2016-17 Annual Report

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Annual Report of Gifts



for Lasting Success


2016-2017 Administration Fr. Donald Grzymski, OFM Conv. ’70 President Mr. Barry R. Stitz ’87 Vice President for Advancement Mr. John Kogler Vice President for Finance & Operations Mr. Brian Kohler Principal Mr. Jeremy Joseph Director of Enrollment Management & Marketing Mr. Zachary Dziedzic Assistant Principal for Academics Mr. John S. Bowden Assistant Principal of Student Affairs Mr. Nicholas Brownlee ’96 Director of Admissions Mr. Matthew Hatton Director of Athletics Mr. Paul Baker Director of Technology

Advancement Office Staff Mr. Gregory Malanowski ’70 Assistant Director of Advancement Mr. Tyler Cuomo ’08 Director of Alumni Mrs. Kathleen Wandishin Administrative Assistant

Mission Statement of Archbishop Curley High School Archbishop Curley High School, a Roman Catholic college preparatory school rooted in the Franciscan tradition, develops great men. With the support of the entire Archbishop Curley Family, each Curley Man is challenged to reach his maximum academic and personal potential in a safe and nurturing environment leading him to be a man of faith, character, discipline and service to others.


CURLEY Annual Report of Gifts I 2016-2017

Dear Friends of Curley: With the end of a school year there is a certain tendency, almost an urgency, to begin planning the next year. It’s almost as if someone is saying, “Close the books, and don’t look back.” I don’t think that is ever wise. Yes, planning must begin, but it is also good to look back, to evaluate, not to forget what really went well, and to look for improvements where growth can occur. Successes can be rightly savored, mistakes regretted and addressed, and insights gathered for a better tomorrow. With the school-wide theme of “Make Every Moment Count” for the 2016-2017 school year, I think this report shows that the theme was taken to heart, and the results are significant. Looking back over the year makes me very grateful for the efforts, sacrifices and support of so many. The memories remind me to thank God once again for the inspiration given to all who then offered their prayers and gifts to assist Curley. The momentum of positive things throughout this past year was the result of the hard work of students, teachers and staff, the sacrifices of parents and benefactors, the support of friends and volunteers, the leadership of the School Board, the patronage of those attending the Gala and supporting fundraisers. For all of these we are so grateful, and I ask the Lord to bless all who have contributed to Curley’s success during the year. The theme of this report is “Momentum,” and it shares some of those significant moments, which gratefully followed one after another, in the course of the past year. We hope the readers, and especially the donors who are listed in this publication, will take pride in what they have helped transpire. It surely would not have occurred without so much generous support. As a new school year gets underway it is our collective goal to build on that momentum, and to keep moving things forward. After all, while there are many high schools, there is only one Curley. A significant part of the vitality and viability of Curley is thanks to those listed in this Annual Report.

Fr. Donald Grzymski, OFM Conv. ’70 Presiden t


FROM THE SCHOOL BOARD CHAIR Dear Friends: It is a privilege to share in reporting to you on the status of Curley at the end of the 2016-2017 school year. Along with the other members of the School Board, I am confident to report that we believe the school is in a good place, and that we are grateful for all who work to assure the wellbeing of Curley from year to year. The committees of the Board spent considerable time this year assuring that best efforts went to reaching the goals of the Strategic Plan. That Plan has been a guiding document for 5 years, and it has helped focus attention and resources. One also realizes that by the end of a 5-year period some goals continue (e.g. maintaining our Franciscan and Catholic tradition; marketing the school to new students), but there are new needs, and it is time to formulate a new Plan. That became a focus of the Board and administration as the last school year came to an end, and as we move toward the new one. The Board has been pleased with the efforts of BMWW, our new marketing partner, and believes they have crafted a message that resonates with the larger Curley Family, as well as one that presents us well and accurately to prospective students and their families. Every time I attended a school event this year I found the enthusiasm was not limited to the students, but shared by the entire Curley community. The fiduciary responsibilities of the Board were consistently addressed again this year, and the school’s situation is sound. We are grateful to the Finance Office staff and the Endowment Trustees for their professionalism, and to the donors listed in this report for their generous support, all of which assists the financial viability of the school.

School Board Mr. Frank Savarese ’75, Chairman Mr. Charles W. Atkinson Jr. ’72 Mrs. Joyce Becker Mr. Michael F. Brockmeyer ’70 Ms. Michele Lynn Brown Cunningham Mr. John Diehl Mr. Saul Gilstein Fr. Michael Heine, OFM Conv. Mr. Mark J. Johnson ’76 Ms. Mary-Kay Leary Mr. Jeff Long Mrs. Meghan McDonald Mr. Peter O’Malley Mr. Byron Pitts ’78 Mr. Mark J. Potter ’80 The Honorable Leo Ryan Jr. ’76 Ms. Joan Sweeney Mr. Ronald L. Wilson, Jr. Mr. Steven T. Wolf ’78

Department Chairs Mr. Paul Baker Business/Technology Department Mr. Robert Picarello English Department Mr. Michael Gaffney Fine Arts Department Ms. Cheryl Jose Foreign Language Department Mr. Jamey Becker ’97 Guidance Department

As I begin my last year on the Board, I am grateful for the opportunity to have served as chair for the past two years. It has led me to a new appreciation for the efforts of both the Board members, and those of the faculty, administration and staff. Yes, there will be challenges as we move forward, but these have been good years, and I am confident we are moving in the right direction.

Ms. Allison Couche Mathematics Department

Thank you once again for your support of the Curley mission and vision, as you are making a difference. I hope you can visit the school in the months ahead, to see the progress, while attending a game or joining in another event. Finally, I ask for your continued support so Curley will remain a viable option for young men of the entire metropolitan area for generations to come.

Mr. Michael DeMarco Science Department

Frank Savarese ’75

School Board Chair

Mr. Marty McGinty Physical Education Department

Mr. Christopher Ogle Social Studies Department Fr. Matthew Foley, OFM Conv. Theology Department

Archbishop Curley High School Advancement Office 3701 Sinclair Lane Baltimore, MD 21213-2079 410.485.5000 www.archbishopcurley.org



Annual Fund The President’s Circle Gifts of $5,000 or more Mr. Michael F. Brockmeyer ’70 PP Mr. Charles Evans Jr. Msgr. James P. Farmer JD ’65 PP + Mr. Thomas W. Muth ’85 Mr. James P. Tristani ’66 PP +

The Benefactors’ Guild Gifts between $2,500 and $4,999 Bank of America Foundation Mr. Victor L. Boehm Jr. ’69 PP Mr. Charles H. Devaud Jr. ’71 PP * Mr. Nicholas F. DiLiello ’69 PP Mr. Michael J. Foley ’67 PP + Mr. Lawrence J. Hineline ’74 PP Mr. Gerard E. Holthaus ’67 PP Mr. Mark J. Johnson ’76 PP + Mr. Christopher Ludwig ’91 PP * + Mr. David Miller Sr. ’75 Mr. Mark Monte ’78 PP * Mr. Michael E. Muldowney PP + Mr. Anthony Navitskis ’65 + Northrop Grumman + Mr. Patrick Peluso ’07 + PNC Foundation Mr. William J. Reuter ’67 + Mr. John S. Suehle PhD ’76 PP T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc. Mr. Stephen M. Tauber ’82 PP Mr. William J. Zipfel ’67 PP

The Archbishop Curley Society Gifts between $1,000 and $2,499 Curley Travel Group + Archbishop Curley Class of 2017 + Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong + Mr. Robert S. Bennett ’74 PP * Mr. & Mrs. Lee Benson Mr. & Mrs. David Born Sr. + Mr. Neil J. Cashen ’72 PP Coca Cola Bottling + Ms. Carolyn L. Converso Crum & Forster Mr. Eric O. Cummings ’88 PP Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Cuomo PP Mr. Nicholas F. Desien ’66 + Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Fernandez In Memory of Klaus P. Schultz Mr. Saul E. Gilstein Mr. William J. Goodwin Jr. ’73 PP Mr & Mrs John C. Grund Jr. ’84 + Mr. Thomas G. Grzymski PP Mr. James A. Hamilton CPA ’85 PP Dr. David M. Hasson DMD ’70 Mr. Lawrence B. Hauf ’66 PP + Mr. John G. Heinlein ’86 + Mr. Craig S. Horner ’84 Mr. Philip Hundt ’74 Mr. Robert J. Jirsa ’73 PP Mr. John J. Kashen ’75 PP Mr. Andrew G. Kocik ’71 PP Mr. James F. Kolar ’69 PP + Mr. Joseph H. Langhirt ’65 PP Mr. Matthew B. Libber ’98 Mr. Terrence M. Lijewski ’66 Mr. Thomas C. Lowe ’70 + Mr. George P. Maex ’76 PP Mr. Ronald Mason Sr. PP Mr. Robert J. Matarozza ’70 PP


Mr. Karl G. Mauck ’79 Mr. and Mrs. William D. McGuinness PP * Mr. Anthony V. Milando ’80 Mr. David B. Miller ’79 Mr. Carmine Mistichelli ’93 + Mr. Lance G. Montour Esq. ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Ken Nagorsen Mr. Mark J. Norwicz ’76 + Mr. John S. Nosek ’68 + Mr. Jude M. Pasquariello ’66 PP Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Paszkiewicz ’75 PP + Mr. Martin J. Piepoli III ’75 + Mr. Mark J. Potter ’80 PP Mr. Henry J. Schroeder ’65 PP + Mr. Richard M. Schulz ’70 PP Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Seneschal Mr. Paul R. Sobus ’78 PP Ms. Joan Sweeney The William Penn Foundation Mr. John E. Vermette ’73 PP + Mr. Gerard Waldt ’74 + Mr. Timothy T. Weglicki ’69 + Mr. Craig S. Wehr ’79 PP + Mr. Joe G. Wilkens ’65 + Mr. Robert J. Williams ’74 Mr. Paul Winicki ’74 Mr. Lester M. Wolf ’84 * + Mr. Martin E. Wolf ’76 PP

The Cornerstone Associates Gifts between $500 and $999 Mr. Michael J. Adamczyk ’76 PP + Mrs. Anna M. Amrhein PP Mr. David W. Baldwin ’78 + Mr. Paul C. Balsamo ’68 Mr. Michael L. Bandell ’77 + Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Baxter Mr. John J. Berzellini Jr.,CPA ’68 PP + Mr. Mark S. Borowy ’84 Mr. Maarten A. Calon ’70 + Mr. & Mrs. Delano Carter Mr. Peter Chaikowsky * + Mr. Henry J. Christ III ’68 PP Mr. David S. Chrusniak ’66 PP Mr. James Clark ’74 + Mr. Carroll A. Clarke Jr. ’66 + Mr. Craig A. Clarke ’87 PP Mr. Donald Cohen ’66 PP Mr. Michael F. Crotty ’65 Mr. J. Richard Danaher ’66 PP + Mr. and Mrs. John Diehl Mr. Robert G. Doerfler Jr. ’72 + Mr. Paul J. Ebner ’75 Mr. Stephen J. Franzoni ’84 + Mr. Gregory F. Furst ’81 Mr. Michael J. Gaffney PP Fr. Vincent Gluc OFM Conv. Mr & Mrs. G. B. Grasso ’89 PP Mr. Barry M. Grzechowiak ’83 Fr. Donald Grzymski OFM Conv. ’70 PP Mr. Philip J. Halpin ’79 PP + Mr. James R. Harper Jr. ’79 Mr. John F. Harrington Most Rev. Gregory Hartmayer OFM Conv. PP Mr. Stephen W. Hellen ’94 PP Mr. Charles R. Hoopert Jr. ’71 + Mrs. Cynthia V. Hunt + In memory of Mark Rattini ’75 Fr. Charles Jagodzinski OFM Conv. Mr. Joseph Jancuk PP Mr. Jeremy N. Joseph ’96 PP Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kanuchok +

CURLEY Annual Report of Gifts I 2016-2017

Mr. Edward J. Kelly III, CPA ’65 Dr. Andrew M. Kowalevicz Jr. ’93 PP + Dr. Marion C. Kowalewski ’67 Ms. Mary-Kay Leary Mr. Joseph G. Lyle ’65 Mr. Steven Maex ’06 PP Mr. William L. Mahoney ’75 + Mr. Mark A. McLean CPA ’77 + Mr. Michael L. McLean ’77 PP + Mr. Howard L. Meyers ’66 * + Mr. Thomas D. Miller ’65 PP Mr. Carmen D. Mirabile ’87 + Mr. Mario Monaldi Jr. ’08 + New York Life Insurance + Northrop Grumman (ENGPAC) + Mr. Mark S. Novak ’70 + Mr. Edward J. Patro OD ’70 PP Mr. Mark A. Piasecki ’72 + Mr. Daniel Popera Mr. Frederick A. Raab ’67 PP Mrs. Carol A. Rego ’71 + Mr. George A. Rhoads ’70 Mr. Ty M. Roberts ’96 + Mr. David A. Rostek ’80 PP + The Honorable Leo Ryan Jr. ’76 + Mr. and Mrs. Carl Scheffel Jr. + Mr. and Mrs. Jason Schisler Mr. Michael C. Schmidt ’84 + Mr. Julius Silvestri ’68 PP Mr. E. Chase Soper ’01 Mr. Edward C. Soper Jr. ’66 Mr. Joseph Stallings ’80 PP Stanley Black & Decker PP + Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Sullivan + Major Gordon L. Topper ’96 + Mr. John Troiano + Mr. Steven T. Wolf ’78 + Mr. Ray Woolridge ’74 PP Mr. Michael E. Yanchoris CPA,CLU ’79 Mr. Wayne J. Zahner CPA ’87 + Mr. John F. Zipfel ’75 +

The Assisi Club Gifts between $250 and $499 IWIF Maryland Charitable Campaign + Mr. Kenneth M. Ackerman ’73 PP Mr. Jerome R. Acks Jr. ’67 + Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Aldon ’74 PP + Mr. Harry F. Amato ’70 + Mr. Paul B. Anderson ’70 Mr. Patrick M. Antkowiak ’78 + Mr. Ronald J. Arczynski ’70 Mr. Glenn J. Arthur ’77 Mr. James B. Aumiller ’78 PP + Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Baker III + Mr. Jonathan A. Balog ’92 + Mr. Stephen Baxter ’06 + Fr. Joseph Benicewicz OFM Conv. ’78 + Mr. Eugene K. Beres ’83 + Mrs. Barbara Berry + Mr. Robert F. Biscoe ’68 PP + Mr. John J. Boia ’84 + Mr. James S. Bomgardner ’69 PP + Mr. D. Randolph Booken and Dr. Catherine Sharkness PP + Mr. Thomas W. Brunner ’80 PP + Mr. Kevin C. Budny ’89 + Mr. Louis P. Butler ’71 + Mr. Stephen P. Cadden ’81 + Mr. D. S. Cahlander ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Carey Jr. ’91 PP +

Mr. and Mrs. James Cassidy Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Charvat PP Mr. Michael A. Cihak ’67 + Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ciuchta Col. William T. Clayton Ret. ’66 Mr. Justin J. Cloka + Mr. Steven Comegna & Ms. Stacy Baird Mr. Timothy Connor ’03 + Ms. Michele Lynn Brown Cunningham Mr. Eugene Currotto ’67 PP + Mr. Robert A. Danielak ’66 + Mr. John C. Dare ’70 + Mr. Michael C. Davis ’84 PP Mr. Tony E. DeAngelis ’93 PP + Mr. Leonard A. Delozier Jr., CPA ’67 PP + Mr. Robert E. Dengler ’65 PP + Dr. Gerard DiBartolo ’72 Mr. Barry C. Diggins ’81 + Mr. Robert M. Ercole PP Exelon Father Justin Rosary Hour Mr. Nicholas F. Feurer ’79 PP Mr. Edward J. Fields ’69 + Mr. Alvin J. Filbert Jr. ’70 Fr. Daniel Fink OFM Conv. + Mr. Timothy P. Flanagan ’98 Mr. Dennis X. Flynn ’71 + Mr. Gary L. Flynn Mr. David M. Gaither ’95 PP Mr. Robert J. Godack Jr. ’89 PP Mr. Charles P. Gross ’00 + Dr. Samuel C. Haffer PhD ’84 Mr. Gerard J. Hahn ’69 + Mr. Jay Healy ’68 PP Mr. Joseph Hess Jr. ’72 + Mr. Bruce R. Hirsch ’67 PP Ms. Kathryn Kelley Hoskins Esq. + Mr. John Huculak ’68 PP IWIF Maryland Charitable Campaign Mr. Stephen H. Kaisler ’68 Mr. Louis F. Karko ’68 + Mr. R. Scott Keidel ’69 + Mr. Joseph R. Keough ’73 Mr. Frederick V. Koch ’70 PP + Mr. John Kogler Jr. PP + Mr. & Mrs. Gerard F. Kolodziejski ’73 PP Mr. Anthony J. Kosiba Jr. ’73 Mr. Paul C. Kotschenreuther ’67 PP Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kovaleski Mr. Joseph Krolczyk 79 PP Mr. Gary A. Kuleck ’71 + Mr. and Mrs. David Kurtz Mr. & Mrs. Terrance L. Larkins + Mr. Anthony T. Lindner ’87 + Mr. and Mrs. Craig Lowry + Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Makowiecki Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Krzysztof Makowski + Ms. Mary Maskell Mr. Stephen T. Mason ’83 PP + Ms. Meghan S. McDonald * + Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McGrain ’02 + Mr. J. Edward McGuire ’67 Mr. Jeffrey P. Merkle ’94 + Dr. Robert Michocki ’66 Mr. Michael J. Milan ’92 + Mr. Joseph Mirabile ’82 + Mr. Kyle K. Morosko ’09 + Mr. Michael F. Moxey ’70 PP Mr. Bart Myers ’76 Mr. Joseph J. Myers CSP ’80 + Mr. Jay Naish Jr. ’74 +

