Chef Recipes BB Culinary Arts Yr3 2017

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Contents Octopus salad with polenta pea and parsnip crisp. ............................................................................................ 1 Char grilled squid with chilli jam with fresh fruit salad with honey, mint and lime syrup finished with lemon foam..................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Octopus, Lobster with Sweet capsicum and Cardamom Jus. .............................................................................. 5 Baby Octopus, Carrot and Ginger puree, Samphire, Asparagus, Anchovies, Dill, spinach and lime foam. ........ 8 Baby Octopus, Baby Potatoes, Nori Pesto, Smoked Paprika Oil. ...................................................................... 10 Stuffed squid, mushroom and spinach risotto, mango salsa and pea foam. .................................................... 12 Risotto Nero with baby octopus ........................................................................................................................ 14 Deep fried calamari salad, with a chilli, lime dressing guacamole and potato rosti. ........................................ 16 Crispy squid with a jalapeno chutney, pickled veg and yogurt dressing. .......................................................... 19 Squid Tagliatelli, Cevenne Onion, Dashi. ......................................................................................................... 21 Grilled squid with aromatic herbs and smoked ricotta cream & pickled vegetables. ...................................... 23 Grilled baby octopus on a bed of bell pepper and coriander cous cous with avocado salsa and chili foam. ... 25 Selection of octopus filled sushi accompanied by a cool coconut and lemon grass dip, homemade hoisin sauce and a ginger dip. ...................................................................................................................................... 27 Octopus terrine with Verjus Ice, Sugar Brunt Orange ....................................................................................... 29 Segments, Lemon Coole, Pickle Dulse and Mint sheet. .................................................................................... 29 Chocolate & Squid Ink Layer Cake with Carrageen Moss, Caramel Mousse, Octopus Orange & Ginger IceCream, Sweet Tempura Calamari, Cilantro & Lime Spherification garnished with Spun Sugar. ....................... 32

Octopus salad with polenta pea and parsnip crisp. By Jim Killgannon & Brian King Makes: 2 portions What you need : o o o o o o o o o o o o

1 block of butter 50g of parmesan 300g of polenta Bunch of spring onions Bunch of chives 1 bag off peas 1 onion 20 xantum gum 1 lemon 50 g off potato’s 50 parsnip 1 full Octopus

Serving Equipment o o o o

Mixing bowls Roboe Coupe Juicer Bar Blender

Method: Octopus Check Octopus for quality. Peel off any its which would take away from dish. Chop the Octopus up and cook it on a low heat add a chilli to it and let it cook in its own liquid. Once cooked Strain liquid into bowl Pea Puree Finely chop the onion. Then fry it off, but get no colour on it. Add it with the peas to the blender and mix. Pass through a sieve. Taste for Salt. Gel Add sugar, Salt and xantum gum to the Octopus liquid and mix Parsnip Crisp Peel the parsnips, wash them and dice them up and deep fat fry them. Polenta Cake Mix polenta, chives and scallions together Lemon Foam Add egg whites and Lemon juice together 1

How to serve: Place Octopus, Polenta and potato together, built it on the plate. Then place parsnip crisp and lemon zest on the plate. Place a lemon foam on the top.

Char grilled squid with chilli jam with fresh fruit salad with honey, mint and lime syrup finished with lemon foam. By: Chris Conboy and Krystian Pazdziora Makes: 2 portions What you need: Fruit Salad o o o o o o

60ml of Fresh Lime Juice 60ml of Honey 60g of Chopped fresh mint 1 cantaloupe (halved and seeded) 1 punnet of strawberries (hulled and halved) 4 Kiwis, peeled, cut into ½ inch pieces 2


1 punnet of seedless grapes

o o o o

150 g of Lemon Juice 100g of Stock Syrup 250g of water 4g of Soy Lecithin

Lemon foam

Chilli Jam o o o o o o o o

1 ½ medium size deseeded and roughly chopped 450g of ripe tomatoes 2 cloves of garlic, roughly chopped 1 inch (2.5cm) piece of root ginger, peeled and roughly chopped 1 table spoon of Thai fish sauce 225g of demerara sugar 55ml of red wine vinegar 1 table spoon of balsamic vinegar

o o o o

450g small squid (cleaned weight) 1 dessertspoon groundnut or other flavourless oil Salt and milled black pepper Rocket leaves to serve

o o o o o o o o o o o o

One sterilised Jam jar Cast- iron ridged griddle Plate for service Robo-coupe Saucepan Spatula Chef knife Tongs Large bowl for blending Melon baller Knife Green board



Method: Fruit salad Whisk lime juice, honey and mint in large bowl to blend. Using melon baller, scoop out cantaloupe. Add all fruit to syrup in bowl; toss to combine. Let stand for fifteen minutes to allow flavours to blend Lemon Foam Mix all ingredients together. Use blender to create as much bubbles as possible. Once a lot of foam is created. Let stabilize for one minute Chilli Jam 3

First of all, you need to roughly chop the tomatoes. (You can leave on their skins.) Then put half of them into a blender, along with the chillies, garlic, ginger and fish sauce, whiz everything to a fine purée and pour the mixture into a large saucepan. Now pulse the remaining tomatoes in the blender until just chopped, but this time not puréed. Add these to the purée in the saucepan, along with the sugar and vinegars, and slowly bring the mixture up to boiling point, stirring all the time. When the mixture reaches the boil, turn the heat down to a gentle simmer. Skim off any foam from the surface and cook gently for 30/40 mins. Stir every 5 minutes to prevent the chopped tomato settling at the bottom. You will also need to scrape down the sides of the pan during the cooking so that everything cooks evenly. The mixture should reduce to half its volume. Now pour it into the hot, sterilised jar, allow it to cool and then cover and store it in the fridge. Squid Next, pre-heat the griddle over a high heat. Meanwhile, prepare the squid. Slit it on one side and open it out to give two flaps (retaining the tentacles).Pat dry with kitchen paper. (It's important that you dry the squid properly, otherwise it will stew in the pan, rather than fry.)Using a small sharp knife, lightly score it on the inside – if you score it on the outside, it won't curl properly. Score diagonally in one direction, then do the same in the other direction, to give little diamond shapes, taking great care not to cut right through the squid. When the pan is searing hot. Lightly brush the squid and the tentacles on both sides with the oil, then season with salt and freshly milled black pepper. Only season the squid the moment it goes into the pan – if you do it in advance, the salt will draw out all the moisture. Now add the squid and tentacles in batches to the hot pan and cook for 1-2 minutes, turning halfway through, until lightly charred. (Be warned – the tentacles will look as though they're coming alive!)Use tongs to transfer the first batch to a warmed plate while you cook the rest. How to Serve: Serve warm or cold on a bed of rocket leaves, with the chilli jam drizzled over.


