June - July 2011 Vol 8, Issue 3
sizzlin’ savings! break out your smart phone For Great summer deals!
lasting impressions
poston butte Wants you to Feel rIGht a home
instrUCtion! more loCal InstruCtIon than ever beFore!!!
moUntain mania
Cool oFF In the WhIte mountaIns at thIs hIdden Gem
Also Inside: so you think you Want to play Golf? l Four hours? really? rules l eQuIpment l tee to Green: local news and reports sWspGa Chapter neWs l Course map & directory l 19th hole
Y our Multi-Media Resource
Southwest Section Southern Chapter
Fo r everything local golf
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CONTENTS Published by 20/20 Publishing, LLC publIsher
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waDe Dunagan roBin Lane ricK Price JacK taLMage tonY terrY MiKe haYes aDaM Lazarus JuDY McDerMott JacK ricKarD Dan wicKMan
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ContrIbutors Vito BerLingeri russ christ rYan ecKroat, Pga KiM griggs, Pga Donn hess steVe hughes, Pga Joan Liess rose nehring Brent newcoMB MarK oswaLD, Pga Dennis PaLMer, Pga BranDon sMith, Pga charLie suLLiVan Josie traPneLL MarYann souter
arizona woMen’s goLF association canoa ranch goLF resort Desert DiaMonD casino esPLenDor resort & rio rico c.c. oro VaLLeY countrY cLuB Poston Butte goLF cLuB the Views goLF course tucson citY goLF tucson anD scottsDaLe goLF Vacations tucson conQuistaDores worLD goLF chaMPionshiPsaccenture Match PLaY chaMPionshiP
sIlver sponsors gasLight theatre QuarrY Pines goLF cLuB tuBac resort & sPa tucson ParKs FounDation westin La PaLoMa resort & sPa
southern arIZona tee tImes oFFICe Po BoX 115 l cortaro, az 85653 Phone: (520)792-6650 toll-Free (888)792-6650 email:
on the course 09 COURSE REVIEW: Lasting Impressions 10 EXPANDED REVIEW: Quarry Pines Golf Course 14 Now You’ve Got ‘Em - Transition Blues 17 Match Play Golf & Ticket Savings Package 18 PLAY AWAY: Mountain Mania 21 Greens Renovation 22 Course Map & Directory
on your game 25 So You Think You Want To Learn to Play Golf? 26 Leave Your Sleeve in the Cart ... You Only Need One. 29 Swing Plane - The Key to a More Consistent Swing 30 Four Hours - Really? 33 No Reason to Fear the Sand 34 Negating the Negative 37 A Salute To Arizona’s Year Round Residents
chapter news 42 Dompier Aces Match Play 44 PGA Partners With Golf Realty Network 45 Southwest Section Beats PGA Mexico 46 Seve Ballesteros 1957-2011 48 Dramatic Day for Hayes,, Otte ... and the Rabbit 49 RULES: What Ball Were You Playing?
19th hole 51 DINING: Old Pueblo Grill 52 ENTERTAINMENT: Summer Fun On A Budget 54 ENTERTAINMENT: Casino Del Sol on Track for 1.11.11 55 PRODUCT REVIEW: Abacus Outdoor Apparel 56 APPAREL: Q & A WIth Sean Greg of Antigua 57 LOCKER ROOM: Limitless Options With Visor Versa
youthlinks FaCebook: @ southernarizonateetimes tWItter: @ sateetimes youtube: @ sattMag subsCrIbe:
southWest seCtIon pGa southern Chapter 600 s. aLVernon waY l tucson, az 85711 Phone: (520)290-1742 Fax (888)326-8772 email: presIdent: Dan wickman, Signature Golf vICe-presIdent: steve hughes, La Paloma, C.C. seCretary: Brent Lingel, Blanchard Golf Course honorary pres.: Mike hayes, Tucson City Golf about the pGa
The Southwest Section PGA is one of 41 Sections of the PGA of America, consisting of more than 1,500 members in the state of Arizona and Southern Nevada. The Southern Chapter PGA is the six southern counties of Arizona. The PGA of America is the world’s largest working sports organization, comprised of 28,000 men and women golf Professionals who are the recognized experts in growing, teaching and managing the game of golf. Since its founding in 1916, The PGA of America has enhanced its leadership position by growing the game of golf through its premier spectator events, world-class education and training programs, significant philanthropic outreach initiatives, and award-winning golf promotions. Your PGA Professionals are the “Experts in the Game and Business of Golf.”
58 The Girls of Golf Meet Sara Brown 60 Randolph & Quarry Pines PING Teams Advance
community 63 Rinker Wins Women’s Senior National Invitational 64 The Results Are In 67 AMATEUR SPOTLIGHT: Drew Woods & Beryl Kizer 68 Million Dollar Hole In One Results 72 TEE TO GREEN: Local News & Information 73 HOLE IN ONE: Latest Inductees to the Program about southern arIZona tee tImes
Southern Arizona Tee Times, official publication of the Southwest Section PGA Southern Chapter, is published bi-monthly by 20/20 Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. The opinions expressed by contributors and advertisers do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or the SWSSCPGA. Distributed throughout Southern Arizona with 17,000 bulk/on demand print circulation and 11,000 e-subscribers. Copyright © 2010-2011. Printed on 20% recycled (10% post-consumer waste) paper. All inks contain a percentage of soy base. Our printer meets or exceeds all federal Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) Standards. l Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine
DON’T JUST WATCH. PLAY. DON’T JUST WATCH. PLAY. Our new golf and ticket package gives you two tickets and parking to the 2012 Our new golf andMatch ticket package gives you two tickets and parking WGC-Accenture Play Championship AND two rounds of golftoatthe The2012 WGC-Accenture MatchDove PlayMountain. Championship AND two rounds of golf at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club, Ritz-Carlton Golf Club, Dove Mountain.
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Course Review
lasting Impressions
BY JACK TALMAGE Sometimes we all just need to get away and go play golf at someplace new, different, and out of town… but not so far away that you spend all day getting there. Poston Butte Golf Club in nearby Florence is just such a place. Only a few years old, this Gary Panks designed course is managed by Troon Golf, well know for managing quality facilities around the world. The course is nestled in the latest Anthem master plan community built by the Pulte Group and yes, affordable home sites are available, but not so close as to be intrusive on play, unlike many community golf courses.
Trust me; you don’t want to end up in any steep and deep fairway bunkers, I found out the hard way. First impressions mean a lot in the golf business and there are many first and lasting impressions to be taken from your experience at Poston Butte. You begin with a very friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable staff; from the bag drop, to the golf shop, to the on course starters and marshals. Your first look at the golf course tells you that this is going to be a challenging yet enjoyable experience. Each hole is defined by red crushed granite making for a very neat and crisp look. Instead of the dense desert that seems to eat errant shots at most courses, this surface makes it easy to find wayward balls and is very playable without destroying your clubs. Fairways are generous off the tee and often punctuated with large and manicured bunkering. Trust me; you don’t want to end up in any steep and deep fairway bunkers, I found out the hard way. Well placed tee shots will leave you a good look at most holes and depending on which set of the five tee boxes you choose, not necessarily a long iron approach. But as one of my playing partners said, “It’s not a problem getting to the greens; it’s what happens when you do get there.” The greens at Poston Butte are as
POSTON BUTTE G.C. 6100 w. Merrill ranch Pkw. Florence, az 85232 phone: (520) 723-1880 Gm/Golf pro; ryan eckroat, pGa
fast and smooth as any greens I have ever played. Even if you can read the break, some subtle and some extreme, you have to figure out the speed quickly before the three putts start to add up. Both of the nines end with a par 5, leaving you a good chance to score at the turn and the finish. Number nine in particular stands out as a great risk reward hole. A good tee
shot will give you a chance to carry the cross bunker on the second shot and leave you a short approach. Miss either of those and pay the price trying to land it on a well bunkered and undulating green. While all the holes are unique to each other (one true mark of a good design), none are more special than #17. A par three with an island green, it is reminiscent of the same numbered hole at TPC Sawgrass. 169 yards from the tips and obviously all carry, somehow the rather large green seems to shrink while you’re teeing it up. There is a lot of water ALL around the hole. Jack Talmage is the General Manager and Director of Golf at Rio Rico Country Club. He comes to the golf business from an extensive career in golf resort marketing and sales. His passion is sharing the enjoyment of Southern Arizona Golf and he can be reached at (520)281-8567. l Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine
Three perspectives. One course.
Arizona’s Only Quarry Golf Course Offers Unique Challenges
Gold blaCk sIlver Copper
72 72 72 72
6502 5876 5312 4843
70.0 78.1 66.1 69.4
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. . . about the Course BY Donn hess, Pga general Manager, Quarry Pines golf club Quarry Pines, with most holes routed below the rim of a massive stone quarry, offers a truly unique and enjoyable golf experience. Located in Marana just off interstate 10, the state’s first and only quarry golf course is easy to reach from anywhere in the tucson metro area, and is close enough to be an option for Phoenix area golfers looking for a different kind of golfing challenge. Most golfers make their first visit to Quarry Pines because they have heard about our exciting golf course layout and unique series of quarry golf holes. Quarry Pines
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golfers keep coming back not just for the endless variety of shot-making challenges, but because they know they can also count on friendly, professional service and outstanding golf course conditions. Quarry Pines has everything you and your foursome need to enjoy a great day of golf, including a full golf practice facility, a pro shop stocked with top brand merchandise at fair prices, and a relaxing grill room with cold drinks and delicious food. the same features that make Quarry Pines one of the region’s most popular daily fee golf courses also make our playable, Par 71 golf course a terrific choice for your next group golf event. our systematic approach to event planning and marketing ensures that your event will be a world-class success, with no surprises and no headaches.
8480 north continental Links Dr. tucson, arizona 85743 (cortaro & i-10) phone: (520) 744-7443
Quarry Pines golf club is located just west of cortaro & i-10. For more information about our frequent player programs or to book your next event, call (520) 744-7443.
you and a friend can play for free -- subscribe to satt Digital at and select GolF revIeWs in the category list. we’ll contact you to play a course and write a review! already a subscriber? Follow the same link to re-enter your email address, then follow the instructions to update your profile and include the goLF reViews option.
10 Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine l
. . . representing the gals reader revIeW: By Josie traPneLL anD charLie suLLiVan satt readers; tucson, az. this time of year in tucson, golf courses begin to look a little ragged. simply, this course is in fantastic shape. the fairways and rough are well manicured; the greens were smooth and true, although the tee boxes were a bit uneven. not only should you play this course because of the country club conditions, but because of the unique experience of playing in a Quarry, it’s probably one of the biggest challenges in tucson, both visually pleasing and skillfully demanding, the Quarry is just brilliant fun for any level player. the entire staff here at Quarry Pines treat you as club members; they want you to have the best experience possible. Your cart is waiting in line with your tee time noted above; there is a huge practice green and chipping area to warm up while the starter keeps everyone on track. if you get there early, enjoy breakfast or lunch at Putters grill, conveniently on hole eight is a menu board. the first hole will set the tone as many of the fairways are narrow, undulating and testing if you stray off course. if you haven’t learned your lesson on the front nine, you better pick up an extra sleeve of balls at the turn, the back plays true desert target shooting, and the Quarry can make balls disappear like popcorn at the movie theatre. on the back nine, elevated greens and tees create a challenge in club selection and direction of your shots. Be aware of the slope of the fairway. while taking a shot from the fairway on the first hole, my ball projected and then exploded into a plume of feathers and such. in a bit of shock and wondering the rules, i turned to my partner, “what do you call that”, she simply said with a dead pan face, “murder”. we then broke out in laughter and the smiles never stopped. i still feel bad about the incident, but no better way to go than on a beautiful golf course in sunny arizona.