PP Patry’s Pride donors gave to the Annual Fund for 10 or more consecutive years

Mr. John J. Nietubicz PT ’80 PP Mr. Gerard N. O’Keefe ’77 Mr. Stephen P. Overman ’82 * + Mr. Edward J. Peters ’80 + Mrs. Patricia Phebus Mr. Joseph S. Potyraj ’66 PP Mr. Bartlett C. Regan Jr. ’67 Mr. David M. Repko ’82 + Mr. Robert G. Roettger ’71 PP Mr. John Sanders ’88 Mr. Gerard J. Schmith ’68 PP Mr. Wayne R. Schmitt ’65 Mr. David Schroeder ’78 + Mr. Thomas J. Sessa ’89 + Mr. Michael J. Sobczynski ’81 Mr. Stephen Sobul Jr. ’04 + Mr. John M. Spann Jr. ’72 PP Steve and Vicki Stec ’72 + Mr. Ignatius Stefanski ’66 PP + Mr. Charles G. Stein ’76 + Mr. Ronald M. Stierstorfer CPA ’80 Mr. Joseph A. Stumbroski ’78 PP Mr. Dennis M. Sutterfield ’87 + Mr. and Mrs. John Sutton Jr. + Mr. Joseph W. Swiderski Jr. ’67 Mr. Steven Targarona ’74 + Mrs. Mary Helen Thanner PP The Marion I. & Henry J. Knott Foundation + Mr. David M. Thomas CPM ’69 + Mr. Brian Timberlake ’05 + Mr. Ronald J. Topper II ’85 In memory of Thomas M. Schammel, `86 Fr. Robert Augustine Twele OFM Conv. + Mr. Albert J. Udris PP Mr. Joseph W. Valis ’79 Verizon + Mr. Michael J. Vesely ’76 + Ms. Marty Voelkel-Hanssen Mr. J. B. Waldt ’79 + Mr. Robert E. Wall ’75 + Mr. James L. Waurin ’70 PP Wells Fargo Mr. Ronald Wiley ’66 PP Mr. Moke J. Wolfe III ’87 *

The Black & White Club Gifts between $100 and $249 Arcade Press PP Mr. Donald W. Adam Jr. ’96 + Mr. Gary Adornato ’80 + Mr. Neil A. Althoff ’82 PP Mr. Jacob Amato ’05 Mr. Jeffrey M. Amrhein ’73 Mrs. Doris L. Anderson PP Mr. Gregory M. Andrews ’68 PP + Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Artes 70 Mr. Samuel J. Azzarello ’65 PP + Mr. Paul Baker + Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Baldwin Sr. + Mr.& Mrs. Michael Banaszewski ’01 Mr. Raymond H. Barley Jr. ’77 PP Mr. Carl L. Bart ’65 Mrs. Judy Basmajian Mr. and Mrs. Gary Baynes + Mrs. Mary Frank Beasley + Mrs. Joyce Becker + Mr. Gregory J. Bednarek ’97 + Mr. Kevin E. Bell ’86 Mr. Donald J. Benzing ’75 + Mr. Robert J. Berkey ’66 + Mr. David Berzellini ’70 + + Increased donation from last year

Mr. Richard M. Betlejewski ’67 + Mr. Albert C. Biondo ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Bittner PP Mr. and Mrs. James Blackman Mr. Michael P. Boettcher Jr. ’98 + Mr. Matthew T. Bogdan ’87 PP Mr. Matthew W. Bogdan Mr. Charles C. Boling II ’97 + Ms. Maria A. Boling PP Mr. Ronald Bond ’67 Ms. Betty Ann Bonner PP Mr. Eric B. Bowen ’83 + Mr. Robert H. Bowers ’68 Mr. Matthew P. Bradley ’83 Mr. Craig T. Brewer ’84 + Mr. Joseph P. Brooks ’69 Mr. Richard A. Brown ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Barry Brownlee Mr. Nicholas A. Brownlee ’96 PP Mr. Richard W. Brunner CPA ’82 + Mr. Eugene J. Buckalew ’65 + Mr. Christopher Burke ’76 + Dr. Charles A. Butler III ’67 + Mr. Daniel G. Campbell ’74 Mr. William N. Campbell ’79 PP Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Carroll ’68 Mr. Paul J. Castello ’67 Mr. Robert N. Chrest ’74 Mr. James R. Christ ’67 + Mr. Paul M. Chui ’83 + Class of 1968 First Friday Lunch Group ’68 + Mr. Charles H. Clemens Jr. ’68 Mr. Jason M. Clements ’90 + Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Coffman Sr. Mrs. JoAnne E. Cole PP Mr. David M. Collins ’70 Mr. Matthew G. Collins ’76 + Mr. Richard J. Collins ’67 + Mr. Vincent Collins ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Comp III + Mr. John S. Connolly ’09 + Mr. Martin L. Connors ’71 + Mr. Daniel E. Contesti ’65 + Mr. John M. Contesti ’67 + Mr. Kevin J. Corbett ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Costello Jr. ’99 Mrs. Dorothy Cowan + Mr. Frederick Cox ’75 + Mr. Robert E. Cronin ’71 PP + Mr. Joseph A. Cruse ’87 + Mr. Timothy Curran ’02 + Mr. William E. Curran III ’96 Mr. Anthony C. Cvach ’86 + Fr. Herman Czaster OFM Conv. PP Mrs. Regina Davis Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Davis ’84 + Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Dean + Mr. Donald J. DelCiello + Mr. Philip A. Delluomo ’68 Mr. Charles A. Dell’uomo ’65 Mr. David K. Delp Jr. + Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Delss Mr. Ronald Demski ’74 + Mr. John A. Derrenberger ’69 Mr. David Dieter ’72 + Mr. Gary Diffenbaugh ’74 Mr. Robert J. Dillon Jr., CPA ’78 + Mr. Daniel DiMarino ’66 Ms. Brenda Disney Mr. Joseph P. Doerfler ’77 PP + * Gift Matched

** Pledge Fulfilled

The Upward Trend


urley’s enrollment continues to increase, another sure sign of the school’s growing momentum. This upward trend, which has taken the school’s census to the highest level in a decade, has been achieved through a personal approach to recruitment. It also reflects the broader public’s awareness of the opportunities available at the school. The 159 members of the Class of 2022 alone reflect this as they come from 63 different middle schools and reside in 51 zip codes! While the landscape of Catholic education has changed, Archbishop Curley has adapted its marketing approach. Yet, the enduring foundation of the Curley experience remains steady. “Here people know they will find a rigorous education in the Franciscan tradition,” notes Admissions Director Nick Brownlee ’96. “We always want to be authentic in our approach so that people can understand what Curley is all about.” That message is clear – Curley is a school rooted in the Gospel of Jesus and entrusted to help young men realize their God-given talents, to achieve to their potential, to set out for a bright future, and to help others along the way. Curley’s strong enrollment is the bellwether signaling a bright future for the school. Supporting enrollment is easy for all members of the Curley Family. Continue to spread the word about the positive experience you and your family have enjoyed here. Encourage young men you encounter to consider Curley in the future. Share our stories on your various social media platforms. “We work hard to spread the good word about Curley,” Brownlee notes, “but the most effective way to share our story is still word of mouth…or Facebook posts!”





Curley Bowl Crosses the Finish Line


nyone who visits Curley’s 33-acre campus will be impressed with the school’s upgraded athletic facilities. Summer 2016 saw the completion of the new turf field in the Bowl as the last piece of the In Giving We Receive capital campaign. Renovations continued in 2017 with the installation of a new track (includes new pole vault, shot put, and discuss areas) and a state of the art scoreboard that is expected to be in operation for the start of the fall athletic season. The nearly $1.9 million dollar bowl project could not have been completed without the support of so many generous benefactors. Additional fundraising drives to complete the turf and track yielded over $325,000. Multi-year sponsorships in excess of $100,000 were secured to help offset the cost of the scoreboard that will grace the 50-yard line of the stadium field. “I’m really excited that our student-athletes will be able to compete in such a top notch facility,” said Curley Athletic Director, Matt Hatton. “I believe what we have in the Bowl makes it one of the best venues for high school sports in the state.” Longtime track and field coach Gene Hoffman ’69 shares Hatton’s sentiments. “I can’t wait to host meets this spring,” he states. “I’m looking forward to fast times and records being broken.”


CURLEY Annual Report of Gifts I 2016-2017

Mr. Daniel P. Dohony ’74 PP + Mr. Christopher Donhauser ’82 Mr. David J. Dorzey Sr. ’67 + Br. Michael Duffy OFM Conv. ’77 Ms. Beverly Ann D’Urbano Mr. Thomas J. Dushel ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dvorak III ’83 Mr. Zachary Dziedzic Mr. William T. Earnest ’67 Mr. Kyrian Elekwachi Sr. Mr. Charles D. Ellis ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ellis Mr. Joseph T. Elwood Jr., RN ’82 + Mrs. Carolyn Erdman PP + In memory of Thomas Erdman Mr. Michael C. Etzel ’68 Mrs. Cecelia Evans PP Mr. Timothy L. Everd ’71 PP Mr. Timothy J. Everett ’76 + Mr. and Mrs. David Fabiszak PP Mr. James J. Fabiszak ’90 Mr. Kevin M. Ferretti ’90 + Mr. & Mrs. Marc J. Ferretto ’71 PP + Mr. Anthony F. Feurer Sr., CPA ’82 + Mr. Bernard A. Fischer IV ’93 + Mr. and Mrs. Carroll J. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Edward Flack Jr. Mr. James M. Flatley ’69 + Mr. David L. Flick ’71 PP Mr. John T. Foley Jr. ’65 PP Fr. Matthew Foley OFM Conv. + Mr. & Mrs. Jerome A. Foracappo Jr. ’74 PP * + Mr. and Mrs. William Fornoff + Mr. Louis G. Forte Jr. ’71 Mr. John M. Fowler Jr. ’70 PP + Mr. Arthur L. Franck ’80 Mr. William J. Frank ’78 Mr. Michael Freeze ’75 Ms. Patrese Frentz Mr. Gerald F. Frey Jr. ’71 + Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Galasso ’83 Mr. Robert Gangler ’72 PP + Mr. William Gardiner + Mr. and Mrs. Donald Garrison PP Mr. and Mrs. David F. Gerstmyer ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Gerstmyer ’02 + Mr. & Mrs. Frank Giampa + Mr. Joseph Gibbons + Mr. Thomas J. Giordano ’69 PP + Mr. Neil S. Gittings ’70 PP Mr. Hugh W. Gracey III ’73 Mr. Eugene Grady ’66 + Mr. Robert A. Greco ’70 + Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grieco + In the name of Matthew Grieco `10 and Benjamin Grieco `15 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gunzelman + Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Haffer Dr. William H. Hahn ’76 + Mr. Mark D. Halcott ’97 PP Mr. Peter A. Hammen ’84 + Mr. Orest P. Hanas ’72 PP + Mr. Brian J. Hance ’90 + Mr. Vincent P. Haney ’86 Mr. Edward R. Hargadon and Ms. Valdone Kuciauskas + Harley-Davidson Motor Company Mr. and Mrs. James Harper Mrs. Regina Hartka Mr. Lawrence R. Hauf ’90 + Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hayes Jr. PP

Fr. Brad Heckathorne OFM Conv. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Hettling Jr. Mr. Richard T. Higgins ’65 Mr. Michael F. Hilditch Sr. ’65 PP Mr. Robert W. Hirt ’67 PP Lt. Col. (R) Richard J. Hisley MDANG ’70 Mr. Frederick Hofferbert Jr. ’65 Mr. Robert L. Holtgrefe ’66 PP + Mr. Glenn V. Hooper ’77 Mr. Richard T. Hubbard Jr., CPA ’70 * + Mr. Paul Hunter Jr. * + Mr. William R. Jakubowski ’83 Mr. Paul Jednorski ’79 + Mr. David W. Jenkins ’88 Mrs. Joan M. Jirsa Mr. and Mrs. James Johansen * + Mr. Gregory T. Jones ’75 * + Ms. Cheryl A. Jose PP Mr. Ronald N. Joseph Mrs. Elizabeth Jubb + In memory of Gerald T. Jubb, Jr. ’67 Mr. Jason J. Karolkowski ’95 + + Br. Leonard Katusz OFM Conv. ’66 PP Mr. Paul H. Keenan Jr. ’69 + Mr. Christian Kendzierski ’88 + Mr. Brian Kinnear ’02 + Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Kinnear PP + Mr. Ralph J. Kirchner ’72 + Mr. Stephen Kirr ’78 + Mr. Firman F. Kistler Jr. ’68 PP Mr. Jeffrey V. Knapp ’88 PP + Mr. and Mrs. Roland Knapp PP Mr. Bernard F. Kneavel ’81 Mr. Timothy P. Knepp ’73 + Mr. Michael L. Knott ’70 Fr. Martin Kobos OFM Conv. PP Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Koenig PP Mr. Brian Kohler Mr. Jesse Kolodziejski ’06 + Mr. Jordan Kolodziejski ’08 + Mr. Gregory J. Kondilas ’98 PP Mr. Matthew Kondilas ’04 PP Mr. Andrew Korczynski ’70 + Mr. Andrew J. Korczynski ’15 + Mr. David J. Kovalic ’67 PP Mr. Joseph J. Kowalski ’86 + Ms. Mary Kraemer Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Kreafle Sr. + Fr. Jude Michael Krill OFM Conv. PP Mr. & Mrs. Michael Krondon + Mr. Paul A. Kryglik ’71 Mr. Paul D. Krysiak ’89 + Fr. Timothy Kulbicki OFM Conv. ’76 PP Mr. Mark Kulis ’74 + Mr. Louis Kurzmiller ’66 Mr. Joshua C. Lamont ’92 + Mr. & Mrs. Steven Lassiter Mr. Eugene Lastner Jr. ’77 + Mr. & Mrs. John Leach + Mr. Joseph A. Levy ’71 PP Mr. Robert J. Lindler ’72 + Mr. Alan F. Lipa ’65 + Mr. James A. Litsch Jr. ’83 + Mr. Paul M. Llufrio III ’97 PP Mr. James T. Loftus ’69 Mr. Jonathan E. Long ’96 Ms. Elaine C. Lubinski Mr. Robert P. Lukaszczyk ’98 + Mr. Michael Lumsden PhD ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Mabanta Mr. Frederick Mack ’72 PP

PP Patry’s Pride donors gave to the Annual Fund for 10 or more consecutive years

Mr. Frank D. Mackowiak ’80 + Mr. David A. Malanowski ’73 PP + Mr. Gregory E. Malanowski ’70 + Mr. and Mrs. Dave Maley + Mr. Albert Malkowski Jr. ’69 PP + Mr. Louis Maranto ’80 + Fr. Michael T. Martin OFM Conv. ’79 PP Mr. Clifford Marvel ’80 Ms. Kathleen M. Maskell Mr. Anthony F. Mason ’82 + Mr. Christopher Mason ’89 PP + Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mattheiss + Mr. Adam Mazurek Jr. ’66 + McCormick & Schilling + Mr. Thomas P. McCubbin III ’73 * Mr. Marty McGinty PP Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. McGrath ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. McGuire III ’83 PP Mr. Robert P. McKay ’82 Mr. James M. McKernan ’66 + Mrs. Joan McNamara Mr. James H. McNicholas ’65 Ms. Karen McSharry Mr. & Mrs. John Meadowcroft + Mr. Charles Meehan Jr. ’76 + Mr. David M. Meisel ’70 + Mr. Robert E. Melewski ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Merkle PP Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Mihm Mrs. Rose Miller Mr. and Mrs. Carroll P. Minderlein Mr. Christopher P. Moan ’90 + Mr. John G. Moran Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Morosko Sr. Ms. Janis Motichka + Mr. Jason J. Murphy ’98 + Mr. Minh Nguyen ’06 + Mr. Russell J. Nies ’88 + Mr. Thomas E. Nittinger ’79 + Mr. Timothy B. Norris ’78 PP Mr. Ronald S. Novak ’83 + Mrs. Jane Oakjones Mr. Paul F. Oberle ’68 PP Mr. Robert E. Oberle ’72 Mr. Joseph M. O’Brennan ’69 Mr. James V. Padden ’79 + Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Pahr III PP * + Ms. Agnes Panowicz Mrs. Lois Papparotto Mr. Charles W. Parks Jr. ’80 + Mr. & Mrs. Henry Patino Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Patry Mr. Francis J. Pazdzinski III, CPA ’66 + Mr. John A. Pecora ’68 + Mr. Norbert R. Petr ’71 PP + Mr. Louis Petrelli ’81 + Mr. Michael Petti Sr. ’77 Mr. Kevin P. Phelan ’88 * + Mr. George M. Phillips ’72 + Mr. & Mrs. Gary Pietrogiacomo Mr. Thomas Pillsbury ’08 + Mr. Robert J. Pirchalski ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Ted Polinsky PP Mr. Timothy T. Polinsky ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Porembski Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Potter PP Mr. Patrick K. Potter ’83 Mr. Charles F. Pribyl ’72 Mr. Christian O. Price ’10 Ms. Donna Price + Mr. Mark Profili ’69 + + Increased donation from last year

Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Puglisi * + Mr. Victor J. Puliafico II ’71 PP Dr. G. Gregory Raab PhD ’65 + Mr. Kevin M. Regert ’84 + Mr. Richard E. Rehberger Sr. ’72 + Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rew PP Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Richardson PP + Mr. Bill L. Ridenour ’74 + Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Robinson Mr. and Mrs. John Rokitka Friar Nicholas Romeo OFM Conv. ’04 PP Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ronspies Mr. Frank J. Rosenberger ’65 + Mr. Charles B. Rosenthal ’84 PP Ms. Jean Rosenthal Fr. Romulus Rosolowski OFM Conv. Mr. Timothy M. Ruhl ’77 PP Mr. Christopher Ruth ’94 + Mr. and Mrs. James Ruth Mr. Thomas J. Rybczynski ’76 PP Mr. Mark S. Rynes ’77 + Fr. Michael Sajda OFM Conv. PP Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Salamone ’71 PP Mr. Frank G. Sansosti ’71 Mr. Vincent Santavenere ’67 PP + Mr. Raphael J. Santini Esq. ’75 + Mr. Robert S. Savarese Sr. ’77 Mr. Michael J. Schammel ’79 + Mr. James J. Scheulen ’73 Mr. Michael J. Schilpp ’79 + In memory of Pauline Schilpp Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoennagel + Mr. Max Scott Br. Gerald Seipp OFM Conv. Mr. Jay G. Semerad ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Serio ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Barry G. Sewell Mr. Andrew Shinnick ’78 + Mr. William P. Shuler Jr. ’73 Mr. Benjamin J. Sibiski ’78 * Mr. Lawrence Siemasko ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Sigler Jr. Mr. Albert R. Smink ’70 + Mr. Mark S. Smith ’78 + Ms. Francesca Snarski + Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Sosnowski St. Francis of Assisi Friary Mr. Thomas W. Stachowski Jr. ’87 + Fr. David Stachurski OFM Conv. ’70 PP Mr. Mark Stairiker ’67 Mr. Domenic A. Staiti ’90 + Mr. Gerald J. Stank CPA ’65 Mr. David Stauffer PP + Mr. Francis X. Stefanski ’69 Mr. John M. Stern Jr. ’66 Mr. Barry R. Stitz ’87 + Mr. Stephen M. Streckfus ’93 + Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sullivan + Mr. Josh A. Sutherland ’93 + Fr. Mark Szanyi OFM Conv. Mrs. Catherine Szimanski Mr. Robert J. Szumla CPA ’79 + Mr. and Mrs. Tony Szyjka + Mr. Marion Szymanski ’65 CPT. Steven Szymanski ’01 Mr. Anthony Tamberino Jr. ’67 Mr. William C. Taylor Jr. ’75 * + Mr. Thomas B. Tennyson ’70 PP + Mr. James Teramani ’75 PP The Northrop Grumman Foundation Mrs. Irene C. Thompson + * Gift Matched