Octopus, Lobster with Sweet capsicum and Cardamom Jus. By: Nike OLakatan and Clarisse Douhore. Makes: 2 Portions What you need: Octopus o o o o o o o o o

250g octopus 250ml white wine vinegar 250ml water ½ onion 1 stalks of celery 1 carrots ½ bay leaf Peppercorns, to season 200g Watermelon

o o o o o o

1 x 250g/1lb 4oz lobster ½ large bowl crushed ice 2 tsp curry oil ½ tsp finely grated root ginger ½ pinch ground cardamom 2 pinches sea salt flakes


Sweet capsicum Jus o o o o o o o o

1 ½ Sweet capsicum, seeds and membranes removed, flesh chopped 1 tsp olive oil 50g/2oz lobster shell, from the tail, chopped into small pieces 2 tbsp. dry white wine ½ tsp grated root ginger 1 cardamom pods, crushed ½ pinch cayenne pepper ½ pinch arrowroot or cornflour, dissolved in a little cold water


1 ½ medium new potatoes, peeled (peelings reserved) preferably Jersey mids, simmered until tender in salted water and kept warm ½ tbsp. curry oil (see above) 1 pinches sea salt


o o

Garnish (optional) o o o

1 tbsp. Greek-style yoghurt ½ tsp French caviar (optional) ½ tbsp. curry oil (see below)


o o

potato peelings from the new potatoes, deep-fried at 140C/275F and drained on kitchen paper small handful mixed salad leaves

o o o o o o o

½ tsp Madras curry powder 50ml extra virgin olive oil ½ stalk lemongrass, bruised, finely chopped 1 lime leaves, chopped 5curry leaves, chopped ½ lime, juice and zest ½ pinch of salt

Curry oil

Serving Equipment o o o

1 rectangle white plate 1spoon Small bowl

Method: Octopus Prepare a court bouillon with vinegar, water, vegetable mirepoix (celery, carrots, and onion), bay leaf and peppercorns. Sit the octopus in the court bouillon for 10 minutes. Let it cool and put it into vacuum bags. Cook the octopus for 40 minutes at 90C in a vacuum cooking and then let it cool down. Once it is cold, cut the octopus tentacles and remove the head. The curry oil Toast the curry powder in a small dry frying pan over a very low heat for five minutes, shaking the pan from time to time. This will bring out the natural oils in the curry powder. Warm the oil to 37-degree C in a small pan, then add the toasted curry powder, lemongrass, lime leaves, curry leaves and lime zest. Infuse for one hour in a warm place, then strain through a fine sieve or muslin cloth into a small bowl. Add the salt and lime juice, taste and adjust the seasoning as necessary, then cover and set aside. The lobster In a large pan of boiling water, blanch the tail in the shell for 10 seconds, then remove with a slotted spoon, place on the crushed ice for 10 minutes and then drain and reserve in the fridge. Place the claws in the boiling water, turn the heat down to a simmer and cook for five minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon, place on the crushed ice for 10 minutes and then drain. Using a pair of scissors, cut the tendons holding the small pincer claw to the large claw, twist gently and remove the pincer shell. Chop through each joint of the claws. Using a meat hammer, gently break the shells of the claws and remove the meat, keeping it intact as much as possible. Discard all the shells. Remove the lobster tail from the fridge and separate the meat from the shell. Chop the shell into small pieces and set aside the shell for the red pepper reduction. Mix two teaspoons of the curry oil, and the ginger, cardamom, sea salt and lobster flesh together in a large bowl. Sweet capsicum Reduction, put the chopped Sweet capsicum through a juicer, or purée in a blender, and pass through a fine sieve. Continued cooking. Heat the olive oil in a medium frying pan over a high heat and cook the chopped tail shell for 2-3 minutes, stirring from time to time. DE-glaze the pan with the wine, then add the Sweet capsicum juice, ginger, and cardamom and cayenne pepper. Cook until the volume of liquid has reduced by 6

half, then stir in the dissolved arrowroot (or cornflour) and simmer gently to thicken. Pass the reduction through a fine sieve, pressing the shells to extract maximum flavour. Check the seasoning, adding a little more cayenne pepper if needed, and set aside. Potatoes Cut each cooked potato in half and toss them with the curry oil and salt. Check the seasoning and set aside in a warm place. To cook the lobster. Heat the oven to 180C/350FHeat a lightly oiled large ovenproof frying pan to a high heat and sear the pieces of lobster meat for one minute. Set the claw meat aside and finish the meat from the tail in the oven for three minutes. Place the lobster meat in a large bowl and glaze with half of the red pepper reduction. Assembly How to serve: Flash-fry the octopus in a pan with the extra virgin olive oil, until golden brown. On the plate, place the octopus on the watermelon. Place three halves of potato down the middle of each plate and top with the yoghurt and caviar. Place the lobster meat on the plates and drizzle over the curry oil and remaining red pepper reduction. Serve garnished with the potato skins and salad leaves.


