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August Dogs of Georgetown
Meet Prudence and Hugo, who are connected at the hip. They even walk side-by-side on the streets of Georgetown prompting people to ask if they’re twins. Prudence came into Hugo’s life when he was a little over a year. He was in deep despair over losing our other Corgi Bea. She raised him his first year, and her death hit him hard. Prudence came into our lives and immediately cheered us all up. Now Hugo won’t leave her side. He’s a very protective big brother and sometimes a wee bit bossy! (His nickname is Hugo Boss.)
— Mary Motta
Roxy Wade
Roxy made her Georgetown debut at the Rose Park Farmers Market, where, rumor has it, her first words were David Dunning! This labradoodle is new to the world and full of surprises including her meticulous grooming regime and world class sleeping schedule. Her new family, Rich Rosenzweig and Sarah Wade, are enjoying rediscovering the world through the eyes of this fearless and inquisitive pup.
— Sarah Wade