. . . representing the guys reader revIeW: By DaVe & carL, satt readers; tucson, az. if you like the challenge of narrow fairways and have to really think about your club selection and how to play it, then you will absolutely enjoy playing this course. on the other hand, if you are they type of golfer that prefers wide open fairways and generous out-of-bounds areas, and you tend to hook or slice your ball, then this course is not for you. several houses line the first few holes and some are very close to the fairways. when your ball goes out-of-bounds, it really goes out-of-bounds. however, after playing the first few holes and figuring out how to play them, you begin feeling confident and are somewhat lulled to sleep on the rest of the front side with its straight and relatively hazard free holes. on holes 6, 7 & 8 you are awoken from your slumber because they run parallel and very close and to a busy interstate 10. Fortunately the fairways on these holes are pretty straight forward and open, so if the noise causes you to blow your drive, chances are pretty good that you will have decent lies and a chance at making par. so there you are cruising along and happy with your score on the front side. then, you make the turn at the clubhouse, and BaM! you get jolted back to reality and suddenly you really understand where the name ‘Quarry’ came from. Most of the holes on the back side have elevated tee boxes with several of them very high above the hole affording you beautiful, yet deceptive, views that require some serious thought about club selection. take hole #15 for example; it’s a short 134 yard Par 3 from the back tees with an extremely elevated tee box. Your senses try to tell you that can’t be so. then you start thinking; do i use an 8 -iron and a normal
“so there you are CruIsInG alonG and happy WIth your sCore on the Front sIde. then, you make the turn at the Clubhouse and bam! you Get Jolted baCk to realIty” swing or a 9-iron and lay off it a bit? or maybe i can use a wedge. if you over-drive it or hook it left you can pretty much say goodbye to your ball. the good news is that if you lay it up short, there is a pretty decent landing area with a solid shot at par. and that is the way it plays on just about every hole on the back nine. with one exception - hole #16. as it turned out, this was our favorite hole. it’s a 561 yard Par 5 with a huge left dogleg almost right in the middle of the fairway. if you try to short-cut the dogleg you could land in the desert (bye-bye ball) or in one of the sand traps lining the turn. once you get past the hazards you are presented with an awesome view of the green. You can see tall pine trees lining the back of the hole (maybe this where the ‘Pines’ in ‘Quarry Pines’ comes in. it was late afternoon when we played this hole and shadows surrounded the cup. after we chipped up on the green and began walking towards the hole, we counted no less than ten rabbit resting in the shade. after a brief respite and taking it all in, we moved on to finish out our round. also, when playing the quarry side of the course keep in mind that you are below ground level and there is almost no wind to keep you cool, except when teeing off. Be sure and take plenty of water with you as there are no water fountains or water dispensers anywhere on the course, at least that we could see. oh yeah, take one or two extra balls with you. Quarry Pines golf club is a nice and fun course to play... if you like the challenge of target golf! l Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine
12 Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine l
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Now You’ve Got ‘Em
Transition Blues BY BRENT NEwCOMB, SR Course Superintendent, Tucson City Golf
o, you went ahead and did it! After all the talk and hyperbole about saving money and doing what was right for the environment and the industry, you did it anyway. You overseeded because you didn’t want to be the course down the road that looked dead in the winter. You overseeded because your particular group of golfers wanted to play on green grass and you didn’t want even one greens fee to go to the course across the street. It’s OK, I overseeded, too! So, now the question is, “what do we expect during the transition period?” That is the question every superintendent and every golfer in the southern parts of the state are asking. Unfortunately, transition is not a specific date, nor is it a reference to a particular event. It is merely a time when the overseeded winter grasses, e.g. ryegrass, poa trivialis, bentgrass, give way to the warm season turfgrasses that predominate in hot, humid
conditions. Remember, when the seed bed was carefully prepared for overseeding last fall? Scalping the turf, verticutting and spring raking took out the Bermuda that was just at its’ peak time of year. Robbed of its’ opportunity to store reserves and harden off as the winter temperatures approached, the little Bermuda that survived was sprayed with growth regulators to keep it from competing with that cool season species that everyone was trying to promote. The final result is a very confused warm season species that must be saying, “do you want me here or not?” Along comes spring with the ever
14 Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine l
increasing daylight hours and the subsequent warm nighttime and daytime temperatures. The areas that were not overseeded start to green up and enjoy the warmth of the spring. However, in areas that were overseeded there is a stiff competition for space, light, oxygen, nutrients and water. Depending on several agronomic factors, e.g. site, slope, compaction, etc., one or the other species outperforms the other and the resulting golfing conditions can be somewhat erratic. Remember, when I said that this transition is not a specific time or place? There must be a culmination of several factors; nighttime temperatures, length of day, humidity … and no single one can be missing to effect this desired transition. Golf Course Superintendents have tried for years to predict this time with little success. More recent innovations, such as turf growth regulators and herbicides, have made it more
manageable, but these often can be accompanied by negative side effects. If there is one surefire way to stimulate transition, I don’t know it. Greater minds than mine have tried numerous techniques. There are those that go after the cool season species very aggressively with a combination of chemical and mechanical means, along with reduced irrigation applications. This has been very effective at courses where this time of year is clearly identified and the public is aware that the attendant golfing conditions will reflect this effort. There are other equally intelligent superintendents who try to let the process happen as it may and to supplement the processes of time with light, but frequent, verticutting and aerification. The risk there is that when the conditions become right, that ryegrass is going to check out no matter what you do and if you haven’t created an environment conducive to healthy Bermuda then you are stuck with nothing until such time as the Bermuda wakes up and
conditions will be wet in the mornings and parched in the afternoons. All this while your superintendent will be aerating fairways all turfed areas with an eye toward moisture retention, because Bermuda will grow virtually anywhere you can achieve moisture retention. Efforts will be made to treat thinly turfed areas by sprigging, seeding or sodding, but none of these will be thoroughly effective because there is still no humidity. Transition truly arrives on that day when the plant can no longer cool the canopy and the temperature in that zone increases by sixty degrees overnight. That’s the day that the cool season species checks out of the golf course hotel. In conclusion, we are all reaping the consequences of that decision we made last fall. When we decided to overseed, we accepted these transitional challenges and all the inconveniences that accompany them. We decided that our playing conditions for a few months in the winter was worth sacrificing part of
The little Bermuda that survived was sprayed with growth regulators to keep it from competing with the cool season species that everyone was trying to promote. The final result is a very confused warm season species that must be saying, “do you want me here or not?” starts to move on its’ own. Bottom line to the golfing public, this is a very difficult time of year. Conditions will generally stay good right up to Memorial Day. Modern sophisticated irrigation systems, along with adequate drainage systems, can keep cool season turf active and growing through warm daytime temperatures in the absence of humidity. In June, when daytime temperatures are reaching 110 degrees some afternoons, that ryegrass will start to lose its’ root system and the water it will be able to get will be surface water. It will green up every night and wilt every day. Playing
this spring and summer. Agronomically, overseeding, is the single most important force motivating everything else we do throughout the year. Basically, we are looking for 100 days of good Bermuda growing weather to get that species back into shape so we can start all over again this fall. We never, as turf managers, have time to develop anything or build on last years’ success. Caught in the death spiral with no way out. Brent Newcomb, CGCS is the Golf Administrator/ Course Superintendent for Tucson City Golf. He can be reached at (520) 791-5853.
Bermuda grass was vanquished for the cool winter species of Bentgrass, Ryegrass and Poa Trivialis
free Subject to change or discontinue without notice, Not valid with other offers, Dine in only. One per person per visit.
Hooters of Tucson 6335 E. Tanque Verde Tucson, AZ 85715 !
Hooters Marana 4385 W. Ina Road Marana, AZ 85741
The 19 Hole! Th
Four for 95.
Work on elements of the game you want to focus on; plus work on a short game shot and full-swing for part of each lesson.
(%#"*'#"&)%( $**# 16 Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine l
The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club & Accenture Match Play Championship Offering Golf & Ticket Savings Package
luke donald, 2011 Champion World Golf Championships-accenture match play Championship
BY JACQUELINE McABEE World Golf Championships-Accenture Match Play Championship tournament officials have launched a special ticket package, giving fans the opportunity to play golf on the same course as the world’s best and then attend next year’s event when the Accenture Match Play Championship returns to Southern Arizona and The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club, Dove Mountain, February 20-26, 2012. The Accenture Match Play Championship Dove Mountain Golf Pack includes: • Two Good-Any-One-Day tickets to the 2012 Accenture Match Play Championship • One parking pass Good-Any-OneDay to lot T3 for the 2012 Accenture Match Play Championship • Two rounds of golf at The RitzCarlton Golf Club, Dove Mountain Prices for the package depend on the golf dates that fans choose. For golf during phase 1 (June 1–September 30, 2011) the total package will cost $199 (valued at $250+). For golf during phase 2
(October 1, 2011January 31, 2012) the total package will cost $249 (valued at $400+). The golf passes allow the purchaser to bring three friends to fill out their foursome for $50 per person during phase 1 or $100 during phase 2. “Golf is truly unique in that fans get the opportunity spectators fill the gallery during the 2011 World Golf Championshipsaccenture match play Championship. Were you there? to try their skills at a sport in the same arena where the The Accenture Match Play world’s best compete,” said Accenture Championship, which is the first of Match Play Championship Executive four World Golf Championships of Director, Gerald Goodman. “The the season, has been played in the Dove Mountain Golf Pack gives our Tucson area since 2007 and at The fans the best of both worlds. Come Ritz-Carlton Golf Club, Dove play one of the great courses in Mountain since 2009. Southern Arizona at The Ritz-Carlton Fans interested in purchasing the Dove Golf Club and then return to see how Mountain Golf Pack package can do so by the pros do it at one of the top golf visiting tournaments in the world when the Accenture Match Play Championship tees off in February.” l Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine
Mountain Mania BY JOSH KECK Summer golf in Arizona? Just thinking about it I almost burst into flames. Summer golf in the desert can be a test of survival and planning skills. Early tee times, bottles of water, globs of sunscreen, brimmed hats, and plenty of will power! Yes there are some advantages, rates are practically nonexistent and having the course all to yourself is nice. But the best kept secret about Arizona golf is the ability to escape the surface of the sun during those summer days and enjoy cool temps and perfect bent greens in the White
Mountains. A popular getaway known more commonly for its winter skiing at Sunrise Mountain and the abundance of fishing and camping sites. But golf ? With over a half a dozen courses available there is a facility to accommodate just about any golfer’s budget and expectations. The epicenter of golf in the White Mountains is Show Low, AZ. A quaint town located 6,400 ft. above sea level with average summer high temps of 85 degrees and lows temps dipping into the mid 50’s. One legend claims the town was named after a marathon poker game with the winner taking a 100,000 acre
a panoramic view of lush fairways surrounded by fragrant pines at torreon Golf Course
18 Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine l
the clubhouse and putting green at torreon Golf Course
PLAY AWAY ranch. Oh the good o’l western days… If the town of Show Low was named after a poker game, then the Royal Flush of golf in the White Mountains is Torreon Golf Club. Located on over 1,400 acres, Torreon is every golfer’s paradise. Two championship courses designed by Robert Von Hagge, the architect that brought us the “Blue Monster” at Doral, together with his partners, delivered the mountain masterpiece that is Torreon. Cabin and Tower courses await the challenge. Both courses play through the pines equally but my favorite stretch of holes between the two was the 7th through 10th holes
on the Cabin course. The 7th hole par 3 is situated on the highest point of the development with gorgeous panoramic views of the White Mountains. It’s a long par 3 that plays up-hill with a nasty little backside bunker that can seize a ball hit with too much club! Next up is the dramatic downhill par 4, 8th hole. Don’t be too proud of your tee shot because you’ll still have a mid-to-long iron into a green that has a drop-off behind it that might as well be the Grand Canyon! Par 5, 10th hole brings some water into play on your approach shot and if the pin is tucked back right, good luck! General Manager Joe Long wanted to make it clear though, “Torreon is not just about golf, it’s a community experience.” Mr. Long with owners, Desert Troon Management Group, has made it their mission to deliver a mountain golf course community that is truly unique. Almost as refreshing as the mountain air is the unpretentious and welcoming feeling you get upon arriving at Torreon. “All that stiffness can stay in Phoenix and Tucson,” said Long “Here at Torreon people can just relax and enjoy themselves.” Relax and enjoy you will. Between the popular heated outdoor pool and hot tub (get there early during the weekends to ensure a spot, it can fill up quickly!) numerous fishing holes, kids recreational center (with a pool table, pin-pong, full arcade, X-Box and Wii game stations), a two golf hole family friendly practice area, expansive equestrian center, as well as an inviting bar and dining area Torreon is set to deliver. Another unique quality of Torreon is the ability for certain memberships to be transferred to another
include fully transferable memberships.
more commonly known for winter skiing at sunrise mountain, the White mountains holds a cool golf get-a-way
Across Highway 260 from Torreon is Bison Golf Club ( Don’t expect Torreon but you’ll be pleased with the overall experience, especially for the price. Peak rate is less than $35! Recently redesigned in 2007 by ASU alum Billy Mayfair, Bison is a perfect track for the entire family. Although most of the holes are average in length, be prepared for the Par 5, 14th nicknamed “Thunderbeast”. Playing 625 yards, with some of the tallest pines on the course lining its fairway, this golf hole brings the full blunt of the Bison! “We are very proud of our Bent greens,” says Lloyd Harvey GM of Bison Golf Club. And they should be. The greens were in far better condition than what I was expecting. Known to locals as the 7/11 course (front 7, back 11), with the back 11 holes playing through the mountain pine trees.
Another great option in Show Low is the public course Silver Creek (, more than just pristine golf, torreon offers a four season recreational gateway to arizona’s White mountains. currently rated 4 stars by Golf Digest. Silver Creek tends to be the choice for most individuals that party (up to 30 days) for a one-time are unable to access the courses at nominal fee of around $50. Torreon. Rent a cabin/villa through Torreon (, and all of Torreon’s amenities become yours and your families during your stay. Golf fees are included, you now only have to pay a cart fee! Third party rentals is another option but be careful. There are great places available on sites like vacation rental by owner ( but not all rentals
Don’t let the summer heat take you down. Head to the cooler temps of the White Mountains and enjoy the best kept secret of summer golf in Arizona! Josh Keck is a Member of the Golf writers Association of America, Travel contributor for Southern Arizona Tee Times and Resident of Tucson, AZ. Josh can be reached at
“But the best kept secret about Arizona golf is [the] cool temps and perfect bent greens in the White Mountains.” l Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine
20 Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine l
s n e e r G Renovation
ne of the most exciting times at any golf course is a renovation. Members get excited about the changes, Superintendents get excited about “new stuff ” and the Pro’s, generally we just enjoy everyone else’s excitement. To us it means no play on that course, no revenue, limited availability of tee times and of course, members or guests crowded into a much smaller space. But, we are also very interested in what is happening and why, because our guests are continuously asking questions. So I wanted to let you in on what we, PGA professionals, are interested in when our course goes “under the knife”. In May of 2008 we went under the knife, a complete greens and bunker renovation. What did it entail and why? How long did it take? What could we expect? The construction company arrived with semi’s full of equipment, bulldozers, back hoes, tractors, dump trucks, front end loaders. What else could they need? It is just a patch of grass, albeit a special kind of grass. Here is what happened and why. First all of the grass was removed, and the subsoil, down about 18 – 24 inches.
Nothing remained. Then they removed gravel and finally the entire drainage system underneath. Why, because the drainage was clogged and not working, and of course, you cannot leave any of the old grass roots hanging around to re-infest the new surface. Thousands of yards of grass, soil and gravel was removed. If you didn’t have proper drainage the soil would become too wet and kill the grass or attract mold, fungus and other diseases. Then the rebuilding process is started. Drainage is laid in accordance with the architects design to remove excess water. Then it is covered with large gravel to allow the water to flow into the drains. Then smaller gravel to do the same but also to prevent the sand/soil mix from getting into the drains and clogging them. Finally, the sand/soil mix, usually about 12 – 18 inches in depth. It is painstakingly moved and shaped to give the green its contours, landing areas, and pin locations, but also to allow it to drain. Finally, the surface is put into place, either by hydro-seeding or sod. “We pray for only light rains until it begins to grow roots capable of supporting it and keeping the seed in place.” Now the Superintendent is working the “grow in”, a difficult, trying time for them. Too much or not enough fertilizer at the wrong time and it can kill it.
BY STEVE HUGHES, PGA Director of Club Operations La Paloma Country Club
Walking on it can destroy the shoots, mowing it too soon the same, too late has similar results. Somewhere between 45 and 90 days from the seeding, a mini verde Bermuda grass has crept its way over the entire surface and it is ready for play. The entire process takes about 120 days if things go well. A celebration is in order. So as a golf professional, I can tell my members, at any time, where we are in the process and what is next. The details remain with the experts, the superintendents, but then do you really care that the plant system is suffering from evapotranspiration as long as the playing surface is great? Probably not, as long as you are not the Superintendent.
Steve Hughes is the Director of Country Club Operations for La Paloma Country Club, 3660 E. Sunrise Drive in Tucson, AZ. A PGA Member since 2005 Steve was recognized in 2007 & 2008 as the SwSSCPGA Senior Player of the Year, 2008 Senior Chapter Champion and as the 2008 Professional of the Year. To contact Steve, or the La Paloma Golf Shop, call 520.299.1500 or visit
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l Bowl Championship Series l PGA Championships l AZ ICECAT Hockey l Major leagu 22 Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine l
tuCson area 24 l arIZona natl. GC
9777 e. sabino greens Dr. tucson, az Phone 520.749.3636 Par 71, Yardage 6776
11 l GolF Club @ vIstoso 28 p rollInG hIlls GC
955 w. Vistoso highlands Dr. tucson, az Phone: 520.797.9900 Par 72, Yardage 6932
06 l herItaGe hIGhlands 08 l Crooked tree GC @ 4949 w. heritage club Blvd.
arthur paCk reG. park.