Baby Octopus, Carrot and Ginger puree, Samphire, Asparagus, Anchovies, Dill, spinach and lime foam. By: Garry Meehan and Darragh O Neill Makes: 2 Portions Ingredients: Octopus o

500 grams of baby Octopus whole

o o o o o o

150g onion 200g carrot 15g fresh ginger, grated 250ml cream 100g butter (50g for puree and 50g for veg) Salt/pepper

o o o o o

100g of spinach 1 lime juice and zest Âź teaspoon of xanthan Gum Salt Sugar

o o o o o

50g fresh rosemary 10g red chilli fresh 2 lemons 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 garlic cloves

o o o o o

10g Anchovies tinned 200g Asparagus 10g Dill 15g Mixed Edible flower 100g samphire

o o o o o

Thermomixer Muslin cloth Zip lock bag Black plate Gas canister for foam






Method: 8

Octopus Make a shallow cut along the head, being careful not to cut too deep and puncture the innards. Carefully but firmly pull out everything inside. Cut the head off, turn it inside out and use a knife to scrape away the innards. Place octopus in boiling water and let cook for 2 minutes. Take off the heat and let sit for 1 minute before rinsing with cold water. Make marinade by chopping up rosemary and garlic. Zest and juice lemons and mix with olive oil, chilli, rosemary and garlic. Place octopus in zip lock bag and cover with marinade mix. Place in fridge and leave for 2 hours. When it comes to service the octopus will be pan-fried until it gets colour around 3 minutes. Puree Peel and chop carrots. Dice the onion. Add the carrots into a pot of salted boiling water. When the carrots are cooked add the onion to a hot oiled pan and cook until soft. Peal the ginger and add into pan and cook together. Drain the carrots and mix with onions ginger and butter. Blitz in a thermomixer until smooth. Add a little cream and then season to taste. Foam Blitz spinach in thermomixer with a little water. When blitzed strain through a muslin cloth and boil the liquid. When it comes to a boil strain again through muslin and set aside in fridge. Zest and juice lime. Add to spinach pulp. Mix with salt sugar and xanthan gum. Place mixture in gas canister and let sit in fridge Veg Garnish Peal asparagus gently and cook in salted boiling water for 1 minute. Place into ice cold water. Trim the samphire. In a hot pan place some olive oil. Add in veg and anchovies and butter. Lightly toss and then take out form the pan. Season with some salt How to serve: Heat the plate before serving. In the middle of the plate make a large ring of carrot puree. Gently place samphire just inside the circle of puree. Lay down squid in the centre of the plate with tentacles facing up. Place samphire, asparagus, dill and flowers around specifically placed. Finish with the foam on top of squid.


Baby Octopus, Baby Potatoes, Nori Pesto, Smoked Paprika Oil. By: James Tyler and Cliodhna Shannon Makes: 2 Portions What you need: Octopus o o o o o

2 Baby octopus 1 onion 2 lemons Bay leaf Peppercorns

Baby potatoes o o o o

100g baby potatoes 2 fresh chilli Salt/pepper Olive oil

o o o o

25g nori seaweed 25g curly kale 50g toasted sesame seeds 100ml extra virgin olive oil

Nori pesto

Smoked Paprika Oil o o o o o o

2 tbsp. smoked paprika 1 carrot 1 shallot 2 sticks celery 2 cloves garlic 100ml olive oil

o o o

Small bunch of samphire 200ml olive oil 2g lecithin


Equipment needed o o o

Thermomix Squeezy bottle Hand blender


Method: Octopus Start by cleaning the baby octopus under cold water. Remove the head and beak. Transfer the octopus to a large pot with bay leaf, lemon, onion and peppercorn, and cover with 2 inches of cold water. Bring to the boil, then simmer with a lid covering for approximately 45 minutes, or until tender (tentacles should be easily pierced with a fork).Remove octopus from the pot and leave to cool. Upon service, heat some of the paprika oil in a saucepan and add baby octopus. Cook baby octopus quickly until slightly crisp and coloured. Baby Potatoes Once completed cooking baby octopus in court bouillon, keep liquid for the potatoes. Wash potatoes in cold water. Add potatoes to court bouillon, bring to the boil, cover and simmer until slightly soft. Remove the potatoes from the court bouillon, allow to cool, and slice in half lengthways. Deseed and slice the chillies. Toss potatoes slices gently in a metal bowl with the sliced chillies and seasoning. Heat olive oil in a saucepan and quickly fry potatoes slices until crisp and golden brown in colour. Nori Pesto Blitz the nori in the thermomix with the sesame seeds and kale, gradually adding the oil until you reach a thick pesto like consistency. Add salt/pepper and lemon juice to taste if needed. Transfer to squeezy bottle. Paprika Oil Dice the carrot, shallot and celery to small pieces and sweat in a pan with some oil. Once the vegetables have softened add in the smoked paprika and stir it in to coat the vegetables. Next add in the oil and remove the pan from the heat to let the flavours infuse gently into the oil. After 5/10 minutes strain the oil from the vegetables and keep warm until you are ready to plate. Garnish Blanch and refresh samphire in the court bouillon. Heat olive oil in a saucepan until it reaches 60oc.Remove the oil from the heat and add in the lecithin Whisk in the lecithin until its dissolved then use the hand blender to create a foam. How to serve: Ensure your serving plate is clean and hot, and the potatoes and octopus are also hot. Arrange a cluster of baby potato slices in a corner of the plate. Place baby octopus leaning against the baby potatoes, tentacles facing upwards. Place random clusters of dots of nori pesto around the potatoes and octopus. Drizzle paprika oil over the octopus. Place a small few pieces of the samphire garnish around the plate. Place one or two spoons of foam on top of the octopus


Stuffed squid, mushroom and spinach risotto, mango salsa and pea foam. By: Joe bracken and Helen Ncube Makes: 4 portions Ingredients: Stuffed Squid o o o o o o o o o o o o o

1 squid about 700-800 grams 100 grams yellow easy melted cheese or another cheese of your choice 1 onion peeled and chopped a handful of thyme and parsley 50 grams’ pine seeds 4 tiny shrimps peeled and chopped 2 pieces of dry tomatoes chopped 1 small size tomato chopped 1 tea spoon salt ¼ tea spoon pepper 1 tea spoon soy sauce 2 table spoon olive oil 150 ml semi-sweet pink wine

