yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas branding program
danny zhu, chenghao
药 之 诺 中 式 保 健
yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas branding program
danny zhu, chenghao
药 之 诺 中 式 保 健
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any from without written permission of the copyright owners. All images in this book have been reproduced with the knowledge and prior consent of the artists concerned, and no responsibility is accepted byproducer, publisher, or printer for any infringement of copyright or otherwise, arising from the contents of this publication. Every effort has been made to ensure that credits accurately comply with information supplied. © 2012 Danny Zhu, Chenghao www.yaoherbs.businesscatalyst.com (401)588-1065 Yao Herbs, Inc. 165 North Point St. San Francisco, CA 94133 Designed by Danny Zhu, Chenghao www.gmaple.us Book size 6’ x 9’ Printer Epson Stylus Pro 3800
ya o h e r b s
table of contents 01
Brand positioning
+ Brand Name Concept
+ Company Mission
+ Transforming Brand
+ Target Audience
+ Brand Comparison Identity Standards
+ Logo Definition and Concept
+ Clear Space
+ Symbol
+ Incorrect Use
+ Signatures
+ Primary and Secondary Color
+ Background Control
+ Typography brand Extensions
+ Stationery
+ Seasonal Packaging
+ Individual Packaging
+ Website
+ Pattern
+ Pattern on Tissue
+ Shopping Bag
Brand positioning
品 牌 市 场 定 位
yao herbs brand name concept 06
The name of the brand comes from the concept of the pronounciation of Chinese herbal medicine can be called Yao. In addition, according to Chinese language pronunciation, the pronunciation of Yao means hope, crave, significant, and necessary.
the Imperial Calligraphy of Chinese character YAo
yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
Chinese herbal medicine in Chinese language, and also only high quality
Chinese wellness formulas 07
The concept of Chinese herbal medicine is “prevention is better than cure”; such keep people in optimal health. In the long history of Chinese herbal medicine, traditional Chinese doctors have devoted themselves to letting people know how to use Chinese herbs for preventing disease and restoring a balance of energy, body, and spirit. Chinese herbs not only treat a particular disease, but also focus on restoring a balance of energy, body, and spirit to maintain better health. That is the reason why I call it is Chinese wellness formulas. I am trying to bring a correct and complete idea of Chinese herbs to American people in order for them to have a correct understanding when they see the name of Chinese herbs.
Chinese wellness formulas
Brand positioning: brand name concept
a concept focuses on providing the essential nutrients for the body to always
our mission: We bring the wisdom of ancient Chinese herbs to you! 08
Yao Herbs Wellness Formulas are now available as a yearly or seasonal subyao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
scription so you can have the benefits of the 5000-year-old principles of Chinese medicine delivered right to your door. These special seasonal blends of Chinese herbs are a great way to maintain or improve your health and well-being. Our wellness formulas are a truly nutritious and organic alternative to your current health supplements.
Brand positioning: our Mission
Chinese medicine originator
Transforming brand 10
yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
old brand
药 old Chinese herbal medicine
Yao herbs seeks to find more innovative and communicative ways to introduce the advantages of Chinese herbal medicine and to help resolve misconceptions that American people may have.
Brand positioning: Transforming brand
new brand
Target Audience 12
Profile yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
+ American + Age 35 – 50 + Male and Female + White Collar + Bachelor Degree/Above Lifestyle
+ Green Conscious + Health Awareness + Willing to Accept New Things Live Pursue
+ Energy + Fitness + Anti-Aging + Health + Beauty
Brand positioning: Target Audience
Target Audience
Brand Comparison 14
There are two charts show how the brand is evolving and help people underyao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
stand the positioning of our brand and how different it is from its competitors. In this chart, the Yao Herbs concept and how easy it can be accepted.
high loyalty
GNC yao herbs bayer
nature made
roche Centrum organic medicine
Natures Bounty
pedia care
live herbal
longlife old brand Dianmai herbs
low loyalty
dietary supplement
The charts describe Yao Herbs’ revitalizing process and display our goals as we Brand positioning: Brand Comparison
use wisdom of ancient Chinese herbs to American people.
