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Sukta l.65:---


Chhand: Panti

2) Devataas came to Earth in search of fire. Agni/thermal energy is born from the womb of Aapah/waters/plasma and increases when praise by hymns. 3) Agni/thermal energy is pleasing and tasty like a fruit, spreads out as the Earth and is a provider of food like a mountain (on our Earth mountain have cover of forest). Agni is in the forefront like a horse in wars and provides tranquility like water. Agni is as large as the ocean (i.e. Antariksh). Who can prevent this fire? 4) Agni is like the brother of Jal/plasma (which is its sister) and is like a king burn the jungle as if they are the enemies. They spread far and wide by Vaayu (solar wind) and shred to pieces the vegetative growth on the ground. 5) Agni acquires ‘Prana‘(breath of life) while sitting like the bird Hansa (vehicle). Then at the dawn of Usha (morning twilight) awaken Manushya. Like Soma (Moon) increase the power of medicines. Agni illuminates and grows like a child from the freshly ignited Agni. ************* Sukta 1.66 : --1)


Chhand: Panti.

“———The Agni/fire/thermal energy burns jungle by their glow.

2) “—— It dwells in everything, in the fire place in homes. (Aware of the forms of creations, it is associated with all Devataas and the works performed by Manushya. It is all pervading [1.70.1]) 3) “——Whatever is born and is yet to be born is a form of Agni. The fire within the husband is capable of destroying the virginity of girls——— 4) “——Agni allows its flames to flows like flowing waters. The flames of Agni rise in the sky upwards.” *********** Sukta 1.67 : ---


Chhand: Panti -1-

3) “Just as Surya enveloped the Earth, Agni (Vaishwanar Agni/thermal energy in Antatiksh) envelopes Antariksh and the sky. 5) “The fire with its properties established in medicines is revealed in flowers and fruits of the creepers. There are tree in science used in computers circuitry. There are family trees in social life and there are trees mentioned in the texts of religion with root upwards (Ashwatha Tree in Bhagwat Gita; Upanishads and Rig Veda 1.164.20). The lightening in the clouds in the rainy season appears like that. ********* Sukta 1.148 : ----

Agni. Chhand: Panti, Trishtup.

4) “Extraordinary Agni/fire/thermal energy describes cluster of trees and the forest shine with brilliant light in Antariksh (Tristup Chhanda). The floodlights increase fast with help of Vaayu (wind).” ************ Sukta 10.31 : ----


Chhand: Trishtup

7) “Which is the tree in the forest in Antariksh (Tristup Chhanda) which must be grown to obtain Aakash Prathivi (Black hole Fruits/seeds) in which Aakash and Prathivi are conjoined together. [Yajur Veda 17.20] Ancient Usha (Morning twilight) and days become timeworn (Lesser light). {Which is that forest and the tree in that forest from which Vishwakarma created Aakash Prathivi (10.84.4)}. LINK to Vishwakarma

These hymns project the concept of unification of the plant kingdom with that of trees in Antariksh/deep space in the middle of Aakash Prathivi (as the Intelligent Design/Triloki). The artist Jae Hoon Lee gives below a unique vision of a non living tree in Antariksh


Jae Hoon Lee, Space non-living Tree 1, 2006, digitally collaged photography, 95 x 95cm.

Different kinds of Agni(Thermal energy/fire) are like the branches of a tree.[8.19.31] 8) “Aakash and Prathivi is not the end. There is something beyond it. That which is the Creator and envelopes Aakash Prathivi (White hole) is the lord of Anna (food of sub–atomic particles to begin with fluid waves of plasma for Black hole tightly held by the Event Horizon/Vratra /clouds) and subsequently for the creation of matter in the universe. (Y.V.— )The horses of Surya had not yet started carrying the Surya around when created is body (from the Panch Maha Bhutas. The body was the Aakash Prathivi. ********* The hymn in the projection of the concept of unification of the plant kingdom with that of trees in Antariksh (deep space where it grows) in the middle of Aakash Prathivi (as Triloki) different kinds of fire/thermal energy/Agni are like the branches of a tree (8.19-31) The fruits of a trees are known to scatter seeds that are disperse by wind and can travels long distances to form a cluster of tree or forest. The seeds (Aakash Prathivi open up in to two parts for the new leaves of trees to spring from the seeds some seeds produced noise when the beans open up and most cases it is beyond human hearing. Some seeds are disperse in the absence of Surya in Usha (Morning Twilight) according to this hymn. Trees and plants are more animate than stones. They grow vital juices from Earth, maintain their species by creating seeds in their own bodies and enjoy and suffer in the theatre of action because their evolutionary life is more or less identical to that of any of the living species on this Earth (mathematically bearing verisimilitude to Varna Meru a superior variation of Pascal triangle). However, when there is fire that destroys them what is left is a heap of dust. The presence of dust is an indication that there were trees or a forest of trees existing there.

