A Vision, Strategy and Action Plan to Strengthen Our Economy Today and Position Ourselves for the Future
UTAH’S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN by Governor Gary R. Herbert As a life-long Utahn, it is no surprise that I believe our State is the best place to live, work and raise a family. As a former executive for a small business and the husband of a small business owner, I recognize our unique opportunities and challenges. Throughout my business career, as a County Commissioner, Lieutenant Governor and now as Governor, I have traveled extensively around the State. Dur“What I commit to you, as ing those travels, I Governor of our great have been repeatedly State, is to never forget reminded of the many that I work for you and I reasons each of us will do so tirelessly to chooses to live in Utah, strengthen Utah compaand I am also reminded nies, bring more business of the reasons why to the State, support our Utah is praised by unequaled quality of life those outside of our and ensure the world State. This praise is beknows that Utah is a great cause we work to our place to do business.” unique strengths, we are humble enough to recognize and overcome our challenges, we are innovative and we exude an optimistic attitude of success. While we have received accolades for weathering the current economic storm, we must stay focused on continual improvement. This economic development plan outlines specific objectives and
Utah’s Economic Development Plan
activities that will lead to accomplishing our goals. Some of the action items are a continuation and improvement of what we have done well and other action items are new and necessary adjustments designed to keep Utah a leader in job creation and economic prosperity. Realizing this vision and accomplishing this mission will take the collective efforts of all Utahns or, as I like to say, “Team Utah.” What I commit to you, as Governor of our great State, is to never forget that I work for you and I will do so tirelessly to strengthen Utah companies, bring more business to the State, support our unequaled quality of life and ensure the world knows that Utah is a great place to do business. What I ask of you is your commitment to continued hard work, entrepreneurial spirit, and innovation. Economic development is everyone’s job – public and private, business and government, rural and urban, small business and large. I also need your input. This plan builds on what we have accomplished over the past five years and, more specifically, upon the framework that I introduced just over a year ago when I became Governor (Appendix A). Over the past five years I have had conversations with business people throughout the State and together, we have identified areas of importance that will help us continue to plant the seeds of the future. I look forward to discussing this plan with you as I continue to travel throughout the State.