GRAY SCORE January 2013

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Students'Perform'' Live'on'WLTX' GMG#Alumnus# A*ends# Grammy# #Camp#

Winter#Music## Celebra7on# 2012#Recap# SMA#2013# is#Coming!'

We don’t just teach lessons‌.

we teach lessons that will last a lifetime. GMG Music Center Count on us to teach the best!

Contents January 2013 Be sure to read the Q&A’s with the GMG Interns GMG Live on WLTX……………5 GMG Alumnus Attends Grammy Camp……..9 Winter Music Celebration………14 One on One with Mr. Chris……….15 Community Profile, Young Artist on the Rise….16 The Ups and Downs of Music Lessons………..19 The Practice Spot…………20 One on One with Mr. Cuffee……24 Summer Music Academy 2013 is Coming……27 GMG Students Bring in the New Year at Finley Park……28 '



What we value

Faith. Family. Education. GMG Music Center

Upcoming#Student#Performances# February'9,'2013'–'Dutch'Square'Mall'Black'History'Program' February'21,'2013'–'District'2'Gala'at'Westwood'High'School' March#2013#–#MARKS#GMG’s#10th#YEAR#ANNIVERISARY## March'16,'2013'U'St.'Pat’s'Fes2val'at'Finley'Park' March'17,'2013'U'Youth'Violence'Preven2on'Week'KickUOff' March'23,'2013'U'Kids'Day'at'Finley'Park' April'28,'2013'–'Sparkleberry'Fair' May#18,#2013#N#GMG#10th#ANNUAL#MUSIC#CELEBRTION#CONCERT#TIMENTBA# June'1,'2013'–'Maestro'Music'student'showcases' June'10UJuly'3'–'Summer'Music'Academy'Session'I'Ages'13U18'' July'15UAugust'9'–'Summer'Music'Academy'Session'II'Ages'7U12'

' GMG#News#–'Stay%in%the%loop%and%like%us%on%Facebook%too!% GMG'Music'Center'will'be'introducing'its'new'online'pla^orm'in'February.'During'this' 2me'we'will'begin'transi2oning'students'to'the'new'prac2ce'pla^orm'SmartMusic.'' Enrollment'is'now'open'for'the'Summer'Music'Academy,'we'have'a'limited'number'of' par2al'scholarship'opportuni2es'available.'For'more'informa2on'contact'the'office.' We'are'having'a'really'great'2me'with'our'newest'program,'Maestro'Music.'This'pilot' program'has'taken'off'and'we'hope'to'expand'to'addi2onal'schools.'' GrayScore'


We’re live

In 3, 2, 1, Page|'5'

GMG Music Center Students Perform Live on WLTX Sounds of the Season Wrijen'by:'Tyne’'Freeman'

' ' ' ' ' On'Tuesday,'December'4th,' featuring' Illia' Dia' along' with' Mr.' s e v e r a l' e n t h u s i a s 2 c' G M G' students' loaded' onto' vans' and' traveled' to' the' WLTX' News' studio' for' the' Sounds' of' the' Season' holiday' musical' special.' GMG'Music'Center'was'asked'to' perform' live' in' front' of' viewers' throughout' the' state' of' South' Carolina.' 'This'was'the'first'2me' students' from' GMG' Music' Center' have' been' asked' to' par2cipate' in' the' Sounds' of' the' Season,' which' normally' has' a' wai2ng'list'of'local'talent'wai2ng' to' be' called' to' be' featured' on' the'show.'' ' ' ' ' 'The'students'performed'five' selec2ons'on'air,'and'also'got'an' opportunity' to' tour' the' studio' aferwards' with' the' news' anchors.' Each' student' did' a' fantas2c' job' as' they' shared' the' g i f' o f' m u s i c' w i t h' t h e i r' community' and' surrounding' areas.' Several' videos' of' their' performances' can' be' found' by' visi2ng' the' GMG' YouTube' c h a n n e l ' a n d ' t h e ' G M G' community'Facebook'page.'' '''''The'five'songs'performed'that' evening' were' “White' Christmas”'

Chris,' “The' Christmas' Song”' featuring' Brian' Sturden' and' Tyne’' Freeman,' “This' Christmas”' featuring' Mya' Scoj' ' and' Brian' Sturden'along'with'Mr.'Chris'and' Mr.' Gray,' “A' Jazzy' Deck' the' Halls”' featuring' Kierra' Gray,' Kaci' Hill' and' EJ' Gill' and' “God' Rest' Ye' Merry' Gentleman”' featuring' Kierra' Gray,' Braylon' Ratcliff,' Bryson' Felder,' Mya' Scoj,' Taylor' McRae,' BJ' Washington' and' Caelyn'Williams.''' ' ' ' ' 'This'was'the'first'2me'GMG' students' performed' live' on' TV' a n d' h a s' p r o v e n' t o' b e' a' wonderful' learning' experience' and'performance'opportunity'for' the'GMG'students'as'well'as'the' staff.' We' believe' that' music' educa2on' goes' far' beyond' the' classroom' and' that' students' become' well' rounded' musicians' when'the'classroom'collides'with' the' areas' in' which' students' are' able' to' give' back' the' very' gif' in' which' they' are' learning…that’s' the'gif'of'music!'