The fruits of different sizes of a tree are known to scatter seeds also of different sizes and hardness. They are dispersed by Vaayu/wind in the electrified Vaishwanar Agni/ Tej/plasma electrical radiations in Antariksh/space and can travels long distances to form a cluster of tree or forest. The seeds (Aakash Prathivi open up in to two parts for the new leaves of trees to spring from the seeds some seeds produced noise when the beans open up and most cases it is beyond human hearing. Some seeds are dispersed in the absence of Surya in Usha (Morning -3-

Twilight) according to this hymn. This is particularly true in the environment where the stars are formed in Antariksh/space by the Aakash Prathivi/ black hole/white hole. In violation of the “Chandrashekhar limit”, black holes can be formed as expressed by Stephen Hawking (A Brief History of Time, Pp.101-102) “One can also consider the possibilities that there might be black holes with masses much less than that of the sun. Such black holes could not be formed by gravitational collapse, because their masses are below the Chandrashekhar mass limit: Stars of this low mass can support themselves against the forces of gravity even when they have exhausted their nuclear fuel. Low mass black holes could form only if matter was compressed to enormous densities by very large external pressure. Such conditions could occur in a very big hydrogen bomb. The physicist John Wheelar once calculated that if one took all the heavy water in all the oceans of the world, one could build a hydrogen bomb that could compress matter in the center so much that a black hole could be created (of course, there would be no one left to observe it !) A more practical solution is that these such low mass black holes might have been formed in the high temperature and pressures of the very early universe, Black holes would be formed only if the early universe had not been perfectly smooth and uniform because only a small region that was denser than the average could be compressed in this way to form a black hole. But we know that there must have been irregularities because otherwise the matter in the universe would still be perfectly uniformly distributed at the present epoch, instead of being clumped together in stars and galaxies. “— Formation of a significant number of “primordial” black holes clearly depends on the details of the conditions in the early universe. ——Primordial black holes with masses more than a thousand million tons (the mass of a large mountain) could be detected only by their gravitational influence on other visible matter or on the expansion of the universe. However,— black holes are not really black after all: they glow like a hot body, and smaller they are, the more they glow. So paradoxically smaller black holes might actually turn out to be easier to detect than large ones!” And as in the Holy Bible there are trees where candles glow at Xmas time as in the Vedas and Vedic literature (cited above). Vaishwanar Agni/Tej/ (plasma electrical fire) heated the bodies in the irregularities of the Antariksh/space (created in the densely populated stars birthplaces around certain black holes). The primordial black holes appear as seed of trees mirrored in Antariksh/space. The average density of the universe, expanding 5 percent to 10 percent every thousand million years, is even greater. By including the masses of the stars in galaxies including our Milky Way, the total mass is less than by one hundredth of the amount required for preventing the -4-

expansion of the universe even for the lowest estimated rate of expansion. The expansion of the universe has been going on for at least ten thousand million years. The dark matter must be there which cannot be seen directly (which influences gravitationally the orbit of the stars in clusters of galaxies) because of the dust in nebular state distributed more or less evenly. And dust is the end product of forest fires when trees in huge clusters in the forests are reduced to dust and that may raise the average density of dust. It may result in localized singularities of flowing rivers/galaxies. IN THE FOLLOWING SUKTAS ARANI SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AS LOCALISED AAKASH PRATHIVIES IN ANTARIKSH WITHIN THE WHITE HOLE AT CREATION. Sukta 10.115 : ---- Agni.