9101 n. thornydale tucson, az Phone 520.744.3322 Par 72, Yardage: 6887
29 p davIs monthan
3965 s. craycroft rd. tucson, az Phone 520.228.3734 Par 72, Yardage 6611
31 l del laGo GC
14155 e. Via rancho del Lago, Vail, az Phone 520.647.1100 Par 72, Yardage 7206
33 l dell urICh GC
600 south alvernon way tucson, az Phone 520.791.4161 Par 70, Yardage 6633
27 l dorado GC
6601 e. speedway Blvd. tucson, az Phone 520.885.6751 Par 62, Yardage 3900
10 l el ConQuIstador
GolF resort
10555 n. La canada Dr. oro Valley, az Phone 520.544.1800 Par 71, Yardage 6801 conquistador course Par 72, Yardage 6713 canada course
21 l la paloma CC
17 l saddlebrooke
3660 e. sunrise Dr. tucson, az Phone 520.299.1500 Par 72, Yardage 7088
15 l mountaIn vIeW GC
38691 s. Mountain View Blvd. tucson, az Phone 520.818.1100 Par 72, Yardage 6728
09 l omnI tuCson natIonal Gr
2727 w. club Dr. tucson, az Phone 520.575.7540 Par 72, Yardage 7262 catalina course Par 70, Yardage 6418 sonoran course
14 l the preserve GC—saddlebrooke
66567 catalina hills Dr. tucson, az Phone 520.825.9022 Par 72, Yardage 6418
19 l pusCh rIdGe at el ConQuIstador
10000 n. oracle rd. tucson, az Phone 520.544.1770 Par 35, Yardage 2788 5910 n. oracle rd. tucson, az Phone 520.887.6161 Par 54, Yardage 2311
25 l Forty-nIner CC
07 l Quarry pInes
8251 e. irvington rd. tucson, az Phone 520.791.2539 Par 72, Yardage 6567
05 p the Gallery GC
14000 n. Dove Mountain Blvd. Marana, az Phone 520.744.2555 Par 72, Yardage 7435 north course Par 72, Yardage 7315 south course
16 p saddlebrooke CC
64500 e. saddleBrooke Blvd. tucson, az Phone 520.825.2505 Par 72, Yardage 6494
1400 w. speedway Blvd. tucson, az Phone 520.791.4229 Par 70, Yardage 6418
30 l Fred enke GC
8900 e. 29th st. tucson, az Phone 520.298.2401 Par 63 Yardage 4146
Marana, az Phone 520.579.7000 Par 72, Yardage 6904
35 l el rIo munICIpal GC 20 l QuaIl Canyon GC
12000 e. tanque Verde rd. tucson, az Phone 520.749.4212 Par 72, Yardage 6630
key: l Public & semi-Private courses p Private courses
GolF Club
8480 n. continental Links Dr. Marana, az Phone 520.744.7443 Par 71, Yardage 6300
32 l randolph GC 600 s. alvernon way tucson, az Phone 520.791.4161 Par 72/70 Yardage 6863
56 l rItZ-Carlton GolF Club dove mountaIn
6501 Boulder Bridge Pass Marana, az Phone 520.572.3500 Par 36 Yardage 3894 saguaro course Par 36 Yardage 3955 tortolita course Par 36 Yardage 3897 wild Burro course
ranCh GC
Green valley
rIo rICo
43 l Canoa hIlls GC
47 l rIo rICo CC
1401 w. calle urbano green Valley, az Phone 520.648.1880 Par 72, Yardage 6610
1069 camino caralampi rio rico, az Phone 1.800.288.4746 Par 72, Yardage 7119
45 l Canoa ranCh GC
5800 s. camino del sol green Valley, az Phone 520.393.1966 Par 70, Yardage 6549
39 l haven GC
30556 s. robson cir. tucson, az Phone 520.818.6403 Par 72, Yardage 6875
110 n. abrego Dr. green Valley, az Phone 520.625.4281 Par 72, Yardage 6905
37 l santa rIta GC
40 l QuaIl Creek CC
16461 s. houghton rd. corona de tucson, az Phone 520.762.5620 Par 72, Yardage 6523
2010 n. Quail crossing Blvd. green Valley, az Phone 520.393.5802 Par 72, Yardage 7005
34 l sIlverbell GC
44 l san IGnaCIo GC
3600 n. silverbell rd. tucson, az Phone 520.791.5235 Par 72, Yardage 6824
4201 s. camino Del sol green Valley, az Phone 520.648.3468 Par 71, Yardage 6704
22 p skylIne CC
41 l torres blanCas
5200 e. st. andrews Dr. tucson, az Phone 520.299.0464 Par 71, Yardage 6123
36 l starr pass GC
3645 w. starr Pass Blvd. tucson, az Phone 520.670.0400 Par 72, Yardage 7008
12 p the stone Canyon Club
14200 n. hohokam Village Pl. tucson, az Phone 520.219.1500 Par 72, Yardage 7307
26 p tuCson CC
2950 n. camino Principal tucson, az Phone 520.298.6769 Par 72, Yardage 6954
18 p oro valley CC
300 w. greenock Dr. oro Valley, az. Phone 520.297.1121 Par 72, Yardage 6964
23 p ventana Canyon
6200 n. clubhouse Ln. tucson, az Phone 520.577.4015 Par 72, Yardage 6907Mtn/6819-cyn
13 p the vIeWs GolF
Club oF oro valley
1555 e. rancho Vistoso Blvd. oro Valley, az Phone 520.825.3110 Par 72, Yardage 6715
GolF Club
3233 s. abrego Dr. green Valley, az Phone 520.625.5200 Par 72, Yardage 6978
38 p Country Club oF
Green valley
77 e. Paseo de golf green Valley, az Phone 520.625.8831 Par 72, Yardage 6281
42 p desert hIlls GC
2500 s. circulo de las Lomas green Valley, az Phone 520.625.5090 Par 72, Yardage 6464
tubaC 46 l tubaC GolF resort
one otero rd. tubac, az Phone 520.398.2211 Par 71, Yardage 6576
sunsItes/sIerra vs 52 l shadoW mtn. GC
1105 irene st. sunsites, az Phone 520.826.3412 Par 72, Yardage 6632
53 l sIerra vIsta pueblo del sol CC
2770 st. andrews Dr. sierra Vista, az Phone 520.378.6444 Par 72, Yardage 7074
to change or add a course listing, please email or call 520.792.6650
49 l kIno sprInGs GC
187 Kino springs Dr. nogales, az Phone 520.287.8701 Par 71, Yardage 6500
benson/naCo 51 l turQuoIse hIlls
800 e. country club Dr. Benson, az Phone 520.586.2585 Par 58, Yardage 3004
54 l turQuoIse valley
1794 w. newell st. naco, az Phone 520.432.3091 Par 72, Yardage 6778
50 l san pedro GC
926 n. Madison st. Benson, az Phone 520.586.7888 Par 72, Yardage 7313
Casa Grande / eloy 01 l Casa Grande munICIpal GC
2121 n. thornton rd. casa grande, az Phone 520.836.9216 Par 72, Yardage 6353
02 l FranCIsCo Grande resort GC
26000 gila Bend highway casa grande, az Phone: 1.800.237.4238 Par 72, Yardage 7545
03 l mIssIon royale GC
11 Mission royale Pkw. casa grande, az Phone 520.876.5335 Par 72, Yardage 6700
04 l Grande valley GC
1505 south toltec rd. grande Valley, az Phone 520.466.7734 Par 72, Yardage 7183
aZ CIty / FlorenCe 57 l arIZona CIty G.C.
13939 s. cleator arizona city, az 85123 Phone 520.466.5327 Par: 72, Yardage: 6742
55 l poston butte GC
6100 w. Merrill ranch Pkw. Florence, az Phone 520.723.1880 Par 72, Yardage 7282
NBA l Major league baseball l Phoenix Suns l Arizona Diamondbacks l National Football League l PGA
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ue baseball l NCAA Basketball l NCAA March Madness l College Game Day l MLB l l Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine
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So You Think You want To Learn to Play
Golf is a great game: sometimes rewarding, almost always frustrating and totally addictive. Getting started in golf is actually not so difficult, and hopefully this article can help you avoid some of the pitfalls and help to point you in the direction of a lifetime of fun (and frustration).
The firsT sTeps Step lightly and DO NOT rush out and buy a brand new set of shiny and expensive golf clubs. While they are nice to look at, keep in mind that today's golf equipment comes in great varieties to cater to different golfing types and abilities. Since you're just starting out, you most likely do not know which set fits you best. Just imagine the envious looks you’d get at the driving range when you arrive with your $2000 set, and the subsequent laughter when you try and just 'hack away' – trust me, it’s not worth the embarrassment! Once you spend a few hundred (or even a few thousand) on a set that doesn't suit your style you're stuck with them, until you can palm them off to somebody else at a loss. Some alternatives are: Most driving ranges have clubs for hire, so you can try out a few different ones. Accept the fact that none of the clubs will feel terribly comfortable at first. Actually, I would first recommend that you get your hands on a putter, either from a friend or a local pro shop, and try it out on their practice green. (They might even toss in a couple of range balls for your practice). Putting will give you a feeling for the concept of the game – getting the ball into the hole. Trust me, it only looks easy. Once you have mastered the putter - actually witness a ball or two rolling into the cup - it will be time to expand your introduction by borrowing one or two clubs from a friend (the key word here is borrow). The shortest iron, nine iron or a wedge are the best clubs to start off with. The initial objective here is to see if you can get the ball into the air, these clubs will give you your best chance at accomplishing that objective.
the ball above the level of the grass, you might actually be ready for an honest introduction to the art of the golf swing via ... THE GOLF LESSON.
The GOLf LessON For your golf lesson you are going to need a few golf clubs. I would recommend a driver, a five-wood, seven iron and a nine iron. With such few clubs you may not even need a golf bag but one strapped over your shoulder does give you the presence of at least looking like a golfer. The second element at this stage is a golf instructor. Rather than your favorite brother-in-law or spouse, let me suggest a professional golf instructor. There are loads of them at most all golf courses. You might ask your brother in-law or spouse for their recommendations, but that’s as far as I would let either get into your golf game. Once you decide on an instructor – maybe you might want to talk to one or two before making your selection – you simply turn over the controls to him or her. Don’t bother telling your instructor what you do, or do not know, they will know long before you know. Put yourself in their hands, do as they say no matter how screwy it may sound or feel. And after you have completed a series of lessons, you’ll have a whole lot better idea where you and your game is going. After a sit- down with your instructor you’ll know just about everything you’ll need to know about buying golf clubs and what fits and what doesn’t fit. After a series of lessons with a reputable golf instructor, you might even be ready for your favorite brother in-law or spouse on the links – believe me there will be moments to cherish.
If after a bit of time you are able to propel l Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine
Leave Your Sleeve in the Cart . . .
YOU ONLY NEED ONE. BY RYAN ECKROAT, PGA General Manager, Poston Bute Golf Club
In past articles, you’ve seen me describe a variety of putting and chipping drills focused on improving the most important part of the game, all of which have required the use of multiple golf balls. After recently watching a number of people warm-up prior to their rounds, it hit me that one of the most important and effective ways to practice putting seems to be forgotten, and that is to use just one ball. Before your next round, take a look at people on the putting green prior to teeing off and you’ll see that almost every person will drop a few balls down and putt them to a hole. Rarely, if ever, will they finish putting them into the
We all know that we get one attempt at any shot we play during a round, so it makes sense that we should practice that way. hole they started on. Instead, they’ll rake them aside, pick a new hole, and repeat the process. They may contend that they are just getting used to the speed of the green, to which there is some merit, but I ask you this, “How many golf balls do you get to drop down and putt when you’re playing a round?” We all know that we get just one attempt at any shot we play during a round, so it would make sense that we should practice that way. If you’ve read any of the popular sport psychologists that have written golf articles, you’ll see a common thread here. Even in practice, putt until you get the ball into the hole and never deviate from your routine. It makes perfect sense doesn’t it? The goal of your pre-shot routine is to help relax your mind so that you can be decisive and
focused on the shot at hand. The point of any putt is to roll the ball into the hole. Why would you not practice this? I will agree, and even suggest, that rolling a few balls from the same spot to a target can help you get a sense for the speed of the greens that day, but that should not be your whole practice or warm-up routine. If you only leave yourself 5-10 minutes to putt, you will be much better off to go through your full routine of lining up the putt, taking your practice stroke, and putting to a hole, using just one ball. If you roll the ball close enough for an easy tap-in, don’t rake it away, either tap it in or, better yet, pull the ball back a putter length and then hole that putt. After all, you have to keep putting until you hole out on the course, so you might as well practice it. By making it routine for you before a round or part of your practice sessions, you’ll feel even more comfortable on the greens during your next round and we all know, that is where we can shave off the most strokes!
Ryan is the General Manager at Poston Butte Golf Club at Anthem Merrill Ranch in florence, Arizona. As a PGA Member and 9-year veteran with Troon Golf, Ryan has managed multiple facilities in Arizona and Colorado. Ryan can be reached at 520.723.1880 or visit
26 Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine l
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Swing Plane the key to a more consistent swing. BY MARK OSwALD, PGA
General Manager, Oro Valley Country Club
For a more consistent golf swing begin working on your swing plane. The proper swing plane is achieved through the right combination of shoulder turn and arm swing. Picture your hands and the golf club above your right shoulder at the top of the swing. This is the position you want at the top of the backswing. (Photo 1 illustrates this position). If you are on plane at the top it will be much easier to keep the club on plane during the downswing and have solid impact. To reach this top position start the club back with the left shoulder coming under your chin and continue this shoulder turn
swing after swing. To help you know where your swing plane is use a mirror behind you take the club back and stop at the top. Is the club over your right shoulder? You can use a mirror, camera or swing coach to help you achieve the correct position at the top. Once you are getting the top position consistently you are in position to complete the swing. Now I want you to picture your finish position. Hands again over the shoulder as you finish. Picture this position and hit it and hold your finish. If you finish and your hands are too high (or upright) more above your head than the shoulder you need to work on making a strong turn to the finish of your swing. If your body stops turning the hands will go up and finish higher than preferred. Keep turning and finish with your hands over the shoulder.
and path as your hands are swung over the shoulder. If you take the club back with your hands or arms you will be on too much of an upright path which will put your hands above the line in picture 1. This swing promotes the outside in swing path which results in the slice or pull shot. If you take the club too far inside, or too flat on the backswing you will finish the top of your backswing below the line which promotes a swing plane that is too far from inside and across the target line.
If you are turning too much with the upper body and not lower body you will let the hands go below your shoulder and finish too flat. Keep the lower body turning during the downswing. Finish your hands over your shoulder and belt buckle facing your target. Photo 2 shows the correct finish position, hands over shoulder, belt buckle to target and in balance. Mark Oswald has been a PGA Member for more than 24 years and has worked with all levels of golfers from first time beginners to touring professionals. For more information you can contact Mark at
Continue working on the backswing plane until you can repeat it
Mark Oswald has been a PGA Member since 1987 and offers over 25 years of Professional Golf Instruction. He has managed several clubs in Arizona including the Hilton El Conquistador, The Golf Club at Vistoso, Prescott Country Club and Great Eagle Golf Club. Currently the General Manager Oro Valley Country Club he can be reached at 520-297-7834 or l Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine
Four Hours BY ROBIN LANE How long should it take to play a 4 hour round of golf? Who is buried in Grant’s tomb? How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
some more grass, etc.? Holy Cow?! Is it tomorrow yet? We have all been there and it can be painful.
stand, hands on hips and scowl on face. Even worse, you stand over your all important putt and a ball rolls right up to your left foot. Oops?! Fore?! Does it make you angry just reading this?
