Yo! News November 5/2018

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Gwa’Sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw ‘Nakwaxda’xw

Yo! News

November 5/2018



Yo! News

November 5/2018

Social Development update: Good day all. It's been a great 3 months, Oct.30th was the end of my probationary period. I enjoy working and interacting with the community, in my capacity as the Social Development Manager. The journey overall has been great. I have had many learning opportunities and many interactions with clients and community members. I always want what's best for our people, for the community and our children. If I could do what I wanted and help in every situation I would but as this is a policy driven program, I have to abide by policy. The policy book that guides me has 622 pages in it. This book provides me with the avenues I can and cannot deliver services to the community. When I say yes or no, it is policy that is saying yes or no. I do the best to explain policy, so that people understand how I based my decision on. One of the responsibilities for you the client is honesty. I need total honesty from you when it comes to having a spouse, having a job and any other income. This makes it easier for me to provide the services and help required. At times, I do have to ask those tough personal questions and this is to protect you the client from fraud, to protect me and the band as well. By not following policy, this can lead into a recovery of the money by the policy makers, which means the band losses money. Thank you Charles Willie



Yo! News

November 5/2018

TREATY UPDATE What is the First Nations Summit? The First Nations Summit is an organization that began when the “Made in BC treaty Process” was formed in 1993. It is a provincial level First Nations organization that hosts meetings where a large number of First Nations involved with Treaty Negotiations gather to share information and to mandate leaders to go forward to negotiate with senior government officials in an effort to insure necessary law and legislative changes are made, that will benefit our communities. An underlying guiding principle clearly stated is, “ no decisions are made on our lands and seas without fully respecting and recognizing the true Indegenous title holders.” What Topics are discussed at the Summit? From Oct 17 – 19, 2018 Chief Paddy and myself attended a First Nations Summit meeting in Vancouver, hosted by the Musqueam Nation. The two and half day meeting had a full agenda with day one focusing mostly on BC treaty negotiations. As a result of the UN Declaration and TRC’s Calls to Action the federal and provincial governments have developed 10 principles which their governments, lawmakers must adhere to going forward. As stated in the Draft Principles that Guide BC’s relationship with Indigenous Peoples, “The Province wants to renew its relationship with Indigenous peoples in BC, and affirms its desire to achieve a government-to-government relationship based on respect, recognition and exercise of Aboriginal title and rights…” Canada developed 10 principles and are proposing new “recognition legislation” that will replace the out of date Comprehensive Claims Policy and Inherent Rights Policy with new law on the Recognition and Implementation of Indigenous Rights. There have been a number of large meetings over the past few months to consider proposed changes and to provide input into the proposed federal legislation that could be implemented before the next Federal Election in the fall of 2019. BC First Nations Position on proposed Federal and Provincial Legislative Changes What do FN’s in BC think about the above proposals? A prime concern is that neither government make changes “unilaterally” to impose these on to us. We say, changed mandates, policies and legislation that affects our lands, resources, governance and self-determination will be co-developed and drafted with our Nations as “genuine partners at the table” * We also state, “rights not addressed in treaty must continue to exist, i.e. treaties can no longer be full and final. Also we demand, treaties will not exhaustively enumerate, replace or modify our Aboriginal rights. Positive Changes to BC Treaty Process