DONNIE'KENNEDY' 01.#How#has#your#experience#at#GMG#been#most# rewarding?# It'has'given'me'an'avenue'to'cul2vate'my'talents' and'express'myself'through'music'along'with'the' opportunity'to'help'other'young'musicians'with' their'gifs'and'talents.' # 02.#What#are#your#major#ambi7ons#in#life,#and# how#has#GMG#played#a#role#in#helping#you#reach# them?# My'ambi2ons'in'life'is'to'become'a'professional' musician'and'GMG'has'helped'me'to'improve'my' overall'performance'and'is'teaching'me'the'work' ethic'of'being'a'successful'musician.'' # 03.##What#are#you#passionate#about?# I’m'am'passionate'about'music'and'cooking.' ' 04.#Three#words#to#describe#yourself#as#a#person.# Pa2ent,'Observant'and'Kind.' ' 05.#What's#something#about#you#that#most#people# don't#know?# Even'though'I'am'tall,'I'don’t'really'play'basketball.' ' 06.#What#is#your#role#at#GMG?## I'am'an'appren2ce,'so'my'job'is'to'learn'the'overall' func2on'of'the'music'center'and'to'help'out' wherever'I'can.'' ' 07.#What#do#people#most#o_en#cri7cize#about# you?# At'2mes'I'can'be'passive.' ' 08.#What#is#the#most#difficult#decision#you#have# made?# I'was'a'heavy'gamer'and'I'made'the'decision'to' replace'the'2me'that'I'was'playing'games'with'

QA prac2cing'my'music'so'that'I'can'work'towards'my' career'in'music.'' ' 09.#If#you#could#be#doing#anything#right#this# moment,#what#would#it#be?# If'I'could'do'anything'right'this'moment'I'would'be' playing'music'for'Alicia'Keys.' ' 10.#If#you#could#visit#anywhere#in#the#world,# where#would#it#be?# I'would'visit'the'North'Pole'because'I'love'the' snow.'' ' 11.#If#you#could#have#any#super#power,#which#one# would#you#choose#and#why?# I'would'choose'to'be'immortal'so'that'I'can' con2nue'to'live'and'experience'music'of'the'past,' present'and'future.''


Each year, the National Foundation for the Advancement of the Arts hosts the YoungArts competition. Young people across the nation are invited to submit entries demonstrating their talents. The competition spans every major art area, and is opened to 15-18 year olds. Honorable Mention and Merit awards are presented to entries that stand out amongst a pool of about 10,000 applicants. 120 national finalists are chosen to travel to Miami, Florida and compete for even higher level prizes. Finally, about 20 of these finalists are named Presidential Scholars. This group is invited to perform in Washington D.C. and each individual is presented with a medal by the President. YoungArts is another great opportunity for artistically gifted young people. Applications for the 2014 round will open in the Spring. (There is a $35 entry fee, but final prizes for an applicant can total more than $10,000.) For more information you can visit Cinematic Arts –Music-Jazz-Photography-Writing-Voice-Visual Arts-Theatre-Dance


rammy Camp

' ' ' ' 'You've'probably'watched'the'Grammy'Awards,'but'



'''' G

MG'Alumnus'ajends' did' you' know' that' each' summer' the' same' organiza2on' hosts'a'camp'for'teenage'musicians?'GRAMMY'Camp'is' a' oneUofUaUkind' experience' centered' around' helping' young' people' develop' successful' careers' within' the' music' industry.' The' camp' spans' several' disciplines' (Instrumental,'Vocal,'Songwri2ng,'Journalism,'and'Music' Industry).' '''GMG'Alumnus'and'GMG'Intern'Tyne’'Freeman'had'the' opportunity'to'experience'it'not'once,'but'twice,'first'in' New'York'and'then'in'Los'Angeles.'Grammy'Camp'is'held' in'3'loca2ons'each'year'(Los'Angeles,'Nashville,'and'New' York).'' '''''In'New'York'Tyne’'spent'a'week'collabora2ng'with'a' group' of' talented' musicians' and' learning' about' the' industry.' She' said,' “we' worked' on' projects' each' day' at' Rubber'Track'Studios'in'Manhajan'in'prepara2on'for'a' final' showcase.' Afer' the' showcase,' we' received' feedback' from' a' panel' of' industry' professionals' including' Marsha' Ambrosious' (Floetry)' and' Vanessa' Carlton'("A'Thousand'Miles").”' ' ' ' ' 'Tyne’'applied'once'again'in'2012,'and'ajended'the' camp' in' Los' Angeles.' She' explained,' “we' spent' 10' days' on'the'campus'of'University'of'Southern'California.'I'got' a'chance'to'work'with'professional'instructors'within'my' field,'and'met'guest'ar2sts'each'day.'We'went'on'a'field' trip' to' the' Grammy' Museum,' and' a' few' of' us' also' performed' at' the' Recording' Academy.' Once' again,' we' presented'our'crea2ons'in'a'final'showcase,'held'at'the' El'Rey'Theater'in'Los'Angeles.”' ' ' ' ' Her' experiences' at' GRAMMY' Camp' were' truly' life' changing.' She' said,' “everyone' there' shared' in' my' passion' for' music,' and' I' met' so' many' people' that' s2ll' remain' a' major' part' of' my' life.' I' would' encourage' any' musicUloving'young'person'to'apply!”' ' ' ' ' ' If' you' are' in' high' school' and' you're' interested' in' pursuing' a' career' in' music,' GRAMMY' Camp' is' an' incredible' opportunity.' Tyne’' said,' ' “the' experience' is' truly' life' changing.”' For' more' informa2on' visit'' and' click' on' their' programs' for' Grammy' Camp.' You' can' also' check' Tyne’' out' performing' her' original' song' Reversing' the' Laws' of' Op2cs'that'she’d''coUwrijen'at'the'2011'Grammy'Camp' in'New'York'City.'''''''' Page|'10'