** Pledge Fulfilled

Mr. and Mrs. Tony Topper + Mr. James Trageser ’66 + Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Trently Sr. + Mr. John J. Turpin + Mr. Robert Tutin ’65 PP + Mr. Andrew J. Urban Jr. ’70 + The Vacek & Westerman Families Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Vaitukaitis Mr. Dennis Van Ditta ’65 Mr. and Mrs. James VanDetta Verizon + Mr. Bill Voelker ’74 PP Mr. Charles F. Vrany ’65 Mr. David Walatka ’80 Mr. Lenny Waldhauser III ’65 Mr. John L. Walega Jr. ’87 + Mr. William M. Walter Jr. ’69 + Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Walz + Mr. and Mrs. James Wandishin PP + Mr. Michael D. Wann ’91 + Rev. John B. Ward + Mr. Roland Warner Jr. ’72 + Mr. & Mrs. Donald Waugh Jr. + Mr. Timothy E. Wazlavek ’99 Mr. & Mrs. Wes Weisgerber Wells Fargo Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wetzelberger Mr. Neil White + Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiegman Mr. Anthony Williams ’11 + Ms. Sylvia Willson Mr. Walter K. Willson Jr. ’92 + Mrs. Carol Winpigler Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wittman Mr. Monford A. Wolf ’80 PP + Mr. Joseph F. Wooden Jr. ’81 Mr. Alfred Wysocki + Rev. Samuel V. Young Jr. ’80 PP Dr. Norbert M. Zaczek PP Mr. & Mrs. Gary C. Zamerski + + Fr. Samuel Zebron OFM Conv. + Fr. Michael Zielke OFM Conv. PP

Friars Plus Club Gifts under $100 Mr. James Ackerman ’72 PP Mr. Paul Ackerman ’66 PP Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Addicks + Mr. Andrew Alcarese ’65 PP Mr. Burgess P. Allen ’69 Mr. and Mrs. John Althoff + Mr. Joseph M. Althoff ’68 + Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Altiere + Mr. Michael J. Ament ’73 + Mr. Robert D. Andrews ’66 PP + Mr. Robert C. Andrews ’73 + Mr. Kyle Ashe ’07 + Mr. Dennis F. Augustyniak ’72 Mr. Leonard M. Augustyniak ’66 Mrs. Elizabeth Aumiller Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aupperley Mr. Todd C. Aupperley ’93 Mr. John Badley Ms. Brenda Bahur + Mr. & Mrs. Bob Baker Mr. and Mrs. Neal Baker + Mr. Craig J. Baldwin ’11 Mr. & Mrs. James M. Bandoch + Mr. Charles C. Bankard ’00 + Mr. Joseph Bartosz ’74 PP Mr. Brendan A. Basmajian ’92 +


Mr. Andrew C. Bauer Mr. Robert Baumgartner Jr. ’68 + Mr. & Mrs. Robert Baxter Jr. Mrs. Jean Bayne Fr. Joseph Bayne OFM Conv. ’75 Ms. Stephanie Bechtel Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas Becker Mr. Charles Becker CPA ’72 Mr. Jamey C. Becker ’97 PP Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Becker + Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bell Mr. Douglas G. Bennett ’71 PP + Mr. Donald Benzing PP Mrs. Elizabeth Berger PP Mr. Robert J. Berkebile ’67 PP Mr. Steven E. Berkenkemper ’72 * Mrs. Joanne Berkey Mr. Joseph L. Bernard III ’72 + Ms. Maureen P. Bethea + Mr. and Mrs. Michael Betley Mr. Dennis J. Biedronski ’66 Mr. Mark G. Bieneman ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bloodsworth + Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Bogdan Sr. PP Mr. Louis J. Bogdan Jr. ’96 PP Mr. and Mrs. Romuald Bogdan PP Mr. William A. Boia ’73 Mr. James C. Bona ’82 Mr. Louis C. Bona Jr. ’79 + Mr. Louis Bonincontri ’88 + Mr. James L. Bonner ’82 + Mr. and Mrs. John Bowden Mr. & Mrs. William Bower III + Mr. Michael L. Brady ’66 + Mr. Robert Brannan PP Mr. Liam Breathnach Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brickwedde ’08 Mr. Thomas Brooks ’65 + Mr. and Mrs. Terence K. Brotzman Mr. Brooks E. Brown ’12 Mr. Lester W. Brown ’66 + Mr. Michael Brown + Mrs. Mary Jane Brunner Mr. Nicholas F. Bruno ’76 + Mr. Stephen J. Buddenbohn ’86 + Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Budny + Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Burkins Mr. John Buschman ’66 + Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Byrnes + Mr. Kevin P. Cadden Sr. ’73 PP Mr. and Mrs. George Callender PP Ms. Rosemary A. Carroll Mr. Christopher W. Carter ’14 + Mr. David W. Carter ’16 + Mr. & Mrs. Hugh W. Carter III Mr. Tom Carty ’74 + Mr. Robert J. Castagnetti Mr. David Castle ’78 + Mrs. Patricia R. Celeste PP Mr. Matthew C. Charvat ’99 Mr. Charles Chesnavage ’78 + Mr. William Chmielewski ’75 + Mr. Richard Cichon ’72 + Mr. Ryan C. Ciuchta ’00 + Ms. Ellen Clemente + CSM James H. Clifford USA ’76 + Mr. Andrew J. Colletta ’68 + Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Commodari Mr. Bruno A. Commodari ’77 + Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Commodari + Mr. Michael F. Cooney ’65 +



Mr. Andre T. Cooper Jr. ’99 + Mr. John R. Costello ’66 Ms. Allison Couche Ms. Pamela Creevey Mr. William Critcher + Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cromwell + Mr. and Mrs. John C. Csernak Mr. Tyler Cuomo ’08 Mr. Benjamin N. Cvach ’13 + Mr. Victor Cyran ’74 + Mr. Brian E. Czarski ’91 + Mr. Scott W. Davidson ’90 + Ms. Justine Davis Ms. Donna Delp + Mr. Michael DeMarco Mrs. Cara Denney Mr. Derek DePasquale ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Depew Mr. Michael D. Dicea ’95 + Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Dickerson Mr. Enrico DiCocco ’80 + Mr. & Mrs. David Dikes Mr. George J. Dillman ’77 Ms. Kathleen Dilworth + Mr. J. K. DiMartino ’68 PP Mr. Gerard R. Dirscherl ’65 Mr. Kevin N. Dohony ’76 Ms. Ingeborg E. Donnelly Mr. Michael B. Donnelly ’81 Mr. Bernard Dorman ’88 Mr. Donald J. Dugan ’85 + Mr. and Mrs. Leonard N. Eckenrode Jr. + Mr. John A. Ena ’66 Exelon Foundation + Mr. William Farley Jr. ’78 + Mr. Patrick S. Feeley ’71 PP + Mr. Alan T. Felter ’69 + Mr. James C. Ferenc ’09 Mrs. Jean Ferretti Mrs. Mary Ann Feurer Mr. Eric S. Fisher ’68 + Mr. James B. Fitzpatrick ’71 PP Ms. Rashawna Fleet + Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Floyd Sr. + Mr. Richard B. Flynn ’81 PP Mr. Richard Flynn + Mr. Kenneth M. Folderauer ’78 + Mr. Phil Forte Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Fortier + Mr. & Mrs. Robert Francis + Mr. Christopher Freeman ’02 * + Mr. Michael J. Furst ’71 + Mrs. Mary Elaine Gabor Mrs. Bernardine R. Gagliardi Mrs. Allison A. Gale Mr. Vincent J. Galiano ’71 + Mr. David J. Gallup ’82 + Mr. Sean D. Gallup ’11 + Mr. James F. Gardner ’70 Mr. Jonathan Gardner ’03 + Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gehrig PP Mrs. Sarah Gillespie Bur Mr. Dante C. Gizzi ’96 + Mrs. Clare Glenn Mr. Gregory S. Glinowiecki ’71 PP + Mr. Kyle J. Glinowiecki ’17 + Mr. Mark Glinowiecki ’78 Mr. Neale Glinowiecki ’02 Ms. Bernadette Goodfellow + Ms. Janice Grabowski


Dr. Harold J. Grau ’74 + Mr. Todd Gray Sr. + Mr. Wayne P. Green CPA ’79 + Mr. Christian Grochowski Mr. John P. Grosskopf ’65 Mrs. Eileen Grund Mr. Jock Grynovicki PhD ’72 Mr. Walter A. Gutowski ’75 + Mr. Ryan M. Hahn ’10 + Mr. and Mrs. George Hairsine Mr. J. D. Handley ’84 PP Mr. H Hannon ’05 + Mr. Bradley J. Harbert ’13 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Harbert Mr. Dennis E. Harrington ’73 Mr. Thomas D. Harris ’68 Mr. Christopher Harrison ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hartman + Mr. Matthew Hatton Mr. Ryan M. Hax ’95 PP Mr. Michael J. Helminiak ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Burton J. Hemelt Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Henry ’90 + Mrs. Janice Hense Mr. LeRoy F. Herbert III ’69 Ms. Joanne C. Hergenrother + Mr. Stan Hierstetter ’65 Mr. William D. Hodges Jr. ’65 Mr. Bruce P. Hojnacki ’82 Mr. Michael Holthaus ’72 Mr. Austin J. Hooper ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Horn PP Mr. Scott L. Howard ’78 + Mr. W. Ray Hudson ’86 + Mrs. Joan Huettner Mr. & Mrs. Craig Huff + Mrs. Ebony A. Hunter + Mr. and Mrs. Frank Izzo + Mr. Gerard J. Jackson ’77 Mr. John F. Jackson ’85 + Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Jackson Mr. David January ’66 Mr. Lawrence J. Jarcewski ’66 + Mr. Michael T. Jaromin ’71 PP + Ms. Dolores Jelan + Fr. Michael J. Jendrek Ms. Elizabeth Jenkins Mr. Kenny Jenkins + Mr. & Mrs. William Johnston Jr. + Ms. Anna Jones PP Mr. Robert A. Jones ’78 + Mr. and Mrs. James D. Kadar + Mr. James Kalbac CPA, CISA ’75 Mr. Daniel W. Kalendek Jr. ’75 PP Mr. and Mrs. David Kalendek Sr. Ms. Meeri Kangas Mr. Anthony R. Kanuchok ’91 Mrs. Joan Karolkowski + Mr. Edward P. Katrinic ’74 + Mr. Gary Kendzierski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Kepner Jr. Mr. Michael K. Kerrigan ’73 Ms. Anna E. Kielek Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. King + Mr. Joseph W. Kirby Jr. ’72 + Mr. Howard Kmieciak ’66 + Mr. Charles Knighton ’66 + Mr. John K. Koehler Jr. ’65 Ms. Caroline Kogler Mr. Anthony W. Kokosinski ’91 Mr. John J. Kolar Jr. ’68 +

CURLEY Annual Report of Gifts I 2016-2017

Mr. Phillip W. Kondilas Jr. ’69 + Fr. Germain Kopaczynski OFM Conv. Mr. Eugene P. Kornak Jr. ’86 PP Mr. Anthony M. Kotecki Jr. ’78 Mr. Robert C. Kotova ’65 PP + Mr. George T. Kotula ’81 Mr. Gregory S. Krasowski ’93 + Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Krasowski Mr. & Mrs. William Kresslein Mr. John A. Krol ’76 + Mr. Joseph J. Kropkowski Jr. ’66 Mr. Robert S. Kropkowski Sr., PD ’71 Mr. and Mrs. C. James Lamont Jr. + Mr. Daniel C. Lamont ’95 + Ms. Janise Marie Lane + Fr. Michael J. Lasky OFM Conv. ’89 PP Mr. Michael Lato III ’07 Mr. Michael Lato + Mrs. Darla Lawder Ms. Bonita Lee Mr. Michael S. Lee ’13 + Mr. Richard L. Lelonek Jr. ’73 + Mr. Edward Leppert ’78 + Mr. Gerard Lhotsky ’77 Mr. Joseph Lhotsky Jr. ’65 Mr. and Mrs. William Libercci Sr. Mr. A. Michael Lidinsky ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Linhart Mr. James A. Lisle III ’65 PP Mr. William P. List ’70 Mr. John Lochary ’66 Mrs. Helen M. Locke Mrs. Suzanne Lodanski Mr. Gregory B. Loftus ’95 Mr. Robert Lombardi + Mr. Jamie C. Long ’98 + Mr. Gerard W. Lotz ’74 Mr. Gregory G. Lukowski ’74 Mr. Jerry Lynch ’67 PP Mr. Michael R. Lynch CPA ’99 + Mr. Eugene Macek Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Machovec PP Mr. Joseph M. Machovec ’76 + Mrs. Mary Lou Macsherry PP Mr. David Majchrzak ’69 + Mr. Derek A. Maki Mr. Christopher J. Makowski ’09 + Mr. Anthony E. Malkowski ’14 + Mr. John Malloy + Mr. Thomas A. Maly ’65 + Mr. John Markel ’70 + Mr. David M. Marousek ’75 + Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Marschall Ms. Beverly A. Martin PP Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mason Mr. Ronald L. Mason, Jr. ’71 Mrs. Charlene K. May + Mr. Joseph G. May + Mrs. Donna M. McDonald + Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. McDonald ’81 Mr.& Mrs. John McDonnell Mr. Richard C. McElroy ’69 PP + Mr. Thomas McElroy ’78 + Rev. Walter J. McGovern Mr. Francis X. McGrath Jr. ’69 + Mr. Stephen V. McGrath ’00 PP Mr. & Mrs. Michael McGraw ’72 Mr. Kevin C. McGuire ’12 + Mr. & Mrs. Gerard McMann Mr. Paul G. Melka ’73 PP + Ms. Marie A. Melvin

Mr. Jeffrey M. Merryman ’92 PP + Ms. Renee Meyer PP + Mr. James G. Miles ’73 PP Mr. James G. Miller Jr. ’75 + Mrs. Catherine Miserendino Mr. Mark P. Monaldi ’94 Mr. & Mrs. James Monroe Jr. Br. James Moore OFM Conv. Mr. Scott C. Moore ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moran Ms. Julie Mullen Mr. Kevin L. Murphy ’78 Ms. Sarah Murphy + Mr. Sean F. Murphy Br. Stephen Murphy OFM Conv. Mr. Mark D. Muth ’09 Mr. Michael J. Muth ’78 + Mr. Paul D. Myers ’67 Mr. Daniel E. Nakasone ’17 Mr. & Mrs. Nhan Nguyen Mr. Patrick J. Nixon ’68 PP * + Mrs. Monique Nkere + Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Nocar Sr. Mrs. Rose M. Noe Mr. Howard Norris ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Gerard F. Novak Mr. & Mrs. Mark Novak + Mr. Richard A. Novotny ’90 Mr. Joseph R. Noya ’84 Mr. John Offerman PP Mr. Chris Ogle PP Dr. Allan J. Olchowski ’65 Mr. Kevin R. O’Malley ’69 Mr. Matthew J. O’Neill ’75 Mr. & Mrs. John T. Papavasiliou + Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Parr Mr. & Mrs. James Pasko + Mrs. Mary Peach Mr. and Mrs. William J. Perzinski PP + Mr. Todd C. Petrik ’86 + Mr. & Mrs. Eugene P. Petrowski Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Petruccy + Mr. John P. Petryszak ’91 Mr. Louis G. Petryszak ’65 Mr. Robert Picarello Mr. Melvin Piotrowski ’70 PP Mr. Kevin S. Pippin + Mr. Michael T. Pivec ’09 Mr. Thomas P. Placek ’68 + Mr. Peter Polaski Jr. ’88 + Mr. David Polsinelli Jr. ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Gino A. Polsinelli Mr. Frank J. Pondolfina ’66 Mr. Donald P. Potter Sr. ’78 Dr. Paul A. Potyraj ’78 Mr. Frank P. Preroff ’70 PP + Mr. Jon Pressimone Mr. Jeffrey B. Prochaska ’87 Sr. Irene Pryle SSND + Mrs. Dorothy Quill Mr. Gary T. Quill ’76 + Mr. Leslie P. Quillet Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Rappold Mr. Charles S. Rappold ’91 PP + Ms. Rebecca Reed + Mr. Charles B. Reinhardt III ’94 Mr. Martin A. Reisinger ’71 Renaissance Charitable Foundation In the name of Christopher & Collin Zamerski Mr. William B. Rennie ’67

PP Patry’s Pride donors gave to the Annual Fund for 10 or more consecutive years

Mr. and Mrs. Anton Resch PP + Ms. Carol Reuter Ms. Christine Richardson + Mr. Zachary A. Ridgely ’14 + Mr. and Mrs. Robert Riesett + Mr. Dante E. Righini ’68 + Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Rizzi Mrs. Maureen Roche Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Rogers Sr. + Mr. Timothy C. Rohrs ’68 Mr. Steve A. Rologas ’86 PP Mr. Maurice J. Romanell Jr. ’74 + Mr. and Mrs. George Romig Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Roos Mr. John G. Rosenberger ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Roth Sr. + Mr. Christopher Rukowicz ’01 PP Mr. Theodore M. Rukowicz ’70 PP + Mr. Christopher Ruley ’94 Ms. Carol Ann Ruth Mr. Kevin Ruth ’08 + Mr. Brendan Ryan + Mr. Alexander Salamone ’08 + Ms. Gail L. Samchuck Mr. James F. Sandkuhler ’70 PP + Ms. Shirley Sandoz + In memory of Jack Dohony Mr. Robert D. Sauer Jr. ’94 PP Mr. Mark G. Savarese ’79 Mr. Zachary B. Savarese ’13 Mr. William Scarpello ’89 Mr. Russell C. Schalk Jr. ’70 + Mr. John W. Schammel Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schanberger Mr. Barry J. Schech ’69 Mr. Paul Schilpp ’70 Mr. Paul Schiminger ’78 + Mr. Bernard W. Schmidt ’66 + Mr. Eugene M. Schmidt ’65 + Mr. Michael Schmith ’73 + Mr. Eric R. Schuetz ’81 Mr. James A. Schultz Jr. ’00 + Mr. John B. Schultz ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schwartz + Mr. Brian V. Sciabarrasi ’96 Mr. Clif Scruggs ’84 + Mr. & Mrs. William J. Seidl Jr. + Mrs. Nancy A. Serio Mr. & Mrs. David C. Shaw ’90 PP + Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Shields Mrs. Mary Jean Shuler Mr. Jorge Silveira + Mr. Justin Sipes ’01 + Mr. Timothy Skarda ’08 Mr. Frank A. Skinner ’68 PP + Mr. Melvin Skwirut ’70 + Mr. Thomas E. Slezak ’82 + Mr. & Mrs. William J. Smith ’76 PP Mr. Michael D. Smolek ’80 Mr. Peter Snarski + Mr. Thomas Snyder ’68 Fr. Marcel Sokalski OFM Conv. + Mr. James D. Sotaski ’68 + Mr. James A. Soucy + Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sperling Mr. Robert Sroka ’70 PP Mr. Michael P. Stabile ’11 Ms. Elizabeth P. Staniewski Dr. Alexander Stathes Mr. Gregory D. Stec ’70 PP + + Increased donation from last year