Yo! News

November 5/2018

Some positive changes to the negotiations as a result of the above initiatives have now occurred, for example, there is no such word as “extinguishment” of our lands used at the negotiation table and going forward all costs for negotiations are in the form of a grant, as well Canada has committed to removing the burden of loans from past negotiations. This is major for the GN – why should we have to repay a loan to negotiate when the lands discussed are Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw lands? First Nations Gaming Another initiative to report out on from the First Nations Summit meeting that is very positive is: following10 years of negotiating with the BC government, (who had denied a share of funds gained from Casino’s, Bingo’s, on-line gaming and horse racing to First Nations), we have made headway. Grand Chief Joe Hall reported to us at the Summit that by April 2019, we could be taking a share of all gaming revenues in BC, based on a model in Ontario where all of the First Nations split a large portion of the proceeds. Funds gained here could go toward youth and elder projects, roads and sidewalks or any other project agreed to be our leadership and community. Conclusion: This has been a short Yo News article written to give an understanding of issues we discussed at the First Nations Summit that took place in October. Other topics discussed over those two and half days included -- A BC AFN report, New Fiscal Relationship with Canada, First Nations Education Steering Committee Update, Indigenous Housing in BC, Indigenous Tourism, FNLC/TWG Children and Families Issues. This is a small example of the meetings that our Chief, Council/leadership/staff must attend to keep appraised of initiatives and potential laws that will be implemented in the future and that will impact our Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nation. Please feel free to come to the office to speak further with myself on the above topics or see the Departments that advocate in those areas such as Health and Family Services. Thank you for reading this article, Gila’kasla.

[Written for Yo News, November 5, 2018 issue by Colleen Hemphill, Chief Negotiator, Gwa’sala‘Nakwaxda’xw Treaty Office]



Yo! News

November 5/2018

Hall Users: Anyone wanting to use the hall must pay first, if your name is not on the hall book then you cannot use the hall. Reception will now post on the fb Gwanak page on who has the hall so that there is no confusion and also in the newsletter. we do have a Hall Rental Policy in place. I will send in the newsletter as well. EVERYONE! Must pay. Except for funerla and services. If you have booked the hall and have made the payment you must clean according to the policy. All garbage from the hall are to be put in the bins outside the hall. Thank you



Yo! News

November 5/2018



Yo! News

November 5/2018



Yo! News

November 5/2018



Yo! News

November 5/2018



Yo! News

November 5/2018



Yo! News

November 5/2018



Yo! News

November 5/2018



Yo! News

November 5/2018



Yo! News

November 5/2018



Yo! News

November 5/2018



Yo! News

November 5/2018



Yo! News

November 5/2018



Yo! News

November 5/2018



Yo! News

November 5/2018


Melanie Cassanda wishing my handsome neph eddie a very happy birthday.. nov 9

Lloyd Charlie November 15th, Happy 29th Birthday to myself, from myself. Lloyd Charlie.

Sabrina Laufeyson Rufus Happy birthday to my bestest

Millie Rose Walkus Happy 26th to my beautiful daughter Michelle on Nov. 5th from mom

friend and sister. I love you ❤ - November 17

Janine Henderson Happy birthday to Lloyd Charlie

Anderson Richard Elvis Happy birthday to my bro Geoffrey on November 3rd and Happy birthday bro Eddie on November 9th

Millie Rose Walkus Happy 21st Birthday to my boys Ernest and Harry Paul Nov 6th love from mom

Vanessa Elizabeth Would like to wish my cousin Patricia a Happy Birthday on November 16th we love you so much and miss you more ❤

Adrianne Walkus Happy Birthday Bro Bro Ronnie Walkus on November 26th I hope you have an amazing day! Love you! Happy Birthday “Dad” Uncle Gilbert on November 4th I hope you’re day is amazing as you are! I love you so much! Kianna Marie Happy 17th birthday to my best friend on November 23rd❤ hope you have a good day sista:)

Lisa Michelle Dawn Happy birthday bro Ronnie - Nov 26th... we love you lots! Lisa, Charles & boys



❤ tons of love from Jenna, Jeffrey, Jordan and me ❤ ❤ xoxo Allison Henderson Happy Birthday to my nephew Mac J. Bell!! Happy 9th, love you! Love Auntie Allison Charlotte Dubitski Happy 26th birthday to my beautiful sister Michelle Dubitski aka Cjaaaaaayyy ❤ I love u sis with all that I am ❤ I hope u have a good day ❣ Nov.5

Charlotte Dubitski Happy birthday to my brother Ernest Paul Jr. Aka fat ham Love u so much bro ❤ enjoy your Yo! News

November 5/2018

special day ❣ Nov.6

Charlotte Dubitski Happy birthday to my baby brother Harry Steven Eli Paul love u so much bro aka harry son

