Curley Magazine Summer 2021

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A Magazine for Alumni, Parents and Friends

Summer 2021




CURLEY is published through the Office of Advancement for Alumni, Parents and Friends of Archbishop Curley High School 3701 Sinclair Lane, Baltimore, MD 21213 410-485-5000 • Fax: 410-483-2545


Teachers deserve another commendation for their adjustments and creativity in this past year, and it is a tribute to both their professionalism and their dedicated ministry as educators. The year has helped us realize the importance of the work accomplished by the staff, including the nurse, housekeeping, the technology department and for each person who found him/herself operating a bit differently than in the past.


As the year progressed we continued with a number of virtual events, while having a fairly full spring sports season. We were so grateful to be able to bring the Class of 2021 and their parents together for the Baccalaureate Mass and then the Commencement at the Cathedral. I believe the various articles in this issue will give you a sense of that diversity. In reaching out we also came to a new appreciation this year of how scattered our Curley Family is, and if you live beyond Maryland you will be able to see if there are other alumni who have followed a similar path.


Where are Curley Alumni?

DIRECTOR OF ALUMNI Gregory Loftus ’95

Though it may be more appropriate for the upcoming Annual Report, I would be remiss not to thank all the Curley donors, whether alumni, parents or friends, who continued to support the school and its projects. A significant portion of the air conditioning portion of the capital campaign would not be underway this summer if that were not the case. A Catholic school must depend on the help of its constituents, and we are most grateful for all the Curley Family members who reach out to support the mission.

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Kathleen Wandishin OFFICE HOURS 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.



Alumni Spotlight

A Principal on the Move

MISSION STATEMENT OF ARCHBISHOP CURLEY HIGH SCHOOL Archbishop Curley High School, a Roman Catholic college preparatory school rooted in the Franciscan tradition, develops great men. With the support of the entire Archbishop Curley Family, each Curley Man is challenged to reach his maximum academic and personal potential in a safe and nurturing environment leading him to be a man of faith, character, discipline and service to others. Please send comments to the address above or


CURLEY Magazine | Summer 2021

Dear Alumni and Friends of Curley: The 2020-21 school year began in such a unique way, as terms like hybrid, virtual and social distance became part of the school vocabulary. Fortunately, it ended with a fair amount of normalcy. We thank God that the pandemic’s danger has diminished for us in this country, and our planning (at least as we go to press) is for a “normal” school year in 2021-22, and for the many activities we have been missing to occur once again.

PRESIDENT Fr. Donald Grzymski, OFM Conv. ’70




Curley Currents


Advancement Notes


Finally, there are a fair number of transitions this summer, perhaps most notably in the office of principal. We thank Brian Kohler for his ten years of service at Curley, the past seven as principal. Promoting technology and leading during a pandemic are just two of his significant accomplishments. We now look forward to working with Jeremy Joseph ’96, the new principal, the first alumnus in 20 years to serve in that role. His career has been here at Curley, and he is poised for success.

Graduation 2021


Friar’s Focus


New Positions at Curley


Alumni News


I don’t think too many were saddened that the pandemic school year came to an end, but it has taught us to adapt as needed, and I suspect we have been strengthened in unique ways to face future challenges. As Curley’s 60th year ends, in what was a subdued diamond anniversary, we look to the future with confidence in God’s grace. May everyone stay well and be safe.

Sport Shorts


Fr. Donald Grzymski, OFM Conv. ’70 President


CURLEY | CURRENTS CAPSTONE PRESENTATIONS The senior St. Bonaventure Scholars presented their Capstone projects in early May. As part of the Scholars program, these seniors completed an academic research paper or a 40-hour internship, and explained their project to their peers and invited faculty using a Powerpoint presentation.

CURLEY | CURRENTS Krisher, David Krysiak, Liam Kuhl, Luke Lacy, Zach Lee, Gregory Majerowicz, William Majerowicz, Michael Mann, Sahaj Patel, Joseph Petryszak, Zachary Rand, Michael Racosky, Noah Sainz, Enrique Schissler, Christopher Shanahan, Alexander Schenning, Camden Sigmon, Joshua Smoot, Timothy Villanueva, Brandon Yackulak.

MATH HONOR SOCIETY INDUCTION On Wednesday, March 17th, the induction of new members for the National Math Honor Society (Mu Alpha Theta) took place in the Suehle Auditorium. The following students became new members:

The St. Bonaventure Scholars and their Capstone projects: Papers: Michael Brown, Effects of Violence in Videogames James Foreman, Analysis of the Childhood of Nicolas Zindler John Guilfoyle, It’s All Dark: Analysis of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon Jake Michel, Pitching Recovery and its Effectiveness Sam Parizek, Andrew Jackson: Undaunted, Unyielding, and Unprecedented Ryan Peck, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Internships: Lucas Benedetto, Service with Fr. Chris Bryce Esposito, Law Offices of Franklin and Prokopik Zachary Hanlon, Genesis Health Services Nathan Hohensee, Mushing Outdoor Experience Liam Kuhl, Titan Investigative Alliance Samuel Stitz, Physical Therapy with John Nietubicz ’80 Zachary Sutherland, Athletic Training with Marty McGinty

Joshua Aung, Michael Brown, Aaron Burthe, John Guilfoyle, Samuel Krisher, David Krysiak, Noah LaChapelle, Zach Lee, Gregory Majerowicz, Dillon Michaloski, James Michel, Sahaj Patel, Ryan Peck, Michael Racosky, Christopher Wall and Samuel Zito.


Ms. Cheryl Jose is the faculty coordinator of the St. Bonaventure Scholars Program.

On Wednesday, March 17 , the induction of new members for the National Spanish Honor Society (Sociedad Honoraria de Espanol) took place. The following students became new members:


CURLEY Magazine | Summer 2021

With 66 days until commencement, the Class of 2021 gathered in the Suehle Auditorium to celebrate the “Countdown to Commencement.” Whereas normally there would be dinner before the assembly, Covid-19 restrictions limited the class to the assembly that featured a “Countdown to Commencement Address” given by Zachary Sutherland ’21. His remarks were warmly received and led to the Class of 2021 Video in which all the seniors thanked their parents. Audience members laughed and cried when they saw photos of their sons from 4 years ago and heard their words of gratitude. Fr. Donald had a short message and ended the evening with a prayer and blessing.


Joshua Aung, Aiden Berkenkemper, Dominic Biggs, Jonas Bradshaw, Jacob Brown, Jack Dye, Denzel Evans, Luke Forstell, Zachary Gaeta, Caleb Haire, Luke Harry, Thomas Hausler, Kirk Heise, Alexander Krisher, Samuel


Seniors received a gift from the Parents’ Guild on the way out and gathered outside by a sign that read: “We Love Our Seniors.” Such was the sentiment of the evening.


Congratulations to the new members of the Lawrence Cardinal Shehan Chapter of the National Honor Society who were inducted on March 17, 2021 in a ceremony in the Suehle Auditorium. The following students earned this recognition based on their qualities of character, service, leadership and knowledge:

Participants were: Jesus: Gunner Settar, Landon Berger Pontius Pilate: R yan Peck, Michael Brown Simon: Noah Sainz, Zach Hanlon Soldiers: A be Walz and Anthony Schlee, Bryce Esposito and Denzel Evans Mary: Ms. Kangas Veronica: Ms. Reed Weeping Woman: Mrs. Wandishin Narrators: Zach Sutherland and Sam Stitz, Nate Hohensee and Lucas Benedetto

Connor Burke, Kobe Davis, Bryce Esposito, Ethan Fabyan, James Foreman, Zachary Gaeta, Joshua Haley, Zachary Hanlon, Nathan Hohensee, Liam Kuhl, Jedrek Puszkiewicz, Nathan Quinn, Timothy Sank, Samuel Stitz, Jack Stover, Zachary Sutherland, Robert Winfield.