Mr. Joseph L. Stefanski CPA ’69 + Mr. Raymond T. Stefanski ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Bartholomew Stephen + Rev. Donald A. Sterling ’66 Mr. George J. Stiemly Jr. ’89 + Ms. Page L. Stout + Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Straka Sr. PP Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Streckfus Mr. Jose M. Suarez ’91 PP Mrs. Dorothy Suehle Mr. Matthew D. Sunday ’99 Mr. Joseph G. Svehla ’68 PP Mr. Randall D. Swartz ’71 + Mr. Michael Swisher ’72 Mr. Robert M. Swisko ’70 PP + Mr. Raphael G. Syah ’75 Mr. John P. Targarona ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Randall Taylor ’87 Mr. Paul Teller ’07 Mr. Ronald Teller ’77 Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Tewes Textron Mr. and Mrs. John Thaler + The Kula Foundation + Mr. & Mrs. Bernard F. Thommen Mr. and Mrs. David Thompson + Mr. Erich P. Thurner ’17 + Mr. Joseph L. Toth ’71 Mr. Joseph M. Trachta Jr. ’71 Ms. Katherine G. Trageser Mrs. Mary Trotta Mr. Theodore D. Turnbaugh ’83 + Dr. Albert A. Tysor ’68 Mrs. Laura Vahos Mr. J. E. VanDetta ’87 Mr. George M. Vitak ’68 + Mr. Hubert M. Voelker PP Mr. Christopher M. Waldt ’71 Mr. Kevin P. Walls ’72 Mr. James D. Waltman Jr. ’79 + Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Warble Sr. + Mr. William R. Ward ’82 Mr. and Mrs. John Warga + Mr. Robert M. Warner ’79 Ms. Helen A. Wassin Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Waterfield Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wdzieczny Mrs. Frances Weber + Ms. Dorothy Weidner Mr. Francis K. Weigand ’69 + Mr. Randy Wesolowski ’72 Mr. Andrew W. White ’99 + Mrs. Celeste Williams + Mr. Paul F. Williams ’70 + Mr. Paul Williams ’06 + Mr. Travis Williams PP Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Witthauer Sr. + Mr. Martin Wittstadt PP Mr. Edward J. Wojciechowski ’68 PP Ms. Laura Wojtas Mr. William J. Wolf Jr. ’67 Mr. Steven M. Wujek Sr. ’79 + Mrs. Celeste Wysocki Gibson PP Mr. Richard W. Yeager ’74 + Mr. and Mrs. Sam Young PP Mr. Vincent A. Zaccaria ’81 Mr. George D. Zurek ’82

Class of 2017 Sets School Record


he most recent graduating class set a school record by earning over $15.3M in merit aid and scholarships. This is a great accomplishment for the 127 members of the Class of 2017. These Curley men submitted over 550 applications and a total of 300 acceptances were offered by 128 different colleges and universities. This fall, they are starting the next part of their lives at 51 different four-year colleges and universities and several two-year colleges. Local institutions such as UMBC, Stevenson University, McDaniel College, Goucher College, Maryland Institute College of Art, Loyola University of Maryland and Morgan State University will receive Curley graduates this year. Some Curley men will venture a little farther from home to schools that include Catholic University, Elizabethtown College, High Point University, University of Delaware and Wheeling Jesuit University. For the first time in quite a while, Curley men will attend the University of Tennessee, Arizona State University, University of Virginia, Morehouse College, American University, LSU, and Clemson University to name a few of the more noteworthy institutions. In addition, 30 graduates will compete in their sport at the college level. These accomplishments would not be possible without a strong network of support, beginning with the faculty and coaches who taught and challenged them. Parents and family have made sacrifices to afford a Catholic education at Curley and they play a crucial role in encouraging their sons to aim high and persevere.

Congratulations Class of 2017.

Major Gifts

$25,000 or above Mr. Frank Savarese ’75 The Suehle Family * Gift Matched

** Pledge Fulfilled





In Giving We Receive Building Campaign


Mr. William E. Curran III ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gouldmann

By School Board, Faculty/Staff & Class Year

Tuition Assistance A Step 2 Success Archdiocese of Baltimore Bridgeworks Dental Construction, LLC Mr. Paul Scheerer Catholic Community of South Baltimore Church of the Annunciation Church of the Nativity G.B. Charities, Inc. HFLA of Baltimore City, Inc. Holy Spirit Church It’s All About the Kids - Maryland Inc. Knights of Columbus Cardinal Gibbons Council #2521 Knights of Columbus Maryland State Council Knott Scholarship Foundation Mother Seton Academy Next One Up Our Lady of the Chesapeake Our Lady of Victory Church, Arbutus St. Agnes St. Agnes Men’s Club c/o Jeff Haskell St. Anthony of Padua / Most Precious Blood St. Bernadette Parish St. Casimir’s Church St. Clement Mary Hofbauer Church St. Dominic Church St. Francis de Sales Church St. Isaac Jogues Church St. Mark Roman Catholic Church St. Mary of the Assumption, Pylesville The Theresa F. Truschel Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mr. Michael Aumiller Ms. Joan L. Brooks Franciscan Friars Mr. David B. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Potter Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Regan Mr. Thomas Zerner

School Board

Class of 1977

Class of 1991

Class of 2005

Gifts Received - 18 Total - $18,184.01

Gifts Received - 20 Total - $4,302.40

Gifts Received - 9 Total - $3,352.12

Gifts Received - 3 Total - $400.00

Faculty & Staff

Class of 1978

Class of 1992

Class of 2006

Gifts Received - 64 Total - $6,890.46

Gifts Received - 32 Total - $9,620.28

Gifts Received - 7 Total - $920.00

Gifts Received - 5 Total - $1,020.00

Class of 1965

Class of 1979

Class of 1993

Class of 2007

Gifts Received - 46 Total - $22,555.50

Gifts Received - 25 Total - $7,624.08

Gifts Received - 8 Total - $2,651.96

Gifts Received - 5 Total - $2,695.00

Class of 1966

Class of 1980

Class of 1994

Class of 2008

Gifts Received - 49 Total - $18,143.00

Gifts Received - 22 Total - $6,290.00

Gifts Received - 7 Total - $1,030.00

Gifts Received - 8 Total - $1,171.64

Class of 1967

Class of 1981

Class of 1995

Class of 2009

Gifts Received - 34 Total - $18,300.00

Gifts Received - 13 Total - $2,174.59

Gifts Received - 6 Total - $650.00

Gifts Received - 6 Total - $485.00

Class of 1968

Class of 1982

Class of 1996

Class of 2010

Gifts Received - 40 Total - $8,200.73

Gifts Received - 19 Total - $5,149.00

Gifts Received - 10 Total - $2,284.00

Gifts Received - 2 Total - $160.00

Class of 1969

Class of 1983

Class of 1997

Class of 2011

Gifts Received - 34 Total - $11,545.43

Gifts Received - 15 Total - $2,775.00

Gifts Received - 5 Total - $622.01

Gifts Received - 5 Total - $331.41

Class of 1970

Class of 1984

Class of 1998

Class of 2012

Gifts Received - 50 Total - $17,375.07

Gifts Received - 18 Total - $7,340.80

Gifts Received - 7 Total - $2,400.00

Gifts Received - 2 Total - $50.00

Class of 1971

Class of 1985

Class of 1999

Class of 2013

Gifts Received - 36 Total - $9,260.00

Gifts Received - 5 Total - $6,350.00

Gifts Received - 7 Total - $514.19

Gifts Received - 7 Total - $395.00

Class of 1972

Class of 1986

Class of 2000

Class of 2014

Gifts Received - 34 Total - $5,673.58

Gifts Received - 11 Total - $1,840.00

Gifts Received - 6 Total - $481.66

Gifts Received - 3 Total - $125.00

Class of 1973

Class of 1987

Class of 2001

Class of 2015

Gifts Received - 25 Total - $7,891.00

Gifts Received - 14 Total - $3,913.00

Gifts Received - 5 Total - $760.00

Gifts Received - 1 Total - $100.00

Class of 1974

Class of 1988

Class of 2002

Class of 2016

Gifts Received - 29 Total - $12,670.38

Gifts Received - 10 Total - $2,066.25

Gifts Received - 7 Total - $1,010.00

Gifts Received - 1 Total - $50.00

Class of 1975

Class of 1989

Class of 2003

Class of 2017

Ms. Vicki L. Karwacki

Gifts Received - 27 Total - $10,122.05

Gifts Received - 9 Total - $1,950.00

Gifts Received - 4 Total - $387.24

In memory of Patricia Chuasina Noeth

Class of 1976

Class of 1990

Class of 2004

Gifts Received - 26 Total - $12,170.01

Gifts Received - 11 Total - $1,157.50

Gifts Received - 3 Total - $500.00

Gifts Received - 4 Total - $2,067.00 This includes a class gift made upon graduation

Archbishop Curley High School Memorial Scholarship Fund In memory of Paul Karwicki

Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Cuomo

In memory of Joseph Papparotto, Sr. Mrs. Yvonne Francis Ms. Edina L. Hartman Novartis US Foundation

In memory of Albert Stitz The Billmyer Family Mr. and Mrs. Donald Garrison Mr. John F. Harrington Mr. Robert J. Jirsa ’73 Ms. Cheryl A. Jose Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Riesett Mrs. Maureen Roche Mr. Jonathan Salbeck ’02 Mr. and Mrs. James VanDetta Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wittman

In memory of Matt Ziemski `95 Mr. and Mrs. John Ward

10 CURLEY Annual Report of Gifts I 2016-2017

Alumni Scholarship Fund Archbishop Curley High School Alumni Association

Salvatore Aquia ’97 Memorial Wrestling Scholarship Aquia Bingo Aquia Wrestling Tournament Maryland Wrestling Officials

Brockmeyer-Cawley Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Brockmeyer ’70

Jeffrey T. Baynes ’96 Memorial Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Gary Baynes Mr. Jeremy N. Joseph ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Moore Jr. Mr. John H. Scannell Mr. Gerard J. Schmith ’68

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kowalevicz Mr. & Mrs. Craig Moskos Mr. Mark J. Potter ’80 Ms. Denise Thormann Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. White

Thomas J. Grap Scholarship Mr. Richard T. Meagher ’76 Mr. Gerard N. O’Keefe ’77

Grzymski Family Scholarship Fr. Donald Grzymski OFM Conv. ’70 The Estate of Emma Grzymski Mr. Thomas G. Grzymski Mr. Peter Leffman Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Sansone

In memory of James Aldon ’70 The Aldon Family

In memory of Fr. Bernard Dudek, OFM Conv.

Timothy Brannan Scholarship

Mr. Thomas G. Grzymski

Mr. Michael S. Brannan Mr. Patrick Brannan Mr. Robert Brannan Mr. Spencer Brannan Annie E. Casey Foundation

In memory of Jeanne Guay

Church of the Annunciation Scholarship Fund Mr. Nicholas F. DiLiello

Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund

The Guay Family

In memory of Albert Stitz Fr. Donald Grzymski OFM Conv. ’70 Mr. and Mrs. David Kurtz

In memory of George Zurek The Zurek Family

Fr. Dennis Jaworek Memorial Scholarship Fund

Mr. Frank E. Hemberger III ’65

Ms. Gloria A. Karr Mr. Anthony T. Lindner ’87

Class of 1967 Scholarship Fund

Robert C. Jirsa Memorial Scholarship Fund

Mr. Daniel Augustine Sr. ’67 Dr. William Barrett Jr. ’67 Mr. Leonard A. Delozier Jr., CPA ’67 Mr. William T. Earnest ’67 Mr. Michael J. Foley ’67 Mr. Stephen X. Gunzelman ’67 Mr. Bruce R. Hirsch ’67 Mr. Gerard E. Holthaus ’67 Dr. Marion C. Kowalewski ’67 Mr. Nelson J. LeRoy ’67 Mr. Frederick A. Raab ’67 Mr. Bartlett C. Regan Jr. ’67 Mr. William J. Reuter ’67 Mr. James R. Salamone Sr. ’67 Mr. Mark Stairiker ’67 Mr. A. C. Tillmann Mr. William J. Wolf Jr. 67

Joseph R. Citro Sr. Memorial Scholarship Mr. Joseph R. Citro ’69 Damaris Collado Ms. Myschelle Delancey Ms. Hazel Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Luddy Ms. Margaret Rohan

The Dohony Family Scholarship In memory of John “Jack” Dohony Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Feick Mr. John F. Haugh ’85 Johns Hopkins University Student Health & Wellness Center Mr. John L. Kellermann Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Kimmel

Building on the Franciscan Tradition

Mrs. Joan M. Jirsa Mr. Robert J. Jirsa ’73

Randy Jones Memorial Scholarship Mr. Jack Katzman and Ms. Margo R. Jones Ms. Deborah H. Tyler

St. Jude Scholarship Fund Ms. Mary Krill

Francis E. Maskell Scholarship Fund Ms. Kathleen M. Maskell

Karl L. & Margaret S. Mauck Memorial Scholarship


iving up a part of their summer, a group of over 40 Curley students, alumni, teachers, and parents spent a week doing service in the D.C. area at a camp called Encounter the Gospel of Life. St. Francis of Assis said, “Preach the gospel at all times, and if necessary use words.” Throughout the week, the Encounter group did just that. Their actions included working with homeless and troubled children, aiding the elderly, assisting at food banks, lobbying members of Congress on issues of immigration and life, helping those with mental and physical disabilities, and many other good deeds. Students played music, games, danced, sang, sorted items, drew pictures, simply enjoyed the company of their site members, and anything else asked of them to complete their service. And their words never contained any complaints or naysaying. Each one spoke highly of the spiritual and emotional benefits which they received from their service to others. Will Draper ‘18 and Scott Giampa ‘20 gave testimonies to the whole camp about how their experiences at Encounter had shaped and formed their faith life in just a short period of time. While the Curley students put forth their best for those they worked with and set their hearts on helping others, many came to a realization that those in need were not the only ones gaining something from the experience. Kenny Clapp ‘20 notes: “I thought that I would be coming here to help the kids with whom I worked, considering they were homeless and coming from a tough area and seemed like the typical model for a person in need. But in reality, it was the kids that helped me. They were so joyful and happy and positive that they made me realize how blessed I was in my own life.” St. Francis would be proud, as the Curley community truly made their working their preaching at Encounter.

In memory of Helen Bodensteiner Fr. Donald Grzymski OFM Conv. ’70

Meyers-Mulheran-Perry Scholarship Fund Mr. Howard L. Meyers ’66 The William Penn Foundation

Irene & Nicholas Michael Scholarship Fund Mr. Gary N. Michael ’71

John F. Myers Scholarship Fund Mr. Joseph J. Myers CSP ’80

Donald & Patricia Potter Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Potter Mr. Patrick K. Potter ’83

archbishopcurley.org 11

For Christmas Donald P. Potter, Sr. ’78 Mark J. Potter ’80 Patrick K. Potter ’83 Stephen P. Potter ’84

In honor of Patricia Potter’s Birthday Donald P. Potter, Sr. ’78 Mark J. Potter ’80 Patrick K. Potter ’83 Stephen P. Potter ’84

In honor of the Wedding Anniversery of Donald & Patricia Potter

Instrumental Ensembles Strike Gold in Boston


very year the Curley Instrumental Ensembles (Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble and Drumline) take their talent on the road for the much-anticipated Band Trip. They have travelled to South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and many other venues to participate in a festival of high school musicians where they compete against other schools and are judged by professionals. This year, Mr. David Stauffer, Director of Instrumental Music, led the Curley students to Boston and the World Strides Music Festival where each ensemble earned a gold medal and a superior rating. Mr. David Stauffer, instrument music teacher at Curley for over thirty years, said he was pleased with the performances of the students. “The Band Trip is much more than a few days away from home,” he explains. “It is the culmination of a year-long journey in musical training, team building, performance etiquette, frustrations, realizations and the many emotions that are necessary for 65 high school students to create and communicate music!” Of particular note was the Drumline which was directed by Ryan Reely, son of Mr. Rick Reely who headed up the percussion program until his death early this year. Their rendition of The Devil Went Down to Georgia surprised and impressed the three judges who were professors from the prestigious Berklee College of Music.

Donald P. Potter, Sr. ’78 Mark J. Potter ’80 Patrick K. Potter ’83 Stephen P. Potter ’84

In honor of Father’s Day Donald P. Potter, Sr. ’78 Mark J. Potter ’80 Patrick K. Potter ’83 Stephen P. Potter ’84

In honor of Donald W. Potter’s Birthday Donald P. Potter, Sr. ’78 Mark J. Potter ’80 Patrick K. Potter ’83 Stephen P. Potter ’84

Bernie Reif Scholarship Fund Earnest and Associates, Inc. Fewster F.C. Friends of Curley Soccer Mr. Robert W. Hirt ’67 Mr. Gerard J. Schmith ’68

In Memory of Albert Stitz Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Amrhein Mr. Harry Dodge

Semper Fi Scholarship Fund Anonymous

Tully Sullivan Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. James F. Gardner ’70

Jack Van Stone Memorial Scholarship Fund Ms. Ashley Pennington Mr. Thomas Zerner

Fr. Tom Walsh, OFM Conv. Memorial Scholarship Fund In addition to their musical activities, the students went the Boston Aquarium, toured Fenway Park, visited the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, walked the Freedom Trail through Boston, played at an indoor water park and lunched at the famous Quincy Market.