Mushroom and Spinach Risotto o o o o o o o o o o o o

4 mini red or orange sweet bell peppers 1/2 onion 8-10 button mushrooms 1 Tb olive oil salt and pepper 350g risotto 3 cloves garlic pinch red pepper flakes (optional) 50g baby spinach Thyme Garlic (crushed) 1/2 tsp lemon juice (fresh is best)

Mango Salsa o o o o o o o

3 ripe mangos, diced (see photos) 1 medium red bell pepper, chopped ½ cup chopped red onion ¼ cup packed fresh cilantro leaves, chopped 1 jalapeño, seeded and minced 1 large lime, juiced (about ¼ cup lime juice) ⅛ to ¼ teaspoon salt, to taste

Pea foam o

Peas 12

o o

Heavy Cream Vegetable stock

Service equipment needed. o o

Large bowl, preferably a big soup bowl Long fish plate

Method: Wash and clean carefully the squid. Throw away the offal and the ink sack. Cut its tentacles and chopped it in small pieces. Sauté the pieces (in a pan) with a table of spoon olive oil for 10 minutes in very slow fire. At the end, add a small portion of wine, to give its fragrance to the calamari pieces. Set the squid pieces aside, after 10 minutes, add them in the bowl. Now, cut the cheese in small cubes and place them in the bowl. Sauté the chopped onion with a table spoon of olive oil, for 5-7 minutes and add it to the bowl. Sauté the pine seeds without olive oil, till they turn brownish. Then add them to the bowl .Chop the dry and fresh tomato in tiny pieces. Once you have place all the ingredients in the bowl, add 2 table spoon of olive oil, and mix well with a spoon. Once you have clean and wash well the inner of the squid, let it dry, and add with your hands a small portion of salt and pepper, inside its sack, and a teaspoon of olive oil. Now start to stuff it with the mixture. Don't over stuff it. When you finish stuffing it, close the squid upper side, with a toothpick. Place the squid in a baking pan (I prefer a Pyrex, but if you don't have, it’s ok) and brush it with olive oil and salt form both sides. Add a glass of semi-sweet pink wine and a half of glass of water. Cook it in the oven with hot air (200 c) for 20 minutes, not more ……don't overcook it…it will taste and feel like rubber if overcooked. Chop the mini red bell pepper, half an onion and 8-10 mushrooms into small pieces. Heat a large, deep skillet over medium high heat. Add 1 tablespoon olive oil to the pan. When the oil is hot, add the vegetables and cook until soft. Should take about 5 minutes. While your vegetable cook fills a medium-sized sauce pan with hot water. Bring it to a boil, add some salt and then pour in just half of a 1-pound box of Orzo pasta into the boiling water. Cook until it’s soft, but still has a bit of firmness to it. Drain the pasta into a colander you have set in your sink. When your veggies are soft and cooked through…chop 3 cloves of garlic and add it to the cooked veggies. Toss in a pinch of red pepper flakes and allow it all to cook for 2 more minutes. Get a nice bunch of spinach and chop Add the drained past and chopped spinach to the skillet. Add 1/2 teaspoon Italian seasoning and a bit of salt and pepper. Give it all a nice stir to combine and allow the spinach to wilt just a bit. Season to taste. In a serving bowl, combine the prepared mango, bell pepper, onion, cilantro and jalapeño. need to be an even 5 mm dice. Drizzle with the juice of one lime and mix well. Season to taste with salt. For best flavour, let the salsa rest for 10 minutes or longer. Lightly cook the peas in vegetable stock and season with salt and pepper. Puree in a blender until smooth and refine with heavy cream. Pass through the sieve. Shake vigorously in a bottle or whisk in a saucepan with a blender How to serve. Place the risotto at the bottom of the bowl. Cut the stuffed squid in half at an angle. Place on top of the risotto. Do oval shapes of salsa around the edge of plate. Place pea foam on top of squid


Risotto Nero with baby octopus By: Nikki Dease and Yeun Hung Lo. Makes: Two Portions What you need: Risotto o o o o o o o o o o

1 banana shallot 100g of Vialone Nano risotto rice 50g of butter 1 garlic clove 600ml of fish stock 100ml of white wine 20g of cuttlefish ink Salt/pepper, to taste 500g of baby squid/baby octopus/cuttlefish, keep tentacles aside to fry 2 tblsp cognac to flambĂŠ

Red pepper puree o o o o o o o

2 red peppers 1 tsp of olive oil 1 onion sea salt 1 clove garlic 1 tblsp Red wine vinegar 1 tblsp Tomato Puree

Basil Gel Puree o o o o o o

350g basil leaves 250g spinach leaves 200ml rapeseed oil Sea salt and pepper 500g Basil 5g agar

