Delivering Innovative Workforce Development Solutions for Utah By: Rachelle Ackley
The Talent Ready Utah Center offers programs that support and grow Utah’s workforce in targeted industries statewide. The center brings together representatives from industry, the Utah State Board of Education, the Utah System of Higher Education, the Department of Workforce Services, and the Utah State Legislature to cultivate increased success for the state’s businesses while also enhancing employment opportunities for Utahns. The center’s flagship program was born out of a workforce development solution deployed for the Boeing Company in 2015. That solution became the Utah Aerospace Pathways (UAP) program. UAP has served as a template for creating additional state pathway programs in industries including life sciences, diesel technology, construction, and aviation technology. Through these programs, students earn industry-recognized credentials and a guaranteed job interview with partnered employers in high demand, high growth industry sectors through these programs. Statewide pathway programs served over 445 Utah students during 2019. In 2020, the Talent Ready Utah Center partnered with more than 100 employers to provide career exploration, real-time learning and hands-on training to pathway students.
“Stadler has been very happy with the progress our apprentices have made in the short time that we have had them.”
The Talent Ready Utah Center also executes the Strategic Workforce Investment (SWI) program, which was established in 2016. Through this program, education and industry partners can receive funding from the Utah Legislature to create credentialed education pathways driven by