BRIAN'STURDEN' 01.# How# has# your# experience# at# GMG# been# most#rewarding?# My' experience' at' GMG' has' been' most' rewarding' because' it' has' given' me' the' opportunity'perform'as'well'as'teach'and'pour' into'the'next'genera2on'of'musicians.'' # 02.#What#are#your#major#ambi7ons#in#life,#and# how# has# GMG# played# a# role# in# helping# you# reach#them?# I'wasn't'sure'what'my'ambi2ons'were'before'I' came'to'GMG,'but'now'I'm'sure'I'want'to'travel' and'play'all'over'the'world.'I'am'thinking'about' joining'the'military'band'while'going'to'college.' # 03.##What#are#you#passionate#about?# I’m'passionate'about'Music…'and'Food.' ' 04.# Three# words# to# describe# yourself# as# a# person.# Hungry,'Charisma2c,'and'SMOOTH.' ' 05.# What's# something# about# you# that# most# people#don't#know?# I'm'scared'of'people'in'costumes.' ' 06.#What#is#your#role#at#GMG?## I' have' been' a' student' at' GMG' since' the' 8th' grade'and'I'am'a'senior'now.'I'teach'classes'in' Drums,'Guitar,'Theory,'and'Piano'and'I'work'a' lot' with' the' students' in' the' Aferschool' Academy.' ' ' '

QA 07.#What#do#people#most#o_en#cri7cize#about# you?# I’m'not'sure…'I'should'ask.' ' 08.# What# is# the# most# difficult# decision# you# have#made?# I'don't'even'remember.'' ' 09.# If# you# could# be# doing# anything# right# this# moment,#what#would#it#be?# Fly'to'Europe'and'perform'there.' ' 10.# If# you# could# visit# anywhere# in# the# world,# where#would#it#be?# Anywhere'in'South'America.' ' 11.#If#you#could#have#any#super#power,#which# one#would#you#choose#and#why?# I' would' choose' to' be' telekine2c' so' I' could' control'things'with'my'mind.'


Gordon Dia performing his solo in the Trans Siberian Christmas Cannon Rock at GMG’s 9th Annual Winter Music Celebration Concert.

GMG'Music'Center’s'' 9th'Annual'' Winter Music Celebration Concert! ' ' GMG' Music' Center' held' its' 9th' Annual' Winter'

Music' Celebra2on' Concert' on' Saturday,' December'9th'at'Interna2onal'Praise'in'Elgin,'SC.' There' were' nearly' 400' in' ajendance' who' came' out'that'day'to'see'young'musicians'between'the' ages' of' 4U18' years' old' perform' and' showcase' their' talents.' Not' only' were' students' able' to' share'the'gif'of'music,'but'they'were'also'able'to' give'back'to'the'community'by'collec2ng'canned' food' items' for' House' of' Bread' Ministry' in' Camden,'SC.'' ' ' ' ' 'For'some'students'it'was'not'their'first'2me' performing'in'front'of'an'audience,'while'others' were'nervous'as'the'looked'across'the'audience' geung' ready' for' their' very' first' performance.' Nevertheless' each' student' put' forth' 100%' as' they' performed' their' selec2ons.' The' styles' of' music' ranged' from' tradi2onal' Christmas' carols,' to'jazzy'Christmas'sec2ons,'to'axillary'percussion' ensembles,'to'jazz,'funk,'contemporary'Chris2an,' rock'and'combined'choir'selec2ons.'' ' ' ' ' ' One' of' the' many' highlights' of' the' evening' included'a'vocal'collabora2on'between'the'GMG'

Music' Center' voice' students' and' the' Interna2onal' Praise' Choir' along' with' special' guest' vocalist' Kandice' Burrell' as' they' sang' Hark' the'Harold'Angels'Sing.'There'was'also'a'musical' dedica2on' by' Tyne’' Freeman,' Mr.' Chris' and' Mr.' Cuffee' for' missing' GMG' student' Gabbiee' Swainson' to' let' others' know' that' her' family' along'with'the'community'are's2ll'in'search'and' hopes'of'finding'her'and'bringing'her'home.'' ' ' ' ' ' With' all' of' that' said' it' was' amazing' night' seeing'students'as'young'as'5'years'old'play'the' drums,'read'music'and'comprehend'a'theore2cal' approach' towards' music' just' as' much' as' it' was' watching' a' preUteen' or' teenager' do' his' or' her' thing'on'stage.'We'are'thankful'for'our'musician' friends' such' as' bass' player' Tyron' Mac,' Arischa' ConnerUFrierson,' Kandice' Burell' and' the' IPCOG' Choir'who'value'the'importance'of'music'and'are' always' willing' to' give' back' in' any' way' possible.' It’s'moments'like'these'that'directors,'Mr.'&'Mrs.' Gray' can' truly' see' the' fruits' of' each' student’s' dedica2on'towards'learning'music.''