Chhand: Jagati, Trishtup, SShakvari.

3) “Just as birds reside on trees, the Agni/fire resides on Arnies (wooden splinter) which is like a tree. 4) “Agni has three forms. 7,8) “Agni is son of Bala (forces). It shines like constellations in the Milky Way with its radiations.” ************ Sukta 1.96 : ----.


Chhand: Tristiup.

1) “The fire produced by friction of Arani (wooden pieces) reveals the knowledge easily. Wealth giving Agni/fire develops friendship with waters and Prathivi and is appointed messengers by Devatas. 2) “Praised by invocations, they produced Prajaas of Manu and filled Aakash and Antariksh with Tej/radiations. — 4) “Matarishwaa Agni as the product of Aakash Prathivi acquired golden chariot. This Agni was approved by Devatas. 5) “Night and Usha (morning twilight) care for the child Agni which ignites in between Aakash Prathivi and was enveloped by Devatas. 6) “Agni is like a flag of Yagna. 7) Agni is the birthplace of wealth from the very beginning and protects the Praanies (breathing creatures) born and yet to be born in future.” ********* Sukta 3.23 : --- Agni.

Chhand: Trishtup, Stobruahati. -5-

1) “Friction creates Agni. It is established in Yagna for interactions. The indestructible fire burns the forests (leaving behind ashes/dust of sub-atomic particles there in Antariksh/ space). 2) They are revealed by the friction of Arani (wooden pieces for the sake of unification of the vegetative species as on our Prathivi). 3) “In ancient times, Agni Deva appeared by the friction of ten fingers. Born from Agni, it is revealed by divine Vaayu. 4) “It is established in three sacred places - in the houses, adjoining rivers Dushdwati, Aapya and Saraswati.” ************* Sukta 5.1: ---


Chhand: Trishtup.

1) “Agni ignites the wood as the Usha (morning twilight) approaches and spread in Antariksh/space like tall branches of a tree in Yagna (interactions) —— 3) “Aakash Prathivi having different forms reveals Agni in morning.— 8) “The branches of the trees (lightening fire have no limit in Antariksh/space). ************* Sukta 5.2 : ---- Agni. Chhand: Trishtup, Shakvari. 1) “The mother (Arani) conceives a child [5.7.8], and after birth refuses to give it to the father. The mother nourishes the child. The protected child (fire) cannot be destroyed. 2) “The conceived child (fire) is fed by the mother and is known to all—.” *********** “Agni resides in three places - waters, on land and on mountains (in Antariksh/space).[5.4.8] “Smoke (dust in Antariksh)/space moving towards Antariksh/space is like a flag “.[5.11.3] “The rays, waters and Aakash have revealed the fire (in Aakash Prathivi)”. [5.14.4] ******** Sukta 7.2: ----

Aapram. Chhand: Trishtup, Panti.

1) “In Yagna, Agni from Antariksh reach to meet the rays of the Surya. 4) “Agni travels like a messenger in Aakash Prathivi. 8) “Let Bharti arrive with Radio-waves. Ila and Saraswati are also invited to sit on Kush (grass carpet for Yagna)” Sukta 7.3: ----


Chhand: Trishtup, Panti.

2) “The path of Agni is black [7.8.2] -6-

6) ”Agni shining like Surya in the form of Vidyut/electricity appears in Antariksh. 9) “Agni is born from Arnies that are like mother.” “Arnies give birth to Agni. Hence they are like the mother. They appear in jungles and eat wood and other things. That is it’s Anna (food).” [7.4.2]. ********** Sukta 10.1: ----


Chhand: Trishtup.

