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Detective’s pride at receiving national CEO Commendation

A Detective at Oldham has spoken of her pride at not only playing a key role in the production of a national policing publication but at receiving a Chief Executive Officer Commendation for this work.

Detective Sergeant Keri Alldritt, of the Oldham Child Protection Investigation Unit (CPIU), has been on the editorial board of the College of Policing’s ‘Going equipped’ journal since its first issue was published more than three years ago.

Now up to Issue Five, DS Alldritt continues to shape its content in her own time for the benefit of policing across the country.

DS Alldritt said: “It is a real positive for Greater Manchester Police to have someone on the inside at the College of Policing playing an important role in the production of ‘Going equipped’.

“All members of the editorial board work on the national journal in their own time, not as part of their busy operational roles.

“I am proud to have done so for the past three years, and receiving a CEO Commendation from the College of Policing’s Chief Constable Andy Marsh at the CoP in-house awards in London for my ongoing contribution to ‘Going equipped’ made me even more proud.

“The journal is produced by the police, for the police.

“It covers a range of subjects and allows us as a police family to share good practice and research between different forces.”

The national journal includes top tips, a ‘day in the life of’ section and long reads for those who want to learn more about research that has been conducted and implemented.

The Spring/Summer 2023 edition of ‘Going equipped’ will soon be published.

If you want to get involved by either writing or peer reviewing articles for the journal, please contact DS Alldritt via keri.alldritt2@gmp.police.uk or Dr Jo Wilkinson at the CoP via Jo.wilkinson@college.police.uk.

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