white collar client base
yao herbs
nature made roche organic medicine
pedia care
Natures Bounty
Chinese style
Centrum live herbal
Prilosec bayer
brand’s Dianmai herbs old brand longlife blue collar client base
American style
Identity Standards
标 准 形 象 使 用 规 范
logo Definition and Concept 20
The concept of logo style comes from Traditional Chinese Seal. We use our yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
brand name YAO to create a modern style Traditional Chinese Seal because Traditional Chinese Seal is a symbol of guarantee of quality and credibility. The colors red and black are the official group color of Traditional Chinese Seal. There is a health and happy person who lives under the protection of Yao Herbs is created by our brand name YAO.
The letter “Y”
The letter “a”
a health and happy person
protection of Yao Herbs
The letter “o”
Identity Standards: logo Definition and Concept
ya o h e r b s
Clear Space 22
yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
x = height of letter ‘O’
1/2” Minimum size of reproduction
Clear space is the area surrounding the signature that must be kept free of other graphic elements. The minimum required clear spaces defined by the measurement “X”, as shown, are the size of the grey dot in the logo.
Symbol 23
Identity Standards: Clear Space & Symbol
3/8” Minimum size of reproduction
The logo anatomy shows how the logo is constructed and the relationships of its component parts.
Symbol 24
1. yao herbs_Symbol_Blk.eps yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas 2. yao herbs_Symbol_PIxel.eps
3. yao herbs_Symbol_Outline.eps Identity Standards: Symbol
4. yao herbs_Symbol_Grid.eps
Incorrect Use 26
1. Do not distort, stretch or vary yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
the proportions of the symbol
4. Do not change the orientation of the logo symbol
2. Do not add any other phrases to the logo signature
5. Do not use one-color combinations other than specified in this manual
3. Do not apply a texture or pattern
7. Do not use a shape to tightly surround or enclose the symbol
around the logo symbol
8. Do not wrap type closely around the logo symbol
Identity Standards: Incorrect Use
to the logo symbol
6. Do not wrap the type closely
Signatures 28
The Yao Herbs signature can be created with or without its tagline. When using the yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
Yao Herbs logo, this style guide should be consulted to ensure brand consistency.
Identity Standards: Signatures
Small View
Without tagline
Primary Color 30
yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
yao red
PANTONE® 187c c0 + m100 + y100 + k20 r196 + g22 + b28
Yao Black
PANTONE® 412c c40 + m50 + y50 + k100 r0 + g0 + b0
The primary color palette is made up of China Red (Pantone® 187c) and black. Both are used in the signature. Both colors reproduce consistently in a wide variety of applications, including the web.
Secondary Color 31
PANTONE® 577c c50 + m15 + y80 + k0 r144 + g173 + b92
PANTONE® 198c c0 + m85 + y35 + k0 r236 + g75 + b155
PANTONE® 159c c5 + m65 + y95 + k0 r229 + g120 + b45
The secondary color palette may be used to highlight information in brochures, charts and graphs, as well as Web applications. These colors have been selected based on their compatibility with the primary Yao Herbs color palette.
Identity Standards: Primary and Secondary Color
PANTONE® 284c c65 + m25 + y5 + k0 r85 + g159 + b206
Background Control 32
yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
The color specifications were developed to add f lexibility and protect the appearance of the signature. Follow the rules below in handling the Yao Herbs logo or a signature. The preferred form of the Kodak signatures is two-color (Yao red symbol and Yao black type) on a white background.
Identity Standards: Background Control
Signatures must always appear clearly and legibly on their background. Always observe clear space specifications and use preferred vendors and reproduction methods. The examples below show various background treatments for the Yao Herbs signature and the preferred color application of the signature.
