


Sensual, Sinful Zins A finely-crafted zinfandel is red wine on steroids; there is more of everything. It can overwhelm and delight the senses. The initial rush of aroma and fruit makes a firm statement about the layers of flavor to follow. Story and photos by Greg Allikas

The mystery grape zinfandel has been the raw material of wines

time, they have produced w ines t hat have given them a reputation

that have inspired legions of devotees, if not fanatics. Don't mis-

as one of the top zin fandel prod ucers in the state and created a

take those pink, fruity soda-pop w ines so ld as "White Zinfande l."

cult-like fo llowing. The w inery itself is unassum ing, t he tasti ng room

They have little resemblance to the rea l th ing.

is comfortable and tastefu lly appointed in rustic decor.

Long of unkown orig in

The wines are wonderful.

and virtually identical to

Altho ugh Renwood Winery

Ita lian Prim itivo, it is now





generally accepted that the

(Barbera, Syrah, Viognier), the

zinfandel g rape has Eastern

focus is definitely on zinfan-

is in

del. These are not w ines for

Ca liforn ia, howeve r, t hat zin-

the meek, with an alcohol

fande\ w路mes nave reached

content (15%) that approach-

a pi n nacle of perfect ion .

es fortified wine. They are rich

Europea n roots . It

Alt hough good and even

in bramble and blackberry

great zinfandels are pro-

flavo rs and assault the nose

duced throughout the state,

with ripe fruit aromas. Each

the warm sunny days and

time another taste is poured

coo l nights of the Sierra

into your glass, you'll sniff and

Foothil ls provide an ideal cli-

say, "oh myl" Soft tannins

mate to bring out the ful lest

make the wines easily drink-

potent ial of the grape.

able today, but there them for ten or more years.

clustered in (no rth to south)


El Do rado, Amado r and

an easy 45-minute drive east of Sacramento and well worth t he visit. From there it is o nly an hour south down Hig hway 49 to the Amador and


wine ries.

There are plenty of picturesque B&B's along the way, and one ca n cover a dozen w ineries in a few days. in this article, we wi ll look at three memorable zinfandel producers of the region. Renwood Winery has been crushing grapes for only about a decade. In that 120 Va lueRich Magazine



about the Renwood zinfan-

Calaveras counties. The El Dorado establ ishments are


enoug h backbone to hold

The best vineyards are

2001 Renwood Fiddletown Zinfandel ($24.95) Cassis , dark chocolate and raspberry inside a wonderfull y jammy frame that is drinking beautifully now. Firm tannins indi cate improvement with 3-10 years of bottle age .

2001 Renwood Grandmere Zinfandel ($22.95) Ri ch frui t flavors with an array of plu m, tea and bramble. Firm tannins with a smooth and elegant fin ish. Aromas of dusty berry, chocolate , wh ite pepper and vanilla high I ight this wine. Drink now or hold for 5 or more years .

2001 Shenandoah ReZerve Zinfandel, Paul's Vineyard Beautifu I aromas of blackberry, cocoa and mu lberry highlight the wine. The flavor of ripe plum , berry and chocolate bring out the true oldvine character of this wine . 390 cases made.

2001 Villa Toscano Fox Creek Vineyard Zinfandel Luscious blackfruit and cherry nose; rich , ripe, voluptuous, chocolate-cherry and spicy-oakvani lla flavors; long, velvety finish . Shows the quality a Sierra Zin can reach when made from old vines. Drink now or hold for 5-10 years.

dels is the consistency of quality. Each is perfectly balanced but shows the

gout de

terroir of the vineyard . . Two of my favorites are t he 2001 Fidd let own and 200 1 Grandmere. Both offer excellent fruit and balance with a remarkable finish. The Fidd letown is perhaps a bit more rustic and w ill benefit from a few years in bottle. Grandmere is ready to drink now but certa inly will hold well for at least a decade or more. Renwood also offers its wines in odd sizes (mag-



AA - COO 1 97 4


The bistro at Villa Toscano, where you can have a delicious lunch and taste some fine Italian varietal wines- including great Zins. nums, double magnums, etc.), even half-

gallery make a lasting impression. The w ines, however, offer the best rea-


this sma ll vineyard at hi s home for 18 years. It has consistently produced some of the

son for a visit. They are outstanding.