What about the folks who have two different kinds of measuring devices just in case they need extra guidance before taking that all important next shot? What is this? The US Open?
Ever stood behind a group where the
fairway and green are wide open in front of them yet the golfer is very As golfers, this question busy finishing the is sure to be a part of It is understood that golf is a game of story or joke for every conversation at manners and etiquette. There are some their buddies before every party that is ever taking the next attended. Southern unspoken rules regarding pace of play. shot? Watch their Arizona Tee Times As a general rule, it should take hands moving and Magazine gets lots and four hours to complete a round of golf. the laughter arising lots of interesting and no golf balls are comments on this in the air? Can you subject. see that empty fairway in front of Have you seen the golfer who RUNS you? Wait there they are! There is Is the elusive 4 hour round of golf that group of four over there in the down the fairway, has the club in hand gender specific? Do men play faster bushes with the ball retriever before they have placed the golf bag on than women? extended and a big pile of golf balls the ground or before their cart comes at their feet as they fish out another to a stop? Swing and run, swing and Have you have ever been on the course ball from the sticker bushes. Whew! run. Do not bother to remove the and watched the player in front of you flagstick; they will not be there long. take a measurement with their handy Do groups of four have the right of You can hear, “It is good! Pick it up, distance measuring device, throw up let’s go!!” When you look back in the way? How many groups should you some grass, select a club, take two fairway behind you and there they let play through before you realize practice swings, change clubs, throw up
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Really? guidance to get back into their allotted timeframe. The AWGA Tournament committee claims to have “shaved” an hour off the previous pace of play in all tournaments. This can make the day go smoother and all players get to the lunch table in a timely manner. The AWGA has even instituted their Checkpoint system in shotgun events with huge success.
your group is a bit slow? If you hit your shot right over the heads of the group in front of you, is that really playing through? Would you pay extra to play speed golf and finish really, really fast? It is understood that golf is a game of manners and etiquette. There are some unspoken rules regarding pace of play. As a general rule, it should take four hours to complete a round of golf. Most golfers are aware of themselves and should know that if they have lost sight of the group in front of them, they have fallen behind the pace of play. When the group behind you is playing a bit faster, golfers are courteous, they generally step aside. That is not always possible when playing in a tournament.
Checkpoint system has been adapted from the British Colombia Golf Association. The AWGA uses color coded flags to maintain a steady pace of play for all state tournaments. The USGA has begun using this same system for National Championships. It is not higher math but merely a series of checkpoints around the golf course to alert players if they have fallen behind and by how much.
The Arizona Women’s Golf Association (AWGA) has developed a system to assist in pace of play. This
Players love the Checkpoint system. It tells them how far behind the pace they may have fallen and gives them
Summertime is the best and brightest example of pace on our courses. As summertime residents, everyone understands that we can play early and play fast. The early golfers set the pace of play for everyone out there. The other option is to take advantage of afternoon or evening rates to play at a more leisurely pace. Then you can head to the clubhouse for a cocktail. Even if the questions never get answered, pace of play is a great discussion to have with other golfers. Four hours…Really?!
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No Reason to Fear
here may be no other routine shot in golf that is more widely feared by amateur golfers than one from a green side bunker. However, most professionals not only would prefer a bunker shot, but in many instances will intentionally play toward one as a better option for missing a green than an alternative from the
least two common faults among them, poor setup and the inability to control the low point of the swing (where the club enters the sand). Instead of taking your buddy's advice to open the club face, aim left, cut across the ball and hit two inches behind it, try a simpler method to become a more consistent bunker player.
Continue to rotate the torso through the shot as you would on a full swing. The intention is to deliver the club at the base of the ball, not two inches behind it. If your pivot stalls, the club will release, causing you to hit the sand too far behind the ball. Paired with too much weight on your back foot, the result will be thin or fat shots.
In order to predictably get the ball out of the sand, the most important factor is being able to control where the club enters the sand. Set up square to your
A simple drill to improve your ability to control the low point is to draw a line in the sand, set up to it as if the ball were on the line, and make swings that hit the line and take out sand on the target side. Take advantage of the practice bunker to mark a reference point where you can measure where the low point of your swing is, and how consistently you can deliver the club into the sand.
The intention is to deliver the club at the base of the ball, not two inches behind it. If your pivot stalls, the club will release, causing you to hit the sand too far behind the ball. rough. Aside from the countless hours spent practicing from the bunker, why do professionals seem to embrace playing from the sand? The answer may be simpler than you might think. Most amateurs whom I encounter who struggle with their bunker play has at
target line with the ball positioned one to two inches forward of the middle of your stance. Shift 60 to 70 percent of your weight on your front foot and make your normal swing, pivoting around your front foot (donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let your weight shift to your back foot).
Some practice time spent in the bunker with your focus on the low point will go a long way in helping you become a more predictable bunker player, and should make your approaches less daunting when you no longer fear the sand.
Brandon Smith is the Head Golf Professional at Ventana CanyonGolf & Racquet Club in Tucson As a member of the University of Arizonaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s golf team, Brandon was a PAC10 Academic All-American. His Playing success has continued in the Southwest Section PGA, winning numerous Section and Chapter events including the Southwest Section PGA Championship. l Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine
Negating the Negative BY KIM GRIGGS, PGA Head Golf Professional, The Views Golf Club
As a golf professional the roles that you’re asked to fill are plentiful; tournament coordinator, golf shop director, merchandiser, handicap & rules official, golf promoter, business manager, psychiatrist/therapist (when a player has a bad round) and the list goes on. One of the most important and rewarding roles is that of the golf instructor because there are several “types” of golfers and everyone’s swing is unique and different. Golf is a part of the lives of millions of people around the world; young, old, beginners, average and scratch golfers. The popularity of golf and its iconic players on the PGA, LPGA and Champions Tour have driven so many average everyday players to try and emulate them, sometimes not realizing the time, effort and physical training that is required at such a high level. One would say theres are some ‘standard’
categories of golfers. The weekend warrior is the golfer that can only play on the weekend and they are looking to go out with their buddies, have a few beers and relax from their hectic work week. Next we have the golfer who tries to buy their game by having the latest and greatest golf equipment, but have never had a lesson and they need 2 dozen golf balls per round. Then there is the driving range king who can hit the ball 300 plus yards dead straight on the driving range, but cannot convert on the course. Also, there is the Bobby Clampett clone who has studied the geometry of the swing in such depth that he or she suffers from the worst case of “Paralysis through Analysis”. These players can enjoy the game of golf at varying levels but they get frustrated and tend to exert a lot of unnecessary negative energy into their game. Ah, golf lessons. Do you remember two scenes from the movie Tin Cup? The first one I remember is when Renee Russo’s character shows up at Tin Cup’s (Kevin Costner) driving range with numerous gadgets attached to her head and body designed to improve her swing. Tin Cup laughs out loud. Later, after he has qualified for the U.S. Open and has gone into a horrible slump, she goes to visit him at his trailer and he comes out wearing the same outfit of golf gadgets. The point is this, in order to improve our games, we will all try and/or buy almost anything in an effort to get better. Before you get to your last resort and rent Dorff on golf again, look to your PGA professional. They have gone through a series of classes and seminars designed to help them teach and train you. Whether you are a beginner, single digit handicap or have just been playing bad golf for years, they can give you information and drills that will get you headed in the right direction.
The point is this, in order to improve our games, We will all try and or buy almost anything in an effort to get better.
Kim Griggs is the Head Golf Professional at The Views Golf Club, 1565 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd in Oro Valley AZ, She can be reached at 520-825-3110.
34 Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine l
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36 Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine l
A Salute To Arizona’s Year Round Residents . . .
The Summer Warriors!
lady Warriors play hole 12 at heritage highlands.
WOMEN’S GOLF BY MARYANN SOUTER People who don’t live here year round say we have a “dry heat.” They add that 115 degree days aren’t as hot as summer days back home that are 30 degrees less. But those of us who are Arizonans know better. In the heat of the summer, we must also endure the wrath of the annual monsoon – the season which brings both high temperatures and high humidity. So much for dry heat! Enter the summer warriors – the players who REALLY love to golf. We are the ones who continue to play golf with the sun emanating scorching heat and the perspiration on our bodies drying before our clothes show any sign of discomfort. We are the loyal, devoted golfers; the ones who feel true passion for the game; the ones whose patronage helps the golf courses stay open. We are the sustenance of Arizona golf -- the fuel that supports Arizona’s golf industry. Do we leave when the summer temps
get too high? No way! Armed with bottles of water to keep us hydrated and snacks to keep up our strength, we head out to the links wearing large brimmed hats and slathered with sunscreen. We excitedly take advantage of the dog days of summer to discover courses which are usually too expensive or booked solid in the winter months. We play on days that no snowbird would dare go outside! There’s no waiting for a tee time in the summer, finding a place on the driving range is easy and the pace of play can be a little more relaxed. For hard-core golfers – summer in Arizona isn’t so bad after all! The Arizona Women’s Golf Association is hosting several tournaments during the summer months. July 16 -- Day in Hades will be played at Rio Verde Country Club. The name of this tournament says it all! August 6-7 -- Mixed Stix will be held at Tubac Golf Resort. A joint outing for AGA and AWGA members, this tournament fills up quickly and is one of the favorites among players from
all over the state. August 29-31 – This year’s AWGA State Amateur Stroke Play Championship will be hosted by Encanterra CC. The heat won’t keep our state’s best players from entering! As year-round Arizona residents, we are the unsung heroes. So be proud and stand tall fellow warriors! We have a mission. We are responsible for keeping our golf community financially fit by patronizing courses, pro shops, club houses, golf stores and by participating in summer tournaments. Visit the AWGA website at for a list of upcoming events. Our weather is sizzling and so is our summer golf calendar! Between June 1st and August 31st, there are 16 tournaments and USGA qualifiers on the schedule. So take a look, enter an event or two and welcome Arizona’s robust summer season of golf! Mary Ann Souter is a freelance writer whose articles have appeared in a variety of golf publications. She is co-author of Synergistic Golf-One Day at a Time. Contact info: (480) 332-6335 or l Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine
Sensational BY ADAM LAZARUS Regional Sales Director, GolfNow / Golf Channel
golf in the hot summer season can be a really cool experience
here’s an old saying about Arizona, that it’s where summer spends the winter and hell spends the summer. It may be funny, but it’s just not true. Sure, it can get really hot here. But for many golfers, summer time in Southern Arizona can actually be paradise. With some preparation, a little sunscreen and a lot of water, golf in the hot summer season can still be a really cool experience. There are great deals to be found, faster rounds to be played, fewer people on the courses, opportunities for juniors and singles, crisp mornings and so much more to enjoy about summer golf. Summer in the desert is a great time to be a golfer for many reasons, the biggest being that summer offers the best time of year to grab a great deal on golf, especially at the area’s top tier courses. The temperature may go up, but in the off-season (usually late May through early September) the golf rates go down drastically. Prices typically drop by 70% or more as compared to high season as courses offer specials designed to target and reward the locals. Deal conscious golfers can find more than just low
rates too; there are play-all-day specials, offers that include food, drinks and merchandise included and there are even deals that include lessons, hotel stays and much more. And if you’re a golfer willing to withstand the heat of the day, there are dozens of “hot” deals to be found by calling your favorite
experience for the first time a course you’ve always wanted to try. Quite simply, summer offers the chance to play more while spending less. In addition to the great savings, summer golf offers players something they can’t get any other time of year…
Summer in the desert is a great time to be a golfer, the biggest being that summer offers the best time of year to grab a great deal on golf, especially at the areas top tier courses. course or searching online. The summer season is also the best time of year to play a variety of different courses as even the most high-end courses offer competitive, reasonable pricing to the locals still in town. It’s a great time to play a course in town that you haven’t played in awhile or
38 Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine l
a leisurely round of golf. Summer in Tucson means the snowbirds have gone home, many locals are on vacation and the courses cater to the golfers who stuck around. If you’re a time sensitive golfer then summer offers the perfect excuse to get out for a quick round, especially late in the
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day. Most days you can finish an 18-hole round in under four hours, and while you’re out there you’ll feel like the only golfer on the course. Want to experience that “country club for a day” feeling? Try teeing off Monday through Thursday at some of the nicest courses in town and you can find out what it feels like to have an entire course to yourself. Whether quick pace of play is what you’re after or if it’s simply going at your own pace, summer provides the ability for both. For beginning golfers, there is no better time to learn the game than in the summer. Courses are offering better deals and are much less crowded, so those new to the game or wanting to improve can get the opportunity to get better all summer long. The summer golf experience is inexpensive and far less intimidating than playing in-season which means beginners can take their time, learn the rules and etiquette and in some cases even “practice” on the course by hitting more than one ball each shot. Beginners will also find great opportunities to improve their game by working with some of the area’s best Golf Professionals without the usual cost and commitment. There are many deals to be found for private lessons or group clinics offering golfers the chance to work with some of the area’s top instructors and really improve before the golf season starts back up. Golfers who prefer playing as singles love the summer season as well. Courses are far more lax about their tee time restrictions and will typically allow single golfers to play whenever they want. CONTINUED ON PAGE 41
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Heritage Highlands
Heritage Highlands
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Heritage Higlands
Canyon Pass @ Dove Mountain
Gallery Golf Resort
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SUMMER GOLF CONTINUED FROM PAGE 39 Meeting new friends, joining a social league or even playing alone are just some of the ways singles can take advantage of the summer golf season. And with kids out of school, rates a little lower and courses a bit emptier, summer is also the perfect time of year to introduce kids to the game. What better way to spend time with your family than a lateafternoon round
18 Holes + Lunch! Scan this code with your smart phone and receive a tasty little discount from:
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of golf? A few hours on the course is family bonding at its best and even helps grow the game at the same time getting kids introduced to and involved with the great game of golf. Summer time makes playing with juniors much easier, cheaper and much more convenient than any other time of year. And then there’s the summer weather. Is it hot? Sure is. Temperatures can be well above 100 degrees most days between May and September, but without the dreaded humidity, bugs and constant rain like in other places, summer golf in the desert is not only bearable, it can actually be enjoyable! Of course those early morning tee times are the most coveted since temperatures don’t usually spike until late morning or early afternoon, but with a hat, sunscreen and some water even the hottest days aren’t that bad for most golfers. And if the monsoon rains show up any afternoon, well that’s just a bonus. The seasonal rain cools everything down significantly and saturates the landscape making summer golf that much better. There’s no denying that summer in Southern Arizona is hot. Some people won’t pick up their clubs for the entire summer season, but for many in the know, summer is the best time of year to be a golfer. Along with the hot days there are even hotter deals to be found on golf, instruction, “staycations” and more for those willing to brave a little warm weather. Summer offers the best opportunities to play more often, play without the crowds, play at your own pace, play a bigger variety of courses and play alone or with kids and family. A summer like that doesn’t sound like hell to me. In fact, it sounds like a little piece of golf heaven right here in Southern Arizona.