Typography 34
Tarzana Wide bold yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ []{}()<>,./’;:”\~`! @#$%^&*_+-= 0123456789 Tarzana Wide regular
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ []{}()<>,./’;:”\~`!@#$%^&*_+-= 0123456789 Tarzana Wide is an elegant sans serif font family with good legibility. The Tarzana Wide font family is perfectly suited to title and subtitle as well as display because of its clean robust design and perfect x-height. All Tarzana Wide faces are numbered.
Chaparral Pro Regular
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 []{}()<>,./’;:”\~`!@#$%^&*_+-= Chaparral Pro is an elegant serif font family with good legibility. The Chaparral Pro font family is perfectly suited to newsletters, brochures and directories as well as display because of its clean robust design and perfect x-height.
FangZhen Pangwa Bold
FangZhen Pangwa Bold is an beauty and balance serif Chinese font family with good legibility. The FangZhen Pangwa Bold font family is perfectly suited to subtitle as well as display because of its clean robust design.
FangZhen PingHei regular
一二三四五六七八九十 零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖拾药之诺草药保健 请使用方正品黑为药之诺标准字体 FangZhen PingHei Regular is an elegant and modern sans serif Chinese font family with good legibility. It was designed by Zhang Kuo. The FangZhen PingHei Regular font family is perfectly suited to title and subtitle as well as display because of its clean robust design.
Identity Standards: Typography
一二三四五六七八九十 零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖拾药之诺草药保健 请使用方正胖古为药之诺标准字体
Brand Extensions
品 牌 后 期 衍 生
Stationery 40
danny zhu
marketing manager
165 n. point st. + san francisco, ca 94133
p: 415-355-5353 + f: 415-767-8987
dannyz@yaoherbs.com + yaoherbs.com
yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
June 05, 2012 Jon Aisenberg Lunar Design 2012 16th Street San Francisco, CA 94103
Dear Mr. Aisenberg
As a recent graduate of the Acad the four years of my design educ designer has to master. The tra solver and that strong concepts Lunar Design reflects all of the a
At your convenience, I would lik have enclosed my resume and sa creative team and look forward
Thank you for taking time to rev Sincerely,
Brand Extensions: Stationery
view my resume and samples.
165 north point st. + san francisco, ca 94133 + www.yaoherbs.com + 800-232-
ke to arrange for an interview to come in and show you my portfolio. In the mean time, I amples of my work. I am very enthused at the possibility of becoming a member of your to meeting with you soon.
yao herbs
demy of Art University, I am very interested in the work produced by your firm. During cation, I have become aware of all the creative disciplines and information that a graphic ining that I have received has prepared me to be a rigorous thinker and good problem are the most critical aspect of visual communication. The work that I have seen from attributes that make design the exciting field that it is.
seasonal packaging: spring 42
yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
calms and strengthens the heart
strong heart
chinese wellness formulas
护 心 韵 律
Brand Extensions: seasonal packaging: spring
chinese wellness formulas
beautiful skin brightens skin and reduces wrinkles
chinese wellness formulas
healthy liver improves liver function
皮 肤 抗 皱 保 肝 明 目
seasonal packaging: summer 44
yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
purifies toxicity
body cleanse
chinese wellness formulas
清 热 解 毒
Brand Extensions: seasonal packaging: summer
chinese wellness formulas
s t r o n g i m m u n e sy s t e m purifies the blood and lymph
chinese wellness formulas
good digestion promotes healthy digestion
增 强 免 疫 力 增 加 胃 动 力
seasonal packaging: autumn 46
yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
prevents respiratory congestion
healthy lungs
chinese wellness formulas
清 肺 润 喉
Brand Extensions: seasonal packaging: autumn
