GOAL Magazine Fall 2018

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Ernie Vallozzi: Family, Philanthropy and Inspired Italian Cuisine Page 26

INSIDE: Inselmini Construction Community Foundation of Westmoreland County Wendy Bell
















November 8th 6:00 p.m. • St. Vincent College Doors Open at 5:30 GOAL Magazine is more than just a publication--- it is a movement! The local professionals and leaders whose collaboration makes GOAL Magazine possible are also committed to making our communities better by hosting fundraisers and community action events. Please join us for the FREE Event to help spread awareness of the current bullying epidemic sweeping our nation. During this symposium several speakers will touch on all the forms of bullying, how to identify if someone is being bullied and possibly prepare you to help a bully or someone being bullied before it is too late.


No longer is bullying confined to the schoolyard where children could previously escape the pressure of bullies and retreat to a safe place called home. With the rise of the Internet come new ways for students to bully others nonstop.

• An estimated 160,000 U.S. children miss school every day

View Last Year's Symposium Video

ullying has become an epidemic that affects not only children, but parents, teachers and the community. According to the National Education Association, PACER Center, and StopBullying.gov:

• 1 in 7 students in grades K – 12 are either a bully or have been a victim of bullying.

• • •

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• •

due to fear of attack or intimidation by other students. Six out of 10 teenagers say they witness bullying in school once a day. 35% of kids have been threatened online. Nearly 9 out of 10 LGBTQ youth report being verbally harassed at school in the past year because of their sexual orientation. 75% of shooting incidents at schools have been linked to bullying and harassment. 64% of children who were bullied did not report it.

Please register on our website:


Basecamp, and many more. They don’t all do the same thing or have the same qualities, and it’s easy to choose the wrong one, or – perhaps worse – pick the right one for your company and set it up in the worst way possible. How can you both choose the best system for your business and make the most effective use of it?

Summer/Fall 2018




In this issue

We proudly feature local restaurateur Ernie Vallozzi and discuss his insights on Enter theCover Project/Client Portal entrepreneurship, food and family. Only 27 when he opened Vallozzi’s Greensburg, Story: Vallozzi’s sons, and Juliansoftware and Dante, are carrying on the family When you work with a company like Chroma Marketing Essentials, our workflow consultants engineers not only help you traditions select theVallozzi right learned Ernie Vallozzi: Family, from into his mother. database and project management tools, we bring the services you need together a single, seamless experience Philanthropy and Vallozzi's has two locations, Greensburg and Pittsburgh. A family tradition for over half By establishing a cloud-based portal customized to Inspired Italian Cuisine a century, they offer Italian Inspired Cuisine. your company’s needs, we help you: by The GOAL Magazine Team

6 8 10 12 14

Your Next Step

✔ Share Information. Permission based logins give employees Photography by award-winning photographer Autumn Stankay owner of How much you’ll need to SkySight Photography of Greensburg, Pa.invest in digging your way out access to the information they need from any Internet enabled of spreadsheet hell and reaching for the Cloud depends device, and whether it’s a client’s phone number or the latest on your unique situation. balance on an account, they know it’s accurate and reliable. data populates instantly, to everyone. My Updated Favorite Book W elcome to Westmoreland County businesses may find 5 aReasons Why a Homethe MayFREE Not Be Selling Smaller service where





by Wendy Bell Errors. Most spreadsheets have formulas entered by ChadbyAmond Scott Ludwick ✔ Minimize version is a great fit for now by and they can set it up amateurs and maintained by even less experience staff. Cloud-based themselves. This provides a partial solution, helping Rollovers What’s Trending & Who is in the Driver’s Seat What to Do in the Event of an Accident tools feature formulas functionsTeam established by professionals by SecondHalf Coach Wealthand Management by Inselmini Construction with your workflow and databymanagement Brian Winfield but without and unreachable by unqualified employees. Now you can charge for creating a unified portal experience, one that would hours and materials every time. Theaccurate Art of Food Presentation Ferraro Follows in Faith Surviving an Audit


38 and customers. benefit both your employees

by Ernie Vallozzi Kaseyfile Lettrich by Bryan Kisiel ✔ A Single Source of Truth. Losing a file or not knowingby which If your business is growing fast enough to need is up-to-date is no longer an issue. Most collaboration and The Fight Against Blight in Our Communities Grip it and Rip it Debt Shredder professional assistance, a company like Chroma management systems on the market today are cloud-based. That by Senator Pat Stefano by Dr. Daniel Lovette, DC Marketing Essentials can help by Karen Novakand customize you find means they provide a single source of reliable, secure information or more geared for allTwo yourGenerations employeesTogether and managers. Bringing T he History of the Great one American Bananacloud-based systems Every Penny Countsto your





specific needs. When dealing project status, by with Keera data, Fry, Westmoreland County Community Foundation and customer service becomes an agonizing daily 15 event, it’s time to consider a client portal. With a portal, 31 44your Golf Outing Highlights you can pull everyone on team together into a by Autumn Stankay by the GOAL Magazine Team single work environment where your customers can feel ProjectField Management a Glance. you can check project 16 ✔ A Common One Day: Aat Field of HonorNow Forever by Jerry Ferarro 34 proposals, Animal Friends Sanctuarywelcome too. 46 Decode the Dress Code status, updates, notes, emails, phone logs, contracts, by County Commissioner Cerilli Split Celebration ✔ Reliable Backups. Gina There’s no local file to lose. Cloud-based by Brianaand Tomack systems are built with robust backup and restore capabilities, Gentlemen of GOAL Coverversioning Reveal Party many have snapshot allowing you to step back if any by GOAL Magazine Team S enior Portrait Sessions particular update or change causes a problem.

bywhere Candy your Valentino meetings, schedules, and all your contacts in one place It’s a new day by Jessica Rafferty when you can know what’s going on using clear, concise, and visual information.

18 Theteam Evolution of You and Auto Insurance can access and Your collaborate on the information.

Hector Olave At Chroma, we estimate thatbyour own client portal and related management systems saved us over 1000 hours each month in 2017.

✔ Communicate with and Serve Clients Better. When your clients or customers log in, they see the status of any project or service related to them. They can even place help tickets and see customer service responses, right online. These systems can even be linked with accounting software, like QuickBooks, and with the right approach can enhance your ability to take customer payments quickly and securely.

30 This page is sponsored by:

estore Your Faith in R America This Summer by Bill Arnold

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re Spreadsheets Killing A Your Company? by Chrissy Giagnocavo

724.454.7034 Shafferslandscaping.com

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How To Get Involved and Why?


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Wendy Bell | Kelli Brisbane | Jim Silvis


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GOAL Magazine arrived on the scene in the summer of 2016 and has quickly become known as a must-read publication for those looking to be enlightened by local professionals. GOAL Magazine’s progress over the last year has exceeded original expectations and has already surpassed 5,000 subscriptions in its inaugural year. The magazine was created as a way of bringing local professionals and leaders within the community together to collaboratively educate and interest readers with thought-provoking and intriguing content. The creators’ hope was to inspire entrepreneurs and other community leaders to share their knowledge in order to become a part of something bigger than they are individually, thus creating a collective and empowering wealth of knowledge within each issue. Participation in GOAL Magazine can be rewarding in many ways. Not only do you gain an opportunity to promote your business through sharing your experience and wisdom, but you become a proclaimed member of a collaborative group of local leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals who are committed to bringing value to their communities. With each contributor distributing and promoting the magazine in their own ways, everyone benefits from cross-promotion and the shared expenses of doing so.


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r 2018

The following roles have been created to inspire different levels of involvement within GOAL Magazine: Contributors are contracted to provide editorial content aimed at assisting with our mission of educating and enlightening readers. Advertisers provide a paid advertisement for their business. Sponsors are given a banner at the bottom of a page that is otherwise not sold to advertisers or contributors. Sponsorship banners fund informational pages related to the magazine or contributor pages of contracted contributors who do not pay a fee due to their field being non-profit or related to public service. If you want to be considered for a role as a GOAL Magazine Contributor, Advertiser or Sponsor for future issues, please email us at info@go2goalus.com.

Our Production Team William J. Urbanik Co-Founder

Anthony E. Slezak Co-Founder

Jessica S. Urbanik Chief Relationship Manager

Tawnya Rockwell Chief Production Manager

Bree Edgerly Writer/Editor

Kathleen Lloyd Editor

Jaimee Greenawalt Chief Designer

Autumn Stankay Photographer

Jessica M. Marazza Relationship Manager

Amanda Mayger Relationship Manager

4 GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC | Summer/Fall 2018

Contact me. Kristi Sparta

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Individual Commitment to a Group Effort I just read GOAL Magazine and found it to be informative at all levels. The broad range of information from local businesses, sites to visit, positive thinking to safety awareness held my interest. Please keep up the good work and I can’t wait for the next issue. - Donna Dunsey, Subscriber

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GOAL Magazine’s commitment reaches beyond education and information to also philanthropic endeavors in our communities.


My favorite book…

By Wendy Bell, PositivelyWendyBell.com

was interviewed by a national publication the other day about my website, PositivelyWendyBell.com, and its focus on sharing life’s sweet stories. The reporter started with some cursory questions about my background. My likes and dislikes. My favorite this or that. You know, that sort of meat-and-potatoes slice of life kind of stuff. But one particular question gnawed at me: What was the best book you recently read? Oh my. How embarrassing, I thought. Admittedly, I haven’t sat down to seriously read a book in years. I’ve made it through a few pages here, maybe a chapter or two there. But beginning to end? Cover to cover? YEARS. Like, close to 10, before I had my twins, Chris and Bobby. I thought about my answer to the reporter’s question and, being honest about myself to a fault, responded this way: Rather than reading a story written by someone else, I’ve enjoyed living the unfolding chapters of my own. It’s so true, really. Each of us is writing our own book. We take pictures along the way to add to the developing chapters and to help describe the many plot twists. Some chapters have bold headlines and tell of incredible adventure! Others are quiet mentions tucked in like footnotes that we want to remember, yes, but that may have hurt us. With each new page comes intrigue, mystery, and the delicious possibility of everything unknown. There are main characters – usually the people we

6 GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC | Summer/Fall 2018

love most in the world – and every day a new page is written. Every year, a different chapter comes to an end. Each milestone, celebration, heartbreak and unpredictable detour helps us tell the story of our lives. As I sit at my computer and type this, my oldest son Michael is on the highway with 12 high school buddies headed to Ocean City for their senior trip. Make good decisions, I tell him, please, make good decisions as I hand him all the money in my wallet and wrap my arms around him, my face in his chest. He doesn’t feel like such a little boy anymore, I say to myself. I turn back a page to Michael’s graduation from Central Catholic High School. The sprawling lawn outside Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall in Oakland, the wallto-wall sunshine and the military cannons out front reminding us of our country’s history. The auditorium with magnificently carved wooden ceilings and more than 200 graduates in cap and gown processing in to Pomp and Circumstance. I hear his name. Michael Patrick O’Toole. He walks across the stage, so long and lean, with a dress shirt and tie beneath his gown and I gasp from the balcony. That’s my boy. He’s mine. I close my eyes and turn a few pages back to his baccalaureate mass at St. Paul Cathedral. There’s a terrific storm outside with bolts of lightning flashing through the stained glass windows and sheets of rain pounding the steepled roof. I look up, pretending to drink in the crisp alcoves and pristine architecture instead of trying not to cry. When did he get so tall? I ask myself. And so handsome?

He doesn’t feel like such a little boy anymore, I say to myself. I turn back a page to Michael’s graduation... I turn back four pages before that to a family baptism. Michael is the godfather. Standing on the very altar where he was baptized 18 years earlier, holding a candle and promising to be his baby cousin’s spiritual guide. In another 10 years, I think, that might be Michael’s baby being baptized. And prom night. Michael’s last dance. His final high school event with his friends before graduation. He and 200 other 17 and 18 year olds gather on the grassy lawns at Mellon Park and stand with their dates, smiling for photos. As Grecian fountains gurgle in the backdrop and the sun reaches through the towering oak trees, I step away from the crowd and look at the view. We used to go sledding here, down this hill, I think to myself. Where did those years go? And now, the countdown begins. Twelve weeks from yesterday, we leave for Clemson University. It will be time, I know that. We’ll all be ready. It’s time for Michael to move on and start his own chapters. To write his own book. Follow his own path. Chart his own course. Our family of 7 will go out to eat as 6. There will always be an empty seat. No shoes to pick up. No more nagging him to do his laundry, or flush the toilet, or turn off the lights before he goes to bed. My first one will be gone. This book I’m currently living is nothing new to so many of you. It’s been written and read by countless other parents. But this is the first time such a big chapter of mine has come to an end.

Here’s to all of our life stories. To the blessings each page affords us. To the promise each turn allows us. And to the legacy that will live on for our children forever. Long after you and I are gone, perhaps they’ll pull these stories off the shelf, blow the dust off the cover and lose themselves in a special adventure. That, my friends, is the best kind of reading there is. Wendy Bell | Emmy Award Winning News Anchor | Positive Stories positivelywendybell.com The stories I tell here, the videos I shoot, the people I interview – I BELIEVE IN. Share your ideas. Be inspired. Get motivated.

Will it feel any different with Jack? Or Ryan? Or with Christopher or Bobby? Perhaps a little. I’ll leave a bit of my heart behind with each of them.

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ROLLOVERS By SecondHalf Coach Wealth Management Team

In general, a rollover is the movement of funds from one retirement savings vehicle to another. You may want, or need, to make a rollover for any number of reasons — your employment situation has changed, you want to switch investments, or you've received death benefits from your spouse's retirement plan. There are two possible ways that retirement funds can be rolled over — the indirect (60-day) rollover and the direct rollover (trustee-to-trustee transfer).

The indirect, or 60-day, rollover With this method, you actually receive a distribution from your retirement plan and then, to complete the rollover transaction, you make a deposit into the new retirement plan account or IRA. You can make a rollover at any age, but there are specific rules that must be followed. Most importantly, you must generally complete the rollover within 60 days of the date the funds are paid from the distributing plan. If properly completed, rollovers aren't subject to income tax. But if you fail to complete the rollover or miss the 60-day deadline, all or part of your distribution may be taxed, and subject to a 10% early distribution penalty (unless you're age 59½ or another exception applies). Further, if you receive a distribution from an employer retirement plan, your employer

must withhold 20% of the payment for taxes. This means that if you want to roll over your entire distribution (and avoid taxes and possible penalties on the amount withheld), you'll need to come up with that extra 20% from other funds (you'll be able to recover the withheld taxes when you file your tax return).