best grapes of all Shenadoah's vineyards,

Shenandoah produces a selection of w ines

and this bottling is made from 100 percent

Across the street from Renwood is

includ in g a proprietary blend of zinfande l

Paul 's Vineyard fruit. A second family-

Shenandoah Vineyards. Shenandoa h is an

and sang iovese ca lled "Zingiovese': Wine-

owned Amador winery, Sobon Estate pro-

early pioneer in Amador County, having

makers Leon and Paul Sobon's skil ls are evi-

duces five zinfande ls and four Rhone vari-

produced w ines since 1978. The wi nery is

dent; the w ines al l share a family resem-


owned by the Sobon family two genera-

blance that is especial ly noticeable in the

Villa Toscano is the dream of founder

reds. Pau l Sobon recently assumed the duties of head w ine-maker at Shenandoah. Zinfandel has long been the flagship

Erika Wrig ht and co-owner Jerry Wright. The wi nery is a beautiful Mediterranean

wine of Shenandoa h Winery. Th e range of

Sierra Foothills. Tables below a grapevine






Plymouth, Ca lifornia.

tions of whom can be found in the tasting room. Their superb wines are made from estate-grown grapes that are organi ca lly farmed.

villa set among the rol li ng vineyards of the

As an added attraction, there is an art

zins covers regu lar bottlings up to the ultra-

arbor provide a shady spot to enjoy a glass

gallery on the premises. Recently, they

reserve Paul's Vineyard. The regu lar 2001

of w ine. The bistro serves delicious lunches

we re showcasing photographs by the late

Special Reserve is a livelier, fruitier w ine,

accompanied by equally delicious w ines.

Galen Rowell, who died in a plane crash in

whi le the se lect reserves are ri ch and opu-

The tasti ng room is spacious and visitors

2002. Rowell was an avid outdoorsman and

lent. The 200 1 Pa ul 's Vineyard is sub lime,

feel as if they are in a Tuscan vi lla.

regula r contributo r to National Geographic

w ith deep layers of lush plum and black-

The wines produced at Villa Toscano

magazine. The large co lor prints in the

berry fruit. Paul Sobo n has been tending

show a strong empha sis on Ita lian varietals.

122 Valu eRich Magazine

Al l are impeccably handcrafted. This is zin

a custom-built cella r where smal l lots of pre-

vineya rds in the area and harvested at t he

country, though, so it's no surprise that Villa

mium wines are produced. Gordon's wine

peak of ripeness. The attention to detail

Toscano's zinfandels are among the best Wine-maker Gordon Bli nz worked at

begins in the vineyard where he has total control over crop levels and harvest time.

shows in his perfectly balanced wines.

Ridge, Mirrasou and Renwood/Santino

The best wines are produced from se lect

Toscano Fox Creek Vi neyards Zinfandel.

before com ing to Vil la Toscano. Here, he has

grapes, whi ch are often sou rced from prime

This rich, urbane wi ne is produced entirely from grapes meticu lously grown by Sue

Food Accompaniments with Zins There are some who tout the combination of Zinfandel and chocolate. We prefer real food with zin!

An example wou ld be the 2001 Villa

Fox and the late Jim Fox. These centu ry-old vines create a wine with deep layers of fruit and comp lexity. As an interesting touc h,

Although the best reserve wines stand up admirably to fare such as traditional

ba rre l tastings and futures were being

Italian pasta dishes, we favor grilled meats. Something simple such as a pork shoulder rubbed with herbs, then cooked over mesquite, allows a reserve wine to show at

offered on the 2002 wines while we were there. Vi lla Toscano also has a w ine club

its best. Grilled or roasted duck or game such as venison work equally well. Any

wh ich offers significant discou nts and

meat dish simply prepared will allow the rich zinfandel fruit to shine. Rack of lamb or prime rib also make fitting companions.