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DOMPIER ACES MATCH PLAY BY RICK PRICE, PGA The Southern Chapter PGA Match Play Championship, hosted by The Stone Canyon Club was as a dramatic conclusion of any professional golf event that you could have watched on television. In championship fashion the top local 16 seeded qualifying PGA professionals were vying for this major title. In typical match play style in the first round matches, defending champion Josh Brown of La Paloma CC was ousted by Stone Canyon’s professional Brent Newcomb 2 & 1. The number one seed Mike Russell, head professional at The Stone Canyon Club, took advantage of his home course knowledge by defeating Jay Tomerlin of San Pedro golf course 6 & 5. Wade Dunagan toppled Brent Lingel of Blanchard golf course 5 & 4 to advance to the quarter-finals. As well as Brandon Smith cruising to an 8 & 7 victory over Justin Lindberg. In quick fashion Don Littrell put away Derek Deminsky 6 & 5 as did Chris Dompier over his opponent John Basden from Ventana Canyon. Basden said, “I was four down after
Chris dompier's hole-in-one pitching wedge from 145 yards
seven holes, and I made three birdies, go figure.” Rich Elias out lasted Director of Golf Steve Hughes of La Paloma CC 1 up and Poston Butte’s professional Ryan Eckroat beat Carl Allen from Ventana Canyon 2 & 1.
dompier celebrating picking his ball out of the hole
During the afternoon quarter-final matches Russell made a clutch birdie on the 17th hole to come away with a 2 & 1 decision over Wade Dunagan. Brandon Smith continued his stellar play winning over Skyline CC’s Don Littrell 3 & 2. In a back and forth battle Brent Newcomb knocked Rich Elias out of his bid for the title with a 1 up victory. In the most decisive afternoon matches head professional from Skyline CC Chris Dompier out
brandon smith explodes his way to the final match
Southwest Section Southern Chapter
Wade dunagan acknowledges mike russell's 2&1 victory
played Ryan Eckroat 7 & 6 advancing to the semi-finals. The following morning match between Mike Russell and Brandon Smith had to be one of the most outstanding rounds of golf witnessed. Russell stated, “He put on a clinic. It was absolutely amazing.” Smith destroyed the concept of home course advantage by proceeding to birdie 10 of the 13 holes played to defeat the host professional 7 & 5. Smith said, “It was just one of those days.” Well, someone else just having one of those days was Chris Dompier, he went on a birdie barrage defeating Brent Newcomb 5 & 3, which included a Hole-in-One on the 6th hole from 145 yards with a pitching wedge to propel him to the title match. The final match of the championship had Smith matching up against Dompier, who had not lost a singles match in a year and most recently won the Southwest Section PGA Match Play Championship. Nevertheless, Smith got off to an early lead and after 10 holes found himself 2 up. The fierce competitor that Dompier is, taking advantage of Smith’s putter going cold for a few holes
mike russell balanced finish to the semi-finals
as his lit on fire, halving the match after twelve with a thirty foot birdie putt. Dompier stuck it to within a couple of feet on the 193 yard par 3 14th hole to go 1 up, only to have Smith birdie the 15th to bring the match back to even. On the difficult 237 yard par 3 16th hole, Dompier hit it to within a couple of feet again to go one up, Smith responded on the 17th hole by hitting his approach shot to within a foot of the hole for a birdie to even the match. As both players recorded par on the final hole, it only seemed fitting that they both deserved the championship title based on how they both played. However, they went back to the 18th tee to determine the champion with both players driving it down the middle and hitting their approach shots on the green. Smith putted first rolling his ball over the corner of the hole and proceeded to watch Dompier sink his putt from 25 feet to claim the Southern Chapter PGA Match Play Championship. l Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine
[CHAPTER.NEWS] Southwest Section Southern Chapter
Course Pros, support the club's efforts in selling more tee times and memberships through their first hand knowledge of the club(s) with their potential Home Buyers, attend 19th Hole Mixers with other Zone Agents and Course Staff, present themselves as G-R-N Member Agents of the SWSPGA on their correspondence and marketing materials, attend special tournaments, meetings, and quarterly events sponsored by the Southwest Section PGA, and advertise their Golf Properties in the G-R-N, Golf Properties of the Southwest on-line magazine.
PGA Partners With Golf Realty Network to Assist in Selling Golf Course Properties Golf Realty Network launched their new partnership with the Southwest West Section PGA on March 17th, 2011. Intended to attract Golf Enthusiasts from all over the world and connect Golf Customers of website to a Real Estate Agent that Specializes in Golf Properties, it has truly brought the Game of Golf and Real Estate together. Golf Realty Network owners, Jane and Al Andersen, wanted to create a network of Specialized Agents from "all" brokerages in Arizona and Southern Nevada and connect them based on a common interest ... Golf. Over 6,500 Golf Properties were sold in the Greater Phoenix area in 2010,
or 8% of the market! Nowhere else in the world is "Golf " such an integral part of a State's allure with over 390 Public and Private Courses to choose from, than the Southwest Section.
Because it's a limited number of Member Agents, these Agents are required to apply for membership, and are specifically chosen by the owners, Jane and Al Andersen. They hope to grow Golf Realty Network in other PGA sections throughout the U.S. and make G-R-N an International Brand. Both Jane and Al Andersen knew that the Golf/Real Estate "niche" was a winner. It's not a new invention, or creation, so there's really no risk. It's
Knowing that Golf Enthusiasts like to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Live Where They Playâ&#x20AC;?, Member Agents cover the entire state of Arizona and Southern Nevada based on Geographical Zones. Knowing that Golf Enthusiasts like to Live Where They Play, their network of Member Agents cover the entire state of Arizona and Southern Nevada based on Geographical Zones. Member Agents receive both Buyer and Seller inquiries. In fact, G-R-N's first inquiry was a client that wanted to sell their home on a Golf Course and specifically wanted a Golf Property Specialist to list their home. This a very unique membership. Each G-R-N Member Agent has the opportunity to engage with the PGA
44 Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine l
just that they have "officially" synergized the two (2) industries (Golf and Real Estate). When it gets down to it, they know that the success of Golf Realty Network will depend on a small group of highly committed, passionate people, doing what they love to do... and doing it better than anyone else!
Interested? Contact Golf Realty Network at or Al Andersen at 602-684-9300.
Southwest Section PGA Beats PGA Mexico in Historic “Uniting Nations Cup” 56-44 Event Fosters Comraderie on Both Sides BY RUSS CHRIST (Scottsdale, Ariz.) May 19, 2011 —For the first time in the history of Mexican sports, an international golf tournament took place between Mexico and the United States under a Ryder Cup format at Peninsula de Cortes Golf Course at the Mayan Palace in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico May 12-15, 2011. The U.S. team, captained by Scottsdale’s Vito Berlingeri, who was also the tournament director along with Andrew Gilchrist of the Peninsula De Cortes Golf Course, emerged with a 56-44 win, but the competition was about more than golf. “The event exceeded our expectations,” Berlingeri said. “All of the matches were very close and our amateurs played their hearts out. We won the overall matches in terms of points, but the most important thing was that golf brought the two countries together and so many new friendships were formed. There were a lot of emotional moments.” The objective of the Uniting Nations Cup was to promote friendship, commercial and cultural relations between the two countries. It succeeded because of the people involved. “We utilized golf as an ambassador,” Berlingeri said. “What developed was way beyond our expectations. Golf brought the two countries together.” Guillermo Padres Elias, Governor of Sonora, and Bob Walkup, Mayor of Tucson, attended the opening ceremonies. Ten Southwest Section PGA Professionals competed against 10 Mexican PGA Professionals, along with 40 amateurs selected by the golf organizations of both countries. The Americans won the individual matches 26-24, the Four Ball matches 14.5 to 10.5, and the Foursome matches 15.5 to 9.5. The event was the brainchild of Andrew Gilchrist, the tournament host and
vito berlingeri, tournament director and captain of the winning u.s. team lifts the unC trophy to the crowd!
director of golf at Peninsula De Cortes Golf Course, and Berlingeri, who is also the marketing director of the Southwest Section PGA. Berlingeri said the Inaugural Uniting Nations Cup will promote goodwill between the two countries for a long time. “We will make this an annual event and utilize the game of golf to continue to strengthen our relationships,” he said. “We expect it to be bigger and better next year.” Among the PGA Professionals the SWSPGA invited were Don Yrene, director of golf at The Golf Club Scottsdale and five-time Southwest Section PGA Player of the Year; Brandon Smith, head golf professional at Ventana Canyon Golf & Racquet Club in Tucson; Mike Wright, former president of the Southwest Section PGA and director of instruction at Superstition Springs Golf Club in Mesa; Rich Elias, Head Professional Canoa Ranch; Greg Avant, Director of Golf at Lone Tree Golf Club in Chandler; Bob Pancratz, Life Member PGA; Blayne Hobbs, Lead Instructor, Reid/West Golf Academy; Jon Chaffee, Lead Instructor Talking Stick GC; Jeff Yurkiewicz, Lead Instructor Grayhawk, and Mike Malaska, Director Of Instructor Superstition Mountain.
Seve Ballesteros 1957- 2011 One of the greats of the game has left us. The Arnold Palmer of Europe, Seve played the game with passion, flair and grace. Having had the privilege of watching Seve at The Masters many times over the last 24 years, I would like to share the greatest shot I have ever seen hit at Augusta. I cannot remember the exact year but must have been in the early 90’s. A cold front had passed, and the wind was blowing well over 25 miles per hour. Seve was playing with former US Open Champion Scott Simpson and they were playing the fourth hole, a long par three -- with the howling wind blowing directly in thier face.
Teeing off first, Simpson had to hit a fairway wood due to the length and wind factor, and hit a slight draw that soon became a hook. His ball ended up well left of the green in the thick brush, which is well out of play on that hole. Seve then proceeded to hit a one iron that never left the flag and ended up about a foot from the hole. I will never forget the beauty of that swing. One year at The Masters Seve four putted the 16th hole and when asked at the press conference how he had done that he replied ... “I missed, I missed, I missed, I make.” Oh how I love to tell that story! His competitive spirit and passion for the Ryder Cup made this event exciting to watch. Before Seve came along this event was almost always a rout for the Americans. His many victories in this event with partner José Maria Olazabal made many American teams facing this dynamic duo, shake in there spikes. His genius was his ability to find a way to get the ball in the hole as he was not always the most accurate off the tee. I’m sure many of us who were fans of Seve have visions of him slashing his ball out of some spot that not many could ever find. In 2008 Seve was found to have a brain tumor and fought a battle that he was not going to win. The golf world will miss a great champion and may his great spirit inspire generations to come. So long Seve, may you rest in peace.
Dennis P. Dennis Palmer, PGA Vice-President Golf Operations Tubac Resort and Spa
seve ballesteros during the first round of the regions Charity Classic at the robert trent Jones Golf trail at ross bridge in hoover, alabama may 18, 2007. (photo by butch dill/Getty Images)
46 Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine l
left to right: Curt hudak, hank ravenell, brad engel, mark Jackson, todd Warren, mike hayes and brad volker in the 2011 Club Car pro-pro play off.
Dramatic Day for Hayes,Otte ... and the Rabbit BY RICK PRICE, PGA bobcats on the fairway at heritage highlands Golf Club.
The 2011 Club Car Pro-Pro Team Championship hosted by Heritage Highlands Golf Club came down to a dramatic conclusion, fitting for the top local PGA golf professionals. Three teams were at the top of the leader board matching scores with an impressive -8 under par 64 total. In championship style the teams headed for extra holes to determine the winners. The first play-off hole started on the 10th hole as the wind was howling directly into the players face making it virtually impossible to reach this par 5 in two. However, a birdie would be more than likely required to move on to the next hole.
Female bobcat teaching her youngster how to hunt.
Ravenell. The final team in the play-off consisted of Mark Jackson, golf instructor with Tucson City Golf and PGA member Todd Warren. As the players were hitting their approach shots to the green we witness an amazing site of a mother bobcat teaching her child how to hunt prey. What was even more incredible was two seconds after Hayes hit his golf shot a rabbit came darting out of the desert directly by his feet with the bobcat in hot pursuit brushing by his leg. It happened so fast neither Hayes nor the bobcat knew what happened. That’s what I call focus!
Hayes went on to make a clutch 27 foot putt on the first extra hole as the other teams tapped in birdie putts to move on to Heritage Highlands Golf Club the par 4 11th hole. Hayes was represented well with again put the pressure back on Assistant Professional Preston the other teams after making a Otte partnering with Tucson 12 foot birdie putt. Volker City Golf Director Mike topped the birdie Hayes, Brad with his 10 footer Volker Assistant They were informed that the most dramatic to move on to the Professional also and controversial hole would be the final hole next hole as both from Heritage Jackson and Highlands and his played ... If they tie the hole, they would be Warren watch partner Hank crowned Co-Champions. 48 Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine l
RULES their putts edge the hole to be eliminated from the play-off. The par 3 12th hole was halved with pars after Hayes ran it over the corner of the hole narrowly missing his 40 foot birdie putt. As the sun was setting, they were informed that the most dramatic and controversial hole on the course, the par 4 13th hole would be the final hole played. If they tie the hole, they would be crowned Co-Champions. After Hayes safely drove into the fairway his partner Otte, says “Should I go for it.” Hayes responds, “What do we have to lose, my ball is the middle of the fairway.” The long hitting Otte decides with his partner’s encouragement to try and thread the needle and knock it as close to green as he can on this tricky 359 yard hole. Otte reared back and gave it all he had and hit square on the club face. As the ball was heading into the darkness and over the rock formation toward the green, it was a toss up to know if the ball had made it or not? With anticipation preston otte (left) and mike building as hayes (right) claimed the title. they arrived at the crest of the fairway overlooking the green, they saw the ball lying a few feet off the front of the green, virtually securing the Championship title by two putting from 40 feet. However, their competitors still had an opportunity needing to make a 30 foot birdie putt. Hayes and Otte safely two putted for birdie as they watched on to see their competitors first putt slide by and the second attempt fall short. The 2011 Club Car Pro-Pro Team Champions Mike Hayes and Preston Otte claimed the title after a remarkable four hole play-off.
what Ball were you Playing? BY RICK PRICE, PGA The pressure was mounting coming down the final hole needing just a par to shoot a 75 to win a new driver from Mom. The incentive for Logan was if he could shoot 75 or lower in the tournament that day she would buy him the driver that he has had his eyes on for sometime. It appeared to be a sure lock on his new club after busting a drive down the middle on the final hole. In all the excitement after reaching what he thought was his drive, he glanced at the ball prior to hitting the shot and swung away. As his fellow playing competitor was about to hit a ball leaned down to indentify the ball saying, “What ball where you playing” because this is not my ball. Unfortunately, in spite of marking his ball correctly to be able to identify it more clearly, Logan played the wrong ball. Now what does he do? Fortunately, he knew how to proceed under Rule 15 Substituted Ball; Wrong Ball. In stroke play If a competitor makes a stroke or strokes at a wrong ball, he incurs a penalty of two strokes. The competitor must correct his
mistake by playing the correct ball or by proceeding under the Rules. If he fails to correct his mistake before making a stroke on the next teeing ground or, in the case of the last hole of the round, fails to declare his intention to correct his mistake before leaving the putting green, he is disqualified. Strokes made by a competitor with a wrong ball do not count in his score. If the wrong ball belongs to another competitor, its owner must place a ball on the spot from which the wrong ball was first played. After correcting the error Logan proceeded to birdie the hole, but with adding his two stroke penalty he scored bogey six for 76 total falling one stroke shy of receiving his new driver. So, remember before you tee off, play a provisional or substitute a ball, personally identity your ball with a mark of some sort. If a fellow competitor or opponent is playing the same brand and/or number ball, make sure you change balls, so there is no confusion. Always clearly identify your ball prior to making a stroke. One further point of good news, couple of weeks later Logan did find another incentive to earn that new driver from Mom. l Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine
19th hole
OLD PUEBLO GRILLE: Enjoy the flavor, enjoy the charm
ocated in the heart of tucson, old Pueblo grille features the richness of both southwestern and american flavors. Fountains and illuminated foliage create the ultimate dining setting on these historic grounds. originally built in 1928, this beautiful site began as a small two room farm house. the original restoration, circa 1938, was a fanciful transformation including three towers, several patios, ponds and a wishing well. reportedly, before heading overseas in world war ii, 80 servicemen from Davis-Monthan air Force Base wished at that well for survival and every man returned safely. Peacocks graced the lawns, preening in the large windows - calling throughout the day and sleeping on the tiled roof by night to escape the coyotes.