Lemon Gel (fluid) o o o o

100ml water 100g Caster Sugar 100ml Lemon Juice 1 ½ tsp agar agar

o o o

350g lemon juice 250g cold water 3g lecithin powder

Lemon Air


Method: Risotto Nero To start the risotto, heat the fish stock in a saucepan. In another saucepan, melt the butter and gently fry the chopped shallot and garlic without colouring. Add the risotto rice and continue to cook toasting the grains lightly. Add the white wine and when reduced start adding the hot fish stock ladle by ladle. Add the cuttlefish ink and continue cooking until the rice is al dente, remove from the heat and season well. To finish the dish, once all of the other components are ready. SautÊ the prepared squid/baby octopus in a little butter until golden, finish with cognac and flambÊ for a few seconds. Red Pepper Puree Sweat diced pepper and onion with crushed garlic in olive oil, season with salt and pepper. Once softened add the red wine vinegar and tomato puree cook for 1 minute then blend in a thermomix/food processor. Pass through a sieve & correct seasoning. Basil puree Blanch the basil & spinach for 2-3 minutes. Strain, blanch and refresh, then dry the leaves. Reserve 300ml of the water. Place basil & spinach in thermomix/blender. Take the reserved water and oil gradually adding to the blender. Blend for about 30 seconds until smooth, season and place in a squeezy bottle to use as required. Blend water and basil. Lemon Gel Combine the sugar and agar agar in a saucepan with 100 ml water. Set aside for 15 minutes to allow the agar agar to soften. Stirring constantly, slowly bring the mixture to a simmer. Stir over medium heat for 10–15 minutes, or until the agar agar has completely dissolved. It should be completely smooth and you should not be able to see any grains. Cool to room temperature, then whisk in the lemon or lime juice. Pass through a fine strainer, into a container. Cover and set in the fridge for a few hours. Once set, blitz in a blender on high speed until smooth and glossy, scraping down the side as necessary. Taste the gel and add more lemon or lime juice or sugar if needed. Pour into a clean jar, seal and refrigerate until required. The gel will keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Lemon Air Prepare the mix for the lemon air. Using an immersion blender, mix the 3 ingredients in a high container wide enough to collect the air (about 25 cm). To produce best results, the mix needs to be cold. Place it in the fridge until one minute before you are ready to start plating and then produce the lemon air. To produce the lemon air, you will have to lift the blender to the upper part of the liquid surface to incorporate as much air as possible so that a foam forms on the surface. Once you have enough foam on the surface, let it rest of 1 minute so that the foam sets and the excess of liquid is eliminated. Proceed to remove the foam with a slotted spoon and serve. Samphire Saute the samphire with garlic and dill to accompany the dish. Garnish Samphire, tentacles, foam. A mix of dill, chives, wild garlic and Borrage flowers


How to serve: Place the risotto nero in the middle of a bowl. Dot red pepper puree around the risotto, along with the basil and lemon gels. Place tentacles on top of the rice with samphire scattered around. Place lemon foam on top and spilling down the side. Wild garlic and chives sprinkled around with three borrage flowers.

Deep fried calamari salad, with a chilli, lime dressing guacamole and potato rosti. By: Gary Riordan and Philip Moriarty Makes: 2 Portions Ingredients: Deep fried calamari o o o o

Squid 300g Turmeric 10g Smoked paprika 10g Flour 100g 16

Mango gel o o o o o o

Mango puree 100g Sugar 50g Water 50g Star-anise 2 Ultratex 20g Cinnamon 1 stick

o o o

Baby red chard 50 g Mazuna 50g Rocket 50g

o o o o

Avocado 1 Lime 1 Tomato 1 Salt `



Dressing o o o o o

Chilli 1 Lime 1 Extra virgin olive oil 100ml White wine vinegar 10ml Honey 20 ml


Potato 1

o o o o o

Cucumber 1 Sugar 100g White wine vinegar 50g Water 150g Star-anise 2

Potato rosti

Pickled cucumber

Method: Mango gel Add sugar and water to the pan with cinnamon stick and star-anise bring to boil. Strain and allow to cool add to puree in the thermomix. Add ultratex and continue until right consistency. Dressing Deseed the chilli, juice and zest the lime. Add to the thermomix with the vinegar and honey. Blitz. Add oil slowly to bring to right consistency.


Pickled cucumber Add vinegar, water, sugar, bay-leaf, peppercorns, and star-anise to a pot bring to boil to allow aromas to disperse. Cool the pickling liquor. Peel the cucumber into ribbons. Cover with the chilled liquor. Calamari Score the squid and cut into rings. Mix the flour, salt, pepper, turmeric and smoked paprika together. Toss the squid in the flour making sure it’s well coated. Deep fry in batches until golden and crispy Guacamole Cut avocado in half and remove the seed and skin. Score skin of tomato, blanch, refresh, cut in half and remove seeds and dice. Add avocado and tomato to thermomix, add juice of one lime and season with good pinch of salt. Blitz to required consistency. Salad Wash the rocket, mazuna and red baby chard in sink of salted water. Remove and leave to drain Potato rosti Peel off skin of potato and run it through Japanese mandolin. Add vegetable oil to heated blinis pan and cook in batches until golden and crispy each side How to serve: Using a spoon add some of the guacamole and spread with the edge of the spoon in an aesthetically pleasing arc. Add some dots of the mango gel. Dress the salad. Cook the calamari. Place salad in centre of the plate. Add the rosti on top of the salad. And the calamari to finish.


Crispy squid with a jalapeno chutney, pickled veg and yogurt dressing. By: Brian Alone and Egle Gulbiniene Makes: Two Portions Ingredients: Squid o o o

1 baby squid 100g plain flour 200g pretzels

o o o o o o o o

200g Tined jalapenos Ground ginger Ground garlic 2 Garlic cloves 1 White onion 1 Green chill Salt/pepper 20ml Apple juice

o o o o o o o

100ml White wine vinegar 2tbs honey 1 lemon star anise 2 beetroots 2 baby radishes 2 carrot

o o o o

1 cucumber 50ml Greek yogurt or natural yogurt 2Tb honey 6/7 mint leaves

o o

2 round plates Squeeze bottle




Serving Equipment

Method: Squid Prep squid by removing any tentacles and cleaning out. Proceed to cut into bite size pieces with the knife design. 2 separate bowls with flour and pretzels that are blended in robocoup. Pani the squid in flour then to pretzels make sure evenly coated then fry 19

Chutney Drain but save jalaps juice for later. Prep onion and garlic and green chilli begin to fry. Meanwhile gather all dry mix ginger, garlic, sugar and salt and pepper. Sweat down till soft then add jalap for another 5min. Once soft to touch add dry mix and coat well. Add apple juice plus jalapeno juice to taste depending on how hot you want it. Pickle To a pan add water and your white wine vinegar bring to low heat not boil. Add the star anise, honey and lightly heat. Add lemon juice. Peel all your veg and cut to the correct size. Ye need to specify the exact size that you want. I would suggest that it be a 5 mm dice. Place veg and liquid then vacuum pack. Keep in bag until plating up. Yogurt First deseed the cucumber and chop. To the robocoup add the yogurt mint and honey. Mixed all together until coats the back of spoon. How to serve: The plate will be the round circle plate with the red flowers. Give a small heat. Will start by smearing a line of the chutney on bottom followed by the squid having the pickles all-round the plate with the dressing over the top. Some micro herbs to finish.