chinese wellness formulas
good blood pressure improves blood flow
chinese wellness formulas
breathe easy improves respiratory health
降 血 压 清 喉 止 咳
seasonal packaging: winter 48
yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
promotes kidney detoxification
healthy kidneys
chinese wellness formulas
保 肾 固 精
Brand Extensions: seasonal packaging: winter
chinese wellness formulas
memory boost promotes brain health
chinese wellness formulas
healthy bones maintains bone density
记 忆 力 福 星 强 化 骨 密 度
individual packaging: label 50
nutrition facts
vitamin: a+b+c+e, Dietary Fiber, Protein
n u t r i t i o n +f vitamin a c t sa: 12%
+ Protein 1g: 12%
+ vitamin e: 12%
+ vitamin b: 14%
amount per serving
vitamin: a+b+c+e, Dietary Fiber, Protein + vitamin c: 17%
+ vitamin b: 7%
involucrata: 5%
amount per serving + Dietary Fiber 1g: 6%
nutrition facts
+ vitamin e: 29%
+ vitamin a: 10%
vitamin: b+c+e, Dietary Fiber, Protein + vitamin c: 4%
Sanqi: 15%
grosvenori: 5%
SelFheal: 67%
+ Protein 1g: 2%
+ Protein 1g: 11%
chrysanthemum: 33%
lotuS leaF: 38%
WolFberry: 27%
tangerine: 20%
28% + vitamin eucommia: e: 17%
+ vitamin b: 29%
amount per serving + Dietary Fiber 1g: 4%
nutrition facts + vitamin a: 0% vitamin: a+b+c+e, Dietary Fiber, Protein + vitamin c: 5% amount per serving + Dietary Fiber 1g: 24% + vitamin b: 16%
+ vitaminPuer: e: 31% 35%
+ vitamin a: 18%
+ Protein 1g: 3%
Puer tea: 35%
green tea:27%
+ vitamin c: 27%
SelFheal: 17%
+ Dietary Fiber 1g: 5%
ginseng: 27%
yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
good blood pressure improves blood flow
strong immune system
healthy liver improv es liv er fu nct ion
Brand Extensions: individual packaging: lebel
maintain s b on e d en s ity
healthy bones
chinese w el ln es s fo rm ul as
强 化 骨 密 度 chinese wellness formulas
降 血 压 chinese wellness formulas
增 强 免 疫 力
purifies the blood and lymph chinese wellness formulas
保 肝 明 目
website 52
About us
seAsonAl speciAl yeArly formulAs spring formulas c h i n e s e w e l l n e s s f o r m u l as
relAted productions
beautiful skin
保 肝 明 目
brightens skin and reduces wrinkles
c h i n e s e w e l l n e s s f o r m u l as
healthy liver
护 心 韵 律
improves liver function
individuAl formulAs
c h i n e s e w e l l n e s s f o r m u l as
Autumn formulAs winter formulAs
strong heart
summer formulas
c a l m s a n d st r e n g t h e n s t h e h e a r t
yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
About chinese herbs
皮 肤 抗 皱
your order spring
Spring, is the ideal time of the year for cleansing and rejuvenation for overall health and well-being, is represented by the wood element. According to the philosophy of Chinese medicine, the liver is responsible for the smooth flowing energy throughout the body. When the liver functions smoothly, physical and emotional activity throughout the body also runs smoothly which renews skin. Heart-wellness, health liver and beautiful skin are primary targets for springtime cleansing and health regimens. 45 reviews
$29.99 $56.99
© Yao Herbs 2012.
1 set
2 sets
add to bag
seAsonAl speciAl yeArly formulAs spring formulAs
c h i ne se w e llne ss f o r m ulas
your order
s t r o n g i m m u n e sy s t e m
增 加 胃 动 力
p ur i f i e s t h e b lo o d and ly m p h
c h i ne se w e llne ss f o r m ulas
relAted productions
good digestion
清 热 解 毒
p r o m ot e s h e alt h y di g e st i o n
individuAl formulAs
c h i ne se w e llne ss f o r m ulas
Autumn formulAs winter formulAs
body cleanse
p ur i f i e s tox i c i t y
summer formulAs
增 强 免 疫 力
Summer is ruled by the Fire element and is expressed in nature as well as in the body. Growth, joy and spiritual awareness between the body and mind are the focus during this season. The way to balance outside heat and inside temperature is to clean body. Also, strengthening the immune system is a part of summer ritual. When the fire element is balanced, true fulfillment and the equilibrium between body and digestive system are our greatest rewards.
