Mountain Hunter Magazine Fall 2020

Page 8



Summer 2020

resilient lot. We thrive on overcoming (Memoranda of Understanding). DSC and the International Council adversity. We’re working together and

Hunters and anglers are a

number of partnerships by way of MOUs

An American friend posted a hilarious we’ll take care of each other and our meme a few months back on social industry.

for Game and Wildlife Conservation

As for WSF, we are working with

their partnership to benefit wildlife

outfitters, clients, state, provincial,

conservation, and support sustainable

media that read:

“I bet Canada feels like they live in the apartment above a meth lab.” As an American I had to laugh but also lament on the truth of it. From a disproportionate infection rate of COVID-19, sickening civil unrest, destruction of public property, urban chaos, to a cultural (or cancel culture) revolution all on top of the typical American presidential election-year antics and follies, living north of the 48th parallel must feel like living above a meth lab. All jokes aside, the past five-to-six months have been a challenge at best for our industry – especially the guide outfitting community dependent on foreign ecotourism. We all learned mid-July that the Canada/USA border will remain closed

tribal and territorial agencies to work wildlife use and the livelihoods of rural through the border closure challenges and Indigenous people. and the effects on hunts and trips booked as well as the risks to the conservation dollars generated. We are working on our January 13-16, 2021 convention

scenarios of knowns and unknowns for our exhibitors, donors and attendees. Rest assured, there will be a Sheep Show in January 2021. And while it may look a bit different than prior years, we are excited and confident for the future. Be strong, be safe, and stay healthy...we are sheep and mountain hunters. We’ve got this. Gray N. Thornton, President & CEO





opportunity to leverage the combined reach and influence of DSC’s and CIC’s knowledge, programs, and networks

management. DSC and CIC will work diligently on all matters impacting hunters internationally. DSC Executive Director, Corey Mason, stated, “CIC is an institution in the international



DSC is greatly looking forward to this partnership and the significant results that our combined efforts will bear.” Also this past summer, DSC and the Property and Environment Research Center





formalizing their partnership to further conservation efforts. The goal of the MOU is to advance the missions of

As part of a long-range strategic DSC and PERC through collaboration,

But there is light at the end of the plan, DSC has recently entered into a



and various options on how it will be to effectively guide policy in a way conducted. We are working on what-if that encourages science-based wildlife

to August 21st. Sadly, the closure is likely DALLAS SAFARI CLUB to extend beyond August and into the fall DSC Signs Memoranda of with the result being a significant loss of Understanding with Key Partners a major component of GOABC members’ business. We are all feeling the pain.

(CIC) signed a joint MOU, formalizing

communication and interaction between

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