The direct rollover, or trustee-to-trustee transfer The second type of rollover transaction occurs directly between the trustee or custodian of your old retirement plan, and the trustee or custodian of your new plan or IRA. It is often referred to as a direct rollover. You never actually receive the funds or have control of them, so a trustee-to-trustee transfer is not treated as a distribution. Trustee-to-trustee transfers avoid both the danger of missing the 60-day deadline and the 20% withholding problem. If you stand to receive a distribution from your employer's plan that's eligible for rollover, your employer must give you the option of making a direct rollover to another employer plan or IRA. A direct rollover is generally the most efficient way to move retirement funds. Taking a distribution yourself and rolling it over may make sense only if you need to use the funds temporarily, and are certain you can roll over the full amount within 60 days

8 GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC | Summer/Fall 2018

Should you roll over money from an employer plan to an IRA? In general, if your vested balance is more than $5,000 you can keep your money in an employer's plan at least until you reach the plan's normal retirement age (typically age 65). But if you terminate employment before then, should you keep your money in the plan (or roll it into your new employer's plan) or instead roll it over to an IRA? There are several reasons to consider a rollover. In contrast to an employer plan, where investment options are typically limited to those selected by the employer, the universe of IRA investments is almost unlimited. Similarly, the distribution options in an IRA (especially for your beneficiary following your death) may be more flexible than the options available in your employer's plan. On the other hand, your employer's plan may offer better creditor protection. In general, federal law protects your total IRA assets up to $1,283,025 (as of April 1, 2016) — plus any amount you roll over from a qualified employer plan or 403(b) plan — if you declare bankruptcy. * (The laws in your state may provide additional protection.) In contrast, assets in a qualified employer plan or 403(b) plan generally enjoy unlimited protection from creditors under federal law, regardless of whether you've declared bankruptcy.

When evaluating whether to initiate a rollover always be sure to (1) ask about possible surrender charges that may be imposed by your employer plan, or new surrender charges that your IRA may impose, (2) compare investment fees and expenses charged by your IRA (and investment funds) with those charged by your employer plan (if any), and (3) understand any accumulated rights or guarantees that you may be giving up by transferring funds out of your employer plan. *SEP and SIMPLE IRAs are not included in or subject to this limit and are fully protected under federal law if you declare bankruptcy. Use this rollover guide to help you decide where you can move your retirement dollars. A financial professional can also help you navigate the rollover waters. Keep in mind that employer plans are not legally required to accept rollovers. Review your plan document.

1 Required distributions and nonspousal death benefits can't be rolled over. 2 I n general, you can make only one tax-free, 60-day, rollover from one IRA to another IRA in any 12-month period no matter how many IRAs (traditional, Roth, SEP, and SIMPLE) you own. This does not apply to direct (trustee-to-trustee) transfers, or Roth IRA conversions. 3 Taxable conversion

Some distributions can't be rolled over, including: • Required minimum distributions (to be taken after you reach age 70½ or, in some cases, after you retire) •C ertain annuity or installment payments • Hardship withdrawals • Corrective distributions of excess contributions and deferrals.

4 Nontaxable conversion 5 Only after employee has participated in SIMPLE IRA plan for two years. 6 Required distributions, certain periodic payments, hardship distributions, corrective distributions, and certain other payments cannot be rolled over; nonspousal death benefits can be rolled over only to an inherited IRA, and only in a direct rollover. 7 May result in loss of qualified plan lump-sum averaging and capital gain treatment. 8 D irect (trustee-to-trustee) rollover only; receiving plan must separately account for the after-tax contributions and earnings. 9 457(b) plan must separately account for rollover--10% penalty on payout may apply. 10 Nontaxable dollars may be transferred only in a direct (trustee-to-trustee) rollover. 11 Taxable dollars included in income in the year rolled over. 12 401(k), 403(b), and 457(b) plans can also allow participants to directly transfer non-Roth funds to a Roth account if certain requirements are met (taxable conversion).

Financial Planners William J. Urbanik, MBA, Jessica M. Marazza and Anthony E. Slezak

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SecondHalf Coach Wealth Management SecondHalf Coach Wealth Management SecondHalfCoachWealthManagement SHCteam

Securities and advisory services offered through SagePoint Financial, Inc. member FINRA/ SIPC. Insurance services offered through SecondHalf Coach Wealth Management, which is not affiliated with SagePoint Financial, Inc. These materials are provided for general information and educational purposes based upon publicly available information from sources believed to be reliable—we cannot assure the accuracy or completeness of these materials. The information in these materials may change at any time and without notice.

www.go2goalus.com 9

Vallozzi’s Restaurant

food presentation the art of

By Ernie Vallozzi

In the world of fine dining, chefs are artists working creatively to place the components of a meal together in such a way that brings about that “wow” factor when the plate is served. Rather than canvas and oils or watercolors, the chef “paints” the plate with foods and sauces of different colors and textures, all the while striving to maintain the ultimate element — flavor. Whether you are an acclaimed food critic, a traveling “foodie” or a regular person looking to eat a good meal, there is great satisfaction in an artfully presented dish, an allure to something as practical and necessary as food being turned into something aesthetically appealing. Just as an artist learns to paint, so too must a chef learn the art of food presentation. There are a number of different fundamentals that you must consider when creating a pretty dish.

a large plating surface to present a 16oz prime rib, whereas you would choose a smaller bowl with some depth to serve a composition soup. As for the rim, the function is to contain the dish while the form is to serve as a frame around your presentation. If the meal that you are serving has a loose sauce that you do not want to run too

You must also keep in mind practicality and color when choosing the right plate for your dish. You can serve an absolutely stunning dish, but it will lose some of its appeal if it lacks in practicality when the time comes to eat the food. Beyond form and function, you need to make sure that the dish is practical to eat on unless your intention is for the

far from the center of the entree, function would have you choose a dish with a tighter rim. Or perhaps you are serving a small appetizer but you would like the dish to appear more substantial: you could use a dish with a small plating surface to contain your appetizer (function) and a large thick rim to visually expand the presentation (form).

customer to remove the food from the serving plate onto another dish for eating. For example, it would be challenging and perhaps a bit frustrating to eat something that you need to cut out of a bowl. As for color; be sure that the color of the plate does not clash with or take away from the colors of the food and sauces you are serving.

Choosing the right plate for the dish Perhaps the first consideration when getting ready to plate a dish is the dish itself. Both form and function play a role when choosing the right plate or bowl to build your dish upon. When approaching form, dishes come in many shapes and sizes, allowing you to choose the look that you want your meal to have. However, it is important to consider function when choosing your dish. Every dish basically has two parts: the plating surface and the rim. When considering function, you must pick a dish that has a plating surface shape and size that accommodates the meal you are plating. For example, you would want a flat dish with

10 GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC | Summer/Fall 2018

A beautiful cut of steak with a purée of sorts would look unappetizing on a blue or green plate. White is usually the most commonly used color as it provides a neutral surface that showcases the colors of the food or sauces.

Focusing on the Center of the Plate After you choose the right dish, it’s all about what goes on the plate. When trying to achieve artistic presentation, it is really tempting to incorporate too many elements. The most successful chefs never lose sight of the Center of the Plate or the featured item of the meal. First, you must control your portions. Just as ingredients on a food label are listed in order of prominence, the ingredients of your dish should also be prioritized after the center of the plate and should be presented as such. For example, you would not serve Demi glaze with roasted carrots and filet mignon, you would serve a filet mignon with Demi glaze and roasted carrots; otherwise, the sauce appears to be the

most prominent part of the dish. You never want to overwhelm or undermine the center of the plate with the peripheral items in the dish. Be sure that the portions of each item on the plate are in logical increments in relation to the size of the center of the plate item.

— simplify your ingredient list and allow the food items to speak for themselves. Perhaps more important than portion control, you must make sure that the flavors and textures surrounding the center of the plate item compliment rather than distract Most times in food, less is more — simplify your ingredient list and allow the food items to speak for themselves. Some of the top chefs in the country refuse to use more than three ingredients to prepare the center of the plate item, finding the fewest possible additives to effectively highlight the entree feature. The more ingredients you add, the greater the likelihood that you will confuse the flavors in the dish or, even worse, alienate customers. The guests eating your food present a grouping of preferences that should have some bearing on the ingredients you decide to add to your dish: re-

ligious restrictions (ie kosher), food allergies, taste levels, flavor preference, etc. By adding more to your plate, you could be removing someone’s ability to enjoy the dish. As for texture, you don’t want to add something so far fetched in order to achieve texture variation that it takes away from what the dish is supposed to be. As an example,

incorporating properly cooked vegetables is a perfect way to incorporate texture and color into a dish. Lastly, when plating for visual effect, it is important to remember that how you organize the components of the meal essentially directs how your guest will experience the meal. Several decades ago, a movement called “Tall Food” emerged in New York and made its way throughout the country: the idea was to stack the components of the meal on the plate as tall as possible. Though “stacking” food on the plate definitely has the potential to create visually appealing presentation, it also forces the customer to eat through all of the components of the meal at once rather than enjoying them separately. Many chefs have moved to a more conservative version of “Tall Food,” controlling flavor by spreading out the dish but layering the parts of the meal that should be experienced by the palate simultaneously.

Garnishing with purpose Sometimes the most “artistic” piece of the presentation comes in the form of a garnish. Back in the day, the garnish was an external element to the dish; most dishes were served with a sprig of parsley or a red apple ring. Many people would toss the parsley aside or save the apple ring for a bite of something sweet at the end of their meal. Ideally, your garnish should serve a purpose within the dish, it should have function. If the parsley were to be removed from the stem, finely chopped and sprinkled over the meal, it would become a part of the dish that people would eat, adding a hint of freshness. Garnish items can be used to incorporate a fun bit of texture or color that was not otherwise achieved with the main ingredients of the dish. As an example, shaved carrot that is briefly deep fried is a nice garnish that can add a pop of color and touch of crunch without taking away from the flavor or prominence of the center of the plate. The rim of the plate can be an alluring space to decorate with garnish. Talented chef’s add decoration to the rim in the form of a complimentary sauce that diners can dip their food into.

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outhwestern Pennsylvania is dotted with charming towns built up during an era when industrial facilities, many of which were fueled by coal and produced steel, thrived. Many of the towns are left with abandoned industrial buildings and greatly reduced populations, leaving empty houses that may or may not have owners caring for those properties. What’s left is blight and local governments’ overwhelmed by the cost of dealing with it. Blight is a cancer in our communities which if left unaddressed can spread rapidly. If a neighboring building or home is in disrepair, what incentive do other nearby homes or businesses have in improving their appearance? This sort of attitude drives down property values and is a disincentive to prospective businesses and residents in joining that community. Not only that, blighted properties are often unsafe haven for crime and pose significant dangers to residents as they become more structurally unsound. Blight Task Force Leading the Way Faced with the growing problem of blight and the limited resources to combat it, the State Legislature has been hard at work providing the tools needed to deal with blight on a local level. A blight task force, led by Senator Dave Argall, attracts House and Senate members of both parties and key stakeholders together to brainstorm and discuss the issues around blight. This task force has produced

significant legislation aimed at providing the tools and funding necessary to remediate blight. In 2016 we provided counties with the option of assessing up to a $15 fee on Recorder of Deed transfers in order to fund the demolition of blighted properties. So far 16 counties, including Westmoreland, Fayette and Somerset, have taken advantage of that option. This year, a package of bills aimed at preventing and remediating blight has passed the legislature and made it to the Governor’s desk. HB 653 would shorten the foreclosure process for properties that are certified as vacant. Currently this process can take nearly 2 years which, if the property is not being maintained could see

12 GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC | Summer/Fall 2018

the building fall into unrepairable disarray. This bill shortens that process to 240 days. Further, it establishes a process for how to declare a property vacant and abandoned and allows that property to go into a sheriff sale quicker than it is currently able to under law. Finally, SB 851 would ensure that fines incurred by property owners remain the responsibility of the delinquent property owner and are not transferred to a new owner. This removes a disincentive from buying a property that may be in disrepair. Strengthening PA’s Land Bank Act Five years ago the legislature created the Land Bank Act in Pennsylvania. This bill set up land banks which have several key powers useful in combatting blight. With the consent of local taxing bodies, the land bank can acquire tax, delinquent properties at a judicial sale without competitive bidding, discharge tax liens, hold property tax free and share up to 50% of the

real property taxes for 5 years after conveyance and file expedited quiet title actions. Since then, 16 Land Banks have been formed throughout the state, including a very effective one in Westmoreland County. In many of these instances the County Redevelopment Authority provides the staff and the support for the land banks. Many smaller counties have looked into starting a land bank but have found it too costly to setup and maintain. In order to make the formation of Land Banks more attainable, I introduced SB667 which would provide the Redevelopment Authorities the ability to function as a land bank, avoiding the cost of setting up a new board and providing legal support to it. By housing these functions within a redevelopment authority we reduce redundancy, lower costs and are able to put more resources into the fight against blight. Combating blight requires all of us to work together from individual residents taking pride in their properties to municipalities enforcing their ordinances, counties making efficient use of their redevelopment authorities, and State government providing the tools and resources necessary for local governments to beat blight and create neighborhoods and city districts in which people want to raise a family and start a business. I’m proud of the work that has been done in a bipartisan fashion on blight and look forward to continuing this effort. You can learn more about SB667 at SenatorStefano.com.

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Bringing Two Generations Together By Gina Cerilli, Westmoreland County Commissioner, Westmoreland County


ne of my favorite parts of being County Commissioner is serving our Senior Citizen population. I enjoy visiting our residents at Westmoreland Manor and talking with community members at Senior Centers and Senior Expos. Assisting them with any issues they have when they contact my office is a very gratifying experience. Protecting our seniors and being their voice is one of the reasons I got involved in government. Another favorite part of my job as your County Commissioner is interacting with students. I am involved in Girl Power events and Leadership conferences throughout the region for female students.

make this happen. Junior and Senior High school students just recently participated in the 2nd Annual Prom Fashion Show. The residents loved seeing the young ladies in their sparkly, glitzy, and bright gowns along with the young gentlemen who volunteered to escort them. Everyone enjoyed the PowerPoint presentation of

I also keep in contact with the Project 18 students. This is a great elective course offered at Hempfield Area High School that combines community service with academic coursework that is intended to increase students’ understanding of local and state government. Project 18 is nonpartisan and students must devote a portion of their community service hours required for graduation to politics and the remainder to a cause that they care about, such as activities involving Senior Citizens. Last year the idea dawned on me to bring the two generations together. Both generations can learn a great deal from each other and enjoy each other’s company. I began hosting events at Westmoreland Manor to

14 GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC | Summer/Fall 2018

evening gown styles representing each era dating back to the 1920s. Over Valentine’s Day weekend, the students and I hosted a Women’s Spa Day. This included mini manicures, chocolate (of course!), and enjoyable tales from both generations. As each group of student volunteers graduates with these experiences, I am thankful to have the opportunity to meet new students who also value spending time with our seniors.

