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The launch of GMP+ FC scheme 2020

Recently we launched the renewed GMP+ Feed Certification scheme. The documents have been published on our website, www.gmpplus.org. With this, a transition period is underway, in which both schemes will co-exist. Companies have three years to make the adjustment.

The GMP+ FC scheme 2020 consists of three separate layers: framework, requirements, and support. In contrast to the ‘old’ scheme, the new one is more goal oriented. This means the documents describe the required outcomes. Companies can use their own expertise to decide upon the best way to achieve them. Also, the texts are shorter and easier to understand. We advise all of our stakeholders to carefully read the new documents – and find out what they mean for you.

The GMP+ FC scheme 2020 is the result of collaboration between GMP+ International, certified companies, feed safety experts and other stakeholders. We owe everyone who participated in the redesign the debt of gratitude for their valuable contributions. Thank you for your dedication to Feed Safety Worldwide.

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