Giving Utah Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs a Competitive Advantage The Utah Industry and Innovation Center, an office within the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity (Go Utah), works with companies, industry partners, and collaborators statewide to build and strengthen businesses and the state’s innovation ecosystem. The Center focuses on targeted industry sectors and assists companies in their Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) pursuits. A Collaborative Effort Through collaborations with the Small Business Development Centers (SBDC), which offer expertise to those interested in starting and growing a business, and the Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTAC), which help companies with the federal procurement process, the Innovation Center helps companies access resources to develop their business and commercial pathways. Both the SBDC and PTAC have offices across the state, each with region-specific knowledge. “The work the Center does allows Utah innovators’ dreams to come to fruition,” said Ryan Starks, Go Utah’s managing director of Business Services. “Their pledge to help clients every step of the way is truly amazing and demonstrates their commitment to excellence.”