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3 IBBA Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas 4 MBJ & TRIO "Walk the Red Carpet" Sale, Houston, Texas 4 MP Brangus "Friday Night Lights" Frozen Genetics Sale, Houston, Texas 4-5 Houston Livestock Open Brangus Bull and Female Show, Houston, Texas 5 Allen Cattle Company's Annual Ranching for Profit Sale, Houston, Texas 5 Genetic Edge Sale XXVII, Houston, Texas 10 Ad Reservation Deadline for April Brangus Journal 11 Cavender-Draggin' M and Partners 2nd Annual Spring Bull Sale, Jacksonville, Texas 12 Phillips Ranch Inaugural Production Sale, Bunnell, Florida 19 Mound Creek Genetics & Genomics Bull and Female Sale, Leona, Texas 22 GENEPLUS at Suhn's Cattle Company, Eureka, Kansas 24 Briggs Super American Bull Sale, Bloomington, Texas 25 Santa Rosa Ranch Inaugural Production Sale, College Station, Texas 25-27 Cattle Raisers Convention & Expo, Fort Worth, Texas 26 Oklahoma Brangus Association Spring Sale, McAlester, Oklahoma


1 Texas Brangus Breeders Association Annual Meeting, Salado, Texas 2 Texas Brangus Breeders Association Spring Spectacular Sale, Salado, Texas 9 ACE and Louisiana Brangus Bull Sale, Wiley Ranch, Effie, Louisiana 9 MP Brangus Bull & Female Sale, Poteet, Texas 10 Ad Reservation Deadline for May Brangus Journal 12 Champion's Valley Brangus Show Heifer & Genetics Sale 23 Cavender-Draggin' M and Partners Sprign Female Production Sale 23 Oak Creek Farms Forage Tested Spring Bull Sale,

Chappell Hill, Texas

MAY 7 Clayton Williams Ranch Company Share the Genetics Sale,

Bastrop, Texas


1-4 Texas Junior Brangus Breeders Association State Show, Bryan, Texas 5 Texas Invitational, Bryan, Texas 10 ACE at Quail Valley Farms Complete Mature Cow Herd Dispersal, Oneonta, Alabama 10-11 Arkansas Junior Brangus Breeders State Show, Siloam Springs, Arkansas 11 ACE at Quail Valley Farms Premier Invitational Elite Brangus Sale, Oneonta, Alabama


10 Ad Reservation Deadline for August Brangus Journal 10 Southeast Brangus Breeders Association Annual Award Nominations Due 25 SBBA Award of Excellenece, Achievement Award and Hall of Fame Nominations Due 25 SBBA Female Sale Nominations Due 25 SRJBS Ownership Deadline 26-31 National Junior Brangus Show and Brangus Futurity, Belton, Texas


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