LIVE STATIONS One of the Curley traditions that survived the pandemic was the Live Stations of the Cross. Produced and performed by the senior class, the Live Stations followed the last hours of Jesus. It was performed twice with two different casts to accommodate the hybrid environment. This tradition is always a fine introduction and tone-setter for Holy Week and the Triduum.

We were fortunate to be able to celebrate the Commencement Exercises for the Class of 2021 in the traditional location, the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, on May 28, 2021. Attendance was limited, and the ceremony was livestreamed. The commencement speaker was Reverend Brian F. Linnane, S.J., the President of Loyola University Maryland. The Archbishop Curley Medal was presented by Fr. Donald Grzymski OFM Conv. ’70, President of Curley, to Mr. Howard L. Meyers ’66 for his generosity in providing scholarships to Curley men. Mr. Brian Kohler, Principal of Curley who accepted a position as president of Archbishop Spalding, was given an Eagles jersey with the number 21 by the senior class. After Fr. Donald and Mr. Kohler presented the diplomas, the special class awards were announced. (See the back inside cover for the photo.) After the school song was sung by all alumni present, Fr. Christopher Dudek OFM Conv., campus minister of Curley, led the assembly in benediction.

BACCALAUREATE MASS WITH THE CLASS OF 2021 The Class of 2021 gathered in Curley’s Suehle Auditorium on May 26, 2021 to celebrate their Baccalaureate Mass with their parents. Fr. Donald Grzymski OFM Conv. ’70, president of Curley, was the principal celebrant and homilist. He spoke about our traditions as Curley men and staying close to Jesus as branches on a vine. The readings from Scripture were proclaimed by Robert Winfield ’21, SGA President and Bryce Esposito ’21, President of the Class of 2021. The Prayers of the Faithful were led by Denzel Evans ’21, SGA Vice-President and Jedrek Puszkiewicz ’21, Vice President of the Class of 2021. After Communion, the following awards were presented: Fr. Julian Athlete of the Year – Denzel A. Evans Archbishop Keough (3rd highest QPA Senior year) – John R. Guilfoyle (4.84) Lawrence Cardinal Shehan (2nd highest QPA Senior year) – Lucas C. Benedetto (4.85) Archbishop Curley (Highest QPA Senior year) – Ryan P. Peck (4.92) John Hartman Music – Samuel N. Zito St. Gregory Choral – Dominic M. Bechtel National School Choral Award – David Krysiak & Nicholas Wynn Michelangelo Buonarroti (Art) – Justin Fowlkes The Albert J. Strubinger (Business) – Brandon P. Holy E. Patrick Moloney (History) – Jedrek J. Puszkiewicz Stanley J. Giermek (Mathematics) – Connor R. Overend Excellence in Modern Foreign Languages – Zachary J. Sutherland C. Markland Kelly (Physical Education) – Brandon P. Holy Daniel Biser Memorial (Science) – Ian K. Straub Ganster Award (English) – Ryan P. Peck St. Maximilian Kolbe for Excellence in Religious Studies – Ryan P. Peck State of Maryland Merit Scholars – Lucas C. Benedetto, James N. Foreman, John R. Guilfoyle, Ryan P. Peck, Samuel J. Stitz, Zachary J. Sutherland. The Cord Service – James N. Foreman Franciscan Youth Ministry – Michael G. Settar, Zachary J. Sutherland Friars Nation – Noah E. Sainz John Philip Sousa Award – Ethan Fabyan Louis Armstrong Jazz Award – Samuel N. Zito Blackfriars’ Theatre – Michael B. Brown, Bryce A. Esposito Archdiocese of Baltimore Eagle of the Cross Award – Bryce A. Esposito, Ryan P. Peck St. Bonaventure Scholars who received honor cords (Magna Cum Laude) – Lucas C. Benedetto, Michael B. Brown, Bryce A. Esposito, James N. Foreman, John R. Guilfoyle, Zachary H. Hanlon, Nathan G. Hohensee, Liam X. Kuhl, James C. Michel II, Connor R. Overend, Samuel M. Parizek, Ryan P. Peck, Samuel J. Stitz, Zachary J. Sutherland. (In the photo is Nicholas Wynn receiving the National School Choral Award. See page 19 for the photo of all the award winners.)




The Distinctive Scholars Convocation, started 29 years ago, affirms and celebrates the academic talents of students in the secondary schools of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Although the convocation was not in person this year, a virtual event recognized the top three scholars from each high school in the Archdiocese, and invited a reflection from each.

The Spring Band Concert was a little unusual this year. It was after graduation, only the parents of the musicians were admitted to the Suehle Auditorium, and the event was livestreamed. Despite the unusual conditions of the concert and the preparatory rehearsals, the student musicians came through and the bands sounded wonderful. It was good to hear them perform.

Curley’s distinctive scholars for 2021 are: (see photo below) James Foreman: “Attending a Catholic school has made a difference in my life as it helped me recognize my own faith and become a more respectable man through the Franciscan environment and Curley brotherhood.” Ryan Peck: “Attending a Catholic school, specifically Archbishop Curley, has allowed me to express and expand my faith which enabled me to create relationships with many of my classmates that will last a long time. Archbishop Curley has taught me the importance of charity in my life which has led me to multiple service opportunities.”

A Principal Moves On

During intermission, senior award winners were acknowledged. Last year’s “promising freshman” who did not receive his award last year, was Tyler Makowiecki. This year’s promising freshman was Jack Denholm. Mr. Christopher Campbell directs both bands and the instrumental music program.

Zachary Sutherland: “Attending a Catholic school has been incredibly enriching because of the community. After attending a public school for eight years, I can say with confidence that the togetherness at Catholic schools like Curley is unmatched.”

“It’s not about the programs one leaves behind, it’s about the people whom one has helped and inspired,” says Mr. Brian Kohler as he prepares to leave the principal’s office at Curley for the president’s office at Spalding.

of virtual learning brought on by the pandemic. The engineering curriculum, in conjunction with Project Lead The Way, enhanced the choices open to students interested in technology. Dealing with the restrictions of the pandemic, Kohler


Left to Right: Fr. Donald, Zachary Sutherland, James Foreman, Ryan Peck, and Mr. Kohler.

LAST DAY OF SCHOOL YEAR June 9th was the last day of the school year for the students. The students participated in two sessions of games that included dodgeball, soccer, wiffleball, Frisbee and video games. The day also included a prayer service and a barbecue at the Bowl. Students could obtain a free Kona ice from the truck as they left school for the day and the school year.


CURLEY Magazine | Summer 2021

By Greg Malanowski ’70

Mr. Howard Meyers ’66 and the Touchstone Scholars of 2021: (left – right) Michael Settar, Sam Zito, Josh Sutherland, Mr. Meyers, Kenten Bero, Chris Denholm. Touchstone Scholarships are awarded annually to outstanding members of the Senior Class who demonstrate exceptional leadership qualities. Mr. Howard Meyers ’66 funded the Touchstone Scholars program through a generous gift to Curley.

