A brief summary of result

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The “Intelligent Design” begins with the fiery end of the universe when every thing is dispersed. “Vedi is the end of the Universe”[R.V. 1.164.35]. Rig Veda is a document pertaining to unified creation. While accepting the modern thought in astronomy, it begins at the highest levels of thought and the following Sukta (R.V. 10.129) appears as a landmark of a philosophical approach. The universe gets dissolved at the end of its life to be revived again to perpetuate its existence in space-time continuum. Sukta 10.129: --- Bhavavratam

Chhand: Trishtup.

1) “ At the time of Pralaya the catastrophe (that dissolves the universe), there was no Asat (untruth). Even Sat (truth) was not there. The forms of Prathivi/conceptual/real and that of the living beings were not visible there. The seven Lokas/worlds in Aakash/sky did not exist then. Who dwelt here? Where was the universe? Where were the calm waters? At that time there was neither immortality nor mortality (at Creation). 2) “There was neither day nor night. There was only Brahm [R.V. 10.27.9] breathing in the absence of Vaayu/air with Aatmaa as the only support that helped Brahm to inhale and exhale. Except him there was nothing. 3) “There was darkness of the deep before Creation. Everything was unknown. There were waters everywhere. The Brahm was enveloped/fully covered by non-existing matter. He was the only Tatwa/element present because of Tapa/penance/temperature.


4) “Brahm first expressed his desire for Creation. Consequently a Beej/seed was revealed. The learned having sharp brains conceived the creation of the invisible. 5) “Then an all embracing Purush [R.V.10.90] was created. Then the Mahima /grandeur began functioning on both fronts. Below was Swadha and the upper part belonged to Prayati. 6) “No one knows the Prakrati /Nature. So who can describe the Nature? What is the purpose behind Creation? What is the reason for the revelation of different forms of Creations? Devaganas (Devatas) were born after the Creation. So who knows from where the various creations commence? 7) “However, the different creations came into being. Who brought forth the creations? Who is the owner of the creations? Those who live in the heavens alone know about creations and possibly even they may not be aware of them.” ************ The above Sukta [R.V.10.129] indicates the creation/evolution, as thought of in astronomy is only a part of various creations. There is biological evolution, the evolution of language of the Homo sapiens, evolution of sciences of all shades and arts and philosophy and above all the evolution of the concept of Aatmaa in all non-living and Jivaatmaa, generalized as Aatmaa. PURUSH IS BRAHM The “Intelligent Design” is a consequence of the Grand Unification of all that is in the universe packed in the singularity of a black hole before Creation. At Creation this black hole is transformed into a white hole. And the Creation is exactly the same as it was before according to the dictum “Yathaa purvam akalpayat”. [Rig Veda 10.190.3] The Vedas along with all the 18 Puranas taken together constitute the Fifth Veda and reflect all the aspects of Creation. “Itihas puranaam pancham vedanaam vedam.” (Chhandogya Upanishad 7.1.2)

2. THE SANKHYA SIDDHANT OF CREATION: ---The unified Creation begins at million billion degrees temperature from the “Cosmic Egg” and proceeds in a smoother way rather than as a Big Bang. It is punctuated in times of Kalpas [1 day of Brahmaa= 1 kalpa= 4,35,45,60,000 years]. The Intelligent Design of the Creator begins with the Cosmic Egg according to the Sankhya Siddhant of the unified Creation of the universe [Kurma Purana, Purva Vibhag. Ch. 4.].The huge cosmic golden egg was born from the five mahaabhutas (primordial elements, i.e., Prathivi/Earth, waters / Aapah / plasma, Tej / radiant energy / Agni, Vaayu / air and Aakash / sky, like a (magnetic) bubble all at once (alike the Print of Nature in galaxy M- 82).[Kurma Purana 4.36]. It was a Pind (spherical) and extremely hard by rajo-guna .