If you know any Junior or Senior High School girls or boys who would be interested in participating in any of the events that I host at Westmoreland Manor, please contact my office 724-830-3121.

To read more about this issue and their profiles, visit www. go2goalus.com/gentlemen-ofgoal-full-interviews. The event was sponsored by SecondHalf Coach Wealth Management.

Gentlemen of


! y t r a P l a e v e Cover R Subscriptio ns


oal Magazine recently unveiled the cover of the Spring 2018 issue, Gentlemen of GOAL, highlighting 12 influential, stylish and philanthropic men who are contributors to the magazine and dedicated to their communities in many ways. For the cover photo, the men were outfitted in clothing from contributor Larrimor’s, a designer clothing store in Pittsburgh. Photography was provided by contributor Autumn Stankay of Skysight Photography. Approximately 80 attendees mingled and enjoyed a delicious meal at Aroma Italiano. GOAL Magazine Chief Relationship Manager Jessica Urbanik, and Chief Production Manager Tawnya Rockwell, spoke briefly about each of the men and their careers as well as their involvement in their communities and charities. The cover was then revealed for the first time to friends, family and fellow magazine contributors. Each attendee enjoyed copies of the issue before any were even mailed to homes and businesses.

Photographer Autumn Stankay with Co-Founde r William Urbanik pose wit ha copy of the issue and cov er.

Gentlemen of GOAL included: Chad Amond of Westmoreland County Chamber of Commerce; William Urbanik and Tony Slezak of SecondHalf Coach Wealth Management; Jerry Ferraro of Greater Latrobe School District; Scott Ludwick of Berkshire Hathaway Home Services The Preferred Realty; Pat Dicesere of Inselmini Construction Co. Inc.; Bryan Kisiel of Kisiel & Associates, PC; Dr. Reed Nelson of Westmoreland Chiropractic & Rehab Associates and Nelson Loguasto's Cigars; Bill Arnold of Quecreek Mine Rescue Foundation; Adam Quatrini and Michael Quatrini of Quatrini Rafferty; and Hector Olave of Larrimor's.

ty Westmoreland Coun e Chamber of Commerc d poses President Chad Amon y Am e wif his with

Larrimors Co- Owner Tom Michael poses with Style Advisor Hector Olave whom outfitted and fitted the Gentlemen on the Cover.

Co-Founder Tony Slezak poses with Chief Designe r Jai Greenawalt and lon mee g time friend and fellow contributor Ray McElhaney


INSIDE Senator Pat Stefano Brian Win field

Scott Ludwic k







Cover Story Page 24 A GROUP



| Spring 201


3/29/18 1:31 PM

GOAL Magazine Team from Left to Right: Amanda Mayger, Relationship Manager; Kate Lloyd, Editor; Jaimee Greenawalt, Chief Designer; Autumn Stankay, Photographer; Bree Edgerly, Writer/ Editor; Tony Slezak, Co-Founder; Jessica Marazza, Relationship Manager; Tawnya Rockwell, Chief Production Manager; Bill Urbanik, Co-Founder; Jessica Urbanik, Chief Relationship Manager. Co-Founder Bill Urbanik poses with longtime friend and fellow contributor Jerry Ferraro. We surprised them with some photos we took of a little fun they had at SkySight Photography during the photo shoot with some Fur Vests!!

Scott Ludwick poses with the cover alongside Co-Founder Bill Urbanik

Inselmini Construction’s Pat Dicesere poses with his wife Amy


Available At:

By The Goal Magazine Team


Dr. Reed Nelson (third over) poses with his father, business partner and friend at the event. www.go2goalus.com 15




uesday September 11, 2001 occurred 17 years ago this fall. It has altered our political course, our economy, created the Department of Homeland Security, increased our security measures at airports and ultimately disrupted our sense of safety. New York City afforded us with horrible visuals on that fateful day creating a national focal point. With the President of the United States located in Sarasota County, Florida we all gazed at television programing covering the events as they unfolded in Lower Manhattan. Rumors abounded concerning a bomb explosion at the Pentagon in Washington D.C. while the Federal Aviation Administration was indicating a plane may have gone down outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

As a History teacher, I have witnessed the historical recording and interpretation of this event from the day it occurred through today. In 2001 our students skipped lunch to sit on my windowsill partaking in question and answer formats that started and ended nearly every class that academic year. Their natural inquisitiveness along with the loss of a sense of security drove the students to seek answers to their questions. Now, 90% of our student population was born after the attacks. In the previous 10 years, most students were either too young to remember 911 or their parents shielded them from the evils of that morning. Therefore, my old prediction that future generations would not remember the attacks on either the Pentagon or Flight 93’s plight near Shanksville, has unfortunately come to fruition.

16 GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC | Summer/Fall 2018

United Airlines Flight 93 out of Newark, New Jersey crashed near Shanksville, PA. The passengers aboard gained knowledge of their fate and attempted to retake control of the plane. In a storybook ending, there was a passenger with a pilot’s license and possibly they could have been assisted in landing the airliner. However, the struggle ended in a field not at an airport nor the White House or more possibly the U.S. Capitol Building. The 40 passengers and Crew members were immediately exalted for their quick and selfless act of sacrifice. The War on Terror, being waged inside the border of the United States, had its first counter attack. As “rescue mission” quickly morphed into “recovery site”, locals began to adorn the surrounding landscape with tokens of gratitude. Police shields, EMT patches, Firefighter helmets,

military challenge coins, religious symbols and simple therapeutic art, were placed at a temporary memorial on a hill overlooking what would later be interpreted as the Field of Honor. It was apparent that the Federal Government would eventually need to purchase land, create a national park and memorialize the actions of those on board. Reminiscent of President Abraham Lincoln dedicating a Federal Cemetery in Gettysburg, previous President George Bush, along with past presidents Bill Clinton and acting Vice-President Joe Biden and their respective First Ladies, dedicated The Flight 93 National Memorial on September 10, 2011. The process of converting a reclaimed strip mine into a modern memorial involved 1,011 architectural competitors each submitting their own design. The public reviewed all the designs but ultimately Paul Murdoch Architects and Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architect’s winning design was voted on by the Flight 93 Memorial Advisory Committee. The design possessed three basic elements - The story, the landscape, and the memorial features. They aimed to construct a memorial that would allow visitors to remember, to revere, and to reflect. As the visitor arrives from old historic Route 30 they are welcomed onto an entrance road that refocuses them from the busy highway to what has been described as a drive reminiscent of a funeral procession. The 93 foot high Tower of Voices donning 40 aluminum wind chimes, one for each of the heroes and illuminated by light at night, is currently under construction. Two pull-off areas help to orient the visitor as they slowly climb the hill that adorns the visitor center. Cresting the hill unveils the “Bowl” leading to the “Sacred Ground”. From the parking lot, visitors are guided by a black granite walkway following the flight path of the UAL Flight 93. A learning center is located off the right hand side of flight path walkway. Portal walls drive your focus as you make your

way to either an overlook of the final resting place of UAL Flight 93 or to the entrance of the visitors center. Inside the center you will find a bookstore, a front desk manned by rangers and volunteers, followed by five walls of exhibits describing the events and immediate aftermath. On the far side of the building is a cantilevered window allowing visitors to view the grounds of the national park as well. Expect to spend between 30 to 90 minutes inside the visitors center. From this location, you can travel to the Visitors Shelter at the Memorial Plaza by way of foot on walking paths or by vehicle. The Grand Allee is a 2.3 mile, tree-lined trail passing 40 groves, each with 40 native trees, representing the 40 heroes. A pedestrian bridge also allows time for reflections as it crosses the natural wetlands preserved by the architects. The Memorial Plaza has shelter from poor weather, a walkway along the Field of Honor, 40 marble panels representing the

passengers and a Ceremonial Gate utilized by family members for honoring the final resting place of their loved ones. Flight 93 National Memorial is located 76 miles east of Pittsburgh, 226 miles west of Philadelphia, 167 miles from the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. and 292 miles from One World Trade Center in New York City where The Freedom Tower stands proudly today. The price of entrance to the visitors center was paid on September 11, 2001 by 40 individuals who found themselves forever connected with world history.

Take advantage to personally thank them. Additional information can be found at

www.nps.gov/flni/index.htm. To Learn More About Flight 93 Scan Here

Ferraro is the contributing history & current events consultant for GOAL magazine. He currently teaches history at Greater Latrobe High School with over 21 years experience. He is a member of the Ft. Ligonier Teacher Advisory board and currently pursuing a Masters degree in Military History. He has traveled extensively throughout Europe and the U.S. for professional and personal development. He resides near Latrobe, Pa with his wife and daughter. www.go2goalus.com 17

The Evolution of You and Your Auto Insurance By Jessica L. Rafferty, Esq.

We are always changing and evolving. As we change, our needs also change. Sometimes our changing needs are very obvious. For instance, if you used to live in a one-bedroom apartment in your twenties – but then you get married and have a couple of kids and get a dog - you may need a little more space than that onebedroom apartment provides. Most people are quick to recognize that and up-size accordingly. There are other changing needs that aren’t quite as obvious. Because they aren’t as obvious, sometimes we fail to recognize them. Auto insurance is one example that comes to mind. Nobody wants to review their auto insurance policy. It’s boring and usually doesn’t seem that important. After all, it’s not like you’re driving around without auto insurance. Unfortunately, we see people in our office everyday who purchased auto insurance 10, 20, 30 or 40 years ago, filed it away, continued making payments to the insurance company and never reviewed it again. They assume that they have insurance, and everything is fine. They assume this until they are in an accident or their family member is in an accident, and then we have the daunting task of explaining what they’ve been paying for all of those years. Just as your changing needs demand different sizes of homes, your changing needs also require different auto insurance coverage. We just

18 GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC | Summer/Fall 2018

wanted to briefly go through the decades of your life and give you some general pointers. If you want a more in-depth analysis of your auto insurance policy based on your particular circumstances, we will review your policy with you for free. Just give us a call.

TEENS - EARLY 20s If you're like most people I know (myself included), when you turned 16 years old you could not wait to get your driver's license! The idea of being able to go wherever you wanted, whenever you wanted was exciting. You were concerned about seeing your friends and having some freedom. I can almost guarantee that you were not concerned with auto insurance. If your parents paid for your auto insurance, you may not have even thought about it. If you had to think about it, you were probably on a search for the cheapest auto insurance you could find. Insurance is expensive for young drivers, and you probably couldn't afford much more than a basic auto insurance policy. Plus, you were really young and probably thought nothing bad would ever happen to you. If you’re at a point in your life where you cannot afford more than a basic auto insurance policy, we understand that. If you are at that point,

whether you are a young driver, or you are going through a financially difficult time, before telling your insurance agent you just want the cheapest policy, always ask what the price difference is between having FULL or LIMITED TORT. If you can afford FULL TORT, ALWAYS purchase FULL TORT. If you purchase Full Tort and you are injured in an auto accident through no fault of your own, you are permitted to make a claim against the driver who caused the accident's insurance company for your pain and suffering. If you selected Limited Tort, generally, you are not permitted to make a recovery.

20s - 30s As you get a little older, you may get married and have kids. Suddenly you have people, other than yourself, to worry about. And, hopefully, you are able to afford a more comprehensive auto insurance policy. When you get married, if you and your spouse each own a vehicle and they are covered under two separate auto insurance policies, you may want to discuss purchasing a joint policy with STACKED COVERAGE. When asking about stacked coverage, you would also want to make sure that you have an equal amount of UNINSURED and UNDERINSURED MOTORIST COVERAGE as liability coverage. The uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage protects you and your family in the event that the individual who caused the accident has no insurance or not enough insurance to cover all of your injuries, pain, suffering, inconvenience, medical bills, and lost wages. The coverages that I mentioned so far are paid in lump sum payments. That is, you would need to wait to receive these payments until your case is completed - either through a settlement or trial. Depending on the circumstances of your accident and the types of injuries you suffered, this can take months or even years. If you were injured in an automobile collision, and those injuries prevented you from working, it would be important for you to have money available to pay your bills. You are able to purchase WAGE LOSS COVERAGE. The amount of wage loss coverage you need depends on your particular circumstances, but if you have this coverage, you can receive pay-

Depending on the circumstances of your accident and the types of injuries you suffered, this can take months or even years. ments once a month rather than waiting until your case is completed.

40s - 50s At this point, you may have kids who are starting to drive. This can certainly increase your insurance rates. Having said that, if you are financially able to afford to keep the FULL TORT + UNINSURED/UNDERINSURED + STACKED COVERAGE we highly recommend it. If you have to change something, DO NOT switch to limited tort. I’d recommend talking with your agent and with us before making any changes in an effort to save money.

TAKE AWAYS Always select: 1. FULL TORT (this should only be changed as a very last resort) 2. UNINSURED and UNDERINSURED MOTORIST COVERAGE (this coverage should be equal to your liability limits) 3. STACKED COVERAGE Sometimes select: 1. WAGE LOSS COVERAGE 2. INCREASED AMOUNT OF MEDICAL BENEFITS Please always feel free to call us to review your auto insurance policy with you. We are so happy to be able to provide this service to people. There is NO FEE for this service. The people who have taken advantage of this tell us repeatedly that they did not understand their coverage or how it would impact them. Once you understand what all of these coverages mean and how they impact you and your family, you will be in a much better position to make changes to your policy when your needs change.

60S + At this point, your kids are out of the house and you may be thinking about retirement. If you are retired, you would be receiving your income through Social Security, your pension or other retirement account. Therefore, you would no longer benefit in any way by carrying WAGE LOSS COVERAGE on your policy. Left to right: Joyce Novotny-Prettiman, Esq., Jessica L. Rafferty, Esq., Dennis B. Rafferty, Esq.

1 Under Pennsylvania law, it is mandatory for automobile owners to carry liability insurance to protect other motorists from their acts of negligence. Ironically however, under Pennsylvania law, during a trial an attorney is not allowed to tell a jury that there is insurance available. For example, a lawsuit would have to be filed as John Doe vs. Jane Doe. But this is in name only. The money awarded to John Doe by the jury would be paid out of the insurance coverage provided by the XYZ Insurance Company – not Jane Doe.