(1) “With the arrival of Usha (morning twilight) Agni emerges from darkness with Tej/radiations when ignited. 2) “Agni is lighted by the friction of the Arani (splinters of wood).It is found in medicines with extraordinary qualities in the womb of Aakash Prathivi where it destroys dark colored demons. It is like the son of medicine (in plants). —— 4) “Agni envelops the universe and is the creator of botanical plants and Anna (food/grains) and travels towards dry wood. — 6) “It shines like gold at the naval of Prathivi and with its Tej/radiations reveals itself. — 7) “Agni expands the Aakash Prathivi/black hole to convert into Aakash Prathivi/white hole with devotion toward father and mother that is the Aakash Prathivi.” Sukta 10.20: --- Agni. Chhand: Trishtup, Anushtup, Gaayatri, 6) “Agni Devata is present in Yagna. ----7) “Agni is produced by friction of Paashaan (comet/asteroid/meteorites stones/rock like center of Surya). Hence Agni is called the son of Paashaan. —— Link with Paashaan

9) “The chariot used by Agni is black and white and when it is mixed up with red (infra-red radiations) it moves fast.” 10) “Agni is the son of Vanaspati (plants) because Samidhas (pile of wood) produces Agni.” ************** Sukta 10.45 : ----


Chhand: Trishtup.

5) “Agni sharpens the praises and makes Soma juice virile and strong. 6) “Agni residing in water is a repository of wealth and is produced by forces. Agni is born in waters/plasma and soon it establishes fullness of Aakash Prathivi and illuminates all objects. It -7-

resided in five Varnas of Manushya to produce fire for Yagna. Agni resides in clouds that are torn by it to extract waters in the form of rains. 7) “It travels every where and is indestructible in those who die. They grasp Soopaa (device for shifting grains) and brighten their Tej/radiations. 8) “Aakash produced Agni and eats Anna (food) of botanical origin for immortality.” ************** Sukta 10.79 : ----


Chhand: Trishtup.

1) “Agni/Tej eats wood etc without using jaws for chewing. 2) “With tree heads in secret places and eyes and different places eat wood without chewing. 3) “The child in the form of Agni moves over its mother Prathivi eating creepers, etc.in Antariksh. Agni eats the trees growing on Prathivi (of the Intelligent Design-Triloki) and touching the heights to rich Aakash, with them like sweets and reduces them to dust by their flames. 4) “In Dhhyava Prathivi/Aakash Prathvi, Agni which the child of wood is produced by wooden splinters (Arani) that are there mother and father. They are devoured by Agni. 5) ”They are the onlookers of the performances of the Yagna by there in numerable flames. 6) “The Agni which is green colors (like color that in the centre of they rainbow) play fully and or otherwise devour the wood etc. by breaking them to pieces as if they are cut to pieces by the sword. 7) “When the forests are afire they become stronger and rope the fast horses. Cutting them to pieces —— Anna (food) which is like wood powder of wood for them (in case of Black hole/White hole the sub- atomic particles are there food / Anna in Antariksh)” *********

10.92 : ----


Chhand: Jagati.

1) “The Agni is the ruler of Manushya, leader of Yagna, guest in night and endowed with their different kinds of Tej/radiations in all kinds of wealth. 2) “Agni is the enveloper of dharma and protectors of the breathing creatures. It is the son of Vaayu/solar wind and the best among the priests. Ushas like Surya touches Agni. Manushya made Agni a source for Yagna. 3) The path revealed by Agni is that of truth. —


4) “Vistruta (expanded) Aakash, huge Antariksh and infinite Prathivi as the “Intelligent Design-Triloki at Creation)reveal Agni. Mitra, Varuna, Indra, Bhaga, Surya and other Devataa originated from Agni.”(in the expanding white hole).—— *********** Dark matter is believed to account for the bulk of the universe. Doug Clowe, a research astronomer at the University of Arizona and his colleagues used NASA’s Chandra X-ray observatory, the Hubble Space Telescope and Several ground best observatory to examine the “ bullet ‘’ galactic cluster (jungle / cluster of trees !) – A clump of galaxies that form over the last one hundred million years from the violent collision of to smaller galactic cluster. Bullet cluster, shaped like a bullet (seed) is cloud of super hot gases on one of its sides were most of the visible mask of the cluster his concentrated and another nearest. Using a technique of gravitational Lensing, they showed that the force of gravity is actually stronger in a part of the cluster that appears emptier. This is the first evidence of the existence of dark matter. Astronomer have for the last seventy years used dark matter to explain (1) The rotating spiral galaxy which would fly apart if it were not for the gravitational pool of the un detectable matter and to they expansion of the universe is being held back by a force grater then the gravitational pool of visible matter alone. Dark matter that is visible in like star and galaxies can be detected only by the gravitational pull in visible matter. Of the total matter in the universe fifty percent is supposed to be dark matter. A star with or without planets, form white or brown dwarfs (a stars heading to words extinction). Alternatively, it may form a massive Black hole forming a small (five percent) of matter in the universe. The remaining bulk constituents of the dark matter are unknown at present. Search for the nature and amount of dark matter in the universe has assumed significance since the correct estimates of dark matter is crucial to our understanding of the age and evolution of our universe. 23.8.06 Photo

