brand styleguide brand_styleGuide_18AUG2014_v1
brand styleguide
copyright notice and legal stuff Copyright Š2014 goBalto, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This guide is confidential and intended only for use by goBalto employees and external partners. Please don’t copy this guide may not be copied, in whole or part, without the written consent of goBalto, Inc. The same proprietary and copyright notices apply to copies.
brand styleguide
table of contents about goBalto
introduction ............................................................
our story .................................................................
our values and culture ...........................................
our audience ..........................................................
our core messages and taglines ............................
expressing our brand introduction ............................................................
about our primary logo ..........................................
logo usage guidelines ...........................................
logo incorrect use ..................................................
brand color standards ...........................................
brand typography standards .................................
brand voice Introduction ............................................................
tone, voice & style .................................................
how we speak to the public ..................................
standard terminology .............................................
about goBalto
What people think about our brand and products is based upon the way we describe them on our website, in marketing materials, documentation, and other public interactions (verbal and in writing). In order for people to believe that we are authentic, honest, and memorable, we must express our brand consistently. This guide describes the goBalto brand and how to express it in a consistent, authentic way. We appreciate your commitment to these guidelines. If you have questions, please contact goBalto Creative Services at (415) 671-4372
brand styleguide
about goBalto
our story
brand styleguide
Chung’s inspiration for the goBalto comes from the story behind a statue he remembered seeing during his day’s New York’s Central Park. In 1925, there was an outbreak of diphtheria in a small village in Nome, Alaska. It was a harsh winter and the only way to get the antitoxin to the village was by a sled dog team. The lead sled dog, a Siberian Husky named Balto, bravely lead the team on the last leg of the run that brought the life-saving antitoxin from Anchorage to Nome and saved the entire village.
At goBalto, our mission is to bring the same passion and commitment to getting medicines to those in need faster by bring efficiencies to the clinical study process. 5
about goBalto
our values & culture
Just after helping Celtrion become the largest bio-pharmaceutical and biologics manufacturer in Asia, our Founder Jae Chung discovered another opportunity. The process that pharmaceutical companies and their partners use to find and engage doctors (“investigators�) who help them conduct clinical trials for new drugs was costly, inefficient, and lengthy; the tools they used were often manual or difficult to use.
biotech deserves the better tools Chung, a loyal diciple of Steve Jobs, was determined to disrupt biotech by bringing consumer-style ease of use to improve the clinical trials process. So in 2008 with a small team of Silicon Valley engineers and designers working out a San Francisco condo, Chung founded goBalto to solve that problem. Driven by user-centric values and practices, goBalto’s development team researches how users do their work and provides intuitive solutions that delight users.
Five years later, goBalto is winning industry awards for disruption and combining the best of high technology and biotechnology to solve major problems in healthcare. 6
brand styleguide
about goBalto
our audience
brand styleguide
The audience for our messages are: •
pharmaceutical (aka “pharma”) companies
contract research organizations (CROs) who help them find manage clinical trials, and
investigators (doctors) and their staff who provide subjects (patients) for studies
about goBalto
our core message & taglines
Our goal is to have our audience think of goBalto as a trusted thought leader, innovator, and distruptor who helps the industry make the clinical trial process more efficient.
study startup made easy
To that end, we want them to believe: •
goBalto provides products and services that revoutionize the process. Customers currently manage the process with spreadsheets; goBalto helps you manage the process collaboratively in the cloud with consumer-style ease of use and tools.
the new standard in study startup
Our flagship product, Activate, is an intelligent workflow-driven platform that helps standardize and drive the processes required to start clinical trials (site activation
phase of study startup).
Our second product, Analyze, helps you track the process to identify bottlenecks and drive process improvements. It costs on average $20,000 to activate sites — delays can results in millions of dollars of lost opportunity to added expense.
your data your way
brand styleguide
expressing our brand
brand styleguide
goBalto has established a strong brand identity. To support our position as an innovative disruptor with user-centric solutions, our visual style must reinforce our position as passionate challengers of convention.
goBalto’s brand personality describes the tone and manner that we want to communicate, in what we say and in interactions with our audience. We can go a long way toward sustaining brand continuity through the use of standardized visual, written, and interactive content.
The following pages take us through these key elements.
about our primary logo
expressing our brand
brand styleguide
Our logo is the most immediate representation of our company,
There are two primary formats of the goBalto logo.
and must be applied consistently in specific formats.
Both versions can be applied with or without the standard tagline.