Squid Tagliatelli, Cevenne Onion, Dashi. By Michael Williams & James O’Malley Makes: 2 Portions Ingredients: Squid o o o o o

Sea salt Olive oil Lemon Juice Lemon zest Squid

o o o o o o

Squid ink Chilli Ginger Garlic Capers Olive oil

o o o o o o

Kombu Bonito flakes Water White soya sauce Nori Squid trimmings

o o o o

Cucumber Watercress Dill Xantham gum




Wakame Cevenne onion Flowers o o o o

Borage Nasturtium Primula gold lace Salad rocket


Serving Equipment o o o o o o o o o

Sous vide Dehydrator Thermo mix Fryer Cast iron pan Sous vide bag Chionox Saucepans x4 Sauce jug

Method: Dashi 250ml of distilled water to 25g of kombu into a saucepan with the squid trimmings (tentacles and wings) and bonito flakes bring to 60째C and keep at this temperature for an hour. After an hour remove the kombu and season with white soy and nori. Leave for 10 minutes to infuse. Taste again and add more seasoning if needed. Strain and keep aside until service to warm. Powder Preheat an oven or dehydrator to 65째C. Slightly brown the garlic, chilli and ginger in a pan with a little oil, remove them and cook the capers in the same pan. Add the squid ink, turn off the heat and keep stirring with a wooden spoon until it has reduced to a paste. Blend with hand-blender and spread on a non-stick baking mat using a spatula. Place the ink mixture in the oven or dehydrator for 4 hours, until completely dried out. Blitz the ink in a blender and pass through a sieve Squid Tag Remove the head, entrails and wings from the squid. Keep the ink sacs intact for the dehydrated squid ink. Preheat a water bath to 56째C. Cut the squid bodies in half lengthways and remove the outer membranes. Season the squid with olive oil and salt and place each squid in a different vacuum bag, flattened out. Seal the bags in a vacuum chamber. Place the squid in the water bath for 1 hour and 15 minutes, then chill quickly. Remove the squid from the bags and, with the help of a kitchen scraper, remove any cooking liquid from the bodies and lay them on top of one another. Using a very sharp knife, slice 3mm thick slices of the squid. Heat very gently in a small saucepan and season with flaky sea salt, lemon zest, olive oil and lemon juice. Create a nest with some squid tagliatelli using a fork and place it in the centre of a plate Juice Peel cucumber, juice add to a saucepan with watercress and dill and cook out. Stain through a sieve put in the thermos mix and blend in the xantham gum till it reaches the right consistency. Wakame Place the dry wakame in at deep fat fryer at 180째C for 30 sec then remove the extra oil on the wakame the place on plate. Onion Cut the on onion in half, place the onion on a dry pan leave the onion there for 1-2 mins. Take out a strip of onion and then cut in half length ways and roll it up then place it on the plate.


How to serve: Place the squid tagliatelli in the centre of the plate. Sprinkle the squid ink powder on top of the squid tagiliatelli. Pour in the dashi in the plate with drops of the juice in the plate too. The wakame will be served on two side of the tagiliatelli, the onion will be served on the other side of the tagiliatelli. On top of the squid tagiliatelli we will serve (borage, nasturtium, primula gold lace or salad rocket)

Grilled squid with aromatic herbs and smoked ricotta cream & pickled vegetables. By: Adam Mc Dermott and Anne Mc Cormack. Makes: Two Portions Ingreidents: Squid o

25g of thyme 23

o o o o o o o

25g of rosemary 25g of sage 2 bay leaves 2 shallots, peeled and chopped 2 garlic clove, peeled and chopped 1 piece of fresh ginger, about 2cm, peeled and chopped 100g of extra virgin olive oil

o o o o o o o

2 cups of vinegar 1 cup of water 2 tablespoons of fennel seeds 2 baby carrots 1 baby fennel 2 baby turnip Radish

o o o o

400g smoked ricotta cheese 50g cream Half a lemon Salt

o o

4tbsp curry powder 300ml oil

o o o

150g beetroot puree 20g sugar 5g glucose

Pickled Vegetables

Smoked Ricotta Cheese

Curry Oil

Crisp Beetroot Tuile

Method: Squid Place the herbs, shallot, garlic and ginger in a blender with the olive oil. Blitz together to form an aromatic herb oil, with a similar consistency to pesto. Clean the squid by removing the tentacles, removing the skin membrane, remove any excess cartilage, then rub in the aromatics ensuring the squid is completely covered. Leave to marinate for 12 hours and cut to size before cooking., Pickled Vegetables Peel the vegetables and wash before using. Add the vinegar, water, fennel seeds & the vegetables to a pot, let simmer until the vegetables are tender. Once tender remove from the heat and leave in the pot until required for plating.


Smoked Ricotta Cheese Place the cheese in a tall container, add the cream and lemon juice and seasoning. Use the hand blender and puree until smooth. Crisp Beetroot Tuile Blitz all ingredients together in thermo-mix, the vacuum pack and leave overnight. Spread out on silicone mat and bake @120 for 25-30 minutes How to serve: Place the cut squid on a char grill for 5 minutes, turning every 30 seconds to ensure even cooking. Place the smoked ricotta cheese in the centre of the plate and spread out with pallet knife. Remove the pickled vegetables from the pot and place according around the squid, then place the radish on the squid. Once all is plated drizzle a small amount of curry oil on the dish. Once all is plated add the Crisp Beetroot Tuile, to give the dish a bit of height and texture.