Mr. & Mrs. Reed Hutner

The St Joseph Fund The St. Joseph Fund supports Curley families in need and helps offset the costs of needed religious projects. Mr. Kenneth M. Ackerman ’73 Mr. Michael J. Adamczyk ’76 Mrs. Sharon M. Aldon ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Aldon ’74 Mr. Burgess P. Allen ’69 Ms. Eugenia Amonica Mrs. Doris L. Anderson Mr. Robert D. Andrews ’66 Mr. Ronald J. Arczynski ’70 Mr. Leonard M. Augustyniak ’66 Mrs. Elizabeth Aumiller Mr. James B. Aumiller ’78 Mr. Todd C. Aupperley ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aupperley

12 CURLEY Annual Report of Gifts I 2016-2017

Mr. Samuel J. Azzarello ’65 Mrs. Sheila Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Baird Mr. and Mrs. Neal Baker Mr. & Mrs. Bob Baker Mr. Christopher J. Baldwin ’78 The Balog Family Mr. Joseph M. Bangert ’71 Mr. Gilbert T. Barker, Sr. Dr. William Barrett Jr. ’67 Mrs. Judy Basmajian Mrs. Jean Bayne Mrs. Barbara Baynes Mr. and Mrs. Gary Baynes Mrs. Deanna Benicewicz ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Lee Benson + Mr. and Mrs. Donald Benzing Mr. Albert S. Berberich ’65 Mrs. Elizabeth Berger Mr. Robert J. Berkey ’66 Mr. Joseph L. Bernard III ’72 Mr. John J. Berzellini Jr.,CPA ’68 Ms. Maureen P. Bethea Ms. Charlotte Bethke Mr. Richard M. Betlejewski ’67 Mr. Dennis J. Biedronski ’66 Mr. Robert F. Biscoe ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Bittner Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bloodsworth Ms. LeVerne Bobadilla Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Bogdan Sr. Mr. William A. Boia ’73 Mr. Louis C. Bona Jr. ’79 Mr. Louis Bonincontri ’88 Ms. Betty Ann Bonner Mr. Frank J. Bonomo ’67 Mr. Isaac J. Bornemann ’09 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bornemann Ms. Betty M. Bourgeois Mr. Robert Brannan Mr. Michael T. Brazeal ’66 Ms. Adrienne Britton Mr. & Mrs. Harry S. Brocato Jr. Mr. Thomas Brooks ’65 Mr. Joseph P. Brooks ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Terence K. Brotzman Mr. Nicholas A. Brownlee ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Zygmunt Brozio Mrs. Mary Jane Brunner Mr. James Bruno ’75 Mr. Nicholas F. Bruno ’76 Mr. Stephen J. Buddenbohn ’86 Mr. Christopher Burke ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Burkins Ms. Carolyn M. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Butta Mr. Kevin P. Cadden Sr. ’73 Mr. and Mrs. George Callender Mr. Maarten A. Calon ’70 Mr. Scott Cammarata ’05 Ms. Anna Carey Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Carey Jr. ’91 Ms. Denise M. Carlino Mrs. Owen B. Carney Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Carroll ’68 Mr. Christopher W. Carter ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Hugh W. Carter III Mr. Tom Carty ’74 Mr. Neil J. Cashen ’72 Mr. Bryan Castagnetti ’01 Mr. Robert J. Castagnetti

Mr. Patrick J. Chachulski ’90 Mr. Ronald J. Chase ’65 Mr. and Mrs. John Chriest Mr. James R. Christ ’67 Mr. Henry J. Christ III ’68 Mr. David S. Chrusniak ’66 Mr. Christopher R. Cichowicz ’93 Mr. Paul Ciecwierz ’80 Mr. Michael A. Cihak ’67 Mr. Carroll A. Clarke Jr. ’66 Mr. Charles H. Clemens Jr. ’68 Mr. Andrew J. Colletta ’68 Mr. David M. Collins ’70 Mr. Matthew G. Collins ’76 Mr. Bruno A. Commodari ’77 Mr. John M. Contesti ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Frederic L. Cook Mrs. Isabella Corbett Mr. Kevin J. Corbett ’82 Mrs. Dorothy Cowan Mr. Frederick Cox ’75 Mr. Charles D. Cremens Jr. ’76 Mrs. Sarah Crockett Mr. Joseph A. Cruse ’87 Mr. Carl Cuneo Mr. Patrick M. Cunningham III ’11 Mr. William E. Curran III ’96 + Mr. Philip Cvach Mr. Anthony C. Cvach ’86 Ms. Mary Jane Daniels Mr. John C. Dare ’70 Mr. Scott W. Davidson ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Dean + Ms. Mary Joan Delcher Mr. Leonard A. Delozier Jr., CPA ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Delss Mr. Gerard S. Dembeck ’67 Mr. Robert E. Dengler ’65 The Denis Family Mr. Derek DePasquale ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Depew Mr. & Mrs. Melvin M. Derda Mr. John DiBattista ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Dickerson Mr. Nicholas F. DiLiello ’69 Mr. Joseph J. DiMaggio ’66 Mr. Richard DiMarcantonio ’72 Mr. Daniel DiMarino ’66 Mr. J. K. DiMartino ’68 Mrs. Carol Dobbins + Mr. Jack Dohony Mr. & Mrs. Walter Doleschal Mr. Michael B. Donnelly ’81 Mr. David J. Dorzey Sr. ’67 Ms. Beverly Ann D’Urbano Mr. Thomas J. Dushel ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dvorak III ’83 Mr. William T. Earnest ’67 Mr. John Ebaugh ’66 Ms. Beverly Serio Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Egbert Mr. Stephen L. Eichhorn ’68 Mr. Frank J. Embardino Jr. ’71 Mr. John A. Ena ’66 Mrs. Carolyn Erdman Mr. Michael C. Etzel ’68 Mr. Charles Evans Jr. Mrs. Cecelia Evans Msgr. James P. Farmer JD ’65 + Mr. R. Terence Farrell ’66 Mr. Walter W. Federowicz ’76 +


Mr. & Mrs. John Feehley Sr. Mr. Patrick S. Feeley ’71 + Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Fernandez Mrs. Jean Ferretti Mr. Nicholas F. Feurer ’79 Mrs. Mary Ann Feurer Mr. Anthony F. Feurer Sr., CPA ’82 Mr. James B. Fitzpatrick ’71 Mr. James M. Flatley ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Fleischmann Sr. The Flick Family Mr. Dennis X. Flynn ’71 Mr. John T. Foley Jr. ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Jerome A. Foracappo Jr. ’74 Mr. Louis G. Forte Jr. ’71 Mr. John M. Fowler Jr. ’70 Ms. Patrese Frentz Mr. Genaro Fullano ’78 Mrs. Mary Elaine Gabor Mrs. Bernardine R. Gagliardi Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Galasso ’83 Mrs. Allison A. Gale Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Galla Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Donald Garrison Ms. Rita Gasior Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Gerstmyer ’02 Mr. and Mrs. James Gielner Sr. Mr. Thomas J. Giordano ’69 Mr. Neil S. Gittings ’70 Mr. Robert J. Godack Jr. ’89 Mr. Mark C. Golczewski ’81 Mr. Vincent Grande ’78 Dr. Harold J. Grau ’74 Mr. Robert A. Greco ’70 Mrs. Domenica Greensfelder Mr. and Mrs. Richard Greensfelder Mr. Charles P. Gross ’00 Mr. John P. Grosskopf ’65 Mr. & Mrs. John C. Grund Jr. ’84 Dr. Gerald Gryczko Mr. Barry M. Grzechowiak ’83 Mr. Thomas G. Grzymski Fr. Donald Grzymski OFM Conv. ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gunzelman Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Haffer Mr. and Mrs. George Hairsine Mr. Orest P. Hanas ’72 Mr. J. D. Handley ’84 Mr. and Mrs. James Harper Mr. Thomas D. Harris ’68 Mr. Christopher Harrison ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hartman Mrs. Mary Ann Hass Mr. and Mrs. Ned J. Hatcher Mrs. Rosemary G. Heiger Mr. Kenneth Heimbach ’66 Ms. Hannah G. Hemelt Mr. David Hepner ’05 Mr. & Mrs. W. David Hepner Ms. Patricia Herr Mr. Joseph Hess Jr. ’72 Mr. Stan Hierstetter ’65 Ms. Marie A. Hinke Mr. Bruce R. Hirsch ’67 Mr. Robert W. Hirt ’67 Lt. Col. (R) Richard J. Hisley MDANG ’70 Mr. William D. Hodges Jr. ’65 Mr. Mark W. Hoerner ’65 Mr. Frederick Hofferbert Jr. ’65 Mr. Gerard E. Holthaus ’67

Mr. Scott L. Howard ’78 Mrs. Christine Hryn Mr. Richard T. Hubbard Jr., CPA ’70 Mr. Charles H. Huber ’97 Mr. W. Ray Hudson ’86 Mr. Richard Huettner ’72 Mrs. Joan Huettner Mr. Philip Hundt ’74 Mr. Matthew Italiano ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Izzo Mr. William R. Jakubowski ’83 Mr. Onas W. Jansen III ’79 Ms. Elizabeth Jenkins Mr. Robert J. Jirsa ’73 Mrs. Joan M. Jirsa Mr. and Mrs. James Johansen Mr. Mark J. Johnson ’76 Mrs. Helene L. Jones Mr. Gregory T. Jones ’75 Ms. Sharon Jones Mr. Ronald N. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. James D. Kadar Mr. James Kalbac CPA, CISA ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kanuchok Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Karas and Family Mr. Louis F. Karko ’68 Mrs. Joan Karolkowski Mr. John J. Kashen ’75 Mr. Edward P. Katrinic ’74 Mr. Glenn T. Keidel ’68 Mr. R. Scott Keidel ’69 Mr. Edward J. Kelly III, CPA ’65 Mrs. Mary L. Kilcoyne Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. King Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Kinnear Mr. and Mrs. John Kirby Sr. Mr. Firman F. Kistler Jr. ’68 Ms. Jill Klein Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kline Mr. Mark J. Klingler ’79 Mrs. Josephine Kloes Mr. W. R. Knapp III ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Roland Knapp Mr. Bernard F. Kneavel ’81 Mr. Andrew G. Kocik ’71 Mr. John K. Koehler Jr. ’65 Mr. John J. Kolar Jr. ’68 Mr. James F. Kolar ’69 Mrs. Mary Louise Kolb Mr. & Mrs. Gerard F. Kolodziejski ’73 Mrs. Margaret Kontoyianis Mr. William S. Kordis ’69 Mr. Wayne Kotowski ’72 Mr. Paul C. Kotschenreuther ’67 Mr. David J. Kovalic ’67 Mr. Robert D. Kowalczyk ’86 Dr. Marion C. Kowalewski ’67 Ms. Elaine Kowalewski Mrs. Virginia Kraft Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Kreafle Sr. Mr. William R. Kress ’70 Mr. & Mrs. William Kresslein Ms. Mary Krill Mr. Joseph J. Kropkowski Jr. ’66 Mr. Paul A. Kryglik ’71 Mr. Jeffrey P. Kukucka CPA ’75 Mr. Ken Kuyawa ’65 Mr. David J. Kwiatkowski ’73 Mr. Michael A. LaFlame ’76 Mr. Roderick A. Lancaster Jr. ’79 Mr. Robert Lancione ’68

Mr. Scott S. Landess Mr. Kylen S. Lane Mr. Gary T. Lansinger ’69 Mr. Antonino Lapi Mr. Joseph Lawder ’78 Mrs. Darla Lawder Ms. Mary Ann Leard Ms. Bonita Lee Ms. Joan M. Lewczak Mr. A. Michael Lidinsky ’66 Ms. Christine Lieu Mr. Richard Lijewski ’65 Mr. Anthony T. Lindner ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Linhart Mr. Alan F. Lipa ’65 Mr. David Lipinski ’79 Mr. Paul M. Llufrio III ’97 Mrs. Suzanne Lodanski Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Loetz Mr. Gerard W. Lotz ’74 Ms. Elaine C. Lubinski Mr. Gregory G. Lukowski ’74 Mr. Jerry Lynch ’67 Ms. Anna L. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Mabanta Mr. and Mrs. Walter Macek Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Machovec Mr. Joseph M. Machovec ’76 Mrs. and Mrs. Mary Madary Mr. Michael G. Madsen ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Madsen Mr. George P. Maex ’76 Mr. Jeffrey Mahaley ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Makowiecki Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Mallon Ms. Susan Manning Mr. Christopher A. Manning ’65 Mr. David M. Marousek ’75 Mr. and Mrs. William E. Martin Jr. Fr. Michael T. Martin OFM Conv. ’79 Mr. Michael G. Martino ’68 Mr. Shawn R. Marvel ’84 Ms. Mary Maskell Mr. Ronald Mason Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mason Mr. Robert J. Matarozza ’70 Mr. Karl G. Mauck ’79 Mrs. Charlene K. May Mr. Thomas P. McCubbin III ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCullough Mr. Richard C. McElroy ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. McFarland Mr. Francis X. McGrath Jr. ’69 Mr. and Mrs. William D. McGuinness Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. McGuire III ’83 Mr. Robert P. McKay ’82 Mr. Melvin J. McKenny Jr. ’65 Mr. James M. McKernan ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard McMann Mrs. Joan McNamara Mrs. Helen Mechura Mr. David M. Meisel ’70 Mr. Robert E. Melewski ’66 Ms. Marie A. Melvin Mrs. Paul Merkle Ms. Debbie A. Merryman Mr. Howard L. Meyers ’66 Mr. Gary N. Michael ’71 Dr. Robert Michocki ’66 Ms. Mary Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Mihm

archbishopcurley.org 13

STEM Broadens Curriculum


s STEM has moved forward at Curley a decision had to be made on the best way to offer courses that build upon one another, and best prepare students for college. The consensus was to go with Project Lead the Way (PLTW), a non-profit that develops STEM curriculum for elementary, middle and high schools, and is being used in more than 8,000 schools in all 50 states. Joining with PLTW, participants receive curriculum, all required course software, school and technical support, and access to PLTW’s learning management system. Several Baltimore-area schools are using the program with a high degree of satisfaction, and training and support is available through the University of Maryland Baltimore County. PLTW Engineering has the goal of empowering students to step into the role of an engineer, adopt a problem-solving mindset, and then make the leap from a dreamer to a doer. PLTW students are also afforded a variety of opportunities including scholarships, preferred admission at colleges and universities, internships, industry connections, and avenues to highlight their achievements. Teachers who will instruct using the PLTW curriculum are required to take part in the organization’s professional development program. This summer two Curley faculty members, Ms. Angela Cogswell and Mr. John Malloy, took part in the program at UMBC. Mr. Malloy observed, “I am very excited to be a part of the STEM program at Curley, and I believe that Project Lead the Way will allow our young men to succeed in any STEM-related field going forward.”

14 CURLEY Annual Report of Gifts I 2016-2017

Mr. Gerard R. Mikulski ’69 Mr. Michael J. Milan ’92 Mr. Anthony V. Milando ’80 Mrs. Catherine Milando Mr. James G. Miles ’73 Mr. David Miller Jr. ’01 Mr. Thomas D. Miller ’65 Mr. James G. Miller Jr. ’75 Mrs. Rose Miller Mr. Gregory Miller ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Carroll P. Minderlein Mrs. Rose Moloney Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moran Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Morosko Sr. Mr. Paul M. Morris Sr. ’78 Mr. Dennis J. Morrison ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Moudry II Mr. & Mrs. William Moxey Mr. Joseph B. Mulford Jr. ’69 Br. Stephen Murphy OFM Conv. Mr. Paul D. Myers ’67 Mr. Bart Myers ’76 Mrs. Betty Nadolny Mr. Jay Naish Jr. ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nardi Mr. Anthony Navitskis ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nibali Mrs. Monique Nkere Mrs. Rose M. Noe Mr. John S. Nosek ’68 Mr. Edward J. Novak ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Gerard F. Novak Mr. Joseph R. Noya ’84 Mrs. Jane Oakjones Mr. & Mrs. Robert O’Dell Mr. Gerard N. O’Keefe ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Onorato Mr. and Mrs. Scott Opperhauser ’77 Mr. William B. Oxnard Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Pahr III Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Pahr Jr. Ms. Agnes Panowicz Mrs. Lois Papparotto Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Paszkiewicz ’75 Mr. Francis J. Pazdzinski III, CPA ’66 Ms. Barbara Peach Mr. John A. Pecora ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Kim Peery The Peleska Family Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Perry Mr. and Mrs. William J. Perzinski Mr. Thomas C. Peters ’72 Mr. Edward J. Peters ’80 Mr. Norbert R. Petr ’71 Mr. and Mrs. George Petrides Mr. Todd C. Petrik ’86 Mr. Louis G. Petryszak ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Phillips Mr. Michael Piechocki ’66 Mr. Martin J. Piepoli III ’75 Ms. Donna R. Pietrogiacomo Ms. Josephine Platerote Mr. & Mrs. Ted Polinsky Mr. and Mrs. Gino A. Polsinelli Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Potter Mr. Joseph S. Potyraj ’66 Mr. & Mrs. John Puszkiewicz Mr. Andrew Pyzik ’05 Mrs. Dorothy Quill Mr. Leslie P. Quillet Mr. Frederick A. Raab ’67

Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Rappold Mr. Bartlett C. Regan Jr. ’67 Mr. Kevin M. Regert ’84 Mrs. Carol A. Rego ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Riesett Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Robel Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Robinson Mrs. Maureen Roche Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Rogers Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Rokitka Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ronspies Mr. Frank J. Rosenberger ’65 Mr. John G. Rosenberger ’75 Mr. David A. Rostek ’80 Mr. Philip B. Ruberry ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Salamone ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore D. Salamone Ms. Gail L. Samchuck Mr. John Sanders ’88 Mr. James F. Sandkuhler ’70 Mr. Frank G. Sansosti ’71 Mr. Vincent Santavenere ’67 Mr. William Scarpello ’89 Mr. Russell C. Schalk Jr. ’70 Mr. James C. Schepf ’10 Mr. & Mrs. James Schepf Jr. Mr. Michael J. Schilpp ’79 Mr. Bernard W. Schmidt ’66 Mr. Gerard J. Schmith ’68 Mr. Michael Schmith ’73 Mr. Wayne R. Schmitt ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoennagel Mr. Gerald J. Schraml ’71 Mr. Henry J. Schroeder ’65 Mr. William P. Schroeder Jr. ’75 Mr. Eric R. Schuetz ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schwartz Mr. Max Scott Mrs. Audrey Scruggs Mr. Jay G. Semerad ’68 Mrs. Nancy A. Serio Mr. and Mrs. Barry G. Sewell Mr. Michael Shaffer ’75 Mr. & Mrs. David C. Shaw ’90 Mrs. Mary Jean Shuler Mr. Michael J. Siegforth ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Sigler Jr. Mr. Julius Silvestri ’68 Mr. Howard L. Smith Jr. ’67 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Smith ’76 Mr. Thomas Snyder ’68 Mr. Gregory C. Sobon ’72 Mr. Paul R. Sobus ’78 Mr. James D. Sotaski ’68 Mr. John M. Spann Jr. ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Danny C. Spears Mr. Stephen R. Srnec ’83 Mr. Robert Sroka ’70 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Stabile Steve and Vicki Stec ’72 Mr. Ignatius Stefanski ’66 Mr. Joseph L. Stefanski CPA ’69 Mrs. Joan Stitz Mr. & Mrs. Donald Stoop Jr. Ms. Page L. Stout Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Streckfus Mr. and Mrs. William Strickland Mr. Wayne A. Strupp ’79 Mr. Jose M. Suarez ’91 Mrs. Helen Sudina

Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Sullivan Mr. Joseph G. Svehla ’68 Ms. Joan Sweeney Dr. and Mrs. Zoltan S. Szabo Mrs. Catherine Szimanski Mr. Joseph Szimanski ’79 Mr. Ethan J. Szimanski ’10 T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc. Mr. John Tauber Ms. Patricia Tavik Mr. Paul Teller ’07 Mrs. Mary Helen Thanner Mr. Juan N. Thornton ’12 Mr. Ronald J. Topper II ’85 Mr. Joseph M. Trachta Jr. ’71 Mr. James P. Tristani ’66 Mr. Andrew M. Trotta ’82 Mrs. Mary Trotta Mr. Peter J. Tucci ’79 Mr. Albert J. Udris The Vacek & Westerman Families Mr. Joseph W. Valis ’79 Mr. and Mrs. James VanDetta Mr. Joseph F. Velenovsky III ’68 Mr. Bill Voelker ’74 Mr. Robert E. Wall ’75 Mr. William M. Walter Jr. ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Walter Sr. Mr. Samuel L. Walters II ’83 Mr. James D. Waltman Jr. ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Walz Mr. and Mrs. James Wandishin Mr. William R. Ward ’82 Ms. Helen A. Wassin Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Waterfield Mr. Cameron R. Watkins Mr. James L. Waurin ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wdzieczny Mr. James A. Webbert ’69 Ms. Dorothy Weidner Mr. William V. White ’70 Mr. Andrew W. White ’99 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wieczorek Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiegman Mr. and Mrs. William Wildberger Mr. Ronald Wiley ’66 Mr. Robert J. Williams ’74 Mr. & Mrs. William Wisel Mr. Michael G. Witemore Jr. ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wittman Mr. Edward J. Wojciechowski ’68 Ms. Laura Wojtas Mr. Martin E. Wolf ’76 Wolf Insurance Agency, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Worden Mr. John T. Wright ’68 Mrs. Marian Wrzesinski Mr. Alfred Wysocki Mrs. Celeste Wysocki Gibson Mr. John G. Yaquiant ’66 Dr. Norbert M. Zaczek Mr. Wayne J. Zahner CPA ’87 Mr. Gary C. Zamerski Jr. ’11 Mr. & Mrs. Gary C. Zamerski Mr. & Mrs. Ted Zamerski Mr. Joseph N. Zannino IV ’14 Mr. Carl Zellhofer ’06 Ms. Dianne Zientak Mr. Wilbur Zink Mr. Anthony Zlotkowski ’69 Mr. George D. Zurek ’82

All Souls Novena Mr. Michael J. Adamczyk ’76 Mrs. Sharon M. Aldon ’70 Ms. Eugenia Amonica Mrs. Doris L. Anderson Mr. Robert D. Andrews ’66 Mr. Ronald J. Arczynski ’70 Mr. Leonard M. Augustyniak ’66 Mrs. Elizabeth Aumiller Mr. Todd C. Aupperley ’93 Mr. Samuel J. Azzarello ’65 Mrs. Sheila Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Baird Mr. and Mrs. Neal Baker The Balog Family Mr. Joseph M. Bangert ’71 Mrs. Judy Basmajian Mrs. Jean Bayne Mr. and Mrs. Gary Baynes Mrs. Deanna Benicewicz Mr. & Mrs. Lee Benson Mr. and Mrs. Donald Benzing Mrs. Elizabeth Berger Mr. Robert J. Berkey ’66 Mr. John J. Berzellini Jr.,CPA ’68 Ms. Maureen P. Bethea Ms. Charlotte Bethke Mr. Richard M. Betlejewski ’67 Mr. Dennis J. Biedronski ’66 Mr. Robert F. Biscoe ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bloodsworth Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Bogdan Sr. Mr. William A. Boia ’73 Ms. Betty Ann Bonner Mr. Frank J. Bonomo ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bornemann Ms. Betty M. Bourgeois Mr. Robert Brannan Mr. Thomas Brooks ’65 Mr. Nicholas A. Brownlee ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Zygmunt Brozio Mrs. Mary Jane Brunner Mr. Nicholas F. Bruno ’76 Mr. Stephen J. Buddenbohn ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Burkins Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Butta Mr. Kevin P. Cadden Sr. ’73 Mr. and Mrs. George Callender Mr. Maarten A. Calon ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Carey Jr. ’91 Ms. Denise M. Carlino Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Carroll ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Hugh W. Carter III Mr. Tom Carty ’74 Mr. Robert J. Castagnetti Mr. and Mrs. John Chriest Mr. Henry J. Christ III ’68 Mr. David S. Chrusniak ’66 Mr. David M. Collins ’70 Mr. Bruno A. Commodari ’77 Mrs. Isabella Corbett Mrs. Dorothy Cowan Mrs. Sarah Crockett Mr. Patrick M. Cunningham III ’11 Mr. Philip Cvach Ms. Mary Jane Daniels Mr. John C. Dare ’70 Ms. Mary Joan Delcher Mr. Leonard A. Delozier Jr., CPA ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Delss The Denis Family

Mr. Derek DePasquale ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Depew Mr. & Mrs. Melvin M. Derda Mr. John DiBattista ’71 Mr. Nicholas F. DiLiello ’69 Mr. Joseph J. DiMaggio ’66 Mr. Richard DiMarcantonio ’72 Mr. Daniel DiMarino ’66 Mr. Jack Dohony Mr. & Mrs. Walter Doleschal Mr. David J. Dorzey Sr. ’67 Ms. Beverly Ann D’Urbano Mr. Thomas J. Dushel ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dvorak III ’83 Mr. William T. Earnest ’67 Mr. John Ebaugh ’66 Ms. Beverly Serio Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Egbert Mr. Stephen L. Eichhorn ’68 Mr. Frank J. Embardino Jr. ’71 Mrs. Carolyn Erdman Mr. Michael C. Etzel ’68 Mrs. and Mr. Cecelia Evans Msgr. James P. Farmer JD ’65 Mr. Walter W. Federowicz ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Fernandez Mrs. Jean Ferretti Mrs. Mary Ann Feurer Mr. James B. Fitzpatrick ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Fleischmann Sr. The Flick Family Mr. Dennis X. Flynn ’71 Mr. John T. Foley Jr. ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Jerome A. Foracappo Jr. ’74 Mr. Louis G. Forte Jr. ’71 Ms. Patrese Frentz Mr. Genaro Fullano ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Galasso ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Donald Garrison Ms. Rita Gasior Mr. and Mrs. James Gielner Sr. Mr. Robert J. Godack Jr. ’89 Mr. Vincent Grande ’78 Mr. Robert A. Greco ’70 Mrs. Domenica Greensfelder Mr. John P. Grosskopf ’65 Mr. & Mrs. John C. Grund Jr. ’84 Dr. Gerald Gryczko Mr. Barry M. Grzechowiak ’83 Mr. Thomas G. Grzymski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gunzelman Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Haffer Mr. and Mrs. George Hairsine Mr. and Mrs. James Harper Mr. Thomas D. Harris ’68 Mr. Christopher Harrison ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hartman Mrs. Mary Ann Hass Mr. and Mrs. Ned J. Hatcher Mrs. Rosemary G. Heiger Mr. Kenneth Heimbach ’66 Ms. Hannah G. Hemelt Mr. & Mrs. W. David Hepner Ms. Patricia Herr Mr. Joseph Hess Jr. ’72 Mr. Stan Hierstetter ’65 Ms. Marie A. Hinke Mr. Bruce R. Hirsch ’67 Lt. Col. (R) Richard J. Hisley MDANG ’70 Mr. Mark W. Hoerner ’65

Mr. Gerard E. Holthaus ’67 Mrs. Christine Hryn Mr. Richard T. Hubbard Jr., CPA ’70 Mr. Charles H. Huber ’97 Mr. W. Ray Hudson ’86 Mr. Richard Huettner ’72 Mr. Philip Hundt ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Izzo Mr. William R. Jakubowski ’83 Ms. Elizabeth Jenkins Mrs. Joan M. Jirsa Mr. Gregory T. Jones ’75 Mr. and Mrs. James D. Kadar Mr. James Kalbac CPA, CISA ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kanuchok Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Karas and Family Mr. John J. Kashen ’75 Mr. R. Scott Keidel ’69 Mr. Edward J. Kelly III, CPA ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. King Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Kinnear Mr. and Mrs. John Kirby Sr. Mr. Firman F. Kistler Jr. ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kline Mr. Mark J. Klingler ’79 Mrs. Josephine Kloes Mr. and Mrs. Roland Knapp Mr. Andrew G. Kocik ’71 Mr. James F. Kolar ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard F. Kolodziejski ’73 Mr. Paul C. Kotschenreuther ’67 Mr. David J. Kovalic ’67 Mr. Robert D. Kowalczyk ’86 Dr. Marion C. Kowalewski ’67 Mrs. Virginia Kraft Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Kreafle Sr. Mr. Joseph J. Kropkowski Jr. ’66 Mr. Jeffrey P. Kukucka CPA ’75 Mr. Michael A. LaFlame ’76 Mr. Roderick A. Lancaster Jr. ’79 Mr. Robert Lancione ’68 Mr. Kylen S. Lane ’14 Mr. Antonino Lapi Mr. Joseph Lawder ’78 Ms. Mary Ann Leard Ms. Bonita Lee Mr. A. Michael Lidinsky ’66 Mr. Richard Lijewski ’65 Mr. Anthony T. Lindner Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Linhart Mr. Alan F. Lipa ’65 Mr. David Lipinski ’79 Mr. Paul M. Llufrio III ’97 Mrs. Suzanne Lodanski Ms. Elaine C. Lubinski Mr. Gregory G. Lukowski ’74 Ms. Anna L. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Mabanta Mr. and Mrs. Walter Macek Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Machovec Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Madsen Mr. George P. Maex ’76 Mr. Jeffrey Mahaley ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Makowiecki Sr. Ms. Susan Manning Mr. Shawn R. Marvel ’84 Ms. Mary Maskell Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mason Mr. Karl G. Mauck ’79 Mrs. Charlene K. May

archbishopcurley.org 15

Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCullough Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. McFarland Mr. and Mrs. William D. McGuinness Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. McGuire III ’83 Mr. Robert P. McKay ’82 Mr. Melvin J. McKenny Jr. ’65 Mr. James M. McKernan ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard McMann Mrs. Joan McNamara Mrs. Helen Mechura Mr. Robert E. Melewski ’66 Ms. Marie A. Melvin Mr. Gary N. Michael ’71 Dr. Robert Michocki ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Mihm Mr. Michael J. Milan ’92 Mrs. Catherine Milando Mr. James G. Miles ’73 Mr. James G. Miller Jr. ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Carroll P. Minderlein Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Morosko Sr. Mr. Dennis J. Morrison ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Moudry II Mr. Joseph B. Mulford Jr. ’69 Br. Stephen Murphy OFM Conv. Mr. Bart Myers ’76 Mrs. Betty Nadolny Mr. Jay Naish Jr. ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nardi Mr. Anthony Navitskis ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nibali Mrs. Monique Nkere Mrs. Rose M. Noe Mr. John S. Nosek ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Gerard F. Novak Mr. & Mrs. Robert O’Dell Mr. Gerard N. O’Keefe ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Onorato Mr. and Mrs. Scott Opperhauser ’77 Mr. William B. Oxnard Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Pahr Jr. Ms. Agnes Panowicz Mrs. Lois Papparotto Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Paszkiewicz ’75 Mr. Francis J. Pazdzinski III, CPA ’66 Ms. Barbara Peach Mr. John A. Pecora ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Kim Peery Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Perry Mr. and Mrs. William J. Perzinski Mr. Edward J. Peters ’80 Mr. Norbert R. Petr ’71 Mr. and Mrs. George Petrides Mr. Todd C. Petrik ’86 Mr. Louis G. Petryszak ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Phillips Mr. Michael Piechocki ’66 Mr. Martin J. Piepoli III ’75 Ms. Josephine Platerote Mr. & Mrs. Ted Polinsky Mr. and Mrs. Gino A. Polsinelli Mr. Joseph S. Potyraj ’66 Mrs. Dorothy Quill Mr. Leslie P. Quillet Mr. Frederick A. Raab ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Rappold Mr. Bartlett C. Regan Jr. ’67 Mrs. Carol A. Rego ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Richardson Mrs. Maureen Roche Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Rogers Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. John Rokitka Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ronspies Mr. John G. Rosenberger ’75 Mr. David A. Rostek ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Salamone ’71 Ms. Gail L. Samchuck Mr. John Sanders ’88 Mr. James F. Sandkuhler ’70 Mr. Vincent Santavenere ’67 Mr. William Scarpello ’89 Mr. Russell C. Schalk Jr. ’70 Mr. & Mrs. James Schepf Jr. Mr. Michael J. Schilpp ’79 Mr. Michael Schmith ’73 Mr. Wayne R. Schmitt ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoennagel Mr. Gerald J. Schraml ’71 Mr. Henry J. Schroeder ’65 Mr. Eric R. Schuetz ’81 Mr. Max Scott Mrs. Audrey Scruggs Mrs. Nancy A. Serio Mr. and Mrs. Barry G. Sewell Mrs. Mary Jean Shuler Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Sigler Jr. Mr. Julius Silvestri ’68 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Smith ’76 Mr. Gregory C. Sobon ’72 Mr. James D. Sotaski ’68 Mr. John M. Spann Jr. ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Danny C. Spears Mr. Stephen R. Srnec ’83 Mr. Robert Sroka ’70 Mr. Ignatius Stefanski ’66 Mrs. Joan Stitz Mr. & Mrs. Donald Stoop Jr. Ms. Page L. Stout Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Streckfus Mr. and Mrs. William Strickland Mr. Wayne A. Strupp ’79 Mr. Jose M. Suarez ’91 Mrs. Helen Sudina Mr. Joseph G. Svehla ’68 Dr. and Mrs. Zoltan S. Szabo Mrs. Catherine Szimanski Mr. John Tauber Ms. Patricia Tavik Mr. Paul Teller ’07 Mr. Juan N. Thornton ’12 Mr. Joseph M. Trachta Jr. ’71 Mrs. Mary Trotta Mr. Albert J. Udris Mr. and Mrs. James VanDetta Mr. Bill Voelker ’74 Mr. Robert E. Wall ’75 Mr. William M. Walter Jr. ’69 Mr. James D. Waltman Jr. ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Walz Mr. and Mrs. James Wandishin Mr. William R. Ward ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Waterfield Mr. James L. Waurin ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wdzieczny Mr. James A. Webbert ’69 Ms. Dorothy Weidner Mr. William V. White ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wieczorek Mr. and Mrs. William Wildberger Mr. Ronald Wiley ’66 Mr. & Mrs. William Wisel Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wittman

16 CURLEY Annual Report of Gifts I 2016-2017

Mr. Edward J. Wojciechowski ’68 Ms. Laura Wojtas Mr. Martin E. Wolf ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Worden Mr. John T. Wright ’68 Mr. Alfred Wysocki Mrs. Celeste Wysocki Gibson Mr. John G. Yaquiant ’66 Dr. Norbert M. Zaczek Mr. & Mrs. Ted Zamerski Mr. Wilbur Zink Mr. Anthony Zlotkowski ’69

Gala XXII Donors About Faces Ace Rentals Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Alchimowicz Allogram, Inc American Limousine American Visionary Art Museum Mr. Thomas Amon Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Amrhein Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Anderson Sr. Annapolis Symphony Orchestra Mr. David L. Antonio ’80 Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar Mr. & Mrs. Jose Arbelaez Archbishop Curley “C” Notes Archbishop Curley High School Archbishop Curley High School Alumni Association Archbishop Curley High School Cord Yearbook Staff Archbishop Curley High School Friar “C” Club Archbishop Curley High School Parents’ Guild Archbishop Curley High School Soccer Program Archbishop Curley High School Wrestling Aruba Sun & Spa Mr. Charles W. Atkinson Jr. ’72 Atlantic Caterers Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Auffarth B & O Railroad Museum Babe Ruth Museum Mr. John Badley Mr. Edward Baker Mr. Thomas D. Baker III ’71 Mr. Christopher J. Baldwin ’78 Baltimore Clay Works Baltimore Coffee and Tea Baltimore Elite Martial Arts Academy Baltimore Museum of Industry Baltimore Orioles Baltimore Ravens-Community Relations Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Mr.& Mrs. Michael Banaszewski ’01 Mr. Robert Baron Barrett’s Grill Ms. Laurie Bartkowiak Basignani Winery Mrs. Joyce Becker Mr. William Benton ’05 Mrs. Joanne Berkey Bertucci’s Brick Oven Ristorante Mr. and Mrs. Michael Betley Bill Bateman’s Bistro Bill’s Seafood Bluestone Restaurant Mr. Timothy P. Bonner ’83 Ms Kelly Borowiak

Mr. & Mrs. John Botkin Boulevard Diner Mr. Andre E. Bourgeois ’80 Mr. John G. Bourgeois Jr. ’75 Box Hill Pizza Mr. Liam Breathnach Most Rev. Mark Brennan D.D. Mr. Butch Brown Mr. and Mrs. Barry Brownlee Mr. Nicholas A. Brownlee ’96 Brown’s Orchards and Farm Market Mr. Eric Bucallo Mr. & Mrs. James Burke Mr. & Mrs. Chris Burton Mr. & Mrs. Tom Burton By The Docks Mr. & Mrs. Gary Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Rick Campbell Canton Car Wash Mr. & Mrs. Chris Cappucci Captain James Landing Restaurant Ms. MaryAnn Caquin Carson’s Creekside Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Carter Sr. Ms. Regina Carter Casa Mia’s Restaurant The Cashen Family Mr. Neil J. Cashen ’72 Charcoal Grill Chesapeake Children’s Museum Chesapeake Underwater Sports Chili’s Grill and Bar Ciao Bella Restaurant Mr. Paul Ciecwierz ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ciuchta Mr. & Mrs. Keith P. Clarke ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Coffman Sr. Mrs. JoAnne E. Cole The Honorable Michael J. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Comegna Mr. Steven Comegna & Ms. Stacy Baird Mr. Marshall B. Commodari ’83 Mr. Nicholas B. Commodari ’68 Mr. Robert A. Commodari ’85 Mr. Vincent Connelly Conrad’s Crabs Mr. Steve Conyers Mr. & Mrs. Chris Coolahan Mr. & Mrs. Paul Costantino Mr. Paul M. Costantino ’92 Costas’ Inn, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Craven Crazy Tuna Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Cuomo Mr.& Mrs. Ryan R. Cuomo ’97 Mr. Tyler Cuomo ’08 Mr. Philip E. Cvach II ’79 Dalesio’s of Little Italy Mr. Vincent Dalfonzo ’02 Dandy Cruises Mr. Derek C. Davis ’99 Ms. Jacqueline C. Davis Mrs. Regina Davis Ms. Sylvia Davis Deja Vu Mr. Donald J. DelCiello Dellis’ Bar & Grill Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Deludos Jr. Ms. Nicole Deludos DeSantis Grill and Bar Ms. Nicole Deshaies