i. The egg is presumably a spherical ball about the size of our present day solar system resulting from the gravitational collapse of the universe and is called “Pind”. According to the principle of “Yathaa pinde tathaa brahmaande” [all creations are little universes], the Pind or the cosmic egg is the dormant universe as the biggest black hole in modern terminology. ii. This cosmic egg refuses to explode and is suitably called the white hole at Creation. It is also called “Prakrat Anda/Egg” iii It has the following structure according to Kurma Purana, purva vibhag, 4.42-44: 1). The waters/Aapah/plasma that surrounds the cosmic egg 10 times the size of the egg. 2). Next envelope is that of Tej (radiant energy) and is ten times the envelope of water. 3). Tej is enveloped by Vaayu/solar wind, which is ten times the envelope of Tej. 4). Again, Aakash/sky/heaven envelope Vaayu. Aakash is ten times the envelope of Vaayu. These are the five Mahaabhutas. 5). Subsequent envelops are that of Ahankaar (ego), Bhutas that are the elements of the Mahaan (Mahaatatwa /Brahmaa who performs the work-functions of Creation as Viraat Purush./Mahatatwa is enveloped by Avyakta (indescribable) Shakti that dwells in pure sound form in the elements of Aakash and is self illuminated in varied forms during Creations (Kurma Purana, Apar Vibhag, 3.21-23 ; 9.7) The Creator has qualities of crystal pure life and is the cause of all creations having all the qualities in its entirety. Human form enjoins language --- the vast ocean of knowledge, the wellbeing, the brotherhood and above all the way of living. The Cosmic Egg is dealt with under the name “Ddhyava Prathivi / Aakash Prathivi / Sky Earth” in Rig Veda. This is the basic and flexible “Intelligent Design” of the Creator.



ANTARIKSH IS OCEAN OF PLASMA Aakash Prathivi, which is a Vistirna Prathivi/white hole at Creation, is the conjoined Aakash Prathivi/ black hole as a single unit before Creation by going back in time by the powers of Indra. [R.V.10.44.8]. The Prathivi was flooded forming “Ekaarnava” (a single ocean). Vratra/clouds/Event horizon was lying on the Aapah/waters /plasma [Yajur Veda 22.18; R.V. 1.32.8, 11]. According to Yajur Veda 2.1 “The Ekaarnava” (a single ocean) enveloped all the Lokas / worlds. The Prathivi called the Mahi Mandala, Vaayu /wind and gases and Aakash/sky did not exist in the beginning.” The entire universe was dissolved in it at millions of degrees of temperature.


At the boundary of Aakash Prathivi/black hole, there is the “Event Horizon”/ Vratra/clouds. Around this point of no return that is the operative black hole before Creation (and as a continuous process of creation in the center of galaxies). Nothing, not even light, must come out of it. This is the Swatzerchild radius around which space is tightly curved and matter and radiations cannot come out of it. The X-ray Observatory orbiting the Earth surprised astronomers at the University of Colorado, US, and at the European Space Agency, when a glow of the “Event Horizon” with the intensity of 10 billion suns burning just outside the “Event Horizon” of a huge but very distant black hole in the constellation of Centaurus. However, there are particles and anti-particles formed at the boundary, The Event Horizon glitters with the golden “Hawking Radiations”. “The Prathivi (black hole) appears like the hard Kadamba flower surrounded by small yellow flowers covering it [in the concept of the unification of the vegetative world of our biosphere with the Prathivi (black hole)]. {Gola Section 7, Aryabhattiya of Aryabhatt, Ed. K.S.Shukla, K.V. Sarma, Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, 1976}. The Rig Veda is full of Suktas that involve Indra in the environs of war against Vratra/clouds locked by the Event Horizon and it involves plasma climatology that is presumed similar to that on our Prathvi/Earth with the obvious difference. Vishwakarma, the Creator of the bodies first created waters (plasma at million-billion degrees temperature at Creation) and then created Aakash Prathivi (which is the white hole at Creation) that is capable of moving here and there on the waters. Then he stabilized the regions of Aakash Prathivi. Thereafter Aakash Prathivi acquired fame. [R.V. 10.82.1] The implicit meaning of the capability of “moving here and there” is that this concept can be applied at all times by placing it appropriately at any place in the universe - in Antariksh (space) or situation [including the photographs/artist’s drawings released by NASA so that their references can be searched in Puranas and Vedas]. Since the objects in space are observed backing in time and the structures in the universe have long life, the Vedas are conceptually eternal.