ONE ON ONE WITH MR. CUFFEE What#drives#you#as#a#teacher?# When' a' student' comes' into' class' and' they' are' as' excited' as' I' am' to' learn' something' new' in' every' lesson,' it' makes'me'want'to'give'them'every'bit' of' knowledge' that' I' have' acquired.' Also,' seeing' a' student' crea2vely' produce'the'sound'that'I'wish'for'them,' it'really'makes'my'heart'melt.' How#did#you#get#in#involved#in#music?' When'I'was'around'three'years'old,'my' two' older' brothers' began' to' sing' and' play' instruments' and' it' really' influenced' me' to' get' involved.' They' taught'me'how'to'sing'certain'things'at' such'a'young'age,'and'as'I'grew'older,' the'urge'to'create'music'and'become'a' bejer' musician' started' to' grow.' I' began'singing'in'church'and'at'school.'I' eventually' went' to' college' to' get' a' degree'in'Music'Performance' from' Claflin' University.' Here' I' learned' so'much'that'I'did'not'know'about'my' voice' and' now' I' have' progressed' far' beyond' both' of' my' brothers,' but' I' do' owe'my'vocal'roots'to'them.' What# is# the# greatest# lesson# you've# learned#from#being#a#musician?## Nobody' knows' everything' there' is' about'music!'This'is'why'it'is'important' to' get' out' there' and' get' involved' in' different' musical' ac2vi2es' like' vocal' classes,' performances,' etc.' There' is'

always' someone' out' there' willing' to' share'knowledge'about'musical'aspects' a n d' p e r f o r m a n c e' 2 p s .' A l s o ,' a' musician’s' prac2ce' should' never' stop,' no'majer'how'good'or'skilled'he'or'she' may'be.'If'you'stop'prac2cing,'you'will' forget' how' to' do' certain' things,' and' your' technique' will' take' a' turn' for' the' worse.' What# advice# can# you# give# up# and# coming#musicians?' Get'educated'on'your'craf'and'do'not' allow' knowledge' to' slip' through' your' finger2ps.'Also,'be' who'you'are'as'a'musician.'Music'is'an' art' form,' and' my' defini2on' of' art' is' a' crea2ve'expression'of' oneself.'So'get'out'there'and'show'the' w o r l d' w h o' y o u' a r e' i n' e v e r y' performance,'and'always'show'your' best!' ' Mr.'Cuffee'par2cipated'in'his' ' college'Concert'Choir' ' ''



Young'Ar2st'on'the'Rise' '

1.# What# are# your# specific# interests/skills#musically?# I'am'mainly'focused'on'being'a' vocalist' and' pianist.' I'm' also' star2ng'to'get'into'songwri2ng' a'lijle'more.' 2.# When# did# you# first# realize# you#had#a#passion#for#music?# My'very'first'CD'was'"Songs'In' A' Minor"' by' Alicia' Keys.' I' remember' going' to' a' family' gathering' of' some' sort,' and' there' was' a' stage' there.' I' wanted'to'sing,'so'I'decided'to' perform' "Fallin'."' It' was' the' first' song' I' ever' performed.' I' realized' then' that' music' was' something'I'wanted'to'pursue.' 3.# You're# involved# with# the# PCA# program# at# Richland# Northeast,# how# has# that# helped#you#grow#as#an#ar7st?# It' has' helped' me' understand' the' contrast' between' musical' theater'and'the'contemporary' music'industry.'I'have'a'bejer' grasp' on' what' I' should' do' when'performing'theater,'and' what' I' should' do' when'

performing'popular'music.' 4.# What# have# you# been# working#on#lately?# Well,' I've' been' working' with' my' friend' Tyné' and' singing' background' on' her' charity' album.' We' just' finished' recording' it.' I'm' also' about' to' start' working' on' a' charity' single' with' the' Benedict' Gospel' Choir' and' a' few' other' local' musicians.' The' proceeds' w i l l' s u p p o r t' C H I L D F u n d' Interna2onal.' 5.#Any#recent#or#upcoming#big# performances?# Last' month,' I' performed' a' duet' at' RNE's' H.O.P.E.' for' the' Holidays' Assembly.' This' is' a' s c h o o l U w i d e' e v e n t' t h a t' focuses' on' raising' funds' for' less' fortunate' families' during' the'winter.'I'was'also'recently' cast' in' Workshop' Theater's' upcoming' produc2on' of' A' Color'Purple.' 6.# Why# are# you# passionate# about#making#music?# Music'is'basically'the'best'way'

I've' found' to' express' myself.' It's'how'I'can'get'an'idea'or'an' emo2on' across' that' wouldn't' make' any' sense' otherwise.' Also,' listening' to' and' crea2ng' music'can'be'very'healing.' 7.# What# are# your# ul7mate# goals#as#an#ar7st?# Well,' right' now' I' feel' a' lijle' 2ed' between' 2' genres…I'm' not' sure' if' I' want' to' focus' in' more' on' R&B' or' gospel.' I' do' know' that' I' want' to' be' a' role' model,' especially' for' people' my'age,'so'I'm'leaning'towards' gospel.' I' basically' want' to' reach' people' all' over' the' world' with' my' music...and' hopefully' one' day' win' a' GRAMMY!' ' ' ''