Mr. Kohler arrived at Curley as the assistant principal for academics in 2011. For his three years in this role, Kohler worked to improve the focus on academics for the students and for the faculty. He was chosen as principal and continued his emphasis on guiding the students and faculty academically while strengthening the school’s programs for the 21st century. He spear-headed the 1:1 iPad program, which placed Curley on the cutting edge of technical innovation in education. Because of this initiative, Curley was in a good position to confront the issues

brought Curley to a hybrid solution, then to full voluntary attendance. Philadelphia is Kohler’s hometown and the Eagles are his football team. He attended The Catholic University of America where he majored in politics, met his wife and was classmates with Fr. Matt Foley, OFM Conv. It was there he encountered the spirit of St. Francis through the university chaplain, Fr. Robert Schlageter OFM Conv. He worked for then Senator Richard Gephardt in the summers and during the semester and had his sights set on law school. Things changed rather suddenly and

Kohler found himself teaching at the Roman Catholic High School of Philadelphia. He moved to Baltimore in 2002 and taught Theology and Government at Archbishop Spalding High School for six years and at Loyola Blakefied for five years before coming to Curley. He now looks forward to the president’s job at Archbishop Spalding High School in Anne Arundel County, a place where he learned to love education. He will take the Franciscan spirit with him, as he has experienced it at Catholic U. and at Curley. He also hopes to take the calming and patient presence that he has learned from Fr. Donald Grzymski OFM Conv., Curley’s current president. “It is hard to put into words,” reflects Kohler, “how much the Curley community and the Franciscan charism has impacted

my life over these past few years. I will be forever grateful for all members of the Curley family and their dedication to the mission of this institution. I can only hope and pray that my efforts served to strengthen Archbishop Curley High School as we seek to develop great men.” Brian lives with his wife Katie and his children Tricia, Jackie and Tom in Glen Arm.




Alumnus Awarded Top Honor Howard Meyers ’66 received the Archbishop Michael J. Curley medal at the Commencement ceremony held on May 28th at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen. Meyers was recognized for his continued generosity and leadership in supporting Curley’s advancement efforts. In addition to establishing an endowed scholarship that provides financial assistance to students, Meyers has funded the Touchstone Scholarship program which awards grants annually to exceptional members of the senior class.

Gala A Success Curley Gala 24 ¾ was held virtually on May 21st and generated $140,000 for the school. When combined with the Gala Raffle, proceeds exceeded $215,000! We thank Jonathan Melnick, our auctioneer, and all those who made the event possible. The dedicated chair couples – Beth and Mike Diem ’90, Sheilagh and Scott Franiak, Melissa and Kevin Holy, and Jessica and Larry Schlee – along with members of the planning committee helped plan and organize gift gathering parties and the Gala event. We also thank Frank Giampa and Rebecca Landreth for their work in soliciting and cataloging gifts. We are grateful to Darlene Cuomo and Charlotte Rogers for packing items into beautiful gift baskets, and to the live steam and video team – Jon Gerstmyer ’04, Mark Muth ’09, Randy Noppinger ’14, and Pablo Sainz ’94 –

Renovation Has Begun Although the Capital Campaign is still in progress, a major project of the campaign, the renovation of the academic building, has begun. The multi-year plan is to finish the third floor this summer, then the second and first floors next summer. This means, among other things, that the third floor will have air conditioning in the fall.


CURLEY Magazine | Summer 2021

Mr. Robert ’73 & Mrs. Eileen Jirsa, Mrs. Joan Jirsa Left to Right Charlotte Rogers & Darlene Cuomo

for producing the event. We also extend our appreciation to Barb Suehle for the countless hours she gives as the Gala gift coordinator. The Gala also benefitted from the many members of the Curley Family who hosted gift gathering parties: • AC Parents’ Guild & Class Parents • John, Peggy & Brianne Bourgeois • Jeff & Betty Carter • Rob ’85 & Deborah Commodari • Curley Faculty & Staff • Dominic & Roseanne Deludos • Tim & Rita Everd •S cott & Sheilagh Franiak, Joe Gaeta &

the Curley Baseball Program • David ’80 & Darlene Gerstmyer • Fr. Donald Grzymski, OFM Conv. ’70 • Tom Grzymski • James & Christine Miller • Jo-Ann Taylor, Barry Stitz ’87, & the Curley Soccer Program • Steve ’78 & Margaret Wolf

HONOREES FOR CORNERSTONE DAY 2021 Archbishop Curley High School opened for classes in September, 1961, while construction continued in parts of the building. The placing of the cornerstone and formal blessing and dedication did not take place until April 17, 1962. Archbishop Lawrence J. Shehan presided at the ceremonies. This year, Cornerstone Day was celebrated on April 19th and the following were honored as “cornerstones” of Curley.

The Flaherty Foundation (Mission Support)

The Flaherty Family Foundation identifies high school students with potential, and works with them throughout their years to reach the goal of graduation, acceptance into college, and beyond. Currently, they sponsor 29 Curley men across all grades.

(Scholarship Donors) For almost 30 years Robert Jirsa, a member of the Class of 1973, and his wife Eileen, have been generous contributors to Curley. In 2005, together with Mrs. Joan Jirsa, they established the Robert C. Jirsa Memorial Scholarship, and they have continued to grow it in value. Mr. Jirsa has also served in various capacities for the benefit of Curley.

Mr. Christopher Ludwig ’91 (Unsung Alumnus)

Christopher Ludwig, who graduated in 1991, made his first Annual Fund gift in 1993, and has been a steady donor ever since. But Chris not only contributes financially to Curley, he also contributes his time and expertise. He has served on the Alumni Board, including Alumni Association president from 2012 to 2014 when he was also on the School Board, and is a member of

St. Francis of Assisi Benefactor St. Joseph Cupertino Medalist ($10,000-$24,999)

Mr. Gerard R. Waldt ’74 Mr. Michael Dicea ’95 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Navitskis ’65

St. Maximilian Kolbe Sponsor

Barbara Suehle is the wife of Joseph, a member of Curley’s Class of 1983, and mother of two alumni sons, graduates of 2015 and 2017. Mrs. Suehle is the main force behind recording and organizing the gifts for the Gala, an effort that begins months before the actual event. In 2020 she joined Curley’s School Board.

(Long Serving Faculty & Staff)

Mr. Hoffman, a member of Curley’s 5th graduating class in 1969, began coaching at Curley in 1975, and then joined the faculty in 1977. Over the years Mr. Hoffman

New Gifts/Pledges received 2/1/21- 6/15/21

France-Merrick Foundation

(Dedicated Volunteer)

Mr. Eugene Hoffman ’69

has taught physical education, health and algebra, and spent some 137 seasons coaching cross country, indoor track, and track and field. Along the way he has made such a mark on the athletic community that the MIAA’s Track & Field Championship award is named for him. Mr. Hoffman retired in 2020, but has continued to help with coaching this year, and one expects his presence will be around well into the future.

Renewing Our Future The Campaign for Curley Honor Roll


Mrs. Barbara Suehle

the committee for the current capital campaign, Renewing Our Future. Much of Chris’ work has been behind the scenes, helping his alma mater in many different ways.