4. THE BLACK HOLE EXPANDS TO BECOME A WHITE HOLE AT CREATION: -A BLACK HOLE EXPANDS TO BECOME A WHITE HOLE The single black hole/conjoined Aakash Prathivi instead of exploding, it expands to become a white hole as mentioned above in accordance with the “Theory of Inflation” and as expected in “Loop Quantum Cosmology” developed by using super computers. According to the unity of the opposites inherent in Varna Meru, the Universal Key of Knowledge, a black hole expands to become a white hole and back again sequentially. This is in accordance with the fact that dualism rules the universe. In the context of Creation, the Prathivi/Earth/black hole/white hole breathes increasing and decreasing in size regularly as


should also be expected from the Prathivi/Earth in the center of the Milky Way in the Geocentric Model of the universe. “During a day of Brahmaa, the Prathivi/Earth/black hole increases externally by one Yojana and during a night of Brahmaa which is as long as a day, this growth of the Prathivi/Earth /white hole is destroyed.” [Gola Sec. ver.8, Aryabhattiya of Aryabhatt, Ed. K.S.Shukla, K.V.Sarma, Indian Science Academy, New Delhi, 1976]. “The conjoined Aakash Prathivi enlarges into Vistirna (expanded) Prathivi”.[Yajur Veda 17.25, R.V. 1.21.6; 10.1.7; 10.56.3] The black hole thus becomes a white hole. The forces of anti-gravity that are the attributes of the five brave forces of Agni, Vaayu, Surya, Indra and Vidhyuta (Indra) succeed in shifting the Event Horizon/Vratra /clouds in stages. Thereby these forces remove darkness releasing light and electromagnetic radiations (Tej/Agni) that is described as the Black Sun originating from the waters of the ocean enveloping the black hole. The expansion can be attributed to the Vardhamaan Agni of the Yagna. (R.V. 10.69)

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{A} DUALISTIC NATURE OF THE AAKASH PRATHIVI/BLACK HOLE / WHITE HOLE : The Aakash Prathivi as a black hole ensures death while it delivers life as a white hole. The Aakash Prathivi at the juncture of annihilation and creation appears to be the finest example of the dualistic character of nature corresponding to that proposed by Einstein for light and it turns out to be a universal phenomena. The Sanskrit Computer system inherent in Varna Meru approves Dwait Adwait to establish that the entire universe is dualistic in nature. Further its versatility leads to the unification of knowledge in its structure. TO DVAI T ADVAIT 6 CREATION OF LOKAS (WORLDS) FROM AAKASH PRATHIVI:“Praise the Goddess of learning Saraswati who provides the happiness by the qualities of the body and providing choicest material for nourishment. She gives gifts of jewels and all one desires”. [R.V. 1.164.49] “Yagna (involving high energy interactions in a sequential manner) is Agni (fire)”. [R.V. 10.20.6]


“Yagna was first performed by Agni. This was the first Dharma and by its importance and their participation, the Yajmaan/Agni attains heaven. All the Devataas who approved the process by their participation reside in Yagna.”[R.V. 1.164.50] The Aakash Prathivi intelligently turns into a Prathivi without Aakash (black hole). The Ekaarnava (a single Ocean) flooded Prathivi and covered by waters, and the Event Horizon /Vratra was lying on the waters. “Just before Creation, the Aakash Prathivi as a black hole is conjoined together by the magnanimous powers of Indra in its initial state”. [R.V. 10.44.8 (Trishtup, Jagati Chhand)]