LAURENTZ'FLORIT' 01.# How# has# your# experience# at# GMG# been# most# rewarding?' ' The' most' rewarding' part' of' my' experience' at' GMG' would' have' to' be' connec2ng' with' so' many' young' talented' children,' to' see' their' progress' from' not' knowing'anything'to'perform'a'song'in'front'of'a'live' audience' and' helping' them' grow' at' such' a' magnitude.' It's' also' been' more' rewarding' for' myself' to' go' through' this' progress' as' a' student' at' GMG' as' well.' ' 02.# What# are# you# major# ambi7ons# in# life,# and# how# has#GMG#played#a#role#in#helping#you#reach#them?## ' ' One' of' my' major' ambi2ons' in' life' is' to' be' a' Great' Worship' Leader.' GMG' is' where' I' have' first' taken' piano' roles,' and' playing' music' has' been' a' fundamental' part' of' learning' how' to' be' a' worship' leader.' ' 03.##What#are#you#passionate#about?# ' I'm' passionate' about' my' rela2onship' with' God' and' using'music'to'express'my'desires.' ' 04.#Three#words#to#describe#yourself#as#a#person.# ''determined,'passionate,'loving' ' 05.# What's# something# about# you# that# most# people# don't#know?# ' I'm' Puerto' Rican.' I' look' white' (at' least' that's' what' most' say).' But' I' was' born' in' Puerto' Rico,' I' speak' fluent'Spanish'and'English.' ' 06.#What#is#your#role#at#GMG?## ''My'Role'in'GMG'is'as'a'Teacher'Assistant'and'tutor.' My'role'is'to'help'the'aferUschool'program'by'helping' kids' with' their' homework.' Occasionally' I' help' teachers' in' their' music' classes.' I' am' also' a' TA' in' the' Summer'Music'Academy'Sessions.'' ' 07.#What#do#people#most#o_en#cri7cize#about#you?# ''I'would'have'to'say'that'people'would'ofen'cri2cize' me'most'about'saying'more'than'I'should.' ' #

QA 08.# What# is# the# most# difficult# decision# you# have# made?# ' ' The' most' difficult' decision' I've' ever' made' was' cuung' back' on' the' amounts' of' ministry' I' was' involved'in'at'church'from'3'to'1.' ' 09.# If# you# could# be# doing# anything# right# this# moment,#what#would#it#be?# ' ' I' would' go' on' tour' with' Kim' Walker' and' Jesus' Culture':)' # 10.# If# you# could# visit# anywhere# in# the# world,# where# would#it#be?# ' ' If' we're' talking' about' somewhere' I' haven't' been,' I' would'really'like'to'go'to'California.'But'if'it'were'to' be' somewhere' I' know,' I' would' have' to' say' Puerto' Rico'(it's'a'lot'warmer'lol).'' ' If#you#could#have#any#super#power,#which#one#would# you#choose#and#why?# ' 'I'would'fly..'I'm'not'sure'why..'but'it's'always'been' what'I'wanted'since'I'was'a'child.'


The'Ups'and'Downs'of' Music'Lessons' ' If' you' asked' one' of' Mr.' Gray’s' upper' level' music' students' what' one'of'his'favorite'quotes'would'be' they' would' tell' you,' “nothing' just' happens.”' Mr.' Gray' ins2lls' the' discipline'of'hard'work'and'prac2ce' when' it' comes' to' music.' He' believes'that'the'values'and'lessons' gained' from' disciplining' yourself' crosses'over'to'fundamental'values' and'core'founda2ons'that'will'last'a' life'2me'and'transcend'beyond'the' music'arena.'' ' ' ' ' ' Because' of' his' believe' that' nothing' just' happens,' he' trains' his' students' to' be' prepared' for' the' opportuni2es' that' await' them,' rather' than' wai2ng' for' the' o p p o r t u n i t y' t o' a r r i v e' t h e n' struggling'to'prepare'for'it.'' ''''In'doing'so'the'culture'of'GMG'is' to' prac2ce,' prac2ce' and' yes,' you' got' it,' prac2ce' some' more.' We' understand' that' music' is' a' fun' journey,' but' music' is' just' like' anything'else'in'life,'it'is'something' that'you'have'to'work'to'develop'in' order' to' truly' reap' the' las2ng' benefits.''' ' ' ' ' ' The' biggest' misconcep2on' is' that' music' is' all' play' and' no' work.' In' almost' 10' years' of' opera2ng' a' music' school' we' have' seen' students' fight' through' the' hard' parts'as'well'as'celebrate'their'well'

deserved'victories.'' ' ' ' ' ' We' have' seen' students' quit' music' lessons' just' as' they' were' on' the'brink'of'a'breakthrough'and'we' have' seen' students' discipline' themselves' with' the' support' and' cheering'on'of'parents'who'were'in' their' child’s' corner.' We' have' truly' seen' it' all,' but' all' in' all' we' no2ced' this' one' thing,' nothing' just' happens.'If'your'child'is'going'to'be' successful' in' music' they' have' to' discipline' themselves' and' you' as' a' parent' have' to' support' and' cheer' them' on,' especially' when' it' gets' challenging,' because' it' will' get' challenging.'' '''''Mr.'Gray'and'I'have'been'there' as' parents,' siung' at' the' kitchen' table' as' our' daughter' told' us' that' she' no' longer' wants' to' do' music' anymore,' but' we' cheered' her' on' and' encouraged' her' through' those' hard' moments.' She' is' now' 13' and' each'day'we'are'seeing'the'benefits' of' figh2ng' through' it.' She' is' a' straight'A'student'and'now'plays'5' instruments'with'her'primary'being' piano.'' '''''I'want'to'encourage'the'parents' out' there' to' con2nue' to' be' your' child’s' #1' fan!' In' the' long' run' it' is' well' worth' it,' because' as' Mr.' Gray' puts'it,'no2ng'just'happens.''


Illia' Dia' and' Kierra' Gray' (8th' graders' at' Kelly' Mill)' pose' afer' their' District' Honors' Chorus' Concert' at' Spring' Valley' High' School.'

