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Home Energy Assistance Target (HEAT
Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS
As of June 2000, the Salt Lake Community Action Program provided emergency and short-term rental assistance for 147 persons with AIDS. Fifteen participants are currently enrolled in the long-term rental assistance program with the housing authorities in Salt Lake and Utah counties and Salt Lake City. Catholic Community Services provided shortterm rental assistance and/or emergency assistance for seventeen persons with AIDS. Nine are currently receiving assistance.
HOPWA is the acronym for Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS. It is funded through the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The program helps prevent homelessness among persons with AIDS. Utah passed the threshold of 1,500 persons with AIDS this year and thus became eligible for the first time to receive a HOPWA formula grant of $368,000.
HOPWA contracts are in place with the Salt Lake Community Action Program (SLCAP) for short-term rental assistance, emergency assistance, and homeless prevention programs. They also provide housing information services, referrals, and placement. SLCAP provides assistance statewide and coordinates with all HOPWA program providers and other agencies in the community.
Contracts are also in effect with housing authorities in Utah and Salt Lake counties and Salt Lake City for long-term rental assistance (up to two years) for twenty-five people with AIDS who apply for and are placed on waiting lists for Section 8 vouchers or public housing. Catholic Community Services of Ogden provides short-term rental assistance and emergency assistance for northern Utah. A part-time housing resource person is under contract to develop housing assistance resources, particularly in rural areas.
In fiscal year 2001, the HOPWA Program will be expanded in two additional rural areas. Iron County Care and Share in Cedar City and the St. George Housing Authority will provide longterm rental assistance and emergency assistance for persons with AIDS in these areas.
HOPWA facilitates the creation and maintenance of affordable quality housing opportunities for people living with HIV/AIDS. It is a subcommittee of the Olene Walker Housing Trust Fund.