A beautiful setting and distinctive Southwestern flavors await you at the Old Pueblo Grille at Broadway & Alvernon
after nearly three quarters of a century, the integrity of the original property remains. in 2000 the property was purchased and old Pueblo grille was born, bringing a new elegance and style to southwestern dining. executive chef Bryan Vernon has created a regionally focused menu that includes rattlesnake eggs (halved jalapenos stuffed with smoked shrimp cream cheese and wrapped in bacon), rocky Mountain oysters, and hatch green chile Pot roast. oPg’s signature items are smoked in house with native arizona pecan wood. every day the room sized smoker is filled with whole racks of ribs, ribeyes, whole chickens, Pork shoulders, and Beef Briskets.
The Southwestern ambience envelops guests with a comfortable yet elegant feel -- a delightful experience for both business or private parties
combine the beautiful setting and distinctive southwestern flavors with old Pueblo grille’s lineup of arizona brewed beers or a margarita made with one of over 60 tequilas, and you just might get lost in the moment. the unique ambiance and moderate prices will bring you back time and again. oPg is voted gold medals for best alfresco and best southwestern by tucson Lifestyle magazine year after year. Believe the locals when they say this is the best hacienda and patio dining in tucson! The expansive patio at Old Pueblo Grille is perfect for summer dining and can accommodate up to 200 guests
happy hour:
large party dining:
7 days a week from 3pm to close: all bar appetizers are only $5 & $1 off all drinks
sun-thurs: 11am – 10pm Fri-sat: 11am – 10:30pm
All happy hour specials are available in the Lounge and Lounge Patio
outside: Main Patio – 200 Private Patio - 30
60 n. alvernon (Broadway and alvernon) tucson, az 85711 (520) 326-6000
Library - 50 60's - 30 Board room – 20
entertainment: live Jazz every saturday and sunday 7:00-10:00pm l Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine
19th hole
Summer Fun on a Budget Desert Diamond Casinos & Entertainment This summer doesn’t have to be a bust if you’re trying to save some money. Desert Diamond Casinos & Entertainment—with locations in Tucson and Sahuarita—is offering guests some great deals to get away without breaking the bank. With a must-see line-up at the Diamond Center, the always-tasty dining options, and hotel suites at rates not to be passed up, Desert Diamond Casinos & Entertainment is the ideal solution for locals looking to spice up their summer and escape the triple-digit temperatures.
Summer Hotel Packages Desert Diamond Casino & Entertainment in Tucson has a luxurious hotel that is offering a variety of summer packages for guests, which they have coined as “Playcation Packages.” Two special summer promotions include the Concert Package and the Winner Steakhouse Dinner Package. For the Concert Package, guests are given free tickets to a show at the Diamond Center when they book a deluxe hotel room. If food is more your speed, select the Steakhouse Dinner Package; with a deluxe hotel room guests will get a free dinner at the Steak House, which was recently voted Tucson’s favorite on Metromix Tucson. The hotel also offers special discounts to Arizona residents and Desert Diamond Club card holders. When guests use their Club card they’ll earn rewards for even more special offers. Additional information on these packages, promotions, and other specials can be found at
Summer Shows at the Diamond Center Summer entertainment gets going in a big way with former American Idol contestant, Kellie Pickler, on June 2. She broke out of the fray back in 2006 and has made her own name in the country music genre, even collaborating with the likes of Taylor Swift. More traditional country fans can save their money for June 17 when Randy Travis takes the stage. With so many hits it will be anyone’s guess on which favorites he’ll play. On June 11 is America’s favorite Australian chef: Curtis Stone. He’s known for his countless appearances on primetime television, including Top Chef Masters, America’s Next Great Restaurant and Take Home Chef. Guests will get a cooking demonstration and have the opportunity to ask him questions. Joey Medina—considered one of the top ten Latin comedians in the country—is coming with his friends Adam Hunter and Emilio Rivera on July 30. This comedy show marks Medina’s return to Tucson, after originally moving to the area when he was 19 years old. Additional shows this summer can be found at Desert Diamond Casinos & Entertainment’s website.
52 Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine l
Kellie Pickler June 2, 2011 show at 7:00 p.m.; doors open at 6:00 p.m. General admission tickets are $20 in advance; $25 day of the show
Curtis Stone June 11, 2011 show at 7:00 p.m.; doors open at 6:00 p.m. tickets start at $30 in advance; $35 day of the show
Randy Travis June 17, 2011 show at 8:00 p.m.; doors open at 7:00 p.m. tickets start at $26 in advance; $31 day of the show
<< Joey Medina and Friends July 30, 2011
July 30, 2011 show at 8:00 p.m.; doors open at 7:00 p.m. tickets start at $15 in advance; $20 day of the show. 18+ show
tickets to all of the shows can be purchased at any ticketmaster location or at the desert diamond Club booth. Desert Diamond casino & entertainment, tucson 7350 s. nogales highway l tucson, az 85756 Desert Diamond casino & entertainment, sahuarita 1100 w. Pima Mine rd.l sahuarita, az 85629
twitter: @Diamondcasinos Facebook: Desert Diamond casinos & entertainment
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Golf without limits. Unlimited Golf Packages Starting at $179* Retune your game on our 27-hole Jack Nicklaus designed golf course. And this Summer, the golf is unlimited! Relax and recharge during your stay with the Red Door Spa, five pools including a swim-up bar and 177-foot waterslide, and seven distinctive dining destinations including the award winning Janos.
Our Unlimited Golf Package includes: ¡ Rates from $179* per night with unlimited golf each day for one guest ¡ Add a second golfer for only $20
This is how it should feel.
Call 1-800-Westin-1 Ask for the â&#x20AC;&#x153;NO LIMITSâ&#x20AC;? rate or visit * Rates based on availability for stays through September 10, 2011. Restrictions may apply. Rates do not include taxes, gratuities or additional charges that may apply.
G O L F l Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine
19th hole
Casino Del Sol Resort Spa & Conference Center On Track to Open 1.11.11 the heartbeat of the new Casino del sol resort, spa and Conference Center continues to get stronger as the opening approaches on 11/11/11. In recent months, Casino del sol has celebrated several construction milestones: A topping-off ceremony was held on February 9, which involved the hotel’s copper dome (photo:right) being placed on the hotel tower structure. The dome’s unique design is in line and consistent with the current style and flair of Casino Del Sol. A week later, a marquee lighting ceremony was hosted where a brand new Casino Del Sol Resort marquee was revealed and lit.
the marquee (photo:top) which spans 102 feet across the driveway entrance and holds at each end of the archway an LED screen, welcomes guests to the spectacular casino and resort.
On April 25, the brand new high limit room (photo: bottom left) opened to the public inside Casino del Sol, featuring machines that range from 50 cents per credit to $10 per credit. The first phase of the resort open to the public, the impressive high limit room boasts a luxurious Italian stone décor and a bar featuring signature drinks. The Casino Del Sol Resort, Spa & Conference Center is a 161,000 square-foot resort and entertainment destination that will feature 215 guest rooms, and more than 65,000
square-feet of indoor and outdoor meeting and convention space. Conference bookings are now being accepted, and interested parties can contact the Casino Del Sol sales staff at 520-838-6467. Upcoming construction milestones include a warehouse/laundry facility, covered parking garage, and newly renovated poker room.
hotel tower topped off with copper dome, (from left to right) arcadio Gastelum, tribal Council; Jesus osuna; tribal Council; Francisco valencia, tribal Council secretary; John escalante, tribal Council treasurer; david ramirez, tribal Council; peter yucupicio, tribal Council Chairman, and Wendell long, sol Casinos Ceo
54 Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine l
Quarry Pines Golf Club 8480 North Continental Links Drive Tucson, AZ 85743
19th hole
PRODUCT REVIEW abacus Women’s LDS Bianca Sleeveless
style – 4518 u.s. srp $75
During an all-day charity golf event, I stayed cool and comfortable even during the hottest part of the day. While many sleeveless shirts irritate under the arm, I had no such problem with this brand. The opening around the shoulder and collar were quite generous, it fit well around the waist and I was able to move around comfortably. A cute and youthful style, I also liked the ease of care. After normal washing and medium heat to dry, the fabric retained its shape and required no ironing. The care instructions warned that the dark navy color may bleed when washed with lighter colors, but I had no such problem (Also available in pink with black trim).
abacus Men’s Carlo Polo
style – 5529 u.s. srp $90
If you are a guy with a bigger than average build, most golf shirts tend to run a bit small and feel a little constricting. While this one did feel a size too small, it was not constricting, and I could climb in and out of the cart comfortably.
View the entire abacus line at: abacus sells leisure clothing with golf at the heart of its inspiration. the company has been the official european solheim cup team apparel provider since 2007. For more information on abacus apparel, call caulfeild apparel at 800.268.7939
Most golf shirts, when tucked in, tend to come out in the back of the pants during a round of golf, and this shirt was no exception. However, maybe it was the way the shirt was cut, it did not come completely out, nor did it give the appearance of being ‘untucked’. The shirt, with its wicking material (21% bamboo charcoal poly / 79% polyester drycool) and UV protection, kept me cool in the hot Arizona afternoon sun. The dark red color I reviewed matches well with dark or light slacks and, even after playing 18 holes, you can sit in the clubhouse looking as fresh as you did when you started. l Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine
19th hole
Designer Q & A with Sean Gregg – Head for Antigua What is the most important trend in men’s golf apparel right now? A: Color as a trend evolves seasonally as a bi-product of golf apparel having reached the status of fashion. Traditional color palettes are perceived as almost conformist so that fashion palettes are now often styled into most of the golf brand collections and tend to focus on the trend aspect of color - and that conceivably won't change for the future. But there are a couple of trends existing currently in men's golf apparel that seem to be holding ground and are probably more specific to golf apparel than just focusing on being color current and one of those trends would be the use of layering garments. For instance Antigua's fall 2011 outerwear collection has developed product specifically based on responding to consumer feedback and the desire for layering options. We believe the days are gone when you should only consider an outerwear piece for the start of the round and remove it at the turn. The focus is now on developing product from the base layer up. Lightweight base layers such as our style Hero developed as a microfleeced back jersey mock can stand alone or can be worn under a performance polo such as Exceed, or with a mid-weight pull-over performance fleece style such as Succeed, or under a water and wind resistant wind shirt such as our styles Resilient and Highland. The new mentality from the tour player to the weekend golfer is that they want to be comfortable at any point during play and they look for layering options that correspond with the fluctuations in weather that occur especially during golf 'season'. And we've found the second biggest, more current trend, is happening with regard to apparel fabrics and specs. Like the evolutions in technology on the hard goods side, apparel as a counterpart also focuses on improving playing performance. We've developed lighter and lighter fabrics with the intention to perform faster with regard to wicking speed while simultaneously being less restrictive and minimizing garment friction during release with our Desert Dry Xtra-Lite (D2XL) fabrics. The trend in narrowing specs is based on the same dynamic. The need to pull your shirt sleeve up over your elbow before set up has been eliminated from our performance collections by focusing on minor adjustments to specific core fit anatomy. We haven't made smaller garments, we've made better performing garments while leaving areas like the torso spec intact. And additionally as we
grade up in size we cease the taper in fit - realizing that a medium or large fit can be comfortably modified but tapering specs in XL's on up begin to have disadvantages. And with that, as the population has grown in stature we've look to be accommodating in our offering to cater to that evolution as well.
What are you doing with color for fall ’11, and why? A: As the performance apparel category began to take hold in golf it was inundated with derivatives of the activewear market with regard to the use of both color and fabric blocking. As the shift solidified and the trends diversified there appeared to be a lack of newness coming into the performance apparel markets especially when it came to brands that specialized in side-line apparel and dabbled in golf wear. Taking our cue from the fashion market and less from the collegiate market our focus was to be golf wear specific. We developed and have updated color palettes in what we coined 'contemporary performance'. We transitioned from warm natural earth hues as was developed for our 2010 collections and smoothly updated that into a rich jewel palette for our 2011 performance lines. We believe we've made the distinction with both our brand and our product that our intention is to cater to all levels of the genuine golfer with our genuine golf apparel, both esthetically and functionally.
What has been the reaction among buyers to the new functional outerwear pieces? A: We find that there's a distinct correlation between the involvement in our product R & D and the acceptance by the consumer, especially with regard to technical details and features that demonstrate focus on both form and function. The positive response, as proven by placement in and sales out, offers reassurance that we've listened to our consumers correctly and it equally offers inspiration as we continue to develop new product in our functional outer wear offerings. The long sleeve brushed torque shirt is a great piece in Antigua’s women’s line. How important is layering in the current marketplace? A: We believe that there is little disparity with regard to the importance of layering in women’s golf apparel as compared to men’s. It has been an important component to both gender collections. And as we noted it as a trend earlier we concurrently believe that it is
on it's way to becoming less a passing fad of the industry and more a staple in golf apparel as a function of the sport and a necessity of it's competition. We see that fit and function are synonymous and our development focuses on each individual layer at a time. As an analogy, the introduction of performance synthetics in competitive swimming donned by athletes have performed so affectively that the full body suit has been banned from professional swimming competition dramatizing the genuine effects of focused performance product development. And though we'd like to think that our fabrics can be that effective during a round we appreciate the dissimilarity in functionality, but equally appreciate the importance of taking the direction of development seriously with regard to improving a golfers performance and that it can be maximized by the right choice of garment, layer or combination of layers for both women and men.