Kathy & Paul Ebner ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Sobus ’78 Ruth & Andy Urban ’70 Mr. Stephen J. Franzoni ’84 Jack Herzog ’02 & Family

Friends of Curley ($1,000-$4,999)

Mr. Julius Silvestri ’68 Mr. Mark A. Piasecki ’72 Mr. Robert S. Savarese ’77 Mr. Richard M. Betlejewski ’67 Mr. Stephen J. Kirr ’78 Mr. James S. Bomgardner ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Donhauser ’82 Mr. Michael Lynch ’99 Mr. Ty M. Roberts ’96

Campaign Guild

(Up to $999) Mr. Harry F. Amato ’70 Mr. John M. Fowler, Jr. ’70 Mr. Bernard W. Schmidt ’66 Mr. William A. Kalwa, Jr. ’66 Mr. James H. McNicholas ’65 Mr. Alan F. Lipa ’65

Mr. Stan Hierstetter ’65 Mr. Timothy C. Rohrs ’68 Eric & Lori Fisher ’68 Mr. Eugene T. Grady ’66 Mr. David B. Knauer ’66 Mrs. Joan M. Jirsa Mr. John J. Turpin ’68 Mr. Robert A. Danielak ’66 Mr. Douglas Flick ’68 Mr.& Mrs. Ignatius Stefanski ’66 Mr. Robert B. Schmidt ’66 Ms. Karen Seidl Mr. Francis X. McGrath, Jr., ’69 Mr. Robert Tennyson ’68 Mr. Robert J. Berkey ’66 Mrs. Carol A. Rego Mr. Raymond T. Stefanski ’73 Mr. John A. Schmuff ’72 Mr. Robert N. Chrest ’74 Mr. Douglas G. Bennett ’71 Mr. Orest P. Hanas ’72 Mr. Gregory G. Lukowski ’74 Mr. Christopher M. Waldt ’71 Mr. James Kalbac ’75 Mr. James B. Fitzpatrick ’71 Mr. Joseph M. Trachta ’71 William J. Smith ’76 & Deborah Smith Mr. Anthony J. Barber ’77 Mr. John B. Schultz ’78 Mr. Claudio Lijoi ’86 Mr. Charles S. Chesnavage, PhD. ’78 Mr. Monford A. Wolf ’80 Mr. Paul T. Solloway ’80 Mr. Michael P. Freeze ’75 Mr. Larry Mason ’71 Mr. William Farley, Jr. ’78

Mr. Mark M. Stairiker ’67 Kelly & Kim Campbell ’83 Mr. Benjamin Sibiski ’78 Tom & Louise Slezak ’82 Mr. Chuck Pribyl ’72 Mr. David L. Custer, Jr. ’81 Mr. Ray Hudson ’86 Mr. Norman Yarbrough ’83 Mr. Joseph Helensky ’83 Mr. Matthew T. Bogdan ’87 Mr. James Bonner ’82 Mr. Brendan Basmajian ’92 Mr. Joseph Mirabile ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Chet Andrzejewski ’78 Mr. Paul M. Costantino ’92 Mr. Peter S. Feeley ’71 Donald & Kathleen Waugh ’82 Mr. Gerard R. Dirscherl ’65 Doug & Sherri Schmitt ’94 Mr. Joseph C. Lancione ’69 Mr. Peter Kegel ’84 Mr. Eric C. Sigmon ’88 Mr. Randall Baynes ’89 Mr. Mark Savarese ’79 Mr. Zachary Savarese ’13 Mr. W. Roland Knapp, III ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Galasso ’83 Mr. Michael Donnelly ’81 Mr. Todd Aupperley ’93 Mr. Robert E. Wall ’75 Mr. Michael Stabile ’11 Mr. Jason J. Murphy ’98 Mr. David L. Flick ’71 Mr. Bobby Bossle ’02 Mr. William R. Ward ’82 Mr. Joseph J. Kowalski ’86

Mr. Michael P. Boettcher, Jr. ’98 Mr. Anthony F. Feurer, Sr. ’82 Mr. Eugene P. Kornack, Jr. ’86 Mr. James M. McKernan ’66 Mr. & +Mrs. Robert Thuman Mr. Gerard Hahn ’69 Dr. & Mrs. James V. Padden ’79 Mr. Raymond J. Wodarski, Esq. ’07 Mr. Frederick J. Mack ’72 Mr. Matthew Bradley ’83 Mr. Paul Kryglik ’71 Mr. Joe Hall ’78 Mr. Juan Thornton ’12 Mr. Michael J. Shaffer ’75 Mr. Robert W. Connolly ’80 Mr. Mark Rynes ’77 Dr. Matthew Rynes ’08 Mr. Nicholas Rynes ’12 Mr. Bruno Commodari ’77 Mr. & Mrs. William Macomber ’69 Knights of Columbus Council #2521 Mr. Russell J. Nies ’88 Mr. Gregory Kondilas ’98 Mr. Brian D. Sommers, Jr. ’99 Mr. Joseph P. Doerfler ’77 Mr. Eric Oppel ’02 Mrs. Sharon M. Aldon Mr. Anthony Lindner ’87


Where are Curley Alumni?

Over six decades Curley alumni have spread out across the country, and a few to other countries as well. You might be surprised to see how many active addresses the Advancement Office has in each state. CURLEY reached out to some of those alumni to see what got them there, and what is special about the place they now call home. We thank those who responded with their thoughts.

Edited by Fr. Donald Grzymski OFM Conv. ’70


INTERNATION ALUMNI Canada 2 England 1 Ireland 1


Bill Zipfel ’67 “Except for the two years I was on active duty with the Army, I lived my entire life in the Baltimore metro area. I moved to southern Nevada in 2005 to help a former business colleague run a fast-growing company located in Henderson, NV. It was a great opportunity and moving across the country was an exciting prospect. Southern Nevada is a desert area, so it is very hot during the summer (but not humid). And there is no state income tax in Nevada! Having the opportunity to attend Archbishop Curley High School was a great privilege, honor, and blessing. The school was brand new at that time and the Franciscan Friars have always been excellent administrators, educators and inspirational role models. I will never lose sight of the unique and lifelong value of that experience. Through Curley and family, I remain connected to my hometown.”

Robert Lukaszczyk ’98 “I moved to Chicago after college because I have a lot of family in the area. My dad has lived here for many years and we hadn’t lived in the same place since I was a child. The best thing about living in Chicago is that you’re never more than a few minutes away from a place where you can get pierogi or other Polish food. As for Baltimore, I still have family in the area and visit regularly. Outside of family, my strongest tie to Baltimore is that I’m still a Ravens fan and I try to fly in for a game every year.”

Thornton Guthrie, Jr. ’97 “After graduating from Curley in 1997, I obtained my BA in Communications and MBA in Human Resource Management from the University of North Florida. I worked for Fortune 500 companies across multiple industries in HR leadership roles, relocating from Jacksonville, Florida to Seattle, Washington. I currently reside in Ft. Wayne, Indiana with my wife Saphina and my son Thornton Guthrie III. Curley taught me to quickly adapt to changes, handle increasing levels of responsibility, all while delivering on commitments professionally and personally.”

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Stephen Gibbons ’66 “The many wonderful teachers and coaches who guided me through those formative years have stayed with me all the way to the ‘Valley of the Sun,’ Phoenix, Arizona. I was really excited when fellow teammate Nick Desien from our MSA co-championship freshman football team arrived and we spend time together on the golf courses reliving those wonderful years.”