Grilled baby octopus on a bed of bell pepper and coriander cous cous with avocado salsa and chili foam. By Matt Rayner & Sorcha Monaghan Makes: 2 Portions What you need: Octopus o o o

12x Baby Octopus 25ml fish sauce 15ml veg oil 25

o o o o o

10ml lemon juice 10g brown sugar 1 clove garlic 1cm ginger Lemon skin

o o o o o o o

250g couscous Coriander 1x Shallot 1x red bell pepper 40g button mushroom 500ml veg stock Butter


Avocado salsa o o o o o

1 ripe avocado 2 tomatoes 1 green pepper 1 red onion 1 lime

o o o

200 ml Chilli oil 1 teaspoon xanthan gum 50ml water

Chili foam

Serving Equipment o o o o

30cm round plate Cup Sauce jug 4 Skewers

Method: Octopus Remove any skin from baby octopus. Crush Garlic, fine dice ginger, peel lemon saving skin. Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Place octopus in marinade and refrigerate for 2 hours. Heat grill plate. When octopus has rested for 2 hours in marinade, place 3 on each skewer. There should be 2 skewers per portion. Oil grill plate and cook each skewer for 3-4 minutes on each side or until cooked all the way through. Just before service, scorch. Couscous Fine dice shallot and bell pepper. Chop coriander. Slice mushrooms. Place couscous into a bowl and heat vegetable stock. Place butter into frying pan and heat. Once melted add diced shallot and sweat. Once shallots are soft add mushrooms. Once mushrooms have shrunk add bell pepper. Once vegetable stock is heated add to couscous and leave to cook for approx. 8 minutes. Once couscous is cooked, strain and add vegetables.


Avocado salsa Finely dice avocado, tomatoes, green pepper and red onion. Squeeze lime juice over the top and mix. Season. Refrigerate until later.

Chili foam Put chili oil, xanthan gum and water into a deep bowl. Whisk lightly until xanthan gum is dispersed into the liquid. Using a hand blender, blend the mix together until foam forms. *Side note – This needs to be done just before service, as the foam doesn’t hold for extended periods of time. How to serve: Place couscous into a cup, then upturn into the middle of a plate. Remove cup to reveal a neat pile of couscous. Lean 2 skewers of octopus against the pile of couscous gently to prevent the pile falling over. Make small heaps of salsa around the plate. Place foam gently on top of skewers.

Selection of octopus filled sushi accompanied by a cool coconut and lemon grass dip, homemade hoisin sauce and a ginger dip. By Jennifer Curley and Kevin Harkin Makes: 5 portions What you need: Sushi o o o o o

10 sheets of nori sheets Bag of sushi rice 1 cup of rice vinegar, 4 tablespoons of sugar 4 teaspoons of salt. 27

Sushi filling o o o o o

1 whole cucumber 2 raw carrots 3 sachets of squid ink 2 avocado’s Large Octopus

Cool Coconut dip o o o o

One tin of coconut milk 2 sticks of lemongrass Half of a shallot, finely chopped Pinch of Xanthan gum

Hoisin Sauce o o o o o

Half of a shallot 4 tablespoons soy sauce 2 teaspoons sesame seed oil 1 teaspoon Chinese hot sauce 2 tablespoons of oyster sauce

Ginger Dip o o o

1 fresh ginger tablespoons of lukewarm water Pinch of Xanthan gum

Method: Sushi Start by preparing the octopus, make sure you the skin and membrane. Get a pot of water and start to blanch the octopus at 1-minute intervals a few times. Get a water bath ready at 67 degrees and put the octopus with a few lemons in a sealed bag and into the bath for 6 hours to cook. Cook the rice just until it’s a few minutes before ready and then split into half finish cooking one half and with the other add in the ink, allow the ink to spread through all of the ink. Allow to cool. Add the sugar, rice vinegar and salt. Start preparing the vegetable fillings, cut in small sticks all the same size. Place the rice of ¾ of the rice on the nori sheet with the bamboo underneath. place some vegetable in the middle of the sheet. Cut the octopus up and place thin sticks at the vegetables. Start to roll the sushi using the bamboo mat to your advantage to roll as tight as possible. Slice into portions Cool Coconut dip Dice up the shallot and sauté. Pour in the coconut milk and heat. Add the lemon grass and allow to infuse. Insert the Xanthan gum. Strain and allow to cool before serving Hoisin Sauce Dice up the shallot and sauté. Add in the rest of ingredients. Allow to cool and serve Ginger Dip 28

Shave the ginger and finely chop. Place in thermos mix and add water. Insert the Xanthan gum. Allow to cool. How to serve Once the sushi is portioned up you can plate it up. All of the dips to be put in individual dishes and on the serving dips also.

Octopus terrine with Verjus Ice, Sugar Brunt Orange Segments, Lemon Coole, Pickle Dulse and Mint sheet. By Daniel Delaney & Tony Leung Makes: Portions Ingredients: Octopus o o o o o o o o

1kg Octopus 750ml White wine 1 Lemon 1 Orange 2 Bay Leaf 5 Peppercorns 200g Mirepoix 4.5L water

Verjus Ice o

500g Verjus 29


100g Sugar

Lemon Coole o o o o o o o

325g water 75g Sugar 2g kosher Salt 3g Lemon Zest 1gr Saffron 9g Agar agar 125g Lemon Juice

Mint sheet o o o o o

250ml Water 100gr Vinegar 50g white balsamic Vinegar 100g Sugar 100g mint

Pickle Dulse o o o o o o

25g Dulse (seaweed) 450ml water 90ml sherry vinegar 6g salt 6g Sugar 45ml soya sauce