What is your favorite item in the fall ’11 line, and why? A: Our style Hero is made of one of the most comfortable performance fabrics we've developed. It's light enough to be worn on it’s own in mildly cool temperatures and due to the technical construction it's warm enough to hold out the unwanted elements. We’ve had this piece in the collection for a short time, but based on its popularity in accommodating layering needs we’re expanding into additional base layers such as ribs and textures as we’re finding the end user is buying and pairing a polo with a base layer one-for-one in milder weather. But I personally love the duality of the base layers.
When 2003 pGa Champion shaun micheel decided to quit smokeless tobacco, he bought a can of Smokey Mountain
tobacco-Free Pouches. Shaun liked the Arctic Mint Pouches so much he decided to endorse the product, and display the Smokey Mountain logo on his shirt. Positioned as an adult alternative to smokeless tobacco, Smokey Mountain is America’s original and bestselling Tobacco-Free brand. Smokey Mountain Snuff is available in seven great flavors and Smokey Mountain Pouches are available in Wintergreen and Arctic Mint.
For more information go to
Limitless Options with Visor Versa Visor Versa, one of only four Best New Products at the 2011 PGA Merchandise Show, has introduced an exciting new way to accessorize visors. The innovative design allows players to change bands along the top of the visor to match and coordinate their clothing or their mood. Bands are available in a limitless number of patterns to match the solid colored visors in either coil or clip on styles. Visor Versa is an easy and affordable way to personalize your look with interchangeable bands. Whether you’re boating, golfing, playing tennis or at the beach, you can now wear visors that match and coordinate with your clothing – without the expense of buying multiple visors. With Visor Versa, all you need to do is change out the band on the visor to a different color, pattern or style. Visors are available in seven different colors; black, white, red, brown, pink, khaki, and navy blue. The bands come in hundreds of varieties including more traditional patterns of argyle, pin stripes, polka dots, and more dramatic style choices feature animal prints, martinis, flip flops, and holiday themes.
Get started with the visor versa package – choose one visor color and 2 bands to match for $27. For more information or to purchase visor versa visit the website at, or call (239) 249-4745 for more band options and wholesale details.
Thank You!
And all the daily sponsors, players and volunteers. From the Members of the
Tucson Parks Foundation 600 S. Alvernon Way • Tucson The Tucson Parks Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization whose mission is to assist in improving the quality of life in Tucson through parks that all citizens can enjoy by supplementing the services and facilities provided by the Tucson Parks and Recreation Dept. 520-393-8420 l Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine
[YOUTH.LINKS] lpGa / usGa Girls Golf of tucson show off their tee shirts of sara brown while visiting her during her first lpGa event.
THE GIRLS Of GOLf MEET SARA BROwN BY ROSE NEHRING 25 members of the LPGA*USGA Girls Golf of Tucson traveled to Phoenix on March 20, via chartered bus, to attend the RR Donnelly LPGA Founders Tournament and to participate in the junior golf clinic that afternoon at the Wildfire Golf Resort. They were accompanied by some parents and a few volunteers. An additional special reason for the trip was to see Sara Brown. Sara worked with the program as an intern three years ago and since then comes back periodically when she is at home to spend time at the junior golf events visiting with the girls and working with them on their golf skills. Knowing this was Sara’s first LPGA tournament the Girls Golf Club of Tucson wanted to be part of the big occasion and show their support for her. They all wore special pink “Sara shirts” with her picture on it. It was a bit disappointing they did not
attentIon parents!
get to watch her play because she missed the cut, but it did not dampen their enthusiasm. Upon arrival The Golf Channel was there filming as Sara greeted the girls getting off the bus. It was a wonderful trip from start to finish and a tremendous experience for the girls. Many had never been on a bus that large, several girls had never been to an It was quite the experience for many girls who had never been actual golf tournament and on a tour bus, to travel to the rr donnelly tournament. spending time with Sara getting their shirts autographed and pictures taken with The return trip was rather quiet and her was very special time. The girls many girls were sound asleep very enjoyed following and watching the soon after the bus headed home to pros play -- and getting their Tucson. autographs made it even more exciting. The junior clinic in the afternoon was well run and great fun For information on for all the participants. LPGA*USGA Girls Golf of Tucson All the girls said they had so much fun please visit or email Rose Nehring, Program and when asked what was the most Coordinator at fun, the majority responded “all of it!”
Junior Golf is extremely active in southern arizona, especially during the summer months -- to find out everything you need to know about getting your child involved in the game of golf, visit the JunIor GolF portal on the satt website at or contact the swsPga southern chapter office at 520-290-1742.
58 Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine l
GUARANTEED G UARANTEED F FUNDS UNDS FOR F OR THE THE FUTURE FUTURE The youth of Southern Arizona are counting on the Conquistadores to continue to be there for them as we have been since 1962. The Tucson Conquistadores Foundation is a self-perpetuating endowment created through the generosity of the Tucson Conquistadores, its community par tners and generous individuals. The Foundation is dedicated to the funding and the promotion of youth and special needs athletics in Southern Arizona. Your donation to the Tucson Conquistadores Foundation can be as easy as writing a check, or designating gifts of appreciated stock or other assets. Contact the Tucson Conquistadores for detailed descriptions on how you can be par t of this legacy.
Tucson Conquist adores Foundation 6 4 5 0 E Broadway Blvd Tucson A Z 8 5710
( 52 0 ) 571- 0 4 0 0
randolph team nick leitner, laura Jabczenski, erin mcClure, Gentry hicks and trent terry.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED You do not have to be a golfer to volunteer – just have a passion for helping our youth.
Randolph & Quarry Pines PING Teams Advanced but Fell Short BY RICK PRICE, PGA
the mission of the First tee is to impact the lives of young people by providing learning facilities and educational programs that promote character development and life-enhancing values through the game of golf. the First tee of tucson program at el rio Municipal golf course offers Life skill instruction, clinics, and rounds of golf to over 1,000 area youth ages 5 – 17 each year. there is a need for volunteer coaches to ensure the success of this program.
Each Volunteer is asked to: • have a preliminary interview with Director of golf • agree to a background check • attend one volunteer orientation/training session (approximately 3 hours) • commit to volunteering one day a week for a nine week period, 3 hours each week. • continue training up to 2 times a year
If you are interested in helping young people please join us. Contact: David noble the First tee of tucson 520.628.1555 or or visit the website:
When the regular spring season of the junior team competition concluded, it culminated at the Divisional tournament hosted by El Rio golf course. The top two teams from the two different Tucson Regions along with six other individuals qualified for Divisionals. The top two teams and two individuals from the Divisional tournament advanced to the State Championship. The Randolph team headed by Laura Jabczenski’s low tournament round of 72 moved Randolph into first place with team mate Gentry Hicks, Nick Leitner, Trent Terry and Erin McClure. Quarry Pines team finished second lead by Tyler Cooper’s 73 qualifying him and the team of Kevin Goldstein, Anthony Moncada, Tony Miller and Chris Cotsones. Dylan Kornberg of Skyline CC and DJ Niichel from Oro Valley CC dylan kornberg qualified as individuals. The 2011 PING Junior Interclub State Championship presented by Under Armour and hosted by the Grayhawk Golf Club's Raptor course was quite a test for the top teams and individuals in the state. "It's been very gratifying to watch PING Junior Interclub's growth," PING Chairman and CEO John Solheim said. "Every year the talent level rises and the competition gets better and better. PING is pleased to play a role in providing kids more opportunities to test their skills in tournament settings on some of Arizona's finest golf courses." Tucson’s teams, however, did not fair so well. Quarry Pines finished in 6th place and Randolph’s team 8th place. The one bright spot for Southern Arizona was the play of the individual qualifier Dylan Kornberg. After a dismal front nine score in the opening round of 42, Kornberg bounced back with a 32 on the back for a 74 on the difficult par 72 Raptor golf course. He closed with a final round of 75 to move into a 5th place individual finish.
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visit to sign up or update your profile. We do not share your email address with any other business or organization.
nancy scranton presents laurie rinker with trophy.
62 Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine l
e recently were fortunate to have an opportunity to witness some of the best women professional golfers of all time. The Legends Tour of the LPGA, hosted by the Omni Tucson National golf resort & spa.
of Tucson prior to the Pro-am.
The festivities kicked off with a fund raiser event for the “Tucson Together Fund” followed the next day by a junior clinic benefiting the First Tee of Tucson and LPGA-USGA Girls Golf
This year’s champion Laurie Rinker carded a -1 under par round in difficult gusty winds on the Catalina course at Omni Tucson National. In hot pursuit was Rosie Jones before
An evening of wine and hors d’ oeuvres with Rosie Jones, 2011 Solheim Cup Captain the following day concluded the Women’s Senior National Invitational.
making bogey 5 on the final hole. A handful of others finishing runner-up was Tucson local Christa Johnson, Kris Tschetter, Barb Moxness and Tina Tombs. Tournament host Cindy Rarick did a marvelous job coordinating with the Legends Tour and the Omni Tucson National providing another fun filled event for the ladies and the spectators alike.
shoWn beloW: photo 1 - nancy scranton, defending Champion. photo 2 - Cindy rarick, tournament host. photo 3 - kids learn the game of golf at the Junior Clinic. photo 4 - Champion laurie rinker visits with dozens of volunteers. l Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine
Photo by Stuart Franklin/Getty Images.
Photo by Stan Badz/PGA TOUR.
Southern Arizona’s fifth edition of the World Golf ChampionshipsAccenture Match Play Championship saw its first snowflakes, welcomed tens of thousands of fans, and netted $1 million for Southern Arizona kids. A smiley in the sky signals golf is good. This wasn’t the first time a PGA TOUR event was delayed by snow— the 2001 Touchstone Energy Tucson Open was delayed a full day due to snow at The Gallery Golf Club. However, this is probably the only time fans were welcomed to a professional golf event by a snowman.
Tiger Woods takes time to sign autographs. Fans win big during the practice rounds held Monday and Tuesday of tournament week.
Photo by Stan Badz/PGA TOUR.
Photo by Stan Badz/PGA TOUR.
Photo by Stan Badz/PGA TOUR.
It was love at first sight: the Walter Hagen trophy and Luke Donald. The 34-year-old Englishman defeated Martin Kaymer 3 and 2 to capture his first World Golf Championships title. Diane Donald and the couple’s daughter, Elle, share the moment.
Establishment vs. New Breed. Veteran Matt Kuchar offers a smile to young Rickie Fowler after defeating him on the 17th hole during the third round.
Photo by Stan Badz/PGA TOUR.
Defending champ Ian Poulter approved of the fansâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; choice of his attire for the opening round. Facebook fans were invited to vote on one of three colorful choices. The Arizona Wildcat red and blue ensemble was the overwhelming favorite.
Photo by Stan Badz/PGA TOUR.
Luke Donald smiles as he takes cover from falling snow on the fourth hole during the final round.
Photo by Chris Mooney.
Photo by Stuart Franklin/Getty Images.
No, Bubba Watson is not imitating a saguaro cactus. Exhibiting supreme sportsmanship, Watson helps give the line to his challenger, J.B.Holmes during their first playoff hole to win the quarterfinal round. Watson defeated Holmes, and then lost to Martin Kaymer in the semi-finals.
The Tucson Conquistadores team up with PGA TOUR staff and officials to ensure the player and fan experience the best in the West. Photo by Chris Mooney.
The First Tee of Tucson members are very special guests each year. Proceeds from this event directly benefit this popular golf and life skills program operated by the Tucson Conquistadores in Tucson and Green Valley.
Kudos to the 1,000 volunteers who assist the Conquistadores in every aspect of tournament operations. The volunteer crew donates 25,000 hours of time, which equals an in-kind donation of over $300,000 -- And Congratulations to the 2011 Tucson Conquistadores Tournament Committee on a job well done.
Photo by Chris Mooney.
Drew woods Drew Woods was born in Milroy, Indiana but he got out here to Tucson as fast as he could! He has been a resident of Arizona on and off since 1977. Drew picked up the game of golf on Christmas day in
Beryl Kizer Beryl Kizer was born in Summit, New Jersey where she took up the game of golf in
1985 because his buddy told him he needed
1971. Although she had to give up the
to get out there and give it a try. Drew
game for 15 years due to an injury,
moved to Southern Arizona for good in
by 1990 she and her husband had
1998. He started playing at Randolph
retired and decided to golf full
CC where he established a handicap
time in North Carolina. North
that goes up and down a bit and
Carolina could not hold them.
today sits at 6.
They bought a motor home and headed west! They had
When Drew gets involved, he really
friends in Tucson so they
takes it seriously. He has been an
made their way out here and
active volunteer in Amateur golf
then…they kept driving to
since 2001. Del Lago is his home
finally settle in Kino Springs.
course, but you will find him
Beryl only insisted once that
anywhere that golf is happening.
they drive back to South
Drew is a USGA Rules official, has been
Carolina because she had left her
Handicap Chairman for The Arizona
Bulls Eye Putter back there in a
Golf Association (AGA), is a certified golf course Rater and a Trustee for the
storage shed and just HAD to get it back. Any golfer would understand that, right?!
Pacific Coast Amateur golf tournament
One would never apply the term “settled” to Beryl.
where he served
She is a firecracker packed full of enthusiasm and
as tournament
her passion is golf. Beryl is a 15 handicap that
Chairman in
plays with her Women’s group at Kino Springs.
2009. Drew
She also plays in many events with the Southern
has worked on
District Golf Association and State wide events
with the Arizona Women’s Golf Association
committee and
(AWGA). Beryl insists that friends made on the
currently serves
golf course are friends for life.
as the President of the AGA. He has also memorized the bilaws of the AGA!
