Business Marketing Initiative
OVERVIEW GOED Business Marketing activities promote Utah as a premier global business destination. Integrated marketing activities brand the State of Utah as a business friendly place where companies can grow and prosper. The State also markets Utah as a prime location for company relocation and expansion, particularly in high-growth industry clusters. GOED marketing efforts build awareness of GOED services for in-state businesses including international market opportunities. Major focus areas include: Clusters, Corporate Recruitment, In-state Business Services, Online/General Marketing and Global Branding. Tactical promotional tools range from print and online advertising, social media, events, sponsorships, and related public relations.
In Fiscal Year 2013: General Marketing In FY2013, GOED’s business web site saw 94,991 unique visitors, up 4.45% from FY2012. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn channels all saw growth in followers of 10% or more over the same time period. The Facebook site alone had 249 posts during the year, with a “reach” (viewership) of 103,101. Content of the posts ranged from in-state services, industry cluster, corporate recruitment news, and Utah accolades. GOED Business Marketing is revamping the website for launch in September 2013 to add blogging capabilities and searchable databases for corporate recruitment and in-state services promotion. Another key aspect of general marketing is the expansion of the Governor’s Utah Business Ambassadors (UBA) program, an outreach effort that targets Clevel executives around the country and provides them with tools to promote Utah advantages to their peers. This program emulates an alumni network, developing contacts with a personal connection to Utah, whether that be educational or business related. The UBA contact list expanded from 70 to more than 250 in FY2013. A highpoint of the UBA program was the coordination of Governor Herbert’s “trade mission” style business outreach trip to California in conjunction with Governor McDonnell of Virginia. Utah and Virginia are the top-ranked states for business according to Forbes Magazine. The two-day trip included receptions in Governor’s Office of Economic Development • 2013 Annual Report •