Method: Octopus Start by boiling the water over a low heat. Add salt and make a bouquet de garni and add to water. Place Octopus in water and cook for 90 minutes over low heat. When octopus is cooked place into ice cold water to keep its colour. To portion into sizes cut off legs. Then place all the legs in a tureen dish and compresses tight as possible. Refrigerate for eight hours before removal from tureen dish. You can portion as you please. If you don’t have a tureen dish you can wrap in cling film. Add salt and pepper to preferred taste. Lemon Coulis Bring water, sugar lemon zest, saffron and salt to a boil. Cover and turn the heat off to steep for 20 minutes. Strain and add to small pot. Add agar agar and bring to boil again. Wisk constantly for 1 and a half minutes. Again pass through chinois into a small pan. Place over ice water to cool. Transfer to blender, add lemon juice and blend until smooth. Strain once more and your lemon coulis is complete. Verjus Ice Put verjus and sugar into a pot and bring to boil. Wisk in the sugar until dissolved. Take off heat and place in freezer for two hours. After two hours take the verjus out of the freezer and mash with a fork. Keep it stored in freezer until ready to use. Mint Jelly


Bring water, vinegar, sugar and white balsamic vinegar to boil. Add mint until it is infused with the water. Pass through strainer back into a pot. Add 0.5g of agar and half a leaf of gelatine to every 100ml. let set in fridge for 1-2 hours. Pickle Dulse Bring the vinegar, sugar, water and salt to the boil. Add the seaweed to the brine and keep in a sealed jar. Method Of Assembly You want the dish to look as artistic as possible. We want the dish to look as colourful and beautiful as we can so in our opinion this is the way we are going to plate the dish. First you place the octopus tureen flat on the plate. Make sure it is in the centre of the rectangular plate. Get the pickle dulse next and just place on a piece of tissue for two minutes to strain. You don't want excess juice coming from the dulse to stain the plate. Next place the mint sheets on the plate. The idea of the mint sheets are to slow down the melting process of the verjus ice. Both will taste excellent together. Get a Bunsen burner and put some icing sugar on the orange. Give it a quick sere and place three or four on the tureen and plate. Take the verjus ice out of the freezer and place very gentle on the some of the mint sheets. Put the coulis in a squeeze bottle and put little dots on the empty parts of the plate. Finish off with some nice fresh micro herbs.


Chocolate & Squid Ink Layer Cake with Carrageen Moss, Caramel Mousse, Octopus Orange & Ginger Ice-Cream, Sweet Tempura Calamari, Cilantro & Lime Spherification garnished with Spun Sugar. By Angela Treanor & Padraig Conlon Makes: 2Portions Ingredients: Chocolate and squid ink sponge o o o o o o o

100g plain flour 100g caster sugar 4 eggs 1 tbsp vanilla extract 1 tbsp soy sauce 32g squid ink 50g butter melted + extra for greasing

Caramel mousse o o o o o o

5g carageen moss in 2 tbsp of cream 100g caster sugar 60g chopped butter room temp 59g double cream room temp 1 1/2 tsp vanilla 175g double cream cold

Tempura Calamari with cinnamon sugar o o o o o o o

1cm slices of calamari 25g corn flour 35g plain flour 2.5 g baking powder 1 tap of cinnamon Enough iced soda water to make the batter, should coat finger. 25g each Cinnamon and icing sugar to sprinkle

Spherificaction o o o o o o

3g agar agar limes make up 150 ml 50g caster sugar 2 tbsp coriander Green colour Very cold oil

Octupus, orange and galagal ice cream


o o o o o o o o

4 poached baby octopus 250ml cream 250ml milk egg yolks 125g caster sugar Âź tsp Vanilla extract 1 tbsp fish sauce 2 Orange zest, juice of 10g ginger


250g granulated sugar

Spun sugar

Serving Equipment o

1 rectangle plate white

Method: Chocolate and squid ink sponge Pre heat the oven to 180oC. Line a 12 inch baking tray with greaseproof paper. Put eggs and sugar in a mixer with a whisk attachment, whip until mix can make a figure 8. Add ink, vanilla and soy sauce. Add in flour one tablespoon at a time. Slowly add the melted butter until fully incorporated. Transfer mixture to prepared tin and bake in preheated oven for 25 minutes until skewer comes out clean, transfer to wire rack and leave to cool completely. Once cooled using a small round cutter cut 6 2 inch rounds. Octopus, orange and galagal ice cream Poach the baby octopus in boiling water for 1 Minute, drain off water and leave the octopus to cool. Heat milk, cream and vanilla. Whisk together egg and sugar. Add a ladle full of the liquid into the egg mix and mix well. Add egg mix back into hot liquid, add the orange and ginger. Keep stirring until sauce coats the spoon. Put anglaise in the thermomix with the octopus and 1 tbsp of fish sauce. Caramel mousse Carregeen moss mix, wash the carregeen with water leave to soak in the cream overnight. Boil carregeen moss with cream blend with hand mixer add more cream to loosen the mix and strain leave aside. Melt down granulated sugar until it turns amber remove from the heat immediately add butter and vanilla carefully as it will spit. Slowly add room temperature cream. Set aside and cool completely. Once caramel mix cools add 1 tbsp of carregeen mix. Beat in the mixer until stiff peaks form. Whip the cold cream and fold into the caramel mixture. Store in the fridge until sponge cools completely. Tempura calamari with cinnamon sugar Pre heat deep fat fryer. Cut 1cm slices of calamari. Mix all dry ingredients together add soda slowly until required consistency is achieved. Dip calamari in batter and put straight into the fryer. Once crisp put on kitchen towel to dry off then put in a clean try and using a sieve sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Spun sugar Put sugar in a pot melt down the sugar being careful to keep moving it around until golden colour.Heat to 148oC , remove from heat and cool to 135 oC over water bath. Dip a fork in the sugar syrup and stretch back and forth across the bottom of a pre-greased bowl going as quickly as possible. 33

Spherificaction Using the juice of 5 limes, put in a pot with sugar, coriander. Heat mix to infuse, strain and cool. Whisk 3g of agar into 200g of liquid. Put back on heat and simmer. Pour extra cold oil in a tall jug. Put mix in a bottle or syringe and slowly drop lime mix from a small height into oil. How to serve: Make a quenelle of ice cream, put in freezer. Put caramel mousse in a piping bag. Layer sponge discs and mousse place spun sugar on top. Place calamari on the right side of the plate, the sponge in the middle and ice cream to one side, dot spheres around the plate. Serve immediately.


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