The Aakash Prathivi conjoined together [R.V. 1.185] separates into two Lokas Aakash and Prathivi/white hole/Mahi [R.V. 1.159; 1.160]. Vishnu (Yagna) [Yajur Veda 2.4; Krishma Yajur Veda 3.52; Aitareya Brahman 4.6.2; Rig Veda 1.164.50; --- introduces Antariksh/ space in between Aakash and Prathivi forming the three Lokas/worlds. Thus the flexible “Intelligent Design” is formed which is similar to the universe in space. This is the Triloki of Vishnu in Puranas and Hiranyagarbha at Creation in Rig Veda [R.V. 10.121]. This is indestructible because it is a mental construct of astronomical interactions (Yagna) of the white hole [R.V.10.90.11] and Loop Quantum Cosmology tends to prove the same by using super computers. Whereas one foot of Vishnu measure the universe [R.V.3.54, 14; 1,22,17], Vishnu acquires the universe by taking three steps [R.V. 1.22; 1.154; 1.155;----] to form the three Lokas/worlds constituting the three Lokas/worlds that is the “Intelligent Design”. Vishnu is “Triloki” (three worlds) [Yajur Veda 1.2] and the Param Pada of Vishnu in the center of Triloki [Yajur Veda 6.5]. The “Intelligent Design” exists everywhere and is never destroyed [R.V. 10.64.5]. When planted on Purush (a human body), the head (intelligence) represents the Swarga/heaven, naval represents Antariksh/space (the place where creation takes place) and feet represents the Prathivi/ Black hole cum white hole [R.V. 10.90.14]. The semen of a horse is the Soma/Cosmic Microwave Background Radiations as well as quark-gluon plasma capable of self- replication in confinement and also represents the power/Chhanda and speed [R.V.1.164.35]. Soma/(cosmic Background Radiations acquires various meanings. The Cow Dhenu (mother of Marut Ganas [R.V. 8.94.1] provide milk for Devataas and is a Prathivi /white hole/black hole while Aakash is a bull. The black cow and white cows give white milk.[R.V. 10.169.2]. It provides a thousand streams of milk/light radiations and Soma {father of waters [R.V.10.86.36]} milky plasma/ cosmic background radiations/cosmic microwave background radiations that flow downwards. Paashaan/core of Surya/sun, asteroids, comets, Meteorites, rocks) used for crushing green colored Soma shrubs in the compactness of the white hole, these radiations [R.V. 9.86; 9.107; 10.76; 10.94]. While eating the red branches/chromosphere, sound like that of a bull/Aakash (Jagati Chhand) is produced by Pashaan/comet, asteroid, rocks [R.V. 10.94.3].


The comet Lulin also known as “Green Comet”/Pashaan streaked past our Earth within 38 million miles- 160 times further than the Moon- of the Earth. The comet gains green color from poisonous cyanogens and diatomic carbon (end product of a green tree as on our Earth projected in Antariksh) present in the atmosphere



The cosmos is infinitely mirrored as in the field of oppositely charged in physics. In the process of mirroring in unified Creation, the geographical features of our Earth are projected in Antariksh/inter-stellar space for locating the source of the dark energy (Agni) and the dark matter constituting seventy percent of the missing mass of the universe. This could be the “bullet” galactic cluster [(jungle/cluster of trees) a clump of galaxies that formed over the last one hundred million years from the violent collision of smaller galactic cluster. The bullet cluster shaped like a bullet {seed [R.V.9.77]} is cloud of super hot gases on one of its sides (including ionic carbon as the final product of the burnt wood in Antariksh) and the path of Agni/thermal energy is dark/black [R.V. 7.3.2; 7.8.2]). Tiny black holes could have the mass less than that prescribed by the Chandrashekhar Limit and can escape detection. “Which that forest and which is that tree on which the Aakash Prahivi grows?” [R.V.10.81.4] The most efficient black holes are called ‘green’ black holes. “The child in the form of Agni moves over its mother Prathivi eating creepers, etc. Agni eats the trees growing on Prathivi and reaching the heights in Aakash .It reduces then to dust by their flames. In Aakash Prathivi, the Agni/ thermal energy (that is the child of wood) and is produced by (by wooden drills or by rubbing the wooden splinters (Arani) that are like their mother and father. They are eaten by Agni” [R.V. 10.79.3,4]. Dowg Clowe, a research astronomer at the University Of Arizona, using a technique of gravitational lensing found that the force of gravity in a part of the cluster is actually stronger in a part of the cluster (Plate 2) that appears emptier. This is the first evidence of dark matter.