17 reviews
1 set
add to bag
2 sets
© Yao Herbs 2012.
About us
yeArly formulAs spring formulas
c h i n e s e w e l l n e s s f o r m u l as
your order
good blood pressure
清 喉 止 咳
i m p r o v e s b lo o d f lo w
c h i n e s e w e l l n e s s f o r m u l as
relAted productions
breathe easy
individuAl formulAs
清 肺 润 喉
i m p r o v e s r e s p i r ato ry h e a lt h
winter formulAs
c h i n e s e w e l l n e s s f o r m u l as
autumn formulas
healthy lungs
p r e v e n ts r e s p i r ato ry c o n g e st i o n
summer formulas
降 血 压
Autumn, is associated with the element of Metal, is expressed by controlling your breath. The ancient Taoists developed a practical discipline of breathing called Qi Gong to increase vitality, extend lifespan, and prevent disease. The organ system that shares the power of autumn is the Lung. Corresponding to the temperament of autumn, the Lung pulls in and refines the energy sending it downward to nourish our roots and purify the blood to reduce blood pressure disease.
25 reviews
1 set
add to bag
2 sets
© Yao Herbs 2012.
About chinese herbs
About us
seAsonAl speciAl yeArly formulAs spring formulAs chi ne s e w el l n es s fo rm u l as
memory boost
强 化 骨 密 度
pr omot es br a in hea lt h
chi ne s e w el l n es s fo rm u l as
healthy bones
relAted productions
保 肾 固 精
mainta i n s bo n e d en s it y
individuAl formulAs
chi ne s e w el l n es s fo rm u l as
Autumn formulAs winter formulas
healthy kidneys
pr omot es ki d n e y d e tox i fi cat i on
summer formulas
记 忆 力 福 星
your order winter
Winter is ruled by the water element, which is associated with the kidneys. During the winter months it is important to nurture and nourish our kidneys. It is the time where this energy can be most easily depleted. Our bodies are instinctively expressing the fundamental principles of winter — rest, reflection, conservation, and storage. According to the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine, the kidneys are considered the source of all energy within the body and the source of good memory. 27 reviews
$29.99 $56.99
1 set
2 sets
add to bag
Brand Extensions: website
About chinese herbs
seAsonAl speciAl
seAsonAl speciAl yearly formulas
c h i ne se w e llne ss f o r m ulas
Autumn formulAs
s t r o n g i m m u n e sy s t e m
增 加 胃 动 力
p ur i f i e s t h e b lo o d and ly m p h
c h i ne se w e llne ss f o r m ulas
good digestion
清 热 解 毒
p r o m ot e s h e alt h y di g e st i o n
c h i ne se w e llne ss f o r m ulas
body cleanse
皮 肤 抗 皱
p ur i f i e s tox i c i t y
c h i ne se w e llne ss f o r m ulas
beautiful skin
保 肝 明 目
b r i g h t e ns sk i n and r e duc e s w r i nk le s
c h i ne se w e llne ss f o r m ulas
healthy liver
护 心 韵 律
i m p r o v e s li v e r f unc t i o n
c h i ne se w e llne ss f o r m ulas
summer formulas
strong heart
c alm s and st r e ng t h e ns t h e h e ar t
spring formulAs
增 强 免 疫 力
winter formulas individuAl formulAs relAted productions c h i ne se w e llne ss f o r m ulas
memory boost
强 化 骨 密 度
p r o m ot e s b r ai n h e alt h
c h i ne se w e llne ss f o r m ulas
healthy bones
保 肾 固 精
m ai ntai ns b o ne de nsi t y
c h i ne se w e llne ss f o r m ulas
healthy kidneys
降 血 压
p r o m ot e s k i dne y de tox i f i c at i o n
c h i ne se w e llne ss f o r m ulas
good blood pressure
清 喉 止 咳
i m p r o v e s b lo o d f lo w
c h i ne se w e llne ss f o r m ulas
breathe easy
清 肺 润 喉
i m p r o v e s r e sp i r ato ry h e alt h
c h i ne se w e llne ss f o r m ulas
healthy lungs
p r e v e nts r e sp i r ato ry c o ng e st i o n
your order
记 忆 力 福 星
Yao Herbs Wellness Formulas are now available as a yearly subscription so you can have the benefits of the 5000-year-old principles of Chinese medicine delivered right to your door. These special seasonal blends of Chinese herbs are a great way to maintain or improve your health and well-being. Our wellness formulas are a truly nutritious and organic alternative to your current health supplements.