Link to Brief Summery



AGNI - THERMAL ENERGY : --The thermal energy appears in a variety of forms. Agni is a unified word for all these forms in the field of unified creations. (1) The Agni as it appears on our Prathivi/Earth is well known, but it requires Oxygen so that it can ignite combustible objects. (2) For the creations in the Surya/sun. Thermo nuclear fusion takes place in the sun by burning hydrogen in multiple steps in which hydrogen or to be more appropriate protons (along with electrons) in plasma state burns to form helium ash. The cycle starts with the thermal collision of 2 protons [1H +1H] to form deuterium, 2H with the simultaneous creation of a positron [e+] and neutrino. Positron quickly encounters a free electron in the sun and both particles annihilate their mass-energy appearing as 2 gamma ray photons. Once deuterium is produced, it quickly collides with another proton to form 3He and gamma ray. The core temperature increases to10 to the power 8 K. by burning helium to carbon and other elements. (3) Sun radiates energy at the rate of 3.9 x 10 to the power 26 watts and has been going on for years. (4)Nuclear energy is produced naturally by stars/sun in their cores of the sun keeping the gas pressure high for years. (5) Thermal energy in space is transferred by radiations (electromagnetic). (6) the different kinds of energies involved are given below Potential Energy Kinetic Energy Potential energy is stored energy and the Kinetic energy is motion — of waves, energy of position — gravitational energy. molecules, objects, substances, and objects. There are several forms of potential energy. Chemical Energy is energy stored in the bonds Radiant Energy is electromagnetic energy that of atoms and molecules. Biomass, petroleum, travels in transverse waves. Radiant energy includes visible light, x-rays, gamma rays and natural gas, and coal are examples of stored chemical energy. Chemical energy is converted radio waves. Light is one type of radiant energy. Sunshine is radiant energy, which to thermal energy when we burn wood in a provides the fuel and warmth that make life on fireplace or burn gasoline in a car's engine. Mechanical Energy is energy stored in objects Earth possible. by tension. Compressed springs and stretched Thermal Energy, or heat, is the vibration and movement of the atoms and molecules within rubber bands are examples of stored - 10 -

substances. As an object is heated up, its atoms mechanical energy. Nuclear Energy is energy stored in the nucleus and molecules move and collide faster. of an atom — the energy that holds the nucleus Geothermal energy is the thermal energy in the together. Very large amounts of energy can be Earth. released when the nuclei are combined or split Motion Energy is energy stored in the apart. Nuclear power plants split the nuclei of movement of objects. The faster they move, the uranium atoms in a process called fission. The more energy is stored. It takes energy to get an sun combines the nuclei of hydrogen atoms in a object moving and energy is released when an object slows down. Wind is an example of process called fusion. Gravitational Energy is energy stored in an motion energy. A dramatic example of motion is a car crash, when the car comes to a total object's height. The higher and heavier the object, the more gravitational energy is stored. stop and releases all its motion energy at once When you ride a bicycle down a steep hill and in an uncontrolled instant. pickup speed, the gravitational energy is being Sound is the movement of energy through substances in longitudinal converted to motion energy. Hydropower is another example of gravitational energy, where (compression/rarefaction) waves. Sound is produced when a force causes an object or the dam "piles" up water from a river into a substance to vibrate — the energy is transferred reservoir. through the substance in a wave. Typically, the Electrical Energy is what is stored in a battery, and can be used to power a cell phone energy in sound is far less than other forms of or start a car. Electrical energy is delivered by energy tiny charged particles called electrons, typically moving through a wire. Lightning is an example of electrical energy in nature, so powerful that it is not confined to a wire.


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