Plate 2


VALIDATION OF THE GEO-CENTRIC MODEL OF THE UNIVESE:Today we know that our Milky Way has a black hole 10 million times the mass of our sun in its center and is presumed to be in the center of the universe. The ripples observed at the periphery of the universe indicate that the universe is flat. Similarly, the huge black hole before Creation and white hole at Creation and in the center of our Aakash Ganga/Milky Way can be


assumed to be flat according to the theory of relativity [What is the Theory of Relativity, L.Landau,Yu Rumer, MIR Publications, P.59]. FLAT EARTH The Prathivi/black hole cum white hole at the center of the Milky Way in the Geocentric Model (Plate 3), inherits all the qualities of the unified Creation. In addition it provides the measure of the day and night, week, month, year and seasons, held in abeyance at Creation. Our Prathivi/ biosphere moving around the solar system provides the time system. Moon moving around our Prathivi/Earth plays a similar role. Then Celestial sphere remains more or less the same for both the models.

Geo-centric Model of The Universe Plate 3.

HeliocentricModel Plate 4.

At Creation there are seven Ritus/seasons. In the center of the Milky Way there are five seasons compared to the six seasons on our Prathivi/Earth [R.V.1.164.11-15]. However, there are three seasons (winter, summer and rainy season in Antariksh/ space with respect to Surya (Indra) nearby [R.V. 5.47.4]. This is the conceptual proof of the involvement of the Unified Creation in the Geo-centric Model involving Antariksh/space. Thus it is necessary to revive and reinstate the lost glory of the Milky Way in the Unified Creation as thought of by the ancients while supporting status of the Helio-centric Model of Copernicus (Plate 4) and appreciating the contribution of Galileo in reviving the scientific fervor. Astrologers all over the world still retain the Geo-centric Model in one form or the other. Science interprets Nature through reason and experimentation. Fundamental scientific ideas are correlated with social relationship in Rig Veda exhibiting the relationship with all other things in the universe as part of our life. In fine, the universe has a scheme, a well-set organization, an order and a purpose. Therefore, it must have been only a powerful guiding force or an intelligent designer. Science interprets Nature through reason and experimentations. Fundamental scientific ideas are correlated with logic of social relationship in Rig Veda. All sciences in their unity in the universal key of knowledge Meru along with the Intelligent Design identifies itself


with the Creation given in all the religious faiths and their texts are reflective realities of the ultimate reality that originates from sciences. Faith is the anchor of the way of living. It is the flowering of happiness in the cozy comfort of our families in the midst of turmoil of social living far away from the administrative set ups in the nations the world over. “Without faith and confidence in self, even the fire cannot be lighted” [R.V.10.151]. The Design brings about Oneness of all religions and there must be a single powerful consciousness claiming responsibility to infuse the shared moral rules of the society for all as part of human rights. The source lies in the message of spirituality to “look within” for the “Eternal Flame of Knowledge of the Self” for peace and prosperity in the tranquil minds. Let there be peace everywhere.

Om Shanti ! Om Shanti ! Om Shanti ! ******************************* BLUE_PRINT OF CREATION NEXT >>

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