advance bottles of their wines unavailable

Regular bott lings are an excellent accompaniment to even casual fare such as

in the retail trade. Avai lability of these wines wi ll vary

hamburgers, barbecue ribs or pizza. Their exuberant fruit can make an ordinary

depending on your location, but regu lar

meal memorable. There are zinfandels in every style to pair with everything from a

bottlings have fa irly wide nationa l retai l

classic cassoulet to a plate of Buffalo wings.

distribution. The best reserve wines are

Match young fruity wines with spicier assertive flavors and aged complex reserve

generally avai lable on ly at t he wineries,

wines with simple grilled meats and you can't go wrong. With their increased popu-

many of which now have "wine clubs"

larity, we may soon be hearing, "Let's have the Zinfandel instead of the Merlot."

offering select and newest offerings to be shipped directly to your door. VR

ValueRich Magazin e 123

n.S irati on

Seductive Love Trap Will Capture Your Heart by Tom Orr I know a few of them, and there's many more out there whom I don't know. Some are forthright about their desires, others are more covert. I'm ta lking about peop le who've gotten wind of t hat sizable (a nd growing) category known simpl istically as "world music"or"global music." They're wan ting to know more about it perhaps w ith the goal of obta ining some of it in order to bring a bit of cu ltural range or refreshed spirit to their music col lections. They're cautious, but nonetheless have an in kling of what to look for. Th ey know about some rare insta nces w here a world music album beca me an

influ ences from t he world at large. Sounds

Despite havi ng some very distinct build-

unexpected commercia l success, like the

of India, Africa, Asia and beyond are all pres-

ing blocks, the music of Susheela Raman is

very fine Buena Vista Social Club d isc. They

ent to va rying degrees, all reflective of the

tough to classify. The tag "global soul" has

know that artists like Peter Gabriel, Paul

cu ltural upbringing and artistic vision of a

been applied to it, and that seems as close to

Simon, David Byrne and Sti ng have some

unique woman.

clear-eyed labeling as we're likely to get.

"world" elements in their music. And with

Although she was born in London and

Personally, I think the casua l way her music

any lu ck at all, t hey're a cut above those

spent many of her form ati ve years in

defies categorization is pa rt of wha t makes it

lament ab le folks w ho believe that t he

Australia, Susheela Rama n is of South Indian

so charming. Raman's first album, Salt Rain,

macarena had someth ing to do w ith world

Tamil heritage. Her parent's deep-seated

(released in 2001 on the globally minded

music or may have come to t he conclu sion

Tami l roots instilled in her a natural affinity

Narada label) was a critically acclaimed feast

tha t any drum played w ith the hand s is

for singing Indi an cl ass ical mus ic. Even

of slow but insistent songs tinged w ith

ca lled a bongo.

sing ing in blues and rock-based ba nds as a

blues, dance numbers that pulsed with both

In short some people are looking for

teenager, she retained something of that

joyful abandon and dramatic tension, long-

world music that vyil l provide an enhanced,

traditiona l edge, eventually spu rring in her a

expanded listening experience w ithout jar-

need to merge her musica l influ ences into

ing folk ballads, tunes where India and Africa met somewhere in Europe, and much more.

ring their mainstream sensibilities. They

her own sound. To that end, Raman went to

The musicians who played on the disc came

w ant something that's authentic but won't

India in 1995 to study under master vocalist

from all over- India, Britain, Greece, Spain,

lead to a "what the heck are you listen ing

Shruti Sadolikar. Upon her 1997 return to

Burkina Faso, etc. Yet despite the range of

t o?" reaction from friends and associates.

Eng land, she hooked up with guitarist Sam

w hat went into it, the album sounded anything but sloppy and unfocused. In fact, it

Susheela Raman is one artist w ho ca n fill

Mill s, noted for fusing Indian, African and

t hat void. In her multifaceted music you'll

other elements into his work (Raman and

sounded great. Part of the reason for this was

hear a definite pop/rock attitude, but her

Mi ll s have been paired professionally an d

the remarkable symbiosis of the musician's

songs are laced with a seductive strea m of

persona lly ever since).

styles, w hich was never less than seamless.