Mr. and Mrs. John Diehl Mr. Brian R. Dietz ’86 Mr. Gerard R. Dirscherl ’65 Ms. Celia Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Donohue CPA ’78 Dover Downs Hotel Mr. Anthony S. Dragisics Mr. & Mrs. Jon Draper Ms. Lindsey Drazba Ms. Barbara Dressel Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dvorak III ’83 Mr. Zachary Dziedzic Mr. William Edgeworth Mr. Timothy L. Everd ’71 Mr. Vernon Fains Mr. & Mrs. Shaun Fair Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Feltz Fidel Chiropractic Center Mr. & Mrs. Jon Fisher Fr. Matthew Foley OFM Conv. Mr. Cory Ford Forest Hill Lanes Mr. Phil Forte Mr. Kollin K. Francis ’20 Franciscan Friars Ms. Marie Frank Friendly Farm Restaurant Mr. & Mrs. John Gabriel Mr. Phil Gagliard Gala Basket Making Committee Mr. Sean D. Gallup ’11 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Garcia Mr. William Gardiner Mr. James F. Gardner ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Garrison Mr. Benjamin I. Gentry ’17 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gentry Mr. & Mrs. Louis Gephardt Jr. Geppi’s Entertainment Museum Ms. Anne M. Gerber Mr. Nino Germano ’80 Mr. and Mrs. David F. Gerstmyer ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Gerstmyer ’02 Gettysburg Tours, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Giampa Giovanni’s Restaurant Glauber’s Candy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Glenn Anita Glinski Fr. Vincent Gluc OFM Conv. Ms. Carole Goertz Goetze’s Candy Company, Inc. Ms. Bernadette Goodfellow Gordon Florist Mr. & Mrs. G. B. Grasso ’89 Ms. Lauren Graybosch Great Moments, Inc. Great Shoals Winery Greene Turtle Towson Mr. Christian Grochowski Grounds & Gardens, LLC. Ms. Larisa Gryczko-Avellaneda Fr. Donald Grzymski OFM Conv. ’70 Mr. Thomas G. Grzymski Gunpowder Lodge Dr. Samuel C. Haffer PhD ’84 Ms. Janice Hall Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Halpern Ms. Denise Handfinger Mr. & Mrs. David Harrison

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Harrold Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Harry Mr. & Mrs. John Hart Mr. Matthew Hatton Ms. Tanya Hawes Hazelwood Inn Mr. Frank E. Hemberger III ’65 Ms. Allison Henderson Ms. Mary Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Henry ’90 Ms. Dee Herget Mr. Daniel F. Herr ’90 Mr. Lawrence J. Hineline ’74 Vicki Hineline Mr. Russell Hite ’08 Mr. Eugene W. Hoffman ’69 Ms. Karen Hoffman Mr. Bruce P. Hojnacki ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Holcomb Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Carville Hollingsworth Hollywood Casino - Charlestown Mr. Gerard E. Holthaus ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Holy Rev. Stephen Hook Mr. Rick Hooper Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoos Hopkins Symphony Orchestra Mr. Allan House Ms. Alicia Humphreys Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hundertmark Jr. Mr. Philip Hundt ’74 Image Engineering Mr. Dan Inouye Italy Pilgrimage Travelers Mr. John Jakubowski ’77 Mr. Steven J. Jeddry ’87 Ms. Natalie Jehnert Jimmy’s Famous Seafood Mr. Robert J. Jirsa ’73 Joe Pucillo Photography Mr. Mark J. Johnson ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Jones Ms. Cheryl A. Jose Ms. Jacqueline Joseph Mr. Jeremy N. Joseph ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Kaleo Ms. Vicki L. Karwacki Mr. Michael K. Kerrigan ’73 Mr. Patrick M. Kerrigan ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kiliszewski Ms. Maggie Kimmitt Ms. Maryann Kisielewski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kistner Mr. Ryan J. Kistner ’10 Mr. Scott G. Kistner ’13 Mr. Jeffrey V. Knapp ’88 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kobrick Kocos Pub Ms. Caroline Kogler Mr. John Kogler Jr. Mr. Brian Kohler Ms. Pat Kohler Mr. & Mrs. Gerard F. Kolodziejski ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kotowski Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kremer Mr. & Mrs. Michael Krondon Mr. and Mrs. David Kurtz Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lamdin Mr. and Mrs. C. James Lamont Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Landess Ms. Melissa Lasek

Surging Ahead with Energy Efficiency


an you imagine changing every light bulb in the school? What a job that would be! That is exactly what was done at Curley in a project that changed all the lighting to LED. The light conversion project was funded by a $189,000 grant from Healthy Neighborhoods, a Baltimore nonprofit that is helping nonprofits and small businesses to make energy-savings improvements, thus reducing the kilowatt footprint in the City of Baltimore. Beginning in early May, the team of electricians from ZeroNet came through the campus, working around the daily school schedule. They removed the ballast from 189 fluorescent bulb fixtures and added connectors to accommodate LED bulbs. Each procedure took approximately 15-20 minutes. The project was completed by the end of June. What is the benefit of LED lighting? Because no ballast is required, the lights go on immediately. A 30-50% decrease in lighting energy costs is projected, which is a considerable savings to the school’s electric bill. The bulbs are expected to last up to five years, which is another savings. And the light generated is better. No place is this more noticeable than in the gymnasium. “Through the generosity of the Healthy Neighborhood Foundation Grant,” says John Kogler, Vice-President for Finance and Operations, “Archbishop Curley has been able to significantly reduce our kilowatt usage by converting the entire campus to LED lighting. As a school we have accomplished two objectives. We have reduced the electrical expense of the institution while being good stewards of the environment.”

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Curley Campus is Growing


nticipating Arbor Day, Archbishop Curley High School teamed with the Baltimore Tree Trust to plant another 115 trees on the Curley campus on March 23, 2017. This is the second part of an effort which has added a total of 215 trees to the campus. The trees planted this spring, a combination of red maples and Jefferson elms, will enhance the east end of the 33-acre campus, and complement the trees that were planted last fall on the west end. The Baltimore Tree Trust (BTT) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to restoring the city’s urban forest and making Baltimore a more healthy and beautiful place to live through increased tree plantings, tree stewardship, community engagement, public education, advocacy, and research. The school is grateful for grants received by the Tree Trust from American Sugar Refining/Domino Sugar and Pennrose Properties, which designated the Curley site for this project. School Board member, Mr. Peter O’Malley, VP at Domino Sugar, facilitated the grants in Curley’s direction. Students assisted in the planting efforts. Those from the Trust not only showed students how to correctly plant a tree, but also discussed with them the role that trees can play in runoff, soil erosion and the importance for the environment of trees on properties like Curley. This was a very practical way to educate the young Curley men in the Franciscan value of respect for the environment that is part of the School’s tradition and the theme of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si on the environment. Fr. Donald Grzymski, OFM Conv., president of the school, commented, “We are so grateful for this cooperative effort with the Tree Trust, an effort that improves the campus and will also improve the air quality of Baltimore, and so grateful for the corporate support that has made this second round of planting possible.”

18 CURLEY Annual Report of Gifts I 2016-2017

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Lassiter Mr. Mike J. Lato Jr. ’74 Ms. Sherri Lawton Ms. Mary-Kay Leary Ledo Pizza Ms. Bonita Lee Mr. Peter Leffman Lemek, LLC, d/b/a Panera Bread Ms. Mary Beth Lennon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Levin Liberatores Ristorante Liberty Mountain Resort Lifetouch Photography Mr. Terrence M. Lijewski ’66 Mr.& Mrs. Robert Lilly Mr. and Mrs. William Linthicum Mr. & Mrs. Robert Linz Sr. Mr. Robert Lombardi Mr. Jamie C. Long ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Craig Lowry Ms. Elaine C. Lubinski Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ludwig Mrs. Lorraine Ludwig Luray Caverns Mrs. Doris Lurz Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Lynch ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lynch Ms. Pamela Lynch Mr. and Mrs. John Macek Mr. George P. Maex ’76 Mr. Gregory E. Malanowski ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Manger Ms. Wendy Manns Mr. and Mrs. William E. Martin Jr. Maryland Historical Society Maryland Science Center Maryland Symphony Orchestra Ms. Kathleen M. Maskell Mr. Karl G. Mauck ’79 Mrs. Charlene K. May Ms. Meghan S. McDonald Mr.& Mrs. John McDonnell Mr. Marty McGinty Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. McGrath ’76 Mr. and Mrs. William D. McGuinness Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. McGuire III ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard McMann Mr. Brian McSharry Meadow Mill Athletic Club Mr. & Mrs. John Meadowcroft Medieval Times Mr. Jonathan Melnick Ms. Denise Melvin Ms. Marie A. Melvin Memphis Belle Mr. and Mrs. Paul Messaris Mr. Brian Meyer Mr. & Mrs. James Miller Mr. Mark J. Miller ’85 Mr. Carmen D. Mirabile ’87 Mr. and Mrs. David R. Mislak Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Mitcherling Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mizell Mr. & Mrs. James Monroe Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Morosko Jr. Mountain Gate Family Restaurant Mr. & Mrs. William Moxey Ms. Sandy Mryncza Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Mulford ’75 Ms. Julie Mullen Muscle Evolution

Ms. Angelina Muse Mr. & Mrs. William Myers Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nale Nalley Fresh Ms. Sharon Nickey Mr. John J. Nietubicz PT ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Noppinger Mr. & Mrs. Mark Novak Mrs. Jane Oakjones Mr. Chris Ogle Olde Philadelphia Inn Olney Winery Mr. Nicholas A. Ostrowski ’20 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Paradise Ms. Kim Parker Ms. Gretchen Parry Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Paszkiewicz ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Pence Peppermill Restaurant Ms. Blance Peralta Mr. Norbert R. Petr ’71 Ms. Lauren Phillips Mr. Robert Picarello Picture Perfect/Jersey Pro Mr. Byron Pitts ’78 Pittsburgh Steelers Pizza Hut Pizza John’s Mr. & Mrs. Ted Polinsky Mr. Daniel Popera Poplar Inn Potomac Riverboat Company Mr. Joseph S. Potyraj ’66 Ms. Stephanie Presly Mr. Jon Pressimone Mr. Cameron J. Prochaska ’20 The Honorable Catherine Pugh Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Puglisi Radcliffe Jewelers Radebaugh Florist & Greenhouse Raimondi’s Florist Mrs. Chris Remeikis Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Remeikis Ms. Suzanne Remeikis Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Richardson Mr. John P. Ringrose ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Sergio Rios River Riders Mr. & Mrs. Brian Roesener Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Rogers Sr. Mr. Norman Rogers Jr. ’07 Mr. and Mrs. John Rokitka Mr. & Mrs. Butch Rosenthal ’84 Ms. Jean Rosenthal Mr. Matthew C. Rosenthal ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ross Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Ryan The Honorable Leo Ryan Jr. ’76 Ms. Nicole Ryan Sandra Paetow Photography Mr. Frank G. Savarese CPA, CFP ’75 Mr. Yazan W. Sawalhi ’20 Mr. Lester Schokman Mr. David Schroeder ’78 Mr. Wesley B. Schulze ’98 Mr. Matthew Schumacher Mr. Mario Scilipoti ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Scruggs Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Serio ’86 Mr. Thomas J. Sidleck III ’18 Mr. and Mrs. John Sieminski

Mr. and Mrs. Vince Sizemore Mr. Brian Skalski Mr. Timothy Skarda ’08 Skyline Caverns Ms. Michelle Sloan Mr. & Mrs. Martin Smith Sr. Smyth Jewelers Mr. Peter Snarski Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Sosnowski Mr. Felix F. Sparzak ’77 Spirit of Baltimore Cruises Dr. Alexander Stathes Mr. Barry R. Stitz ’87 Mrs. Joan Stitz Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stone Mr. and Mrs. Mark Storck Mr. Scott M. Storck ’09 Strasburg Railroad Strathmore Hall Mr. William Stratton Jr. Mr. Joseph A. Stumbroski ’78 Mrs. Dorothy Suehle Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Suehle ’83 Mr. Richard Suehle Sugarloaf Mountain Vineyard Mr. and Mrs. John Sutton Jr. Ms. Joan Sweeney Ms. Margaret Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Andy Szczybor Mr. & Mrs. Mike Szrom Tark’s Grill Ms. Jen Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Randall Taylor ’87 Terraza Stained Glass Ms. Joyce Testerman The All American Steakhouse The Bowman Restaurant The Flag House and Star-Spangled Banner Flag House The Helmand Restaurant The Maryland Jockey Club The Walters Art Museum Ms. Elizabeth Tisdale Mr. Anthony J. Topper ’96 Trappistine Candy Mr. and Mrs. David Turnbaugh Tuxedo House University of Maryland Vaccaro’s Italian Pastry Shop, Inc. Mrs. and Mr. Barbara Vojik Ms. Brenda Wade Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. Walbrecher Mr. Christopher M. Waldt ’71 Mr. Gerard Waldt ’74 Walkersville Southern Railroad Ms. Jennifer Walsh Walt Disney World, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James Wandishin Ms. Linda Ware Ms Cindy Warfel Washington Capitals Watermark Cruises Mr. Timothy T. Weglicki ’69 Mr. Craig S. Wehr ’79 Mr. & Mrs. R. A. White Miss Rowan White Ms. Stephanie White Mr. William V. White ’70 Wild Bill’s Apparel Mr. and Mrs. Allan Williams Mr. Travis Williams +


Ms. Sylvia Willson Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson Jr. Mr. Robert Winkler ’06 Mrs. Carol Winpigler Mr. Kevin Wise Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Wisniewski Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wittman Ms. Pat Wockenfuss Mr. Dave Wolf Mr. Joshua Wolf ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wolf Mr. Sean Wolf Mr. Steven T. Wolf ’78 Mrs. Sharon Wollschlager Woodhall Wine Cellars World Travels Service Mr. Walter Wyatt Jr. Rev. Samuel V. Young Jr. ’80 Mr. Wayne J. Zahner CPA ’87 Zeke’s Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Zingo Sr.

Gala XXII Sponsors The Abundance Catering Co. Atlantic Custom Solutions B & B Commercial Interiors Bill Kidd’s Timonium BMWW Bossalina Carpets Cathedral of Mary Our Queen Church of the Holy Spirit Church of the Resurrection EC Cvach Rosedale Funeral Home Don White’s Timonium Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram Evans Funeral Chapel - Parkville Fence Masters Gross, Mendelsohn & Associates, P.A. GMG Contractors Harford Refrigeration Hood & Hodges, PA Infiniti Technologies JAC Communications, Inc. Jeff Markiewicz & Associates Kaczorowski Funeral Home, P.A. Kelly & Associates Insurance Group The Law Offices of Peter T. Nicholl McAllister Plumbing, Inc. Medstar Health Mignini & Raab & Demuth, LLP Mr. Joseph Wandishin Mr. & Mrs. Lee Benson Our Lady of Hope-St. Luke Performance Foodservice Maryland PMI Prince of Peace R. K. Owings, Inc. RCM&D Foundation, Inc. Regional Management, Inc. (Erland) Ruppert Landscape Inc. Rusk & Company, P.A. SC&H Group SECU Shrine of the Little Flower Southway Builders St. Athanasius and St. Rose of Lima Churches St. Clement Mary Hofbauer Church St. Francis de Sales Church St. Francis of Assisi, Baltimore St. John the Evangelist, Severna Park St. John the Evangelist, Hydes

St. Joseph’s Church, Fullerton St. Louis Catholic Church St. Margaret Church St. Ursula Church Stanley Black & Decker Sudina Search, LLC Woodlawn Motor Coach

Track Resurfacing Donors Mr. Donald W. Adam Jr. Mr. Michael J. Adamczyk Mrs. Sharon M. Aldon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Aldon Mr. Burgess P. Allen Mr. Jacob Amato Mr. Harry F. Amato Mrs. Anna M. Amrhein Mr. Jeffrey M. Amrhein Mrs. Doris L. Anderson Mr. Gregory M. Andrews Mr. Robert D. Andrews Mr. Kyle Ashe Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aupperley Mr. Samuel J. Azzarello Mr. Martin J. Bacon Mr. Thomas D. Baker III Mr. Paul C. Balsamo Ms. Kathleen A. Banaszewski Mr. Jeffrey A. Baran Mrs. Judy Basmajian Mrs. Joyce Becker Mr. Kevin E. Bell Mr. Robert S. Bennett Mrs. Elizabeth Berger Mr. John J. Berzellini Jr.,CPA Mr. David Berzellini Ms. Maureen P. Bethea Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Bialozynski Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Bittner Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bloodsworth Mr. and Mrs. Romuald Bogdan Mr. Matthew T. Bogdan Mr. Louis J. Bogdan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Bogdan Sr. Mr. Louis C. Bona Jr. Mr. James L. Bonner Mr. & Mrs. Andrew A. Bopp Jr. Mr. John G. Bourgeois Jr. Mr. Michael L. Brady Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brickwedde Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brickwedde Sr. Mr. Joseph P. Brooks Mr. Thomas Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Terence K. Brotzman Mr. Brooks E. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Barry Brownlee Mr. Nicholas A. Brownlee Ms. Joanne M. Brune Mr. Richard W. Brunner CPA Mr. Eugene J. Buckalew Mr. Timothy Burke Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Byrnes Mr. Maarten A. Calon Mr. Christopher W. Carter Mr. David W. Carter Mr. Tom Carty Mr. Neil J. Cashen Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Charvat Mr. Ronald J. Chase Mr. David S. Chrusniak Mr. Paul Ciecwierz Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Coffman Sr.

