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A Message from the Head Girl, Isabella Sim

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Out and About

A Message from the Head Girl

What is Godolphin and Latymer to you? Does the building, bright red sports kit or ‘Francha Leale Toge’ come to mind? Although these are important aspects of Godolphin, at the end of the day it boils down to one thing: the people. Take the people out of the building and you can no longer call it a school. However, scatter the individuals and the community still stands. This was proved to be the case during the Covid-19 pandemic, and I believe we emerged stronger and with greater resilience than before. This year has felt like a new beginning, with the worst of the disruption behind us. Dolphins should be proud of everything we have achieved over the last twelve months. A personal highlight was the school’s Ukraine appeal. Each individual was able to contribute in some way: through the house ergo competition, colouring or donating. Our combined efforts had such an extraordinary effect and it was moving to see so many of us uniting under one cause. Let’s take a trip down memory lane. From start to finish, my six years so far at Godolphin have flown by at a rollercoaster pace. It’s not often that we trace our steps right back to where it started, and remind ourselves of who we were and how far we have come. I am always hit with that traumatic memory of a Year 7 manhandling a bag twice her size and the oversized uniform. Or the late night study grinds with a bowl of cereal, surviving the 1500m at sports day, and the tuck shop queues making me question my existence. The past six years have brought with them so many lifelong friendships, valuable lessons and unforgettable memories. Together there have been times we have laughed until our sides hurt, jumped for joy at the end of exams, and stood as one in times of opposition and challenge. Together, is what has made this year possible. As I head into my final year at Godolphin, I am looking forward to a year full of discovery and celebration. My aim is to ‘treasure the individual’. I believe that our community derives its strength from the diversity and uniqueness of the members that are a part of it. Each girl or teacher has their unique story, and is here for a specific purpose. Like the left eye cannot say to the right eye - ‘I don’t need you anymore’ - the G&L community is not the same without all our differences. The Head Girls Team are hoping to promote and celebrate the testimonies of girls and staff. We challenge you to bring more of the best of YOU to Godolphin this academic year. Are you ready? Bring on 2022-23!


Isabella Sim , Head Girl, 2022-23

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