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10 CURLEY Magazine | Summer 2021



18 Joe Krolczyk ’79 “Living in Pittsburgh the past 30 years has steeled a Curley Man’s character and grace. I am grateful for the integrity, confidence and self-discipline embodied by our Franciscan experiences. Do you travel stairs on the right? I do.”


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Tom “Salt” Aldon, ’74 “Have lived in Flower Mound, Texas, just north of DFW airport, since 1999, and originally left Baltimore and moved to Houston Texas, sight unseen, in 1979. Love Texas because it is where I met my yellow rose, Micha, and just love the ‘can do’ attitude of the people here. Besides lasting friendships with my classmates, Curley helped to provide me with the foundation in my faith to heed the call of the Holy Spirit several times in my life. Currently that call has been to be a married couple presenting team for Worldwide Marriage Encounter (wwme. org), which is the longest running Catholic marriage enrichment program in the Church. God bless to all and Go Friars!”









40 Steve Hellen ’94 “My career focuses on using digital technology to improve international humanitarian outcomes. This work has afforded me the opportunity to travel globally, and at the start of this year a new role which brought me and my family to Geneva, Switzerland. We are thoroughly enjoying many new experiences, and particularly the mountains and lakes. But Baltimore will always be home, and part of that for me is Curley, which set a foundation of values that I carry with me every day.”

Mike Muller ’99 “I graduated from Harvard University in 2016 with a master’s degree in Public Administration and work in Boston as an executive for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. Living on the North Shore of MA with my wife, Juliana, and our son, Luke (21 months), we have come to enjoy New England seafood, but still prefer Baltimore’s steamed crabs and shrimp salad.”

Del Parks ’70 “I live in a beautiful little seaside town, Lewes, Delaware; However, I am still working for Sinclair Broadcast Group and maintain an apartment in the Hunt Valley area. As part of my job, I am so lucky to get to travel extensively throughout the U.S., Europe, Asia, even the Mid-East! My most memorable memory of Curley was when +Tom Perrella threw a penny at me in English class and cracked my front tooth. To this day I have a cap on that tooth! Tom was a good friend and always apologetic, and I think of him often since his passing in 2011, God rest his soul!”

Tom Ackerman ’88 “My wife (at the time fiancé) and I moved to Florida in 1996 after basically throwing a dart at a map and picking a place. Yes, our parents all lived in Florida, but I’d never been. We knew our faith in God and each other would allow us to be successful. And while we have friends and family in Maryland with whom we keep in touch, it’s the lure of swimming in the emerald waters of the Gulf of Mexico (thanks for my passion for swimming from coach John Cadigan) and a vibrant music scene (thanks for enhancing my passion for music from Dave Stauffer) that keep us here and Tampa-proud (along with the dominating sports scene: Go Rays, Bucs and Bolts). Thanks to Curley and Franciscan teachings that gave me the confidence to make the move.” 11

Christian Kendzierski ’88 CURLEY | FRIAR’S FOCUS


Spotlight By Fr. Donald Grzymski OFM Conv. ’70

By Barry Stitz ’87 Fr. Chris Dudek first arrived at Curley in 2015 to teach Spanish and Religion to Curley students. Originally hailing from Massachusetts, Dudek joined the Friars immediately after high school. He was introduced to Curley while studying at Catholic University and asked that he be assigned to the school for his teaching year. Upon completing a three-year stay in Rome where he studied Theology, Dudek once again had Curley in his sights and requested a return to where he got his start in teaching. Three years later, he is one of the school’s most identifiable teachers, a feat that didn’t go unnoticed by the Archdiocese of Baltimore who named Fr. Chris its 2021 High School Teacher of the Year. While he continues to make a difference in the classroom, one could argue that his work as campus minister is having even a greater impact on the young men of Curley. Fr. Chris is looking forward to the upcoming school year and the opportunity to continue building on the work of his predecessors as head of Curley’s Franciscan Youth Ministry (FYM) program. He believes that “you have to make something your own” and concedes that he doesn’t always think inside the box. Although 2021-22 will be his fourth year as campus minister, he admits it has been difficult to fully put his stamp on the program. He explains, “Year

One was just about surviving. Year Two was cut short by the pandemic and this past year was one like no other.” However, Dudek is convinced that there has been at least one blessing from these challenging times. “There has been a renewal of the need for faith and community building,” he says. Dudek’s outlook on ministry at Curley is that “everyone is part of FYM because we are a Franciscan school.” He recognizes that the students come from many different backgrounds and that their priorities are often geared towards things like sports and work rather than their faith. Thus, his approach is a rather simple one. “I try to encompass as many as possible and find ways to pray while also being engaging,” he shares. The monthly Holy Hours have been one of the more well attended ministries. The evening includes pizza, games, and good music without losing the core of what it is all about…prayer. Another successful strategy has been using the Flex Team as a source of outreach. This group is comprised of junior and senior students called upon to be peer ministers. These young men take Catholic leadership classes as part of the school’s religion curriculum that focuses on integrating Theology into life. Dudek points out that the Flex Team members take their faith

12 CURLEY Magazine | Summer 2021

personally and are open to sharing it with others, including things learned from their leadership courses. “The boys will listen to the Friars but hearing it from their peers can be even more effective at times.” He adds, “It also empowers those who are really wanting to get involved to take on a leadership role.” The Flex Team assists with service opportunities (food/toy drives), class retreats, community prayers and Masses among other things. There are also activities off campus such as The March for Life and Encounter the Gospel Service Camp. For Dudek, it’s all about continuing the Franciscan tradition at Curley. He is very open about his love for St. Francis and recognizes the importance of sharing spirituality and faith with the students. He points out that Francis was “with the people” and as Curley’s campus minister, the most important thing for him is building relationships with the young men and among the young men. “This will lead to a Brotherhood in its truest sense, a continued renewal of the school, and real evangelization,” he says with confidence. “I don’t want the students to just know the prayers, I want them to be able to relate them to their lives.”

Christian Kendzierski ’88, who became the Executive Director of Communications for the Archdiocese of Baltimore in January 2021, took a rather curious route to his present position. He followed his older brothers Doug ’83 and Tim ’87 to UMBC (there was also a brother +Gregory ’79 and three cousins who attended Curley), where he considered pre-med, but found himself moving from science to history and philosophy. In time, he received approval of an interdisciplinary program of politics and writing, graduating in 1993. He began working at WBAL Radio, and produced overnight shows, sports, Orioles, ESPN remotes, and then the morning drive-time show. In 2001 he moved to New York to work for ABC News, where he produced, wrote and edited news. After time in France, Spain and Maine, Christian made his way back to Maryland. He has worked as Governor Ehrlich’s press information officer for the Maryland Department of Labor, as media relations director for Mt. St. Mary’s University, and then as Associate VP of Communications and Marketing at Notre Dame of Maryland University. Asked what led him to his present position, Christian shared, “I really believe when God opens a door for us, it is best that we walk through it.” While admitting “as a spokesperson,