GMG' Music' Center' had' the' privilege' of' par2cipa2ng' in' the' career'fair'at'Kelly'Mill.''We'were' able' to' speak' to' students' about' various' careers' in' music,' have' live' instrument' demonstra2ons' and' set' up' a' mobile' recording' sta2on.'' Page|'19'


Prac2ce'is'essen2al'to'learning'music;'the'more'you'prac2ce,'the'more' quickly'you'will'grow'as'a'musician.' ' Please% set% aside% a% regularly% scheduled% prac8ce% 8me% each% day.% Do% not% leave% prac8cing% to% chance,% or% wait% un8l% you% have% some% "free% 8me."% Especially% for% beginners,% several% short% prac8ce% periods% per% day% may% be% more% effec8ve% than% one% longer%one.%At%8mes,%the%going%may%get%rough,%and%you%may%get%discouraged,%but% this%is%normal.%If%you%will%persevere%through%the%tough%8mes,%you%will%experience%the% tremendous%sa8sfac8on%that%comes%with%achieving%your%goals.% ' 1.# Prac2ce' slowly' and' carefully,' thinking' constantly' of' what' you' are' trying' to' accomplish.'Concentrate'on'the'work'at'hand,'and'avoid'automa2c'prac2ce.' 2.# Prac2ce' short' sec2ons' of' a' song' at' a' 2me.' Keyboard' players' should' prac2ce' hands'separately'first,'then'hands'together.'' 3.#Repeat'each'difficult'part'in'the'music'un2l'it'can'be'played'three'2mes'in'a'row' correctly'(once'is'accidental,'twice'is'coincidental,'three'2mes'is'mastery).'Merely' playing'one's'music'through'once'does'not'cons2tute'prac2cing.'' 4.'Incorporate'the'proper'rhythm,'fingering,'phrasing,'ar2cula2on'and'dynamics'in' your'prac2ce'from'the'very'first'2me'you'play'a'piece.'Playing'the'correct'notes'is' only'a'very'small'part'of'learning'music.'' 5.# A' few' minutes' of' thorough' prac2ce' are' worth' hours' of' haphazard,' careless' work.' You've' heard' it' said' that' "prac2ce' makes' perfect;"' the' truth' is' that' only' perfect'prac2ce'makes'perfect.'' 6.# Remember,' no' ques2on' you' might' have' is' unimportant.' That's' why' you' take' lessons!'Communica2on'between'student'and'instructor'is'essen2al'to'learning.'


TYNE’'FREEMAN' 01.#How#has#your#experience#at#GMG#been#most# rewarding?# U'Working'here'has'created'a'sense'of'community' that' I' don't' think' I' could' have' found' anywhere' else.' I' honestly' can't' see' myself' interning' somewhere'other'than'here'right'now!'' ' 02.# What# are# you# major# ambi7ons# in# life,# and# how#has#GMG#played#a#role#in#helping#you#reach# them?# U'I'hope'to'find'success'within'the'music'industry' as' a' performer' and' entrepreneur.' As' GMG' is' a' musicUcentered' afer' school' program,' it's' been' a' great'experience.'' ' 03.#What#are#you#passionate#about?#' I'm' very' passionate' about' music' and' about' making'a'posi2ve'impact.'' 04.#Three#words#to#describe#yourself#as#a#person.# U'Ar2s2c' U'Sincere'' UContempla2ve' '' 05.#What's#something#about#you#that#most# people#don't#know?# 'I'm'learning'Japanese.':)'where#would#it#be?## ' 06.#What#is#your#role#at#GMG?#' ' I' basically' help' out' with' the' students' however' I' can,'and'occasionally'assist'in'piano'' ' 07.# What# do# people# most# o_en# cri7cize# about# you?# That's' a' tough' one…maybe' that' I'm' not' always' asser2ve'enough.'

QA Deciding' to' take' a' year' off' afer' high' school' and' stay' home' instead' of' going' to' college.' It' was' a' huge'decision,'but'it'was'honestly'one'of'the'best' I've'ever'made.' # 09.# If# you# could# be# doing# anything# right# this# moment,#what#would#it#be?# ' I' would' be' recording' or' performing' a' song' U' I' really' can't' think' of' anything' I' would' rather' be' doing.' ' 10.# If# you# could# visit# anywhere# in# the# world,# where#would#it#be?# ' I' have' to' say' Egypt.' I'm' really' intrigued' by' the' pyramids;' I've' read' a' lot' about' them' and' I' think' they're'incredible.'I'think'visi2ng'these'larger'than' life' monuments' would' put' a' lot' of' things' into' perspec2ve.' # 11.# If# you# could# have# any# super# power,# which# one#would#you#choose#and#why?##

I'd' love' to' have' the' ability' to' be' teleport' instantly' to' different' loca2ons.' I' feel' like' that' would' eliminate' so' many' problems.' It' would' be' awesome' to' travel' any' &' everywhere' (for' free!).'I'd'also'be'able'to'fit'way'more'into'my' schedule,'and'I'd'never'be'late.'