Beryl is good for the game of golf. She is always busy encouraging others to play golf, to play often and to play better. Beryl currently serves as an officer for the Southern District and as an AWGA Representative for her club at Kino Springs. Beryl’s
Drew will offer a little
animated spirit won her the award as Rep of the year in
advice to new golfers. He
2010. When asked, Beryl says, “If you want to learn and
believes you have to spend time and give up other parts of your life because
enjoy the game of golf, go find a friend and take them out there because golf is a game you can play for life”.
golf takes time. Your local golf association has the tools to help you be a better golfer and golf makes you a better individual. Drew has been married to Janice for 16 years but she does not play the game. Maybe we should talk with her next?!
wANT TO LEARN TO GOLf? Amateur Spotlight is brought to you by the Arizona women’s Golf Association (AwGA). The AwGA is dedicated to supporting amateur golfers in their quest to master the game. If you are considering taking up the game of golf, the AwGA can be a strong resource for those who are looking to make the right connection to get them headed in the right direction. To learn about all the services offered by the AwGA visit or call 1.800.442.2942 l Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine
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tpF winning pro am team Jeff brown Gary Williams todd Warren Gregg Warren rC Coleman
Maybe Next Year? BY RICK PRICE, PGA The Tucson Parks Foundation (TPF) conducted its 3rd Annual Desert Diamond Casino Jaime sararnaga celebrates $1,000,000 Hole-In-One Contest his hole In one on day one benefiting the Tucson Parks and Recreation Department Programs. Over the past 20 years, the TPF has donated more than $3,000,000 to support our parks. The Randolph Golf Complex was again host to this year’s event. The three closest competitors each day qualified for the semi-finals. The six closest semi-final contestants qualified for a shot at $1,000,000. During the qualifying events, there were three hole in ones, however, no one claimed the grand prize $1,000,000 in the finals. In conjunction with the Hole-InOne Contest, New York Life sponsored the $10,000 putting contest and the two week long festivities were capped off with the annual Southern Chapter PGA Pro-Am Tournament at the Dell Urich Golf Course. medIa day
1st – Dave Silver (KGUN 9)
hole-in-one - day 1 Qualifying
1st–Jaime Sararnaga – HOLE IN ONE 2nd–John Karna 3rd – John Kostyo
hole-in-one - day 2 Qualifying
Full Kitchens
Green Valley’s Great Escape! Wet Bars
68 Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine l
desert dIamond CasIno tuCson parks FoundatIon pro-am team results
1st (129) Todd Warren – Professional Jeff Brown, RC Coleman, Gregg Warren, Gary Williams
1st – Dave Hanneman 2nd – Cory Crowell 3rd – Tom French
2nd (129) Robert Moreno – Professional Richard Moreno, Fred Moreno, Raul Rodriquez, Gilbert Hernadez
hole-in-one - day 3 Qualifying
3rd (130) Mark Jackson – Professional Gary McLeod, Julie McLeod, Kathie Bannister, Bruce Browne
1st – Rick Russell 2nd – Josie Trapnell 3rd – Sam Dalesandro
hole-in-one - day 4 Qualifying
1st – Justin Falk 2nd – Tommy Roof 3rd – Diego Vargas
hole-in-one - day 5 Qualifying
1st – Rick Finch – HOLE IN ONE 2nd – Ron Canale – HOLE IN ONE 3rd – Bob Austin
hole-in-one - day 6 Qualifying
1st – Bob Austin **Already Qualified** 2nd – Angus Scott-Fleming 3rd – Calvin Morgan 4th – Roger Hyder **Advances**
4th (130) Bob Gaona – Professional Bill Podolsky, Mark McCord, Eddie Leon, George Arias 5th (131) Ryan Eckroat – Professional Tom French, John Kostyo, Mike McKee, Tony Castles
Professional Results
1st (71) Josh Wilks 2nd (72) Bill Dodd 3rd (73) Glen Griffith Low Senior Professionals 1st (75) Wade Dunagan
Genuine Golf Performance Apparel Brand
The Arizona Women’sGolf Golf Association TheArizona ArizonaWomen’s Women’s Golf Association The Association
Bringyour yourEnthusiasm! Enthusiasm! your Enthusiasm! Bring
Playyer yererde devvelopment ograms velopment elopmentprprograms W Pla WW Pla de ograms
Championships hampionshipsand andeveents vents W CChampionships WW ents
FFunding Funding undingjunior juniorgolf golfprpr ograms W WW junior golf programs ograms EducationalSeminars Seminars W Educational WW Educational Seminars
W Informationand andoutreach outreachprograms programs W Information W Information and outreach programs Volunteer developmentprograms programs W Volunteer development WW Volunteer development programs USGACompliance CompliancePrograms Programs W W USGA W USGA Compliance Programs
S o u t h e r n A r i zo n a ’s
Be st Go l f i n g Val ue!
Opened in 1995, past home of the LPGA tournament. Rolling fairways and dramatic elevation changes.
CENTRAL Alvernon, North of 22nd
520.791.4161 Original site of the PGA TOUR’s Tucson Open. Short, tight, challenging par 70.
WEST Speedway, West of I-10
520.791.4229 Think you’re good? Test your ability on a true desert golf course.
EAST Irvington, East of Kolb
520.791.2539 Former home of PGA TOUR and LPGA tournaments. Lush tree lined fairways.
CENTRAL Alvernon, North of 22nd
520.791.4161 Dramatic re-design in 2005 challenges all skill levels. Picturesque, spacious fairways.
NORTHWEST Silverbell, North of Grant
520.791.5235 w w w. t u c s o n c i t y g o l f . c o m
tucson City Champ, Justin stacy
aZ senior stroke play Champ, tom sweigart
tee to green local news and reports
do you have news to share? add us to your contacts! email your local news & reports to: (place “tee to Green” in subject line)
high school stand-out alex mcmahon
background photo: Fred enke, hole no. 1. photo courtesy of pam drake, head Golf professional at tucson City Golf.
72 Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine l
in southern arizona the 2011 pGa Golf day is thursday June 9 at heritage highlands golf club to benefit the special olympics of arizona. this will be the second consecutive year Pga professionals will participate in Pga golf Day. heritage highlands Director of golf brad engel and assistants preston otte and brad volker will play 100 holes of golf. Last year these three professionals rose over $4,000.00 and will be looking to surpass that total this year. however, they need your support! Please visit to donate to the special olympics of arizona in the name of all three of these golf professionals.
the tucson city golf conducted its annual tucson city championship over two different weekends and four different city golf courses. this year’s overall winner Justin stacy shot a final round 68 at the par 72 randolph north course for a 288 total recording a three stroke victory over his nearest competitor ricky lee. andrew Gunn fired a final round 68 to move into a top ten finish. in the 1st flight division esan shouldis and sturart Wolff finished tying for first place. ron lopez was the winner in 2nd flight as was par dar in the third flight. the net flight champion ron morris with John schorr winning the callaway flight.
tom sweigart won the Masters' division in the 2011 arizona senior stroke Play championship at the gallery golf club north course shooting rounds of 74-74=146.
in the local us open qualifiers, former university of arizona golfers brian prouty shooting 68 at the southern Dunes golf club and nate tyler firing 66 at the golf club of scottsdale won their respected qualifying sites advancing to the next change. other local qualifiers were Pga club Professional Chris dompier and tucson’s nationwide tour player rich barcelo qualifying at the wigwam golf club’s gold course with a pair of 70’s.
the 12th annual gallery invitational is a 36 hole scratch four ball event that brings teams from all over the southwest. after shooting rounds of 64-69=139 on the gallery golf club’s south course was good enough for a one stroke victory for Camron howell and Greg hunt from Phoenix, arizona. tucson’s Jeremy delfalco and partner bryan hoops finished second posting rounds of 6569=134. in the senior division, gallery member Cyrus Witney and tom sweigart teamed up for the win firing rounds of 68-69=137.
the young high school stand-out alex mcmahon who is heading off to university of arizona this fall finished runner-up in the 2011 arizona stroke Play championship in scottsdale, arizona at the tPc champions course. McMahon shot rounds of 74-65-74-69=282.
the Fry's LPga central section championship presented by the Vineyard house at the gallery golf club had karen davies of carefree, ariz., shooting a consistent 71-71=142 to take the title in the championship Division. with the win, Davies receives an exemption into the 2012 wegmans LPga championship. dede Cusimano of Basalt, colo., retained her first round lead 73-75=148 to win the senior Division title. peggy Carroll 89-87=176 of houston, texas, won the super-senior Division. the lady members of LPga central section consists of 12 different states coming from all over the southwest to participate. Continued on page 74
southern arizona tee times holein-one Program (May 13, 2011 cutoff date) satt provides individuals who make a hole-in-one with a personalized bag tag and special certificate to commemorate the achievement. record a hole-in-one or view members at congratulations to the following new members that have holed out since last issue. note: all holes are Par 3 unless otherwise noted.
bob kuna @ the Gallery May 12th, 2011 - 5 iron hole no. 7, 183 yards, Par 3 erma magee @ san Ignacio april 23rd, 2011- gap wedge hole no. 15, 133 yards, Par 3 shirley Culp @ san Ignacio May 6th, 2011 - 7 wood hole no. 17, 116 yards, Par 3 erma magee @ san Ignacio May 7th, 2011 - 8 iron hole no. 7, 108 yards, Par 3
mark norman, aGe: 50 @ dell urich Date Pending - club: 6 iron hole no. 2, 172 yards, Par 3 Joan Johnson @ the Gallery Date pending - club: unk hole no. 3, 132 yards, Par 3 Jack taylor @ skyline CC april 19th, 2011 - club: 7 iron hole no. 13, 132 yards, Par 3 dick Gotaas @ Forty niner april 6th, 2011 - club: 8 iron hole no. 8, 150 yards, Par 3
tommy French, aGe: 60 @ dell urich May 6th, 2011 - 7 iron hole no. 2, 170 yards, Par 3
steve G. Zylstra @ skyline april 1st, 2011 - club: 7 iron hole no. 13, 132 yards, Par 3
dr. Ferd kirchner @ skyline CC May 5th, 2011 - club: 6i hole no. 7, 124 yards, Par 3
dick dunn, aGe: 64 @ randolph March 28th, 2011 - club: 7 iron hole no. 15, 155 yards, Par 3
sharra haynes @ skyline CC april 28th, 2011 - club: 8i hole no. 7, 116y yards, Par 3 Chuck dean @ skyline CC May 1st, 2011 - club used: 8i hole no. 13, 144 yards, Par 3 tom herz @ skyline CC May 3rd, 2011 - club: 4i hole no. 13, 144y yards, Par 3 michael hauer @ Forty niner May 3rd, 2011- club: 6 iron hole no. 3, 166 yards, Par 3 margaret Grzywa @ the views May 1st, 2011 - club: 9 wood hole no. 3, 114 yards, Par 3 Gary Whalen, aGe: 76 @ dell urich april 28th, 2011 - club: 8 iron hole no. 5, 140 yards, Par 3 Chris Griffith, aGe: 23 @ randolph club used: Pw hole no. 6, 129 yards, Par 3
tyler dunn, aGe: 31 @ dell urich March 27th, 2011 - club: 8 iron hole no. 2, 165 yards, Par 3 Charles remme, aGe: 16 @ dell urich March 21st, 2011 - club: Pw hole no. 17, 105 yards, Par 3 theresa Carravetta @ la paloma March 22nd, 2011 - club: Pw hole no. 8, 84 yards, Par 3 karen schubert @ la paloma March 15th, 2011 - club: 9 iron hole no. 4, 112 yards, Par 3 Jarrod thayer @ the views March 19th, 2011 - club: 6 iron hole no. 12, 187 yards, Par 3 peggy price, aGe: 63 @ the Gallery March 21st, 2011 - club: 8 iron hole no. 8, 103 yards, Par 3 mohamed khan @ the Gallery March 12th, 2011 - club: 6 hybrid hole no. 8 south, 146 yards, Par 3
John valdez, aGe: 68 @ dell urich april 24th, 2011 - club 4 iron hole no. 11, 185 yards, Par 3 l Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine
Continued from page 73
tom tatum, swearing in new officers & board members. left to right: preston otte, danny medina - board members, brent lingel - secretary, dan Wickman - president, steve hughes- vice president. not shown past president mike hayes
the heritage highlands golf club was hosted this year’s annual meeting for the southern chapter southwest section Pga. During the course of business elections were held for two new board positions and officers of the association. elected as new officers were Brent Lingel for secretary, steve hughes, Vice President and Dan wickman President. the new board members are Preston otte and Danny Media. the Pima Men’s golf team qualified for the nJcaa national championship at odessa country club in odessa, texas after winning the local Junior college regional event. aztec’s number one golfer robert perrott III won individual honors. however, at nationals the team could not quite put in together and finished in 20th. the best individual performance came from mark ontiveros finishing in a tie for 37th.
Poston Butte golf club an hour north in Florence was the site of the Pro series #2 event. there are some familiar names who came up again as this time the roles reversed with Fortyniner country club professional derek deminsky posting a -1 under par total to take home first place honors with Chris dompier and brandon smith tying for second with 73’s.
it was the same story for a couple of the Pima women’s player’s that qualified to play at the nJcaa women’s golf championship in Daytona, Florida as individuals. aztec ladies Chloe treece from Mountlake terrace, washington recorded a tie for 40th place, while tucson native alyssa vega finished in 64th place.
the 2011 ncaa Division i Men's golf arizona regional was contested over 54-holes at omni tucson national golf resort & spa, a par-71, 7,199-yard layout. the arizona men’s golf team advanced to the ncaa championships by a single stroke finishing tied for forth with five teams advancing. it was a really team effort and dramatic finish as arizona's tarquin macmanus posted birdies on holes 15, 16 and 17, and sophomore Juan pablo hernandez birdied 18 to qualify for MacManus' tied for seventh place individually at -4 under 209. hernandez, tied for 14th place at -2 under 211. Jonathan khan tied for 25th place at +1 over 214, while erik oja tied for 32nd place at +2 over 215. stefan Cox tied for 48th place at +6 over 219, to round out the ua participants.
oro Valley country club hosted one of the southern chapter Pga Pro-am series events presented by sol casinos. the winning team score was -14 under par 130 total. the team of professional rick price and amateur playing partner steve Johnston, Ciro rivera and marcus diaz. team of professional mike russell from the stone canyon club lost the play-off to finish second with amateur partners Jason pakkala, Jeff rokusek and rick Chandler. individual professional honors went to rick price with a -3 under par 69 edging out mike russell’s 70 as brandon smith and Chris dompier carded a pair of 72’s. a series of individual Professional events sponsored by sol casinos recently played at the el conquistador canada course. in extremely challenging wind gusts Ventana canyon’s brandon smith managed to post a 2 under par 70 to take home winning prize. derek deminsky finished at 73 as skyline cc professional Chris dompier finished third with 74.
tarquin macmanus
lapaloma Country Club is hosting a summer Junior Golf Camp between June 6 - July 20, 2011 from 7:30 - 9:00aM. there will be two sessions, each lasting two weeks: session 1, June 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15 and session July 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20. the tournament will be held on august 1st from 7:30-9:00 aM and include an ice cream social for all participants. Price for non-Members is $165 per session / $150 per session for members. if you sign up for both sessions the second session is $135 for nonmembers and $100 for members. the clinic will cover rules, etiquette, full swing, putting, and short game. awards and prizes will be given at the ice cream social. For complete details, contact Corey baehman or the LaPaloma golf shop at (520)299-1500.
omni tucson national Golf resort is pleased to announce their 2011 Junior Golf Camps. the goal with this program is to instill in young people a passion for the game of golf, a game they can enjoy for the rest of their lives. through golf, kids learn patience, focus, discipline, and problem solving skills. they will also learn the importance of honesty and integrity. in the context of playing a game, they will develop skills that will help them become better students, and better people. the program consists of 7 sessions, each four days long. over the course of each week, they will work on full swing fundamentals, as well as short game basics and putting. they will also spend time on the rules and etiquette of golf, repetitive drills, execution of physical skills and personal growth.
university of arizona Wildcat women’s golf finished their season in the ncaa championships with a 15th place finish. the 72 hole tournament was held at texas a&M’s traditions golf club. arizona’s top finisher senior alejandra llaneza finished tying for 37th.
74 Southern Arizona Tee Times Magazine l
Participants will meet each day at the golf shop at 9:00 a.m., and will be finished by 2:00 p.m. Lunch will be served each day at 11:30, and there will be plenty of drinking water on hand. For camp application contact danny medina at (520)877-231.
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