Most injury claims do not require the actual filing of a lawsuit. An injury victim who is represented by an attorney can usually settle their claim prior to going to court.


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All net proceeds benefit The Westmoreland County Chapter of:


We We are are all all in in this this together. together.




Our Clubhouse provides free emotional Our provides freetouched emotional and Clubhouse social support to those by and social supportPennsylvania. to those touched by cancer in western cancer in western Pennsylvania. Those living with cancer at any age, as Those with cancer at anywho age,care as well asliving the family and friends well as theare family and friends for them, welcome to joinwho Our care for them, are to join Our Clubhouse andwelcome receive free support. Clubhouse and receive free support.

Our unique program complements Our unique program complements medical care, providing support groups, medicaland care, providing support groups, health wellness workshops, health andand wellness education socialworkshops, activities. education and social activities. We encourage members to come We encourage members to come together and learn from one another on together learn from one another on how bestand to live with cancer. how best to live with cancer.

We depend on the support of our donors and We depend members on the support of our donors community to make all of our and community members programming possible.to make all of our programming possible. · Host a fundraising event · Host Makeaafundraising donation inevent honor/memory · of Make a donation in honor/memory someone someonein fundraising events · of Participate · Participate Volunteer in fundraising events · Volunteer

We are a community of support for everyone currently living with or affected We are a community of support for everyone currently living with or affected by cancer along with their family and friends. by cancer along with their family and friends. 2816 Smallman Street | Pittsburgh, PA 15222 | P: 412.338.1919 | F: 412.338.1920 2816E.Smallman Street Pittsburgh, PA 4893 State Route 30 || Greensburg, PA15222 15601 || P:P:412.338.1919 724-221-6182 || F:F:412.338.1920 412.338.1920 4893 E. State Route 30 | Greensburg, PA 15601 | P: 724-221-6182 | F: 412.338.1920 www.ourclubhouse.org www.ourclubhouse.org

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Welcome to Westmoreland County! By Chad Amond, President Westmoreland County Chamber of Commerce

amenities include short screening lines, fast baggage claim, free parking, a travel agency, automobile rental, and several nearby lodging facilities. If your travel plans are a bit more aggressive, Pittsburgh International Airport is ready to connect you to the world.


eatly situated between the active city life of Pittsburgh’s Golden Triangle and the unlimited recreational outlets of the Laurel Highlands, Westmoreland County is the place to be if you want it all. Find out what over 350,000 of our happy residents already know. Westmoreland County is Southwestern Pennsylvania’s premier place to live, work, and play. From the picturesque rolling hills of our rural countryside to the excitement bustling around our walkable downtown communities, we’re certain there is a place here for you to call home. Founded in 1773, Westmoreland County is the tenth largest county in Pennsylvania and was the first county established west of the Allegheny Mountains. It originally incorporated most of Southwestern Pennsylvania including Fayette, Washington, Green and parts of Beaver, Allegheny, Indiana and Armstrong counties. We’re proud of our 1,025 square miles overflowing with beautiful rolling hills, four seasons of gorgeous scenery, lavish lakes and streams, and abundant wildlife. A number of major highways help you crisscross the undulating topography of Westmoreland County making it possible to travel to all points of the county quickly and easily. The Pennsylvania Turnpike (I-76), I-70, U.S. Routes 30 and 22, and a number of State Routes connect our communities for quick and efficient movement of people and goods to the rest of our region and beyond. Westmoreland County Transit Authority serves as the key public transportation service traveling in and around Westmoreland County. WCTA is complemented by a few taxi services and private passenger lines like Uber. If air travel is your preferred mode of transportation, nearby Arnold Palmer Regional Airport, located in Latrobe, is the largest airport in the county and caters to more than 200,000 passengers each year with direct flights to several US cities. Arnold Palmer Regional Airport

It seems as though Westmoreland County was made for raising a family. With great schools, safe neighborhoods, affordable housing, and plentiful jobs…what more could you ask for? The County possesses an excellent array of public schools, private schools and several noteworthy colleges and universities. Plus our active economic and industrial development corporation is always identifying new opportunities for local employers and employees. Because health and wellbeing is important to us all, Westmoreland County can’t be topped. Consider this, Westmoreland County is home to Excela Health System – one of the state’s most respected county-wide integrated health care providers – and the county offers sites with direct access to both UPMC and Allegheny Health Network - two nationally recognized health care providers. From quick accessible care for routine (and not so routine) ailments to nearby world renowned specialists able to treat the most complicated cases, our part of the world can’t be surpassed when it comes to accessing great healthcare. Westmoreland County is teeming with things to do. The Westmoreland Museum of American Art, located in Greensburg, opened in 1959 and hosts one of the nation’s largest collections and exhibitions of American and southwestern Pennsylvania art. The Westmoreland hosts a number of rotating exhibits throughout the year that includes sculptures and paintings from 18th, 19th and 20th century American artists. Historic Hanna’s Town and Fort Ligonier are two of the county’s most famous historical sites and museums. Both of these sites offer a glimpse into the region’s rich heritage and history through tours, exhibits, and living history events and activities. Westmoreland County is home to a number of other museums and galleries located in various sites around the region.

If you’d rather catch a show, we’ll be proud to share our performing arts with you. Located in downtown Greensburg’s ever growing cultural district is The Palace Theatre, Westmoreland County’s hot spot for live entertainment. The Palace Theatre, opened in 1926 and offers a year round schedule of shows, concerts, comedy acts, musicals, and plays for people of all ages. The theatre is also home to the Westmoreland Symphony Orchestra. Small community theater and art groups, as well as local high schools, use the theatre to host a variety of productions throughout the year. In addition to welcoming famous actors and musicians to the stage, Westmoreland County is also proud to support amateur adult and children actors from local theater groups such as the Greensburg Civic Theatre, The Lamp Theater in Irwin, the Apple Hill Playhouse, Geyer Theater in Scottdale, and StageRight!. These companies host a variety of amateur theatre events to the community and offer acting classes for children and adults. Dinner anyone? Westmoreland County is home to countless restaurants making it possible to satisfy every craving. With upscale and casual dining, family friendly restaurants, locally owned establishments, and national chains, the region has it all. Coffee and tea houses, quaint bistros, sandwich shops, ice cream parlors and unique cafes can also be found in every part of the county. Several new restaurants open each year offering new and alternative dining experiences. Farmers’ markets, grocery stores, organic shops, butchers, bakeries and various other gourmet and specialty shops provide the area with a great selection of ingredients needed for cooking a delicious meal at home. Westmoreland County boasts nine county parks with access to hundreds of acres of land, paved walking paths, equestrian trails, bike trails, a model radio controlled airfield, ball fields, soccer fields, tennis courts, boat rentals, playgrounds, spectacular views, and much more. Fun, summer environmental programs and camps for children, night walks, and geology hikes are also offered at some of the parks.

management of the area’s four bike trails: Five Star Trail, Yough River Trail, Coal & Coke Trail, and the Westmoreland Heritage Trail. These special trails offer hundreds of miles of safe, paved trails for biking and walking. The Great Allegheny Passage, a 300 mile trail connecting Pittsburgh and Washington DC, also runs through the region. There are four Pennsylvania State Parks in Westmoreland County: Keystone State Park, Laurel Ridge State Park, Laurel Summit State Park and Linn Run State Park. Keystone State Park is home to the area’s only swimming “beach” and also has boating, camping, hunting and fishing, and offers sledding and cross country skiing in the winter. Boating, biking, hiking, and picnicking are popular pastimes enjoyed by many, along with swimming, hunting, fishing, and camping. Residents and visitors alike enjoy the county’s hilly terrain during the winter months for skiing, snowboarding, and snowmobile riding. Residents and tourists, alike, can take advantage of Westmoreland County’s rich history, numerous indoor and outdoor activities, beautiful state and county parks, and other recreational activities such as shopping, dining, and visiting our outstanding museums. If you live here already… Congratulations! If you’re thinking of, or know someone who might want to call Westmoreland County home, be sure to welcome them into our community. Here’s wishing you the very best Westmoreland County has to offer. Sincerely,

Chad Amond President & CEO Westmoreland County Chamber Of Commerce

Westmoreland County Parks & Recreation is also a partner in the www.go2goalus.com 21



& Who’s in the

The Hammer Reports from ICC the Builder

Driver’s Seat?

By Inselmini Construction Company

Techno trends can be summed up handily. They are everywhere. We have technology to control lighting, entertainment devices, heating and cooling systems, and security. Homes are now smart!


ometimes trends emerge in response to economic times, land availability and family needs. Millennials and Empty Nesters have much in common as they drive the housing market in search of a simple, easy to maintain lifestyle. Nearly 75 years after WWII’s returning GIs pushed the suburban sprawl of ranch homes across America, an entirely new generation, aka “Millennials”, is in the driver’s seat. What I’ve observed in working with this consumer group can be broken down into several broad categories: Location Trends, Function Trends, Techno Trends, and Finishes. Living in the suburbs is still popular however, both Millennials and Empty Nesters like to be within a forty mile radius of city life. The safety, good schools and close proximity of neighbors is preferred over cramped apartment or condo living in downtown areas (even though the downtown areas offer shorter commutes and more extensive cultural choices). Today’s

home buyer/builder likes to live close to the city, not necessarily in the city. The average American suburb offers such a broad choice of shopping, dining, and cultural events that many Millennials prefer hanging out at home or at their neighborhood restaurant. The function of space within the home has become more important than square footage. Gone is the need for huge homes that require exorbitant maintenance and huge budgets to operate. Separate laundry rooms, food pantries, mud rooms and walkin closets are examples of the importance of functional spaces. Multiple garages with ample storage and even pet bathing stations are also trending. Basements are no longer used as basements. Finished lower levels with easy access to the back yard is a popular choice as today’s more frugal buyer/builder realizes it’s more cost effective to have a lower living area than a second floor. Dedicated home office space is another required, functional area that more and more consumers want.

22 GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC | Summer/Fall 2018

What is popular in finishes tends to come and go as new innovative products are hitting the market at a rapid pace. On the interior, trending now is: • Open floorplans with smaller formal dining spaces • Large master bedroom suites with dressing areas and luxurious baths • Smart, up-scale kitchen appliances • Wood stained kitchen cabinets and trim • Mixed metal hardware and fixture choices

Exterior trends include:

• O utdoor living spaces that include grilles, cooktops and refrigeration • Firepits and outdoor fireplaces • Low maintenance landscaping and simple driveways • Multiple exterior finishes to accentuate personal style • Combination brick, stone, siding and metal roofing

Have trends in the housing market come full circle? Once again, living in the suburbs with your family in a house of simple, economical design is all the rage. Clean, functional, aesthetic and efficient design appear to be ruling the housing market today, just as they did for those returning GIs so many years ago.



r Jerry Ferraro said, “As the bad news comes you take it day by day, and as the good news comes you take it day by day.” This is the way he lives his everyday life and battles his life-threatening illness. Ferraro is known by thousands among the Greater Latrobe community and is loved by so many for his fantastic ability to teach history to high school students. The day after school ended last year, Ferraro went to MedExpress for a problem that wouldn’t seem to go away. Just two months later, in August, he was given definitive news that he has cancer. When he was first diagnosed, many of his loved ones had opinions about how they would feel if they were in his situation, but Ferraro said to them, “You just don’t know.” Ferraro’s strength throughout this entire journey has been his Faith in God. Ferraro said, “God has been the focus of everything. Without my faith I don’t have any clue where I would be right now. I mean, I would be medicated for mental stability,” and “God has been my hope, my light in the darkness.” Ferraro has faced many hardships over the past year in relation to his illness, including regular treatments and everyday medications. According to Ferraro, there was not much to hope for without God leading the way. Ferraro said, “God has been 100% everything in this journey. This journey is nothing but a body growing old without Him.” Ferraro doesn’t ask why this happened to him, he just hopes that God’s using him to help people see positivity, weakness, and God’s strength in his weakness. Ferraro’s favorite song that has given him strength throughout his journey

is “I Have This Hope” by Tenth Avenue North. This song is about one of the band member’s relatives being diagnosed with cancer, and it has a very positive outcome. It was recommended to Ferraro by a friend and he felt that the lyrics truly spoke to him; they read: “I don't want to live in fear, I want to trust that You are near, Trust Your grace can be seen, In both triumph and tragedy.” These lyrics show Ferraro’s feelings about his desire to keep God close and guide him through this battle. Because of this, it was played at the Ferraro Strong basketball game hosted by GLHS Interact Club on April 20. One of the many hardships Ferraro has faced is the color change in his hair. He said, “I had no idea I was going ivory white.” This hair color change is just one of the many sideeffects that goes along with Ferraro’s treatment. He had no idea the color change would be so drastic and said that it almost feels like an “identity change”. Many women with breast cancer go through the same “identity change” but with the loss of their hair rather than the loss of color in their hair. Ferraro said he feels like the “cute little mascot for the women with breast cancer who lose their hair.” Ferraro hopes that, “This comes across that I am amazed by their strength in losing their hair and that my struggle seems so small in comparison.” This drastic change in his identity was a shock to Ferraro, and when his doctor said that his hair color would return, Ferraro said, “Every ounce of tension I had left, over something so trivial, but something you identify yourself with, was gone.” On May 22 Ferraro was able to get a haircut that would bring some color back into his hair for the first time in months. The future is looking a little brighter for Mr. Ferraro, not just because of the color returning to his hair, but also because of the change in his tumors. May 2 was “deadline day” for Ferraro. Prior to this day the best news Ferraro had received was that his tumors were


no longer spreading. On May 2 he received results from his scans to see if his tumors were shrinking at all. He didn’t get overly excited on these days; he called it “cautious optimism”. However, on “deadline day” Ferraro found out that his two biggest tumors shrank 1 cm each. This is great news, but Ferraro was cautious to act like it was. He lives everyday normally and tries not to think about the illness he has, so he said, “Even good news is a reality check.” After finding out this good news, he sent a text to his sister-in-law that accurately described his emotions saying, “It has been a powerful day. It is good news yet a stark reminder of where I am. I have been feeling well and doing well. Today is nuts and bolts day. Numbers, percentages, times, dates, days, weeks, milligrams, etc. Tomorrow is...how do you feel? Is God alive in you? Did you see the sun rise? I prefer those days. Pam is very happy, I am blessed but cautious and reminded. I will move forward and upward! Thank You for everything!!! I love you.” The day before his “deadline day” Ferraro was on his way to school when he saw an amazing sunrise. Ferraro talked about the sunrise saying, “I always try to be aware of signs of beauty of God.” Ferraro felt that this sunrise meant spring was back, physically and metaphorically. This return of spring means something bright is on the horizon for him as well. This brightness was evident when he received his scans with great news the following day. Ferraro loves to help others by talking about the situation he is in, however not everybody is able to share their emotions like he is. He said,

“I can’t not be me, and this is who I am....I’ve always worn my emotions on my sleeve and I’ve always been transparent.” On the road ahead, Ferraro will be given multiple opportunities to speak in front of others to share his emotions. Mrs. Teslevich set up a meeting to discuss who should speak for Relay for Life. The other women saw Ferraro’s testimony and wanted him to speak. Together they agreed that Ferraro was the one, and off she went to his house to ask him to speak. Ferraro is very proud to be speaking at Relay for Life. He said, “I am honored to share my journey at this year’s Relay for Life walk. I hope I can bring hope and encouragement to anyone who finds strength in my overt weakness which allows me to surrender to the awesome strength of my Lord and Savior.” The next day, while receiving treatment and within an hour of posting on social media about speaking at Relay for Life, Ferraro was informed that he was in the top 5 to be considered for graduation. Ferraro said, “If God wants me to speak then that’s fantastic. I’ll do it.” He was immediately nervous because he didn’t want to beat out other teachers or be chosen instead of other teachers. “I feel like I’m a spokesperson for the other teachers which makes it a little scarier,” he said. Ferraro spoke at graduation of the importance of community. He told the graduates that they will soon find their community even though they are leaving their high school community behind. He graciously accepted the opportunity to not only represent his fellow colleagues, but to share his wisdom to 317 young adults about to start the next chapter of their lives. The newest graduates of Greater Latrobe will never forget the words Ferraro spoke and are now embarking on their newest journey, finding their community.