I really don’t like to talk that much,” he believes his career has prepared him to help tell the story of the Archdiocese and its institutions (parishes and schools in particular), and the impact they have on the community. As executive director, Christian oversees the marketing, communications and messaging from the Archdiocese, serves as the official spokesperson, and oversees the news and publishing staff at the Catholic Review. Assuming this position in early 2021, much of his work has been COVID-19 related, and is now the re-opening of church events. Christian says that while he understood what a spokesperson is expected to do, he didn’t realize how closely he would work with the Archbishop and other archdiocesan leadership. He works to bring a communications perspective at the planning and development stage of programs and projects, and helps to craft the message for newsworthy events. He was also a bit surprised to find himself at Zoom and in-face meetings with priests who had been at his home parish, and friars who he had known at Curley, and now “I am an adult in the room! It’s been a little surreal, but really cool to be back in the thick of things with this community in Baltimore”. There is also a ministerial aspect to his role, and Christian shared that his work is “for the

purpose of evangelizing and spreading the good news of Jesus. That is always the first priority of what we do in the archdiocese.” He also believes he is in a position to work with the Archbishop and archdiocese on the challenges facing the Church. Asked for advice he would give to students interested in this type of career, Christian suggests “start with as many internships as you can get. Begin writing for anyone—blogs, news, community organizations, get experience and build your skill. Networking is also important as you get to know people in the business or field in which you want to work.” He has fond memories of Curley, including crazy moments at his freshman retreat, and he admits thinking “this place is nuts, but looks like it’s going to be fun.” He also wonders how he survived 5:00 am swim team practices. Christian is married to Megan Marx, who he met in New York and who is now on the faculty at Stevenson University, and they have two children, Mileigh Kathryn and Maxx Elliott. When time permits he enjoys home improvement projects, running and hanging out with his two retrievers. Christian reflected, “It’s funny, and I don’t know the reasoning behind it, but life always has a way of steering us down a path where we can look back and appreciate the things or experiences that happened years ago. I feel as I move along my own path I can say my time at Curley was one that gave me a solid foundation in education and in my faith.” 13

</CODING Class/> This class is not “coding” in the emergency medical sense of the word. This class is a programming class in which the students learn about and write computer code. The coding class of Mrs. Sarah Flaherty, designed to give students the foundational knowledge to create a functioning program, has two parts. The first semester was spent learning the basics of programming. This includes conditionals, variables, loops, etc. In the second semester, students came up with their own program to create. Their ideas ranged from Connect Four to Battleship. They followed a typical ‘waterfall method’ programming schedule. This process showed them the work that it takes in the real world to create a functioning program for a client. The goal of the course is to make the student prepared to take on all aspects of the programming process and have foundational knowledge in Python, the programming language used. “I am very proud of all of my students,” reflected Mrs. Flaherty. “They have worked hard and combined the creative and logical elements of programming.” They presented and explained their projects to their peers. Class participants included: Matteo McQueen, Tyler Lennox, Nathan Warner, Josh Wolbert, John Hollen, Ian Straub, Blake Jones, Nick Hands, Luke Lacy, and Josh Haley. 14 CURLEY Magazine | Summer 2021

NEW POSITIONS AT CURLEY 2021 By Greg Malanowski ’70

Some of the students shared their experience below. Josh Wolbert, a senior, designed a sports trivia game. “In this game you have to answer a series of 15 multiple choice questions about sports in a row to win. Throughout this project, some things that I learned was furthering my knowledge in code writing in Python. At the beginning of the year I would have never imagined I would be able to create anything like this. Also, I furthered my knowledge in sports. Anytime that I get to learn about sports is a fun time for me, so I really enjoyed making this project.”

Nick Hands, a junior, “learned how to create a fully functioning game with absolutely no prior knowledge. This happened in steps of learning the basics, and doing small projects, all building up single skills to be able to make a game. These skills will later be developed in college and hopefully a career all because Curley included this class as an elective.”

By Greg Loftus ’95

Luke Lacy, a junior, made a Tic-Tac-Toe game that allows for 2 player and player vs computer games. “The user would have the choice of whether they want to play 2 player or play against an AI that I made. This project was a lot of fun to do but it was also stressful at times. Some things that I learned from this project were that I need to manage my time better, I need to be more patient with myself, and that coding is something that I would like to pursue in the future. If everything goes well, I would like to become a game developer in the future.” Junior Matteo McQueen built an electronic version of Blackjack. “The main focus of Blackjack is to get a hand that equals a total of 21 or as close as possible to 21. My game also has standard Blackjack features such as ‘hit’ and ‘stand.’ While I was making this game I learned many things such as time management and I improved my research ability. Overall I had a blast and a great experience making this project.”

The end of January saw Curley announce the departure of its current principal, Mr. Brian Kohler, and welcome Mr. Jeremy Joseph into his new role as principal of the school. We welcome the following to new roles in the administration and wish them well in their new roles here at Curley. Assistant Principal Mr. Kenneth Pipkin will serve as the new Assistant Principal for Academics. Mr. Pipkin comes from St. Joseph School in Fullerton, where he served as principal for the past five years. Prior to leading St. Joseph School, he served as assistant principal for Baltimore County Public Schools for six years, and as a teacher for eight years. He received his undergraduate degree in history with a minor in philosophy from Washington College. At Towson University he earned his teaching certificate as well as his master’s degree in human resource development with a focus in educational leadership. When asked about the new addition to the Curley family, Mr. Joseph shared: “I am confident Ken Pipkin will be an asset to Curley, for he brings a wealth of experience, including that of Catholic school leadership. I look forward to working with him.” Vice President for Enrollment Management Mr. Nicholas Brownlee ’96 is entering his 20th year at Curley. Mr. Brownlee has served Curley as a history teacher, lacrosse coach, class and club moderator, and most recently as Director of Admissions. His new position will require him to supervise the admissions office, chair the school’s retention committee, and be a support to the campus minister and class moderators in engaging student involvement. When asked what he was most looking forward to in his new position, Brownlee replied, “In my new position I’m most excited to have the opportunity to work in an expanded role with our current students, while still staying connected to our incoming families by overseeing Curley’s Admissions Program. It’s really important to me that our guys have a great all-around experience here at Curley. I look forward to putting meaningful programs in place that allow our students to get the most out of their time here at Curley.”

Director of Special Events The new Director of Special Events is Ms. Caroline Kogler. Ms. Kogler brings 8 years of Curley experience with her to this new position, having served as Assistant Director of Admissions and Class/Student Government Moderator. She will work with both the Advancement and Admissions Offices as coordinator of key events, including Open House and the Curley Gala. Ms. Kogler’s dedication, high energy, attention to detail, and her collaboration with our students make her the perfect choice for this position. Before her time as a Curley employee, Ms. Kogler spent time as an intern in the development office working on the Gala. “To finally be in a job that allows for me to plan events for a living feels like a dream come true, and what I’ve been working toward,” says Ms. Kogler. “In a lot of ways it feels like I’ve really come full circle.” Director of Marketing Mr. Joseph Gaeta, who has been serving as the school’s marketing consultant, joins the staff as the school’s new Director of Marketing. Mr. Gaeta also serves as the varsity baseball head coach. He currently has a son who is entering his senior year here at Curley. Director of Admissions Curley welcomes alumnus Demonya Womack ’11 back to Curley as the new Director of Admissions. He was a student-athlete when he attended Curley, playing football and basketball. After Curley, Mr. Womack attended Albright College where he played football and obtained his undergraduate degree in communications with a focus in public relations and advertising. Mr. Womack is currently pursuing a master’s degree in sports management from The United States Sports Academy. When asked about his return to Curley, Womack responded, “I am elated to have this opportunity to come back to Curley. I look forward to engaging with Curley students and prospective families, and I hope to encourage, assist, and support every student who embodies the true definition of brotherhood that Curley instills in every student.” 15



Rest in Peace Through June 2021

Class of 1974

Class of 2005

Class of 2018

Larry Hineline is the head coach of the Morgan State University women’s softball team. Recently, the Bears won the 2021 MEAC Championship and advanced to the NCAA tournament.