The logo is a composite of custom letter forms, and our brand symbol of stylized chromosomes. What makes goBalto’s identity distinct compared to our
horizontal orientation
competitors is that it conveys: •
Global scientific drug development
• Assurance • Innovation
vertical orientation
expressing our brand
logo usage guidelines
On white or hi-contrast light colored backgrounds, the full-color logo composite with or with tagline should be applied as a transparent image, never inside of a frame or box.
study startup made easy
the new standard in study startup
brand styleguide
study startup made easy
your data your way
On black, dark gray or hi-contrast dark colored backgrounds, the orange and full white logo composite, with or with tagline, should be applied as a transparent image, never inside of a frame or box.
study startup made easy
the new standard in study startup
study startup made easy
your data your way
expressing our brand
logo incorrect use
brand styleguide
do not: •
alter the goBalto logo or sub-brands in any way
animate the logo or apply special effects
change colors
rotate or skew the logo
alter the proportions
separate the elements
alter the transparency
make a pattern or texture out of the logo
superimpose the logo over a photo image, or a non-neutral background with Creative Services approval
separate the chromosome symbol from the letterforms without goBalto approval
goBalto activate analyze study startup made easy
the new standard in study startup
your data your way
study startup made easy
the new standard in study startup
your data your way
study startup made easy
the new standard in study startup
your data your way
brand color standards
expressing our brand
brand styleguide
hex ff9900
This is how we use colors:
rgb 255 153 0
• Marketing collateral • Presentations • User interface • Digital media/video
cmyk 0 47 100 0 hex cccccc rgb 204 204 204 cmyk 19 15 16 0 Primary
hex 999999 rgb 153 153 153 cmyk 43 35 35 1 hex 666666 rgb 102 102 102 cmyk 60 51 51 20
hex 99cc33 rgb 153 204 51 cmyk 45 0 100 0
brand typography standards
expressing our brand Primary brand font:
Helvetica Neue_ Light
• Marketing collateral • Presentations • User interface • Digital media/video
Helvetica Neue_ Regular Helvetica Neue_ Medium
Helvetica Neue_ Bold
Secondary brand font:
goBalto brand typography goBalto brand typography goBalto brand typography goBalto brand typography
(Alternative when Helvetica Neue is not available)
Application :
Arial_ Regular
• Presentations • Microsoft office apps • Corporate collateral, forms, and docs
brand styleguide
Arial_ Bold
goBalto brand typography goBalto brand typography
our brand voice
brand styleguide
Our branding goal is to deliver content in one voice, using straightforward language, with usability always in mind. From terminology used in customer-facing documentation to presentations in front of an audience, we minimize clutter and maximize understanding.
our brand voice
tone, voice & style
Our tone, voice, and style are part of our minimalist design principles.
brand styleguide
we: •
Keep it brief – we know time is precious.
Our belief is that by keeping things simple, we gain
Inform, not sell.
customer trust and make it easy to process information.
Aren’t stuffy – we speak as if actual people are listening.
Use active voice so that it’s obvious who did what to whom. For example, we say “Activate generates a new password” instead of “a new password is generated.”
Use contractions (the way real people speak).
Address the person; we say “you” or “team member”, never “users”.
Refer to our applications by name; we use “Activate” or “Analyze” (not “the system” or “goBalto”).
Avoid techno-jargon and slang.
Keep sentences to fewer than 30 words (since long sentences are hard to comprehend).
Use bold for emphasis (since italics and all caps are hard to read online).
Only capitalize formal names
(since unnecessary capitalization slows comprehension).
Use underlining only for hyperlinks.
Make dates unambiguous: for example, 12JUL2014.
our brand voice
how we speak to the public
brand styleguide
Our public image reflects our company values: • We show concern for customers by ensuring our product and marketing assets are produced on time and with high quality. • We work together, using one voice, to keep our customers informed about our company, products, and brand. • We continually share new ideas and process innovations. We’re known as “disruptors”.
our brand voice
standard terminology
Our customers are pharmaceutical and biotech companies, and contract research organizations (CROs). They often use industryspecific terminology with a heavy dependence on acronyms. Here are just a few common terms. Sponsor – a governmental health agency, academic research body, or a pharmaceutical, biotechnology, or medical device
brand styleguide
acronyms: CRA – clinical research associate CRC – clinical research coordinator CRF – case report form CRO – contract research organization
company that supplies the funding, format, and content for a
eClinical – EDC technology combined with process and personnel changes
clinical trial. Site activation – all the tasks required to start up a
eCRF – electronic case report form
clinical trial, from initial site identification to all sites ready to see patients. (Also referred to as study startup.) 21 CFR Part 11 – the United States FDA guidelines that deal with electronic records and electronic signatures (ERES). Part 11, as it’s commonly called, defines the criteria under which electronic
EDC – electronic data capture ISO – International Organization for Standardization IT – information technology NDA – New Drug Application
records and electronic signatures are considered to be trustworthy,
QA – quality assurance
reliable, and equivalent to paper records.
ROI – return on investment
Key performance indicator (KPI) – a measure used to gauge
SLA – service level agreement
progress against a goal.
SOP –standard operating procedure
Study startup – see site activation.
SSU – study startup UAT – user acceptance testing