Mr. Andrew J. Colletta Mr. Vincent Connelly Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Connolly Mr. Martin L. Connors Mr. Kevin J. Corbett Mr. Paul M. Costantino Mr. Robert E. Cronin Mr. Joseph A. Cruse Mr. Eric O. Cummings Mr. John P. Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Cuomo Mr. John J. Cvach Mr. Victor Cyran Mr. Joseph G. D’Adamo Mr. Jere Danaher Jr. Mr. J. Richard Danaher Mr. Robert A. Danielak Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Davis Mr. Michael S. Davis Mr. Brennan Davis + Ms. Mary Joan Delcher Mr. Charles A. Dell’uomo Mr. Leonard A. Delozier Jr., CPA Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Delss Mr. Robert E. Dengler Mr. Thomas D. Denham Mr. Derek DePasquale Mr. Nicholas F. Desien Mr. Charles H. Devaud Jr. Mr. Enrico DiCocco Mr. David Dieter Mr. Nicholas F. DiLiello Mr. J. K. DiMartino Mr. Gerard R. Dirscherl Mr. Joseph P. Doerfler Mr. Kevin N. Dohony Mr. Christopher Donhauser Mr. Michael B. Donnelly Mr. Stephen Dragisics Mr. Donald J. Dugan Mr. Thomas J. Dushel Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dvorak III Mr. and Mrs. Leonard N. Eckenrode Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Egbert Mr. & Mrs. David Egge Sr. Mr. William Farley Jr. Msgr. James P. Farmer JD + Mr. R. Terence Farrell + Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Fernandez Mrs. Jean Ferretti Mr. & Mrs. Marc J. Ferretto Mrs. Mary Ann Feurer Mr. Nicholas F. Feurer Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Fischer Mr. Zachary M. Fischer Mr. Bernard A. Fischer IV Mr. James M. Flatley Mr. Richard B. Flynn Fr. Matthew Foley OFM Conv. Mr. Louis G. Forte Jr. Mr. Arthur L. Franck Mr. William Franey Mr. Michael Freeze Ms. Patrese Frentz Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Friedly Mr. David M. Gaither Mr. Vincent J. Galiano Mr. and Mrs. Donald Garrison Mr. Donald T. Garrison Mr. Paul A. Gasior Mr. Francesco Giachini

archbishopcurley.org 19

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Giampa Mr. William J. Goodwin Jr. Mr. Hugh W. Gracey III Mr. Eugene Grady Mr. Robert A. Greco Fr. Donald Grzymski OFM Conv. Mr. Thomas G. Grzymski Mr. Thornton Guthrie Jr. Mr. Andrew S. Haffer Mr. Gerard J. Hahn Mr. James A. Hamilton CPA Mr. Orest P. Hanas Mr. J. D. Handley Mr. James R. Harper Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hayes Jr. Mr. Stephen M. Hecner Fr. Michael Heine OFM Conv. Mr. and Mrs. Burton J. Hemelt Mr. LeRoy F. Herbert III Mr. Joseph Hess Jr. Mr. James R. Hessenauer Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Hettling Jr. HighFleet Charities Corporation Mr. Michael F. Hilditch Sr. Mr. Lawrence J. Hineline Mr. Robert W. Hirt Lt. Col. (R) Richard J. Hisley MDANG Mr. Eugene W. Hoffman Mr. Charles R. Hoopert Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hundertmark Jr. Mr. Joseph J. Impallaria Jr. Mr. Gerard J. Jackson Mr. Nathan D. Jecelin Mr. David W. Jenkins Ms. Taivonia Jennings Mrs. Joan M. Jirsa Mr. Robert J. Jirsa Mr. Mark J. Johnson Mr. Gregory T. Jones Ms. Anna Jones Ms. Jacqueline Joseph Mr. and Mrs. David Kalendek Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kanuchok Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Karas and Family Mrs. Joan Karolkowski Mr. R. Scott Keidel Mr. Gary Kendzierski Mr. Michael K. Kerrigan Ms. Anna E. Kielek Mr. Firman F. Kistler Jr. Mr. Mark J. Klingler Mr. Jeffrey V. Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Roland Knapp Mr. Bernard F. Kneavel Mr. Timothy P. Knepp Mr. Michael L. Knott Mr. John K. Koehler Jr. Mr. James F. Kolar Mr. Phillip W. Kondilas Jr. Mr. David J. Kovalic Dr. Andrew M. Kowalevicz Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Kreafle Sr. Mr. William R. Kress Mr. Joseph J. Kropkowski Jr. Mr. Robert C. Kroupa Mr. Luis O. Krug Mr. Gary A. Kuleck Mr. and Mrs. C. James Lamont Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Landess Mr. Gary T. Lansinger

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Lassiter Mr. Michael Lato III Mr. Mike J. Lato Jr. Mr. Dennis R. LaVoie Mrs. Darla Lawder Mr. Joseph Lawder Ms. Mary Ann Leard Ms. Mary-Kay Leary Mr. Richard L. Lelonek Jr. Mr. Joseph Lhotsky Jr. Mr. Anthony T. Lindner Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Linhart Mrs. Suzanne Lodanski Mr. James T. Loftus Mr. Jonathan E. Long Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Long Mr. Christopher Ludwig Mr. Gregory G. Lukowski Mr. Edward Lumsden Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Machovec Mr. Derek A. Maki Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Makowiecki Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Marschall Fr. Michael T. Martin OFM Conv. Mr. Ronald Mason Sr. Mr. Christopher Mason Mr. Robert J. Matarozza Mr. Karl G. Mauck Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. McDonald Mr. Matthew J. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McGrain Mr. Stephen V. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. McGrath Mr. J. Edward McGuire Mr. Robert P. McKay Mrs. Joan McNamara Mr. Paul G. Melka Mr. Jeffrey P. Merkle Mr. Gary N. Michael In memory of Dosty Serafin Dr. Robert Michocki Mr. Gerard R. Mikulski Mr. Anthony V. Milando Mrs. Rose Miller Mr. Thomas D. Miller Mr. David Miller Sr. Mr. Carmen D. Mirabile Mr. Carmine Mistichelli Mr. George Moerschel Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Monroe Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moran Mr. Kyle K. Morosko Mr. & Mrs. William Mosley Mr. Colin Mosley Mr. & Mrs. William Moxey Mr. Gary M. Mryncza Adolph Mryncza Ms. Sandy Mryncza Ms. Julie Mullen Mr. Thomas W. Muth Mr. Bart Myers Mr. & Mrs. William Myers Mr. Anthony Navitskis Mr. Russell J. Nies Mr. Thomas Nosek Mr. Mark S. Novak Mr. Paul F. Oberle Mr. & Mrs. Bruce O’Hara Mr. Gerard N. O’Keefe Mr. James V. Padden Mrs. Lois Papparotto

20 CURLEY Annual Report of Gifts I 2016-2017

Mr. Francis J. Pazdzinski III, CPA Ms. Barbara Peach Mr. John A. Pecora Mr. and Mrs. William J. Perzinski Mr. Norbert R. Petr Mr.& Mrs. Brian R. Petr Mr. Louis G. Petryszak Mr. Martin J. Piepoli III Mr. Melvin Piotrowski Mr. & Mrs. Ted Polinsky Mr. Timothy T. Polinsky Mr. Frank J. Pondolfina Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Potter Mr. Christian O. Price Mr. Mark Profili Quest Diagnostics Mr. Frederick A. Raab Mr. Bartlett C. Regan Jr. Mr. George A. Rhoads Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Richardson Mr. Quincy D. Richburg Mr. Michael D. Riley Mr. John P. Ringrose Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Robinson Mr. Richard C. Rohrs In honor of Coach Targarona Mr. and Mrs. John Rokitka Mr. Christopher Ruley Mr. Alexander Salamone Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Salamone Ms. Gail L. Samchuck Mr. Frank G. Sansosti Mr. Vincent Santavenere Mr. Mark G. Savarese Mr. Zachary B. Savarese Mr. John W. Schammel Jr. Mr. Frank J. Scherba Mr. Eric Scheurer Mr. Gerard J. Schmith Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoennagel Mr. Gerald J. Schraml Mr. Henry J. Schroeder Mr. Eric R. Schuetz Mr. & Mrs. David C. Shaw Mr. James E. Sidlowski Mr. Lawrence Siemasko Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Sigler Jr. Mr. Julius Silvestri Mr. Justin Sipes Mr. Frank A. Skinner Mr. Melvin Skwirut Mr. & Mrs. William J. Smith Mr. Thomas Snyder Mr. Jonathan Sobczynski Mr. James D. Sotaski Rev. Andrew J. Stahmer Mr. Mark Stairiker Steve and Vicki Stec Mr. Richard E. Stewart Mr. George J. Stiemly Jr. Mrs. Joan Stitz Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Streckfus Mr. Joseph A. Stumbroski Mr. Jose M. Suarez Mr. Joseph G. Svehla Ms. Joan Sweeney Mrs. Catherine Szimanski Mr. Ethan J. Szimanski Mr. Joseph Szimanski CPT. Steven Szymanski T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.

Mr. Stephen M. Tauber Mr. Paul Teller Mr. James Teramani Mr. and Mrs. John P. Thamert Mrs. Mary Helen Thanner Mr. Joseph E. Thanner Jr. The Catholic High School of Baltimore The Marion I. & Henry J. Knott Foundation Mr. David M. Thomas CPM Mr. W. G. Thuman Mr. and Mrs. Tony Topper Mr. Ronald J. Topper II Major Gordon L. Topper Mr. Eric M. Triplett Mrs. Mary Trotta Mr. Theodore D. Turnbaugh Dr. Albert A. Tysor Mr. Albert J. Udris Ms. Joan A. Ulatowski Mr. Joseph W. Valis Mr. John T. Van Sant Mr. J. E. VanDetta Mr. and Mrs. James VanDetta Mr. John E. Vermette Mr. Michael J. Vesely Mr. Bill Voelker Mr. Carl Vogel Mr. Doug M. Vojik Mr. Stephen Waldt Mr. Christopher M. Waldt Mr. J. B. Waldt Mr. Gerard Waldt Mr. Scott J. Walton Mr. and Mrs. James Wandishin Mr. William R. Ward Ms. Helen A. Wassin Mr. Thomas G. Wassin Mr. James L. Waurin Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wdzieczny Mr. Craig S. Wehr Mr. Zachary C. White Mr. & Mrs. R. A. White Mr. Ronald Wiley Mr. Joe G. Wilkens Mr. Walter K. Willson Jr. Ms. Sylvia Willson Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson Jr. Mr. Kevin W. Winterling Mr. Monford A. Wolf Mr. William J. Wolf Jr. Mr. Steven T. Wolf Mr. John T. Wright Mr. Michael E. Yanchoris CPA,CLU Mr. John G. Yaquiant Mr. and Mrs. Sam Young Dr. Norbert M. Zaczek Mr. William J. Zipfel Mr. John F. Zipfel Mr. George D. Zurek

In-Kind Gifts AET Image Engineering Elite Tournaments & Matthew ’98 & Michael ’94 Libber Mr. David Hartman, Auctioneer JAC Communications, Inc. Mr. Jonathan Melnick, Auctioneer Memphis Belle Mr. Paul Winicki ’74 & Radcliffe Jewelers

Arc hb

Legacy Trust

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Michael J. Curley

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Members of the Michael J. Curley Legacy Trust have expressed their commitment to Archbishop Curley High School through a very special and important form of financial support. These donors have named Curley as the ultimate beneficiary of a planned gift. Such gifts might include a bequest and/or charitable income gifts such as charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder unitrusts, charitable remainder annuity trusts. Donors can make a gift of life insurance by making Curley the irrevocable owner and beneficiary of a policy. Your membership involves no dues, obligations, or solicitations, but it does allow us to thank you and recognize you for the plans you have made, and it may inspire generosity in others.

Will or Trust


Family Heirs



Include us in your will or trust

A gift that costs you nothing during your lifetime


CURLEY Sample gift language for your will: “I bequeath______ (% or $) of my residual estate to Archbishop Curley High School, located in Baltimore, MD to be used for its general support (or for the support of a specific fund or program). If, at the time of my death, this program should no longer exist, Archbishop Curley High School’s Board of Trustees may use these funds as they deem appropriate.”

g a c y T r u st

How It Works • I nclude a bequest to Archbishop Curley High School in your will or trust. •M ake your bequest unrestricted or direct it to a specific purpose. • I ndicate a specific amount, or a percentage of the balance remaining in your estate or trust.

Benefits •Y our assets remain in your control during your lifetime. •Y ou can modify your gift to address changing circumstances. •Y ou can direct your gift to a particular purpose. (Be sure to check with us to make sure your gift can be used as intended.) •R emembering Archbishop Curley High School in one’s will provides a gift that will make an impact for years to come. For More Information on Planned Giving Opportunites contact: Barry Stitz Vice President for Advancement Archbishop Curley High School 3701 Sinclair Lane Baltimore, MD 21213

archbishopcurley.org 21

2016-2017 Annual Report Advancement Summary Support Group Contributions Curley Alumni Association Curley “C” Notes Friar “C” Club Total Support Group Contributions

Major Gifts $27,494.00 $10,905.12 $8,511.00 $46,910.12

Major Fundraisers (Gross) Annual Fund 2016 - 2017 Gala Dinner Auction Fall Student Raffle Spring Student Raffle Total Major Fundraisers

$338,820.00 $233,888.00 $63,452.00 $47,790.00 $683,950.00

Other Gifts/Grants St. Joseph’s Fund Title II Grants Track Project Grants (Speedwell & High Fleet) Non-Public Schools Aging Program Grant Total Other Gifts/Grants

$29,575.00 $33,837.00 $92,543.00 $80,000.00 $28,000 $263,955.00

Non-Endowed Scholarship Gifts Timothy C. Brannan ’68 Scholarship Semper Fi Scholarship St. Jude Scholarship Tuition Support Total Non-Endowed Scholarship Gifts

$1,000.00 $33,000.00 $3,000.00 426,231.00 $463,231.00

Contributed Services Franciscan Friars - St. Anthony of Padua Province $123,095.00 Total Contributed Services $123,095.00


Endowed Scholarship Gifts Alumni Memorial Scholarship $14,573.00 Archbishop Curley Memorial Scholarship $1,465.00 Salvatore Aquia Memorial Scholarship $4,083.00 Jeffrey T. Baynes ’96 Memorial Scholarship $1,450.00 Brockmeyer/Cawley Scholarship $76,969.00 Church of the Annunciation Scholarship $12,500.00 Joseph R. Citro, Sr. Scholarship $1,275.00 Class of 1967 Scholarship $17,250.00 Dohony Family Scholarship $745.00 Thomas J. Grap Scholarship $400.00 Grzymski Family Scholarship $3,450.00 Fr. Dennis Jaworek, OFM Conv. Memorial Scholarship $450.00 Robert C. Jirsa Memorial Scholarship $2,500.00 Randy Jones Memorial Scholarship Fund $425.00 Francis E. Maskell Memorial Scholarship Fund $500.00 Edward L. Mason III Memorial Scholarship $50.00 Karl L. & Margaret S. Mauck Memorial Scholarship $150.00 Irene & Nicholas Michael Memorial Scholarship $500.00 Meyers-Mulheran-Perry Scholarship $35,500.00 John F. Myers Scholarship Fund $100.00 Donald & Patricia Potter Scholarship $1,600.00 Bernie Reif Memorial Scholarship $3,515.00 Tully Sullivan ’03 Memorial Scholarship $200.00 Fr. Tom Walsh, OFM Conv. Memorial Scholarship $30.00 Total Endowed Scholarship Gifts $179,680.00

In Giving We Receive Building Campaign Campaign Funds Collected


2016-2017 Totals Total Gifts to Endowed Scholarships 2016-2017. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $179,680.00 Support Group Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $46,910.12 Major Fundraisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $683,950.00 Total Other Gifts / Grants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $263,955.00 Non-Endowed Scholarship Gifts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $463,231.00 Contributed Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $123,095.00 Capital Campaign Collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,050.00 Major Gifts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100,000.00 Total Amount of Funds Generated by the Advancement Program for the 2016-2017 School Year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,863,871.12 The gifts reflected in this report were received between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017. Every gift is important to Archbishop Curley High School. However, in a list of this magnitude, errors sometimes occur. If you know that a donor’s name has been misspelled, incorrectly placed, or omitted, please accept our sincere apology and notify the Archbishop Curley High School Advancement Office at 410-485-5000 ext. 208. Thank you for your generosity and continued support of Archbishop Curley High School.

22 CURLEY Annual Report of Gifts I 2016-2017

Overview of Fiscal Year 2017 Operating Budget Total Income: $9,085,525 Other Revenue Sources $253,450 Student Services $236,000 Advancement $875,075 Endowment Draw $75,000 Receivables $289,550

Tuition and Fees Receivables Endowment Draw Advancement Student Services Other Revenue Sources

2016-2017 Alumni Association Board of Directors Mr. Matthew Libber ’98 President Mr. Vincent Pasko ’87 Vice-President Mr. Charles Jackson ’02 Secretary Mr. Andrew Shinnick ’78 Sergeant-at-Arms Mr. Steven Maex ’06 Treasurer Mr. Stephen Baxter ’06 Mr. Paul Ciecwierz ’80 Mr. Michael Dicea ’98 Mr. Raoul Frevel ’91 Mr. Trevor Hanlon ’04 Mr. Brian Kinnear ’02 Mr. Jeffrey Kurth ’98 Mr. Gregory Loftus ’95 Mr. Walter Lupo ’95 Mr. Rodney Milbourne ’86 Mr. BJ Miller ’98 Mr. Michael Mulford ’75 Mr. Norb Petr ’71 Mr. Luke Skovira ’13 Mr. Matthew Sunday ’99

Friar “C” Club Mrs. Jolene Sosnowski President Mrs. Gina DeGreenia Vice-President Ms. Cris Wilson Secretary Mrs. Michele Jecelin Treasurer

Tuition and Fees $7,356,450

Curley C-Notes Board

Total Expenses: $8,968,895 Plant Operations $370,560 General Operations $626,175

Salaries & Benefits $4,761,360

Student Service/Instructional $947,080 Salaries & Benefits Debt Services Tuition Assistance Student Service/ Instructional General Operations

Tuition Assistance $1,880,550

Plant Operations

Debt Services $383,170

Mrs. Karen Hundertmark President Mrs. Susan Ritmiller Vice-President Mr. Christopher Ingram ’10 Treasurer Mr. Bradley Hunter ’15 Secretary Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Ray Sergeants-at-Arms

Parents’ Guild Association Mr. & Mrs. Steve Lassister President Mr. & Mrs. Shaun Fair Vice-President Mrs. Lisa Mills Secretary Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Potter ’83 Treasurer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Suehle ’83 Class of 2017 Parents Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Knapp ’88 Class of 2018 Parents Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Dvorak ’83 Class of 2019 Parents Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kobrick Class of 2020 Parents

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OCT 21 OCT 28-29


NOV 12



NOV 24


To learn more and to purchase tickets for Curley’s special events, please visit http://www.archbishopcurley.org/calendar/specialevents

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