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5 Warm-up Moves for the Weekend Golfer By Dr. Daniel Lovette, DC

Golfers! For those of you who have walked straight from the parking lot to the first tee, grabbed the driver, and swung for the fences thinking “This is gonna hurt!”, this article is for you. It’s tough to play your best when your pre-round warm-up is the front 9. Like most of us, our golf consists of playing mostly on weekends, with maybe a range session during the week if we’re lucky. Walking By Reed Nelson, DC BS straight from the car to the first tee is usually caused by our running late to the golf course among other things, but that doesn’t mean you can fit in a quick, beneficial warm up before you tee off. For the majority of us,

our golf swing is a bit faster than how we move throughout the week. The average Joe’s change of direction during his swing is similar to that of an Olympic sprinter. Those who only play a handful of times each year want to get the most out of their time spent playing. Spending a few key minutes right before you play can make a huge difference not only to your performance, but also to how you’ll feel the following day. The best way to do so is through stretching, specifically Dynamic Stretching. Here’s the difference. Static stretching, aka holding your foot by your ankle to stretch your quad for

Standing Hip Stretch

This exercise does require some balance, so hold onto something close by if possible. Place the right ankle on the outside of the left knee. Inhale as you bend your left knee, sitting back as if you are sitting on a chair. Bring the chest toward you shin rolling the shoulder blades together. Hold for three breaths, and repeat three times each side.

Shoulder Stretch with Club Behind Back

Place the club in your right hand, palm facing the ceiling. Bring the right arm over your head and the right palm behind your back. Bring your left arm behind your back and clasp the club. Repeat 3 times each side.

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30 seconds, is what you see most people at the gym do pre-workout, but that’s not necessarily what’s best for quick changing movements such as a golf swing. Dynamic stretching, on the other hand, requires the most energy to excite our neuromuscular system efficiently enough to perform quick changes of direction, like running, throwing, or swinging a golf club. Here are 5 easy stretches that will make a difference to not only your performance but how you’ll feel the next day.

Quick Trunk Rotation

In your address position, grab both ends of your club. Inhale as you rotate from the core, and bring the right arm back. Exhale as you fully rotate toward each side. Repeat 10 times in each direction. Remaining in your address position, extend the arms to shoulder height and rotate from the core. Repeat 10 times each direction.

Neck Stretch

Bring the right ear toward the right shoulder. Inhale as you press your left arm toward the floor, exhale and relax the left arm. Repeat gently 3 times, and return your head/neck to neutral. Do both sides.

Standing Upper Back Stretch Bring the club to shoulder height while in your address position. Inhale as you press your arms away from you as you tuck your chin to your chest. Exhale and lift the head and squeeze the shoulder blades together. Repeat 5 times.

With these simple, yet quick dynamic stretches, you're more likely to have confidence in the beginning of your round without feeling stiff and cold right out of the car. Reed Nelson DC BS (center) is the founding partner of Westmoreland Chiropractic & Rehab Associates, a provider group made up of Chiropractors, Massage Therapists & a Nutritionist helping patients in 2 locations across Westmoreland county.


Left to right: Dr. Mike McClure, Dr. David Nicols, Dr. Reed Nelson, Dr. Wes Orvosh, Dr. Dan Lovette

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n a rainy Wednesday morning in June over espresso at Vallozzi’s Greensburg, we had the honor of sitting down with Ernie Vallozzi to discuss his insights on entrepreneurship, food and family. A restaurateur of 39 years, Ernie opened Vallozzi’s Greensburg when he was only 27 years old to carry on the traditions he learned from his mom. Following in his footsteps, Ernie’s sons also thrive in the restaurant industry: Dante has taken over management of the Greensburg location and Julian opened Vallozzi’s Pittsburgh, coincidentally at the age of 27. In addition, the family owns and operates Talia Cucina & Rosticceria on Sixth Avenue in Pittsburgh and Earth Inspired Salads on Fifth Avenue and in the Alcoa Building downtown.

Ernie Vallozzi

26 GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC | Summer/Fall 2018

By The GOAL Magazine Team

Family, Philanthropy and Inspired I talian Cuisine Q. I understand your mother, Helen, started Vallozzi’s in the basement of your home in Bovard then over time opened a store front in downtown Latrobe. Tell me about her and the influence she had on you growing up. A. My mother was a really remarkable woman. She had no equipment and she made one product—gnocchi. She made them by hand. Imagine making thousands of pounds in a week by hand! She would peel and boil the potatoes and mash them. My dad, who was a steelworker, was in charge of bagging them and my sister, who was in Vallozzi's Greensburg.

A. I had dropped out of college and was working as a concert promoter. It just wasn’t where I wanted to be in life. My mom took me in. I always knew there was something great out there for me—that I would have a huge success in life but I didn’t know how. I wasn’t prepared to do it. Then I realized it was because she made me feel that way— about what I was going to accomplish. She had so much trust in me. I think that’s the best thing a parent can learn—when to let go and let them find their own way. Ernie's Parents, Helen and Ernest Vallozzi, Sr.

high school, made labels on a typewriter that said “Vallozzi’s Gnocchi.” My dad and I would pack them and carry them up to the freezer to be sold. Also, every morning she would bake 20 loaves of bread. She would sell the bread, and the money she would make from selling the loaves was the money for me to exist in school. We recently found those bread pans. She was a remarkable woman, she was amazing. She passed away at the age of 88. She stopped working 8 years before she passed away. Q. What made you decide to carry on your mother's traditions and the family business?

Q. Tell me about your sons, Julian and Dante. A. It’s great—I spend afternoons with Julian in Pittsburgh and evenings with Dante at Vallozzi’s Greensburg. From a father standpoint, my life is wonderful right now! I try to encourage my sons and step back. It’s so easy for parents to overpower their kids. Q. What do you enjoy most about being a restaurateur? A. I think our restaurant—for being a small restaurant in a small town—is pretty phenomenal, in terms of what we do visually with food and wine. It’s where I like to be. If you look at what we do in all our restaurants, it’s very visual. You can take this

If you look at what we do in all our restaurants, it’s very visual. You can take this restaurant, and our Pittsburgh restaurants, and put it in any major city and they would hold up in terms of how they look, function, and the quality of the food. restaurant, and our Pittsburgh restaurants, and put it in any major city and they would hold up in terms of how they look, function, and the quality of the food. I think as a business owner, you should ask yourself, “What would happen if your business didn’t exist? Who would fill that void and www.go2goalus.com 27

how long would it take to fill it? That’s how you look at the importance of what you’ve done. Q. What do you want your patrons to feel after leaving one of your restaurants?

There’s a different character to them and it’s about finding the white wine that gives you that character that you’re looking for. I like bigger, fuller, red wines and lighter, frutier, white wines. My taste in red wine is not the same as my taste in white wine.

A. Impacted. Everyone isn’t looking for the same thing in a restaurant. There are places I’ve gone to dinner because I know I can get a great bottle of wine or espresso. The only thing you can hope that is that whatever you’ve done impacted them in some way to whatever sensory elements control them--whether its visuals, food, service. They will never be impacted on all of those things because everyone is different, so aim to hit one of them.

Q. Have you traveled anywhere that has inspired something on your menu?

Q. What is your favorite Vallozzi's dish? A. I don’t know that I have one because our menus are so fluid. What I would love to have right now is a dish of my mother’s rice and egg soup.

Q. Tell me about your work with Old Joe Club Charities and why you do it?

Q. Red or white wine and why? A. I personally drink red wine. I’ve come to start liking white wine at specific times.

A. Constantly. I’ve traveled a lot to Europe but I would say our influence is more on American Italian, primarily first generation New York Italian and California Italian. Everything comes from New York—everything—food, chefs. It doesn’t matter where they end up, they are influenced by New York.

A. We’ve always had our hand in something that benefits the community. It’s always been a part of what we do. For years we hosted a benefit for the hospital. Then we created the annual croquet tournament to raise money for non-profits in our community. This year was the 29th year for the

28 GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC | Summer/Fall 2018

event! I think it’s important to give something back. Q. What is your favorite thing to do when you are not working? A. I just enjoy my time, wherever I am. I love traveling and I love big cities. Q. What advice would you give someone who has a goal of becoming an entrepreneur like you? A. I think you have to margin out what you are willing to give up. You also have to spend the time to learn your craft. I feel like that’s a piece that’s really missing today, the apprenticeship, honing your craft. Q. If you didn't follow in your mother's footsteps, what do you think you would you be doing? A. Architecture. Not necessarily building architecture, maybe landscape architecture. I spend a lot of time looking and reading about landscape and design.

The History of the

Great American Banana Split


By Briana R. Tomack, President Greater Latrobe-Laurel Valley Chamber of Commerce


year to approximately thirty-five thousand people in 2017!

he banana split is a classic twist on ice cream that many people know and love, but while most of us are familiar with the dessert, few people are aware of the humble origins of the famous treat. In fact, the banana split was invented right here, in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. David Evans Strickler, a twentythree-year-old apprentice pharmacist at Tassel Pharmacy, invented the banana-based ice cream sundae in 1904. Originally, the banana split sold for ten cents, twice the price of the other sundaes. But, despite the elevated price, the dessert was very popular with the students at Saint Vincent College. News of the novel and innovative variety of sundae spread rapidly through word-of-mouth, and, eventually knowledge of the banana split reached far beyond Latrobe. Strickler eventually bought Tassel Pharmacy and renamed it Strickler’s Pharmacy. While Strickler’s Pharmacy no longer stands, the birthplace of the iconic treat has all but been forgotten. A large statue of the banana

split marks and memorializes its place of invention, and, every year, the city of Latrobe hosts a celebration for the classic dessert. The banana split statue was created by a Latrobe High School student and was moved to it's new location from the HS in 2016. The historical marker was placed in 2014. The Great American Banana Split Celebration is held in late August throughout downtown Latrobe. It features plenty of food and free, fun events for all ages to enjoy. Although nearly everyone likes the banana split, the Banana Split Celebration was not an instant success; however, since its inception, the celebration has grown quite a bit in size, from just 3,000 attendees in the first

In 2018, the Greater Latrobe-Laurel Valley Chamber of Commerce plans to incorporate the Derry Area and Latrobe school districts by including the schools’ marching band members in the Banana Band, a grassroots pop up at the 2017 celebration. Additionally, both high school cheer teams will join in the Friday Night Pep Rally which will kick off the Friday night DerryLatrobe football game under the lights at Latrobe Memorial Stadium!! Over the years, the appreciation for the banana split has done nothing but grow. It started with praise from a group of college students, and now the city of Latrobe hosts an annual celebration in its honor with tens of thousands of attendees.

for more info: bananasplitfest.com www.go2goalus.com 29

About the Author - Bill Arnold is Executive Director of the Quecreek Mine Rescue Foundation, internationally known inspirational speaker, and international media consultant on the subject of mining disasters.

RESTORE YOUR FAITH IN AMERICA THIS SUMMER “Yes,” he replied. I am a doctor. I am so sorry. It took me so long to get all my patients to go see other doctors so I could bring my family and come see this.”

Through all of the divisiveness our country is experiencing, Americans can easily lose sight of the foundation of love and strength on which this great country was built. Still, I can tell you without a doubt that the people of America and people around the world know this is the greatest country on Earth. I am lucky to be able to meet some of America’s biggest fans almost every day at the Quecreek Mine Rescue Site. I sometimes hear, “Are people still visiting the Quecreek Mine Rescue site?” or, “What is there to see? It’s just a hole in the ground, right?” I always smile and reply, “Yes, people are coming by the thousands, and that is just the tip of the iceberg!” There are many things to see and do in Somerset County, nestled in the sweet spot of the Allegheny Mountains. Visitors can enjoy breath-taking parks and resorts, covered bridges, outdoor recreation of all kinds, activities for railroad or wine enthusiasts, Civil War sites, famous architecture, and of course, plenty of shopping and dining. Those who come to pay tribute to the events of 9/11 hear the Quecreek story and often visit as part of their patriotic pilgrimage to teach their children and remind themselves about what makes America so great.

of my Nation.” He recognized the spirit of our residents who won the hearts of the world across those ten terrible months spanning the crash of Flight 93 and the Quecreek Mine rescue. As a result, we are now officially known as “America’s County,” and rightfully so. Thousands of people every year still make the journey to the Flight 93 National Memorial; many tour companies tell us they bring their buses to Quecreek immediately afterward for the inspiration and emotional healing the rescue site provides after reflecting on the horrors of 9/11. Occasionally visitors to each of these historic locations are unaware of the other. This was the case for one of my favorite visits in October 2004 by a distinguished looking Japanese gentleman, his wife, and two teen age children. The incident happened shortly after the one-year anniversary of 9/11 and may be best told in my book, Miracle at Quecreek Mine:

During his 2002 visit to meet privately with the Quecreek miners and their families, President George W. Bush told me Somerset County was “becoming the sweetheart county 30 GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC | Summer/Fall 2018

I approached him and said, “Sir, have you signed our guest book?” “No, I haven’t.” He spoke excellent English but with a heavy Japanese accent. I was curious and looked over his shoulder as he signed the book. After his name, he wrote M.D. and Tokyo, Japan. As I chatted with him, I asked what brought him to America. “Are you here on business?” “No,” he said and pointed to the rescue site. “We came to see this.” “You came from Japan to see this?”

