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The Thinker 2023

Greece and China



is edition o e inker focuses on two epic cultural centres of philosophical thought, Greece and China, to explore the contribution of cultural contexts and national ideology on metaphysical, axiological and epistemological paradigms.

Plato’s tripartite soul; how useful it is in assessing human nature? - Sanaya Mittal

Diogenes; “a Socrates gone mad” - Isabella Logothetis

Aristotelian Psychology; the Study of the Soul - Giulia Fraccalvieri

Xenophanes, Anthropomorphism and the Milesian Naturalists - Isabella Logothetis

An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy - Estelle Qin

Confucianism: the Giant of Chinese ought - Tabby Lush

Taoism: the Spiritual Path to Harmony - Aurore Lebrun

e School o Ying-Yang - Eliza Shatokhina

e Development of Chinese Buddhism - Maya Erkman

e Tao of Pooh - Isabell Karlsson

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