67 reviews
add to bag
1 set
54 © Yao Herbs 2012.
spring formulAs
About us
c h i n e s e w e l l n e s s f o r m u l as
beautiful skin
$12.99 ea
19 reviews
relAted productions
brightens skin and reduces wrinkles
c h i n e s e w e l l n e s s f o r m u l as
healthy liver
护 心 韵 律
improves liver function
c h i n e s e w e l l n e s s f o r m u l as
individual formulas
strong heart
summer formulas Autumn formulAs winter formulAs
The coming of spring is associated with new life and signs of vitality. However, the scientists examined that the effect climate change may have on heart attack frequency. Lotus leaf, hawthorn and Tangerine Peel could reduce the heart attacks occur. Scientific research has 保 皮 肝 肤 revealed that lotus leaf contains alkaloids, flavonoids and tannins. It 明 抗 目 皱 may aid in digestion, and the flavonoids and tannins. Also, the powerful antioxidant protects the heart and assist in weight loss.
yeArly formulAs
c a l m s a n d st r e n g t h e n s t h e h e a r t
yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
About chinese herbs
seAsonAl speciAl
1 tin
your order
$11.99 ea
2 tins
$10.99 ea
add to bag
3 or more tins
c h i n e s e w e l l n e s s f o r m u l as
beautiful skin
保 肝 明 目
brightens skin and reduces wrinkles
c h i n e s e w e l l n e s s f o r m u l as
healthy liver
improves liver function
c h i n e s e w e l l n e s s f o r m u l as
strong heart
c a l m s a n d st r e n g t h e n s t h e h e a r t
护 心 韵 律
The liver is the largest solid organ in the body. It carries out a large number of critical functions, including manufacture of essential proteins, and metabolism of fat and carbohydrates. The four ingredients good for liver function are ginseng, wolfberry, puerh tea and 皮 肤 chrysanthemum. Puerh tea is also called medicinal tea because it has 抗 皱 lots of healthy benefits. For example, it helps reduce high blood pressure, heart and liver disease related to high saturated fat diets.
$12.99 ea
39 reviews
1 tin
$11.99 ea 2 tins
© Yao Herbs 2012.