I was dumbfounded to think that he would come all the way from Japan to see this “hole in the ground.” I thought, surely there is another reason for his trip and asked, “Have you been to the Flight 93 site?” His face went blank. “The what?” “The Flight 93 crash site.” He still looked lost. “What is that?” I reminded him, “Remember September 11th last year when the United States was attacked by terrorists?” He nodded, “Oh my, yes. Everyone knows that.” “You remember that one of the planes crashed?” “Yes.” “It crashed only a few miles from here,” I explained. After giving him directions, I looked at him again and asked, “Did you really come from Tokyo just to see this place?” He stood up a little straighter and stuck his chin out with pride. “Yes. We watch the whole thing on Tokyo CNN.” I have discovered over the last 15-plus years that many people have the Quecreek Mine rescue galvanized in their minds, similar to the way they remember where they were when they got the first reports of the attacks on September 11, 2001. If you have a yearning to refresh your appreciation of this great country, Somerset County, Pennsylvania, “America’s County” is an excellent place to start. You owe it to yourself to plan a visit to the Quecreek Mine Rescue Site. Learn of the miracles that took place on my humble farm. There is so much more to this place than just a “hole in the ground.”

By Autumn Stankay, Owner and Photographer of SkySight Photography

SENIOR PORTRAIT SEASON High school students who just completed their junior year are starting to peruse the internet with their parents for local photographers who might take their senior portraits. Sure, local schools do have suggestions for students of photographers in the area they can call, but it’s quite common these days to seek out someone among the local photography community who fits the style the senior is looking for. Some seniors will opt not to have photos taken at all, and some are beginning to stock their closet with the many outfits they will wear for their photo shoot. Below are a few things to keep in mind when shopping for a high school senior photographer this summer. You don't need to have the photos taken in summer. You can absolutely choose to have the photos taken in fall or winter during your senior year. Summer is popular because school is out of session (more time available to schedule), the weather is beautiful, and the trees are green. If you want to use your senior portrait in the yearbook at all, you'll need to turn it in usually by October of the senior year. Keep in mind if you wait for spring, your photos may or may not be ready in time for your graduation party. Some schools require a certain photographer to take the headshots for the yearbook, but you're completely free to hire whomever you wish for the personal photos you have taken to hang on your own walls. Some schools allow you to bring in photographs taken by outside photographers for the yearbook headshot, and some have restrictions. So be sure to check with your school district about their yearbook guidelines. Even if they require a certain photographer (or just a certain color backdrop) for the headshot, often you can purchase a yearbook ad and put any photos you wish in it, along with a personal memo from parents to the senior.

Think about the season in which you want to have the photos taken, and remember to schedule far in advance. In addition to the season, decide on the type of location you like. I usually ask first if the client is looking for a nature or urban setting... then go from there with suggestions about where we could go. Indoor in our studio is always an option for someone who likes the look of a backdrop or just wants a simple session. Clothing options are really personal to the senior. I try to suggest they choose outfits that represent their personality and vary them throughout the shoot. So, if they choose a session with two outfits, have one outfit more casual than the other. Also, maybe choose one in a bright color and one more neutral. Try to stay away from small busy patterns or stripes, but large patterns like florals can work really great. The outfit should really match the scenery as well, so think about whether your images are going to be in a field or a brick lined alley way. Ask your photographer if they provide the option to purchase graduation party invitations using one of the photos from your session. This is a great way to give a print to each person invited to the grad party. Or, on the flip side, you can use an image on your thank you cards you'll send post-graduation. Whomever you choose to photograph your senior portrait session this summer... be sure to look at their portfolio thoroughly, and choose someone who has a style you really like! Congrats to the class of 2019!

TO VIEW MORE OF AUTUMN'S PHOTOGRAPHY, VISIT www.skysightphotography.com

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Are Spreadsheets Killing Your Company? By Chrissy Giagnocavo, Marketing & Workflow Director for Chroma Marketing Essentials

5 Danger Signs of Spreadsheet Hell If you love spreadsheets, this may not be the article for you. To tell the truth, the pain of spreadsheets only sets in after your business begins to grow. Once you find yourself juggling more than a handful of Excel files and everything you need to run your company is laid out in endless rows, columns, and tabs, then the trouble starts: 1.

Data Confusion. Spreadsheets are not an effective way to share information. Who has the latest copy? Did someone follow up on that lead? Are employees frustrated because they cannot work on the same file at the same time?

2. Dangerous Errors. Excel makes number crunching easy, but easy and accurate are not necessarily best friends. Studies have shown for years that up to 90% of all spreadsheets have errors that make a difference – as in costing money because the formulas are not providing accurate calculations. 3. Bad File Names. How do you find the right file when your folder contains a variety of drafts and similarly named files? Is the data you need in Service-Inspection_final2-FINAL.xls or Service-Inspection_final2a-draft-V02-FINAL-FINAL.xls? 4. Lost Spreadsheets. A computer crashes, a hard drive is replaced, a file goes corrupt and suddenly one or more of your valuable spreadsheets is gone. It can be enough to make a grown woman cry.

5. No Way to Run a Project. Spreadsheets are horrible at tracking project status, updates, notes, communications, contracts, proposals, meetings, and schedules. If the pain of issues like these keeps you up at night, it often means your business has grown to a new level. Congratulations! Unfortunately, it also means you’ve reached a precipice and making a wrong step could cause quite a tumble.

How You Work is as Important as How Much You Sell When businesses start, finding clients and customers is critical to survival. As your reputation grows, the next challenge is doing things efficiently and creating an organized workflow. It’s not just a matter of convenience; confusion and cumbersome methods eat up profits. At a certain size, you can go broke chasing your own tail. Teamwork, data sharing, project management, and workflow are what make the difference. Reaching for a new software solution is merely picking up a different tool. When spreadsheets lose their edge, it’s time to turn to more appropriate instruments, like relational databases, collaboration platforms, and workflow apps. The good news is, you have a variety of capable, proven products to choose from. Unfortunately, that variety grows larger every day. You may need an expert who knows the field and can work with you on finding the right solution for your business. The rewards can be significant. Take away spreadsheet hell, and now your most experienced people can find in minutes what used to take hours to compile. They can manage projects instead of chasing down numbers. Imagine tools where all the information about a project is not only stored in one place but interrelated in intuitive ways. What if you could see, all together on one screen, your employees’ emails to each customer, their phone logs, project status, costs, hours put in, billing status, and much more? Now you have an organization that moves at the speed of light, coordinating and responding to information without searching for files and fumbling to understand inconsistent spreadsheet entries. Now you can grow your business with confidence!

32 GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC | Summer/Fall 2018

What is This Magic Software? Are we talking about a CRM? A new type of project management software? A file sharing or task management system? A cloud-based collaboration tool? You’re probably anxious to go online and sign up for your free trial today. The challenge is, there is a revolution in these new database systems and each one has its strengths and weaknesses. No one system can solve everyone’s problems, but most are highly flexible, capable of being customized by a skilled operator to handle a variety of challenges. System names include Knack, Airtable, Podio, Asana, Clarizen, Mavenlink, Basecamp, and many more. They don’t all do the same thing or have the same qualities, and it’s easy to choose the wrong one, or – perhaps worse – pick the right one for your company and set it up in the worst way possible. How can you both choose the best system for your business and make the most effective use of it?

Enter the Project/Client Portal When you work with a company like Chroma Marketing Essentials, our workflow consultants and software engineers not only help you select the right database and project management tools, we bring the services you need together into a single, seamless experience By establishing a cloud-based portal customized to your company’s needs, we help you: ✔ Share Information. Permission based logins give employees access to the information they need from any Internet enabled device, and whether it’s a client’s phone number or the latest balance on an account, they know it’s accurate and reliable. Updated data populates instantly, to everyone. ✔ Minimize Errors. Most spreadsheets have formulas entered by amateurs and maintained by even less experience staff. Cloud-based tools feature formulas and functions established by professionals and unreachable by unqualified employees. Now you can charge for accurate hours and materials every time. ✔ A Single Source of Truth. Losing a file or not knowing which file is up-to-date is no longer an issue. Most collaboration and management systems on the market today are cloud-based. That means they provide a single source of reliable, secure information for all your employees and managers. ✔ Reliable Backups. There’s no local file to lose. Cloud-based systems are built with robust backup and restore capabilities, and many have snapshot versioning allowing you to step back if any particular update or change causes a problem. ✔ Project Management at a Glance. Now you can check project status, updates, notes, emails, phone logs, contracts, proposals, meetings, schedules, and all your contacts in one place where your team can access and collaborate on the information. It’s a new day when you can know what’s going on using clear, concise, and visual information.

Your Next Step How much you’ll need to invest in digging your way out of spreadsheet hell and reaching for the Cloud depends on your unique situation. Smaller businesses may find a service where the FREE version is a great fit for now and they can set it up themselves. This provides a partial solution, helping with your workflow and data management but without creating a unified portal experience, one that would benefit both your employees and customers. If your business is growing fast enough to need professional assistance, a company like Chroma Marketing Essentials can help you find and customize one or more cloud-based systems geared to your specific needs. When dealing with data, project status, and customer service becomes an agonizing daily event, it’s time to consider a client portal. With a portal, you can pull everyone on your team together into a single work environment where your customers can feel welcome too. At Chroma, we estimate that our own client portal and related management systems saved us over 1000 hours each month in 2017.

✔ Communicate with and Serve Clients Better. When your clients or customers log in, they see the status of any project or service related to them. They can even place help tickets and see customer service responses, right online. These systems can even be linked with accounting software, like QuickBooks, and with the right approach can enhance your ability to take customer payments quickly and securely.

724-523-3001 chroma-marketing.com www.go2goalus.com 33

“Animal Friends Sanctuary” reads a small sign on the windy Smiths Hill Road in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. This timid sign is an indicator of Candy Valentino’s big plans on the horizon. Here, in Unity Township, Animal Friends of Westmoreland will expand their mission and vision by opening Animal Friends Sanctuary. With the purchase of a 62 acre farm, Animal Friends Sanctuary will be able to rescue large animals like horses, donkeys and cows as well as farm animals such as pigs, goats, sheep and chicken. The organization has a massive vision and are not stopping there. Once the Sanctuary is open and programs have been funded; they will be opening their doors, and their hearts, to invite at-risk youth to the farm. Children in foster homes, children who have been abused, neglected or abandoned themselves will be able to find hope and healing as they Grab your FARM APPROVED hoodie before they are begin to build trust relatgone! Your purchase will also feed an animal for a ing to the stories of the month! Visit our website to order online. animals who also share such horrific pasts.

Kindness never looked so good.

Looking for a way to help but aren’t able to volunteer?


A longtime animal activist, Candy started Animal Friends of Westmoreland in 2006, and in 2009 opened Animal Friends of Westmoreland to the public. Their shelter in currently located in Youngwood, Pennsylvania. This shelter rescues cats, dogs, and rabbits and houses around eighty animals. To date, the organization has rescued, rehabilitated and rehomed over 3000 lives. Their life saving work is done with only 3 paid staff and an army of over 250 active volunteers, contributing over 20,000 man hours to the Animal Friends mission. Animal Friends Sanctuary has completed renovations on the property's existing barn, which is now home to their first residents. Construction on a horse barn and new shelter to provide housing and medical care for more cats, dogs and bunnies is scheduled to start late in the summer of 2018. If you would like to make an impact on the lives of abused, abandoned animals and children, please donate to create a kinder, more compassionate world at


Here are a few of our most needed items at the shelter. If you're able to help the dogs, cats and rabbits we would be so appreciative!! Dogs



• Paper towels • Simple green • Odo ban • Garbage Bags • Laundry Detergent

• Advantix Flea Treatment for XL size dogs • Advantage Flea Treatment for XL size dogs • Grain free dog food • Soft dog treats • Ez-walk harness (size medium) • Canned cat food • Grain free cat food • Cat litter

• Pine bedding • Rabbit pellet food


Spay. Neuter. Adopt. Save a Life. Be a Voice. animalfriendssanctuary.org

34 GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC | Summer/Fall 2018

Scott Ludwick

Associate Broker Ranked in Top 100 Agents Nationally Since 1998! Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices The Preferred Realty

5 Reasons Why A Home May Not be Selling

Some say it’s a seller’s market. In many areas, homes are being snapped up before the lawn sign goes into the ground. So why has your home been languishing on the market without a serious taker? Real estate professionals share the top reasons why a home does not sell, and provide a bit of advice about what you can do to help make a sale happen: It’s priced too high. Even in a seller’s market, if a home is listed above established market value, prospective buyers may pass. Settling on the right asking price is critical. Work with a reputable real estate agent to determine the right price for your home based on area, condition and other factors. The home needs some TLC. If you expect to sell at full asking price, your home must be in peak condition. First impressions are important, so keep your lawn and entry area neat, and remember that buyers want the most they can get for their money. You may need to upgrade a few amenities, make some basic repairs and/or clean up that yard or patio.

It looks disheveled. Buyers like to imagine themselves living in serene surroundings, so keeping your home in showing and selling condition can be critical. At the least, it means no wet towels littering the bathroom, no unwashed dishes in the sink and no toys or other clutter everywhere. At best, have your home staged, or stage it yourself, with immaculate rooms, a cheerful kitchen and a nicely set dining room table. Everything is old. Buyers realize they can replace aging appliances, but if everything looks like it’s on its last legs, buyers may turn away. If your water heater, heating system and appliances are not in great condition, you may need to replace them or lower your price accordingly.

It smells bad. Agents know, if it smells, it won’t sell. There’s only so much you can do with scented candles to cover up offending scents. You will likely need to eliminate the source if you expect your home to find a buyer, whether it’s pet odors, cigarette smoke or mold and mildew.

If you have questions about this, or anything real estate related reach out to Scott Ludwick at 724-838-3660 or Scott@ScottLudwick.com

© 2018 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated subsidiary of HomeServices of America, Inc., a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate, and a franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc. Equal Housing Opportunity.