Congratulations to Brendan Kerrigan and his wife Megan on the birth of their son, Reese Michael. Mike ’73 and Kathy Kerrigan are proud grandparents. It looks like we may have another Kerrigan in the class of 2039.

Congratulations to Corey Burton and the Salisbury University baseball team on defeating St. Thomas (Minn.) to win the Division III College World Series. Burton recorded 5 wins in the Seagulls 9-game run through the Regionals and World Series. In the series clinching win he pitched 4 innings without allowing an earned run.

Class of 1976 Class of 1967 On June 12, 2021 Lenny Delozier and his wife, Jeanne, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a Mass of Thanksgiving and a renewal of their vows in the Curley Chapel. On May 14, 2021 Bruce Hirsch and his wife Trudy celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.

Class of 1968 The 1968 lunch crew were able to resume their monthly in-person lunches in June. A great tradition carried on by this class, they gathered at Looney’s Pub in Perry Hall, MD. Pictured below from left to right are: Jim Kitko, Tom Snyder, Al Tysor, Steve Sopel, Steve Kaisler, Julius Silvestri, Lou Karko, Thom Placek, Chuck Urban, Bob Bisco, and Ed Weirzbicki.

Class of 1969 Author Paul Travers has completed his latest book, “Dancing with the Mountains…Alzheimer’s, Angels, and the Appalachian Trail: A Journey of Spirit”. The book chronicles Paul’s hike to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Association and prove that “60 is the new 40.” While this book has not yet been released, you may preorder it on Amazon

Class of 1970 Del Parks received the Silver Beaver Award from the Baltimore Area Council of Scouting for his unselfish volunteer service to the Scouts of the Baltimore area.

Class of 1973 Dave Malanowski retired from his position as the Finance Officer for the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, effective June 30. Dave held this position for over 30 years. He received the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice award for a lifetime of service to the church. 16 CURLEY Magazine | Summer 2021

On June 11, 2021, Jim Clifford was installed as the State Deputy of the Georgia State Council, Knights of Columbus at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in New Haven, CT. Jim and his wife Karen have resided in McDonough, GA for the past 20 years.

Class of 2009

Class of 2000

Class of 2010

Charles Bankard and his wife Susan, welcomed daughter Rachel Catherine on April 30, 2021. Big brother, Timothy, is also excited about the new addition to the family.

Class of 2001 Steve Szymanski graduated from Georgetown University Law Center, earning an LL.M. (Master of Laws) in National Security Law. Additionally, he earned the Thomas Bradbury Chetwood, S.J. Award for achieving the highest academic average in the program (3.97). In July, Steve and his wife, Becca, will be moving to the United States Military Academy at West Point, where Steve will teach Constitutional Law and National Security Law.

Class of 2002 Congratulations to Charles Jackson who has recently been named the first Health Equity Director for the Baltimore City Health Department. Charles has a degree on Psychology from Emmanuel College and brings over 10 years of experience in diversity, equity, and inclusion. He says his main goal is to make a positive impact for Baltimore City Residents. Charles, we have no doubt that you will do just that.

Class of 2004 Rick Slomba owns Form Jiu Jitsu Academy in Canton. Rick is pictured with three other Curley alumni: Adrian Triguero ’20, TJ Triguero ’16, and Sherwen Triguero ’15.

On April 21, 2021 Benjamin Kimbel and his wife Ashley celebrated the birth of their daughter, Parker Marie.

Chris Szimanski dropped us a line to let us know what he has been up to. In 2014 Chris graduated from Providence College with a BS in Accounting. The following year he graduated from their MBA program. Chris married his wife, Julia, in 2017. They currently live in New York where Chris works as a senior accountant with a multi-state ophthalmology practice. He stills tries to find time to play ice hockey at least once a week.

Class of 2014 Five years ago, Andrew Davis and some friends began a community project in Carroll County called, The Grateful Garden. The goal of their work is to grow produce for food pantries to help feed neighbors in need. Andrew credits Curley with instilling in him the values that have motivated him to make a difference locally.

Class of 2019 Virginia Commonwealth University freshman third baseman, Tyler Locklear, has been named a Third Team All-American by Collegiate Baseball Magazine. Earlier this year, Locklear became the first player in the history of the conference to win both Atlantic 10 Player and Rookie of the Year in the same season. He had 16 homeruns this season, which is a VCU freshman record.

Class of 2020 In April, five Curley alumni competed in the George Mason Invitational (a Division 1 Track and Field Event). In addition to letting their hair grow, they continue to compete at the highest level in their sport. Pictured below are Joseph Kurek ’20 (UMBC), Ian Hoffman ’20 (UMBC), and Samuel Burke ’20 (Mt. St. Mary’s). Khalil Reid ’17 (Mt. St. Mary’s) and Will Hanna-Leverett ’19 (UMBC) would join them later in the meet. Congratulations to Ian Hoffman on winning the America East Pole Vault championship at 15’3”.

• J uanita Bana-Fernandez, mother of Julio, Jr.’79,

grandmother of Joshua ’11 & Julius Luis ’12 • Joseph Benesch, father of Paul ’87 & David ’88 • Paul T. Blake, Sr., father of Paul ’96 • J anice Bocek, mother of Stephen ’85, David ’95 &

Joseph ’96 • Stephen Bocian ’68 • L aFayette Boone, Sr., father of LaFayette Boone, Jr. ’05 •M ark L. Borowy ’72, brother of Glen ’74 & Douglas ’79 •H oward Rufus Bradley Jr., father of John ’71, William ’72,

Matthew ’83, grandfather of Steven Miller ’04 & Daniel Miller ’05 •G ertrude “Trudy” Brewer, wife of Walter “Joe”

Brewer, Jr., ’72 •R alph Bridges, father of Gina Petr, staff, and grandfather

of Mason Petr ’23

ALUMNI NEWS UPDATE Please send news about yourself, family and classmates to Alumni Office Archbishop Curley High School 3701 Sinclair Lane Baltimore, MD 21213 or email:

•P aul LaCotti, father of Michael ’75 & Paul ’74,

grandfather of Frank ’06 & Joseph ’10 Boling & Friar Joseph Krondon ’16 • James T. Libber ’91 • A. Michael Lidinsky ’66 • Ronald Lindner, father of Anthony ’87 & Jeffrey ’90 •R uby Mabanta, grandmother of Michael Scarlato ’12 •P atricia Massoni, mother of Frank, ’74, Michael ’76 &

Joseph ’78 • Charles “Bob” Mullauer ’69 • Florence McKay, mother of Bob McKay ’82 • Jean Navitskis, wife of Anthony ’65 • Casper Niedzialkowski, former faculty member • Agnes Panowicz, mother of Walter ’70 • Angelina Perez, mother of Bob Greco ’70 • Cynthia “Cindy” Powell, wife of Michael ’69