❤ I hope u have a great day ❣ Nov.6

Terry Adam Walkus Happy 4th birthday to our grandson Cristian nd my daughter Erika Walkus Nov 5th,Lloyd Nov 15th, Crystal Violet, nd Thomas H Jr Nov 17th nd Terry Adam Brice Walkus Jr Nov 22nd with love from my family nd I Terry Adam Walkus Sorry can you add Reynold Henderson for Nov 29th plz Gary Walkus Happy 5th birthday to my big boy konner.F.L.Walkus November 26th Melissa Henderson Nov 16th Happy birthday Patricia and Dylan hope you both have a wonderful day from Mac, Bernice, Johnson and Mel Nov 19th happy 9th birthday to Mac James hope have a fantastic day we love you. From your big sis Bernice, daddy and mommy. Also happy birthday aunty tasha from Mac and Bernice

Charlotte Dubitski Happy birthday to my beautiful cuzzy Crystal Violet on nov. 17 ❤ I love u cuzzy I hope u have

Fara Anderson Happy 6th birthday to my boy Frederick Nelson. Nov 23rd

a good day ❣

Laa Anderson November 3. Happy Belated to bro Jèfè! Lotsa love and hugs from the kids Madea and my hon, November 9. Happy birthday bro Eddie! Hope u have a gooder one! Lotsa love and hugs from me, Phil and the kids November 17, Happy Birthday Guna, lotsa love and hugs sis! Hope u have a good one love from me the kids and Phil.

Charlotte Dubitski Happy birthday bro Geoffrey Anderson Nov.3 have a good day bro Haha bro how did u know my password lol those on my phone

I found all

Cherilynn Summer Walkus Nov 7 sending birthday wishes to my momma harriet henderson



Yo! News

November 5/2018

Yo! News is prepared by Bernadine Clayton, Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw Receptionist

Staff Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office Phone: (250) 949-8343 Fax: (250) 949-7402

This newsletter is delivered to all houses on the Tsulquate Reserve every second week and posted to the Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw website. If you have questions or comments about this newsletter, contact Bernadine at (250) 949-8343.

Roger Nopper,Band Manager (250) 902-2309

The purpose of this newsletter is to keep Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw community members informed about what is happening in the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Band Office and the surrounding community. Anybody is welcome to make submissions to the newsletter, including announcements, lost-and-found, photographs, bakwam’kwala words, stories, legends, drawings, etc. etc. etc.

Margaret Bernard/ Finance (250) 902-2308 Lorna Henderson/Finance (250) 902-2311 Conrad Browne, Economic Development

Other ways to stay connected to the Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw community are: Facebook (User: Gwanak nations)

Katie Walkus/Communications (250) 902-2301

Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations Band Office PO Box 998, 154 Tsulquate Reserve Port Hardy, B.C. V0N 2P0

Colleen Hemphill, Treaty (250) 949-8424

Charles Willie/Social Development (250) 902-2307

Leo Lawson, Capital Specialist Officer (250) 902-2306 Cathy Swain, Housing Administrator (250) 902-2304


David Schmit, Natural Resource Manager (250) 9022310

(Chief) Paddy Walkus (Council) Crystal Wlakus (Council) Darryl Coon (Council) Dodie Rufus (Council) Leslie Walkus (Council) Thomas Jack (Council) Terry Walkus (Council) Sandra Charlie (Council) Eddie Charlie

Grace Smith, Education (250) 902-2320 Bob Swain, Public Works Cell: (250) 230-0087 Bernadine Clayton, Receptionist/IRA(250) 949-8343 Native Courtworker Office(250) 902-2223

Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Elders Centre Elders Program Administrator (250) 949-7406 Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Health & Family Services Front Desk: (250) 949-8131 / Fax: (250) 949-6811 Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw School Front Desk: (250) 949-7743 / Fax: (250) 949-7422 www.gwanak.bc.ca Eke Me-Xi School (250) 949-8332



Yo! News

November 5/2018

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