08.# What# is# the# most# difficult# decision# you# have# made?# Page|'22'

Gearing'up'for'the'New'Year'with'Mr.'Chris' ' ' Hello' Everyone!' Mr.' Chris' here!' Just' Academy.'It'will'be'the'girls'squad'versus'the' wanted' to' update' you' on' what' we' have' going' on' here' at' GMG.' ' First' off' let' me' say' that' everyone' did' a' fantas2c' job' at' the' Christmas' Recital' and' New' Years' Eve' performance.'I'am'very'proud'of'you'all!'' ' ' ' ' 'Now,'I'know'that'our'Spring'Recital'is'a' few' months' away,' but' if' we' start' now' I'm' very' confident' that' we' can' have' one' of' the' best,' if' not' the' best' Spring' Recital' ever!' It' will' take' a' lot' of' hard' work,' dedica2on' and' focus.' ' ' ' ' 'We'll'have'a'first'2me'ever'drum'bajle' for' our' Spring' Recital,' featuring' students' in' the' GMG' Music' &' Arts' Afer' School'

guys' squad.' It's' already' looking' and' sounding'great!' ' ' ' ' ' As' far' as' our' guitarists,' we've' began/ resumed'our'studies'on'the'major'scales'and' solos!' This' is' a' way' to' promote' crea2vity' &' expression.' I'm' excited' to' see' what' type' of' licks'and'riffs'they'come'up'with!' '''''All'in'all,'we've'had'a'great'first'half'of'the' school' year.' But' now,' I'm' sure' this' second' will' be' one' of' our' best!' We' have' the' best' students' anyone' could' ask' for' and' that's' thanks'to'all'of'our'wonderful'GMG'parents' and'guardians!''



An'interview'with'Mr.'Chris:'' ' What#drives#you#as#a#teacher?' Seeing' students' reach' up' and' grab'the'elements'they'want'out' of' the' music' that' we' teach.' Seeing' a' 5' year' old' read' and' perform' a' piece' of' music' that' makes'them'feel'like'they'can'do' anything.' Parents' who' are' mo2vated' by' seeing' their' students' achieve' something' they'didn't'think'was'possible.' How# did# you# get# in# involved# in# music?# From' birth,' I' had' always' been' involved' with' music.' My' mom' loves' to' tell' strangers' the' story' of'me'carrying'drum's2cks'in'my' pampers' when' I' was' a' toddler.' That's' just' beginning.' Playing' in' church'from'the'age'of'4,'un2l'I' was' 18' where' I' picked' up' a' guitar' and' began' a' calling' in' worship' ministry.' The' rest' is' history!' What# is# the# greatest# lesson# you've# learned# from# being# a# musician?# I' can' accomplish' anything' I' set' my' mind' and' heart' to.' That' if' I' work'hard,'research,'watch,'and'

listen' to' other' experienced' musicians,' I' can' grab' lijle' tools' to'help'me'on'my'journey.' What# advice# can# you# give# up# and# coming# musicians?# You' have'to'stay'focused'on'the'goal' at' hand.' If' you're' a' drummer' who'desires'to'perfect'the'paraU diddle' diddle,' or' a' guitarist' who's' desiring' to' master' the' ickUslap'technique,'you'have'to' s2ck' with' it.' Even' if' it' means' skipping'your'favorite'tv'show'or' going' out' with' friends.' To' go' above' and' beyond' just,' 'geung' it'' to' mastering' it,' takes' sacriďŹ ce.' Mr.'Chris'on'the'drums'at'age'5'


EVA'OWUSU' 1.#How#has#your#experience#at#GMG#been#most# rewarding?# It'has'been'most'rewarding'by'teaching'me' responsibility.'I'learn'a'lot'about'how'to'manage'my' 2me'and's2ck'to'a'schedule'combined'with'my'life' outside'of'GMG.'' ' 2.#What#are#your#major#ambi7ons#in#life,#and#how# has#GMG#played#a#role#in#helping#you#reach#them?# My'goal'is'actually'to'go'into'business.'GMG'helps' with'this'because'it'is'a'business'and'it'is'controlled'in' a'formal'manner.'It'teaches'me'how'to'communicate' and'work'with'other'people.'' ' 3.#What#are#you#passionate#about?# I'am'definitely'passionate'about'becoming'successful' in'my'own'eyes.'To'reach'every'goal'that'I'have'for' myself.'I'am'also'passionate'about'God.'' ' 4.#Three#words#to#describe#yourself#as#a#person.# Three'words'to'describe'myself'would'be…'op2mis2c,' determined'and'introspec2ve.'' ' What's#something#about#you#that#most#people#don't# know?# I'really'like'Mountain'Dew,'its'delicious.'On'a'serious' note,'something'that'most'people'don't'know'is'I' really'am'a'compassionate'and'caring'person.'I'really' don't'hold'grudges'and'I'just'really'love'to'help' people.'' # What#is#your#role#at#GMG?## I'am'a'student'intern'at'GMG.'I'help'out'with'anything' that'needs'to'be'done,'and'on'a'more'ofen'basis'I' help'out'with'the'aferUschool'children.'I'help'them' with'homework,'encourage'them'and'just'look'over' the'angels.'I'also'take'vocal'lessons'at'GMG.'' # 07.#What#do#people#most#o_en#cri7cize#about#you?# People'have'cri2cized'me'as'being'careless,'but'I' disagree'of'course,'I'just'don't'always'wear'my' emo2ons'on'my'sleeve.' #