124 Valu eRich Magazin e

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Love Trap highly noteworthy

Then there was Raman's voice. Her singing drew com-

albums is how accessibly

parisons to that of Shirley

they come across. The many

Bassey (think of the song

global fiavors do not stop

"Goldfinger" from the James

these recordings from hav-

Bond movie of the same

ing a sound that is somehow



remarkably familiar in its

moments could bring to

appeal, thanks to a winning

m ind the confessiona l frailty


of, say, Natalie Merchant. It

melodies, varied tempos and




was a voice that sounded

a sense of musical discovery.

great am id layered, lavish

Open-minded fans of rock,

instrumentation as well as

dance music, jazz, pop and a

moments that were nearly a

sprinkling of avant- garde will

cappella.She could even take

find much to tune in to.

a song like :Trust in Me"-

Language barriers are often a

yes, the one that Kaa the

stumbling point for potential

snake sings in Disney's The

world music listeners, so it

Jungle Book - and make it her own. Salt Rain went gold

must be mentioned that

in France, won awards in


most of Raman's songs are in Tamil



England and led to live

Engl ish. If you can get past

appearances wh ich assured

that fact, the rewards are

fans that Raman could cut it

many. Unlike many pop divas

onstage as well.

who seem to feel a need to

2003 saw the release of

constantly prove they can

the Love Trap album (a lso on

sing, Raman never forces the

Narada), on which Raman

issue. Even if you don't under-

took the wide-ranging beau-

stand a word she's singing,

ty that marked Salt Rain and

her voice is easily appreciat-

put a bit more sass into it. On

ed for the instrument it is,

the CD cover, her full-lipped,

combining with the musical backing to carry the listener

curly-haired visage has t he look of someone who's just tumbled into bed with thoughts of anything but sleeping. And if you were to simply read the lyrics of the opening title track, you might think they were plucked from a Britney Spears song. But Love Trap has loads more than inane teen titillation on its mind. The song is structured on the pentatonic scale used in the traditional and popular music of Ethiopia, giving it a genuine sensuality that's

Contemporary grooves give the feel of being on a dance floor in a foreign metropolis, but just as present are exotic sounds that conjure up images of far-flung locations utterly unspoiled.

on a journey to places of mystery, adventur-

along w ith another stel lar cast of musicians including Africa's finest drum set player, Tony

manner not intended as a political statement, but for purely aesthetic reasons that

Allen . A sizab le helping of contemporary

go a long way toward po inting out com-

ous fun and newfound beauty. With the word "d iversity" bandied about in today's world almost to the point of being meaningless, the music of Susheela Raman is diverse in the truest sense. It links cultures, boundaries, ideas and histories in a

sharp and penetrating. From there, the disc

grooves gives t he fee l of being on a dance

mon ground wel l worth investigating. So

unfolds into a rich palette that follows no

fioor in a foreign metropolis, but just as pres-

clear some space on the shelf for your soon-

formula left over from Salt Rain but goes

ent are exotic sounds (like some other-

to-be-inaugurated world music section, and

even deeper. Songs based around cen-

worldly Tu va n th roat-singing) that conjure

consider one or both of Susheela Raman's

t uries-old Indian devotional music, Latin

up images of far-flung locations utterly

CO's a wond erfu l starting point. If you

touches, Arabic flourishes and a version of


already have such a section, th ink of them as

Joan Armatrading's "Save Me" stand out, 126 Va lueRich Magazin e

What rea lly makes both Salt Rain and

a lovely add-on. VR

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Gods an~~ Generals

What is wrong with the stock market? By Charles V. Payne Stock market observers often look for rela tio nships that are ana logous to the

stock market. Hi storica lly, only diseases and

wethe rs like Genera l Electric (GE) and

relig ions have captured as ma ny adherents

Internationa l Business Machines (IBM).

as the post "irrational exuberance" ra lly did.

Today, there aren't any stocks that can

action in the market.Today's stock market is

Even the bears and the curmudgeons

ga lvan ize the market.The de facto gene rals,

probably most analogous to wa r, the Civil

were sucked in eventua lly. At one point t he

largest pu blic compa nies, aren't rallying the

Wa r to be exact - neighbor versus neigh-

Tisch fam ily was $2 bi llion underwater on

troops. Investors look to them for some sort

bor, each with theori es t hat lead them to

short positions. Wa ll Street began upgrad-

of leadershi p, but it is not forthcoming.

look for different things from stocks.

ing stocks with astronomical targets for

One neig hbor goes long on XYZ w hile

companies with no earnings.