Accid ent What to do in the event of an

By Brian Winfield, State Farm Agent Although no two auto accidents are alike, there are preparation and post-accident steps that every driver should take — like downloading the State Farm® mobile app (https://andu5.app.goo.gl/DdpT). Here’s what you need to know.

Before an auto accident...

Remember ABP: Always Be Prepared. • Download a copy of the State Farm mobile app and register your account. It enables you to have an accessible digital copy of your insurance card as well as agent contact information. • Stash a copy of your insurance card and registration in your vehicle. • Keep a camera handy to document any post-accident damage. If you don’t have a phone that could be used for this purpose, consider spending a few dollars on a disposable camera to keep in your vehicle.

After an auto accident...

Ask yourself: Is anyone hurt? If so, immediately contact emergency services for help. Always call the police, no matter the severity of the accident. If the accident is minor, you may be asked to file a police report on your own, which you should do. Get out of the way, if you can. • If the vehicles are drivable, move them to a spot on the shoulder or otherwise out of the way of traffic. • Turn on your hazard lights and set up emergency cones, if you have them.

• Get out of the vehicle, unless it is unsafe to do so. • Use the mobile app to contact Roadside Assistance for towing help.

Record all the details. • Use the mobile app to alert State Farm that you’ve been in an accident. • Open the app to share information, such as contact details and insurance details, with anyone else involved in the accident. • Ask other drivers should share their details, too. That information will be needed once fault and financial responsibility are established. Make sure to record if they are the car owners. • Using the app, take notes about what you remember of the accident, and upload photos, too. (You’ll find photo reminders of what to take and how many images are needed in the app.) • Ask for and keep a copy of the police report.

What happens next:

The mobile app will allow you to alert State Farm that you’ve been in an accident and help you to begin the claims process. Coverage levels and determination of fault will help outline who is financially responsible for repairs and other costs, including medical bills. You can use the app to track the status of your claim with the claims center.

36 GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC | Summer/Fall 2018

What you should never do:

• Don’t try to assign blame. •D on’t sign anything from anyone other than the police. •D on’t leave the scene.

What Happens if Your Car Is Totaled? If your car has been damaged and the potential repair costs exceed the value of the car, it is considered a total loss. Here are answers to common questions that spring up when your vehicle has been declared totaled. Note to designer: Please add a photo of someone calling for help with maybe an accident in the background? Why was my vehicle totaled? After a loss (for example, a collision, vehicle fire or flood damage), there are a few reasons your vehicle may be declared a total loss. Often, the repairs are estimated to cost more than what the vehicle is worth — vehicle worth being the actual cash value determined by its year, make, model and major options, as well as mileage and overall condition. (Though the damage may not look bad, the repair can cost much more than you’d think.) Other reasons for totaling a vehicle include when the damage makes the car irreparably unsafe or if your state’s regulations require it for your vehicle’s damage severity. How much will I get? You’ll receive the determined actual cash value of the vehicle, minus the deductible you chose when insuring it, as well as any applicable state taxes and/or fees.

What if I’m still paying off the vehicle? You’ll be responsible for satisfying your loan agreement whether or not the money you receive covers it all. This is why you might consider gap insurance (https://www.statefarm. com/simple-insights/auto-and-vehicles/cartotaled-or-stolen-allcoverage-doesnt-payequally), so called because it covers the gap between what you owe on the vehicle and its current market value. If you have State Farm auto insurance, ask your agent about Payoff Protector .

the last year’s worth of spending on all three, plus any taxes or fees, and divide by 12 for your average monthly vehicle costs.

What if I want to keep my vehicle?

What’s it worth? Enter your vehicle’s information on a free trusted website, such as Kelley Blue Book (https://www.kbb.com) , Edmunds (https:// www.edmunds.com) or the National Automobile Dealers

Talk to your auto insurance company or, if you have State Farm auto insurance, speak with your agent or claim representative to see whether state regulations allow you to keep your vehicle and, if so, what your reduced payment amount would be. What do I need to do if I decide to surrender it? First, clear out the car and remove personal items and paperwork. If possible, clear your information from the navigation and mobile phone systems, and take off the license plates. Round up all copies of the key and the title. Then, contact your State Farm agent for further instructions and to schedule vehicle pickup.

Does it need an expensive repair? Just one doesn’t necessarily mean it’s tradein time. Two repairs close together may. Ask your mechanic for an honest evaluation of current — and potential future — issues. Compare total repair costs and outcomes with what a new vehicle would run you monthly (see below).

Association (https://www.nada.com) , to find out how much you’d likely get if you sold it or traded it in. Consider that number in relation to any bigticket and typical annual maintenance costs.

Do you worry about your vehicle breaking down on the road or often feel unsafe as you drive? Newer vehicles come with many fantastic safety features, from advanced airbags and better handling to backup cameras and lane-departure warning systems. Peace of mind is valuable. What would a new vehicle really run you? Research your next vehicle. Look at price, minus any trade-in value or down payment, and figure out your potential financed monthly payment. Add in estimated monthly fuel costs, insurance and fees. Compare this monthly payment to your current costs for a clear picture of the difference and its impact on your budget. If it’s just too great, consider setting aside whatever you can afford monthly in a vehicle fund for surprise repairs or a future down payment.

Hello, neighbor! Brian Winfield, Agent 550 Route 30 Irwin, PA 15642 Bus: 724-864-9000 www.brianwinfieldagency.com

Should You Repair or Replace Your Car?

Please stop by and say, “Hi!” I’m looking forward to serving your needs for insurance and financial services. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. CALL ME TODAY. ®

Your vehicle has carried you over miles of daily commutes, road trips and so much more. How do you decide if it’s better to fix up or trade up? Here are some key questions to ask: What does your vehicle actually cost you? Even if it’s paid off, you’ve got gas, insurance, and maintenance to consider. Total up

Does it feel safe?


State Farm, Home Office, Bloomington, IL

www.go2goalus.com 37



Surviving an


ven the most honest of taxpayers can be left trembling at the thought of an IRS audit. Let's face it--it's right up there with public speaking. To survive an audit, you've got to arm yourself with information. You should understand what the audit process is all about, why your return was audited, what your rights and responsibilities are, and how you can appeal the findings.

AN AUDIT IS NOT AN ACCUSATION OF WRONGDOING An IRS audit is an impartial review of your tax return to determine its accuracy--it's not an accusation of wrongdoing. However, you must demonstrate to the IRS that you reported all of your income and were entitled to any credits, deductions, and exemptions in question. The IRS generally must complete an audit within three years of the time the tax return is filed, unless tax fraud or a substantial underreporting of income is involved.


• A return signed by a preparer associated with problems in the past

Several factors can lead the IRS to single out your return for an audit. For instance, taxpayers who are self-employed, receive much of their income in tips, or run cash-intensive businesses historically have faced a greater likelihood of audits. The IRS may also pay more attention to professionals such as doctors, lawyers, and accountants (who often run their own businesses and do their own bookkeeping). In addition, if your itemized deductions in several major categories--e.g., medical and dental expenses, taxes, charitable contributions, and miscellaneous deductions-are greater than the statistical average, you'll generally have an increased chance of being audited. Other things that may lead to an audit could include:

• A return reporting income of at least $200,000 (in general, higher income may lead to an increased chance of audit)

•A return that is missing required schedules or forms

38 GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC | Summer/Fall 2018

THERE ARE THREE TYPES OF AUDITS If you are to be audited, the IRS will inform you by telephone or letter. If contacted by telephone, the IRS will also send a letter confirming the audit. E-mail notification is not used by the IRS. There are three types of audits: • A correspondence audit: This is typically for minor issues and requires only that you mail certain information to the IRS. For example, maybe you forgot to attach a Schedule C to your income tax return. The matter will be closed if the IRS is satisfied with your paperwork.

• The right to representation •T he right to know why the IRS is asking for information, how the information will be used, and what will happen if the information is not provided • The right to appeal decisions

AUDIT SURVIVAL TIPS Consider the following when you are audited: • Request a postponement (whenever you need it) to gather your records and put them in order • Be sure to read IRS Publication 1 (Taxpayers' Bill of Rights) before your audit • Before your initial interview with the IRS agent, meet with your representative to discuss strategies and expected results

If you disagree with the auditor, the issues in question can be reviewed informally with the auditor's supervisor. Or, you can appeal to the IRS Appeals Office, which is independent of the local office that conducted the audit. You can appeal the auditor's findings by sending a protest letter to the IRS within 30 days of receiving the audit report. If you do not reach an agreement with the appeals officer (or you do not wish to use the appeals office), you may be able to take your case to the U.S. Tax Court, U.S. Court of Federal Claims, or U.S. District Court where you live.

Please visit us at our

New Location:

164 West Crawford Avenue Connellsville, Pennsylvania

• Bring to the audit only the documents that are requested in the IRS notice • Be thoroughly prepared--if your records clearly substantiate the items claimed on your return, the agent won't waste time conducting a more in-depth audit • Be professional and courteous (and expect the same treatment in return) • Do not volunteer information to the IRS agent; if you have a representative, he or she should respond to the agent's questions • An office audit: Here, you'd typically bring your tax-related records to an IRS office for examination. For example, if you claimed an unusually high deduction for medical expenses, the IRS may want to see your medical bills and canceled checks, among other things. • A field audit: Here, the auditor generally visits your home or business to verify the accuracy of your tax return. It may be possible for the auditor to visit the office of your representative, instead.

KNOW YOUR RIGHTS REGARDING THE AUDIT You have several rights when you're involved in an audit. These include: • The right to professional and courteous treatment • The right to an explanation of the audit process

• Don't lie • Keep detailed records of any materials that you submit to the agent and of any questions asked by the agent • Ask to speak to the auditor's supervisor if you think that the agent is treating you unfairly • When you get the examination report, call the auditor if you don't understand or agree with it

By Bryan Kisiel, CPA CEO, Kisiel & Associates Director of Tax Planning, SecondHalf Coach Wealth Management

• If you don't agree with the audit results, request a conference with a manager, and know your appeal rights


Please like us on facebook: Kisiel & Associates, PC

You can either agree or disagree with the auditor's findings. If you agree, you'll complete some paperwork and pay what's owed. www.go2goalus.com 39

Drowning in DEBT? All across America people are needlessly overpaying the interest on their mortgages and other debts without even knowing it. Testimonials:

We live in a debt-fueled economy

Average Credit Card Debt:


Average Mortgage Debt:

Average Student Loan:



Finance 2017 Statistics According to Nerd Wallet

- Millions of homeowners across the nation spend their lives making interest payments and wonder why THEY NEVER GET AHEAD. he average household spends 34.5 cents of every dollar to pay interest on T their debt. It’s a fact of life that most goals require capital. Whether it’s buying a new home, planning a wedding or going on vacation, dreams and goals require money. It can start out slowly – you get a good education that adds student loans. You purchase a home and take out a mortgage. You finance a once-in-alifetime vacation. Take a look at a typical mortgage for a family: $200,000 for 30 years at 4.5% APR, mortgage payment $1013/month Did you know that after 20 years, they would have paid $243,000 and would still owe $97,000 in principal– almost half of what they originally borrowed after making payments all those years! After 30 years, they will have paid $364,813 – that’s $164,813 in

I started using the Debt Shredder on January 1, 2014, at that time, we had three mortgages totaling $117,025.97. To date, June 6, 2016, I was able to pay off two of the mortgages and reduce our debt to $28,096.54 and we saved about $46,242.63 in interest. It is hard to imagine being debt free, but it will be real for my family. I can’t wait!! I highly recommend this program, the success I am having with it changed my outlook on life, it gives me confidence and it put me in position to stop worrying about retirement and start planning for it. Thanks and make it a great day!! JIM R With 26 years left on a 30 year mortgage, over $70,000 in credit card debt, 3 car payments a Harley payment twin girls in college. I was stressed every week paying bills. I thought I was doing good with paying extra on each bill. We were going no where...Then in November/2015 we started with Debt Shredder. So far as of July/2017 we paid off 2 credit cards. We needed a 4 door car (hated to give up my convertible - 2 grandkids) another used car in June. I thought this is going to put years on to our debt. NOPE!!!! plugged in the figures and to my surprise we went from 6.8 years to 7.3 years to potentially be out of debt. I just follow the program... it tells me what to pay how much, when to move monies....it's that easy!!! Debt Shredder will save us as much as $125,566.80 in interest...that would have gone to the banks. Better in our pockets. MONICA M

NOTHING BUT INTEREST! They paid their lender over 82% of the amount they originally borrowed…just in interest payments!

OVERPAYING on your MORTGAGE and ALL DEBT is robbing you of the FUTURE you could have….

The average household spends 34.5 cents of every dollar to

pay interest on their debt.

With the Debt Shredder applied to the previous mortgage scenario, instead of $164,000 in interest over 30 years, they would pay less than $63,000 in interest and their home would be paid off free and clear in

just over 12 years versus 30 years.

40 GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC | Summer/Fall 2018

Source – Wall Street Journal

What would you do with 18 years of mortgage payments you no longer had to pay to the bank? People work hard and strive to do well financially, so why do most people fail to reach the goal of financial freedom? The problem most of us have in life is that we are generally comfortable enough and busy enough that changing something in our lives is easy to avoid. WHEN IT COMES TO MAKING WISE FINANCIAL DECISIONS, WE GENERALLY TAKE THE EASIEST PATH, NOT THE BEST PATH! What would you say if someone told you there was a simple online financial solution helping homeowners put on average 18 years or more of interest payments back in their own pockets? It’s called Debt Shredder and it’s the smart way to save money, reduce your debt, build cash reserves and accumulate wealth. Debt Shredder’s billion-dollar parent company, Market America®, Inc. has an A Plus rating with the Better Business Bureau and has won the BBB Torch Award For Integrity in 2013 and again in 2018.


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www.go2goalus.com 41


A scholarship program connects students, donors and the community. By Keera Frye A beneficiary of The Community Foundation of Westmoreland County’s scholarship program describes how the program helps donors honor loved ones while making college more affordable for students. As a little girl, I collected change in an old mason jar. I checked our couch cushions weekly, raided the center console in my mom’s car every chance I got, and scanned every counter top and table in the house regularly. The only coins safe from my eager-to-get-rich hands were pennies. When my mom saw my jar full of silver, she asked me two questions: “Why don’t you collect pennies?” and “So, you’re the one taking the change out of my car?” A penny seemed like nothing back then. However, in my life now as a college sophomore, it’s clear that I’ve needed every penny of every scholarship I have been fortunate to receive. One of those is from The Melville Alexander Eberhardt Memorial Fund, which awards to graduating seniors with financial need who are headed to twoto-four-year colleges. This scholarship fund is among those that have been created to make grants every year from The Community Foundation of Westmoreland County (CFWC) and The Pittsburgh Foundation. The two organizations oversee one of the largest community-foundation led scholarship programs in the nation, awarding about $2.3 million annually. Of the 320 active scholarship funds, 64 exclusively benefit Westmoreland County students like me, while honoring the wishes of donors who established scholarships.