About chinese herbs
seAsonAl speciAl
About us
review your order
yeArly formulAs
your shopping bag
spring formulAs
chin ese welln es s formu las
s t r o n g i m m u n e sy s t e m
c hinese welln ess formulas
memory boost
chi nese welln ess formulas
memory boost
p rom otes bra in health
chi nese welln ess formulas
healthy bones
m ain tai ns bone density
强 化 骨 密 度
purif ies the b lood a nd lym ph
p rom otes brain hea lth
chi nese welln ess formulas
healthy kidneys
p rom otes kidn ey detox if icat ion
保 肾 固 精
皮 肤 抗 皱
+ seasonal: spring formulas
增 强 免 疫 力
+ seasonal: summer formulas
皮 肤 抗 皱
+ individual: healthy liver
记 忆 力 福 星
your order winter
ch i n e s e w e l l n e s s f o rm ul as
c hin ese w elln es s formulas
beautiful skin
c hinese welln ess formulas
healthy bones
强 化 骨 密 度
brig htens sk in a nd reduces wrin kles
保 肝 明 目
m ain ta ins bon e den sity
c hinese welln ess formulas
healthy kidneys
p rom otes ki dn ey detoxif icat ion
保 肾 固 精
c hin ese w elln es s formulas
relAted productions
healthy liver
i mproves liver f unct ion
c hin ese w elln es s formulas
strong heart
c alms an d strengt hen s t he hea rt
individuAl formulAs
护 心 韵 律
beautiful skin
chin ese welln es s formu las
good digestion
增 加 胃 动 力
winter formulAs
b r ig h t e ns s ki n a nd re d u c e s wr in kl e s
保 肝 明 目
promot es hea lthy di gest ion
清 热 解 毒
ch i n e s e w e l l n e s s f o rm ul as
chin ese welln es s formu las
body cleanse
purif ies toxic ity
Autumn formulAs
healthy liver
护 心 韵 律
im p ro v e s l iv e r fun cti o n
ch i n e s e w e l l n e s s f o rm ul as
strong heart
ca l ms an d st re n g t h e ns th e h e a rt
summer formulas
+ individual: healthy bones
记 忆 力 福 星
+ individual: memory boost
+ subtotal:
$29.99 $23.98 $12.99 $32.97 $12.99 $195.89
+ tax:
+ shipping: ups next day air
$32.99 total
$247.49 uppate bag
shipping information
payment information
elizabeth walt 1045 stockton st. apt 215 san francisco, ca 94143
4156 **** ***** 9098 elizabeth walt 09/2018
< back
place order your credit card will be charged
seAsonAl speciAl yeArly formulAs spring formulAs
order form sHiPPinG information first name
summer formulas
address 1
Autumn formulAs
address 2
winter formulAs individuAl formulAs relAted productions your order
last name
ziP code
billinG information
same as sHiPPinG
first name
last name
address 1 address 2 city
ziP code
Payment card information card tyPe
card number
exP date
name on card
loGin information email Password verify Password
55 © Yao Herbs 2012.
Chinese herbal mediCine
about us
Traditional Chinese herbal medicine originated in ancient China and have
Chm in ameriCa
evolved over thousands of years. The traditional view of Chinese doctors
yao deliCious!
using herbal medicine incorporates how the human body works, what causes illness, and how to treat illness, a view different from Western medical concepts. Underlying the practice of Chinese herbal medicine is unique view of the world and the human body that is different from Western approaches concepts. This view is based on the ancient Chinese perception of humans as microcosms of the larger, surrounding universe— interconnected with nature and subject to its forces. The human body is regarded as an organic entity in which the various organs, tissues, and other parts of the body have distinct functions but are all interdependent. In this view, health and disease relate to a balance of the functions.
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© Yao Herbs 2012.
About chinese herbs
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yao herbs 165 north point st. san francisco, ca 94133
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800-232-2324 415-523-5099 415-767-8987 (fax)
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Brand Extensions: website
about Chinese herbs
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yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
Brand Extensions: pattern
pattern on tissue 58
yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
Brand Extensions: pattern on tissue
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yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
Brand Extensions: shopping bag
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Book yao herbs, Chinese wellness formulas
+ Chinese Herbal Medicine: ChenYi Xun, 2002 + The Function of Herbal Medicine: White J., 1996 + Chinese Culture in America Today: Sophia Green, 2007 + Traditional Chinese Medicine: Yi Ping, 2003 Grid Book
+ Grid Book Standard, Nov. 2011 + Apple Brand Standard, 2005 + ZhongHua Brand Standard, 1999 Website
+ www.apple.com + www.sohu.com + www.tcmdm.com + www.zhongyaowang.com.cn + www.dianmai.com.cn Researched by Chenghao (Danny) Zhu Photographed by Chenghao (Danny) Zhu and Janet Huang Drew by Chenghao (Danny) Zhu
The name of the brand comes from the concept of the pronounciation of Chinese herbal medicine in Chinese language, and also only high quality Chinese herbal medicine can be called Yao. In addition, according to Chinese language pronunciation, the pronunciation of Yao means hope, crave, significant, and necessary.
isbn 1-234-56789-7