•K athleen Brooks, wife of Joseph Brooks ’69

• Leonard Ratajczak ’70

• David Budka ’87, brother of Mark ’81

• Robert Reitz, father of Brian ’81

•M ary Jean Cashen, mother of Neil ’72 & Michael ’74

• William Reuter ’67

•D eacon Albert Chesnavage, father of Albin ’74, Charles ’78

• J ean Rozanski, mother of Kenneth ’82 &

& Thomas ’81 • Charles Cimino, father of Christopher ’90 • Anna Creamer, mother of Gordon ’95 • James Gordon Creamer, father of Gordon ’95

Albert ’85, grandmother of Dalton ’23 •E leanore Rybczynski, mother of Thomas ’76, Philip ’78,

Robert ’81 & David ’87, mother-in-law of David Dieter ’72, grandmother of Adam Rybczynski ’10 and Nicholas ’04 & Joseph ’06 Dieter

• Joseph N. Cruse, father of Joseph ’87 & John ’96

• Eric Seidl ’88

• Margaret Culatta, mother of Victor ’80

•A udrey Scruggs, mother of Clif ’84, grandmother of

• Anthony L. Czepik ’70 • Christopher F. DeMartin ’66 • J ames Diem ’84, brother of Robert ’84, David ’87 &

Michael ’90, uncle of Aidan ’22 & Nicholas ’15

Class of 2017 Congratulations to Delondrae Carter who recently earned his bachelor’s degree in astrophysics from Arizona State University. He graduated with Summa Cum Laude honors. Delondrae will continue his studies at Arizona State University where he will begin his doctorate program this fall. He is currently working as an intern at ASU/NASA Space Telescope Science Institute.

• Joseph Astasauskas, Sr., father of Joseph ’84

Trevor ’17 and Roman ’22 • J ohn Sipple, father of Eric ’03 • Michael Sperato ’75 • T helma Unkelbach-Wurzer, mother of +Joel Unkelbach ’74

• Stephen Diven ’70

• Joseph F. Velenovsky, III, ’68

•R aymond I. Ford ’77, father of Raymond IV ’04 & Tyler ’10

• J ohn Warga, Jr., father of Bryan ’80 & Scott ’84, brother of

• Joseph J. Greoski, father of Joseph M. ’74 • Jeffrey C. Hitt, Sr., father of Jeffrey, Jr., ’97 • Bradley Hunter ’15 • Marlene Impallaria, wife of Joseph ’78 • August J. Kahler, father of Richard ’79 • Firman Kistler, Jr., father of Firman, III ’97 • Gina Kotowski, wife of James ’70

+Ron ’65 • Bernie Walter, former faculty member • Dawn Wetzelberger, wife of William ’82 • William Wildberger, father of Dennis ’80 • Charles Wojciechowski, ’78 • Alfred Wysocki, father of Jerry ’75 • Mary “Betty” Zembower, mother of Martin ’83

•M ildred Kryglik, mother of Paul ’71 &

Christopher ’76 17

CURLEY | SPORT SHORTS Class of 2021 Athletes Continuing in College

Denzel Evans Named Athlete of the Year

FOOTBALL Jamal Avery Fairmount State University

The Father Julian Athlete of the Year award was presented to Denzel Evans ’21 at the Baccalaureate Mass held on May 26th. Evans was a standout member of the lacrosse and football teams. In the fall, he was a two-way performer as a slot receiver and defensive back and in the spring he excelled as an attackman. In addition to being a team captain, Evans led the lax team in goals (42) and assists (19) while helping them to an appearance in the MIAA “B” Conference Championship game. Evans will be attending Bates College in Maine in the fall.

Kent Bero Hampden-Sydney College

The varsity lacrosse team advanced to the MIAA “B” Conference championship game at Navy-Marine Corp Stadium against Friends. Although the team lost 15-10, they finished the season 9-4 and were undefeated in regular season conference play.

Anthony Schlee Bloomsberg University

Ronald Clark Salisbury University

BASKETBALL Isaiah Brown McDaniel College

Judah Conaway Gettysburg College

Sam Walter Washington College

Kobi Davis Randolph Macon College

BASEBALL Justin Mentzell Marymount University

Kofi Kwaw Seton Hill University

Varsity Lax

Connor Overend York College

John Munk Bridgewater College Joe Petryszak Fairmount State University SOCCER Landon Berger Geneva College Chris Denholm Albright College


Jake Michel Richmond University Cam Munk Frederick Community College Matt Sappington Wilson College

Fr. Donald and the Eagle Scouts from the Class of 2021: (first row) Trey Urbach, John Gill, Nathan Hohensee, Bradley O’Ree; (second row) Sam Zito, Michael Kurek, Fr. Donald, John Guilfoyle, Matt Miller; (third row) Michael Brown, Josh Haley, Liam Kuhl, Aaron Mundie.

Tristan Schoendienst Wilmington University 2021 grads and their alumni fathers: (front row) Stephen Jr. and Stephen ’89 Debelius Sr., Sam and Barry ’87 Stitz, Joseph and Eric ’86 Pfeiler, Leo and Gerald ’82 Ayd, David and Mark ’85 Krysiak, Cameron and Dave ’93 Munk; (back row) Liam and William ’94 Kuhl, Noah and Pablo ’94 Sainz, Zach and Josh ’93 Sutherland, Brett and William ’95 Lutostanski, Joe and John ’91 Petryszak.

Ryan Torres Wilson College

Brandon Holy York College

32nd Annual Targarona Memorial Golf Tournament Spring Post-Season Honors Congratulations to the following student-athletes who were named AllMIAA in their respective sport: Baseball: Jake Michel, Ryan Edmonds Golf: John Gamber, Andrew Lynard Lacrosse: Denzel Evans, Lee Rock, Michael Settar, Denim Evans Track & Field: Andrew Parker

Jake Michel

18 CURLEY Magazine | Summer 2021

John Gamber

Andrew Parker

It was a great day for the 137 golfers who played in the 32nd Annual Targarona Memorial Golf Tournament on May 25th. The foursome of Pat Richardson ’70, Ron Kellner ’70, Doug Flick ’68, Mel Skwirut ’70 (see photo below) came in first with a score of 56. Close behind with a 57 was Phil Misey ’80, Steve Kinkaid ’81, Brent Grossman and David Waldhauser. Third place was captured by Erik Keller ’89, Vince Pasko ’87, Jay Pasko ’89 and Darrin Dunn ’87 with a score of 59. Winning the Closest to the Pin contest was Doug Flick ’68 (2’10”) The Longest Drive was hit by Brent Grossman (324 Yards.) A special thanks to our tournament co-sponsors: Fidelity Building Services Group (Carmine Mistichelli ’93) and Weyrich, Cronin and Sorra (Frank Savarese ’75). All money raised goes to the Alumni Scholarship Fund for the benefit of sons and grandsons of alumni.

The 57th Commencement award recipients are from left to right: St. Bonaventure Scholastic (Highest QPA 4 years) - James N. Foreman (4.61); School Service - Michael G. Settar; Ideal Curley Man of the Year - Samuel J. Stitz; School Spirit - Zachary J. Sutherland; St. Francis Scholastic (2nd highest QPA 4 years) - Ryan P. Peck (4.60). The award recipients from the Baccalaureate Mass are too numerous to mention here. See page 5 in the Currents section. 19

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Join us for these planned upcoming events: Watch the Curley website for possible postponements and cancellations.

OCT 16 OCT 23-24 OCT 30


NOV 14



NOV 26



To learn more and to purchase tickets for Curley’s special events, please visit Not receiving Alumni Notifications? Send your email address to 20 CURLEY Magazine | Summer 2021

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