Rachel Frye, 39, of Ruffs Dale, Pennsylvania is pictured with her daughter Keera Frye, 19, also of Ruffs Dale, at Keera’s graduation from Southmoreland High School last June.

The Anita Doyle Memorial Scholarship Fund is one such Westmoreland-specific fund. Dr. Wayne Doyle, former Superintendent of Hempfield Schools, created this fund in 2013 in memory of his wife, Anita Doyle, who died in June 2010. Dr. Doyle describes Anita as an extremely bright and supportive woman who, despite not having gone to college, advocated for higher education for everyone. “I created the fund because I wanted to support Anita’s vision and recognize her for her encouragement,” said Dr. Doyle. “She would have wanted to give young people the financial assistance they need to follow their dreams.” Anita Doyle supported her husband as he pursued his master’s and doctoral degrees and their daughters as they went to college. In the five years since the fund was established, students from Hempfield Area High School have been awarded scholarships from the fund. That experience is as exciting for the Doyle family as it is for the students. “The greatest feeling is the day I go to the awards ceremony at the school,”

42 GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC | Summer/Fall 2018

said Dr. Doyle. “Seeing the students’ faces when they receive the scholarship is so rewarding. Anita would have loved it.” As a scholarship recipient from the Melville Alexander Eberhardt Memorial Fund, I can attest that the feeling that comes from receiving a scholarship after a competitive application process is incredible, thrilling, relieving and unbelievable. All those feelings are wrapped up into one emotional moment. Each year, hundreds of moments like this result from the Foundation’s program, which awarded more than 700 scholarships last year. The process begins online with the Foundation’s Scholarship Search tool, where students click a variety of boxes about their field of study, hometown or school. The application for many scholarships also can be completed online. Search results include brief descriptions, average awards, deadlines and eligibility requirements. Application guidelines often reflect the preferences of donors like Dr. Doyle as they honor the memory of loved ones. Most scholarships are for college and graduate school, but there are also offerings for trade school, pre-K to 12 tuition, programs for special needs students, music lessons and other enrichment activities.

The Doyles – Anita Doyle and Dr. Wayne Doyle are pictured together in this family photograph.

“The online search and application process helps us reach a large population of potential applicants and fulfill our donors’ intentions of awarding to students

Dr. Wayne Doyle and grandchildren – Rhiannon Kelly, 16, Dr. Wayne Doyle and Aidan Kelly, 16, are pictured together in Dr. Doyle’s home in Irwin, Pennsylvania.

Keera Frye decorated her high school graduation cap with a quote adapted from one of her favorite children’s books, “Oh The Places You’ll Go!” by Dr. Seuss. The support Frye received from friends, family and strangers has given her the confidence to fully pursue her dreams.

who best fit the funds’ criteria,” said the Foundation’s Scholarship Coordinator, Jennifer Marino. “Our search tool provides greater awareness and ease of access for counselors, university administrators, parents and students as they find and apply for scholarships.” A thorough search is frequently worthwhile: the average award last academic year was $3,046, with larger awards ranging from $15,000 to $22,000. Every award, regardless of amount, makes an impact on a student’s future and community.

“Endowing a scholarship fund to meet the needs of the community is a perfect example of altruistic benevolence,” said the Foundation’s Grants Manager, Ashley Hezel. “These scholarships are often the very thing which tips the scales in favor of the student, making an otherwise unattainable education a reality.” Explore the Foundation’s program at pittsburghfoundation.org/scholarshipsearch Learn more about ways you can give through CFWC at cfwestmoreland.org/ways-to-give

Author Bio: Keera Frye is a Westmoreland County resident, who received a scholarship through the Community Foundation of Westmoreland County. She is currently an intern with CFWC. Her story includes her personal experiences with the foundation's scholarship program and interviews with a donor from Westmoreland County who set up a scholarship in memory of his wife, who valued education and family above all else.

www.go2goalus.com 43

GOAL Magazine’s 3rd Annual Golf Outing and Paint-n-Sip raises $21,000! By The GOAL Magazine Team


e are excited to announce that the 3rd Annual Charity Golf Outing and Paint-n-Sip recently held at the Ligonier Country Club raised $21,000 for the Greater Latrobe Partners in Education Foundation (GLPIEF). Thank you to all who supported the events! The funds raised will be used specifically for students with special needs in the Latrobe School District and the autistic support, learning support and life skills classrooms.

We would like to thank the numerous event sponsors that supported our event! Title Sponsor: SecondHalf Coach Wealth Management Gold Sponsor: Commercial Bank & Trust of PA Silver Sponsors: Aggressive Grinding Service, Inc., Modern Art and Plate Glass Bronze Sponsor: Hillview Motors, Shaffer’s Landscaping, Westmoreland Chamber of Commerce

Over 20 amazing auction items were generously donated and displayed for the golfers and painters to win!

The Super Bowl – Million Dollar Chance Sponsor: Kisiel Associates The Home Opener – Putting Contest Sponsor: Clark Capital Golf Cart Sponsor: KLA Construction Photography Sponsor: SecondHalf Coach Wealth Management

Additional prizes included Pirate and Steeler tickets, a million dollar shoot out for the winning twosome, several hole in one contests and tickets to a major sporting event of the winner’s choice.

The Highlight Reel – Hole-in-One Sponsor: Fotorecord Lunch Sponsor: Keystone Foam Corp. Dinner Sponsor: Westmoreland Mechanical Testing & Research, Inc. Snack Box Sponsor: GOAL Magazine and SecondHalf Coach Wealth Management Longest Drive Sponsor: Westmoreland County Chamber of Commerce Hole Sponsor: D&R Sound Services Tee Sign Sponsors: Aroma Italiano, Bompiani Spine & Sport, Camco, Friends of Mark Mears, Inselmini Construction, Mom’s House, Nationwide Insurance, and Westmoreland Chiropractic & Rehab Associates Program Sponsors: Commisioner Gina Cerilli, Greenawalt Design, Lesco Federal Credit Union, Friends of Mark Mears, State Representative Eric Nelson, Janice Urbanik, Brian Winfield, Sanctus Spa and Salon, David Serra, Colin Roble 44 GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC | Summer/Fall 2018

Special Recognition to our planning committee consisting of Jessica Golden, Sharon LeJeune, Tawnya Rockwell and Jessica Urbanik as well as our Volunteers including Juliana DeStein, Bree Edgerly, Laurie Golobish, Gladys Laick, Amanda Mayger, Becky Quinn, Sheri Slezak and Janice Urbanik. Your help was appreciated more than you know!


A GOAL Magazine Event



Thank you for your support!

PLUS Paint-n-Sip! Friday, May 3rd, 2019 • Ligonier Country Club


Photo Credit – Mike Pedicone of TinCupPhoto

Ray McElhaney of DiMartino Ice donated beautiful ice sculptures for the dinner buffet.



Brian Quinn and David Strauser took home the title for the 3rd year in a row winning a first place plaque, pro shop credit and a bottle of Tin Cup whiskey.

Lead Sponsor

GOAL Magazine’s Paint-n-Sip attendees show off their spring landscapes. This was the first year for the Paint-n-Sip, which was held in the new pavilion at the club and taught by artist Sarah Hunter. Supplies were donated by The Friends of the Arts from Latrobe Art Center and each participant received a GOAL Magazine wine glass. This page is sponsored by:

Tony Slezak, Lester Sutton, Jessica Marazza, and Bill Urbanik (left to right) at the pre-event putting contest for GOAL Magazine’s Charity Golf Outing sponsored by SecondHalf Coach Wealth Management. Slezak, Marazza and Urbanik are partners of SecondHalf Coach Wealth Management based in Latrobe, PA. Sutton, President/CEO of Aggressive Grinding and Greater Latrobe Partners in Education Foundation Board member won the putting contest and received two tickets for a Carnival Cruise. The top four donors to the golf outing competed in the putting contest.

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We Now Carry: www.go2goalus.com 45

Decode the Dress Code

Attention ladies and gentlemen: Fall is upon us and your social calendar is calling! What you wear makes an impression, so let Tom Michael, co-owner of Larrimor’s, help you decode those invitation dress codes.

There’s really nothing as sophisticated as a man in classic black tie—a black or navy tuxedo with all the trimmings. Studs and cufflinks might be momentos, a gift or have a family story. Neckwear can be a classic bowtie or a four-in-hand tie. The most refined look includes a pair of patent leather shoes, or have fun with a fashion forward black tie shoe. Women will be wearing a gown or luxurious cocktail dress. If wearing a cocktail dress, keep colors rich so it doesn’t look too casual. This is your chance to wear the jewelry that’s locked in the safe. Choose a pair of single sole killer heels and handbag that pair back to the dress to finish the look.

pocket square will make this a much more sophisticated statement. If going the blazer route, wear dress pants in solid colors like navy and grey. Loafers and tie shoes round out the look. Women will have to make a little more effort at business casual. How you dress is critical to your profession and can make or break your career. Your image should never undermind your message or position. Tailor your outfit to your audience. Keep to neutral colors in classic pieces, but add a personal flare by carefully selecting your accessories. All looks assume that you have a current haircut and current style glasses.



As Oscar Wilde said, “You can never be overdressed or overeducated.” Wear a dark suit with a classic tie and matching shoes or a tuxedo. If you own a tuxedo, wear it. Your date will also appreciate you in a tux—it’s like a military officer in a uniform. Women will have the option to wear a full length gown or cocktail dress. Ladies, keep in mind your dress will have to stand up next to your date’s attire and to gowns that other women may have chosen to wear.


This is the most misunderstood dress code. For men, it’s a dark suit, dress shirt and yes ties are still required. Black or brown shoes ground the look. For women, a beautiful cocktail dress—think party dress, but skip the full length gown. You can’t go wrong with a little black dress. The hemline can be anywhere between mini- and midilength. Statement jewelry paired with a thoughtful selection of shoes and a bag.


Many men think business casual allows for denim—it does not. It’s dressing down a business look, which can be as simple as wearing a suit and leaving the tie at home. A blazer or sport coat is also appropriate. Neckwear is optional, although it will elevate the look. Shirts can be worn in a relaxed state with the top button undone, just make sure your undershirt is not visible. A

Contact Tom for a personal wardrobe and styling consultation at Larrimor’s or he can bring the store to you! 412.471.5727 or TMichael@Larrimors.com

46 GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC | Summer/Fall 2018

Here’s where we have fun! Don’t forget to look like you cared about getting dressed. Example: A great pair of 5 pocket cotton pants; a pair of high end jeans; A fun sport shirt or knit, a vest and a tie if you want. Cool current sneakers (not your Nike unless they work back to your look). Almost any dress shoe will work here. A pattern or print can bring some personality to the look. For women, think polished yet relaxed. There is some overlap with business casual, but think more fashion-forward instead of conservative. Add your own spin to a professional look with fun accessories and trendy shoes. Jeans and a top may be acceptable as long as the jeans are crisp and in a dark wash, and are balanced with a dressier top and accessories.


Casual attire is relaxed and informal—it emphasizes comfort and personality. This is the backyard barbecue, the family reunion. This event is not about what you wear. Shorts are appropriate and so is your hoodie. Boat shoes, drivers and loafers will elevate a casual look, while interesting sneakers also work. The same goes for the ladies. Embrace the opportunity to be stylish and comfortable at the same time. For both: If the event is casual and work related, keep the loungewear and athleisure wear at home.


The following applies to men and women. Theme parties can be intimidating, but they don’t have to be. The key is to not only plan in advance, but to wear something that makes you feel great. Start by researching the theme’s style on the Internet. The obvious option is to rent a costume. If this is too over the top, create an outfit based on what you already own and accessorize based on the theme. You can also visit Ebay for worn costumes or accessories. Try the outfit on prior to the event to make any last minute adjustments. Finally, make sure your date follows your lead. It should be an event where you both are excited to have fun together.

Photo: archie carPenter


Gala Magazine

Proudly Presents The Second Annual

Lead Sponsor:

...no sit down program style event here...THIS IS A PARTY! “Not your typical black tie affair!

Despite the formal attire, the party had a very relaxed feel. From the music to the games, making sure everyone had a great time was clearly the party’s “GOAL” ! We’re already looking forward to seeing what they have planned for next year!!” - Westmoreland County Honorable Judge Jim Silvis and wife, Colette

September 22, 2018 6:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Greensburg Country Club

All net proceeds benefit The Westmoreland County Chapter of:

Red Carpet Reception with Hors D’oeuvres and Champagne Punch Four Hour Top Shelf Open Bar Multiple Food and Tapas Stations Several Forms of Live entertainment throughout the evening including: • Casino Tables, Photo Booth • Strolling Magician, DJ • Auction items and so much more!

$125 per person To reserve your ticket go to: go2goalus.com/goal-gala Dress Attire: Men – Tuxedo or Dark Suit/Tie Women – Formal Gown or Cocktail Dress

About the charity.... Our Clubhouse provides free emotional and social support to those touched by cancer in western Pennsylvania. Those living with cancer at any age, as well as the family and friends who care for them, are welcome to join Our Clubhouse and receive free support.


Go2Goal is a Pennsylvania not for profit organization with a 501(c)(3) application pending with the Internal Revenue Service. The official registration and financial information may be obtained from the PA Dept. of State by calling toll free within PA at 800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. All donations are deductible in accordance with prevailing IRS rules. A portion of the registration proceeds will be tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor.

MAGAZINE P.O. Box 304, Latrobe, Pa 15650 724-209-8219 go2goalus.com info@go2goalus.com

Content provided in GOAL Magazine is for educational, informational, and promotional purposes only. GOAL Magazine does not render professional advice. Recommendations expressed in articles have not been independently tested. Articles contained in GOAL Magazine reflect the perspective and advice of their authors, not necessarily the magazine's publisher.


GOAL Magazine Proudly Presents The Second Annual

Š 2018 Go2Goal, LLC All Rights Reserved





September 22, 2018 Greensburg Country Club,

309 Pleasant Valley Rd, Jeannette, PA 15644

All net proceeds benefit The Westmoreland County Chapter of:

Register: go2goalus.com/goal-gala


November 8th 6:00 p.m. St. Vincent College Doors Open at 5:30

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