In fact, the stock market wou ld be lower if it had fol lowed t he generals. IBM has

th e other goes short. In the process they

The last three years of the bu ll market

beco me market enemies. This scene is

defied all conventiona l w isdom . Li ke magic,


sta ll ed. General Electric is mired in a camaga in st

Wa ll

St reet


repeated from house to house, city-to-city,

ord inary stocks became huge w inn ers.

Microsoft, its share price langu ishing below

state-to-state. As a resu lt, t here is an ideo-

Massive inventory machines pumped out

$30 since last Sept ember, hasn't been able

log ical divide sp litting t he stock 路market

goods without regard to end-demand. Each

to rally itself, much less the troops.

apa rt. The problem with t hi s so-ca ll ed war, is

week a new buzzword or invention was


that there are no gods and no generals.

promoted. It was al l consuming, and all too

It wi ll be a long t ime before the stock

Fervent Beliefs

easy.There was too much conviction.

market reaches re ligious status again. But

At the close of 1997, the stock market

But by 2003, post 9- 11 cynicism replaced

bel ief in the system, and in this nation's

co mpl eted its seventh consecutive year

enthusiasm. Once investors became aware

virtues mig ht create the backdrop needed

higher, w ith t he Dow up more than 20o/o fo r

of market realities, and investment shenan i-

for a convincing ra lly.

t he third consecutive year -

gans, th e pendu lum of investor con fid ence

a histo ri ca l

first. Thi s prompted a choru s of ca utiona ry

swung back to the negative.

As for the general s, that is trickier. Many investors open the financial section of the

comments, including t he now infamous

Adulation of the ma rket turned quickly

paper and go straight to t he bel lwether

comment of "irrational exuberance" from

to distrust. Now, the better the economic

quotes. But I don't think it will be the bell-

Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federa l

news, the less responsive investors become.

wethers t hat save the stock market.

Reserve. Ironical ly, the pred ict ed fa ll of the

The resu lt is a self-fulfil ling reaction by

stock market, on ly seemed to prod the marc

stocks. They don't respond as they shou ld.

ket to a faster, more determin ed pace.

The ultra-co nviction of the late 1990's,

Fanta sti c ni che plays abound . These stocks cou ld be angels spreading limited joy and influence, but they are too small to be

Charles Mackay wrot e about hist oric

has g iven way to a wave of ult ra-pessim ism.

man ias in Extraprdinary Popular Delusions

Consequently, there are no supern atu ra l

A dose ofTulipoman ia is un li kely to hap-

market leaders.

and the Madness of Crowds. The Crusades,

forces swaying popular op inion today.

pen. Instead, I th ink success itself w ill

The Miss issippi Sc heme, The So ut h Sea

There are no gods in t his stock market. So it

unleash the t rue potential of the market.

Bubble and Tulipoma nia were exa m ples he used to show that mass hysteria is usua lly

is up t o the genera ls to seize the day.

This looks li ke the on ly answer, since there

Semper Fi

don't appear to be any gods or generals on

related to money, religi o n and power.

The ma rket has always had general s dur-

the horizon. VR

Manias happen w hen ord inary folks aban-

ing good times, bellwether stocks that led

don common sense and historic norms in

the way fo r others.

favor of a new conviction. Belief in a new paradigm partly fueled

During the exuberant1990s, the ma rket had an endless array of would be general s,

the 1990s stock market mania. Everyone

including Sun Micro (SUNW), Cisco (CSCO),

thoug ht they possessed the tools an d

Nortel (NT), Intel (INTC) an d Microsoft

knowledge to partake in the bounty of the

(MSFT). These stocks replaced ea rlier bell-

128 Valu eRich Magazin e

Charles V. Payne is the founder, CEO and Princi pal An alyst of Wall Street Strategies, a leading independent stock market research company since 1991. He is a regular contributor to intern ationally televised networks and shows coveri ng the stock market, and is routinely sought after for his market op inions by news organizations.

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