QA 08.#What#is#the#most#difficult#decision#you#have# made?# Probably'to'follow'my'dream'of'going'into'the' business'world'as'a'woman,'it'is'socially'known'to'be' a'difficult'thing.## # 09.#If#you#could#be#doing#anything#right#this#moment,# what#would#it#be?# I'would'be'at'Disney'World'or'some'place'like'that' with'my'whole'family.'I'think'that'would'be'cool.'' ' If#you#could#visit#anywhere#in#the#world,#where# would#it#be?# I'would'visit'England,'since'I'have'never'been,'and'I' have'dual'ci2zenship'there'because'of'my'dad.'So'it' would'be'nice'to'see'where'my'dad'lives'and'how' things'are'over'there.'' # 11.#If#you#could#have#any#super#power,#which#one# would#you#choose#and#why?# I'would'love'the'ability'to'see'the'future.'Why?'Well' because'it'would'just'be'handy'all'the'2me.'You'could' use'it'in'everyday'life,'school,'business'and' rela2onships.'If'you'could'see'the'future'you'could' see'if'someone'is'lying'to'you,'or'if'that'is'the'correct' answer'to'a'test'ques2on,'it'would'be'like'you'already' knew'everything.'


The Summer Music Academy 2013 is Coming

Written by: Eva Owusu

' ' ' ' 'The'GMG'Summer'Music'Academy'is'a'program' offered' to' both' beginner' and' advanced' musicians' from' ages' 7' to' 18.' The' music' program' focuses' on' learning' song' wri2ng,' recording,' stage' presence,' performance' and' becoming' a' well' rounded' and' informed' musician.' You' are' also' able' to' take' other' skills' from' the' program' like' determina2on,' dedica2on,' confidence' and' teamwork,' which' are' some' of' the' important' skills' needed' to' become' a' performing' musician.' GMG' encourages' all' of' the' different' types' of' musical' styles.' The' goal' is' to' leave' each' musician' improved' musically' while' they' go' through'the'journey'with'other'musicians'their'age.' About'my'experience:'' ' ' ' ' 'I'decided'to'do'the'Summer'Music'Academy'last' summer' because' I' knew' it' would' help' me' improve' dras2cally' as' a' performer.' Through' my' summer' experience'I'learned'a'lot'about'working'with'a'team,' perseverance' and' I' gained' confidence' to' perform' in' front'of'a'large'group'of'people.'' '''''The'Summer'Music'Academy'was'four'weeks'in'the' month'of'June'for'my'age'group'13U18.'The'first'week' was' focused' on' being' separated' into' our' bands,' choosing'the'four'songs'we'would'be'working'on'and' assigning'parts.'We'were'also'taking'classes'for'music'

theory' and' two' instruments' chosen' from' piano,' drums,' guitar' and' voice.' The' 2me' was' also' spent' geung'to'know'the'members'of'our'band'and'people' from'the'rest'of'the'program.'' ' ' ' ' ' ' The' second' and' third' week' was' focused' on' learning'the'songs'and'perfec2ng'them'to'perform'on' the' fourth' week.' We' also' con2nued' to' take' music' theory'and'prac2ced'a'lot'with'our'songs.'Aside'from' learning,'prac2cing'and'performing,'I'also'got'to'know' the'members'of'my'band'very'well'and'also'members' of'the'other'band.'I'can'say'that'everyone'there'was' really' talented.' We' would' play' games' and' really' connect' to' each' other' person' to' person' throughout' the'month.'' '''''On'the'last'week'we'preformed'in'three'concerts.' The' first' one' was' to' introduce' ourselves' to' our' parents,'to'show'them'what'we'have'been'doing'the' whole'month.'The'next'two'concerts'was'for'all'of'our' family' and' friends' and' even' some' strangers.' We' got' to'perform'in'both'Sandhills'and'Lake'Carolina.'' '''''My'experience'in'the'Summer'Music'Academy'was' definitely' a' rewarding' one.' I' learned' more' about' my' voice' and' how' to' perform.' I' made' new' friends,' improved' my' voice' and' my' confidence' on' stage.' It' was'definitely'an'experience'I'will'never'forget!' Page|'27'

GMG Students bring in the New Year at Finley Park

'''''' '''''GMG'Music'Center'is'becoming''more' and' more' known' for' its' community' performances.' Recently,' GMG' was' oered' the' opportunity' to' preform' at' the' 2012' New' Years' Eve' Carnival' at' Finley' Park' in' the' downtown' Columbia' area.' Afer' a' long' Saturday' rehearsal' during' the' Christmas' break,' they' gathered' together' in' bands' (piano,' guitar,' drums' and' vocals)' to' perform' at' the' event' to' bring' entertainment' to' adults' and' children' as' a' celebra2on' of' bringing'in'the'New'Year.'' ' ' ' ' ' Although' it' was' cold' outside,' the' music' brought' warmth' to' all' who' could' hear.' They' preformed' a' set' of' six' songs' and' did' an' amazing' job!' As' always,' a' chance' to' share' the' gif' of' music' is' a' great' experience' for' these' young' musicians!' ' ' ' ' ' The' host' described' them' as' youth' with' a' big' sound.' In' fact,' the' host' organiza2on' was' so' impressed' by' the' students' that' they’ve' asked' Mr.' Gray' if' the'students'are'available'to'perform'at' three' addi2onal' events' in' 2013,' two' of' which'will'be'held'at'Finley'Park.' ' ' ' ' 'These'are'the'opportuni2es'that'we' believe' allow' others' to' see' just' what' GMG' Music' Center' is' about.' Being' a' contemporary' performance' music' school' and' not' a' tradi2onal' teaching' studio,' these' opportuni2es' prove' to' be' priceless' and' speaks' louder' than' any' adver2sement'could.'


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