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Understanding DNA Parentage Verification
Photo of individual tissue sampling units (TSUs) provided by Neogen GeneSeek.
UnderstandingDNA ParentageVerification
by IBBA Member Relations Specialist Macee Prause
It is important for producers to understand the basics of DNA testing, especially DNA parent verification. DNA testing provides the producer with valuable information through scientifically-proven testing methods. The more information producers have about their cattle, especially the genetic makeup of their cattle, the more knowledge they are able to apply when making selection decisions for their herd.
Parentage testing, using DNA technology, can be advantageous in a variety of situations including multi-sire breeding pastures, artificial insemination (AI) versus clean-up bull situations, embryo transfers (ET), potential parents which are close relatives, calves switched at birth, and ambiguous birthdates. DNA parent verification is both a valuable tool for seedstock
breeders and commercial producers as it ensures the pedigree information is accurate for calves. Moreover, it offers information for management decisions in a commercial herd.
“At this point, since we single sire, we use DNA parentage in situations in which a calf is born after an AI date and before a pasture exposure,” states Joy Reznicek of Town Creek Farm. “Parentage verification is 100 percent accurate in exclusion of incorrect sires. For us, knowing for certain that we are providing our customer with correct pedigrees is our number one priority.”
The basis behind DNA parentage is the fact that each animal receives one genetic marker copy of each gene, called an allele, from each parent. Therefore,
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genotyping the progeny in addition to both parents is needed for parent verification to be performed. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) testing is the newest type of parentage testing compared to previous single tandem repeat (STR) or microsatellite testing. SNP parentage panels contain anywhere from 96 to over 200 markers, which allow for a higher accuracy of parentage exclusions than the older microsatellite parentage testing. Microsatellite panels only verify against seven to 12 markers, which has a higher chance of missing excluded parents. SNP parentage markers allow for a larger number of SNP markers to be verified with a greater specificity at an equal or reduced cost to STR testing. “We use the products according to our needs and what we are trying to discover,” says Reznicek.
When DNA parentage testing verifies the sire in multisire breeding pastures, the breeder can determine which sire(s) are contributing the most or least value for their specific breeding goals. Additionally, multi-sire pastures typically assume that each bull is doing the same amount of work and DNA parentage verification can show whether or not that is the case for their herd. The knowledge gained can also aid commercial producers who retain AI sired heifers as replacements or seedstock producers who rely on accurate pedigrees for expected progeny differences (EPDs).
Developing a DNA program for your operation will better support your breeding goals and the objectives you wish to attain. “We generally AI our cows, then pasture expose them to two or three different bulls at one time. In an effort to shorten our calving window, we turn in the bulls the day after we AI cows and/or implant embryos,” explains Stacie Cooper with Lake Majestik Farms. “Due to the large variance of AI sires and pasture sires, we conduct DNA parentage tests to verify sires. We also use [DNA parentage] to verify that a recipient cow hasn’t been naturally serviced and has, in fact, calved an ET calf. This allows us to truly have a diverse herd and to be sure that when we market our animals, we are providing the customer with accurate information.”
EPDs deliver an estimate of an animal’s genetic potential as a parent based upon pedigree and ancestral information along with records of their progeny. SNP DNA testing can provide enough information for genomic-enhanced EPDs, in which case an increased associated accuracy or reliability of an animal’s genetic potential is provided. More information collected about an animal, whether an individual’s own record and/or data from progeny, increases the accuracy. DNA marker information, when added to the genetic evaluation, allows for earlier prediction of an animal’s potential genetic value before phenotypic data is collected; thereby, providing a higher accuracy of young sires. This, in turn, decreases the generation interval where a more rapid genetic improvement can be gained.
“Most importantly,” discusses Cooper, “cattlemen should realize the financial and time investment involved.
Photo provided by Neogen GeneSeek.
Weigh the pros and cons for your herd. In our case, DNA parentage testing, in fact, saves us time and, in turn, money; but that may not be the case for every rancher out there.” Mary Douglass explains, “if you’re going to spend the money like a lot of us producers do, you might as well make this investment, which is cheap when you consider the value of the animals. [DNA parentage verification] allows me to preserve the value of my herd.”
Reznicek reaffirms these ideas: “I believe we owe it to our customers to provide them with 100-percent accurate pedigrees. Parentage DNA testing gives you that peace of mind.” Douglass continues, “When you buy bulls, make sure you can parent verify it. I don’t use bulls that I can’t parent verify. This goes back to preserving the value of your herd – you want to always be able to tell where that animal came from.”
Members can submit a variety of DNA samples for DNA testing including tail hair samples, whole blood, tissue samples from ear notches, and semen straws. For more information regarding DNA parentage verification and making DNA requests, please contact Macee Prause in the International Brangus Breeders Association’s office at (210) 696- 8231 or by email at mprause@gobrangus.com.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Macee Prause was raised in La Grange, Texas. She received a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science in 2015 and a Master of Science in Science, specializing in animal breeding and genetics in 2016, both from Texas A&M University. Her agricultural background comes from her growing up assisting with her family’s beef cattle production, processing, and meat market. In college, she continued to develop and broaden her experiences in the industry through a multitude of organizations and agricultural activities. Macee is currently the member relations specialist for the International Brangus Breeders Association, where she facilitates and manages DNA testing and results.
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There are currently four different tests that provide SNP parentage information in which three of the tests provide GE-EPDs. The four tests available are listed below along with the price, benefits of the test, limitations of the test and producers who will benefit most from a particular test. For more information, contact IBBA’s office at (210) 696-8231.
- Provides all USDA and globally recognized ISAG SNP parentage markers for parent verification. - Does NOT provide GE-EPDs. - In commercial settings, this service is often used when using multi-sire breeding system (pastures).
- Provides all USDA and globally recognized ISAG SNP parentage markers for parent verification. - Offers imputations up to 50K status for calculation of GE-EPDs. - Does NOT allow add-on tests (e.g. genetic conditions). - Beef genomic option to assist producers to select, retain and market seedstock replacement heifers.
- Provides all USDA and globally recognized ISAG SNP parentage markers for parent verification. - Offers imputations up to 50K status for calculation of GE-EPDs. - Offers 50K add-on tests (e.g. coat color, DD, etc.) at the cost of $10 per add-on. - Detects markers that have the greatest influence on economically important traits and key traits that cattle inherit from their parents. These inform seedstock selection decisions and assist bull buyers make sale day purchasing decisions.
- Provides all USDA and globally recognized ISAG SNP parentage markers for parent verification. - Offers high-accuracy calculations for GE-EPDs. - Offers 150K add-on tests (e.g. coat color, DD, etc.) at the cost of $10 per add-on - Ideal DNA solution for elite seedstock and high-impact animals such as AI sires, donor dams and key bloodlines in order to provide maximum data.
IBBA Member Relations 8870 US Highway 87 E, San Antonio, TX 78263 | P.O. Box 809, Adkins, TX 78101 | info@gobrangus.com